Here we shall discuss the first desire of Mother nature (i.e. desire to be), the original desire of microcosm (i.e. desire to be liberated) and the original cause of allness (i.e. desire to begin) … And since none of these desires had any limitations of time spans or states of existences, so they also had their implicit implications which as such are also discussed here …
This topic relates to all that exists within the Makers Makings, right from the macrocosm till its each microcosm … This topic is also written as was self-realized and later on, self-analyzed …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Law of cosmic hygiene” …
Regarding Mother nature …
As a matter of fact, nature is the first and full self-expression of divinity (or Shakti) of Brahman and thus Mother Nature is Brahman’s divinity (i.e. Prakriti is Shakti of Brahman) …
In addition to this, Mother Nature also is the eternal consort of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahma) … And in addition to this, she is also the foremost and eternal messenger of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
And in addition to above, she is also the the originator of all because Para Brahman being attributeless and infinite, stands beyond the state of being the originator of anything and this is even when, everything is a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of Brahman … Parabrahman thus is only as a witness of allness, which itself is as IT’s own self-expression, the foremost of which is of Mother Nature (Ma Prakriti) …
AA) …
First desire of nature … First desire of Mother nature … Desire “To Be” …
This desire could be thus told …
When Nature was just about to be self-expressed out of Brahman, was the stage when she in her un-expressed and thus un-manifested state, had her first desire … This first desire of Mother Nature (Prakriti) could be told as follows …
The desire “To Be”
Explicit and implicit implications of the First desire …
Due to this first desire of nature that was as the desire “To be”, she became as follows …
- Omnipresent, but within the Makers Makings …
But this desire “To Be” was an open ended desire which has no limitations as far as what all was to be, until when was it to be and where all it was to be” within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus, she (nature) is present everywhere within the Makers Makings and she is also residing within each part of the same Makers Makings … Thus, all parts of allness rest within her envelope and simultaneously she also rests within (inside) each part of allness …
And due to this reason, within the Makers Makings, there is nothing in which she doesn’t exist in one of her varied manifestations, which itself makes her to be none other than an omnipresent entity …
- Eternity of allness … Eternity of Nature … Eternal existence of Nature …
And within the unrestricted aspect of the first desire, when we consider its implicit meaning, then that first desire of Mother Nature (i.e. Desire “To Be”) only means as follows …
Desire “To eternally be”
And thus Nature also became eternal due to the implicit meaning that was of the explicit first desire of mother nature, and which as such was as her explicit “Desire To Be” …
Thus, it eventually is because of this implicit meaning of the first desire of Mother Nature (Ma Prakriti) which means as her desire “to eternally be”, that if anyone tries to see her original beginning or final end, then these two would never be able to be known … And thus that aspirant would know the eternity of allness that is subtly referred here and where that eternity eventually means, timeless as far as its beginning is concerned and fathomless as far as its final end is concerned …
- Omniparient source of allness … The Mother of allness …
Since at the time when Mother Nature has her first desire, nothing like the macrocosm and microcosm’s were existent, so all that originated as macrocosm and microcosm, is naught but a direct or indirect byproduct of the first desire itself … Thus, Mother Nature is also the Omniparient source of allness and her each part …
- Omnicompetent as an aspect of allness …
Since everything ultimately originates after the stage of manifestation of the same first desire that itself was of Mother Nature, so Mother nature herself becomes the omnicompetent and omniparient aspect of allness of Makers Makings …
- Omniform and omnific aspect of Mother nature …
Since in everything she exists and since everything simultaneously also exists within her vast and almost limitless envelopes and since everything that is as macrocosm and microcosm is naught but one or another of the countless numbers of manifested states of Mother nature itself, so she (nature) is also in an omniform and which itself is as her self-manifestation as (and within) allness and her each part …
But at the same time, within this discussion, the word “form” also includes all that is formless because from the point of view of omniform aspect of Mother nature, form is formless and simultaneously, from her other point of view, formless is form …
And also a fact, that since she is the one from whom the macrocosmic creation actually begins and since she is also the created, so Mother Nature also becomes an Omnific source and aspect of all that is as the macrocosmic creation and its each part …
- Omnipotent aspect of Makers Makings …
