This topic shall discuss the fact about the statement of “Inter convertibility of allness” and thus discuss the fact about Inter convertibility of matter and energy, which leads to a final self realization of the statement “I am the Universe (i.e. I Am Universe)” in its energy form and also within its matter form …
This topic continues from the previous one “Light, energy and Kundalini Shakti” …
80-AA … Inter convertibility of matter and energy …
Universe in its original state and as it as was prior to manifestation of gross microcosm’s, was nothing but energy …
That energy accumulated and got condensed so as to form matter and mattered states of vast numbers and types … Thus the root of matter is energy and this is the base fact about the universe and its each smaller microcosm (including the human microcosm) …
And as matter evolves, it keeps turning inwardly subtler and which in turn leads to that same matter qualifying to enter into subtler modes of existences …
It is also due to same fact that as we evolve we reach such an ever higher inner subtlety and when our own inner subtlety reaches a state which is beyond the subtlety bandwidth of this physical plane of existence (in which we currently live) then we also become unsuitable to reside within a grosser state of existence (like this one) and thus in such a case, we also remain with no choice but to enter into subtler modes of existences (i.e. enter into beyond modes of existence) …
Each plane has its own subtlety bandwidth which also has a subtler range (i.e. upper and lower aspects of subtlety bandwidth) … As long as our inner subtlety is resting within this subtlety bandwidth (i.e. range of uppermost and lowermost subtlety bandwidth) of a plane, we continue within that plane of existence …
And during the evolutionary course of our existence, when our own “inner subtlety” gets beyond the subtlety range of a plane of existence, then we also remain with no choice but to move beyond that plane of existence and thus enter into that plane of existence where our own inner subtlety can be accommodated within that planes subtlety bandwidth range … This is the process of evolution of all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
And the path of this evolution is only leading to the final state where we shall only be existent as the pristine divinity (original energy) from which all manifest (or in other words, Apra Prakriti), non manifest (or in other words, Para Prakriti) and “neither manifest nor non manifest (i.e. Avyakta)” parts of allness of Maker’s Makings were originated …
Thus basis above, in our utter originality we were energy and in our ultimate finality also we are nothing but that same energy itself …
This also proves that if we see something dissoluted, then that dissolution also is not de-incarnation (or un-manifestation or death) of that thing because it actually is naught but a transformation of the state of that earlier entity into its originality i.e. pristine energy form … This pristine energy is what was termed as Maa Adi Parashakti (or Pristine divinity) in Vedic and Yogic lore’s …
Proceeding further …
When this original energy (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) who herself is the pristine divinity of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (Who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Brahman) started originating the original subtle state of microcosm’s, then she desired herself to be many … Due to this desire, many is what she eventually became … This is also told through a Vedic statement as was discussed earlier and is also written below …
Which means …
I am one, but yet I desired to be many and thus many I eventually became
Due to above reason, the macrocosmic creation which started originating out of the same pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (who in Vedic scriptures is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) also became based rooted in an intrinsic pluralism (i.e. Bahuvaad) and yet was rooted within the essential monism (Advaita) … And due to this reason, everything else was also rooted in the same way of life (of pluralistic monism) even when they did not know it to be such …
And as times progressed, the original energy (or pristine divinity or Maa Adi Parashakti) kept transforming herself into ever more number of different subtler states which led to origination of vast number of these subtle states …
And as these vast numbers of subtler states started merging to each other, they also started getting gross (as they were merging in their individualities and individualities are grosser states only) … This led to origination of vast types and numbers of microcosm which were different from each other and thus the macrocosmic creation in her gross (or physical or manifested) state also became based upon pluralism … And yet since the root of all these originated microcosm’s was the same pristine divinity of the Absolute being, so these originated states were also resting in an essential monism as far as their root of origination and existence was concerned …
Thus it was energy which turned into matter … This proves the inter convertibility of matter and energy …
