Here we shall discuss the basic facts of final realization just as was told by the eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (or each true aspirant) … The relationship of the drop and the ocean, where the end realization is of the fact that the ‘drop is the ocean’ … Then the further aspect of this relationship which relates to microcosm and macrocosm, and where the end realization is of the fact that the ‘microcosm is macrocosm’ i.e. Pinda is Brahmand … And the final stage of this relationship which relates to Atma and Brahma, is where the end realization is of the fact, that, Atma is Brahma (i.e. Atman is Brahman) …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Cave of desires and cave of greater whole” … This is the last and final part of this series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
The drop is the ocean … Atma is Brahma … Pinda is Brahmand …
The eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (of each aspirant) … Said …
“A drop is a drop, but only until it merges to the ocean … Once non-dually united to the ocean, the drop itself is the ocean infinite … This is the essence of all Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statement) and this itself is the final essence that is ever be self realized by any aspirant and across the triplicity of time (i.e. in any past, any every changeful present and in any future too)” …
The same is also applicable to the concept of Atma and Brahma and also to the concepts of microcosm and macrocosm (Pinda and Brahmand) …
In end reality of self realization of that drop, that drop always knows the truth as told here … Drop is the ocean … microcosm is macrocosm (Pinda is Brahmand) … Atma is Brahma (Soul is the supreme soul) … This is always the end realization soon after the drop reunites back to the ocean infinite” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Prior being a drop and after crossing over the stage of being a drop …
The eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (of each aspirant) … further said …
“Within the stage that was prior to the original beginning of the drop, as a drop, that drop by itself was the ocean … And after the drop has lived its time as a drop, it again re-merges to the ocean, it becomes the same ocean itself …
Thus in the root of each drop, it is the ocean … And within the finality of each drop, it is also the same ocean only … In between this root and finality, is the existence of the drop as a mere drop whilst it keeps searching for and thus proceeding towards the same ocean” …
Path of each drop is to unite to the same ocean …
The eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (of each aspirant) … told further …
“Each drop that ever is or could ever be, is always moving towards the same ocean only … This is because there has never been any drop, which has moved in a direction (path) that was not towards the ocean … And even when the paths of movement of these drops may be apparent as different, yet the end result is exactly the same … Merger to the ocean” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Life of a drop …
The eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (of each aspirant) … Told …
“Only after the drop consciousness had set in a part of that ocean, that the part of that ocean, self-decided to separate from the ocean even when it still was as an intrinsic partless part of that ocean … This is how any drop originated from that ocean … Thus, in its original root of existence, drop itself was the ocean …
The desire to separate from the ocean, was to experience individuality of existence which could only have been possible, is a part of that ocean became as an individual drop … This is the desire that the vast infinite ocean obliged and let go of a part of it, so as to get manifested as a drop … Thus, a part of that vast ocean, became as a drop, in lieu of what it earlier was, an infinite ocean …
Since every part is an intrinsic partless part of the ocean, since eternity and until eternity, so each part has always proceeded to its own fuller whole, which as such is the ocean … And thus, the drop also kept proceeding towards the same ocean which lay within it and as its own timeless root from which it had separated out, so as to be as a drop, that it now is …
Thus, was the reason for coming of paths of evolution of that drop, so it could reach back to the ocean and thus merge with it … Again …
All scriptures have only arrived to fulfill this cause, which as such is the same singular one, that, the drop can again reunite to the ocean and thus complete its cycle of existence, as a drop that it is till now …
There has never been any drop which has not been proceeding to the same ocean, because the part is always attracted to its root … And even if it may not seem so, yet this connection to the root is always there when we consider the subtleties that also exist within the grosser manifested part (drop) …
