This topic shall discuss the process of further cleansings of some other cave of heart … These heart caves are of cave of action, cave of mind, cave of inertia and they are also present in the cave of ether (i.e. cave of ether of heart) …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Yoga Agni … Fire of austerities” … This is the eighteenth part of this series of restricted topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Further cleansing of cave of action which is one of cave of heart (heart caves) …
The eternal guide told … “Now observe the cave of action and see, that, as of now, the channels which are present within the cave of action (Rajoguna Guha) have no impressions that are being driven by desires and thus they all are clear of impressions … However, even in this absence of impressions within them, the subtler desires can be seen to be passing through these channels and thus a cleansing of these channels is definitely needed so as to ensure that the attribute of action (Rajoguna) of the cave of ether of heart is restored to its pristine afflictionless state” …
The eternal guide told further … “The After cleansing, the cave of action shall not even have these channels that as of now are letting the subtle desires to pass through them … And thus, after that further cleansing, as and when these desires are unable to pass through the cave of action, then these desires shall stay at their cave of desires only, as these shall then be unable to propel themselves under such a nonness of availability of the cave of attribute of action, for them … And this state would further lead to their unseeding, which at a later stage of progress, would further lead to the desireless state of absorption (Nirbhava Samadhi)” …
And then the eternal guide caught the hand of the little student and pointed to the ether while saying … “We shall now go there again” …
The eternal guide and student again came back to the center of these caves of the womb of ether of heart and then they both sat within ether …
And then the guide said … “Cleanse all the channels and send these channels to the fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni) … Do this while using the same impression which was generated due to the earlier acts of cleansings” …
The little student again willed strongly, that all these visible and hidden channels and all their impressions, shall be swept to the ‘cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) and then the little student detached from suchness and non suchness of this thought and swept the cave of action so as to send these visible and hidden channels with their visible and invisible impressional states into the fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni) and that too, while utilizing the same impression which the eternal guide had told needs to be utilized for this cleansing …
The fire again grew very big and strong as the hidden and visible channels with all their visible and invisible impressions (Samskara) were lifted from the cave of action and then they entered into the cave of fire of austerities (or Sadhnagni or Yoga Agni Guha) … And then the student looked up to the divine face of the eternal guide …
The eternal guide did not say anything and kept looking at the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … And after a while pointed to the cave of action and said … “Now look at that ‘cave of fire of austerities (or or Tapagni or Yoga Agni Guha) as these visible and hidden channels with their visible and invisible impressions are also unseeded” …
The little student looked at the bright color which emerged from the cave of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) then there was an envelope of very bright light around the cave of fire of austerities (or Tejagni or Yoga Agni Guha) …
Then the little student looked at the guide and said … “This cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) is burning itself and by itself” …
The eternal guide motioned to keep quiet and told to keep looking …
The student saw the entire cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) engulfed in the fire, and it seemed as if the dark green colored walls of the cave of fire of austerities were melting into the same cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … The cave was melting and disintegrating now and fire was escaping out of the cave itself …
The little student looked again in shock at the eternal guide said … “Now it looks like that the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) is disintegrating” …
The eternal guide motioned to keep quiet and told the little student to keep studying the cave of fire of austerities …
The student again looked and after a while, the walls of the cave of fire of austerities were missing and these walls had already merged with the fire that was present within the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … And after a while, a layered fire with following layers from outside to inside emerged … Colorless non lightness, bright green, then blue, then red, orange , then yellow and then white, which as a whole was not even restricted by anything and was thus was not limited to its cave …
Further cleansings of the cave of mind and cave of inertia …
The eternal guide said … “Now do the same to the next and the next to next cave (or the Cave of mind or Manas Guha and the Cave of inertia i.e. Cave of Tamoguna) for each visible and invisible channel and their subtle paths (i.e. channels) so as to completely finish off these visible and invisible impressions and their channels … And utilize the same earlier impression so as to not generate any further cause and effect and simultaneously also effect its further multiple fruiting, so as to make it even subtler than what it now is” …
The little student again had a strong will for all visible and hidden channels of the cave of mind along with their visible and invisible impressions which were also present in them, to be cleansed and disintegrated by this cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … And then the student detached from allness and swept all of these into the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) and that too, whilst utilizing the same impression which the eternal guide had told about … And then the student looked up at the eternal guide again …
The eternal guide said … “Do the same for the cave of inertia (Tamoguna Guha) … fast” …
The little student then again had a strong will for all the visible and invisible channels and for visible and invisible impressions in the cave of inertia (Tamoguna Guha) which had to be cleansed and disintegrated by this cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … And then the little student again detached from allness of this thought and swept all of these to the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha), while utilizing the same impression which the eternal guide had said, is to be used for this … And then the little student again looked up at the eternal guide because to the surprise of the little student, the fire remained the same as it earlier was within its seven shades after the earlier sweeping of the cave of action …
