Above figure describes the Krishna Pingalam Sharira or Rudra Body or Rudra Sharira … This is a the dark tawny siddha body (or accomplishment vehicle) … This accomplishment vehicle is of Rudra Deva i.e. the aspirant who holds this accomplishment vehicle, is the one who has already attained to Rudra …
II-1 … What Krishna Pingalam Sharira … Rudra Sharira … Siddha body of Rudra …
Krishna means dark …
Pingalam means tawny … This tawny is actually a mixture of orange and brown colors …
Thus, Krishna Pingalam means Dark Tawny …
In Vedic lore, the name Krishna Pingalam has been used for Rudra Deva and this name is also interpreted for Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara in some knowledge systems, but this is only for that state of Ardhanarishwara which is of a blue and tawny color … This is because Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara is naught but one of the many-many different aspects of Rudra himself and vice versa of this statement is also true …
This accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) is of an orangish-brown color (Tawny color) and from this accomplishment vehicle, dull blue (actually dull purplish blue) colored lights are emanating … These emanating lights are of very-very vast expanses …
This is the Siddha body of Rudra (rejuvenating Shiva or wrathful Shiva) … Thus I have termed this accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) as the Rudra Siddha Sharira (of the accomplishment vehicle or the Siddha body of the lord of rejuvenation or Rudra) …
II-2 … Describing Siddha body of Rudra Deva or Rudra Body …
This is the second Siddha body which manifests within the aspirants microcosm after that aspirant transits the 8th plexus (or Niralamb Chakra) … This means, that, after the awakening completes, this is the second Siddha body which gets manifested within the aspirant’s microcosmic physical vehicle) …
And due to its characteristics (including colors) it can even be stated as an accomplishment vehicle which denotes the union of Ahum Naad (i.e. Sound of the Ahum) and ALA Naad (Sound of ALA) … Both the states i.e. state of Ahum Naad and of ALA Naad have already been discussed earlier …
II-3 … Describing Krishna Pingalam Sharira and Buddhist lore …
Within the Buddhist lore, there is a union which is told as that of blue colored Buddha Samantabhadra and tawny colored (i.e. reddish or orangish brown colored) Buddha Samantabhadri … In that Tantric union, the tawny colored Buddha Samantabhadri is shown to be resting in union to blue colored Samantabhadra and in such a state, they both enter into an endless bliss …
I have not painted the sketch of union as described in above paragraph in a way that the Buddhist lore depicts it … But those aspirants who wish to know about it, can search the internet to see that sketch of Samantabhadri (who is shown to be of tawny color) and where she is in a Tantric union to Buddha Samantabhadra (who as such is depicted in a blue color) … And once you have seen that photo, then see above photo as both actually denote the same union only …
The union of our current discussion is also told in Buddhist lore to be happening inside the physical vehicle of some rare aspirants … As also, such a state of union which happens inside the aspirant’s physical microcosm is also told to be a very rare one … The accomplishment vehicle of this union is also the same as that which is shown in above painting because Buddhist lore being rooted within the much earlier Vedic lore, cannot even lead to anything that does not subtly relate to the ancient Vedas … I don’t even consider Buddhism to be separate from the original Vedic Yogic lore …
This union of Buddha Samantabhadri and Buddha Samantabhadra (i.e. Bhadra Bhadri Yoga) is also related to the same original concept of Vedic lore which was told as Krishna Pingala state of Rudra Deva … And above depicted painting denotes the accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) which gets self manifested within the aspirant, after successful completion of this union itself …
And since Rudra is the higher of all Deva’s, so this accomplishment which primarily relates to Rudra, is also the higher of all unions (as it related to Rudra Deva in his own Krishna Pingalam or Dark Tawny state) … And due to this base reason, even the Tantric Buddhist lore states that this union is one of the higher ones …
This is one of the very rare and higher accomplishments within any of the Yoga Tantra of any of the triple times …
II-4 … Self manifestation of Dark Tawny Rudra body …
Only after successful completion of Shakti Shiva Yoga (i.e. Buddha Samantabhadri Buddha Samantabhadra Yoga) can the Siddha Body which is being discussed here get self manifested … In such a case, the accomplishment vehicle of our current discussion stays with that aspirant i.e. it does not merge to its own macrocosmic cause …