Since Nature herself is the first self-expression of the divinity (or Shakti or Power or energy) of Brahman, so she by herself holds the entire divinity (or Shakti or Power or energy) of Brahman …
And due to her first desire, which relates to herself and thus also relates to her qualities (attributes) and which also include her state as the pristine divinity (or Shakti or Power or energy) of Brahman, she by herself is the eternal, omnipresent, omnicompetent, omniparient and omnipotent source of allness and simultaneously everything that is as macrocosm and microcosm, is none other than one or another of the parts that come within her aspect of being the sole omniform within the Makers Makings …
Thus, she has also been termed as Brahm Shakti (Brahman Shakti or Divinity of Brahman or in other words, the supreme divinity) and Vedic sages have also said that she by herself is the fullness of power of Brahman …
Implications of first desire of Mother nature …
Since everything is originated after the manifestation of first desire of Mother nature, so everything that is ever originated within the entirety of Makers Makings, is naught but a byproduct and thus is a part of the same first desire of nature …
And because, everything is a part of mother nature (as everything is having its association to mother nature as far as their origination is concerned), so everything falls within the purviews of the same explicit and implicit meanings of the first desire …
And due to this reason, as far as the originated microcosm’s and macrocosm are concerned, following is what is a fact …
- Everything is eternal … Thus, Vedic sages had told that everything has been existent since the timeless eternity that has already gone by and would also continue to exist till the fathomless eternity of that endless future … And due to this reason, the stages of commencement of microcosm and macrocosm can neither be be traced back in time nor can their end be traced ahead in time …
- Everything holds the same omnipotent aspect … Since everything is a part of nature, so nature is present inside everything … Thus, nothing that had ever begun within the Makers makings can ever be different from Mother nature, but so far as their inner aspects that relate to her divinity (nature’s divinity) are concerned … Due to this reason, just as nature is omnipotent, so is allness and her each part, all of who are a part of the same nature, are also omnipotent even when they may not seem so and where this omnipotence only shows up in them, after they begin uniting to the fullness of Mother nature where she is naught but the pristine divinity of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) …
- Everything has the capability to originate another thing … Since nature who itself is the source of origination of allness and her each part, is present within allness and her each part, so every part of allness has the capability to be an originator of something else … There is no microcosm within the Makers Makings who doesn’t hold this capability …
- Everything is energy (Divinity of divine or Shakti) … Since mother nature from whom everything originates, is also the one in whose envelopes everything rests, and since nature in her originality is naught but fullness of energy (Poorna Shakti of Brahman or complete divinity of Brahman), so the root of all microcosm’s and the entire macrocosm, is the same natural energy only … And thus, allness and her each part are rooted in energy and where two primary parts of allness, i.e. matter and energy, are also interconvertible …
Continuing with above bullet point … This inter-convertibility of matter and energy is what makes everything eternal in the real sense because energy being the originality of nature, can neither be created nor destroyed … Thus, birth and death of matter is naught but a myth as ultimately matter is energy only and energy its neither born nor does it ever die … Compressed state of energy is matter and expanded state of matter is energy … And since energy who as such is the original state of nature, can neither be created not destroyed, so due to this reason, matter is also an eternal entity as far as its root (or energy) is concerned … And due to this reason, creation and destruction of matter is also untrue (i.e. matter can neither be created nor destroyed because the root of matter being energy, can neither be created nor destroyed) … And due to this reason, from the point of view of root aspect of nature, i.e. energy, there is nothing like a birth or death … Due to this reason, Vedic sages had said, allness is eternal and birth and death of anything is nothing but a myth (unreality) …
- First desire as a path to self-realization of Vedic Mahavakya … The inward and subtle analysis of the fullness of aspects of the first desire is also a path of self realization of Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statements or Vedic mega statements) … And thus, this analysis is also a part of the path of liberation (Mukti Marg) …
- Nature as a path of liberation … This is in continuity with above bullet point … This comes to fore due to the fact, that nature itself is the foremost self expression of the supreme being (Para Brahman) … And since the self-expression always proceeds to its own self-expresser, so the self expression (i.e. nature) is also as a path to self-realization of the same self-expresser (Parabrahman) of itself … There are many instances of proof of this fact within the Vedic lore and this is why the ancient Vedic sages used to meditate on natures aspects and this is also the reason for followers of Vedas (Hindus) to worship aspects of nature (like rivers, mountains, specific vegetations, etc.) … But this way of nature being a path of liberation is only available within the pluralistic monism of Vedas and not anywhere else …
