Kaalchakra is an Ancient knowledge (or ancient science) which directly relates to many streams of modern knowledge (or modern science) … Thus many scientific values of today can be derived through the science of Kaalchakra … But in this set of about 150 to 200 topics (on Kaalchakra), I shall only be deriving a few sample values and that too with an intention to prove the applicability of this science of time (or Kaalchakra) across modern scientific streams (or paths) …
This topic is continuing from the previous one which has the header of “Base of Kaalchakra” …
During those very-very ancient times that are well beyond the scopes of modern historians and scientific community, these cycles of precession were named as Agragaman Chakra (or in other words, Ahaata Chakra) …
The entire knowledge of macro-cosmology and macro-speciology is rooted upon the calculations that relate to this knowledge … Thus to calculate the exact value of “yearly change of precession” is the most important as this itself is the base on which further progress of this topic depends …
And since the entire macrocosmic creation is a very dynamic entity, so the exact rates of change of this value at various reference points of precession, are also very important or else the entire calculations would be go haywire … Thus this is very important discussion of Kaalchakra … In this discussion, we shall be calculating the exact timeline of this planets axial precession cycle …
2-AA … Loss of this ancient knowledge of time and the current degenerate age …
The universe and its each part, is based upon mathematics which itself rests within the much subtler knowledge of zero and infinity, metaphysics, macro-cosmology, macro-speciology, alchemy, Ayurveda, Samvat Vijnana, Yoga, Vimana Vijyana, Mahabhoot-Dhatu Tantra, Deva Vijyana, and other much subtler sciences which come under the broader term of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma … Even though all the original knowledge systems which are listed here and those which I have intentionally not listed, are the root knowledge systems of all past and present knowledge, but sadly humanity has already lost them since quite a long time now …
All this loss of knowledge was because of the barbarians civilizations that originated within the current divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. after 3102 BC) and who kept coming in to conquer, destroy the culture and thence rule India … This conquest was only possible because the Indian civilization of those times had gotten totally fractured into all sorts of geographical parts and this loss of internal unity led to that conquest by those barbarian forces which had originated during the current divine degenerate age cycle …
These conquests in turn sowed seeds of further destructions of temples of learning (which as such is an Aamnaya Peetha) … Aamnaya Peetha means a Vedic Monastery or seat of learning the Vedas and which is also called as Vyasa Peetha) where this knowledge was kept preserved since those bygone ages, which as such are beyond wildest of imaginations of humanity, angels and even individualistic-egoistic gods and propagators …
2-BB … As it was during ancient times …
During those very ancient times, temples of Vedic deities were not restricted to being mere places of worship, but these Vedic temples were also as places for learning all kinds of sciences, the highest of which was of the that which was termed as the “path of science of soul (Atma Vijnana)” …
These temples of worship only came by after India was conquered by the barbarian systems whose primary path was of worship … Well, many Indian scriptures also say, that in the currently running divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga), the path of worship is the only path that gives better and faster results and because Indian civilization of those times was not in compliance to this fact, which was also stated in their own texts, so they got weaker and weaker and thus eventually got conquered and thus this was also a reason for failure of the Indian civilization after the degenerate age commenced (around 3102 BC +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
But contrary to what is now believed, at those times within the Vedic lore’s, the path was primarily of a unioned state of Faith (which means Shraddha) and Samarpan (Surrender) instead of the current state of Bhakti (Devotion), was the path of aspirants … The path of Bhakti only came to the Vedic societies after India got conquered by external barbaric forces of the current degenerate age … But because the age of sages is approaching closer during each day that passes, so Bhakti would stop providing results and thus the original Vedic path of Shraddha and Samarpan would be yielding much better and faster results during the coming times of the age of sages …
As the inauguration time of the age of sages keeps approaching closer and closer, all systems that relate to Bhakti Yoga would begin failing and thus all these systems of Bhakti would begin getting internally chaotic, prior their internal chaos overflows out of their adherents and spills into the outer world …
