This topic shall discuss the fact of self realization of eternal unity of an aspirant to each microcosm which is realized though meditations upon the dimensions and thus the aspirant comes to to know about the Eternal unity of all to all parts of allness (i.e. e very other microcosm) …
We had discussed earlier that there are four primary dimensions and these are of time (Kaal), space (Akash), direction (ways of life or paths of evolution or Disha) and dimension of state (or Dasha) … Everything falls within the purviews of these four primary dimensions of Maker’s Makings, whose primordial aspect (or primordial dimension) is of time …
In reality everything, everyone is eternal and united as the innermost essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) which itself is the innermost essence of all parts of allness (i.e. Atman) is the common essence which is present everywhere (i.e. IT itself is the omnipresent one who is within and beyond each microcosm) …
And since everything and everyone holds the same innermost essence (Atman) and since the innermost essence of all parts of allness (i.e. Atman) is the same, so when we know this fact through a direct cognition of it, then we also know the reality of below statement …
Everywhere, everything, everyone is as eternal as the Absolute being (Brahman)
And the same fact when viewed from the subtlety of unity of allness to all parts of allness, is also found to be as follows …
Everywhere, everything, everyone is eternally united to each other
And when we already know this fact, then we also know the reality of below statement …
Everything and everyone is none other than a divine entity
And also is a further realization, that …
Everywhere, in everyone and around everything is the same omnipresent truth
Above facts are also a proof of the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings and this is also rooted in the fact that the supreme being could never have made anything (anyone-anywhere) which was not as divine as ITself …
This topic continues from the earlier topic that had the header of “Unity of unitary values and finalities” …
21-AA … Everything is eternal … Time as base of the innermost unity …
With above discussions as a base, we shall continue further …
Each microcosm is resting within the envelopes of this beginningless and endless essence (as was discussed in the previous topic of “Need of unitary values”) because this essence is the final enveloper of allness and simultaneously the same beginningless and thus endless essence is also resting inside each microcosm because the final essence is also the final pervader (permeator) of allness and it also is to the eternity of this essence (Atman) that each microcosm tries to match by adopting a cyclic mode of existence …
This cyclic mode of existence continues until that microcosm evolves to an acyclic mode of existence because until the acyclic mode of existence is arrived at by a microcosm, the only way available to any microcosm to match the eternity of existence of the innermost essence (I.e. Atman) is by adopting an eternally cyclic mode of existence …
And since there cannot be two eternities of two different states that rest within the same macrocosmic creation, both of which are resting within the timeless and fathomless eternity as is of the ever-same innermost essence of allness (i.e. Atman is Brahman) so due to this reason, that microcosmic state which cannot match this eternity within its any single lifetime (or incarnation or manifestation) also remains with no choice but to adopt a cyclic mode of existence …
But this also ensures that the cyclic existence is such that it is unbroken and continuous and shall eventually be leading to the same eternity as is of the same innermost essence (Atman) which itself is the ever-same essence of allness (Brahman) … This unbroken continuity of existence of any microcosm within the cyclic mode of existence is ensured through the fact as stated below …
- Birth here was due to death elsewhere (where that microcosm was residing prior to being born here …
- And the death that would be here from the current incarnated state, would only lead to a birth elsewhere (as per the accumulated merit or Sanchit Karma that were accomplished whilst the microcosm was resting and evolving here) …
And if the main aspects of the path of evolution were to be stated then they could be thus told …
- Cyclic existence to acyclic existence …
- In between above two is the macro-equanimous existence and existence in a state of severe inertia (i.e. existence an as inert matter or inertial mass) …
- Acyclic existence to emanatory existence which is within voidness … This existence is as a Siddha who has already conquered allness which has manifested out of macrocosmic voidness only … So when anyone attains to voidness, then it is like attaining to the root state of macrocosmic nature itself and such is the one who is addressed as a fully accomplished one (or a Siddha) …
- Emanatory existence to supreme existence as is within Shunya Brahman … This existence is as an Avadhoot …
- The end of all existence and all non existence as is within Brahman …
Thus, until any microcosm can arrive at an acyclic mode of existence, the cycles of birth, temporary existence in that born state and an eventual death of that microcosm continues in a cyclic mode and within any of these three …
Thus basis above discussions, since the time spans of existence of these begun and thus individualistic states cannot be any other than the eternity as is of the beginningless and thus endless essence of allness (i.e. Brahman who itself is Atman) because this would lead to a disharmony between the dimension of time that is equally applicable to the innermost essence and all that is begun within the Maker’s Makings, so when we compare the totality of time spans of existence of all parts of allness and allness itself, then their existence is also found to none other than based upon the same eternity as is of the ever-same essence of allness (i.e. Parabrahman) which itself is the innermost essence of each of these parts of allness (i.e. Atman of each microcosm) …
