The creation is as eternal as the creator and so is the creation process … Thus allness has the same eternity as the creator of allness … And this is because of the fact that the eternal creator could not have made anything that was not based within and thus was resting upon the allness and fullness of its own eternity … Thus here we would discuss the same fact of sameness of “eternity of creator, created and creation process” …
Thus irrespective of cycles of existence of all that is as a created and its creation process, when we see the finality of time span of existence of allness and her each part, then we also find that these are also based upon the same eternity, as is of the creator itself …
This topic is in continuation to the previous one … “Mathematics of universe” …
8-AA … Sameness of eternity of creator, created and creation process …
Since the entirety of creation (each microcosm and macrocosm) is nothing but a self expression of the creator (Brahma) so all microcosms and the macrocosm also are none other than a self manifested states of the same creator …
But there really are many such self manifested states … These were already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
The eternal only leads to eternity of existence of all that is originated from it … And once originated, the originated states also continue to evolve whilst resting within the pervadement and envelope of the same eternal …
As also, during the course of this long drawn evolutionary process, each originated state also keeps proceeding closer and ever closer to self realization (and thence a final union) to the same eternal (creator) …
Thus basis above, everything originates from the same eternal creator, everything rests within the envelopment and pervadement of the same eternal as long as they keep evolving and once the originated state has already evolved and thus has already reached a ripeness and rightness to move beyond the entirety of the Creator’s Creation (i.e. Maker’s Makings), then that same originated state also returns back to its own ever-same and thus eternal originator (or creator) …
But this could have never been possible if the originated and its origination process was not as eternal as the eternal originator of these …
But since the originator is eternal and also since the originated and origination process are none other than a self-expression (Swayam Abhivyakti), self-manifestation (Swayambhu), self-presence (Swayam Sthiti) of the same originator (or creator) so there really remains no chance for the originated and origination process to end up holding any eternity which is other than that of the originator of these …
Self realization of this fact leads to understanding the non dual nature of Maker, Maker’s Makings and the process of Makings of Maker … There really is no other non duality which could be higher than what is discussed here (as the discussed non duality is also the root of all concepts on the non dual being) …
8-BB … Allness of creation and creation process is a self expression, self manifestation and self presence of Creator … The created also holds the same eternity as is of the creator …
Since the created is a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the creator as the created, so the created is also an eternal entity …
But until the created can reach an evolutionary standing where the time span of its own existence within its any single incarnation can be increased till eternity of the creator, the created also remains with no choice but to take up a cyclic mode of existence (so as to match the totality of its own totality of time span of existence with the eternity of the creator) … To ensure this sameness, the created only ends up adopting a cyclic mode of existence and where these cycles are also are continuous and unbroken …
This continuity is maintained through the fact that birth is only arrived because there was a death of the same entity earlier to being born and death from the currently born state would only lead to a birth within another condition of existence … This is how an evolving entity maintains an eternity of its existence within a cyclic mode of existence (or a mode of existence where there is birth or incarnation or manifestation followed by existence in that incarnation and thence there is a stage of death of the same entity and all these keep continuing in their cycles, across all states, modes and conditions of existence of that entity) …
8-CC … Eternity of creator is also reflected in the creation process …
Everything which gets originated, is only originated through the same subtle origination process of Maker’s Makings … And since there actually are trillions and further zillions of originated states (microcosm’s) so when we see the totality of this origination process, then it only found to be a process that continuously keeps happening within the Maker’s Makings … This is how the origination process (i.e. creation process) is found to be an eternal and eternally present one within the macrocosmic creation …
All changes that take place within any microcosm are also a part of the same origination process (because change cannot be manifested without the effects of process to originate these changes) and since an eternal changeful nature is the only constant within the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm, so this also makes the origination process to be such that it simultaneously is an eternal process even within each microcosm … This is how the origination process (i.e. creation process) is found to be an eternal and eternally present one …
Thus basis above, since the origination process (creation process) is based upon the same eternity whilst it is within the macrocosm and also within each microcosm, so the creation process is also an eternal entity, especially when we see the totality of it within the Maker’s Makings …
It is due to this reason that in the largest scopes of the terms origination process and originated, both these are only found to be rooted in the same eternity as is of the originator of allness … And simultaneously these two (i.e. originated and origination process) are also found to be as continuous processes especially when we study the entire corpus of all that is originated (i.e. all the microcosms and macrocosm) within the Maker’s Makings …
After this study it is also clear that everything that is originated within the Maker’s Makings and the origination process of everything, is also having a time span of existence which is of a sameness to the originator of these …
And this itself is due to the fact that the eternal creator could not have ever made anything was non eternal …
Continues …