Above painting is the “Seat of Guru (i.e. Guru Sthanam)” … This is also addressed as Shivaloka (or the divine world of of Lord Shiva) …
Above figure describes the state which gets self realized after successfully transiting through all earlier topics … Thus I consider this state as higher than all previously discussed ones …
This topic is in continuation with the earlier topic of “Ardhanarishwara Sharira“, who can also addressed as an attributed-form state of the innermost essence or “Sagun Sakaar Atman” …
MM-2-A … Seat of Guru … Guru Sthanam … Shivaloka …
Above figure is denoting the divine formless seat of my Guru (Guru Sthanam) Ardhanarishwara, who also denotes the perfect union of the pristine divinity (Maa Shakti) and the divine being (Bhagwan Shiva) …
And due to it being the seat of my Guru, I also consider the state of this painting as the higher of all, in addition to being the one which has the capability to deliver the knowledge of all other divine states (i.e. all other divine worlds of ever other divine being) … I say this basis my own experience and not because of some textual knowledge …
This state is of a dark blue color (navy blue color) which has very strong silvery white lights moving within it … And as these silvery lights move within the blue envelope, they also lead to a sound which has a very high bass …
The entire state is surrounded by a non-lighted envelope as shown in above painting … This non lighted envelope is a very subtle state (of emptiness) and it is after travelling through this very subtle non-lighted envelope of voidness (or emptiness), that the above painted state gets self realized …
MM-2-B … Path to Seat of Guru … Guru Sthanam …
The path to this seat passes through Brahmaloka (i.e. pristine abode of the creator grandfather of allness) … Brahmaloka was already discussed in an earlier topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” …
Thus the path to the state of our current discussion only opens up after a successful completion of self realizations that have been discussed within the earlier topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Brahmaloka” … There is no other way to arrive at this seat of Guru …
MM-2-C … Entry into formless existence …
Prior to entering into the path to this seat of Guru, all earlier Siddha bodies that were accomplished till then, are already absorbed into their respective divine worlds i.e. all the earlier discussed Siddha Sharira (and also all those Siddha bodies which I have intentionally not discussed here) have to be non-dually absorbed into their respective divine worlds … Thus all earlier Siddha bodies have to be within their formless states prior to entering into the path of arrival at Guru Sthanam (i.e. Ardhanarishwara Loka or simply Shivaloka) as is being discussed here …
And only after above paragraph fructifies for an aspirant, does that aspirant’s Siddha body which relates to Guru Sthanam travel to the state of our discussion …
Due to this reason, the Siddha body which travels to this state is definitely the last Siddha body which has a human bodied existence after it rests in the state which is depicted by above painting …
And after transiting Brahmaloka (which is the same as Sadyojata face of Shiva), once the Siddha body of Ardhanarishwara enters into a self realization this discussed state of ours, then that Siddha body also merges to this state and becomes formless, just like the painted state itself is … And since the painted state is of Shivaloka, so it also becomes the base of a much later self realization of “Shivohum“, which also means as “Shiva Am I (or in other words, I Am Shiva)” …
And after attainment of a formless stage of the Ardhanarishwara Sharira (as discussed in previous topic), if any of the other Siddha Sharira of that aspirant travels to any of the other divine states (of that Siddha Sharira), then those Siddha Sharira also keep turning formless as they all also start merging to their respective divine principal states … This is the main importance of the state of our current discussion as it is the root or base of entering into a formless state of existence from your current state of existence which as such is of form …
Due to above all those aspirants who self realize the earlier discussed Ardhanarishwara Sharira (i.e. Siddha body which relates to Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara) and thence their Siddha body also merges to the above painted state, then such aspirants would lose their existence in form and thence enter into a formless state of their own existence … This loss of existence in form would be seen to be a fact soon after the de-incarnation of these aspirants … This is as such aspirants become formless soon after de-incarnation from that particular incarnation within which above stated discussed aspect was accomplished by them …
This is the importance of the state of our discussion as it also denotes the end of existence of an aspirant within a human form (i.e. an attributed-form or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) and this shall be proved by that aspirant to himself (or herself), but only after that aspirant de-incarnates from his (or her) incarnation where this discussion is accomplished by him (or her) …
MM-2-D … Self manifestation of all sorts of formless Siddha bodies …
Once the Brahmaloka is crossed over and thence the state of our current discussion is arrived at and then the Siddha body which relates to the state of our discussion also merges to this discussed divine state, then all earlier Siddha bodies which we had discussed till now (and also those which I have intentionally not discussed in this text) would also begin merging to their respective states and then they would also become arrived at a formless existence …
This leads to all sorts of Nirakaar Siddha Sharira (i.e. formless Siddha bodies) of that aspirant to get self manifested within all the principal, primary, parental and primordial states of the Maker’s Makings …
