Here we shall discuss the aspects of Kaal Gyan (knowledge of time) and its holder who was also addressed as Pramiti or the one the holder of Kaalastra (or Kalastra or Weapon of time) and who acts on behalf of Mother Nature … He may even be a Bramhavadhuta i.e. An Avadhoot from the time he enters that world and who himself is the Avadhoot of that Brahmand (i.e. the higher of all sages of that universe) …
This topic is in continuity to the previous one of “Dimensions of Milky Way” …
- Kaal means time …
- Gyan (or Jnana) means knowledge …
- So “Kaal Gyan” means “knowledge of time” … And it includes the knowledge of eternally moving cycle of time (which means as the knowledge of the eternally moving wheel of time or simply, Kaalchakra) …
- Knowledge of time (or Kaal Gyan) is eventually of the mathematics of the creator (see mathematics of universe) …
34-AA … Knowledge of time includes knowledge of cycles of time (Kaalchakra) …
Since time is also cyclic, so knowledge of time (Kaal Jnana or Kaal Gyan) also includes the knowledge of cycles of time (Kaalchakra) as these cycles are also as eternal as the finality of time (eternity) itself is …
And since eternity itself is incalculable due to its timeless fathomless nature, so during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings, no aspirant (Yogi or Sage or any other aspirant) has ever been able to determine (or calculate or know) the entirety of cyclic historical time span of the macrocosmic creation … And this fact is especially applicable for that time span which was prior to the stage when the current Brahma (the present creator) had begun re-creating the entire multi-universe from that nothingness (Shunya Tattva) which was of it at that stage or time when the multi-universe was existing in its Mahapralaya (Great dissolution) … Mahapralaya or Great Dissolution is the state after the entire macrocosmic creation dissoluted when the then Brahma completes his destined lifetime (as the creator of that universe) … As Brahma exits out of his duty of being the creator, the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation enters into the stage of great dissolution (Mahapralaya) …
After Mahapralaya, the fully dissoluted multi-universe begins to rest within the vast fathomless envelopes of Sriman Naaraayana itself and where Sriman Naaraayana is as Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero which is infinite and simultaneously where Infinite which itself is Zero or in other words, Shunya Anantah, which simultaneously also is self realized as Anant Shunyah) … Shunya Brahman is also that which my revered Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (Gautama Buddha was the Gurudeva of my previous transmigrated incarnation) … Gurudeva had named the same Shunya Brahman as Shunyata (which as of today is loosely translated as voidness or emptiness and which actually means as that void which is full and that full which being attributeless, is also simultaneously apparent as Sarva Shunya or in other words, a state of condition that is apparent as voidness of allness and which in Sanskrit Lore is also called as Shunya and also as Shunya Tattva) …
Proceeding further …
As a matter of fact, there have been countless Brahma’s (i.e. countless creators) of the same macrocosm till now …
And since each creator recreates the same multi-universal macrocosmic creation from its earlier state of dissolution and which itself is through his own derived mathematical equations, so up to now there have also been countless cycles of originations, temporary existence and dissolutions of this macrocosmic creation …
The present creator (Brahma) like every previous creator has only recreated this multi-universal macrocosmic creation and there have also been countless Brahmas and countless re-dissolutions and re-originations of this multi-universal macrocosmic creation during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings …
So state the Vedas that the macrocosmic creation (and her each part, i.e. each microcosm) is also as eternal as the eternal being (Brahman) and this is even when the macrocosmic creation (and her each part) is only having a existence which is naught but cyclic in nature … These cycles of existence of allness and her each part (i.e. macrocosm and microcosm respectively) have been continuing ever since those timeless incalculable times of past and they shall also continue until the endless fathomless future times … Thus basis this, the macrocosmic creation is also as eternal as the being there only is (i.e. Absolute being) …
As also is a fact that to know the number of times that the multi-universes have already dissoluted and then re-originated during the entirety of cyclic history of the Maker’s Makings, is an utter impossibility because there really is no science or method to know the number of states (or cycles) of anything that was prior to the earlier great dissolution (Maha Pralaya) of the multi-universe …
Proceeding further …