Unless the totality of time span of existence of all parts of allness and allness is the same as the innermost eternally blissful essence of allness i.e. Satchidanand or Brahman (which itself is the innermost essence of each of the part of allness i.e. Atman) there cannot ever be a state of harmony between all parts of allness (i.e. all microcosm’s or Pinda) to allness (i.e. Maker’s Makings or Brahmand) and there would also not be a harmony of these two aspects (i.e. microcosm to macrocosm) to their ever-same and common innermost essence of all (i.e. Brahman who itself is Atman) …
An absence of such a harmony of the “finality of dimension of time (i.e. eternity)” between microcosms and macrocosm and a further harmony of these to the essence of allness (Brahman) which itself is the same essence of all parts of allness (i.e. Atman) would only end up making the Maker’s Makings a living hell, which as such is not so as all divine worlds (heavens etc.) of all of the divine beings (Gods etc.) are also a part of the same Maker’s Makings itself …
And unless a continuous harmony of the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation i.e. time (or Kaal) is ensured for all that ever is begun within the Maker’s Makings, the harmony of all begun microcosm’s to each other cannot ever be ensured and in addition to this, the harmony of macrocosm to microcosm and microcosm to macrocosm would also not be possible …
This is because of the fact that due to disharmony within the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings (i.e. time or Kaal), even the harmony of other three macrocosmic dimensions (i.e. space or Akash, Directions or ways of life or paths of evolution or Disha and state or Dasha) can never be eternally ensured within and around all that is begun within the Maker’s Makings …
And since the eternal is changeless, so the only option that had remained with the Maker of allness, was to make each microcosm to also be based upon the same eternity as is of the eternal (attributeless state of Maker) itself … This is what made everything (and everyone who exists anywhere in the Maker’s Makings) to be none other than an eternal entity … Thus in reality even when we see a cyclic mode of existence of parts of allness, yet when we consider their totality of time span of existence of all parts of allness within the eternal state of Maker’s Makings, then we also find that everything is none other than an eternal microcosm …
Due to this reason, all parts of allness are only resting within the same beginningless-endless and thus timeless-fathomless eternity as is of their own essence (i.e. Atman of each microcosm) which itself is the essence of allness (Brahman or Paramatman) …
As far as the greater reality of existence of anything within the Maker’s Makings is concerned, this is what makes everyone (and everything) to be none other than an eternal entity irrespective of where that entity may be residing within the divine yet ever changeful hierarchies of the macrocosmic speciology …
Reiterating again … But because these individual and thus begun states (i.e. microcosm’s) cannot match the eternity as is of the final essence of allness (I.e. Brahman) which itself is their own innermost essence (i.e. Atman), so due to this reason, these begun states also remain with no choice but to adopt a cyclic mode of existence and where this cyclic mode of existence is also such that the totality of time span of their existence within all modes, conditions and states of existence which they all have to pass through during the course of their own respective evolutionary process, itself is based “within and upon” the same eternity as is of their own beginningless and thus endless essence (Atman), which itself is the ever-same omnipresent essence of allness (Brahman) …
Thus in the innermost core of allness and her each part, their existence is of a time span which is of the same eternity as is of the essence of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahman or Atman, call it whatever you want as these two terms denote the same innermost essence only) … And yet because these incarnated (or manifested) states don’t hold the capability to continue eternally, so to match the eternity as is of their own innermost essence (Atman which itself is Brahman), they end up adopting a continually cyclic mode of existence …
And it eventually is to this root-eternity that is of each aspirant (microcosm or Pinda) and which itself is the divinity of eternity of allness (i.e. Brahmand), that the header of this topic relates …
As a matter of fact, the Maker being eternal could never have made anything non eternal because the eternal has no relation to the non eternal … And since the Maker itself never made any non eternal entity, so all that anyone sees as non eternal is only as a proof of ignorance to the real nature of existence of allness and her each part (i.e. macrocosm and microcosm respectively) …
21-BB-1 … Pluralistic monism … Realization of dimensions as a base of eternal unity …
The unity of all parts of allness to allness of Maker’s Makings, can never be achieved through an individualistic path, as allness is not even rooted in any form of individualism …
This unity of all parts of allness to allness of Maker’s Makings, can only be self realized through the path of intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of Maker’s Makings …
And since individualism is only based upon one or another individual aspect and thus is a severely restricted philosophy, so individualism has also never held a capability to make any aspirant self realize its own inner allness, which itself is the allness of Maker’s Makings …
And since individualism (monotheism) is only related to one or another, major or minor part of allness of the Maker’s Makings, so any individualistic system (i.e. monotheistic system) is only applicable for a limited time span and not till eternity and it is due to this reason individualism is not an eternal system which by itself is the reason for end time prophecies in all individualistic knowledge systems …
That system which is eternal is only of pluralistic monism …