All systems that relate to Bhakti would be seen to be becoming fanatic, fundamentalist, highly individualistic and thus severely egoistic, which shall also make them to get into one-up-manships of sorts and which would only make them chaotic as an end result of the coming change of the human age cycle … But this phase has already commenced in this world as far as religious lore’s are concerned, and very soon it would also reach its summit by the math of geographical individualism and once this happens, then humanity better be ready for that subtle chaos to begin manifesting across all their ways and walks of life …
And because the path of Shraddha and Samarpan is only of the Vedas, so I also know that within this world, the roar of Vedic way of life (and thus the roar of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) cannot even be avoided during the coming times as shall be of the incoming age of sages …
But at the same time, because most of the current practices of Hinduism are already based upon the Bhakti instead of Shraddha-Samarpan as originally was of the Vedas (due to courtesy of the barbarian forces that came to India), so this chaos also cannot be avoided within the Hindu societies which are resting on this alternate path of Bhakti and yet claim themselves to be of the Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma … There is nothing like Bhakti Yoga as far as the timeless Vedic lore of those very ancient times are concerned as the path was of Shraddha and Samarpan, which can even be to a Guru in addition to a deity …
But at the same time, because Shraddha is still present within the traditional followers of Vedas, so this chaos would never be as much as it shall be within those systems that originated after the onset of the current divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) and have only been resting within the paths of Bhakti … Strangely as of today, even the so called teachers of Vedic lore’s, propagate Bhakti Yoga and thus they shall also become seeds of a future chaos unless their propagated ways of life are brought back to Shraddha Yoga and just as it is to be within the incoming human golden age (i.e. Guru Yuga) … A lot of such people and their followers would claim this as wrong, but ultimately within the time span of the incoming Guru Yuga their own future generations would see the facts getting manifested within this world and just as they have been told here …
2-CC … Other knowledge systems related to knowledge of Kaalchakra …
But as far as the knowledge of the macrocosmic creation was concerned, the eternally unioned corpus of science of time (Kaal Vijyana), science of states (Dasha Vijyana), science of directions (Disha Vijyana) and Science of space (Akash Vijyana) were considered the higher ones …
And since time is the primordial dimension of the macrocosm, so all above listed sciences are within the purviews of the Kaal Vijyana (or science of time) …
From this knowledge of science of time (Kaal Jnana) was originated the science of cyclic nature of time (or Kaal Chakra) that is discussed here … As also, since time is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, so from the cyclic nature of time (or Kaalchakra) were originated the knowledge of below listed cycles of the three primary dimensions i.e. space, direction and state (i.e. Akashchakra, Dishachakra and Dashachakra respectively) …
As also since the science of cyclic nature of time (or the wheel of time or Kaalchakra) relates to the primordial dimension of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. dimension of time or Kaal), so Kaalchakra of our current discussion also accounts for the cyclic nature of the other three primary dimensions (of space, directions and states) because these other three primary dimensions (of space, directions and states) also follow their course of existence as per the course of progress of the primordial dimension of time …
Due to this reason, from the science of cycle of time (or Kaalchakra) the other three sciences can also be derived and this topic shall prove this fact …
The other three sciences as are listed below …
1st … Dishachakra … Cycles of directionality … This also related to cycles of paths to the ever-same absolute being … This also means that as times progress, newer paths which relate to “one of another self-expression of the same absolute being (i.e. one or another deity or God)” keep manifesting within the world …
But since directions are too many and are also cyclic in their effects, so when we consider the timeless change that has already taken place in the Dishachakra (i.e. cycles of directions or cycles of ever changeful ways of life) then it is also found to be based upon intrinsic pluralism, which itself is of the macrocosmic creation …
And yet since all these directions or ways of life are only relating to their own deities (Gods etc.) all of who are none other than one or another of those vast countless numbers of self expressions of the same Supreme Being, so when we consider the earlier discussed “timeless state of pluralism of paths” and simultaneously also consider that all these paths are related to one or another self expression of the same Absolute being (Parambrahma), then we also know that all these apparently differing paths are essentially resting within monism also …