And in that aspirant who has also gone beyond the Shiva Shakti Yoga and thence has also crossed past the golden staff of lightening (or Vajradanda) and thence also entered and/or gone past the 8th plexus, then in such a case this accomplishment vehicle also merges to its own macrocosmic cause and thence it turns into its original formless state of Krishna Pingalam state of Rudra Deva (as was depicted in the figure of an earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” … Thus such an aspirant does not hold this vehicle any longer … This is what stands out as my current condition …
II-5 … Final return back of Krishna Pingalam Sharira to its own macrocosmic principal cause …
This discussion also applies to all accomplishment vehicles (i.e. all Siddha Sharira) of any accomplished one who has ever been across the triple times …
Thus this discussion is not just applicable to the accomplishment vehicle of our current discussion, but is also fully applies to all attainments that are ever held by any Yogi (aspirant) and during any of the triple times …
Once anything unites back to its own macrocosmic cause, then this condition also denotes the completion of full circle of evolution of that state … And since evolution is only a one way process, so once anything merges back to its own macrocosmic state, then that thing cannot ever be acquired by anyone in any future …
But even when above are true, yet the knowledge of that merged aspect can definitely be utilized as a ladder of evolution by any true-aspirant, of any future time …
Thus even when that accomplishment cannot be acquired by anyone (Including any aspirant and also the Deva’s or Gods or Satan’s) but yet the knowledge of that absorbed state and its accomplishment vehicle can be utilized for evolutionary process by true-aspirants only …
And during those timeless times which are prior to the end part of lifetime of the current creator (i.e. Brahma Ji) these returned back attainment vehicles only serve their respective macrocosmic principal deities i.e. these returned back accomplishment vehicle only serve the deities or controlling entities of their respective principal macrocosmic states (in which these accomplishment vehicles have merged back) … And even when then this is true, yet that deity also cannot hand them over to any future aspirant of any of the triple times that are yet to manifest within any part of the Maker’s Makings …
And at that end state of the destined lifetime of the current Brahma, these let gone attainments which have stayed absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states till then and thus have stayed in a formless state till this stage (of end of the destined lifetime of the current Brahma) would again re-manifest in their attributed-form (or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) as is depicted in above and all earlier paintings, so as to lead to the end of the current destined lifetime of the multi-universal macrocosm … Thus all these absorbed Siddha bodies again re-manifest in their human forms to assist Rudra Deva (i.e. supreme Rejuvenator) and other Deva’ s (in whose Deva Loka of divine worlds these vehicle have been absorbed till then) in their then final quest to dissolute the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … And once the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation enters into that great-dissolution (Mahapralaya) which always comes after end of destined lifetime of any Brahma (or creator), then that macrocosmic creation rests within vast state of Shunya Brahman as is of Sriman Naaraayana … Sriman Naaraayana of Vaishnavas is also Bhagwan Sadashiva of Shaivas and Sadashiva itself is the one who was addressed as Bhagwan Vishvakarman of much earlier Vedic lore …
And only after that state of Mahapralaya (which in English language means as the stage of Great dissolution of allness) do these absorbed (or returned back) accomplishment vehicles of Yogi’s, return back to Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm as was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT originally was” and then these vehicles permanently rest (i.e. never return back in any form or formless state) …
As also, once any Guru Yuga is about to start, then all these accomplishment vehicle become active, but this active state is whilst they stay in their earlier absorbed formless states … This return back is lay down the foundation of that incoming human golden age (Guru Yuga) which has a life time of about 10,000 human solar years during each complete precession cycle … This also keeps happening once during each cycle of precession of equinoxes and whenever the age of sages (Guru Yuga) is about to commence … Since we are living in these times which as such are pretty close to the turn of current age cycle to the incoming age of sages (or human age of truth), so as of now countless number of such accomplishment vehicles are about to become active … This active state would be around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) when this world system enters into the last and final half time of change of human age cycle …
And whenever any Avatar of Sri Vishnu arrives to a world, then also these earlier surrendered accomplishment vehicles of all earlier Yogis, begin assisting that Avatar … It essentially is due to this reason that Vedas subtly state that many Rishi’s and Siddha’s return back with an Avatar, but the real meaning of these statements were that these absorbed accomplishment vehicle of those Yogi’s return back and not the Yogi’s themselves …
