XX … As far as Aghora and the first figure of this topic is concerned, below listed discussions are a fact … Here we shall discuss Aghora in relation to various other aspects from across lore’s, like Linga Sharira, Gyan Lingam, Blue Kachina, Emanation …
01 … Aghora is an emanation of Itself …
Aghora face of Sadashiva (and also every other face of Sadashiva) can neither be termed as begun nor as unbegun, neither manifested nor non-manifested and yet it is very much there within each aspirant and is also simultaneously present within the entirety of Maker’s Makings … Due to this reason, IT is only an emanation of ITself …
Basically there are no papa, no mama and no relatives of IT, because IT by Itself is the self-manifested, self-existent, self-present, self-sustaining one and who itself is the absolutely-independent one who has no root or base … This is because IT by Itself is its own base and simultaneously IT by itself is the solid-ground of allness and her each part …
Thus, Sadashiva by Itself is the Bhoomi, Bhooma and the Bhoomatva … This statement means that Sadashiva itself is the solid ground of allness in addition to being the one who roams that solid ground and also is the final-essence of that solid ground … Thus, Panch Mukha Sadashiva itself is the base of allness, the ones who rests within each part of allness and the essence of allness and her each part … It is due to this reason, Sadashiva has also been addressed as the Absolute being who denotes that which was discussed within an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
And since IT is present within allness and is simultaneously present within her each part, so IT also ensures an interdependence of each microcosm to each other and to allness itself and this is what ensures the sustenance of pluralistic-monism within the macrocosmic creation …
Within any aspirant, Aghora itself is the astral vehicle (which means as the subtle vehicle or the Sookshma Sharira) …
02 … After Ahum Naad is transited through by an aspirant then voidness (Shunyata) is all that remains … It eventually is from non lighted envelope of emptiness (or voidness) that the emanation actually happens …
03 … To Aghora is related the concept of Blue Kachina …
This discussion on Ahum Naad is also directly related to the Native American culture, where they address it as the “Blue Kachina (blue spirit being)” … Blue Kachina in a human form (i.e. attributed-form state or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the astral vehicle itself and the same Blue Kachina in an formless state (i.e. attributed-formless condition or Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) is the Ahum Naad of our discussion …
They even term the Blue Kachina as the 8th sign for renewal of cycle of times (Hopi prophecies) and this is told as the 8th sign due to its direct relation of the blue colored Ahum Naad to the blue colored Apra Prakriti (or the final sphere of Apra Prakriti) which itself is the 8th sphere of Mother nature … Thus it is due to this reason that Hopi’s have utilized the number 8 for their Blue Kachina prophecy …
This is also related to the eighth sphere of macrocosmic creation and this was also termed the final sphere of Apra Prakriti (here nature) in some ancient texts …
04 … Aghora is to which Guna Brahma and especially, Tamoguna relates …
Everything that we see as manifest nature is related to Aghora face of Shiva because the entire manifest macrocosmic creation has interdependently originated from Ahumkara (i.e. the Aghora face of Sadashiva) itself and thus the macrocosmic creation in her manifest state is none other than a by-product of macrocosmic I’ness …
Due to this reason the manifest macrocosmic creation (i.e. the manifested state of macrocosm) can even be termed as that which is “rooted in I’ness or Ahum Naad and thus she can even be called as “Mahat Ahumkarika Srishti” …
05 … Because the state of Ahum Naad is of very vast dimensional expanses, so Sound of Ahum also is one of the principal states of Vishvaroop Brahma (i.e. macrocosmic state of the creator, which as such is none other than the entirety of Maker’s Makings) …
This is the one of the five primary states of the Maker’s Makings …
06 … The first figure of the current topic (i.e. the earlier topic of Ahum Naad) also relates to the Vedic statement of “Guna Brahma” which means the three primary attributes are the Absolute … And this statement also means “a realization of and then a subtle analysis upon the three primary macrocosmic attributes is also an authentic path to the Absolute being” …
Ahum Naad (or Aghora) is primarily based upon macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and yet the other two attributes (of action and neutrality) are also emanating out of Aghora face itself … Since these were already discussed in earlier sections of this topic (of Aghora face of Shiva) so there really is no need to repeat then again here …
Since Aghora face is the one which holds all three attributes, so this statement (of Guna Brahma) is also related to Aghora of our current discussion …
07-A … Aghora is neither masculine nor feminine nor both or void of both …
In the finality of realization of Aghora face of Sadashiva (and also ever other face of Sadashiva), it is realized to be neither masculine, nor feminine nor is it neutral nor even void of these three aspects … In its finality, it is beyond all suchness because IT by ITself is the is the Supreme being …
07-B … I once signed-off from a smaller ship (Aframax tanker) at Australia and the person who came to pick me up was a clairvoyant (I knew this as soon as I looked at him for afar and whilst approaching the ships gangway ladder) …
And as I walked down the ships gangway (ladder which is for boarding and de-boarding a ship) he kept looking straight at the top of my head …
After our usual greetings, he suddenly asked me “Is reality (God) a man or woman? …
I just thought about this figure and the later stage of absorption of mind into “Sound of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad)” and also of many other experiences that were had over these decades and then replied, “How does it matter?” …
Even though he nodded in a half-agreement (probably because he had fixed pre-conceived notions like most of the inhabitants of this world also have) but we continued talking and agreed on many other subjects during the short journey which was to the closest international airport …
08 … Aghora is to whom concept of Linga Sharira and Rooh relates …
Linga means symbol …
Once the mind is merged to its own cause, there is no more Sssexing within the person …
By the word Sssex I mean, a “synergistic synchronous systemic exchange” …