And as matter evolves, it keeps adopting an ever higher inner subtlety which itself leads to a state where evolutionary process is only moving towards the same pristine energy which was as the root of allness …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis above is a fact that matter and energy are interconvertible and this fact can be very easily self realized within beyond divinities of the same Maker’s Makings and when the consciousness travels to those beyond states (during meditations which are related to the inward ways of life or paths) …
If modern science reaches this stage (this would be impossible as long as science still utilizes instruments made of or are related to gross or manifested states of matter) then science shall also be a path of liberation of each microcosm …
Such spiritual scientists (metaphysical scientists) who had known allness, her each part , the eternal unity of all parts of allness to each other and to allness and this itself was in addition to self realization of the fact of “Atman is Brahman” and also were knower’s of those pristine paths of evolution, were the ones who have been addressed as Rishi’s in Vedas …
And their states were also based upon the same fact which was discussed in an earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized” …
Unless this way of research becomes a part of modern science, modern science and scientific community can never be those who could assist humanity towards their evolution and thence towards the exit out of allness (i.e. final liberation) …
And as a matter of fact, that science which does not lead to the finality (or exit out of allness and her each part i.e. a final liberation) as is discussed here, is not an authentic evolutionary path … And due to being such, that science is naught but a path of future regression of inner and outer environment of each inhabitant of that world (where such an incomplete science rests) …
Thus unless science knows those subtle paths of inter convertibility of matter and energy, science is naught but a regressive one and this fact shall be seen in the longer run of time when the inner and outer environments (i.e. one’s own inner divinity and outer divinity of the outer environment) shall be getting polluted due to progress of science in those ways that are not related to this discussion …
80-BB … Everything has a mass …
Since matter is originated out of energy and since matter has a mass, so the same fact should also apply to its own parental state of energy also …
As also, since light is also energy only, so a photon should also have a mass …
There can never be a case, where there is something mass-less within the Maker’s Makings, because the root of everything is energy, which definitely has a mass … And even if this mass is a very minor one, it is definitely there because the mass-less (energy) can never lead to origination of matter, which itself has a mass …
All laws which apply to matter, also apply to parental state of matter i.e. energy … But all laws which apply to the parental energy, may not be applying to matter which as such is a derivative (or child) of energy and which gets originated after energy gets compressed into a mattered state (due to vast quantum’s of macrocosmic energies acting at a single point, the energies of that point get compressed and form subtle matter and if the subtle matter gets further compressed, then only does it lead to origination of mattered states) …
Above difference is because not all of the pristine energy is resting in the macrocosmic creation as beyond the macrocosmic creation, that pristine energy also exists less its mattered part and where that pristine energy is no more governed by the principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings …
This in a nutshell, following is a fact about all that is a part of Maker’s Makings …
Everything has a mass, including light Rashmi) as light is also an energy only
The laws which apply to child like state of matter also apply to parental energy … And this is also due to the fact that there can never be two sets of principles, two sets of process and two sets of laws acting on two different states which are resting within the same Maker’s Makings … And even when this statement is absolutely true, yet all principles, process and laws which act on subtler mattered states do not act on gross matter directly (as they act indirectly through the parental subtleties of gross matter) and thus in such a case, when we end up observing only the gross part of matter, then some of these principles, process and laws may seem to be not relating to gross matter, even when they definitely act on the subtler components which are held by gross matter also) …
And the same applies to pristine energy which is out of and within the macrocosmic creation …
These principles, process and laws are only related to the macrocosmic creation, as beyond the macrocosm only pristine energy exists and that too in her perfect non dual union to the Supreme being and where this union is less the union of these two which also happens within gross and subtle matter …
80-CC … If it has a mass, then it also has a macrocosmic displacement …
Basis above discussions, irrespective of how much subtle or gross an entity may be, it has a mass and thus it is also leading to a displacement of the macrocosmic ocean from the place where that entity currently rests …