And that which is pluralistic yet monist, is the one which has the capability to rest within the allness of Maker’s Makings, which itself is the base of self realization of the path of finality of dimensions as a base of innermost unity … And this is what shall be discussed here …
21-BB-2 … Pluralistic Monism … The coming changes in ways of life …
Pluralistic monism has always been the way of life during any of the age of sages that have ever been and the incoming one would also not be any different … Pluralistic monist ways of life is how it has been in any age of sages and this is how it would also be during the incoming age of sages …
The dimension of direction (Disha Ayaam) as is told in above sub-header only means “way of life or paths of evolution” …
Since the dimension of direction itself relates to the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, i.e. dimension of time (Kaal Ayaam), so a way of life or path of evolution must also be rooted in the finality of time or eternity …
Thus that way of life which is not eternal, cannot ever be a base of “innermost unity of all parts of allness to each other and also the further unity of these parts of allness, to allness itself” … That system which held this capability, was addressed as Sanatan Dharma, which basically means an “eternal way of life or eternally present path of evolution or simply Hinduism as is partly defined by the Indian constitution (I wrote partly defined as a fuller definition is not given) ” …
With above as a base, we shall proceed further with this discussion …
When we consider the vast uncountable parts of allness, then allness is found to be resting within an intrinsically pluralistic nature and when we simultaneously consider the innermost unity that also is there within all parts of allness and to allness itself, then that corpus of entirety of allness is only seen to be rooted in an essential monism …
And upon further meditation on above fact, that essential monism (of previous paragraph) which is of the corpus of allness is also found to be rooted in the Absolute monism which itself is of the innermost essence of allness and her each part (i.e. That who is Absolutely Monist, itself is the one who is Absolutely Non-Dual one and this is what the Sanskrit word “Brahman” also means) … This is what leads to an eternal unity of each part of allness to each other and to allness itself …
And then when we consider the unity of innermost essence of all parts of allness (i.e. Atman) to the innermost essence of allness (i.e. Brahman), when we know that the final self realization can never be any other than that of “Atman is Brahman” as was told in the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta (i.e. philosophy of Absolute non-dualistic monism) …
As also a fact that the path to Brahman, who itself is the Atman is that which has to pass through Pluralistic Monism itself …
Nothing other than the innermost essence of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahman or Atman, call it whatever you want) has ever had the capacity to lead to eternal unity of all parts of allness to all other parts of allness and to allness itself …
This is because, the innermost essence (Brahman or Atman) is that which leads to an Absolute Monism to remain eternally present within allness and her each part and the path to that Absolute Monism is only opened up for any aspirant when that aspirant begins resting within the intrinsic-pluralism and essential-monism of the macrocosmic creation (and within whose envelopes that aspirant resides) and simultaneously the same macrocosmic creation within her subtle impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) is also present inside each microcosm that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus from above discussions it is also clear that even the path of Maker’s Makings within whose envelopes you have been resting since eternity of your own evolutionary existence after you had originally begun as a microcosm within the Makings of Maker and who (Maker’s Makings) is also present within your own microcosm, is in fact the same macrocosmic creation …
Unless this unity of you (i.e. the microcosm) to the macrocosmic creation (i.e. macrocosm which is within you and also around your own microcosm) is arrived at, no progress can ever be made by you within the path of Pluralistic Monism …
And unless this path of Pluralistic Monism opens up for you, no self realization can ever happen of either of that which is discussed here … And in absence of this, you also cannot ever self realize the header of this topic that “Everything is eternal” …
In the absence of this knowledge, all that remains is that humans get into all sorts of individualistic systems (monotheistic systems) of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) which as times progress would only be found to be harbingers of a cyclic state of chaos which eventually spreads into all ways and walks of life of humanity of those times …
Since the last few millenniums of this degenerate age cycle, humanity as a whole has mostly been resting in such cyclic chaos only and the only way to get out of such chaotic systems is to adopt pluralistic monism as a way of life which would eventually lead humanity into that Absolute Non-Dualistic Monism which itself is the pathless partless path (of Brahmpath) and which eventually leads to the direct cognition of the attributeless infinite absolute being, who even though is realizable yet IT remains as the eternally indescribable one (as far a fullness of description is concerned) …
Other than pluralistic monism, which itself is the path to Absolute non-dualistic monism of the essence of allness (Brahman who itself is Atman), there really is no other way to enter into a self-realization (i.e. direct cognition) of your own innermost essence (Atman) and the further self-realization of the eternal unity of your own essence (i.e. Atman) to the essence of allness (i.e. the attributeless infinite being or Brahman) …
And unless above fact is self realized, the inward paths which itself are of self realization and simultaneously also is of a realization of allness would never reach its ultimate state … Unless that ultimate state is arrived at, the finality of Kaivalya (which in other words is also called as Moksha) cannot be arrived at by that aspirant …