- And many other aspects, which interested aspirants can self-analyze … I have only told the main points, but these can always be expanded to allness and her each part (but this would only be possible by interested aspirants and not any passerby of this text) … I could have also given mathematical explanations and equations of these facts, but something also needs to be done by interested aspirants as any other would become like spoon feeding, which I personally don’t like as none of my Gurujan of this or earlier incarnations (and also of those earlier incarnations that were attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) had ever approved spoon feeding of aspirants …
And it eventually was due to these told aspects and also those untold aspects of this discussion, that Vedic sages used to meditate upon the divinities of nature … And this is also why, Hindus also do the same …
When nature strikes, then even Gods dare not challenge her because she by herself denotes the fullness of what is told above and she is also that, which I have intentionally left untold (for interested aspirants to self-realize) within this part of the topic on first desire of nature …
BB) …
Original desire of each microcosm … Desire “To Be Liberated” …
The original desire was of each microcosm that has ever entered into (or begun within) the Maker’s Makings and where this original desire was self-manifested within each unbegun microcosm (i.e. prior the microcosm had begun within the Makers Makings) and that too, after the first desire of mother nature was self-manifested and this original desire was also prior to the original cause that is discussed later on in this topic …
This desire could be thus told …
Desire to “Be Liberated”
Original desire as the primordial guarantee of final liberation (Kaivalya) …
Original desire was of each microcosm and where this desire was self-manifested within all microcosm’s prior they had even begun within the Makers Makings …
Thus, the point where this original desire was self-manifested was even prior to the stage of origination of any microcosm within the genius of Makers Makings … And it is due to this reason, that it can never be countered by any microcosm, after that microcosm is begun within the Makers Makings …
Thus, because of this desire, all that is begun within the Makers Makings has always rested in a path, that eventually would lead to their final liberation … It is because of this original desire, that various paths of liberation keep manifesting upon all worlds, where animate beings reside and where these manifestations of paths of liberation is also as per the then evolutionary requirements of inhabitants of that world … And as the inhabitants of that world, go beyond the evolutionary requirements of these paths of liberation (that had earlier on gotten manifested in that world), then these paths also become chaotic prior they finally end upon that world …
Note: As also, these paths which get manifested only get manifested as per the call of a cycle of time (or the wheel of time or Kaalchakra) and not any otherwise and where the time itself is a weapon of Mother nature (i.e. Kaal is actually a Kalastra) which she never shares with anyone else (including the fact, that she also doesn’t share this weapon of time or Kaal Astra) with any of the Gods of the triple times) … So when Mother nature uses this weapon to change a cycle of time and thus change the ways of life of animate beings (including humanity) who reside upon that world and which itself is due to coming in of a newer cycle of her time (i.e. newer state of the wheel of time or cycle of ages), then all Gods become powerless in front of her weapon of time (Kaalastra) … This world is already living in such a time …
This original desire was prior to the beginning of any microcosm within the Makers Makings, and thus it can never be countered by any microcosm after it has already begun (as a microcosm) within the Makers Makings … And since the original desire (desire to be liberated) only relates to the final liberation, so this is what becomes as the guarantee of liberation (Kaivalya) of all microcosm’s and where that liberation only means as a final exit from the Makers Makings …
And due to above stated fact, as per this original desire, the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) also has to be beyond the entirety of Makers Makings because the original desire, which as such was as a desire “To be liberated” had only self-manifested within each microcosm, prior that microcosm had even entered into (or begun within) the Makers Makings …
Thus, the original desire would eventually also be leading to a final exit of each microcosm from the entirety of Makers Makings …
Original desire as a desire “To Be Liberated” …
Since the original desire was as a desire “To Be liberated”, so it could never be accomplished within any path that was not related to “Being liberated” …