Every drop has always kept proceeding to the same ocean from where it had originally started off as a drop within the Maker’s Makings … And during the course of its journey to the ever same ocean, sometimes that drop evaporates into clouds (simile of death of a microcosm), then it falls back as rain (simile of rebirth of a microcosm) and this process continues endlessly, until that drop finally reaches back to the same ocean and thence also enters into a non dual union with that same ocean itself … Thus is cyclic existence of that drop and this cyclic existence is also such that, the finality of each drop is also the same ocean from where that drop had originally started off, as a mere drop but only after it had separated itself from the ocean” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Sameness of root and finality of each drop …
Eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (of each aspirant) … Stated …
“Thus, basis this discussion, the root of each drop and the finality of each drop, is the same ocean only … This is because, the root itself is the finality … There has never ever been a case, where the root of existence of anything, was not the same as the finality of end of existence of that thing …
And in between these two end stages, is the cycle of life, as a drop (birth), then water vapor (death), then as rain (reincarnation), which continues endlessly, until that drop again again enters into a non dual union with the same ocean … And thus becomes the ocean itself” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Cycles of existence of the drop …
The eternal guide who resides within the cave of heart (of each aspirant) … Told …
“Sometimes that drop evaporates from a river (one way of life or religion or faith or country or planet or galaxy, etc-etc), sometimes from a landmass (another way of life or religion of faith or country or planet or galaxy, etc-etc), sometimes from a tiny pond (any individualistic way of life) and sometimes from somewhere else … Then after evaporation (death) as water vapor, it reaches the clouds (a subtle realm) and as times progress, it also cools down (analyzes its mistakes of the last incarnation) and then when large number of drops have done this self analysis within the clouds (subtle realms), then they all decide to return back and thus unite together so as to make that cloud heavier … This is what leads to the next stage, when they all return back as a united group of rain drops …
And then the same cycle of life of that drop re-begins, right from that evolutionary standing, from where each of them had individually left during their last evaporation (last death) … This cycle endlessly continues, until that drop can again reunite back to the same ocean, which as such is its partless partless root …
All paths that the drop follows after precipitating (rebirth) in a world, is what that drop needs to follow as per its own self analysis … And because there actually are many drops, and since each drop has its own specific evolutionary requirements, so within that cluster of them, in rain, all of them also fall at different places (i.e. birth in different families, societies, races, ways of life, cultures, civilizations, landmasses and faiths, etc-etc) … This is what leads to pluralism of ways of life and yet since the root and finality of each drop remains as the same ocean, so this is what leads to the essential monism also …
In reality, pluralistic monism is the way of life of macrocosmic creation (greater of all parts of the even more vast ocean) and so is the root of evolutionary existence of each drop, which sometimes falls (i.e. takes birth) in one place (land, culture, society, faith and civilization) and at other times, in some other place … As are the needs of any of the drops, within their own routes of ways of life, are the winds which support them, so as to make them fall at specific locations and thus fulfill the vast number of different requirements as are of their respective evolutionary process … This maintains the correct existence and evolutionary cycle, of the drop, and as a drop and until that drop remains as a mere drop …
And when that drop reaches the end of its own cyclic existence, which itself is after passing through all modes and other aspects of existence, does that drop qualify to know the path to the ocean …
And when it finally begins merging to the ocean, it also shouts in exhilaration … I Am That i.e. I (the drop) Am That (The ocean) … This what was told by Vedic sages as Aham Brahmasmi, which as such is a great statement from Yajurveda (Yajurveda Mahavakya) …
The little student understood that drop is referring to a microcosm and ocean to the macrocosm … So he nodded in affirmative …
Everything is Brahman … Brahman is all there is … Allness verily is Brahman
The eternal guide who was reading the thoughts of little student, told …
“Correct, but only half … The end meaning of this discussion on drop and the ocean, is denoting the eternal oneness of Atma and Brahma, because in the finality of reality, this discussion only refers to the final reality, which as such is of ‘Atman is Brahman’ …
And this is what was told in Atharvaveda Mahavakya, as Ayam Atma Brahma, which in simple words, means as ‘This (Atman) is That (Brahman)’ … And which in relationship of ‘That one (eternal guide)’ to ‘This one (little student)’, also means the same as as ‘This is That’ …
The word, ‘That’ denotes the ocean (which in macrocosmic realms, it means the macrocosm or Brahmand and the same in absolute terms only means the supreme being or Parabrahman) … And the word, ‘This’ denotes each drop (microcosm or aspirant or Atman) …
