This text is not for Spiritually deviated, Spiritual marketers or the so called saved ones … And this text is also not for the following …
- Individualistic ones …I say this because individualism is like a foreign particle within the pluralistic yet monist body of the macrocosmic creation and thus such systems are eventually evicted out by the macrocosmic creation … And because such systems are not in line with the macrocosmic creation within which they reside, so the macrocosmic creation eventually evicts them out … And this itself is the reason for the fact that “individualism (i.e. monotheism of any type)” has never been and cannot ever be a reason for a long lasting state of peace …
- Eternally stupid ones … I mean those who have never understood the eternal divinity of Maker’s Makings and thus have never understood that each microcosm is a divine entity …
- The so called “only saved ones” … Those who say that “they are the only ones to be saved and rest all are doomed to eternal hell fires” because such ones are totally unfit to rest in allness that s denoted by this text …
- The nonsensical ones … Those who say “Either convert to what they believe in or be ready to die” …
- Followers of ignorant entities … Those who say that “such and such greater entity has told to convert everyone to their own followed system and thus they even use all sorts of means, including corrupt ones to get to their self-deviated grosser desired ends” …
- Spiritually deviated … And those who have been a party towards utilization of spiritual systems as instruments of political, economic, social, geographical, geopolitical, cultural or other controls …
- My God strongest, best or any other Est’ness of the believed one … Those who believe in what is written here and/or work to prove this fact within the physical or metaphysical realms … This is because such ones have never understood that even a formless god or its heaven is naught but a greater or lesser part of the Maker’s Makings …
- Spiritual marketers … Those who think self-knowledge can be sold, traded or bartered and thus they make it a business …
- Idle-time readers … And those who think that this text is going to be an idle-time reading …
- Copycats … Those who copy others works and then try to use them towards their own self-serving and thus self-deviated ends …
And due to the nature (style) of my writing I can clearly state that none of above would be able to understand this text … So such ones would come by to this website (text), stay for a while and then they would eventually garbage it (I mean, unsubscribe from this website and/or not visit again) …
Rest all can continue reading …