This topic would discuss the last impression or Antim Samskara, which remains in the consciousness orb of causal body (Antahkarana) after all other impressions are already unseeded from the consciousness orb (Chitta) … This impression is like an octahedral elongated translucent or transparent elongated crystal (somewhat like a grain of rice), which comes out of the middle part of top of skull bones, where Shivarandra (Secret crevice of Paramguru Shiva) is present …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Samadhi … Absorption” … This is the fifteenth part of this series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Impression or Samskara … And Last Impression or Antim Samskara …
The eternal guide said … “Each desire, each thought, each emotion eventually leads to deeds which further lead to generation of an impression (Samskara) within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Karana Sharira) of that aspirant” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Then the eternal guide continued speaking … “As are the desires, so are the thoughts, so are the emotions and so also are the generated impressions … Thus, grosser desires, eventually lead to grosser deeds and thus to grosser impressions, and vice versa of this statement is also true” …
The eternal guide then told … “Gross is that which is concentrated unto an individuality or corpus and thus the word, grossness also denotes individualistic aspects, like an individuality or an individual corpus (like a single religion, text, group, city, place, country, family or anything else that is based in individualistic aspects) … Thus individualism as a whole, is a gross entity … And on the contrary, that which relates to allness, just as allness ever is in her fullness, wholeness and completeness, is subtler” …
The little student understood and thus he nodded in affirmative …
The eternal guide further told … “Higher is the spread or expanse of an entity, subtler that entity is … Lesser is the spread of expanse of an entity, grosser it is … As is the state which is desired to be entered into, so shall the desirer also have to be within his (or her) inner nature … Unless someone is in sameness to the state that he (or she) desires to enter into (or self realize), that state can never be entered into (or self realized) … Unless one is of sameness of condition to the state that is to be self realized, that state cannot ever be self realized … Thus, to know Brahman, one has to be Brahman and due to this reason, the ancient wise had stated … That …
To know Brahman, Be like Brahman
To Be Brahman, know Brahman
The eternal guide further told … “And since Brahman is attributeless infinite being, so unless the inner nature of an aspirant of Brahman (or Parabrahman) is in sameness of this condition, a self realization of Brahman (Absolute being) can never be attained … This self realization also leads to an impressionless state of consciousness (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta)’ …
Then the eternal guide said … “The same is applicable to self realizations of of anything and everything else … And this is also due to the fact, that unless you are of ‘an inner sameness’ of the state that you know or wish to know, you cannot know that state … Thus to know something, be like that thing in your own inner nature” …
The little student nodded in understanding as it made sense …
Then the eternal guide told … “To reside on planet earth, you need a physical vehicle which is of sameness to the grossness of planet earth, so on similar grounds, to reside on any other subtle or divine plane, you would also need a subtle or divine vehicle which is of sameness as that subtle plane … Those aspirants who hold a subtle vehicle (within their own physical vehicle) which is sameness to a subtle or divine plane, are the ones who self realize that divine plane or that divine world … And only after self realization of that subtle plane of divine plane, they end up entering that subtle or divine plane, even whilst they are still alive in a gross world like this one … This subtle vehicle is also present inside the physical vehicle of such aspirants … And to attain to that subtle vehicle, the primary requirement is to hold similar subtle impressions within the consciousness orb of their causal body … Thus, the requirements of need of having subtle impressions can never be discounted” …
The eternal guide then further told … “As are the subtlety or grossness of impressions that rest within the consciousness orb of the aspirants bliss sheath, so is the self realization of a plane, which is of sameness of those impressions of the aspirant … This is an unsaid rule of self realizations of beyond aspects” …
The little student understood this and thus nodded in a yes …
Then the eternal guide further said … “Thus, to enter the cave of ‘That One (eternal guide)’, ‘This one (little student)’ took almost twelve years and this long time span was taken because it took that much time to make the impressions of the consciousness orb of causal body of ‘This one (little student) to arrive at that subtlety which was of sameness to the subtlety of the inner cave of heart, where ‘That one (eternal guide)’ resides … Thus, until ‘This one’s (little students’) impressions had arrived at a sameness of subtlety, as is of the cave of heart of ‘That one (eternal guide)’, ‘This one (little student)’ could never enter the cave of heart where ‘That one (eternal guide)’ resides, within him only” …