Thus basis above two paragraphs, when we consider the timeless time spans that have already passed of the Maker’s Makings, then we also know that ultimately the ways of life are primarily based upon an intrinsic pluralism and are simultaneously based upon an essential monism i.e. a way of life that is based upon pluralistic monism, which itself is of the Maker’s Makings …
These cyclic changes of directionality (or paths of ways of life) gets adopted by aspirants because of the changes of flows and dynamism in the subtle impressional or energy state of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand) which is within the aspirant … And since the pervader governs the directionality (or ways or paths or types) of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds of the pervaded (i.e. the aspirant), so the aspirants mind only follows suit as per the energy state of the macrocosmic creation which is present within the aspirants microcosm itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … And this state is also such that the same macrocosmic creation which is within the aspirant is also no different from the macrocosmic creation within whose vast envelopes each aspirant (and each microcosm) is resting …
Continuing with above paragraph … Due to this unity of macrocosm within and beyond each microcosm (microcosm includes all aspirants) and because the macrocosmic creation itself is based upon an intrinsic pluralism and essential monism, so the Dishachakra was also based upon pluralistic monism of the same macrocosmic creation (which was within the aspirant and which also is that in whose envelopes the aspirant also resides) …
These changes of directional approaches is primarily due to the dynamic, ever changeful state of the world or plane where the aspirant resides within the vast macrocosmic creation and thus as the relative positions of these two change in the celestial sphere, the directionalities or paths to truth or ways of life, also undergo through their own changes …
Thus if long time spans are studied of these changes in directions (or paths of life) then the dimension of direction (or dimension of paths or outlook towards life) is only found to be based upon pluralistic monism, even when during the individual time spans (like one human age cycle) the path could be based upon individualism of a god, a text, a propagator, a heaven etc. …
And yet this pluralistic monism in fact is only leading to the same absolute monism as is of the Absolute Being …
This was also one of the aspects from where the statement of “Ekohum Bahusyami or I am one, but manifested as many (and in many ways)” was arrived at within the knowledge systems of Vedic Lore …
2nd … Dashachakra … Cycles of states … This cycle relates to states, modes and conditions of existence that are present within the Maker’s Makings and since it considers all these individual states as intrinsic parts of the macrocosmic creation, so this knowledge of Dashachakra was also based upon the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation and which ultimately was leading to the same Absolute Monism which as such is only of the supreme being …
Above is a fact because of the absolute non duality of the fact that ultimately the entire macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm is none other than a self-expressed, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same supreme being in all these states, modes and conditions of existence …
This was also one of the aspects from where the statement of “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahm or everywhere-everything-everyone is the same supreme being” was adopted as a fact and this itself was because of the realization of Vedic Sages that ultimately allness and her each part is only as one or another of those vast number (countless numbers) of self expressions as are of same supreme being …
3rd … Akashchakra … The cyclic nature of space … Since everything and everyone is eventually resting within the vast limitless envelope of space and since space in its finality is the undefined infinity, so space itself was considered as supreme during the ancient times …
Thus this relates to all knowledge systems that rested within statements like “Akasha Brahma or Space is a self expression of the absolute being and thus knowledge of space is also a path to the absolute being” … This is why ancient used to meditate on space so as to know the absolute being …
As also, since sound originates from space and propagates in air element, so there also were statements like “Naad Brahm or pure sound is of the absolute” …
And there were many statements that originated from this knowledge of Akashchakra because all sorts of macrocosmic and microcosm states were eternally present within it, which further led to knowledge of fact about Vedic statements like “Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti” or the truth of one, but sages call it by different names” and a further statement of “Vasudeva Kutumbakam or the entire worlds are one divine family” … All these are related to this knowledge of Akasha and its Chakra (i.e. Akashchakra or cycles of space) …