Within their relationship as is during existence within the Makers Makings, the drop is the ocean, means as ‘microcosm is the macrocosm’ … That ocean of macrocosm is within whose envelopes each drop (microcosm) resides and within its subtle impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha), the same ocean of macrocosm is also present within each drop (microcosm or aspirant) …
And within the final non dual reality, the same discussion means as, Atman is Brahman … And when already resting within this self realization of the final non dual reality, the drop (aspirant) already knows, that, ‘everything is a self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the same ‘ocean (That or Nirguna Brahman)’ and it eventually was the same ocean, which self manifested itself as each drop (This or Atman and where this also means as microcosm and also means the macrocosm) …
Thus, is the self realization that ‘every microcosm is a self expressed, self manifested and self present state of the same attributeless infinite being (Brahman) … And the same is also applicable to the macrocosm … Thus, within this perfect non duality, following self realization is also a matter of fact …
Everything is Brahman … Brahman is all there is … Allness verily is Brahman
That drop who sees this everywhere, in everything, in everyone and also beyond these, is the one who could be deemed to have unioned to the ocean …
Such a drop, never returns back in any form of existence or non existence … And yet it remains eternally existent, but only as a mere witness of all the plays of each drop that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
Thus … Just as ocean infinite (Brahman) is only as a detached witnesser of allness, so becomes the drop (Atman) after this (above) self realization …
Drop and the ocean … Disciple and the master … Actual state of Guru Shishya Parampara …
The eternal guide who was reading the thoughts of little student, told …
“The same also applies to each master-disciple relationship (Guru Shishya Parampara) …
But during those better times that were not like the currently underway degenerate times, this relationship was always like ‘Master-Becoming Master’ and not ‘Master-Disciple’, as it has now gotten degenerated into …
And this relationship of ‘Master-Becoming Master’ was also such that, the student remained as a student in his (or her) own eyes and yet remained as a master to be, in the eye of his (or her) master …
And where the self realized, all realized master also knew, that ultimately they are one and the same Atman, which itself is Brahman …
And this was also due to the same knowledge, that, the drop itself is the ocean …
The little student was totally amazed with this explanation and nodded in affirmative to confirm full understanding of these words from the honorable eternal guide …
Little student’s final enquiry …
By this time, the little student had already come to know that the eternal guide, who all this while was seeming like a very old and malnourished hermit, was not actually a mere hermit who resides in the cave of heart (of the little student) … So the student again said to the eternal guide … “My one last query, which please answer in absolute truthfulness … Who actually are you? … And this time please do not give me a circular answer? …
The eternal guide touched the tiny forehead of the little student … And said … “See with that divine eye of yours” …
The little student saw in awe and in that utter awe of what was seen, he could only say with folded hands and head bowed down and touching those very huge sized feet of the eternal guide …
OM Namo Naaraayana
The final lecture on Hridayakasha Garbha …
Then the eternal guide said … “This brings us to an end of this topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … From now onwards, This one (little student) must walk alone and in freedom from allness and her each part, so as to enter that ocean which as such is beyond allness and is also within him, as That one (eternal guide) …
Know the ocean in its wholeness and not in its isolation that ‘This one (little student)’ has been trying till now and since last many incarnations …
The ocean permeates and also envelopes each drop … It is within and around each drop … The ocean also is in the root and finality of each drop … Those drops who have known it within its thus fullness, wholeness and completeness, know it fully …
Such drops never return back as a drop, even when they are never gone …
They are the ones who though are already gone and merged into the ocean, yet they remain as the eternal ungone ones, even in their finally gone states …
But the path to reach there, is always in isolation and through Samadhi (i.e. absorption) …
So, go alone, to go beyond allness and her each part … And be that ocean, the eternal guide said pointing to Itself …
And remember … That, in reality … Each drop is pristine and pure, for it is none other than the ever-same ever-pristine eternally-taintless … The ocean infinite …
The little student, with hands folded and with his forehead touching the divine feet of the eternal guide, understood the lecture … And finally said …
ॐ परमात्मनेनमः
“Salutations to the supreme soul”