Then the eternal guide said … “Thus, basis what is told, unless the impressional vibrations are also in sameness of subtlety or grossness to a world, one can never enter that world system … And when the impressions arrive at a subtlety that is of sameness to the subtlety of a world system, then there is no power which can stop an entry of that aspirant into that world system … And this is also applicable to all worlds, irrespective of whether they are gross, subtle and also to the divine ones … Thus, impressions play a very important role in ones evolutionary path and self realizations and all other aspects” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Impressions (Samskaras) are generated by desires, which then lead to corresponding thoughts, then emotions and deeds … And the end stage of this process, is deeds which is the base of origination of impressions (Samskara) … These impressions reside within the consciousness orb of bliss sheath of that aspirant and they are also reflected within the consciousness plane of the world (where that aspirant resides) in addition to being reflected in the plane of macrocosmic consciousness … Thus, those who know how to study these impressions, can pin point the generator of that impressions, even after billions and even more of years have already elapsed since that impression was originated generated by its originator … This is also a knowledge that relates to the vast science of impressions” …
The eternal guide continued even further and told … “Those who hold subtle impressions can self realize the corresponding subtle or divine world (which relates to the subtlety of the aspirant’s impression), even whilst they still reside in this gross world system … Thus, the proof of self realization of a subtle or divine world, is also rooted in the subtle impressions that reside within the consciousness orb of that aspirant’s bliss sheath … And since evolutionary process always leads to a higher subtlety, so the science of impressions is also related to the evolutionary process itself … And since the evolutionary process also relates to the impressions, so this itself is the reason for controlling of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds in such a way that they rest in higher subtlety and thus lead to generation of subtler impressions” …
The little student understood … And nodded in affirmative …
Then the eternal guide told … “And when the ripeness and rightness of evolutionary process arrives, then only does the last and final state of this science of impressions (Samskara Vijyana) arrive, where just one last and final impression is all that remains within the aspirants consciousness … And this last and final impression also comes out of the aspirant’s microcosm, via the path of Shivarandra (secret crevice of Shiva which is located at the mid point of top of brain) … And once evicted, the aspirant is liberated …
The eternal guide further told … “This, knowledge of Vedic sages which relates to the last impressions (Antim Samskara) was also the reason for Kapaal Kriya to be carried out on a dead body that is being cremated at that time … And the reason for this Kapaal Kriya is also to ensure, that just in case, if the one who has left is ready to be liberated, then his (or her) last impression could come out of his (or her) Shivarandra, when the Kapaal Kriya is carried out on the Shivarandra itself … And to ensure purity of feeling of the doer of this Kapaal Kriya and thus not cause hindrances that can also come from the wrong thoughts (and thus generated impressions) of the doer of Kapaal Kriya, the closest blood relation (usually the son) is chosen to do it … This Kapaal Kriya is also a part of the vast science of impressions (Samskara), which includes the knowledge of the Last impression or Antim Samskara … And since the cremation is related to Kapaal Kriya itself, so the process of cremation of a dead body, was also named after the name of the last impression, which as such is Antim Samskara” …
The little student nodded in affirmative, confirming his understanding …
Then the eternal guide said … “The science of impressions is a very vast subject, so we shall stop this discussion here as that vast discussion is to needed to complete this Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … But we would have to discuss the the last impression (Antim Samskara) that gets manifested within the consciousness orb of causal body, because this is a part of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra which is being told here” …
The little student was excited to know more … And thus he also gave an nod in affirmative …
Let go of impressions and manifestation of the last impression …
Then after a short break, so that the student could digest this knowledge, the eternal guide continued … “Impressions of the consciousness can be let go fully only when the desires have been let go … But since this let go is whilst utilizing one impression of detachment during the entire process of let go, so this also leads to a stage where just that ‘one last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara)’ is all that remains after this entire process of let go of impressions, is completed” …
