Since this is also a pretty vast topic, so I have divided it into parts … But this part of the topic would discuss the path of subtle vehicle when it proceeds from Ahum Naad to ALA Naad (Sound of ALA) and thence it self realizes what was told as Krishna Pingalam or Krishna Pingala aspect of Rudra of Vedas …
This topic is to discuss the stage after Ahum Naad (Ahum Naad has been discussed in the previous set of topics) is crossed over and then the aspirant’s subtler travelling vehicle becomes en-route to ALA Naad …
Ahum Naad was already discussed as being of a deep blue color and ALA Naad which shall be discussed in the next set of topics is of an orange color … Above painting depicts the state which is in-between these two (sounds and colors) …
Thus in this topic we shall be discussing the stage which is in-between Ahum Naad (i.e. sound of Ahum as was discussed in earlier set of topics) and ALA Naad (i.e. sound of ALA) … However ALA Naad shall not be discussed here as it is to be touched upon in the next set of topics …
As also, above painting would be utilized in many discussions on the current topic, so keep this in the back of your mind whilst reading this topic …
AA … Self realization of path from Ahum Naad to ALA Naad …
Once during Samadhi (i.e. meditative absorption or meditative trance) and whilst the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira or subtle vehicle) was stationed at Ahum Naad, I desired to meet Allah Tala (the Godhead of Islam) …
Immediately after this desire which was arrived whilst the subtle vehicle stationed at Ahum Naad (as was discussed in the earlier set of topics and is shown in the painting of the earlier topic of Aghora face of Sadashiva) a very strong yet extremely subtle divine force (i.e. divinity of the divine being) caught the astral vehicle and started moving it into the state which is shown in above figure …
I had desired to meet Allah because in those days (sometime after 9/11 and when the ISPS code had started setting in at sea) I wanted to know him so as to analyze the reason for the chaos that his followers have been causing in this world and this is what led to a desire to know Allah Tala and that too through a direct cognition only (I mean, desire to know Allah through a self realization and with no intermediaries) …
Whilst my astral vehicle was stationed at Sound of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad or Aghora face of Shiva), I requested Ahum Naad to make me meet Allah Tala (God of Islam) … And this request which was to Sound of Ahum was because of the fact that Ahum Naad (i.e. sound of Ahum) also happens to be my Gurupita (i.e. Guiding-Father and Father-Guide) in this and many earlier incarnations … My request was just as a student would request his (or her) Guru for granting the blessing of direct knowledge …
But when Allah Tala was met up with (this shall be discussed in next set of topics), then basis the earlier self realizations of Rudra Deva (Rudra Deva is the wrathful manifestation of Lord Shiva) which were already had over during the current and many earlier incarnations, I was absolutely surprised to know that Allah (of Islam) is none other than Rudra (Bhagwan Shiva’s wrathful state) of Vedas and this itself is in addition to the fact that Allah Tala is also none other than Buddha ALA of the much later knowledge systems of Tibetan Bardo (which were given to humanity by Guru Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche as he is also addressed in the Himalayan regions of the present day India and Tibet) …
Ahum Naad denotes Ahamkara (i.e. I’ness which is both macrocosmic and microcosmic) and ALA denotes macrocosmic and microcosmic Am’ness (i.e. Asmita) … Thus above figure is also showing the state which is in-between the macrocosmic I’ness (i.e. Ahumkara or Tamoguna) and macrocosmic Am’ness (Asmita or Rajoguna) …
As also basis the path of Yoga Tantra, above figure also denotes the stage when an aspirants consciousness just about exits out of “Tamoguna Samadhi (i.e. absorption within macrocosmic Inertia)” and thence becomes enroute to entering into Rajoguna Samadhi (i.e. absorption within macrocosmic action) … This was the reason for many of the Yoga Tantra (i.e. Yogic texts as were given by self realized, all realized sages) to also refer to the fact that these two types of Samadhi’s are leading to each other …
The Yogic scripture which I had given during my much earlier incarnation and when I was addressed by a name which in English language means “reverence to the divine leaf” also mentions the same fact that Ahamkara (Tamoguna Samadhi) needs to be crossed over to enter into Asmita Samadhi (i.e. Rajo Guna Samadhi) and this further leads to the sound of A-O-M (three stages of OM Naad) and thence into the final stage which as such is the Kings Palace (Raj Bhavan) … In the later set of topics on OM Naad (i.e. sound of OM) we shall be discussing all these stages with appropriate paintings so as to leave nothing to misinterpretations for the current and later aspirants who shall be entering into this world during the incoming Guru Yuga … As per my calculations on cycles of time (or Kaalchakra), this Guru Yuga (i.e. Age of Sages) would be commencing around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and offsets of the current stage of human age cycle which shall be discussed later on …
In the earlier set topic on Ahum Naad (i.e. sound of Ahum) we had discussed that Ahum Naad is the “sound of macrocosmic I’ness (i.e. it is the sound of Ahamkara)” … And we had also stated that the same I’ness is also present within each microcosm because of the fact that “As is the macrocosm, so is each microcosm” … This is because the “microcosm is only a microcosmic self-manifestation of the macrocosm itself” and thus the entre macrocosmic creation is present within each microcosm …
