This topic shall discuss the fact that final end is nowhere close … All that is told by all those so called intellectuals of various religious lore’s is thus not correct … This is due to the fact the within the knowledge of the present stage of progress of cycle of time (i.e. Kaalchakra), it is absolutely clear that the prophesized End time or the End of time is not now … Thus this topic shall prove that the final End time is nowhere near …
This topic is in continuity to the previous one of “Nitya Pralaya” …
89-AA … Final end time is nowhere near …
Basis our earlier discussions, neither of the Pralaya which we have discussed earlier on would be leading to an end of world …
So as far as this world system and its current running cycles of time are concerned, the total end of time is still pretty far off …
Yet due to below reasons and also due to change of human age cycle, some widespread suffering shall be present on this planet …
But we humans or our Gods have no power over time as time is that weapon of Mother Nature which she never shares with anybody (Including any of the Gods or Satan’s) … And yet we humans can definitely change below deviations as a minimum and make our lives less full of sufferings (as compared to what would be if these are not complied) when the process of change of the present human age cycle “kicks in” this world …
89-BB-1 … Yet the end can be caused …
All the so called prophets and their current prophecies which keep coming up each few years or decades, and where it is claimed that “end of times is at hand” are basically made by those deviated self-serving businessmen who are naught but those who are living in a fool’s paradise …
And because the end of time is nowhere even close to what these deviated self-seeking businessmen in the garb of religious leaders have been claiming, so such incorrect prophecies only come by, stay for a while and thence when nothing happens as per these prophecies, then these also are gone without a trace …
And when the earlier prophecy fails, then because they need money to sustain their self-serving organizations and their own deviated selves, so they also remain with no choice but to invent another prophecy, so as to serve their own deviated ends without even understanding that each deviated desire, thought, emotion and deed only leads to a very gross (lowly-type) impression to get manifested within the consciousness plane of this world …
And over time when such lower deviated impressions keep getting projected due to followers of these deviated self-seeking ones, then these impressions eventually also arrive at their critical mass …
And when this critical mass actually arrives, then smaller problems which are widespread, always come to that world …
But these problems never denote the end of time, because the current times are nowhere close to what the term “end of time really means” from a deeper, esoteric, philosophical and physical point of view …
But yet due to the buildup of consciousness critical mass, some small scale yet widely spread problems which itself are related to the buildup of these impressions of doom, keep arriving to that world and its inhabitants …
89-BB-2 … Keep clear of all prophets of doom …
So because such deviated ones are the reasons for buildup of those grosser (or lower) impressions which have reached their critical mass, so the same deviated ones also become reasons for mental and physical sickness, death, sufferings and bad conditions amongst all communities of this world …
All the increasing storms, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, erratic weather, sufferings in lands of this world has been primarily happening due to such ones and their deviated prophecies and thus these so called prophets are also directly or indirectly responsible for all bad conditions in this world as they are the ones who have led to the buildup of deviated lower impressional fields in the consciousness plane of this world, which in turn leads to small scale and isolated problems within this world and its communities …
Imagine there have been hundreds of such prophecies made within the last few millenniums alone …
And in the last 2 decades, this stupidity invariably kept coming up almost each year and thus the conditions of this world have only deteriorated further during the last few decades …
And yet none of the human inhabitants of this world have been able to comprehend that all the prophecies of such nincompoops who call themselves prophets, only need to be pooped into the refreshment bowl … And also flushed a few times …
Proceeding further …
Above prophecies not coming true is only because the real end of times are still pretty far away as per the Kaalchakra calculations which are only based upon the mathematics of universe i.e. the creators mathematics upon which this universe is built within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
This failure of prophecies is also because that which does not reflect in the Vedic Kaalchakra, cannot even become as a matter of fact within a world as Vedic Kaalchakra is the first knowledge of time which itself is of the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation and on which the macrocosmic creation was built …
And strangely traditional Vedic people kept telling that these end time prophecies were a lie, but yet humanity never heard them all this while …
And now a day’s even space agencies have also jumped in to counter all this nonsense of the so called prophets of the western doomsday systems …
So it’s about time that humanity stops believing in such nonsensical prophets of an imaginary doom …
89-CC … Buildup of Impressions …
Now I shall discuss this process of buildup of impressions …
There are many aspects which lead to this build up, but I shall only be discussing two main ones as this is what humanity of present times would be facing across this planet …
- Whatever you desire, is what you ultimately have thoughts of …
- Whatever thoughts you have, is the basis of your emotions …
- Whatever emotions you have, leads to types of deeds that you do …
- Thus desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds are interrelated …
- And all these lead to an impression (i.e. Samskara) to get manifested within the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of your own Causal body (which in other words, can also be termed as the Bliss sheath and which in Sanskrit language is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya and which in Vedic texts, is also termed as the Anandamaya Kosha) …