Kaivalya Moksha of Sanskrit language when translated means as “a final liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” and where this statement also means an isolation from all egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) and also an isolation from their individualistic and thus cyclically chaotic systems …
When humans enter into individualism of any sort, then effects of the degenerate age arrive and expand upon a world and when humans leave individualistic systems, then only does the golden age cycle of man manifest upon that world …
And since the current age cycle is already resting in its last phase of end, so in the coming years, individualism of all sorts would be ending in this world as the incoming age cycle does not even support any nonsense of individualism or individualistic systems …
Individualism or monotheism is of the following types … Geographical-political-geopolitical, economic-trade-business, social-cultural-civilizational, military-security-safety, intellectual-textual-religious etc-etc …
And since the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) which actually is a “human golden age (Manav Satyuga)” that runs within the longer time spans of a “divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga)” has no place for such nonsensical individualistic systems, so as the inauguration phase of the age of sages within this world keeps drawing closer and closer, these individualistic systems, their keepers and propagator’s and also their adherents and lands, would ultimately remain with only two choices …
- 1st choice … Leave individualism of all sorts and adopt the system of the incoming age cycle …
- 2nd or alternate choice … Slowly and steadily perish (of rejecting the 1st choice) …
- Absence of any 3rd choice … In the final stage of change, the 3rd choice is no longer available in a world … This final stage was commenced around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and the mid-point of this stage final stage of change would also be arrived around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … Somewhere prior to (i.e. 7 years, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) and after this time, would beginning and expanding the mayhem (upon this world) which always comes by when the divinities of two age cycles collide during their process of change of ages of man (i.e. human age) … At this stage of change of human age cycles, to imagine the scale of mayhem that would be there, one needs to imagine the fact that when a simple season changes, humanity enters into diseases of sorts, so what would happen when the age of man itself is changing (I leave the visualization of the incoming mayhem that always is at the stage of change of age cycles, to your own imaginations) …
The innermost essence of anything, is the same innermost essence that is of everything else and this itself is because of the fact that the essence of anything is the same as the essence of allness and its each part …
That which does not comply with the statement of above paragraph, cannot even be termed as the essence (Atman) in the real sense of this word … And that which does not comply to the “absolutely non-dual monism” as is of the essence, is also not leading to a final emancipation of the aspirant … The deviation from this fact only expands the mayhem that gets manifested during change of a human age cycle and especially when that change is to the better of all human age cycles, i.e. an age of sages (or Guru Yuga) which itself is an age of Pluralistic Monism instead of the currently ending age cycle which was of monotheism of all sorts (i.e. individualistic systems which were related to either or all of geographical-political-geopolitical, economic-trade-business, social-cultural-civilizational, military-security-safety, intellectual-textual-religious aspects and also those etcetera’s and the further etcetera’s that have also manifested within this world during the currently ending human age cycle) …
Proceeding further …
During the times of change of an age cycle, if the pluralistic yet monist ways of life as would be during the incoming age cycles are not willingly adopted, then the chaos also begins expanding across all ways and walks of life of humanity …
As also a fact that as far as the incoming age is concerned, the concept of liberation would also be of Jeevanmukti (i.e. liberated whilst still alive) instead of the present concepts and their paths which mostly relate to Videhamukti (i.e. liberation upon de-incarnation) or to an even lower state of the concept of liberation where the humanity needs to await the end of times to be finally liberated … The lattermost one would be completely ending prior the age of sages is manifested in this world (around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) and the middle one would end soon after the fuller divinities of the age of sages get fully manifested within this world (i.e. 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years plus a time span of 432 years, so this becomes around 2514 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) … And coincidentally, this is also the time of manifestation of fuller effects of the Zodiacal “Age of Aquarius” within this world …
The individualistic systems always see the maximum mayhem during this process of transition of human age cycles, especially if the transition is of the currently underway “Precessional age cycle (i.e. human age)” to the incoming age of sages (or Guru Yuga) … This is because of the fact that the basic problem with all individualistic (monotheistic) systems that these individualistic systems are related to just one particular microcosmic or macrocosmic state (i.e. their respective God and its heaven) where as the incoming age cycle (of age of sages) is only related to allness of all divine worlds simultaneously (i.e. it is related to all heavens and their divine entities or Gods or Deva) … And this non compliance is the one which would be leading to maximization of chaos in all such individualistic systems and would also make them to be harbingers of chaos during this stage of transition of the current human age cycle to the incoming age of sages …