The eternal guide said … “Keep looking and studying” …
The little student kept looking at the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … And after a short while, the cave had a very large sized fire and at that time, too many crackling sounds were heard as the unseeding of channels and impressions was effected … The visible and invisible channels, visible and invisible impressions which were stuck within all these visible and invisible channels and out of these channels, and also all the visible and invisible channels and impressions as were within each of the caves of the cave of ether and beyond, started entering into the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) in vast numbers and this state was as if all these were getting sucked into the cave of fire of austerities … Some of the channels also had impressions within then and these were now bursting like small firecrackers … All the caves that were present within the cave of ether of heart, were now letting go of all their channels (hidden and apparent) and impressional fields (hidden and visible), as attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) was present within all the caves, as also was attribute of action (Rajoguna) present within all the caves … All the channels that were created by impressions were also getting sucked into this cave of fire of austerities … And as all these were being sucked in, they even showed certain hidden and visible impressions … Then the little student saw that all of these were getting disintegrated within the same fire of the cave of austerities …
As the head of the students physical vehicle has started feeling very light, so the student asked the eternal guide … “Why is the physical vehicle feeling lighter that before” …
The eternal guide smiled and told to keep looking at the cave of fire of austerities or Yoga Agni Guha … And then told … “One has to travel light, if one has to travel beyond all that is beyond and into that pathless partless path (Brahmanpath) which as such is the primordially principal path and is also the last path that any microcosm has ever walked prior exiting out of entirety of allness and her each part” …
The student obeyed and kept observing …
While the student was looking at this cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha), the eternal guide said … “This is the true color of the cave of fire of austerities or Yoga Agni Guha” …
And then the eternal guide pointed to the cave of the macro-elemental fire (Agni Mahabhuta) and said … “That color is of the macro-elemental fire and it is much different from this cave of fire of austerities” …
The student saw and nodded in in affirmative, because the colors and their intensities were really different within these two caves which were of the cave of fire of austerities (Yoga Agni Guha) and the cave of macro-elemental fire (or the cave of Agni Mahabhoot) …
After the fire in the cave of austerities had subsided back to its normal levels, the eternal guide said … “Now we shall re-enter the cave of action (Rajoguna Guha) and see if only pure Rajas (or quality of action or Rajo Guna) is present within it i.e. see, if Rajas has been arrived at its primordial purity or not” …
Then the eternal guide smiled pointed one by one to all caves that were present in the cave of ether and said … “See, no channels, no impressions at all, except the one pure impression which remains within the cave of consciousness, after this act of cleansing is effected … Just as it now is … Already fully cleansed” …
The eternal guide continued further and said … “When the channels or paths for these impressions shall not remain, nothing could survive as an impression of this and/or that (which also includes, ‘not this and/or not that), within the entirety of the microcosmic consciousness, except of course the last impression (Antim Samskara) which as such shall remain as the proof of completion of all cleansings and thus is also as a proof of completion of unseeding of impressions (visible and invisible) and also their channels (visible and invisible)” …
While both the eternal guide and the student were walking to the cave of action, the little student asked … “Would this Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra also affect the normal course of macrocosmic flows” …
The eternal guide replied … “The impressions (Samskara) which are present inside the orb of consciousness (Chitta) of the aspirants bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) are also reflected within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness … Thus, when any aspirant cleanses his own cave of heart (heart caves), then the consciousness orb of causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) also gets cleansed (or unseeded) of its impressions … And since these impressions of the consciousness orb of the bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha) are also reflected within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness, so they are also simultaneously unseeded from the macrocosmic plane of consciousness, but this unseeding from the macrocosmic plane of consciousness, is only to the extent of those impressions which were present within the orb of consciousness of the causal body of that aspirant … And not of the entirety of impressions that are present within the same orbs of consciousness which are also present within every other animate microcosm” …
The eternal guide further replied … “So, what is asked by this one (little student) is not possible to be effected, when just one microcosm (aspirant) is doing this … But at the same time, when the first one does this, then the divinities of macrocosmic consciousness also come to know that someone is already present in some world of the macrocosm, and who knows the path of this cleansing … But these divinities cannot trace back to the aspirant after these cleansing are fully completed, as the impressions which as such are a link to know about that aspirants whereabouts within the macrocosm, are no longer present … Thus without a tracing path, nobody can trace that aspirant, unless that aspirant self declares his presence within the macrocosmic creation … These divinities just know someone is present somewhere, but they do not know that aspirants exact location within the macrocosmic creation because in absence of that aspirants impressions reflected within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (Brahmic Mahad Chitta), to trace that aspirants location, is an utter impossibility” …