The eternal guide then continued telling … “This one last impression always remains and this is the impression which is generated by the series of acts that are related to unseeding all others … And this itself was the reason for ‘this one (pointing to the little student)’ to be instructed to utilize the same impression which was generated as the earlier effect, for unseeding all other impressions of all the cleansing of caves of ether of heart during the progress of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
Then the eternal guide told … “This instruction was given because, if this aspect was not complied, then each unseeding shall lead to a newer impressions and thus there shall be many-many impressions generated within the consciousness orb, instead of the single, last and final impression which eventually is to remain after completion of the Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … And thus, if that single impression is not re-utilized for unseeding all other impressions, then those many impressions shall be manifested and in such a case, all these impressions which have manifested due to unseeding of the other impressions, would also have to be fruited multiple times to effect their subtlety … And on the contrary, if the same impression which was generated after our first unseeding of the impressions of the cave of consciousness, is the one utilized, then by the time we arrive at the end of this Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, we shall have already effected multiple fruiting of this last impression and this would lead to its (last impression’s) very high subtlety … Fruiting of an impression leads to subtlety of that impression and thus, if we fruit it multiples of times, as is within the path of Hridayakasha Garbha, then that one last and final impression would have already arrived at a very high subtlety and this is what must be as an end result of this practice of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
The little student nodded in understanding because he remembered what the eternal guide had told earlier on, that, further fruiting of any impression, leads to generation of the next impression and where the next generated impression also holds a higher subtlety (as compared to the previous one which was fruited to arrive at the next impression) …
The eternal guide continued … “As also, the desires can only be let go, when the impressions have been let go along with their root desires … Base is of desires and these desires lead to thoughts, emotions and deeds, which becomes as reason for generation of impressions within the orb of consciousness of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) … And this is also such that, to attain the last impression, each desire and its generated impression and each impression with its further generated desire shall also have to be eventually let go or detached by an aspirant” …
Then the eternal guide told … Only after this aspect is diligently followed, would the path to Sat Chit Ananda or the state of pure conscious bliss, open up for the aspirant … When the consciousness is freed from those many-many (innumerable) impressions which earlier were residing within it (i.e. residing within the consciousness orb of the causal body), only then can the path to Sachchidananda open up … Thus, Sachchidananda is also the state which is free of impressions, their causal thoughts and deeds and also their root desires … Only when this stage would arrive, can it be deemed that the aspirant has successfully completed the entire path of this chapter on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … This is the stage, when within his (or her) consciousness, that aspirant says I Am Shiva, Shiva I Am, I am pure consciousness (Shivohum) … This stage also denotes that the aspirant has attained to the pristine auspiciousness, which as such is what the Vedic word Shiva, actually means” …
The eternal guide further said … “As also, if even once the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) has become freed of these impressions, then such a consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha) cannot ever have an appropriate soil to fruit these impressions any further … And at the same time, if the consciousness arrives at a higher subtlety, which the consciousness shall definitely arrive at, after the aspirant has successfully completed the entire path of this topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, then all those grosser impressional fields within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness shall also be detached to that aspirant … Thus even if this topic is not done perfectly or correctly, then also the benefit of these exercises is enormous … As such, if the path of this topic is done correctly, then ‘one last and final impression (Antim Samskara)’ would be all that shall be remaining within the consciousness orb of causal body of that aspirant … And this itself is that state of evolution, from where one eventually qualifies to finally exit the entirety of Makers Makings i.e. the aspirant qualifies to enter into Kaivalya Moksha” …