When a human age changes, then the war is always there between the following … Manav (i.e. ones who are based upon Manavta or human values which account for oneness to allness that is within and beyond each human and all other microcosm’s) and Mlechha (one whose desires are filled with filth, which as such is only of individualism) … This fight is what is always seen during the run up to each of the age of sages that ever were and this time also (i.e. during the run up to the incoming human golden age or age of sages) it won’t be any different … In fact this fight is already underway since the last three plus decades …
During the stages of change of present human age cycle, all that is needed to prevent a total mayhem within all lands of this world is to adopt pluralistic monism as the primary way of life and thus amend your existing individualistic systems to make them relate to and thus enter into partless state of innermost unity that is ever present within allness and her each part … Unless this change is brought about soon, during the incoming stages of this transition to the incoming human age cycle (or human age of truth), humanity as a whole would only end up passing through the worst of times that they have ever known during their studied or known history …
Proceeding further …
When a cycle of time changes, then all individualistic systems of egoistic Gods become powerless as Mother Nature (who in Sanskrit language can also be addressed as Maa Prakriti) takes over the operation of a world … And since Maa Prakriti herself is the Shakti (or Power or divinity or energy) of the Absolute being, so at such times none of the Egoistic Gods dare come in her way of making an age cycle change as per her own requirements … It is at such times, that Mother Nature uses her weapon of time (which in Sanskrit language translated as Kaalastra) within a world …
Thus at such times, the destinies (and astrological charts) begin failing to match with the conditions of the humans and the world …
This is as whenever Mother Nature uses “time (or Kaal)” as her weapon (which she never shares with any egoistic Gods) then the astrological destiny of humanity as a whole, is abolished partly or fully …
Thus as such times, even those who have a very good time in their astrological charts, would be subjected to that which is not even reflected in their charts and that to which such humans are subjected, itself is the same to which any other human gets subjected at such times when mother nature takes the reins of a world in her own hands and thus begins using her weapon of time …
At such times, the religious places also fail to deliver the cure, as the keepers of these religious places only get into a survival mode (as none of the Gods can counter the weapon of time of Mother Nature) …
At such times, only a meditation upon Mahakaal (i.e. Supreme time or Shiva) and Maa Mahakaali (i.e. pristine divinity of supreme time or Shiva) can be of assistance because of the fact that at such times as every God is put to sleep and await the later stage when Mother Nature would stop using her weapon of time upon all subtle and gross inhabitants (i.e. right from gods till all parts of speciology) of a world which is passing through the last and final phase of this change of human (or even divine) age cycles …
I add this paragraph during edit of this part of the text in 2020 AD … All above has already come true and this phase shall not end until pluralistic monist way of life (as is to be during the incoming Guru Yuga) is adopted as a primary way of life and which would also need to let go of individualistic systems … This phase would be eventually be leading to the end of individualism in this world and thence a coming to fore of pluralistic yet monist divine ways of life …
Proceeding further …
As also, since richness in today’s times only leads to and is based upon one or another aspect of individualism, so during the coming times of change of human age cycles, such rich of now would become poor and fill in the vacuum, some others who rest within an all enveloping pluralistic monism would be given an opportunity to taste material richness, but only to make them capable to be able to assist the needy ones who are also (actually always) present during these of change of human ages …
And finally, this would definitely be leading to a complete collapse of economic model which as of now is based upon capitalism because the economics of any age of sages is never capitalistic (in mean that which is based upon an individualistic richness) …
And in addition to above, the present model of economies where the rich is a person who holds a larger debt, is also about to breath its last breath … This is because within the pluralistic Monism which always is a way of life during any Guru Yuga (Age of Sages), money is an asset and not a debt …
And in addition to this, during any age of sages, richer is a person who holds a higher subtlety of accumulated merit and in any Guru Yuga, a higher subtlety is that which is based “within and upon” a larger quantum of inner “oneness to allness and her each part” and where this inner aspect of higher subtlety is also reflected within the deeds of the person (I mean, not just any Blah-Blah as it nowadays is) …
Thus those rich of today, who don’t pay any heed to whatever is written here, would be seen to becoming poor during the coming times … And they should not believe in assurances of having a large amount of assets or money in their bank accounts, as that asset and money is also a debt and not an asset in the present economic model …
During these times of change, agricultural yields would also drop due to acts of Mother Nature … So food inflation would be another very major concern in addition to availability of requisite numbers and quality of jobs as per ones qualification … This downward trend of phase of life of humanity as a whole would last for a pretty long time as fighting and wars which also take place during change of age cycles, would only increase the time and quantum of sufferings of humanity of those times …
