Here we would discuss the two continuous planes of knowledge and consciousness (Buddhi and Chitta) and also discuss the condition of these two in relation to their original self-origination, the continued existence (and also their condition during the process of evolution) and finally discuss their state as is within the finally liberated condition (Kaivalya Moksha) …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Principle of plane of knowledge … Vijyanmaya Kaya” …
AA) …
Self-origination stage of knowledge and consciousness (Buddhi and Chitta) …
When knowledge and consciousness were originally originated, then this is how it was …
- Consciousness was self-originated prior knowledge …
- Consciousness (Chitta) was self-originated due to the union of the light of ninth sphere (Para Prakriti) and the attributed-formless (Saguna Nirakara) white colored state of Purusha (Absolute being) …
- Knowledge was self-originated from the union of the golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of creation) with the white colored light of the ninth sphere of mother nature (Para Prakriti) …
- At the instant when the consciousness and knowledge were originated, consciousness was subtler than knowledge … Thus at this stage, consciousness pervades knowledge and thus, the matt-white colored consciousness is seen to be resting within the yellow colored knowledge …
- Consciousness was subtler than knowledge, because at the time of its self-origination, consciousness had still not adopted the impressions (Samskara) from the self-originating macrocosm …
BB) …
After self-origination and during further existence of consciousness and knowledge (Chitta and Buddhi) in macrocosm …
Once both consciousness and knowledge had self-originated and thus were existent within the Makers Makings, following happened …
- Knowledge: Knowledge continued to stay in its original detachment to allness even when it was as a driver of allness … Thus, the original subtlety of knowledge was maintained within the Makers Makings …
And even when knowledge was driving everything that was originated within the Makersmakings, yet since knowledge was like a detached witness of plays of allness, so knowledge continued to remain free of all that was driven by it …
- Consciousness: On the other hand, consciousness began adopting impressions from the forming macrocosm and its microcosm’s …
Since the impressions that were self-manifested within the macrocosm and its microcosm’s, were not as subtle as consciousness, so after these relatively grosser impressions were adopted by the consciousness, the consciousness also ended up within a higher relative grossness as compared to its original condition that was when it was self originated within the Makers Makings …
As ever grosser states of the macrocosm kept self-originating within the origination process of Makersmakings, the impressions of these grosser states were also ever grosser …
As these ever-grosser impressions also kept entering into the consciousness (Chitta), they further kept lowering the original subtlety of the consciousness (Chitta) …
And a stage was arrived after completion of the origination of grosser parts of Makers Makings, where there were so many grosser impressions already present within the cosmic consciousness, that resultant subtlety of the macrocosmic consciousness was already well below that of the macrocosmic knowledge …
This led to a stage, where the original condition (as was during origination of knowledge and consciousness) was reversed … Thus, at this stage, matt-white colored consciousness got pervaded by yellow colored knowledge …
Since the pervader at this stage is knowledge and since the pervader (i.e. knowledge) is resting within the pervaded (i.e. consciousness), so after this stage, knowledge is seen to be present within consciousness …
Thus, at this stage, the yellow colored knowledge is seen to be present within the matt white colored consciousness …
CC) …
Evolution and existence from point of view of knowledge and consciousness …
From the point of view of knowledge and consciousness, the evolutionary process and existence of anything (i.e. any microcosm) that ever exists within the Makers Makings, could be thus told …
- Evolutionary process … From the point of view of evolutionary process of any microcosm which has ever begun within the Makers Makings, the entire evolutionary process could be thus told …
That process which restores the original subtlety of consciousness (Chitta)
Thus, basis above, the entire process of evolution could be termed as that which brings back the consciousness to its original subtlety …
And where the original subtlety of consciousness is just as it was when the consciousness and knowledge were originally originated within the Makers Makings, where the consciousness was subtler that knowledge and thus at that state when consciousness and knowledge were originated, consciousness was permeating (pervading) knowledge i.e. consciousness was resting within knowledge …
Proceeding further …
Here we discuss the process of evolution …
As any aspirant keeps evolving, that aspirants consciousness impressions also keep turning ever more subtle …
This leads to a state where the resultant subtlety of that aspirants consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana) also keeps increasing … Thus, process of evolution keeps bringing the consciousness closer and closer to its original higher subtlety (as was when consciousness was originally originated within the Maker’s Makings) …
And since this process of restoring consciousness to its original subtlety is a pretty long one, so the existence of any microcosm also cannot be shorter than what it would take to restore the consciousness to its original subtlety …
And since the original state of consciousness was also free of impressions (Samskara), so until the aspirants consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha) finally attains to this freedom from all its earlier adopted impressions, the evolution would only continue for that aspirant …
This evolution also continues within the divine worlds (Deva Loka) as when any aspirant attains to and thence begins resting within these divine worlds, then also the consciousness orb (Chitta) is not free of impressions …
This freedom from impressions (Samskara) only comes after successful accomplishment of the seedless absorption (Nirbija Samadhi), which itself is the stage of accomplishment of absorption within the seedless state of absolute being (Parabrahman) …
- Process of existence (of anything) … Everything exists within the purviews of Makers Makings, but only until the consciousness is brought back to its impressionless state …
