This topic is discuss an experience regarding something that relates to existence Rudra across lore’s and especially with respect to the words Allah, Khuda, Khuda Tala and Allah Tala of Islam and thus prove that as far as the deity of Rudra is concerned, this deity is actually present across many lore’s … And thus refer to the Vedic statement of “Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti” or “Truth is one but sages call it by different names” …
MM-1 … Khuda, Khuda Tala, are other names of Rudra Of Vedas …
Once whilst walking on a street of Dubai (My ship was at Dubai Drydocks at that time was undergoing scheduled maintenance and repairs) an elderly man just came running to me and said “I was waiting for you … My granddaughter wants to meet you” as she is dying …
I was totally shocked at this, but couldn’t refuse him as his expressions seemed pretty genuine … So I decided to go with him …
On the way he told me that his granddaughter had sent him and she had told him about my looks, my clothes and also the time when I shall be passing the place where he had caught up with me … It was definitely not normal, but he still seemed genuine, so I continued silently with him …
Then we reached the place where his granddaughter was and as soon as I opened the door, she saluted back to my salute and immediately in a very shallow waving voice, asked me … “Is Khuda Tala genuinely there?” …
I didn’t know how to explain her in briefest possible way, as she was not in a very good condition … Plus she was already dying as per what her grandfather had told me …
So I told her to repeat and to that she immediately said, “You have to answer this question, as I was told by such and such angel (I forgot the name of that angel), that only you know the answer” …
So I told her “Yes” …
But she was not yet satisfied …
Thus I expanded the earlier statement by saying that “Allah Tala (of Islam)” is also the unborn (i.e. Aja) yet self-manifested (Swayambhu) Rudra Deva (of Vedas) and he is also the Primordial Buddha ALA (In Buddhism) … He is also addressed as Red Kachina by the native Americans (Hopi and others) …
He is also worshiped in many religions that were present in this world since a very long time, but they call him by different names and yet he is the same one whom they all have been worshiping … And he is also my Gurupita (Father-Guide, Guiding-Father) …
And since he is the self-manifested one (i.e. Swayambhu), so he also has no parent (Sire) or relationships …
And I further expanded … The sound of Allah is endless and is heard like “ Aaaaaaaa…La… Aaaaaaaa…La continuously” … This is how you shall hear it when you get stationed at his heavens, so remember this please …
Allah Tala is also the genderless one and is also beyond genders and hierarchies because of his incomparable nature …
And I continued … He is as much within you as he is within the macrocosmic creation …
And I completed by telling … Allah Tala (of Islam) who is also Rudra Deva (of Vedas) and is also the one “who ever was, ever is and shall ever be” so don’t have any doubt’s on his existence because the eternal is ever present across the three times (i.e. entire unimaginable past, the ever changeful present and the unfathomable future) …
And then she smiled faintly, caught my hand … Closed her eyes … To never open them again …
I didn’t know what to do at this point, so I kissed her forehead, walked out of that room ………… And straightaway went back on the ship …
It was sad day … But I also felt happy that she had smiled prior she left her temporary incarnated frame (probably to proceed to “That” who as such is “beyond all that is ever considered as beyond” i.e. Allah of Islam, who also is Buddha ALA and who itself is addressed as Rudra within the much-much earlier knowledge of Vedas) …
But that is not all that happened … And yet above was all I could have ever written here …
MM-2 … Truth is one, but sages call it by different names … Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti
There is a statement in Vedic lore which goes thus …
Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti
Truth is one but sages call it by different names (and walk to IT, but by different paths)
Rudra who itself is present across many lore’s of today, is a perfect example of applicability of above stated fact …