The the eternal guide told further … “Thus, if only one aspirant is doing this cleansing within his (or her) own cave of ether of heart, then macrocosmic flows can never be affected … But when many shall undergo through the procedures of this topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, then it would definitely have an affect upon all those grosser impressional fields of the macrocosmic plane of consciousness … The reason for this affect is, that, all those impressions shall also disintegrate within the larger macrocosmic creation, which also has its own larger ‘cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … Thus when we do this within the cave of ether of heart, then because the ether within an aspirant (i.e. pot of ether or Ghatakash) is the same as the macrocosmic ether (Mahakash), so a corresponding effect is also there within the macrocosmic ether” …
The eternal guide further told … “But because not many can do this cleansing of impressional fields and their channels, so this topic of Hridayakasha Garbha, is only meant for a handful of aspirants, but even those tiny number of aspirants who successfully complete it, would definitely become seeds of future manifestation of subtlety, just as it needs to be within the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of sages) that is already standing at the doorway of this world system and is awaiting a ripeness and rightness of the cycle of time (Kaalchakra) so as to enter into this world … So, don’t worry about the macrocosmic creation, because eternal it was designed to be within the genius of Maker’s Makings and it shall also continue to remain exactly as it was designed to be … There is no microcosm who can ever interfere with the functioning of the macrocosmic creation” …
The little student understood what was told, but he still had some doubts, so he asked the venerable eternal guide … “So who will be the one who shall be able to do this and what is a Guru Yuga or Age of Sages?” …
The eternal guide replied … “That human golden age cycle (or Manav Satyuga), which runs within the much larger time spans of a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga, which has a time span of 432,000 years as per middle time units), is what a Guru Yuga means … As the name suggests, this Guru Yuga is an age of sages where highly evolve sages keep entering this world from all higher planes so as to ensure that righteousness and thus subtlety of ways of life are maintained during the entirety of time spans of that Guru Yuga … These entries of highly evolved sages also ensures that the Systems of Guru Yuga are also complied within the ways of life of humanity who would be resting in this world system, during that Guru Yuga (or Age of Sages)” …
The eternal guide continued … “During a Guru Yuga, five sages from each of the five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. five sages, one from each of the faces of Panch Mukha Sadashiva) descend to the world, but this entry of these sages is one by one and is separated by ‘2592 – 108 years (as per nadir time units of precession of equinoxes)’ and where this ‘one by one’ return back of all these Sages of Sadashiva is only to render a the necessary corrections that must be as per that stage of progress of the cycle of time, that relates to that Guru Yuga … This Guru Yuga shall have a time span of 10,368 years (as per nadir time units) which itself is a time span of 9,600 years (as per middle stage of unitary value of time as was utilized within all Vedic calculations of cycle of time, or Kaalchakra)” …
And then the eternal guide further told … “But the installer of the subtle foundation of ways of life as would be during that Guru Yuga (i.e. the installer of systems of Guru Yuga), would be a Sage from Maheshwara … He would be the one who would be installing this subtle foundation of the root ways of life, that would be there during the incoming Guru Yuga … This Guru Yuga would be seen to have initially manifested by the Gregorian year of 2028 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years … And fully manifested it shall be by the time this world reaches the year of 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- 27 years … This +/- 27 years, is due to the offset of Sri Krishna’s departure in 3102 BC” …
The eternal guide had a broad smile and said … “And now, regarding the query of who can can successfully complete this Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, well, all those aspirants who already are resting in a stage of ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing that itself is necessary to successfully complete this and thus they are those aspirants who have already arrived at their respective evolutionary real nextness that is a prerequisite to successfully pass through this path of Hridayakasha Garbha, are the only ones who would be able to successfully complete it … And this is why, this one (Little student) would need to state that this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, is a restricted topic of the text” …
Then after a certain walk, the eternal guide entered the cave of action with this little student and said … “This is the best cave of the microcosm, but only if it is well cleansed … And this is also the worst cave of the microcosm, if it is not cleansed well … And fully” …
Then the eternal guide pointed to the student and asked … “Does ‘this one’ now see any visible or invisible channels or even visible or invisible impressions within any of the caves as are within the ether of heart” …
The little student replied “No, all gone and clear … Across all that which is forward to aft … Port to starboard … Nadir to zenith … 0 to 360 degrees and 0001 to 2359 of the clock“…
The eternal guide said with a smile that was running from his ear to ear … “Let this tiny ship (pointing to the little student) get into revolutions full ahead and thus, from now onwards, this tiny ship (pointing to the little student) would sails within its eternal freedom from each thisness, thatness, not thisness and not thatness of all there ever is or could ever be as a macrocosmic creation” …
The student said “So, Now free … So, wow this exercise completed?” …
Then the eternal guide just continued … “This cave of action is the originator of Cave of Prana (or cave of vital airs) and where this origination also was within the purviews of the principle interdependent origination … And due to this reason, a fuller cleansing of this cave of action, has also effected a state of very high subtlety of Prana (or vital airs) and where that effected subtlety is even higher than this cave of action … And all this is even when the Five Prana (Panch Prana or five vital airs of the vital air sheath or Pranamaya Kosha) had only originated from this cave of action itself … This condition would also ensure quality of action eternally remains in its detachment to all that ever is and still the macrocosmic matrix is never short of action, within the eternity of its existence … As also that, this cave never ever interferes with any aspect of Prana, after the five Prana’s or five vital airs are already originated from this cave and this non interference is also due to the detachment that always remains within the attribute of action (Rajoguna) whose cave of heart, we are studying as of now” …