Since the impressionless state of consciousness (I.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) state can never be attained without accomplishment of the Nirbija Samadhi (absorption in the seedless being and where seedless also means free of seeded impressions i.e. it means an impressionless being), so unless the Nirbeej Samadhi is attained, existence continues in one one or another of those vast number of realms of existence that are present within the pluralistic yet monist nature of the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
Notes: None of the divine worlds ever relate to impressionless state of consciousness … None of the divine controllers (Devata or God’s) of any of these divine worlds are resting within an impressionless state of their consciousness orbs … And remember, that which is not impressionless, is not even liberated in the real sense of this word …
Note: No heaven of any egoistic controller (egoistic or monotheistic God, or Abhimani Devata) and irrespective of whether that god is in form or formlessness, is free of impressions (Samskara) … Thus, none of the heavens of any of the egoistic Gods ever denote the final liberation (Kaivalya) … And this statement also includes those Gods who claim themselves to be the creator of allness …
Note continues: Final liberation (or Kaivalya or Moksha) means, a state of “perfect, full and final isolation from all that is as Makers Makings” … Thus, the state of final liberation also means, isolation from all divine controllers (i.e. Gods and Satan’s) and also their planes (heavens or hells) …
Note continues: Unless one stands in absolute freedom from such greater entities and their divine planes, what finality of liberation (Kaivalya Moksha or Nirvana) is anyone talking about … How can you be liberated in the finality of meaning of this term, if you still exist within a plane of one of the Gods that you relate to or believe in … Liberation can never be complete or final liberation, unless you also are liberated from all divine and other worlds, isn’t it …
Note continues: And that final liberation is also that, which is free of deeds and fruits (Karma and Karma Phala), which means, freedom from all desires, emotions, thoughts, deeds and also their generated impressions (Sanskara) … Such a liberation is what was told as Karmateet Mukti (freedom from deeds) … That which is in freedom from deeds, is also that which is free of law of cause and effect (and is also in a state of freedom from the law of reverse effect) and thus is also in freedom from their governing principle, i.e. principle of interdependent origination … That which is such, is also free of all principles, process and laws of Makers Makings, as are being discussed in the present set of topics …
Note continues: That which is free of deeds and fruits (i.e. free of law of cause and effect) and is also free principles of dependent origination, and thus denotes Karmatita Mukti (liberation due to isolation from deeds and fruits) is also that which is termed as Turiyateet Mukti (liberation beyond the fourth stage of consciousness, which as such is named as Turiya and also as Samadhi), Gunateet Mukti (liberation due to isolation from Triguna i.e. freedom from the three macrocosmic attributes), Bhutatit Mukti (liberation due to isolation from Pancha Mahabhuta, i.e. freedom from the five macrocosmic (liberation due to isolation from Triguna i.e. freedom from the three macrocosmic attributes),Tanmatrateet Mukti (liberation due to isolation from Panch Tanmatra, i.e. freedom from the five subtle elements of macrocosmic creation) and the same is also the one which is called as Kalateet Mukti (liberation due to isolation from cycles of time i.e. freedom from the Kaalchakra), Dashateet Mukti (liberation due to isolation from all states of Makers Makings, which also includes all worlds and planes, including the divine realms), Dishateet Mukti (liberation due to isolation from all ways of life and paths of evolution), etc., etc., …
Note continues: And since none of the divine worlds of any of the divine controllers (Gods, etc.) have ever related to the fullness of above states aspects of final liberation, so due to this reason, none of the divine worlds or their divine controllers have ever denoted or related to the final liberation, which the ancient self-realized, all-realized sages had told as Kaivalya Moksha … Kaivalya Moksha means, liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from all that ever is, including these divine realms of egoistic controllers (i.e. Heavens of egoistic Gods) of any of the triple times … None of these heavens of any of the religions have ever denoted finality of liberation as discussed here … I say so after subtly-roaming many of such divine realms, that itself were of many beliefs of many divine controllers (Gods of those beliefs) …
DD) …
Condition of Buddhi and Chitta during liberation …
Within the finally liberated state of an aspirant, the consciousness orb of causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of the aspirant rests in a fully freed state, from all its earlier adopted impressions …
Thus at this state, the consciousness is again restored to its original subtlety, just as it was when the consciousness was originally self-originated within the Makersmakings …
At this stage, the consciousness again gets restored to its original higher subtlety (as was when the consciousness was originally self-originated within the Makersmakings) …
Thus, at this stage, the consciousness becomes subtler that knowledge and thus the consciousness also ends up being the pervader of knowledge … Thus, at this stage, the consciousness is seen to be present within knowledge …
This is because the pervader i.e. consciousness, would be resting inside the pervaded (i.e. knowledge) … After consciousness becomes subtler (than knowledge), it also becomes the pervader of knowledge … This is how it originally was when consciousness and knowledge were self-originated within the Makers Makings …
And this state of consciousness resting within knowledge, is what was told by the Gurudeva of my preceding incarnation (I.e. Gautama Buddha) as the stage of attainment of Bodhichitta …
Thus, within the condition of attainment of Bodhi Chitta (i.e. pristine impressionless and thus taintless united condition of consciousness and knowledge), the white colored consciousness is seen to be present within the envelope of yellow colored knowledge …
And where that yellow colored orb of knowledge in whose envelopes its pervader, i.e. the white colored consciousness rests, is also having some reddish rays of light (which denote Rajoguna) in it and which ultimately denotes the actional state of knowledge (i.e. knowledge in action or in other words, the unioned state of yellow colored knowledge with the red colored macrocosmic quality of action or Rajo Guna) …
Continues …