This state where all other Siddha bodies also become formless could be termed as a ripple effect that manifests within all Siddha bodies of that aspirant and which eventually makes all these Siddha bodies (of such an aspirant) to also start turning formless whilst they all are still residing within their respective divine states …
Thus this discussed state is the last state of existence within a form because of the fact that such an aspirant reaches a formless state of existence … Such aspirants are not found in their earlier form and this is because after accomplishing that which is discussed here, they only exist as formless entities …
This turning formless (or entering into formless existence) could be described as a drop of water uniting to the ocean and thence that drop of water becoming the ocean itself … This is as that water droplet (microcosm) it loses its own drop consciousness due to entering into the state of being ocean consciousness (macrocosmic consciousness) itself …
And yet such aspirants continue to hold abilities to self manifest in a human form (i.e. return back to a human form) whenever needed by them or by the macrocosmic creation so as to do certain specific jobs and thus, this return back to a human bodied form is only to the extent of doing certain jobs whilst holding a human form and once these formless aspirants have done those specific jobs (for which they had returned back into a human form) then they again go back (or return back) to their own natural formless states …
MM-2-E … Relationship of Guru Sthanam across paths …
The same state is also related to many other aspects and this state is also variously described in different texts … Some of these are as follows …
- Macrocosmic plane of mind (Brahmic Manas Kaya) when viewed from other side (or back side) of the figure which was described in an earlier topic of “Aghora face of Sadashiva” … Thus this painted state is that which is to the left undisclosed side of the figure of Aghora face of Shiva as was shown in a much earlier topic …
- Plane of eternal union of Shakti and Shiva i.e. the Shakti Shiva Loka …
- The formless seat of Guru …
- The divine world of Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara …
- And since Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara is none other than the attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the innermost essence (i.e. Atman), so due to this reason the state of our current discussion can also be termed as macrocosmic formless seat of Atman (i.e. innermost essence of aspirant) of all that ever is or could ever be …
- I also call this as the eternal seat of my Param-Guru and Ishta Deva, Bhagwan Shiva …
- I also call this as the eternal seat of my Param-Gurudevi and Ishta Devi, Ma Shakti …
- And I also call this as the seat of eternal union of my Param-Guru and Ishta Deva, Bhagwan Shiva and my Param-Gurudevi and Ishta Devi, Ma Shakti i.e. Shivaloka …
- Eternal seat of my Guru i.e. Guru Sthanam …
- In one of the Upanishads (which is published by Gayatri Parivaar) the same state is also told to be the world of my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sri Bhagwan Vishnu i.e. they term it as Vishnuloka …
- Due to the same divine state being Shivaloka and Vishnuloka, so I also consider this state as the divine world of Bhagwan Harihara i.e. Harihara Loka …
- This is also the seat of self realization of the fact that eventually “Gurudevi (or Maa Shakti) is Gurudeva (Bhagwan Shiva) and Gurudeva is Gurudevi” who within their eternal non dual union have been termed as Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara in Vedic lore …
MM-2-F … Seat of Guru in relation to Aghora and Sadyojata …
As discussed earlier, the painted state is on the left side of the painted sketch which was shown in an earlier topic of “Aghora face (of Sadashiva)” and is arrived at when the subtle vehicle tries to return back from the other side (left side) to the state where the blue body is shown to be standing in the painted sketch of the subject earlier topic (i.e. Aghora face of Shiva) …
Thus when the subtler travelling vehicle returns back from the diamond white colored Sadyojata face, to its earlier state (where the blue vehicle is shown in the painted sketch of Aghora face of Sadashiva then the state of the current topic gets self realized at their intersections …
Thus the painted sketch is depicting the condition which is in between the diamond white colored “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” and deep blue colored “Aghora face of Sadashiva” … In between these two faces of Sadashiva, is this divine world of our current discussion, which as such is the supreme-seat of my Guru Shiva-Shakti i.e. Ardhanarishwara …
As also, since Aghora is the southern face of Sadashiva and Sadyojata is the western face of Sadashiva, so the state of our discussion should be located on the South-Western side of Sadashiva … But this state of our discussion, is located towards the northern face of Bhagwan Sadashiva, which is also addressed as Vamadeva face of Sadashiva because the grey colored light (i.e. Dhoomra Varanam) of Vamadeva is the primary one in this state …
This painted sketch also depicts eternal condition of non dual union of Shakti and Shiva (i.e. Shakti Shiva Yoga) on a macrocosmic level … This non dual union of Shakti and Shiva (i.e. Shiva Shakti Yoga) is always present within the macrocosmic creation and this union also denotes the eternal presence of Ardhanarishwara on a macrocosmic level in addition to being present inside each aspirant (i.e. as a Siddha body which we had discussed as Ardhanarishwara Sharira in the previous topic) …
Thus basis above, that which is present within any aspirant, is only present due to the presence of its macrocosmic greater counterpart, within the macrocosmic creation …
That’s all …