- And since you currently reside upon this world, so your own consciousness is a part of the consciousness plane of this world (i.e. Bhu Chitta) which itself is a part of macrocosmic consciousness (Chitta Kaya or Chidakash) …
- Macrocosmic consciousness is what Vedas have addressed as Brahm and Brahman …
Thus basis above,
- Whatever impression (i.e. Samskara) you build up within your own Chitta (consciousness) is also reflected in the “consciousness plane of this world (i.e. Bhu Chitta)” and the same impression the macrocosmic consciousness (i.e. Chitta Kaya or Chidakash) …
- And when many humans build up such deviated impressions due to their own lower (or grosser or self serving) desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, like those of the “imaginary end times”, it eventually leads to a state where these impressions get reflected in such large numbers within the consciousness plane of this world (i.e. Bhu Chitta), that their critical mass (or critical quantum) arrives …
- Critical quantum is that quantum beyond which the impressions manifest their effects within the physical worlds (or realms) …
- This critical quantum is a state where seas of seas of similar impressions (i.e. impressions with a similar bandwidth of subtlety or vibratory bandwidth) gets manifested, it delivers its effects upon the physical world system itself i.e. that world by whose inhabitants this critical quantum was slowly but steadily built up …
- So, as this critical quantum arrives then the impressions fruit in tandem within those seas of seas of impressions that are built up at this time …
So basis above …
- If you have improper desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, then you only become a reason for your own future stage of sufferings (or even the sufferings of your future generations, as the case may be) …
- Thus control your desires and make them rest in subtlety of “Brahmand Dharana (which in English means as the inner state where an aspirant begins resting in a oneness to allness and her each part)” is the better of all ways to prevent the stage of entering into an an individual and also a collective level of suffering …
89-DD … Secondary build up of Impressions …
- Everything is conscious and thus everything can bless and curse you …
- Every animal you kill to eat, also curses you as the time of its own death (because you killed it even when that animal did nothing wrong to you in his or her own desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) …
- Humanity as of now is killing thousands of billions of animals yearly and thus humanity as a whole is going to face those thousands of billions of curses of animals that they have killed in the last few millenniums that have passed since the commencement of the currently underway “divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga)” on/around 3102 BC … Thus diseases originating from animals would be causing a wide spread suffering to humans during the coming times of change of the current human age cycle to the incoming Guru Yuga (which in other words, can also be called as a human golden age or an Age of Sages) …
- And since as of now (when I write this text) the critical mass is almost built up from the curses of animals, so this would also be one of the reasons for future sufferings whenever those seas of seas of impressions (built up due to curses of animal life) would begin fruiting …
- This stage shall be as a start of wide spread diseases which relate to animal part of speciology, getting into humanity … And this stage is not very far from the time when I write this topic (2012 AD) …
89-EE … Impressions due to curses of elements …
Everything is a self expression, self manifestation and a self presence of the ever-same attributeless infinite absolute being (who in Vedic lore is addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and also by a wide variety of other names that sages across time have given it) …
Thus everything is a part of Nirgun Nirakaar (i.e. Brahman) only and due to this reason, within everyone, inside everything and everywhere is the same Parabrahman … This fact was told in Vedas as follows …
Which means …
Everything is Brahman, Brahman is everywhere, In everyone is the same Brahman
And since Brahman denotes the conscious-knowledge-activity principle also, so everything that originated within the Maker’s Makings, is alive …
There is nothing in any part of the entirety of Maker’s Makings, which is not alive …
Every element of nature is alive as it also holds the same consciousness, knowledge and activity principle of Parabrahman only …
So as humans start exploiting elements so as to serve the endless greed, then all elements cry out for help and eventually curse …
This leads to a very major impressional buildup, so critical mass of this impressional buildup also arrives very soon …
Proceeding further …
As also, since the elements which are out of us, are also the same as those which are within us …
So this curse and degenerate impression which builds up is within our own inner elements and and also within the external elements, is the one which can become a reason for our future stage of suffering …
And due to a very widespread effect of these curses of elements, their critical mass is also very powerful as far as causing inner and outer sufferings are concerned …
This stage is also approaching at the time I write this topic … And in those not so distant times, the elements would be leading to suffering of humanity, if humanity fails to adopt systems of Guru Yuga …
89-FF … Way of life to prevent sufferings to yourself and future humanity …
Thus basis above …
- As you desire, is how your thoughts, emotions and deeds are …
- So to prevent sufferings, keep your desires relates to divinity of allness and thus get based upon those ways of life that relate to the statement “Everything is divine” as the divine Maker could not have made anything that was not as divine as “IT ITself eternally is” …
- And extend this statement to all that is as a part of animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate macrocosmic speciology …
- And the best medium for attain this inner unity based upon purity of desires, is to relate to Mother Earth (who in ancient times was also addressed as Bhumi or in other words Bhu Devi), which means as the divinity of macro-elemental earth or Bhu Mahabhoot) …
- This is the best way …
Continues …