And since these Siddha Bodies itself are the highest of attainments of all accomplished Yogi’s (Rishi, Siddha, Avadhoot etc.) and since they assist that Avatar (of Sri Vishnu) in his own cause, so this also makes that Avatar very-very powerful as he has the backing of countless accomplishment vehicles of countless Yogi’s that have been till that time …
And since these formless Siddha bodies which return back with the Avatar are also denoting Deva Loka (i.e. the formless divine worlds) and due to their absorbed states, these also denote their sameness to Deva’s and also since each Deva Loka is holding these accomplishment vehicles of various sages that have been till then, so this is also the reason for Vedas to state that many Deva’s also return back to assist the Avatar …
II-6 … Effects after self manifestation of Krishna Pingalam Siddha body …
This body manifests within the physical vehicle within a few days after the awakening happens (i.e. Shakti-Shiva yoga happens in the physical vehicle itself) …
Within the envelope of this accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) is another accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) of a Tawny color (something like a reddish brownish color) … And that reddish-brownish body (i.e. Tawny body) is the Siddha Body of Rudra Deva, who acts as Nataraja Shiva or the destroyer of afflictions of the triple worlds … Thus this body itself becomes as Nataraja Sharira …
This body gives sudden bursts of energy in the spine, back and throat … As also, it is a heat generating body … This generated heat is so much, that it feels like that all the nerves of the physical vehicle are having an electric fire in them …
And beyond the blue as is shown in above figure, is voidness of allness, which also is pervading this body …
II-7 … Process of absorption Krishna Pingalam Siddha body into its own cause …
The blue of this body enters in Akasha Mahabhoot (or Ether) and thence enters into Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum) …
The Tawny (i.e. orangish-brown or reddish-brown) part of this body enters into the vast number of rays of Tawny light which rest inside ALA Naad (i.e. Buddha ALA) … Since both these are already explained in earlier topics, so we won’t be getting into the same discussions again …
And after this stage, this body rest in its absorbed stage whilst is continues at the meeting points of Ahum Naad (i.e. Sound of Ahum) and Sound of ALA (or ALA Naad) as was shown in the painted sketch of an earlier topic which has the header of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” …
II-8 … Evolutionary state denoted by Krishna Pingalam Siddha body …
And because accomplishment vehicle denotes the union of the two primary macrocosmic opposites (i.e. Red colored macrocosmic quality of action or Rajoguna and blue colored macrocosmic quality of inertia or Tamoguna), so this accomplishment vehicle, is one of the highest ones ever possible to be arrived at by any aspirant …
And this accomplishment vehicle itself has and also leads to self-manifestation of many other accomplishment vehicles within the physical vehicle of that aspirant who holds this accomplishment vehicle which we have named as Krishna Pingalam Sharira (or Krishna Pingalam Rudra Sharira) …
But at the same time, due to it being the body which denotes Rudra within, so this vehicle is essentially a wrathful one as it completely shatters the ego and ultimately extinguishes it …
Thus I even consider this as one of the major accomplishment vehicles ever possible because even though it is a wrathful one, but its effects only lead to inner peace (i.e. inner peace of the aspirant who holds it) and this peace itself is the end product of the complete shattering of ego that this vehicle eventually leads to …
II-9 … Realizations through Krishna Pingalam Siddha body …
This body is related to and thus it can also lead to a self realization of the following states of Maker’s Makings …
- Ahum Naad … Ahamkara … Macrocosmic I’ness … Thus this Siddha body also leads to self realization one of the great statements of Vedas (or in other words, Vedic Mahavakya) … Vedic Sages had told this Mahavakya as “Aham Brahmasmi” which means as a statement of “I Am That” (which also means, This essence or Atman, is the Absolute or Brahma)” …
- Akasha Mahabhoot … Macro-elemental ether … Thus this Siddha body also leads to self realization one of the mega-statements of Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) which was stated as, “Ether is Absolute (or Akasha Brahma or in other words, the macro-elemental Ether is the self manifestation of the Absolute being or Brahman)” …
- Tejas … Self-luminous heat … Thus this Siddha body also leads to self realization one of the mega statement of Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) which was told as “Tejas Brahma or self-luminous heat is Absolute (or Tejas is the self manifestation of the Absolute being or Brahman)” …