And then the venerable guide continued … “Only when the macrocosmic quality of action (Rajoguna) acts within its detached state, can action be omnipresent and omnipotent … Unless action is detached from individualities and individual corpuses that rest within allness, action can never be universal in its nature … And this state of quality of action (Rajo Guna) is of its pristine nature, which itself is its original primordial state … This is what makes the macrocosmic attribute of action to be none other than a universal entity … When the cave of action is cleansed, then the action within that cave is also restored back to its primordial state, which as such is as a universal entity … That aspirant whose cave of action has arrived to a perfectly cleansed state, can channel his (or her) action into the universe and thus get effected whatever he (or she) desires to get effected within the divine, subtle and gross (or earthly) realms … But success in this venture would only arrive if the aspirant rests in a sameness of state of action, i.e. being in oneness to allness and her each part, and yet detached from all that rests within allness … Or in other words, detached from individualities and individual corpuses that are residing within the allness of Makers Makings, and yet within a state of oneness to the entirety of Makersmakings” …
Then the eternal guide continued further and told … “Well, until this truth of innermost detachment of action and even when action seems to be apparently attached to all parts of allness, is self realized, then only would the aspirant who has brought action to its pristine non-channeled impressionless state, be able to re-arrive within this cave (i.e. after this cave of action has been cleansed) and still not be within sufferings … In any other case which is of absence of detached action, sufferings of vast nature would manifest for that aspirant after these cleansings are effected of the cave of action … Thus the cave of action can become a reason for supreme knowledge, supreme consciousness and supreme bliss after ensuring compliance to whatever is told here and the same cave of action can also become a reason for endless suffering, if what is told here is not complied … And this is what makes this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, as a highly restricted one within Kaliyuga, because within the divine degenerate age cycle, such aspirants who can comply to whatever is told here, are extremely rare … And due to this reason, this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha not meant for any aspirant, other than those very very few ones, who have already reached an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to undergo through the severely esoteric and thus restricted processes as are described in this entire topic (of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra)” …
The little student nodded of understanding …
The eternal guide said … “This is the cave which ensures an ever detachment within each state of action there is undergone by each microcosm and the parental cave of this cave is also there within the greater macrocosmic creation, which also ensures the same state is there within each microcosm and also within the greater macrocosm … This cave of action also ensures, that when enough of actions shall have been undergone by all begun microcosm’s, then enough paths shall have also manifested of the process of evolution … All paths of evolution are also relates to this cave of action, as without action, no evolution can ever take place of any microcosm and where this statement is irrespective of paths that any of these microcosm’s may believe in or relate to or follow during the courses of their evolutionary process … But at the same time, quality of action (Rajoguna) also maintains its detachment to all that ever is actioned by it and this is what ensures its non-concentrated and thus it’s non-individualistic state, which as such is the reason for its universal presence … Just as the macrocosmic creation is pluralistic yet monist, so is the quality of action also the same … Thus, unless the aspirant is based upon a sameness of his (or her) inner state, to the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ways of macrocosmic creation, that aspirant can never enter into the cave of womb of ether of heart” …
Then the eternal guide continued and said … “Thus, due to what was told earlier on, this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra is not meant for those aspirants, who relate to, or follow individualism (monotheism) of any sort, be it religious, economic (like capitalism), political, geographical, cultural, societal, geopolitical, textual (scriptural), color, creed, race, sex or anything else … And because macrocosmic creation also has her hierarchies of Varna and Gotra, so this topic is also not meant for those aspirants who have lost or do not relate to Varnashram and Gotra Parampara” …
The eternal guide further continued and told … “This was the reason why this one (little student) was given a profession which kept him free of all such nonsensical aspects and he as such has been a global citizen till the stage (or time) of passing through this text … And this is the reason, why this one (little student) has also never voted in his entire lifetime, because during elections, individualism runs rampant … So due to this requirement of being in freedom from individualism, he mostly was kept away and at sea (sailing at sea) and the other reason for this was that in the incoming Guru Yuga, the systems of governance would not be democratic, but would be of Monarchy … And since most of humanity of today is unfit to enter into this topic due to non compliance that is due to ‘not being’ away from all sorts of individualism, so this is also why this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra would remain as a restricted one, because not even a handful of aspirants would be able to comply to the requirement of absence of individualism, as is needed to enter into this topic and thence complete it successfully” …
The little student asked … “So, that means my profession was chosen by “That One (Eternal guide)” …