There also were many other statements that have been derived from the knowledge systems which relate to these four dimensions, but we shall only be restricting to that which needs to be discussed within this world …
2-DD … Other knowledge systems related to ancient knowledge of Kaalchakra …
This and further topics of Kaalchakra shall be utilizing some of these knowledge systems so as to derive a few values and then prove that there was nothing ever discovered or invented by modern man, as all that modern scientific man has done is to rediscover and reinvent that which already was known and was also used within the previous precession cycles and when the human ages were resting in similar stages of the precession cycles … And as a matter of fact, all science of today is an offspring of the ancient-timeless sciences …
Below discussion is to bring to fore the link of all the grosser knowledge systems of today to their roots i.e. original subtler knowledge systems to which all modern science (or modern knowledge) are related …
These original knowledge systems were not given by any physical scientist, but were rendered by ancient self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages and seers … All that these modern scientists have done is rediscovered and/or reinvented them in a material (or gross) form and that too by discounting the original subtleties to which these modern scientific systems relate … But this is also a part of that eternally cyclic nature of manifestation of gross and subtle knowledge …
As also, the words “invention and discovery” as are used by modern man are an absolute lie because of the fact that how can you discover or invent that which has already been existing since eternity and especially when the same knowledge had also manifested in this world during similar phases of the previous precession cycles (i.e. human age cycle) …
These cyclic rediscoveries and/or reinventions of the same earlier original (ancient) knowledge systems, is also due to the effects of Kaalchakra of our discussion … And the placement of knowledge of cycles of time (or Kaalchakra) in this or any other world system, is also a cyclic process and thus is governed by the same beginningless-endless and thus the same eternal cycles of time (Kaalchakra) that are discussed here …
Some of these original ancient sciences are listed below …
1st … Mathematics (Ganit) … From mathematics of the original philosophy of zero and infinity, was originated the mathematics of numbers … And since the entire mathematics is resting within the envelope of zero and infinity, so these two concepts (or zero and infinite) are the original roots of science of mathematics, which also happens to be an original timeless science of Maker’s Makings …
Zero and Infinity originally were Yogic subjects … Zero was known through the path of Shunya Samadhi (i.e. meditative trance of the zero or empty nature) … And Infinity was self-realized through the path of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. meditative trance of non-dual being or that which has no alternates and which itself is the attributeless-infinite being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
Within these two trances is resting the entire knowledge of Samadhi Tantra of Yoga … And mathematics as we know is only a derivative of this vast knowledge of Yoga Tantra …
2nd … Metaphysics … From the original knowledge of metaphysics, was originated the present day knowledge of much grosser physics …
Metaphysics or Para Vijyan used to take the physical vehicle of the aspirant, as the only instrument and thus in this path there was no need of any kind of gross instruments that physicists use as of now and that too at the expense of innocent taxpayers moneys …
This science of metaphysics used to thus say …
- Prior knowing the truth, learn how to use your own body is the instrument from where you shall know the truth …
- And after knowing the truth, your own body shall be the truth manifest in a physical form …
This science led to a wide variety of Great Statements of Vedas (Great statement means as the Vedic Mahavakya) like “as is macrocosm, so is microcosm”, Aham Brahmasmi (which in English language can be told as I Am That), Tat Tvam Asi (which in English language can be told as That Thou Are), Ayam Atma Brahma (which in English language can be told as This is That), Prajnanam Brahma (which in English language can be told as Self luminous is That), Sohum (which in English language can be told as So Am I or I Am He), Shivohum (which in English language can be told as I Am Shiva or Auspicious I Am) etc-etc …
3rd … Macro-cosmology … From the original knowledge of macro-cosmology, was originated the ancient and modern astronomy … The current astronomy is mostly rested upon physical or grosser aspects, but the ancient science of Macro-cosmology was only based upon divine laws …
As compared to astronomy, the present day astrophysics is somewhat closer to the ancient science of macro-cosmology … But yet when we consider the scopes of macro-cosmology in its totality, then astrophysics is also found to be pretty distant from it …