And since the knowledge of cycles of time is from where the entire knowledge of time span of the present Brahma and his macrocosmic creation (which itself is the largest time span that can be correctly calculated) can be attained, so the path of Kaal Gyan (i.e. path of knowledge of time) is also passing through the path of knowledge of cycles of time (i.e. Kaalchakra Vijyan) …
It is from this knowledge that the mathematics of present creator (and creation process) can also be attained (or understood) and thence appreciated by an aspirant …
34-BB … Knowledge of time and its significance … Pramiti …
Holder of (and the bearer of) knowledge of time, can also be a sage who is Pramiti … But for being Pramiti, that sage also needs to be the bearer of Kaalastra (i.e. the weapon of time) …
Mathematics is the primary knowledge of the universe as the creator (Brahma) had used his own mathematics to originate the present universe out of nothingness that was prior to this stage (of re-origination of the universe) …
Thus Mathematics also happens to be the primordial and primary knowledge to understand the origin, existence, dissolution and operations of Maker’s Makings and this itself is in addition to understanding the principles (Siddhant), process (Tantra) and laws (Nyaya) of the same Maker’s Makings (which in Sanskrit texts is termed as Brahmand and which actually means as a macrocosmic self expression of the Maker or Vishvaroop Brahma) …
All physics, astronomy, astrophysics, astrology, medicine, alchemy etc., are also rooted in the same knowledge of creation of the creator, whose base itself was of mathematics …
Due to above reasons, the knowledge of creator’s divine mathematics (or Brahma’s mathematics) is also the base knowledge of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
And yet to explain everything is also an utter impossibility for any aspirant due to the vast scopes of this knowledge of time (Kaal Gyan) and also due to the intrinsic limitations of a fuller distribution of this knowledge of time …
34-CC … Consequences of time as a weapon of Mother Nature …
Time is a weapon of Mother Nature and she never shares this weapon with any of the egoistic Gods (i.e. individualistic Gods or monotheistic Gods or Abhimani Devata) …
Thus when she utilizes this weapon to do anything, then all egoistic Gods have no power to control its effects … Thus at such a stage of time, either these egoistic Gods amend their knowledge systems to make them apt to the incoming times or they perish (i.e. they leave the world) as there remains no third choice after Maa Prakriti (or in other words, Mother Nature) has already used weapon of time (Kaalastra or Kalastra or Kaal Astra) …
And since Mother Nature never shares this weapon of time or its knowledge with any of these egoistic Gods, so none of these individualistic (monotheistic) and thus egoistic Gods hold either the knowledge or control over this weapon of time … And it is also due to this reason, when Mother Nature has already begun using her weapon of time, then none of these egoistic Gods can ever counteract its effects …
As also, since this utilization of weapon of time is a cyclic process, as Mother Nature always uses it during change of an age cycle and since the egoistic Gods know about this aspect (of Mother Nature using this weapon during stages of change of age cycles) so all systems of these egoistic Gods have always had one or another theory (and prophecy) of end time (or even an end of time) … This is because these egoistic Gods already know that in the end of a particular age cycle, when Mother Nature would begin using her weapon of time, then they (i.e. egoistic Gods) would have to succumb due to their nonness of knowledge of and control over this weapon of time …
Proceeding further …
Mother Nature is naught but a macrocosmic and microcosmic self manifested state of the ever-same pristine divinity i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti, of the ever-same absolute-divine being (Paramshiva, who itself is another name of the same Absolute whom the Vedas have addressed as Brahman) …
Maa Adi Parashakti is also addressed as Maa Adi Shakti, Maa Shakti, Maa Durga, Maa Parvati, Maa Maha Lakshmi, Maa Maha Saraswati, Devi Maa, Maa Mahakaali etc. … All these Devi’s (divine mothers) are also extensions of the same Maa Adi Parashakti and thus they all are equated to the same pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) within various knowledge and paths of Sanatan Dharma (Aka. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Aborigine or native knowledge systems) …
Mother nature only shares this knowledge of time with very few of her highly evolved children … By highly evolved children I mean those highly evolved sages who know the limitations of disclosure and limitations of applications of this knowledge of time (Kaal Gyan) including of its eternal unbroken and thus continuous cycles (Kaalchakra) …
And one of such sages is the ones who get’s chosen by Mother Nature (actually the primordial divinity of Mother Nature, who as such is addressed as Maa Mahakaali) and is made to enter a world during the “commencement stage” of the “last phase” of change of the then underway human age cycle, to an incoming state of time which is leading to the inauguration phase of the “age of sages (which in this text is also addressed as a Guru Yuga)” on that world …