And since the phrase “Be liberated” (as per the original desire) is only related to Karmatita Mukti (liberation beyond deeds and fruits) instead of the path of “getting liberated” which as such relates to the condition of Karmadhin Mukti (liberation through better deeds and their fruits and thus that liberation that still is within purviews of deeds and fruits), so this original desire only relates to the final liberation (which itself is of Karmatita Mukti) and not its any intermediary states (all of which are in one way of another related to the state of Karmadheen Mukti only) …
“Being liberated” means that state “which you essentially ever are” and have ever been … This state is of being a fully liberated one and this is how each microcosm eventually is even when it may not believe to be so …
This is because in your own innermost essential state (i.e. You as your own Atman), you have ever been a fully liberated one (i.e. you and every microcosm has always been a Kaivalya Mukta) ever since you were begun as a microcosm within the Makers Makings …
It was also due to the implicit effects of this original desire that Maker could never make any non-liberated microcosm and thus, all that was made within the Makers Makings, was made as a fully liberated one … And yet because the begun microcosm had still not self-realized (or self-known) this fact through their own direct cognitions that itself relate to the Mahavakya of Vedas, so all microcosm continue to believe that liberated they are not …
But in reality of things and just as the Maker had created them, they all are and have always been as fully liberated beings (i.e. everything is resting in Kaivalya as far as their own innermost essence or Atma is concerned) …
Due to the effects of this original desire, nothing was ever originated that was not already liberated … And where this eternal liberation itself is a fact as far as their own innermost essence (or Atman) is concerned …
Thus, even when a microcosm may not believe this fact, but yet as far as that microcosm’s innermost essence (or Atman) is concerned, each microcosm has always been and would ever be as a fully liberated one (Kaivalya Mukta or Poorna Mukta or simply a Mukta) …
There is nothing who has not been resting in a state of Mukti (liberation) right from the time when it was originated within the Makers Makings and this state of essentially being liberated, itself has been as per the effects of the original desire of every microcosm and which as such was self-manifested even prior to the state when the microcosm has begun within the Makers Makings …
Discussing the state of “being liberated” as per the original desire …
Since the original desire was as a desire to “be liberated”, so one can never be finally liberated (i.e. one can never attain to Kaivalya Moksha) until this aspect is complied in totality …
And since “being liberated” is not the same as “getting liberated”, so paths that relate to “getting liberated” would never assist in attaining to that final liberation that is termed as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedas …
And due to this reason, since paths that relate to getting liberated are related to deeds and fruits (i.e. cause and effect), so cause and effect (i.e. doing better deeds and thence getting better fruits) can never be as a path of final liberation … That final liberation which is told here, is a state of entering into a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness of Makers Makings” and thus this state of final liberation is naught but the state of Kaivalya Moksha as was told by Vedic sages …
In this state of Kaivalya, because of the supreme isolation from allness and her each part (including divine beings and their divine worlds), there is nothing like a text or path or heaven … And due to this reason, this state of final liberation is only attained through the last pathless partless path, which we have already discussed within the earlier topic of Brahmanpath … It eventually is this last pathless partless path or Brahmpath, that ever soul walks to enter into Kaivalya Moksha (final liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) … And due to this reason, the original desire is also a part of the this last pathless partless path (i.e. Brahman Path) and vice versa of this statement is also true …
As also, since the final isolation from allness (i.e. final liberation or Kaivalya or Moksha) is beyond the law of cause and effect (i.e. further than the law of deed and fruit), so unless that path which is adopted is also the same as being beyond cause and effect (i.e. being beyond deeds and fruits which means freedom from fruits of deeds), that final liberation as was desired for from within the original desire would never be attained by any microcosm (aspirant) …
And since that final liberation itself is beyond deeds and fruits (i.e. beyond law of cause and effects) and is also beyond its governing principle (i.e. principle of dependent origination), so that final liberation can only be within the innermost essence of the original desire, which was as a desire “to be liberated” and that by itself is the ultimate guarantee of attainment of final liberation by all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
And due to this reason, unless the aspirant enters into this essence of original desire, which as such is told as “Be Liberated” and which also means, being just as you essentially are (as far as your own innermost essence or Atma is concerned) that final liberation which as such is “as the stage of entering into a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part”, can also not be attained by that aspirant …