- Agni … Macro-elemental fire (i.e. the elemental fire) … Thus this Siddha body also leads to self realization one of the great statement of Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) which was told as, “Agni Brahma or Fire is the Absolute (or Agni is the self manifestation of the Supreme being or Brahman)” …
- Surya … Self luminous Sun (or simply the Sun) is a self manifestation of supreme being (Parambrahma) … Thus this Siddha body also leads to self realization one of the mega-statements of Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) which was told as, “Surya Brahma or the self-luminous or the Sun or the Sun amongst all Sun’s, is the Absolute (or Surya Deva is the self manifestation of the Absolute being or Brahman)” …
- Vayu … Macro-elemental air … This denotes the Pranamaya Kosha (or in other words, vital air sheath or Pranamaye Kosha) … And because this Siddha body leads to vast quantum of vital airs to begin moving in all the nerves, which in turn internally purifies the physical and subtler vehicles, through which is arrived the Absolute realization, so this body leads to the realization of two other mega statement of Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) … “Vayu Brahma or the vital airs are Absolute” and “Prana Brahma or Vitality or energy or Shakti within the aspirant, is the Absolute (Parabrahman)” …
- And because this Siddha body also holds attributes of the perfect union of Rajoguna (red colored macrocosmic attribute of action) and the yellow colored Vijyanamaya Kosha (or in other words, knowledge sheath or Vijyanmaye Kosha), so this body in turn leads to the realization of two other Vedic mega statements (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) which were told as follows … “Gyan Brahma (or Jnana Brahma or self-knowledge is Absolute (or wisdom or knowledge is Absolute)” and also the realization of another Vedic mega-statement which was told as “Guna Brahma or the macrocosmic attributes are the Absolute being” …
- And this Siddha body also leads to a further realization of another mega-statement of Vedic lore “Mahabhoot Brahma or the macro-elements are none other than the Absolute (i.e. Supreme being)” …
All above further reinforce the knowledge of Vedas, that the macrocosmic creation is none other than the makers own macrocosmic state …
II-10 … Divine world of final merger of Krishna Pingalam Sharira … Rudra body …
As was discussed earlier, the divine world where this Siddha body finally merges to (i.e. gets finally absorbed) is of the state which was depicted in a painted sketch of an earlier topic which has the header of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” …
II-11 … Conclusion of above discussions …
This also leads to a realization that the Vedic sages had “also” used the term Brahma for all that which leads to Brahma, as they believed that the path which leads to Brahma, is also a part of Brahma only … This is because everything is a part and parcel of the same primordial self expression of Brahma, through which Brahma had only manifested as the macrocosmic creation and her each part …
And because there really are infinite paths, all of which are also leading to the same Brahma so this itself was realization led to the state where Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (aka. Hinduism) became pluralistic at those timeless times …
And yet within each aspect of that pluralism, there was realized to be an “ever-same, all-present, partless-pathless, attributeless infinite pervader (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) of all that was resting within that ‘macrocosmic state of the Maker i.e. Brahmand’, so this realization in turn led to the acceptance of finality of “Absolute Monism (or in other words, Advaita)” within Hinduism (i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) … And it is due to this reason, Hinduism is a way of life that is pluralistic and it yet it is finally based upon and thus is resting in an Absolutely non-dualistic state of Monism (i.e. Advaita Vedanta) …
All above are possible to be realized through just this accomplishment alone …
And thus I consider this Siddha body as one of the primary accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) that is attained by a Yogi during the inward-path that itself is leading to the self realization of the innermost essence (I.e. Atman) only … Thus this vehicle is the primary vehicle within the path of self-realization (Atma Jnana) …
This vehicle bestows the later stage of self manifestation of many other accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Bodies) which get self-originated from within it and also after this accomplishment vehicle is self manifested …
But we shall not be discussing all those accomplishment vehicles as something must also be rooted in self realizations of aspirants …
This is also the vehicle of an aspirant who is a “Sarva-Drashta or the one who sees all, just as allness actually is” …
This also is the vehicle of “Sarva-Sthit or one who is based within allness and its each part and yet is not attached to anything” …
That’s all …