And finally during the Guru Yuga, healthcare would not be as it is today where money spent on poor health is also a part of GDP calculations and which in turn makes the state of poor health of humanity to also be good for economic rise and thus increase of GDP … As a minimum, health, education, security would eventually become a selfless service and not a paid job and Mother Nature always leads to this stage prior the inauguration of Guru Yuga in a world …
All above stated deviations are because of individualism being the root of all these … But as the inauguration phase of the Guru Yuga keeps drawing closer, all these would only be seen to be moving into a pluralistic yet monist way of life, which would be universal and not just of a country, culture, land or religion …
And by the time that Guru Yuga arrives, Sanatan Dharma and its pluralistic yet monist ways, would be the ways of life of humanity of those not so distant times … This is because Guru Yuga is a human age cycle of Sanatan Dharma itself …
And by the time that mess which always comes by during any of the final stages of change of age, completes its process within this world, humanity would know that whatever I had told here, was correct …
21-CC … Everything is interconnected … State as a base of innermost unity …
The final condition of dimension of state (Dasha Ayaam) is of omnipresence … That who is the Omnipresent is the Absolute being (Parambrahma), who is none other than the innermost essence of allness (Brahman) and where Brahman itself is Atman (Innermost essence of each part of allness or innermost essence of each microcosm) …
Thus it eventually is due to the omnipresent nature of finality of dimension of state, that truth which is within you is none other than the same truth which is within everyone else and this truth is also the same truth which is within entirety of allness itself …
Some have termed it as absoluteness of consciousness (Chitta) others have termed the same as the state of universal knowledge (or Vijyana) and yet others have approached the same truth through deeds which are based upon their own inner allness, uniting to allness of Maker’s Makings itself … All this ultimately leads to the same innermost essence of the aspirant (Atman) who itself is the innermost essence of allness itself (Brahman) … As a matter of fact, eventually “All roads lead to the same home” which is your own Atman which itself is ever-same omnipresent Brahman …
Thus basis above, the dimension of state in its finality of omnipresence is also a reason for innermost unity of all parts of allness to each other and a further unity of all microcosm’s (i.e. parts of allness) to allness (i.e. macrocosm) itself …
With above as a base, we shall proceed further with these discussions …
This cyclic nature of existence is not a punishment of any sort … Instead the cyclic existence is like a school from where you gradate to a college level i.e. acyclic existence …
That acyclic existence is where an aspirant attains a divine body (or eternal body) … Some of the primary amongst these divine (or eternal) bodies are already discussed in the earlier set topic which had the category of “Siddha Sharira and Loka” …
And one of these divine bodies which was discussed in an even earlier topic of “Raam Naad and body of Christ” is the one which is referred in Biblical lore’s as the “eternal body” which God blesses an aspirant with … This body is of a state which is prior to the ones which were discussed in an earlier topic of “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” … Thus since the “Body of Christ” is denoting a graduation or college level of evolution, so it is also not the final level of education (or evolution) and this itself is the reason for his second coming in which he would have to pass through the two below mentioned levels of macrocosmic educational system (or evolution within the macrocosmic hierarchies) which itself is through a self realization and thus a self experience of them …
Thus, since the college or graduation level (or acyclic existence) is also not the final level, so any aspirant who ends up resting within an acyclic mode of existence also has to move on further within the evolutionary process … This leads to entry into the a university level where you pass into the a post-graduate level and finally into a doctorate level of education (I mean self-experiential evolution) … In the post graduate level you end up self realizing all the deities of the five primary faces of Sadashiva and in the doctorate level you are merged to these “five faces of Sadashiva (which in Sanskrit language is called as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva)” itself …
And thence is the non hierarchical level of education which is also a part of the doctorate level of education and this is where you also becomes a self-knower the innermost meanings of Vedic Mahavakya, of which some of the important ones have already discussed in the earlier topic of “Mahavakya” … This is the stage where you also know that there remains nothing more to be ever learnt or known or self realized by you during the entirety of those timeless pending time spans of the Maker’s Makings …
This final state is the self-realization of the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) … This has already been discussed in the earlier topics of “As IT originally was” and also in another previous topic of “As IT eventually became” … And yet that Brahman itself is none other than your own Atman …
Thus basis above, all “modes, conditions and states of existence” are eventually related to the ever-same attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) and since the infinite Brahman itself is the omnipresent one and since omnipresence by itself is the finality of the dimension of state (Dasha Ayaam), so it is also due to this reason that the finality of state (i.e. omnipresent Brahman) is one of the reason for an innermost unity of allness …
21-DD … Everything is interconnected … Direction as a base of inner unity …