The eternal guide replied … “Yes and No … Yes because it is … No because there were too many divinities from across paths of evolution (faiths) were involved in this choice and where that choice was mostly related to the words of the all knowing ‘venerable guide of your last transmigrated incarnation (Gautama Buddha)’, where he had told that when ‘this one (little student)’ returns back to this gross (physical) realm for his ‘one last and final time’, then he shall traverse the seas with ease, without being known to anyone … Thus, this return back also had to be at that stage of time, when this traversing of seas with ease was possible and which as such was the primary reason for the profession of ‘This one (little student)’ … And this is why the divine controllers (Devi and Deva, Sages) of all places that ‘This one (little student)’ has been to, whilst sailing across the seven oceans and their parts, have always come by to meet him because they felt something strange about him, but didn’t know for sure, who ‘This one (little student)’ really was … This not knowing was because of the veiling envelope of Mahamaya, who as such is Avyakta and is also self expressed as the Nine Durga, Dus Mahavidya (ten great knowledge systems), Ashta Matrika (eight mothers), 64 Yogini, Panch Vidya (five divine knowledge divinities) and also the veil that was of caused by the Ashta Chandi of the area birth of ‘This one (little student)’ … They only let revealing of a minor part, which gave tingles to these divine controllers of places, but they never let a fuller revealing to take place and this is why to know who ‘This one (little student)’ really was, these divine controllers and sages of places that ‘This one (little student)’ has travelled all these years at sea, used to come and meet, so as to know who This one (little student) really was” …
Then the eternal guide continued … “And requirement of ensuring oneness to allness, was also one of the reasons, why ‘This one (little student)’ stayed as a bachelor and away from humanity, even when he continued within these highly individualistic and thus degenerate sounds of human civilizations of today … And the same was the reason that whilst sailing across the oceans, his sizes of ships were so large that they could not enter into most ports and thus ‘This one (little student)’ also mostly stayed at offshore ports, where contact with humanity of today was minimum and thus corruption which always comes from contact with the degenerate humanity of today, was also kept to a minimum, which as such is also a requirement for entering into and thence a successful completion of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … And many other esoteric paths, which would be discussed by us, but not written down or told by ‘This one (little student)’ … Amongst these restricted paths, as of now, only this path of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra would have to be written down and distributed as other paths are too esoteric and thus, for those paths, even an iota of present day human civilizations is not ready” …
The little student nodded in agreement, as what was told by the eternal guide was correct …
The eternal guide continued and said … “Paths of impressions and also the impressions which originate from this cave of action, are also related to earlier desires … Thus, desires are the source of everything … If the desires are subtler, i.e. the desires are related to oneness towards allness and her each part, then subtler impressions get manifested … And vice versa of this is also true” …
Then the eternal guide further told … “And since a maintenance of inner subtlety also stands paramount in arriving at evolutionary ripeness and rightness for entering into and thence the further stage of successful completion of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, so this was also the reason for keeping this one (little student) mostly away from the deviated sounds of individualistic humanity and their unrighteous civilizations and thus bring him to a ripeness and rightness to enter into this path (or Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra)” …
Parental states of cave of heart are within the macrocosmic creation …
The eternal guide said … “Parental states of all the caves and states that are present inside the microcosm of any aspirant, including these caves of heart, are also present in the macrocosmic creation … This is because , each microcosm is a self manifested microcosmic state of the macrocosmic creation … Thus was told In Yajurveda, as follows …
As is Microcosm So is Macrocosm, As if Macrocosm So is each microcosm
Then the eternal guide told … “And the same statement of Yajurveda, was also told in the much later Biblical lore, as follows …
As Above, So Below
Limitations of practicing Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
The eternal guide said … “The Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra can only be practiced by an aspirant, within his (or her) own microcosm and that too within the cave of womb of ether of heart … No aspirant can ever touch the greater and thus parental macrocosmic creation and due to this reason, whilst practicing Hridayakasha Garbha, the aspirant must only restrict himself (or herself) to the cave of ether of heart and not to the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) which as such is present within the macrocosmic creation” …
The eternal guide continued further and told … “The macrocosmic creation cannot even be touched by any microcosm (aspirant) thus all that the microcosm (aspirant) could do is to cleanse his (or her) own cave of heart and this itself is only within this cave of womb of ether of heart … As also is a matter of fact, that, this cleansing cannot be done within any of the caves of heart which are other than the cave of ether, because in such a state also, it becomes like interfering with the Makersmakings, which itself is not allowed … Hence all that a microcosm (aspirant) could do, is cleanse the cave of ether alone and not any of the other caves, which also are within the other parts of the same cave of heart (in which the cave of ether is present) … And this is why, ‘This one (little student)’ would neither be painting them nor describing them and it is due to this reason, that only the knowledge of Hridayakasha Garbha would be told to humanity … This is the limitation, that, ‘That one (eternal guide)’ places on this knowledge system, while it would be distributed in this degenerate age cycle, by this one (Little student)” …
The little student understood …
Observations from cave of action …
The eternal guide asked … “Ok, now speak as you see, where all is this action not residing within the cave of ether of the heart” …
The student said … “Only in the caves of wisdom, knowledge and consciousness … But within the cave of consciousness, this absence of action is visible only after the consciousness has attained to its impressionless state” …
Then the eternal guide said … “This is due to the fact, that these three states are subtler than action and thus these states pervade action, instead of action pervading these … When action does not have any paths within a cave, then that cave just arrives at its unity to wisdom, just as it originally was when the Maker had initially effected this supreme genius, which itself is as the Makers Makings … And this original afflictionless state of Maker’s Makings also denotes the afflictionless state of action, inertia, neutrality of wisdom, knowledge and consciousness” …