That sage who comes by only stays as a little student of Supreme being (who in Sanskrit lore’s is also addressed as Parambrahma) and it’s own pristine divinity (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Maa Shakti and also as Maa Adi Parashakti … She was also addressed as Maa Brahmini during those extremely ancient and already forgotten times) …
And since that sage only comes by due to the call of the divinity of time and its time cycles, thus that sage also happens to be the chosen instrument of Bhagwan Mahakaal Shiva (i.e. Lord Shiva as Great time or supreme time or innermost eternal aspect of time) and of Maa Mahakaali (i.e. pristine divinity of the great time or simply the eternity of divinity of great time or Bhagwan Mahakaal) …
Such a sage who enters a world never discloses that which has never been disclosed and/or that which is not to be disclosed as far as the knowledge of time is concerned …
34-DD … Knowledge of time and Pramiti …
Those sages who held knowledge of time and its cycles, space and its cycles, directions and their cycles and state and their cycles were also those ones who during very ancient times were addressed as Pramiti …
Thus, the knower of Kaal Gyan is also addressed as Pramiti …
Vedic term “Pramiti” “also” means “knower of time and its cyclic nature” and Pramiti also means “a forward moving knowledge” …
Pramiti can thus utilize the inherent divinities of time to bring about the change as is necessary to be brought in the world …
But at the same time, a sage cannot even be termed as Pramiti unless he holds that knowledge which is attained through a direct cognition of allness and her each part and thus he also holds a direct knowledge of the mathematics of universe, which itself is through the knowledge of time …
As discussed earlier, the knowledge of time is the primary knowledge of the Maker’s Makings … And as far as the entirety of macrocosmic creation is concerned, the root of this knowledge lies in divine mathematics which the creator had utilized to re-originate the current multi-universe … And since he holds this knowledge, so he also knows how to utilize ways which leads to manifestation of a state where the universal divinities (i.e. Absolute consciousness, knowledge of allness and pristine activity principles of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation) also begin entering the world where that Pramiti resides at that time … And since the multi-universal macrocosmic creation or macrocosm is rooted in pluralistic monism itself, so Pramiti also becomes the bearer and also an installer of an intrinsically pluralistic and yet a way of life that is essentially monist i.e. Any advent of an aspirant who holds those accomplishments (i.e. Siddhi) that makes him or her a Pramiti, would always lead to the world returning back to Sanatan Dharma … Thus after advent of a Pramiti and after that Pramiti becomes ready to commence his work, individualism of every type always reaches its final end in that world …
So since during those very ancient times, this knowledge was also termed as primary knowledge of the universe or primary universal wisdom …
That sage who had directly cognized this knowledge and thus he (or she) was a direct holder of it, was the one who was addressed as Pramiti during those extremely ancient and thus already forgotten times …
34-EE … Pramiti and Sriman Naaraayana …
Sriman Naaraayana is my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) … He is also the eternal guide of every true aspirant …
Within every Brahma Kalpa (i.e. every single day time of Brahma, which has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years, as per middle time units), my eternal guide (i.e. Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana) is also the first Peethadheeshwar (i.e. first teacher) of Chatur Aamnaya Peetha … By Aamnaya Peetha I mean all four Vyasa Peetha or the four seats of Vedic learning or four Vedic monastery) and Chatur Aamnaya Dhaam (four primary Vedic temples) …
Within Sriman Naaraayana (Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) the multi-universe rests after the Mahapralaya (Great dissolution) has already taken place …
It is from this state of Mahapralaya of the multi-universe and thence the universe begins resting within Sriman Naaraayana, that a new Brahma (i.e. new creator) takes over and re-originates that same universe again, but through a different set of mathematical rules as compared to the previous Brahma’s of the same multi-universe … In this state of Mahapralaya, Sriman Naaraayana is in his own primary state of being “Shunya Brahman” …
Unless a sage knows Sriman Naaraayana in his own primary state as “Shunya Brahman … Shunya Brahman means, that which is as the Zero Infinite and which simultaneously is also self realized as the Infinite Zero)” within whom the dissoluted multi-universe rests prior to its re-origination by a newer Brahma, that Sage cannot ever be deemed to be the knower of allness and her each part and thus he cannot even be termed as Pramiti …