And as that entity moves, it keeps displacing the macrocosmic ocean at all the points of its line of travel …
And as point of displacement keeps shifting during the travel of any entity across the macrocosmic ocean, the void that is created at the earlier point is also filled in by the surrounding energies, which could not even have been filled in, if energy was not having a mass which was equal to the mass of the moving gross entity …
And had it not been so, then such a situation would only be leading to an ever permanency of imbalance within the macrocosmic creation, if the earlier displacement by the entity is not the same as the later displacement by energy which comes in to fill in that apparent vacuum that gets caused when that entity (or celestial body) moves to another location within the vast matrix of the begun macrocosm …
But because the energy fields are too subtle and thus are spread out, so the same volume (and mass) of energy cannot balance the vacuum cause by movements of a grosser body in space …
This filling in of the energy fields is through the highly compressed (very dense or highly condensed) non-lighted energy fields which we have termed as inert matter (which in other words, has also been termed as inertial mass) in this text …
Had these highly condensed, non lighted inertial masses not been there, then an ever imbalance of the universe would have been a common affair and thus in such a case, there also would have been no theory of physics applicable to the universe because these theories would have continuously changed (I mean changed by the ever changeful moment of time) …
And yet the balance never happens fully and permanently because the universal system is so dynamic that it never lets a permanence of balance to get arrived within any microcosm that rests within its envelope …
As are the principles applicable to any grosser entity, so are they also applicable to its original subtler counterpart which permeates the grosser entity and this applicability continues as long as that counterpart rests anywhere within the vast matrix of the begun macrocosm … And the vice versa of this is also true …
This is also how the macrocosmic creation maintains her absolutely essential-monism and where this essential monism is even when the macrocosmic creation and all her individual parts are only based upon their apparent (superficial) and yet an intrinsic every changeful and thus an eternally non constant pluralism …
80-DD … Four self expressions of the Attributeless infinite being or Brahman …
Within those subtleties of beyond, it is also self realized that allness itself is a self expressed, self manifested and self present state of the same attributeless infinite being who pervades and envelopes its own self expressed allness …
Thus basis this is a self realization of the four primary self expressed conditions of the attributeless infinite Absolute being and where the united conditions of these four “itself are the entirety of Maker’s Makings” …
Everything is based within any of these four listed manifestations of the “attributeless-infinite Absolute (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar)” who due to its attributeless nature is hierarchy-less, soundless and thus nameless, aspectless and thus vibrationless and yet is the self luminous one who illumines everything and yet stays hidden (because the attributeless infinite being is only as a perfectly detached, eternal witness of allness) …
- 1st … Sagun Sakaar Awastha … This term means as a state that is based within an Attributed Form condition …
- 2nd … Sagun Nirakaar … This term means as a state that is based within an Attributed Formless condition …
- 3rd … Sagun Nirgun Sakaar … This term means as a state that is based within an Attributed Attributeless Form (Neutral form) …
- 4th … Sagun Nirgun Nirakaar … This term means as a state that is based within an Attributed Attributeless Formless (or Neutral formless) …
The Sagun Nirgun, which means attributed-attributeless and which is stated above is of a diamond white color and this state denotes the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … This also is a macro-equanimous union of 1st and 2nd conditions as have been listed above … And this state denotes “perfect equanimity towards allness and her each part (i.e. a state of macro-equanimity which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Sarva Samta) …
But above 2nd also includes voidness (emptiness) … This is because of the fact that within its (i.e. voidness) independence to the attributeless being (Brahman) that is stated below, the voidness is also found to be an attributed formless state only (i.e. voidness cannot be infinite in its nature if it is independent from Brahman) …
And that final state of voidness which is infinite in its nature … This unioned condition of zero and infinity is termed as Shunya Brahman or that Zero which is infinite and that infinite which itself is none other than the zero only … This state can thus be termed as a condition of “Shunya Anantah, and which simultaneously also is self realized as a condition of Anant Shunya, i.e. a condition that is realized as that of the Zero Infinite, and which simultaneously also is self realized as a condition of Infinite Zero” …
And Brahman is the pervader and enveloper of all above …