Direction means way of life or path of evolution …
The finality of direction is of an omnidirectional state … That who is omnidirectional is of the Absolute Being (Parambrahma) …
It eventually is within the pervadement (permeation) and envelopment of the omnidirectional who is present within and around all directions (paths of evolution or ways of life) that each direction (or way of life or path of evolution) eventually rests …
As also each direction (or way of life or path of evolution) is only proceeding to the ever-same omnidirectional absolute being (or the essence of allness or Brahman) who itself is the Atman (innermost essence of each microcosm) because the end result of any of the directions (or ways of life or paths of evolution) is none other than the omnidirectional pathless partless path (or Brahmpath) which is also rooted only in the rootless inward path … Thus is the primary reason for self realized, all realized Vedic Sages to say that the path of self realization (or Atma Marga Jnana) or simply the inward path, is the higher of all and self realization (Atma Jnana or Atma Gyan) is the higher of all attainments …
All this is also rooted in the same fact that the inward path which leads to a self realization of your own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) who itself is the essence of allness (i.e. Brahm) is that which rests within the omnidirectional being (Nirgun Nirakaar or Parabrahman) and this is due to the fact that your own Atman itself is the final omnidirectional essence of all i.e. Brahman …
Note: Interested aspirants can self introspect this discussion for dimension of Space (or Akasha) and its finality as I won’t be getting into that here … Thus the discussion on individual states of these dimensions ends here and now I move on to the other aspects of discussions which relate to this topic …
21-EE … Conclusion is all above … All dimensions as a base of innermost unity …
Cyclic existence is adopted by any begun microcosm because of the fact that there cannot be two finalities of time for two different states i.e. one finality for the begun entity and the other finality for the “pervading and enveloping beginningless-endless and thus the eternal essence of the begun entity (i.e. Atman who itself is Brahman)” …
Thus to ensure sameness of finality of time spans of existence of the begun and unbegun, the begun states end up adopting a cyclic mode of existence and where all those cycles of existence of the begun entity are also unbroken and continuous … This continuity is maintained by the fact that “death here, itself is birth of the same person elsewhere” and “birth here was also none other than a death of the same entity elsewhere (i.e. where that entity was existent prior to being born here)” …
Unless the finality of time (i.e. eternity) is equally applicable to all that exists within the Maker’s Makings and that too where this applicability is across all microcosm’s (i.e. all parts of macrocosmic speciology), the harmony of microcosm’s (all parts of macrocosmic speciology) to the macrocosm and their further harmony to the Absolute Being (Brahman) can never be ensured … Thus it is also to ensure a harmony of all that is begun (i.e. all microcosm’s or all parts of macrocosmic speciology) to the macrocosm and further to the Supreme Being that everything rests within the same finality as is of the primordial dimension of time (i.e. everything is eternal irrespective of its evolutionary standing) …
But since the begun states don’t have a capacity to continue their incarnated states till eternity, so they only end up adopting a cyclic mode of existence whose totality of time span is also of the same eternity as is of the Supreme Being (Parabrahman) …
This is what harmonizes and thus unites the time span of existence of each microcosm to the time span of existence of the macrocosm and Absolute Being (Brahman) … Thus this is what makes the totality of time span of existence of everything (i.e. every microcosm and the macrocosm) to be none other than eternity, which itself is the finality of time that is of none other than the Absolute being (Brahman who itself is Atman of the microcosm or aspirant) …
Continuing with above paragraph … When time that is finally applicable to anything is eternal and since time itself is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, then the finalities of all other dimensions also become applicable to each microcosm … But this applicability is for different aspects of microcosm’s existence and it could be told as follows …
- Dimension of space … Finality of dimension of space, is of infinity … This is related through the Atman of each aspirant, which itself is the attributeless infinite being (or Brahman) … Thus since the innermost essence (or Atman) of each microcosm is none other than the ever-same infinite Brahman, so the finality of space (or infinity) that is applicable to each microcosm, is related to the Atman itself …
- Dimension of direction or ways of life or paths of evolution … This applicability is through the fact that the finality of directions i.e. omnidirectional being, itself is the pervader and enveloper of all individual directions (or ways of life or paths of evolution or ways of Gods) … Thus when we see the finality of direction i.e. omnidirectional absolute being (Paramatman or Brahman), then we also find that all directions are rooted inside the same omnidirectional being (Brahman) and thus is a self realization that it eventually is to the omnidirectional being that all directions are proceeding to … Thus is a self realization that was discussed in an earlier topic of “All roads lead to the same home” …