And then the eternal guide smiled and said … “From within this present condition of a cleansed state of the cave of action, tell where this cave leads to” …
The little student saw and said … “Cave of neutrality of wisdom” …
The eternal guide replied … “Yes, when all the divisive and thus destructive macrocosmic roads are let go (or detached), then in such a state, all roads first lead to the neutrality of wisdom … And then through the quality of wisdom, all the road further lead to the essence as the wise words, which itself are of the cave of neutrality of wisdom … When essence of the wise words is arrived at, then only is a realization that “all roads lead to the same home’ and thus that home is also the ‘one home there only is, for effecting the final absorptions’ prior any aspirant finally exits out of allness and her each part i.e. the aspirant attains to Kaivalya Moksha, which as such is the state of being in perfect, full, final and permanent isolation from all that is as Maker’s Makings and her each part” …
Then the eternal guide continued speaking and told … “As such, in that state of absence of any road within this cave of action (i.e. absence of any of the channels of impressions within the cave of action) one arrives at a state of closeness to that ‘one road there only is’ and which itself rests in its eternal union and thus is also leading to the ‘one home there only is’ … And this attainment of the ‘one home there only is’, itself is through that essence of wisdom i.e. there eventually is ‘nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be’, except to be as your own innermost essence (Atman), which at this stage, also is cognized as the essence of allness (Brahman) … This is the end result of the state of getting perfectly stationed within the wise words, because these wise words also denote the stage of attainment of perfection of detachment, which itself is from the entirety of allness and her each part … And within detachment from allness and her each part, which also are within each microcosm, only the innermost essence (Atman) is all that remains visible to (i.e. associated to) that aspirant, and where that innermost essence of aspirant, itself is the one that is self realized as the attributeless infinite essence of allness and her each part (I.e. Parabrahman) … This is what happens as the end result of compliance to and successful completion of this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
And then the eternal guide said … “Look at that cave of principles … Is action also present within the cave of subtle principles” …
The little student replied … “Yes, this action is within the cave of principles and in the state that it now is, this action is without the roads or channels even within the cave of principles” …
The eternal guide said … “The principles are propelled within the microcosm, where the three qualities also reside and thus the qualities and principles act in tandem upon each microcosm … This condition is applicable to each state of the begun macrocosm (i.e. cyclic existence or Samsara or macrocosmic matrix) … As also that, the corpus of microcosm’s which begin simultaneously during the commencement stage of Makers Makings, itself causes the beginning of the macrocosm and this is because of the fact, that as far as the begun state of macrocosm is concerned, it is nothing but the corpus of all microcosm’s that have begun within it … This means, that there is nothing like a begun state of macrocosm, because the begun state of macrocosm eventually is nothing but the corpus of al the smaller and larger microcosm’s that have begun within the genius of Maker’s Makings … Thus, in reality the multi-universe and all its part are all that is begun and each of these are a microcosm in the real sense of the term ‘microcosm’ … There is nothing like a begun macrocosm because within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings and even when it may not seem so, all that was begun, was naught but a microcosm of larger or lesser dimensional stature … The original macrocosm which as such is the eternal unbegun, has stayed the same in its original unbegun state and all that was begun was nothing but a microcosm” …
The eternal guide continued further … “The same macrocosm is also present inside each microcosm and in this state also, that macrocosm remains as the eternal unbegun … But within the microcosm, that macrocosm is in its original primordial subtle impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand) … Thus, even when the apparent begun macrocosm is within which every microcosm resides after the microcosm is begun within the Makersmakings, yet that same macrocosm in its original primordial subtle impressional state, is also present inside each microcosm (that has ever begun within the same Makersmakings) … So, when we come to see this fact, then we also know that the beginning of that macrocosm which is within and is also beyond the microcosm, is still in its original unbegun state and due to this reason, in reality of what any microcosm holds within itself, nothing has ever begun, even when it is apparent as begun in its state of microcosm and macrocosm” …
The the eternal guide continued and told … “And since there really is nothing like a begun macrocosm, so it is due to this reason, that Vedas state, that everything that you see as the macrocosm, is naught but an illusion created by the Maker, because there really is nothing like a macrocosm or microcosm … There really is nothing, because all that we see as begun in the form of a microcosm or the formless macrocosm, is naught but the dream of the Maker … And even when it really is so, yet all these apparently begun states of microcosm and macrocosm, are continually brought to their real nextness of progress (of self realization of this reality) by the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) which drives them, the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) which balances the actional drives and thus leads to stability and the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna) which as such is the final or end result of this balance between quality of action and the quality of inertia … These three attributes (Triguna) are also omnipresent within the entirety of macrocosmic creation and since omnipresence is one of the aspects of identifications of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm), so due to this reason, the self realized, all realized sages had told the statement for these three attributes, as follows …
Which means …
Three attributes are (of) the creator
And which also means …
The three attributes are the direct timeless self expressions of the creator
