This topic shall discuss the phrase of “Mar Yogi Mar (which literally means as Die Yogi Die)” and which eventually means “be liberated whilst alive i.e. enter into the condition of Jivanmukti …
This topic of Kaalchakra is a restricted discussion, so prior proceeding any further please read the given link of the earlier topic (restricted topics) …
This restriction is because this topic can also make an aspirant continue endlessly sleeping should he (or she or he-she) try to get into those exercises (I mean methods) which are subtly discussed here …
And this is especially so for those subtle travels which are through the non lighted part that is of a center of a plane of existence or Milky Way Galaxy (or any of the galaxy or even the universe) … By subtle travels I mean astral travel (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Sookshma Sharira Gaman) and also those even further causal travel) in addition to those even beyond travels which are done with the help of accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) … Astral travel as is stated here is not astral projection (as these two are totally different aspects) …
To know many of the stated values of this topic, you need to subtly pass through the non-lighted, highly-magnetically charged (I mean strongly attracting), extremely energetic, central-core of the plane of existence (Galaxy etc.) which as such is a dangerous affair …
This is because there are chances that your subtle travelling vehicle would become absorbed there … And if it does get absorbed there, then it won’t even return back to your physical vehicle which is lying in this world (whilst you are undergoing subtler travels to those beyond states so as to know them through a direct cognition) …
And as a second option subtle vehicle would accumulate (or absorb) those energies and then when the subtle vehicle returns back to the physical vehicle, then these absorbed energies would only end up causing troubles to the physical vehicle (when the subtle vehicle returns back to the physical vehicle) …
This topic of Kaalchakra was also the one when I had fallen sick for a few months … After one of the travels; I ended up having severe problems for a few months …
As also, since troubles also are an intrinsic part of life, so it really did not matter at that time, as I was more interested in knowing the reality than preserving a physical vehicle that anyway is decaying through each day that passes in its temporary lifetime …
Moreover, as times passed by, those problems also reduced from their earlier severity (But they never went away, so a part of those earlier troubles is still there) …
Thus, unless you happen to be a Yogi who cares not for himself (or herself), do not try to get into the systems of knowing that which are implicitly and/or subtly referred here …
Moreover, it is also due to the risk of above discussed aspect(s) that I have not stated any of the methods of these techniques that were utilized for deriving the base values of this topic …
For such values, all that I have said is that these were derived through subtler methods and by utilizing the subtle, causal and accomplishment vehicles (Siddha body) which each microcosm is blessed with, due to the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
00-AA …
Mar Yogi Mar … Liberated whilst alive … Jivanmukti …
As a matter of fact following is absolutely true about real Yogis (i.e. real practitioners of Yoga Tantra) because such Yogi’s they actually reside in whatever is written below …
Mar Yogi Mar (Die Yogi Die), Try to die whilst still alive
And if you still survive, then you would be liberated
Whilst you are still incarnated (I mean Jivanmukti)
Unless you are such a Yogi who can do anything to be “liberated when alive” through the path of direct cognition and you are also ready to bear those adverse consequences if you happen to survive as a vegetable or as an eccentric mindless person for the pending time-span of your current incarnation (and/or even your future incarnations), keep well clear (fully away) from the methods that are subtly referred to in this entire topic of Kaalchakra and all other discussions on further topics … Bear this in mind as I have already warned you …
But real Yogi’s never care about such aspects because they already know …
The eternal Maker never made anything non eternal
So, a true Yogi also knows below mentioned fact and thus he fears not …
As is the Maker eternal … So am I …
Which was stated in Sanskrit texts as …Sohum …
In above statement, “I” means the “innermost essence (or Atman)” of the Yogi (or any aspirant) and where that Atman (or innermost essence) itself is the essence of allness or Brahman (i.e. the Absolute being) …
00-BB …
Die Yogi Die …
My physical vehicle of Swayambhu Manvantar (about 1.97 billion human solar years ago, as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) and when I was a Manas Putra (Manas Putra means, mind activated yet womb born son) of Brahmarishi Kratu has been sleeping ever since that time (i.e. since I was a Manas Putra of Brahmarishi Kratu) …
Brahmarishi Kratu had 60,000 Manas Putra (i.e. Mind activated yet womb born children) … Thus these children were not born out of sex … I was one of them … The children of Brahmarishi Kratu were about 5-6 inches tall …
Brahmarishi Kratu had told all his mind activated yet womb born children, that they shall have to refuse their liberation until they have transited the eighth plexus (or Ashtama Chakra) for a 101st time and that too via the path of the golden colored 101st channel (or Vajradanda) …
As was discussed earlier, this itself is through a transit of the sound is of Ram (or in other words, Raam Naad, which is also termed as the Shiva Taraka Mantra and is also called as the Shiva Taraka Naad), then is the transit through (or self realization of) the topic of Khakaar Naad (Sound of Khakaar, which has also been stated as the Sound of Kha), and then is the self realization of the topic of Dakaar Naad (which means as the Sound of Dakaar or simply, the Sound of Da) …
And then a transit of those states which Mother Nature (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) tells me not to disclose in this world, as they can only be a matter of self-realization (and not of any discussion or told knowledge) …