4th … Alchemy … From the original knowledge of alchemy (i.e. Mantra, Tantra and Yantra), was originated the present day Chemistry …
Alchemy was inclusive of many of the streams of knowledge that are listed here, whereas chemistry itself is a very restrictive knowledge, as it primarily limits itself to grosser or physical aspects only …
Most of the elements in the present day elemental-table are taken from the same original ancient knowledge of alchemy as was given by the all-knowing, all-comprehending sages …
5th … Ayurveda … From the original knowledge of Ayurveda (Ayurveda means the “long song” or the “song of long life”) was originated all sciences of health (including modern medicine) …
Even modern surgery has its roots in health sciences that were given by ancient Vedic sages and whose knowledge systems also relate to the most ancient Ayurvedacharya who is known as Kratu Rishi of Swayambhu Manvantar which has started around 1.97 billion human solar years ago (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
6th … Macrocosmic speciology … From the original ancient knowledge of macrocosmic speciology (Brahm Samaaj Vijyana) was originated the modern science of Biology … But macrocosmic speciology also includes many other highly subtle (or higher) aspects which are also a part of the macrocosmic speciology, that the modern science of biology has not even thought about …
7th … Calendar … From the original ancient knowledge of calendars (Samvat Vijyana) were originated all earlier and modern calendars …
In fact the modern calendars still use the ancient systems of Vedic lore that are beyond your calculated or known histories … Some of these are seven days a week, 12 months a year, 12 Zodiac, 27 constellations, two phases of equal durations, declinations and cycles of sun, lunar phases, the concept of year and ages, etc-etc …
8th … Yoga Marg or path of Yoga … From the original, primordial and thus most ancient of all knowledge systems of Yoga (Union) were originated Dharma Shastras (Texts of Sanatan Dharma) … And at much later times, from these Dharma Shastras of Sanatan Dharma (or Dharma) were originated all the sects (religions) of Sanatan Dharma (Including all recent sects and religions that came by during the last nine millenniums i.e. after the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums) …
10th … Vimana (transportation vehicles) … From the original knowledge of Vimana, were originated all knowledge systems of planes, vehicles of travel etc. … Even the modern day rockets are based upon that aspect of this science which related to weapons (or Astra) of ancient techniques of war … But this knowledge is also rested within the much subtler knowledge of Guna Tantra and Mahabhoot Tantras … But during ancient times, there also were subtler Vimana, which were generated through Veda Mantras and Dharana …
11th … Divine sciences … From the knowledge of Deva Vijyana, was originated all knowledge of macrocosmic subtler planes of divine beings and also of all grosser worlds …
2-EE … Limitations due to the current degenerate age cycle …
And because the present day humanity is not ready to absorb those much subtler (much higher) knowledge systems and are also incapable to use it for upliftment of all who rest here (i.e. across geographies, color, creed, sex, belief-religion etc.), so the intricate parts of this knowledge system which I had learnt during my much-much earlier incarnations have been omitted from all discussions of this text and that which is told here, is only a minor part of what actually is …
This is because I fear that during the current state of the degenerate age cycle and its effects that have already manifested within this world, if I render those much deeper knowledge systems, then that knowledge may even be utilized for lower ends such as controlling others, subduing others, extracting something from others, raping others women and girls by controlling their minds, killing others etc-etc … This is what humanity (including their leaders and egoistic gods) have been famous during the last few millenniums and thus I also know that the present day humanity is not ready to know about such deeper aspects of ancient knowledge systems …
And to make sure that there remains no hint of that part which could be used towards lower ends, I have remained with no choice but to use my own peculiar writing style, which is also confusing in addition to deviating humans from the path which leads to that knowledge which cannot even be told here …
Thus because there also are many subjects which have not even been touched upon and so this topic of Kaalchakra is actually an iota of knowledge that it actually holds … As also, what is published in this topic is less than a quarter of what I had originally put in my handwritten and hand calculated notes … The truth about this paragraph shall be clearly noticed by those readers who have the capacity to do so …
So with above as a base, we shall now begin much deeper discussions on the cyclic nature of the wheel of time (or Kaalchakra) …
Continues …