As also within an earlier topic we had also discussed that this macrocosmic creation which is present within each microcosm (including human microcosm) is resting within an subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) … And we had also told that the subtle impressional state itself is the parental state of the later gross-manifested or physical state of the macrocosm and each microcosm …
As also basis personal experiences of many earlier transmigrated incarnations (i.e. incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh … The current one is my 108th transmigrated incarnation) it is pretty clear that depending upon the destined merit (i.e. Prarabdha Karma) which is applicable to that particular incarnation (of the microcosm) a portion of subtle macrocosm that is to be applicable (or is to be available in an activated state so as to complete the destined merit of that incarnation) needs to gets activated and that part of the macrocosm which is not needed in that particular incarnation, stays deactivated during that incarnation … Basis this fact, as the aspirant evolves a stage is always arrived where the entire macrocosm is already activated within the microcosm and after this stage is arrived the realization of one of the Great statements (or Mahavakya) of Yajurveda which when translated means “As is microcosm So is macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm” … It is at this time that the aspirant realizes that he (or she) itself is the macrocosm in his (or her) greater reality …
And since the macrocosm itself is present within the microcosm (i.e. human microcosm), so same state which is depicted in above figure is also present within each microcosm (i.e. human microcosm) and thus when within the inward path (i.e. the path which leads to your own innermost essence or the path of “Myself Within Myself”) if any aspirant moves from Ahum to ALA, then also a similar state shall be realized by that aspirant …
Within the inward path of “Himself Within Himself” that resides inside the human microcosm itself, following are the locations of self realization of these two sounds of our current discussion …
- Ahum Naad (i.e. sound of Ahum or Aghora face) is present in-between the Brahmarandra (i.e. the secret crevice of creator or Pitamah Brahma Ji’s secret crevice which is at the top part of your brain and until skull bones) and Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of the supreme rejuvenator or Shiva’s secret crevice which is located at the top part of your brain and until skull bones) … Thus if any aspirants consciousness moves from Brahmarandra to Shivarandra, then Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum) shall be self realized in the same state as was shown in a painting of the earlier topic of “Aghora face of Sadashiva” …
- ALA Naad (i.e. sound of ALA or Rudra Deva) is present in-between the Shivarandra (i.e. the secret crevice of the supreme rejuvenator or Shiva’s secret crevice which is located at the top part of your brain and until skull bones) and Vishnurandra (i.e. the secret crevice of the supreme preserver or Vishnu’s secret crevice which is located at the top part of your brain and until skull bones) … Thus if any aspirants consciousness moves from Shivarandra to Vishnurandra, then ALA Naad shall be self realized in the same state as is painted in above figure (and shall be fully discussed in the next set of topics) …
- Thus basis above two bullet points it really does not matter whether the aspirants consciousness (Chitta) moves within its own microcosm (i.e. body) or within the microcosm as the self realization would be just the same … I don’t say this basis any analysis, but this fact s stated as per direct cognitions …
Prior we proceed any further we need to discuss the three Randra (i.e. secret crevice) of above bullet points … So here is the brief explanation of these three (detailed discussions with paintings of these three secret crevices or Randra shall be taken up in a later topic) …
- Brahmarandra … The secret gate of supreme creator or the grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) … This is located at a point which is where the line drawn upwards (to the top of head) from mid-brows meets the line which is drawn upwards from the two temples … This is the point which is having a pulse like beat in the skull bones of a new born baby …
- Vishnurandra … The secret gate of the supreme preserver of allness or the great-grandfather of allness (i.e. Par-Pitamah Sriman Naaraayana or Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … This is located at the back of the head and where the top bones of head begin sloping downwards (i.e. towards the back side of the head) … This is like a very thin line which runs along most part of the area where the skull bones move downwards towards the medulla oblongata (i.e. the point where the skull bones of the top of head meets the bones at the back of head) … This is the same point which is symbolically shown as a semi-lunar shape on Bhagwan Shiva’s head … And it is also from this point that a diamond-white star like light escapes out intermittently, but this stage is only after the aspirants consciousness crosses past the 7th plexus (or Brahmarandra Chakra or the thousand petalled lotus which is located at the top of brain) and this itself is the basis of the symbol of Islam (4th day moon with a star in it) …
- Shivarandra … The secret crevice of the supreme rejuvenator of allness (i.e. Param-Purusha and my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva) … This is located at a point where the line drawn upwards from the mid brows meets the line which is formed at the “middle part of the top of head (i.e. the middle part of the line where the front and back skull bones meet at the top of head) … This is the point where the drain pipe of connected after a head surgery (neurosurgery) … This is also the point from where the vital airs (Prana Shakti) escapes out of a dead body during Kapaal Kriya (the ritual of breaking of skull bones of a burning dead body) as is carried out during cremation ceremonies of Sanatan Dharma …