So all his (Brahmarishi Kratu) children who have not yet complied to the fullness of his instructions (as stated in above paragraphs) have been sleeping ever since in this world i.e. they are all in Yoga Samadhi …
Above sleep state is how it had been until I had returned back to any of the earlier transmigrated incarnations … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
But this time around and prior to my entering this world through the process of transmigration of soul (which in other words, can also be called as Parkaya Pravesh), that earlier physical vehicle which had lived across the time span from Swayambhu Manvantar, had died …
This was because this transmigrated incarnation was the one when I was supposed to (i.e. destined to) transit the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) via the 101st channel for the 101st time (i.e. I was supposed to successfully complete the 101st inner Ashwamedha Yagna) and thus comply to my father’s instructions (i.e. instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu) …
This sleep of physical vehicle which had lasted through the entire time span of 1.96 billion human solar years (from the time of Swayambhu Manvantar) was to ensure that I don’t get liberated until I can comply to those much earlier instructions of my father of Swayambhu Manvantar (i.e. Brahmarishi Kratu) which as such were to only accept Kaivalya (which means the same as liberation and which in Sanskrit is also termed as Moksha) after already passed through the eighth plexus or Ashtama Chakra (which in Yogic scriptures is also called as the rootless place or independent place or Niralambasthana) for the 101st time and that too via the golden colored 101st channel (Vajradanda Chakra) …
Thus that physical vehicle of mine had been lying in this world and it has stayed in a state of yogic sleep ever since that incarnation of Swayambhu Manvantar (about 1.97 billion human solar years ago, as per middle time units of Precessional cycle) …
And was also due to this reason that I had kept returning as a “Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta” …
“Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta” means that Yogi who makes his death into a state of sleep and thus as long as his physical vehicle sleeps whilst he keeps returning back (in my case it was to comply to the instructions of my father Brahmarishi Kratu) for him any future return back (to an incarnated state or even a transmigrated incarnation, as was my case) is like waking up from a state of deep sleep …
And when that “Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta” finally dies during any of those later (or further) incarnations, then he again enters into the same sleep at the instant of de-incarnation …
Due to this reason, that “Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta” continues to make all his further stages of death also turn into a stage of sleep only (whilst he keeps returning back in an incarnated state or even a return back which as such is through adopting the path or transmigration or in other words, the process of transmigration) …
My physical vehicle had ever since been lying in South American continent of today because this is where I was sent by my father of that time i.e. Brahmarishi Kratu and that vehicle had been in Samadhi ever since …
This Samadhi (Yogic sleep in my case) had also continued till the stage of entering into the current transmigrated incarnation had come by …
And because this time around I was supposed to complete the instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu (i.e. complete the transit of eighth plexus via the 101st channel, for a 101st time or in other words, complete the 101st Inner Ashwamedha Yagna) so that physical vehicle would have already died about a century prior I had even entered this world as a transmigrated one …ed to be immersed in any river which is stated as “Bhudhar” in Vedas … Bhudhar is that river who bears the burden of earth, like the rivers Ganges, Yamuna, Narmada, Brahmaputra (That part of Brahmaputra which flows in India) etc. …
As also, the last rites of that dead physical vehicle can only be done by the timeless lineage holding Vedic Brahmins (i.e. those who hold timeless Veda Parampara and thus they also are a part of the fathomless Veda Sampradaya) …
Nobody else should ever try to do the last rites of that physical vehicle because none of the others have ever held those traditional timeless (Sanatan) impressions (Samskaras) which Paramparik Vedic Brahmins hold in their consciousness orbs (Chitta) by virtue of their accumulated merits that made them to take birth in a Vedic Brahmin family …
And if above cannot be complied, then it is better to leave that physical vehicle to decay and merge to the elements in a natural way …
Proceeding further …
That physical vehicle is about 5-6 inches tall and yet it is of a fully grown up human … Don’t corrupt it, because if you do, then “nobody can save this world from a severe chaos” … Nobody, means nobody … But the fact still remains that the chaos can never be avoided at these coming times due to the kicking in of the process of change of human age (which in Sanskrit can also be termed as Manav Yuga) …
Once last rites have been done as per above, then this world would shortly (within a few years) have a mass awakening and this mass awakening would even be when chaos would also be present (as it normally is during change of any human age cycle and especially when that change is to a Guru Yuga) …
00-CC …
Yogi who rests in Mar Yogi Mar …
Yogi’s who rest in statement of header of this topic are the ones who eventually come by to inaugurate an “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” …
The “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga or human golden age)” is a “human age of truth (or Manav Satyuga or human golden age cycle)” which has a time span of about 10 millenniums (in human solar years) which runs within the larger cycle of a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) itself …
Thus, basis above paragraph, that “human age of truth (Manav Satyuga or human golden age)” which runs within the larger time span of a divine degenerate age cycle, is none other than an “Age of Sages (or Guru Yuga)” only …
Continues …