Proceeding further …
It is from within this state of union of “zero-infinite and infinite-zero” that everything is originated as this state itself is the original self expression of the attributeless infinite absolute being (or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) … It also is within the same “Zero Infinite which is also self realized as the condition of infinite Zero” that entire the macrocosmic creation also rests along with all her hierarchies …
And to this ever-same “zero-infinite and infinite-zero” that each begun microcosm is also en-route because this is where the original divinity or pristine energy (Maa Adi Parashakti) also rests … And this statement is applicable to all microcosm and irrespective of whether they are inanimate, animate, supra-animate (this includes Godly systems also) or supra-inanimate (i.e. Gods of all paths) …
And since everything (i.e. entire macrocosmic creation) is eventually originated from and is also resting within this state, so the mass of this state is the one which can be told to be “equal to the mass of entirety of macrocosmic creation” …
All above discussed states have a mass and thus they also lead to a macrocosmic displacement which is equal to their mass … So Archimedes principle is also applicable to allness, but only until Shunya Brahman (i.e. Shunya Ananta who itself itself is the one that later on is self realized as the Anant Shunya) …
- Brahman … The numberless 5th … And the numberless yet written as 5th here, is the only state which does not hold a mass, due to it not being involved with anything (i.e. it is perfectly-detached) that is macrocosmic or microcosmic and yet each microcosm holds this numberless 5th as its own “innermost essence (Atman)” and simultaneously this ever-same numberless 5th is also the “essence of allness (Brahman)” which envelopes the entirety of allness and each part … Due to it not holding any mass, this numberless-fifth also cannot take part in any of the plays of allness or the parts of allness and thus is only found to be an “eternally silent witness” of all that ever is as Maker’s Makings …
This is the Nirgun Nirakaar (Attributeless infinite) of Vedas … This is a colorless state, which only witnesses all others, as it neither does anything nor does it not-do anything … This is also the innermost essence (or Atman) of each aspirant and due to this reason, in Vedic lore Atman is also stated to be an eternal witness (even when Atman rests within each aspirant) … This is the God within you and the entire corpus of your own gross and subtle bodies itself is its kingdom …
This is the only state which has no principle, no process, no center or centered entity and thus no laws applicable to it …
This denotes the Absolute state of monism and thus the essential monism which is found of the macrocosmic creation, actually is of this state only and this fact is even when that monism may seem to be of the macrocosmic creation …
This numberless 5th is the realizable yet indescribable, knowable yet beyond words of acquired or inherited knowledge, directly cognizable yet beyond all descriptions, omnipresent yet beyond the scopes and ranges of imaginations and visualizations of the mind, every powerful yet beyond Prana (here Prana means macrocosmic vitality or energy) and yet Prana are found to be unioned to IT, even when IT is not unioned to Prana … This is the perfectly-isolated, absolutely-detached, supreme-hermit, who is only as the eternal witness of all that ever is begun, unbegun, neither begun nor unbegun and all that ever is within and beyond these three aspects …
This numberless 5th is the Absolute Sage in whom all self-realized, all-realized Sages eventually rest as “neither liberated, nor non-liberated (bound), nor even being within and beyond the scopes of these two terms … Such ones are even liberated from the words “liberation and bondage” and all that these two words stands for in their intermediary states (i.e. heavens of egoistic Gods) …
This is the state of the supreme-hermit (Param Sanyasi) who itself is that who rests within its own fullness of hermithood (Poorna Sanyasi), who is also addressed as Parabrahman, Nirgun Nirakaar, Brahman, Brahm, Parambrahma, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and also as Brahm by the Brahmin’s … And is also addressed as Parashiva and Paramshiva of Shaivas … And this itself is the Paramatman and Sriman Naaraayana of Vaishnavas … This also is as Shakti, Adi-Shakti, Adi Parashakti and Parashakti of Shakta’s … And Parmeshwari and Parmeshvara of Ishwarvadi … All these and other names which refer to the same Supreme being, are also denoting the same supreme-hermit i.e. the numberless 5th of our current discussion … This is the Ishana face of Sadashiva …
- And finally … All that is macrocosmic or microcosmic part of Maker’s Makings is only resting within a state that is either a permutation and/or is a combination of any of the first 4 types that are stated above …
As also, except the numberless 5th (i.e. Brahman), the four listed states are interconvertible …
Proceeding further …
Thus unless these veils of the “first four” are broken past (i.e. evolved over or gone past) the as aspirant only stays within the inter-convertibility that is being discussed here …