Then the eternal guide further said … “And if this chapter (of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra) is done, but not fully as it must be, then also the benefit is that the grosser impressions (and thus, grossness of ways of life) shall exit out of the aspirants consciousness and in such a case, the soil of consciousness of that aspirant would no longer relate to grosser aspects, like those of individualism of any sort and irrespective of whether that individualism is related to Gods (or Satan), text (or scripture), economics, politics, geographies, geopolitics, religions (faiths), color, creed, sex, culture or anything else … And such aspirants always relate to the pluralistic monism, which as such is the primordial root of allness and also to its knowledge system, i.e. the Vedas” …
The eternal guide continued further … “And if that aspirant manages to attain that last and final impression, that that aspirant always ends up attaining to (entering into) Brahmpath, which as such is the last path that any microcosm walks, prior to a final exit out from allness of Makersmakings … This last path is where one walks alone, i.e. the aspirant walks freed of allness and her each part and as the fully independent one, who as such has also reached the stage of freedom from all laws, process and principles of macrocosmic creation and this stage also denotes the state of freedom from allness and her each part … This is the stage of attainment of perfection of independence from allness and her each part (i.e. state of Kaivalya) and where the word ‘allness’ also includes, all gross, subtle and also includes all divine realms, their controlling entities (God or Satan) and their given paths … This condition was the one which was told by the Vedic sages … As follows …
- What use are the scriptures for those, who have known it all through a direct cognition of reality …
- And what use are the scriptures for those, who have not even begun in the path of self realization of reality …
- Those who have attained to what is told here, are also revered by all that resides within and thus is a part of Makers Makings, including but not limited to gross, subtle and divine beings …
- Once such an aspirant arrives to any world, then all divine entities leave their palaces (Temples, etc.) and begin supporting that aspirant in his (or her) further jobs s, which can also not be any other than re-establishment of Dharma (i.e. righteous ways of life or Sanatan Dharma) …
- Then the eternal guide laughed and then pointed to the little student and told … This one shall know this to be a fact during the future times of his current transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation that has been attained by adopting the path of Transmigration of soul) …
The little student looked blankly at the eternal guide as he had no words for this lecture and the last laugh of the eternal guide …
Knowledge of the last impression or Antim Samskara …
The eternal waited for a while for the little student to digest this knowledge … And then told … “Then is the stage when this last impression also is let go by the aspirant … This last and final impression is like an ‘octahedral elongated crystal’ that is pointed at one end (upper end) and it can either of a state which is translucent or it can also be transparent … And it looks like the healing crystal that is used in Pranic healing techniques” …
Then the eternal guide continued and told … “This impression comes out of the Shivarandra (or the secret crevice of Paramguru Shiva) and it relates to Ishana face of Sadashiva … Due to the relation of this last and final impression (Antim Samskara) to the upward looking (i.e. skyward facing) Ishana face of Shiva, which is also denoting the fullness, completeness and wholeness of Sadashiva, so when this last impression is coming out, the aspirants consciousness also begins looking skywards (upwards and out of the skull top) and thus the eyes of that aspirant always look towards and towards the top of brain, where the Brahmarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Brahma) is present” …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “And after this last and final impression has already come out of the Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Paramguru Shiva) which as such is in the real middle of the top of skull bones, then if the aspirant can somehow see the top of the skull, then he (or she) would see a crystal colored human face looking out of the middle of the top of skull where the Shivarandra is present … This is the Ishaan face of Shiva, which is also present within the aspirant and this face denotes the attainment to Ishaan face of Sadashiva … As also, Ishaan Face of Sadashiva is directly referring to and thus is directly denoting Nirguna Brahman (i.e. the attributeless being or attributeless infinite being or supreme being) … Such an aspirant is Brahman, even whilst he (or she) is still existing within his (or her), then incarnated state” …
Then the eternal guide pointed to the little student and said … “During coming times, through a direct cognition of whatever is told here, ‘This one (Little student)’ would know the truth of this lecture” …
The little student who was then resting in a in deep conscious reverence, and who still was amazed at this knowledge, just kept looking at the divine face of his eternal guide …
And thus at that time, the little student could neither say anything nor could express anything …