- Dimension of state … The finality of dimension of state is of omnipresence … This omnipresence is eternally of the reality of each microcosm (i.e. Atman of each microcosm) because the Maker never made anything that was not holding the same omnipresence as is of the Maker … This is as the omnipresent cannot ever make a non-omnipresent entity even when the originated state when considered within its manifested state is none other than the non-omnipresent one … This omnipresent reality of each microcosm itself is of the innermost essence of each microcosm (i.e. Atman) which is also none other than the innermost essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) who itself is the infinite being and due to this reason you cannot even know your own innermost omnipresent nature until you self realize your own Atman as Brahman … Thus the reality of each microcosm i.e. Atman of the microcosm, itself is that which makes any microcosm to be the Omnipresent Being who has manifested within a non-omnipresent microcosmic form …
And because you cannot adopt an omnipresent form whilst incarnated as a microcosm, so to make sure you rest at all planes, universes and also exist within all states, modes and conditions of existence, your own evolutionary process only ends up taking you through all world systems (including all divine worlds) …
Those who have already passed through suchness as is discussed in previous paragraph and thus are the ones who have reached a ripeness and rightness to exit out of allness and her each part (i.e. be finally liberated from all that ever is or could ever be) also know that their evolutionary existence till then was none other than a multi-dimensional one and which also was multi-world, multi-planic (i.e. multi-galactic) and a multi-universal one from which they have already evolved and thus have gone beyond due to which they have nothing more to do within any part of the Maker’s Makings … Such aspirants also enter into the last pathless partless path (or Brahmpath) which we have already discussed in an earlier topic …
- Dimension of time … The finality of dimension of time is of eternity … That eternity itself is the reality of each microcosm because the Maker never made anything non eternal … That reality of each microcosm itself is the innermost essence of each microcosm (i.e. Atman) which also is none other than the innermost essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) and that Brahman itself is the Eternal Being …
Unless these finalities of the four primary dimensions that are of the Absolute Being, remain equally applicable to all microcosm’s and macrocosm, the harmony of unity as is discussed here cannot ever be maintained …
But since these dimensional finalities are present within each microcosm and the macrocosm also, so this is what makes each microcosm and macrocosm to remain in harmonious unity to the Absolute Being (i.e. Brahman who itself is the Atman of all) who by ITself is the timeless eternal, the fathomless infinite, the omnidirectional inward path of all paths that ever are and is also the omnipresent innermost essence (or Atman, which itself is Brahman) of all …
And the path to this harmony always begins from the dimension of time as once this primordial dimension (or time) comes in sameness within all that is begun as a microcosm and also the macrocosm, then the finalities of the other three primary macrocosmic dimensions also become applicable to all the microcosm’s and macrocosm, which in turn leads to an innermost unity of all to all others and a further unity to allness of Maker’s Makings itself …
And since none of above can ever be possible unless the microcosm is holding the fullness of all above aspects, so this is what was the reason for the entirety of Maker’s Makings in her own “subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha)” to remain eternally present within all microcosm’s … This is what becomes as the base of innermost unity as is discussed here …
Thus due to above reason, the inward paths (or paths of self realization) always rest in “Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness towards allness and her each part)” which in turn leads to accomplishment of “Brahmand Yoga (i.e. non dual union to allness and her each part)” and which itself is the base of a final self realization of the fact that the innermost essence of each microcosm (i.e. Atman of all microcosms) itself is the innermost and thus the final essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) …
And where Brahman itself is the omnipresent, infinite, eternal and omnidirectional being i.e. Brahman itself is as the final state of each of the four primary macrocosmic dimensions that were discussed here …
Thus basis above, meditation upon these four macrocosmic primary dimensions is also one of the paths during ones evolutionary existence and no microcosm has ever missed out on it prior to attainment of Jeevanmukti (Jeevanmukta or liberated whilst still incarnated) …
And to ensure a harmony of all that is begun as a microcosm and the macrocosm and a further unity to the Absolute Being (Brahman), that same Brahman is present within and around each microcosm and this state of presence is as the Atman of all …
Thus basis above discussions, following are absolute facts …
- To know the pluralistic monist ways of life, know the non discriminatory and non prejudiced nature of applicability of dimensions upon all microcosm’s and also the macrocosm …
- To know finality of these four primary macrocosmic dimensions, know your own Atman through the universal inward path …
That inward path is a universal path as it cannot be fractured into sects or divided into parts due to it being eternally present within all aspirants, since the timeless eternity that has already gone by of the Maker’s Makings and so as shall it also be until the fathomless pending eternity of existence of the Maker’s Makings) …
- To know the finality of Atman, Know it as Brahman …
- To know Brahman, Look within yourself to find the “subtle impressional universe (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” that each of you have been blessed with and that too from within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus as far as the reality which is within any microcosm stands (i.e. as far as the Atman of any microcosm is concerned) there really is nothing non eternal, non infinite, non omnidirectional and non omnipresent within the entirety of Maker’s Makings … And this reality is also ensured due to the base reason that “Atman is Brahman” …
That which was discussed here is an absolutely undeniable fact …
Continues …