The eternal guide further said … “And thus, since these three attributes also relate to the primordial self expression of the creator of allness and it is from the primordial that everything gets originated and also since the primordial self expression is also timeless, which also denotes their eternity, and further since eternity itself is of the attributeless infinite being (or the Absolute being or Parambrahma), so due to this reason, above statement of the Vedic sages also means as …
Three attributes are the creator of allness
Then the eternal guide further told … “Thus, during those extremely ancient times, Vedic sages used to meditate on these three attributes (Triguna) to self realize that whom Vedas have addressed as Parambrahma (which means as the Absolute being)” …
The little student understood and thus he nodded in affirmative …
Then the eternal guide continued further and told … “After the action is cleansed of its impression and channels, there remains only one route from within action … This route leads only to neutrality of wisdom … And from within this singular route that remains present inside the cave of action, the end result is only as a self realization and then a further entry into the ‘one road there only is’ and which only leads to the stage of self-realization (i.e. realization of Atman) and where that aspirants self, itself is the self of all (Parabrahman) … And entry this road that leads to self realization, is also arrived after successful completion of the Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Back to ether again …
The eternal guide said … “Now we shall go back to ether and then from ether, again observe the other caves” …
Then the little student again held the large sized divine hand of his eternal guide as they both began walking and again arrived at the ether … The two sat in the subtle purple cloud like ether (i.e. sat in the center of ether) and began looking at the caves …
Then the eternal guide asked … “What now pervades all the caves that are present in ether?” …
The little student looked and said … “Neutral wisdom eventually pervades all” …
The eternal guide replied … “Yes, the utter neutrality of wisdom is the final pervader of all that is within the macrocosmic creation and the same neutrality of wisdom also is pervading this dark purple and serene ether where we are sitting on now” …
The little student asked … “What is the use of all this knowledge, as there are many caves here and to go into all these and then study them would not even be possible in one’s lifetime?” …
The eternal guide smiled and said … “There is no requirement to enter into all of these caves to study them, just the first sixteen are enough” …
The little student asked … “And what after we have gone and studied these first sixteen, what next?” …
The eternal guide said … “Prior any microcosm had even begun, the macrocosm that still was to be self originated from the original-primordial self expression of the creator, had already accepted to reside within the bondage of 24 aspects and thus bondage is what was arrived at, after it had its original desire to begin as a macrocosm and where that microcosm was also present within and beyond each microcosm that also was yet to begin at that time” …
The eternal guide further told … “These 24 were as the three qualities (Triguna), five macro elements (Panch Mahabhuta), one knowledge, one consciousness, five vital airs (or Panch Prana), five sub-vital airs (or Panch Upa Prana), mind (Manas), I’ness (Ahamkara), Am’ness (Asmita) and primordial nature (or the eternal darkness of Shunya)… As also the microcosm had accepted that these shall reside within the ether, that would also be present within their own caves of heart … As also, only 16 of these caves are actually there as primary within the cave of ether microcosm and only these sixteen need to be studied as the rest eight automatically are cleansed once these sixteen are arrived at their original purities … Of these sixteen, some we have already seen from within the cave of ether, some we shall see from here (from the point where the two were sitting in ether) and one aspect we shall have to see from within the Mind itself … But this one aspect would only be studied after its (i.e. mind) colorlessness is already realized … And when all this study is completed, then we shall again return back to the intersection of the 8th mega spheres of the two mega entities (i.e. Prakriti and Purusha)” …
The eternal guide continued further and told … “After completion of this Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, everything would have been detached, because ‘This one’s (little students)’ consciousness orb would already be impressionless (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chita) … And a perfect detachment from allness and her each part, would have already self manifested even when this one (little student) would continue to do something during the pending time span of his incarnation … But, after this stage of cleansing, there would never be a need to return back to the Maker’s Makings, except in those exceptional and extremely rare circumstances where such an aspirant, gets recalled from that state, which as such is beyond all that is considered or not considered as beyond … The time of return back of such an aspirant is beyond all imaginations and calculations and thus such ones are told as those, who would never return back … This is the end result of successful completion of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
The little student had a doubt, so he asked … “This means directly entering into the told state, or through some intermediary stages of progress?” …
The eternal guide held the tiny hand of little student, looked straight in the eye and said … “Directly is impossible, as some intermediary states would have to be there” …
The little student asked … “What are those intermediary states” …
The eternal guide said … “Too many” …
The little student wanted to know, so he asked … “Which ones?” …
The eternal guide said … “Too many … But when you write this text prior publishing it, just remember to keep the last path (Brahmpath) which would be told later on (by the eternal guide) as the start of the path of liberation (Muktimarg) and thus those aspirants who wish to proceed into the path of liberation (Mukti Marg), which as such is the last pathless partless path and which is also named as Brahmanpath, would know how the path proceeds” …
But this did not answer the immediate query of intermediate states, so the little student again asked … “Which would be those states?” …
The eternal guide said … “That last path is always walked alone and thus the one who walks it, is the one who knows it prior describing it … No other can ever describe it, because the last path is different for different aspirants … Thus, ‘This one’s (Little students)’ query shall have to be answered by him only and that too after walking the last path (Brahma Path) and thence going beyond, then beyond the beyond and then into that which is neither beyond, nor not beyond and yet it really is beyond all that is ever imagined or told or calculated, as beyond” …