And until the aspirant stays in inter-convertibility, the evolutionary process which leads to entry into an ever higher (or subtler) state of existence (or heaven) continues …
Thus basis above, unless this topics discussions are evolved over, neither can the numberless 5th be arrived at not can that aspirant be fully, permanently and finally liberated (i.e. such an aspirant cannot enter into that which was told as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedas) …
Proceeding further …
And that aspirant who stays within these four also does not know the finality of knowledge-conscious-activity principles of Maker’s Makings … And due to this ignorance such an aspirant also does not know the innermost meanings of the Vedic statements as written below …
- Chetan Brahma … Which means, “Consciousness is supreme” …
- Gyan Brahma (or Jnana Brahma) … Which means, “Knowledge is supreme” …
- Prana Brahma … Which means “Vitality or vital airs or vital-energy is supreme” …
- And in their unioned states, they denote Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in simple words, means as the golden womb of macrocosmic creation) … Hiranyagarbha of Vedic lore itself is the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva of Shaiva Lore’s … And Tatpurusha itself is the one who is addressed as Maheshwara, which means as the Great Lord and which eventually means as the Supreme Lord or simply, Ishvara) … Hiranyagarbha itself is the one who is addressed as “Karya Brahma, which means detached activity is supreme” … Detached activity means that activity which is done for benefit of all sentient beings (and not just for yourself) …
80-EE … I Am the Universe …
This is the final knowledge from deeper study of inter convertibility of matter and energy …
As was discussed earlier, the Maker’s Makings are naught but a self expressed, self manifested and self present state of the Maker … Due to this reason, is the following fact …
Maker’s Makings are none other than the macrocosmic state of Maker
And since the process of Maker’s Makings is also an intrinsic part of the Maker’s self expression only, so below written statement is also a fact …
Process of Maker’s Makings is none other than the Maker as the process itself
And since the Maker’s self expression is an eternal one, so below written statement is also a fact …
Maker’s Makings and their process are as eternal as the Maker itself is
Thus due to above reasons if any aspirant would try to decipher …
- The beginning of Maker’s Makings, then that aspirant would only reach a timeless eternity …
- The end of Maker’s Makings, then also that aspirant would only reach a fathomless eternity …
- And since eternity which is arrived at by above two paths, is a realizable yet an undefined state, so due to this reason, the origin and end of Maker’s Makings have never been defined and this is even when one may know the condition of these two …
Proceeding further …
As also since the knowledge-conscious-activity principles are inherently present within the Maker’s Makings and her each microcosm (i.e. right from a universe till the smallest atom) so due to this reason that the Makings of Maker also are “as conscious, as knowledgeable, as active and as divine” as the Maker IT’self is within IT’s own self adopted attributed formless state, which itself is as the macrocosmic creation and also as IT’s own attributed-form state, which itself is as each microcosm …
Above leads to the self realization of following facts about one’s own existence …
- Just like any cell of your body is the same you and that too within your own tiny (microscopic or human bodied) state, so are you in relation to the universe within whose envelopes you exist …
- Just like each cell of your body is ultimately resting within you and is as your own intrinsic partless-part, so is your relation to the universe in whose envelopes you live …
- And as is the cellular divinity (or energy) your own divinity (or energy), so is your divinity, the divinity of the universe …
- As is the universe a self expression of the Absolute being, so are you … This is due to the fact that the same universe in its subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) also resting within you …
Thus basis all above, are the following facts …
- You are the universe in a microcosmic state …
- And you yourself shall be the same universe once you evolve to self realize this fact about yourself i.e. after you know the allness of Maker’s Makings within whose envelopes you live and which in its subtle impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) is also present within you, then this is the stage of walking the path of knowing the essence of the statement “I am universe” …
- Thus the same universe within whose envelopes you reside, itself is the universe which is eternally present within your microcosm …
- Thus if you corrupt your environment (i.e. nature out of you), then eventually your inner environment would also get corrupted if you do not take the path that is necessary to restore your outer environment within whose envelopes your physical vehicle lives … And vice versa of this statement is also true …
Proceeding further …
That knowledge which does not relate to above listed aspects, eventually leads to that stage of progress (evolution) which eventually would be known as a regression only …