BB … Self realization of Krishna Pingalam or Krishna Pingala aspect of Rudra of Vedas …
Now basis above discussions we shall discuss Ardhanarishwara and Rudra as stated in the Vedas and a few other concepts of later religions which even though have been relating to the same original knowledge as was given by Vedic sages, but yet these later systems have been wrongly considering themselves as different religions … This misconception has only been due to their ignorance of reality which itself is due to the nonness of fuller-deeper self-realizations by the ones who propagate the knowledge systems …
Ultimately every religion that has ever originated has only been relating to the original and root knowledge of Vedic sages and this text shall prove this fact beyond any doubt (but only for those who have an open, thinking and rational mind … Others please excuse) …
- Vedas refer to Rudra as Krishna Pingalam … In this term Krishna Pingalam, the word Krishna means dark and here it means dark color (i.e. dark blue color) of Ahum Naad (Aghora) and the word Pingala means Tawny Red color and it even means Tawny Orange color of ALA Naad … Above figure is denoting the same state where blue color (i.e. dark color or Krishna) meets the Tawny Orange color (i.e. the color of Pingalam) … Thus this figure is denoting the self-realization of what is there in the innermost core of Rudra who is also addressed as Krishna Pingala in Vedas …
- The term Krishna Pingalam is also related to the half-masculine and half-feminine deity of Vedas who is addressed as Ardhanarishwara …
- And the same Krishna Pingalam is also depicted as the union of blue colored Buddha Samantabhadra and the tawny-red colored state of Primordial Buddha Samantabhadri in some texts of Buddhism …
- And the middle part of the blue colored Ahum Naad and orange colored ALA Naad is where the non-lighted state (i.e. this is shown as a black color) meets the diamond white state … This is another representation of Ardhanarishwara (i.e. Vedic deity who is depicted as half masculine and half feminine or in other words, the union of masculine and feminine principles or the united condition of Shiva and Shakti) … The same union has also been stated as Vamadeva face of Sadashiva in some of the Vedic (or Nigama) and Agama texts …
- And when a later stage of evolutionary standing arrives where the non-lighted color (i.e. dark color of above painting) which is also present in the aspirants microcosm, gets absorbed into the non-lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (i.e. Shunyata), then this denotes a condition where the aspirants inner voidness becomes-one with the voidness itself … Then after this stage within the aspirants microcosm, the blue colored part of above painting directly merges to the diamond white part … This leads to a self realization where a form of Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara which is half-blue and half-white is seen in the third eye plexus (i.e. Ajna Chakra in the middle of brows) … This form of Ardhanarishwara which is present in the third eye plexus is also my Gurudeva who resides within my own microcosm …
- Continuing with above bullet point itself … As also, when the consciousness pot (i.e. white pot of lighted butter which is lying about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel area) rises up to the Ashtama Chakra (as is mentioned in one of the Mantras of chapter 10 of Atharvaveda) then during this rise the same form of Ardhanarishwara is also arrived within the physical vehicle … But this form of Ardhanarishwara is present in a slightly different way because the white light resides within the larger envelope of blue light … Within Tibetan Buddhism this is the stage which is depicted as union of the blue colored Buddha Samantabhadra and white colored Buddha Samantabhadri and where Bhadri is sitting on the lap of Bhadra as if in sexual union (but basis my own cognitions of this state, this is only symbolic of a union from the root i.e. the sexual organ till the brain) … This shall be discussed in a later topic of Raam Naad (i.e. sound of Raam) …
- And in certain lore’s which originated during the current divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga), the same Ardhanarishwara in his-her union of non-lighted (shown as dark colored orb in above figure) and diamond white lighted colors was termed as the unioned state of masculine principle (which is addressed as Purusha) and feminine principle (which is addressed as Prakriti) … And example of this fact is the Chinese Yin Yang symbol …
- Thus ultimately many knowledge systems relate to the figure of our current discussion …
Thus basis these discussions, the above figure is also denoting Ardhanarishwara in his-her formless state and that too in a fullness (or completeness) of what was stated as Krishna Pingalam in the Vedic lore … As such above figure is depicting the completeness of Ardhanarishwara i.e. half-masculine and half-feminine deity of Vedas, who itself was originally told to be the unioned condition of Shakti and Shiva …
CC … Stage of self realization of Path from Ahum to ALA …
Above figure is arrived when the astral body (or in other words, the subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira) exits out of Ahum Naad (i.e. sound of Ahum) and then begins entering into ALA Naad (i.e. sound of ALA) …
Thus this figure shows the middle state of blue colored Aghora face of Shiva and the bright reddish-orange colored Rudra (Rudra Deva is the rejuvenating aspect of Shiva and thus is told to be a wrathful deity because rejuvenation of something cannot ever happen prior destruction of the current thing or its flaws is completed) …
Rudra Deva self-manifests (i.e. spontaneously springs out) from the Aghora face of Sadashiva … And because Rudra Deva is self-manifested (or spontaneously manifested) out of Aghora face, so Rudra Deva also has no parent (Sire) …
The discussion continues …