And this as such is only denoting that liberation which doesn’t even need you to be within deeds and their fruits, because of the fact, that it only relates to your own innermost pristine nature that itself is of your own Atman (innermost essence) … Since it relates to your own innermost pristine nature, so there is nothing like a path to attain it and thus the concept of “getting liberated” is nullified in this path … All that is needed is to “be IT (i.e. be your own Atman)” and thus its path is of “Be liberated and not of getting liberated (get liberated)” … And since it doesn’t even relate to the path of “getting liberated”, so there also cannot be any deeds that could be done to attain its fruit (of final liberation) … And this is why, that final liberation (Kaivalya) is told to be beyond or further from deeds and their fruits …
Who can you do deeds and gain fruits for “that which you ever are (i.e. your own innermost essence or Atman)” … That which you ever are, can only be known after you associate to it and that too, through your own generated path that inwardly leads to its self-realization … Thus, in reality nobody can ever tell you the path of final liberation, other than what is already told by those ancient Vedic sages as “Just be what you essentially are and are as the eternally liberated Atman” …
Within the purviews of this original desire, which as such was as the desire to be liberated, “that which you ever are, and are as your own innermost essential nature (i.e. Atman) can never be attained by the path of better deeds and fruits” … That which you eternally are, can only be attained by “being IT” and thus, it can never be attained (or known) through external means of deeds and fruits …
Thus, as per this original desire, deeds and fruits can only lead to the “doorway of liberation (doorway of liberation is a symbolic phrase, so don’t take it literally)” …
But to enter into that doorway of liberation and thus know your eternally liberated state and which as such is just as you were made within the genius of Makings of Maker, you eventually would only remain with one choice, but to enter into the innermost essence of the original desire, that is told as “Be liberated” and where “being liberated”, is referring to the “just as you essentially are and have ever been” and which itself is being just your own innermost essence (or Atman) eternally is …
Thus in the finality of paths of liberation (Muktimarg), cause and effect only lead to the final doorway of liberation and not to the state of final liberation … And whilst standing at the doorway of liberation, to finally enter into that state of final liberation, one would need to comply to the innermost meaning of the original desire (or each microcosm) which as such is of “being liberated” just as you were made to be within the genius of Makings of Maker and which due to your ignorance, you had not known till this stage of evolution which is referred to in these discussions …
Implicit meaning of the explicit original desire, i.e. desire to be liberated …
Within the implicit meaning of the original desire that was of each microcosm and was as the desire “to be liberated” and which as such was self-manifested prior any microcosm has even begun within the Makers Makings, following is what eventually happened regarding origination of any microcosm’s that have ever begun within the Makers Makings …
- The Maker could never make any un-liberated microcosm …
- Thus, all that was begun as a microcosm within the genius of Makers Makings, was only begun as a fully liberated one …
- And yet, until this fact is self-realized, one would not even believe about the truth of it …
- And once this fact is self-realized, then one would only end up knowing the stupidity of all external paths (i.e. paths of Gods, etc.) … This is because, such an aspirant would also know, that, eventually the essence of this original desire, which itself is self-realized through the inward paths (i.e. paths of soul or Atma Gyan) would have to be adopted so as to “be liberated” …
- Such an aspirant would also know the unreality of all paths that are outwardly because none of them fully satisfy the innermost and implicit requirements of the original desire, i.e. the desire to be liberated …
- In the innermost implicit meaning of the explicit original desire (i.e. desire to be liberated), no microcosm could have been any other than being a fully liberated one … This is because, within the implicit meaning of original desire, it only means “to eternally rest in a liberated state and irrespective of whether you know this fact or not” … Those who enter into suchness of inner feelings, eventually attain to that final liberation …
- And to ensure compliance to this implicit suchness of the original desire, the innermost essence (Atman) of each microcosm was where this compliance was eternally present, because that Atman is a fully liberated state within each microcosm and is as the real nature of that microcosm and which as such was even beyond the concepts of liberation and bondage … Thus, it eventually was due to the implicit compliance to the original desire, that the Atman (innermost essence) of ever microcosm was such that it denoted a fully liberated state of that microcosm and this was even when the microcosm continued to think, that it still is not liberated (i.e. in bondage of sorts) …