And such a knowledge which leads to self realization of the fact that “you are the universe in which you live” can never be based upon individualistic aspects because it eventually relates to the “eternal timeless oneness of you to the universe … And vice versa” …
Such knowledge only rests within the finality of thought (and self realization) as is stated in the header of the sub part of this discussion “I Am Universe” and Universe is “I Am” …
When such an aspirant would say I Am (which in some ancient texts of Samskrit lore’s, was also told by the statement of Ahum Asmi) then he would only mean the universe, which he (or she) has already known himself (or herself) to be …
Thus is the actual non duality of macrocosm to microcosm and all microcosm’s to each other … They all are only found to be one and the same universe …
This realization of “I am the universe” is the ultimate state of Brahmand Dharana (or one’s own inner oneness towards allness and her each part) … And this is also a timeless path to enter into Brahmand Yoga (i.e. union to allness and her each part) …
And all this also relates to an earlier topic which had the header of “You are what you have self realized” …
Proceeding even further …
The path of knowing the omnipresent attributeless infinite Absolute Being (who in Vedic and some other Sanskrit scriptures is also addressed as Brahman) is through self realization of the universe …
The better of all paths for self realization of the universe, is to know it within your own microcosm (as the universe is eternally present within your microcosm) …
Thus even the path of self realization of the Supreme being, is through the path of self realization of that which we have told as “I am the universe” …
Until science relates to this fact, humanity can literally forget that stage where science becomes a path of evolution and thence as a path of end of your existence itself (i.e. science cannot ever become a path of final liberation, until the statement “I am the universe” is self realized through scientific means) …
80-FF … Applying all above to knowledge of time … Kaal Gyan and Kaalchakra …
The divine controller of time is Bhagwan Mahakaal (Mahakaal is one of the vast number of aspects of Lord Shiva) …
The divinity of time is Maa Mahakaali (Shakti) …
Knowledge of union these two is Kaal Gyan (or Knowledge of time) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) …
Within the aspirant’s physical vehicle the knowledge of an eternally unioned state of these two, is arrived through the path of Shakti Shiva Yoga (or union of Shakti and Shiva, whose sound is of Raam Naad, which in Sanskrit texts is the one that is called as the Shiva Taraka Naad) and once this path completes, then these two are also found to be eternally unioned to each other within the aspirants microcosm itself … This is what leads to self realization of Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who is also present inside the aspirants physical vehicle and he-she is resting within the third eye plexus in addition to being as Ardhanarishwara Sharira …
Ardhanarishwara who is present within an aspirants third eye chakra, itself is the Sagun Atman (or attributed state of the Atman of the aspirant) … These self realizations are also possible to be arrived at through the knowledge of Kaalchakra …
Thus the aspirant who holds the complete knowledge of time (Kaal Gyan) and eternal cycles of time (Kaalchakra) is naught but the one who comes in the purviews of header of this topic which was stated as “You are what you have self realized” …
Such an aspirant is bearer of the divinities which can lead to change of a human age cycle to the next one and this is even when that change is not even due within the parental cycle as is of divine ages …
And thus, one such aspirant is always recalled back by Bhagwan Mahakaal (i.e. the lord of time or simply the Great Time or eternity) and It’s own Great divinity (who as such is addressed as Maa Mahakaali) … This recall of such an aspirant in a gross (or lower) world system is always there whenever the Sandhikaal (which in English language can be told as the intermediary time) is arrived at i.e. that stage of progress of time, when one age cycle is to about to end and then the next age cycle is about to start …
There has never been a time when one such aspirant was not recalled back to a world which was already resting within the phase of Sandhikaal (i.e. intermediary time span between any two age cycles) and where this recall of that aspirant was only to lay down solid foundation of knowledge of those systems and ways of life, which would become applicable during the incoming (or the next) age cycle …
And last but not the least … I am not the one who is referred within these discussions … So don’t misinterpret this topic … I only wrote, what I know …
And it is also due to this inter convertibility which relates to all that ever is or could ever be, that as per the demands of an incoming cycle of time (i.e. an incoming human or divine age cycle) the ways of life of the earlier age cycle also change (as per those demands of the next age cycle) … Thus this inter convertibility is also related to ways of life or paths of evolution or modes of spiritual progress …
Continues …