Thus to be a Pramiti of a time span, the sage should also be the one who has directly cognized (i.e. known through self realization) Sriman Naaraayana in his beyond macrocosmic state and within whom the multi-universe exists after a Mahapralaya …
Unless this knowledge is held by a Sage, he cannot ever attain to the status of being the Pramiti of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
And such a sage cannot even be termed as Brahmavdhoot … The term Brahmavdhoot means an aspirant who is an Avadhoot from birth due to being an of Brahmand or entire macrocosmic creation …
In one universe, there can never be more than one Brahmavdhoot at any single time … This is a fact of those times when that Brahmavdhoot returns back to an incarnated state … But this return is only to do specific jobs and thus until such specific jobs are there, that Brahmavdhoot never returns back in an incarnated state … And where that incarnation is also attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (because a Brahmavdhoot cannot take a regular birth i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother) … In Sanskrit language, the same transmigration of soul is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
When any Brahmavadhoot (or Bramhavadhuta) returns back to a world so as to do very specific jobs, then he also is an Avadhoot from birth in that world …
Proceeding further …
To be addressed as one who has attained the status of being the Pramiti, that Sage should have also accomplished Sadashiva Pradakshina and this is in addition to accomplishment of (or Siddhi of) the 8th plexus (or Ashtama Chakra) …
Thus, the sage who has attained the status of Pramiti is also the one who is blessed by following deities …
- Pancha Mukha Sadashiva … The same Pancha Mukha Shiva is also addressed as Pancha Mukha Shiva … And the same Panch Mukha Shiva is also the one who in Panch Brahma Upanishad has been addressed as Panch Brahma …
- Above also denotes Sriman Naaraayana and Bhagwan Vishvakarman … So that sage also has their blessings …
- As also blessings of Pitamah Brahma Ji and of Adi Parashakti …
- If needed by Mother Nature, he by himself can act as weapon of time (Kaalastra) for Mother Nature … But in such a case that Kaalastra (i.e. the Sage who has attained to the aspects of being a Pramiti) would be used by Mother Nature herself … But this is only after that sage has already been placed upon the world i.e. the world where that sage is to be used by Mother Nature (i.e. Maa Prakriti) and as her weapon of time (or Kaalastra) …
And once Mother Nature uses him as Kaalastra in that universe, then he would also directly enter into Shunya Brahman (i.e. Sriman Naaraayana of Vedic lore or Bhagwan Sadashiva of Siddha-Yogic and Vedic lore’s, who itself is Bhagwan Vishvakarman of the Vedic lore) …
Such a sage is the one about whom texts of Sanatan Dharma state in various ways … One such statement is told in Bhagavad Gita as …
Vir Bhogya Vasundhara
Which means …
Only the brave (spiritually valiant, courageous) reap the universe
And so shall that sage also do after he has already been used as “weapon of time (or Kaalastra)” of Maa Prakriti …
And once that sage (who has attained to the accomplishments of being a Pramiti) has already been placed upon the world and thence he is ready to be used as Kaalastra (i.e. a weapon of time) by Maa Prakriti herself, then as times would progress, clear subtle roar of Vedas shall begin getting heard within the entire multi-universal macrocosm … At prior to this time, a low humming like sound of M (i.e. Makar which itself denotes the Vedic Trinity) that in Yoga Tantra is also addressed as the sound of Brahmari Pranayama and also as the Brahmanaad (primordial sound of of allness of the Maker’s Makings) would also be heard from the sun by some aspirants … And eventually, some selected aspirants (i.e. some chosen and highly evolved aspirants) would also begin seeing a human like form inside the Sun of this planetary system (i.e. Surya Loka) … This human like form that gets visible to some aspirants inside the sun, is a proof that Pramiti has arrived to that world and he is also active in his job and thus this also means that the then underway age cycle, is already being turned to the next one …
When some of the chosen inhabitants this world would hear above roar, then they must now that the discussed sage has already been used as a weapon of time (Kaalastra) by Mother Nature herself …
And also know the foremost fact, that he was the one whom Vedas had addressed as a Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. a Yogi King), who was Sri Vishnu Swaroop (i.e. human manifestation of a portion of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) and he was also addressed as King Pramiti in the first Satyuga, of the 1st age of Manu (i.e. Manvantara) as was of the current day time of creator (i.e. Brahma Kalpa) …
Continues …