The eternal student asked … “So that means the eternal guide doesn’t know about it or he doesn’t want to tell about it or both?” …
The eternal guide laughed and said … “That last path (Brahma Path) is always walked alone and thus the one who walks it, is the one who describes it … No other can ever describe it, because the last path is different for different aspirants … Depending upon the evolutionary standing when one walks the last path (Brahman Path), are the different sequences in which the intermediary states are passed through … So, even when all the states would be passed through, yet the sequences of their manifestations would be different for different aspirants because these sequences of self realizations of intermediary states of the last path are directly dependent upon the aspirants evolutionary standing of that time (when that aspirants passes through the past path) … Thus, when ‘This one (little student)’ passes through, then this one can provide that knowledge … And this itself is because of the fact, that the last path is always walked alone and in supreme freedom of all relationships, including to the entirety of Maker’s Makings … And also free to that, which is also beyond the Maker’s Makings … So, the aspirant who passes through, is the one who renders that path” …
The little student said … “Ohh, that should be a long distance away from the nowness of now” …
The eternal guide smiled and said … “Not so far after we complete the Hridayakasha Garbha … But remember, to walk alone and free from all that is as Makers Makings because then only can any aspirant go into that which is beyond all that is beyond … And should such an aspirant, desire to return back, then the only state where he (or she) can ever return back, is into the centrally placed colorless crystal like, self luminous, upwardly looking Ishana face of Sadashiva … That’s all that can be told to ‘This one (little student)’, as of now … Rest all is to be self realized and thence also distributed to humanity and that too in a language that humanity of today mostly understands … So due to this requirement that is placed by ‘That one (eternal guide)’ upon ‘This one (little student)’ the language of this text can only be English because this is the only language that majority of humanity of today, can understand … And this is even when, it actually is an afflicted language (Vikrit Bhasha) as far as its capability to render subtlety is concerned” …
The little student nodded in compliance … And thought … “I don’t know this language that well, so as to make it subtler in that writing … Anyway what can I do” …
The eternal guide said … “Ohh, it’s enough to write in a way that turns it subtler to a certain extent … And that subtlety is all that matters, even when this language is actually an afflicted language (Vikrit Bhasha)” …
The eternal guide then continued … “Prior to that stage of walking the last path, there remains no like or dislike” …
The little student nodded understanding but still asked to clarify a doubt … “Is this the reason why we are here, to let go of both the likes and dislikes?” …
The eternal guide pointed to the student and said … “Yes, and where that path is of detachment of allness and her each part, which also includes detachment from likes and dislikes” …
Then the little student further asked … “Will was used during cleansings of each of the caves and then the same will is detached to, prior this cleansing was effected … Does this detachment also also refer to that part of will force, which relates to like or dislike?” …
The eternal guide said … “In its inner nature, the will is neutral to any aspect it is projected unto … Irrespective of whether anything is liked or disliked, the will projected unto it is neutral to all suchness and non suchness, including of like or dislike” …
The little student asked … “Why do I mostly prefer to stay in isolation from the sounds of human civilizations … Is this a dislike for the world?” …
The eternal guide replied laughingly … “It’s not dislike, it’s just a natural detachment … Everyone has it during his (or her) last and final incarnation in any world that may be within any part of the entire macrocosmic creation” …
The little student asked … “Any world … How do you know?” …
The eternal guide replied laughingly and in sarcasm … “I exist in each microcosm … And as their eternal guide” …
Little student ignored this last statement, due to the sarcastic laughter of the eternal guide and he just kept quite while he kept looking at the divine face of his eternal guide …
Proceeding to the cave of mind …
The eternal guide said … “This completes the lecture on cave of action … So, now we shall go to the cave of mind, as some hidden impressions and channels also need to be taken care of, from there” …
The little student was confused and thus asked … “But these hidden channels are already unseeded during our earlier cleansings” …
The eternal guide said … “Is that so? … So, let us go and see this from the cave of action as there still are impressions which relate to the want of knowledge of this one (little student)” …
The little student knew that the eternal guide was telling the truth as the want of knowledge was still there … And pretty strong too … So its impressions could not have been unseeded as of now …
The eternal guide read the thoughts of his little student replied back … “Those impressions which relate to want of knowledge are also afflictions and these afflictions cannot even be unseeded until the consciousness has merged with the knowledge and then just one final impression (Last Impression) is all that remains within the consciousness orb, which at that time, would also be seen to be enveloped by knowledge” …
Then the eternal guide continued … “Then only is the further stage, where the last impression is also evicted out of the Shivarandra (secret crevice of Guru Shiva which is located at the real center of the top part of skull bones) … And when this impression exits out, then only is manifested the state, which was termed as Bodhichitta … This is the stage of being in absolute freedom from all impressions and all that relates to these impressions and thus this stage also denotes the absolute freedom from principles process, processes and laws of Makers Makings … But as of now, this state is still pretty far as too many intermediary stages are present in between the path of reaching it” …
Little student nodded in understanding, to which the eternal guide said … “Okay, let’s proceed to the cave of mind” …
Then the eternal guide again caught the tiny hand of little student and they both started walking towards the cave of mind, that was also existent within the same purple colored, womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha) …