- Basis above … It eventually was due to the implicit meaning of the original desire that Maker could never make any non-liberated microcosm and thus all that was originated as a microcosm within the genius of Makers Makings was naught but a fully liberated being, as far as their innermost essence (Atman) was concerned … And this is what is discussed in the next sub-part of this topic …
Original desire and the fact that everyone is a fully liberated being …
The original desire was as a desire of each microcosm that was yet to begin within the Makers Makings and where this desire was as a desire “to be liberated” …
And thus, the Maker could have never originated (made) an un-liberated microcosm because Makers Makings are essentially a democratic state (i.e. by the microcosm, for the microcosm and of the microcosms) …
And thus, it eventually was due to the effects of this original desire, that all that was ever created by the Maker, was already a fully liberated being … And where this liberated state was as far as the innermost essence (or Atman) of the begun microcosm’s was concerned …
Thus, unless the Atman is self-realized, this fact that “everything and everyone eternally are fully liberated ones” of can never be known …
And this was why, the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had also said, that, “if an aspirant just believes that he (or she) is fully liberated and also acts like a fully liberated one, then this only would be enough to enter into the final liberation” …
Other than this, there would be nothing else needed to gain that final liberation and this statement itself is within the purviews of the innermost meaning of the original desire, which explicitly was told as desire “to be liberated” …
CC) …
Original cause of allness … The desire “To begin” …
This original desire was of the entire macrocosmic nature and was also of her each microcosm … This had manifested after the first desire and also after the original desire as have already been discussed above …
This original cause of allness, could be thus told …
Desire to begin
And where this beginning itself is within the Makers Makings …
Origination of allness and progress of the originated is as per original cause …
Only after the original cause was resided in by the macrocosmic nature and her each microcosm, could anything be self-originated within the Makers Makings …
Thus, all that is ever originated was only originated as per the original cause …
Proceeding further …
Even the progress of the macrocosm and its each begun microcosm is within the purviews of the same original cause …
Implicit meaning of the original cause …
As told above, original cause was as a desire “to begin” …
But in the implicit meaning of this desire to begin, it only meant as “To Begin endlessly” … Or in other words, “To keep re-beginning till eternity” …
And basis this implicit meaning of the original cause following is what happened to all that was begun within the supreme genius that itself is of the Makers Makings …
- All that was originally begun within the explicit meaning of the original desire (i.e. desire to begin) also remained with no choice but to keep re-beginning endlessly … And this is what lead to a state where all that was begun within the Makers Makings was ever changeful because change is also a state of beginning only … Thus as far as the macrocosmic creation is concerned, within her timelessly vast envelopes, the only constant is change …
- And this also lead to a state where all that was begun, also had to have an existence that led to their beginning within all states of existence (i.e. all realms of existence) of the Makers Makings and this is what made them to die in one state of existence prior they were begun within another state of existence … Thus cyclic existence (or Samsara) is rooted in this fact of the original cause itself …
- And this, the evolutionary existence of all that was begun within the Makers Makings, eventually took them through all states, conditions and realms of existence that ever were or could ever be present within the Makers Makings … And this is what made their existence to be based within a cyclic mode of existence (i.e. birth, existence for a while and then death of that incarnation prior they again took rebirth in one of the realms of Makers Makings, to which they had then evolved to) …
- And where all this was as per the implicit meaning of the original cause, that has already been told as the desire to “to keep beginning endlessly” … Thus, endlessness of eternal beginnings is in which everything resides …
- Even the ever changeful state of macrocosmic creation and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) is as per the implicit meaning of the same original cause …
- It is also due to the effects of the implicit meanings of the original cause, that nothing can ever be destroyed … Thus, Vedic sages had told “matter can neither be created nor destroyed” and this itself is because of the fact, that matter essentially is energy and where compressed state of macrocosmic energies is matter and when that matter gets dissoluted then it again returns back to the same energy state (i.e. original state that was prior matter was originated due to compressions that came by within the macrocosmic energy) …