This Sssexing is being undergone by everything that has ever begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings …
And the same Sssexing and/or its reciprocal which is abstinence, keeps continuing until the state where the mind is finally absorbed into its own primary cause i.e. Ahum Naad of our current discussion …
The figure of an earlier topic of Ahum Naad (as was shown at the beginning of this topic) also denotes a state which is just prior the mind is finally absorbed into its own primary macrocosmic cause (i.e. Ahum Naad) …
And once the mind becomes absorbed into its own cause, the effect is naught but of non-attachments to such aspects which relate to Sssexing and abstinence of any kind because both these are simultaneously detached by an aspirant whose mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) is already absorbed into its own macrocosmic primary cause (i.e. Ahum Naad) …
For this reason, the subtle body (or Astral body or Sookshma Sharira or the blue body of the earlier painting) is also referred to as the “Linga Sharira” +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ above paragraph …
+++ The term Linga Sharira means the symbolic body, as the term Linga primarily means the Sanskrit word of Lingam or symbol and this name was used for the subtle body because it is the symbolic state of the essence (Atman) of the aspirant …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … And this name of Linga Sharira is also due to the fact that the macrocosmic parent of the subtle body state is the “Aghora face of Sadashiva” (blue formless state that is painted above) who itself is “macrocosmic symbolic state of the Ever-Auspicious-All (i.e. Linga Awastha of Sadashiva)” … It is from this Linga Awastha (i.e. symbolic state) of Sadashiva, that the concept of Shivalingam (i.e. symbol of my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva) is arrived at because Aghora (as was shown in the earlier painting of this topic) is the union of non-lightness and lightness itself and it is primarily this union of lightness and non-lightness, that Aghora eventually denotes …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … And because Aghora is holding both the lightness and non-lightness (i.e. Shukla and Krishna Paksha or Awastha) of the macrocosmic creation within itself, so it also holds the knowledge of these two and it was also due to this reason, Aghora was told to be the bearer of “Gyan Shakti (or the pristine divinity of knowledge)” within the vast and diverse Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … And because Aghora is the bearer of the “Gyan Shakti (or the pristine divinity of knowledge)” so it was also told to be the “Gyan Lingam (i.e. a symbol of absolute-knowledge)” during those very-very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier transmigrated-incarnations within this world system itself and thus in those days all blue colored Shivalingam’s and also “half-blue and half-dark colored Shivalinga” were known as Gyan-Lingams (i.e. Jnana Lingams) only … But now this concept is already lost by humanity and ignorance of the real is primarily ruling the roost in almost all religions of today … Anyhow this is the divine degenerate age cycle so cannot expect much from it …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … As also this term Linga Sharira was utilized by sages to describe the astral body (i.e. Sookshma Sharira) also and this was also due to the fact that the astral vehicle is the subtle vehicle which has the subtle organ … But at the same time, after the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) and its main component (i.e. mind sheath or Manomaye Kosha) becomes absorbed into its own cause (i.e. Ahum Naad or Aghora) then there remains no more organ within the astral vehicle because of the fact that after this merger, the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) leaves its earlier state of attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) and then it enters into an attributed-formless state (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) and this latter state of attributed-formless has no organ like thing apparent in it …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … Jnana Lingams were never of a fully dark (black) colored stone as currently are told to be so because these Jnana Lingams always had half-blue and half-dark colors and their installations were also basis both halves Yajurveda (i.e. Krishna Yajurveda and Shukla Yajurveda) …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … But now since the correctness of this concept of Absolute-wisdom is already lost in this world, so some even term a black Shivling as Gyan Lingam which as such is absolutely incorrect because it only denotes (or symbolizes) half knowledge of non-lightness (i.e. Gyan of Krishna Awastha) and thus fails to account for the fuller divinity of knowledge (i.e. Gyan-Shakti) of Aghora, which also includes the knowledge of lightness (i.e. Gyan of Shukla Awastha) … Jnana Lingam are the rarest of Shivalingam’s …
09 … After roaming the macrocosmic creation and experiencing what needs to be experienced, the aspirant realizes that “all roads (systems or beliefs or faiths) eventually lead to the same home” for there is only one omnipresent truth (or Advaita or Absolute-non-dual truth or simply, Brahman) that permeates and envelopes all that ever is (i.e. pluralism of allness) and which itself is the rootless-root and the causeless-cause of all that is ever begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings …
It is due to this reason macrocosmic creation and her each part is based upon an intrinsic pluralism and yet is resting within an essential monism both of which were blessed unto the macrocosmic creation by virtue of the supreme genius of as is of the Maker’s Makings …
10 … Once after signing off from a ship of which I was the commander, I was waiting at an airport in southeast Asia for boarding the flight and was editing this topic of Ahum Naad) … An elderly Imam Sahab from an Asian country (I don’t wish to name that country and that Imam Sahab) came and sat beside me …
As soon as his sight went on the earlier shown figure of astral body (as shown in topic of Aghora face of Shiva) this set of topics, he told me “Beta (i.e. Son) the blue vehicle is the Rooh (i.e. the Soul, as it is called in Islamic texts)” … And then he asked me “from where did you get this painting?” … Even though I kept quiet, but I somehow believed that he told the truth because at that time his eyes and body language had that specific sparkle which denotes truth of his speech and feelings behind it … So this point is added in remembrance of that elderly Imam Sahab …