- Thus basis above, it is also due to the effects of the implicit innermost meaning of the original cause that there is an eternal constancy of the macrocosmic corpus i.e. the totality of cosmic corpus (i.e. corpus of mass of the entire multi-universe) is an eternally constant value and this is even when there is nothing which is non changeful …
- This non changeful state of macrocosmic corpus is due to the fact, that as long as it rests within the purviews of mother nature, change is what it would be eternally undergoing through and where the sum totality of macrocosmic mass can never change because it eventually is based upon the fact of inter-convertibility of energy and matter …
- Thus, it is also due to the effects of the implicit meaning of the original cause, that, within the purviews of the macrocosmic creation, an eternal change is the only eternal constant (or in simple words, change is the only constant)” …
- And it is also within the purviews of the original cause, that there is a continuous process of creation, sustenance for a while and destruction that keeps taking place within the macrocosmic creation … Thus, it is also due to the implicit meaning of the original cause, that the process of birth and death and thence a rebirth of all parts of allness, is a continuous one especially when we see this fact within the fullness of macrocosmic creation …
- Since death in one plane is leading to a direct rebirth in another plane, so even this endless process of birth, death and thence rebirth and re-death is a part of the implicit meaning of the original cause, that itself was as an “explicit desire to begin” and which in its implicit meaning only means as “to keep beginning endlessly” …
- And finally … Because no limit of time, direction, state etc., was put within the original cause, so due to this reason, the implicit effects of the original cause could also not have been anything other than being continuous, across realms of existence and thus have ever been present (i.e. eternally present) within the fullness of macrocosmic creation …
- And thus, the effects due to implicit meaning of the original cause would also continue as long as the existence of Makers Makings continues and due to this reason, until an aspirant finally escapes out of the entirety of Makers Makings, the effects of original cause can never be exited out (or escaped from) by that aspirant …
- And due to this reason, the effects of original cause keep acting upon the aspirant (i.e. each microcosm) until that microcosm enters into its final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) that itself is denoted by a state of entering into a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” …
- Thus, basis above fact, until one attains to Kaivalya or Moksha), the effects of original cause would keep acting upon the aspirant (microcosm) …
DD) …
Combined effect of first desire, original desire and original cause on allness …
We have already discussed the following in this topic …
- First desire of mother nature was as an explicit “desire to be” … And thus, within the implicit meaning of this first desire, she and all her parts became eternal (just as we have already discussed above) …
- Original desire of each microcosm was as an explicit desire “to be liberated” … And thus, within the implicit innermost meaning of this original desire, eternally liberated each microcosm has stayed as far as its own essential nature (innermost essence or Atman) is concerned …
- Original cause was of each microcosm and was also of the entire macrocosm and was as an explicit “desire to begin” … And thus in the implicit meaning of this original cause, it keeps endlessly changeful and also keep re-beginning in one state or another, and which continues until eternity of its existence within the Makers Makings …
Thus, when we combine the effects of these three discussed facts … We come to the following conclusion …
- Everything and everyone is eternal … The Maker never made any non eternal entity … All birth and death of anything or anyone is unreal, because the innermost essence of everything and everyone (i.e. Atman of anyone or anything) is neither born nor does it die … Within their eternally cyclic nature of existence, the original birth and the final death of the macrocosm and microcosm can never be traced in time …
- Everything and everyone is liberated … The Maker could never have made any non liberated microcosm … Thus, all that is, is a fully liberated one, but only so far as far as their innermost essence (or innermost reality or Atman) is concerned …
- In the reality of all, everything is beyond birth and death and this is even when it may seem to be apparently resting within the process of these … This is because the innermost essence of allness (Brahman) who itself is as everyone’s innermost essence (Atman) of each microcosm, is beyond birth and death … That innermost essence is neither ever born nor can it ever die, as it has eternally existed within all and simultaneously, allness itself rests within its undefined and fathomless envelopes …
- And this is what leads to the self-realization of a statement of Vedas, which sages had told as “Atman is Brahman” and also another statement of Vedic sages which was told as “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma” … Because in reality, everything is Brahman, or in other words, within and beyond all, Brahman alone exists as their Atman, who by itself is the one to which the finality of self realization of this topic, eventually relates …
Continues …