Here we would discuss the law of cosmic introspection (i.e. law of collective cosmic introspection) … This law can also be termed as law of eternity of macrocosm (or law of eternity of cosmic creation or law of cosmic eternity or law of eternal existence of macrocosm creation) …
This effects of law always cut in, whenever the state of change of anything is coming due in any part of the Makers Makings … This change could be can be as a change of age i.e. change of human age (i.e. change of a Manav Yuga), change of a divine age cycle (i.e. change of a Deva Yuga or Mahayuga), change of an age of Manu (i.e. change of a Manvantara), change of the day time of Brahma (i.e. change of a Brahma Kalpa) of even the change of a night time of Brahma (i.e. change of a Brahma Ratri), change of a a great day of creator (i.e. change of a Maha Kalpa) change of a year of Brahma (i.e. change of a Brahma Varsha) … And this law also cuts in for all other changes that relate to change of states of existences (as per the dimension of state or Dasha Ayama), change of ways of life (which itself is as per the demands of a change of dimension of direction or Disha Ayama), etc., … Basically the subtle effects of this law cut in during any of the phases that relate to change of anything …
As also, since all that exists in macrocosm is ever changeful (as per what was discussed in an earlier topic of ‘change is the only constant’) and thus all that is permanent in macrocosm is change, so this also means, that this law is actually working continuously upon all that exists as a microcosm within the macrocosm …
This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Principle of eternal collective bliss … Ananda Siddhanta” …
AA) …
Law of collective cosmic introspection …
This law could be thus defined …
Within the Makers Makings, the introspection that cyclically manifests is always collective and where collective means, the corpus of all that is as macrocosm
BB) …
Explaining Law of collective macrocosmic introspection … Law of eternity of macrocosm …
This could be thus explained …
- Cosmic Introspection … Is looking at the individually perceived whole and taking a final call …
- Collective cosmic Introspection … Is looking collectively at the full whole and not taking the final call …
CC) …
Effects of this law of cosmic intervention …
Effects of this law is what leads to a state as described below …
- The macrocosm has never ever taken a final call on its multi-universal level … And this is even when, during its timeless incalculable history, the same macrocosm has definitely taken a call on its level that relates to a microcosm … Here the word microcosm means all that comes between the greater of all microcosm’s, i.e. the universe, and the smaller of all microcosm, which let’s just say an atom …
- Had the effects of this law not been there, then this final call would have already been taken countless mega eons ago …
- This state of not taking that final call is because, within its entire collective corpus, allness just seems so right as per the demands of those times that ever are during macrocosmic history of existence …
- Thus, due to above, the final call (which relates to the permanent ending of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation) never came from the macrocosmic creation …
- And yet with above, the macrocosm has definitely taken a final call on a microcosmic level i.e. at the level of the greater of all microcosm (or universe) until the level of the smaller of all microcosms (let’s just say, an atom or cell) …
DD) …
Law of collective cosmic intervention and non interference …
Above is also the reason, why the macrocosm never interferes with whatever is happening within a world or plane of existence or even the universal sphere …
This is because the macrocosm knows, what is there right now, is the right state there needs to be for any microcosm that is residing within it and at that moment …
As also the macrocosm knows, if it interferes with the evolution of any microcosm, then the macrocosm also also end up within the same state as is of an individual microcosm and thus lose its standing as a macrocosm …
As also the macrocosm also knows, it anyways is existing within its microcosmic state that also is within each microcosm that ever is begun within the Maker’s Makings … And due to this reason of the eternal presence of the macrocosm within microcosm (i.e. all microcosm), the need to interfere with any of the microcosm’s and in any way, never even arises …
Note: In above paragraph, what we mean is the eternal presence of the grandparental macrocosm (i.e. subtle impressional macrocosm or Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) that itself is within each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makersmakings …
This non-interference is also there within the collectivity of the macrocosmic introspection, and that too whilst that macrocosm resides within each microcosm … And this itself leads to a state where the macrocosmic intelligence knows, that because it eternally is there within each microcosmic state, so to interfere with the microcosm, is like interfering with itself only …
Thus, the collective macrocosmic introspection leads to a state of non interference by the macrocosm, which is within and beyond each microcosm (including each aspirant) and thus, any macrocosmic interference with any microcosmic state, is like interfering with itself only …
And this is why, whenever any microcosm has arrived at an evolutionary standing, where it begins resting in a ripeness and rightness that is necessary to make it exit out of all modes of existences, then the macrocosm itself if the one, who give way to that microcosm, so it could finally exit out (i.e. be liberated, just as was desired from within the original desire itself) …
EE) …
Non interference by macrocosm maintains real nextness of evolution …
As a matter of fact …
- The subtle impressional state of macrocosm (I.e. Sukshma Samskarik Brahmand) which itself is the grandparental macrocosm, is the one which rests within each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makers Makings … Thus, ancient sages had told that the macrocosm is present within the microcosm of each aspirant and due to this, the the greater reality of each microcosm itself is as the macrocosm …
- And simultaneously with above … The microcosm itself rests within the larger envelope of the macrocosm …
So basis above two bullet points …
- The macrocosm rests in macrocosm and simultaneously, the microcosm rests within the macrocosm …
- This leads to a state where any intervention by the macrocosm, would only lead to manifestation of non compliance towards the earlier discussed law of real nextness of evolutionary process and which in turn would interfere with the universal process and its cosmic functioning …
So due to above …
- As far as the individual level of microcosm’s is concerned, the macrocosm can intervene, but not interfere …
- And as far as the macrocosmic level of macrocosm is concerned, it neither intervenes not interferes …
- When aspirants would subtly study above discussed facts, then they would also appreciate their relation to all that is discussed in this topic …
So, due to above and from the macrocosmic point of view, when viewed from the collectivity of states that exist within the entire macrocosmic creation, it always seems so right, that the need to interfere with anything, never even arises for the macrocosm …
And it is due to this that even when the microcosm’s come and go, the macrocosm which is within and out of such microcosm’s, has never even found a need to do the same and thus is naught but an eternal state …
Thus, it is also due to this law, that the macrocosm is eternal and where this eternity is even when, the individual microcosm’s that rest within the same collectivity of the macrocosm, only come by (i.e. get manifested or incarnated), stay for a while (i.e. exist within their incarnated states) and thence exit out into their final liberation (i.e. they enter into Kaivalya or Moksha) …
FF) …
Applications of this law of eternity of macrocosm … Law of path of final exit …
Due to the subtle effects of this law …
- If any entity interferes with the process of evolution of any other microcosm, then this by itself is a proof that the entity has still not attained to the essence of this law, which itself is the principle of eternal existence of all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
- If any entity interferes with any other microcosm, then that entity also proves that it has still not attained to that evolutionary standing, that lies beyond the scopes and purviews of the principle of eternal evolution …
- Due to this reason, this law is directly related to the previous discussed macrocosmic universal principles, i.e. principle of evolution (and principle of existence (eternal existence) …
Above law also has the following effects …
- When any aspirant evolved to the state where he (or she) self-realizes the essence of this law, then that aspirant also knows the hazards of non compliance to this law …
- This is the stage where such an aspirant also remains with no choice, but to appreciate and thence enter into a state of detachment to allness and her each part …
- Thus, this law is also the path to entering into final detachment … Due to this, this law can also be termed as the law of path of detachment …
Such an aspirant is also the one who knows … That, …
Any assistance that can be rendered to anyone else, must be as per the current evolutionary standing of that aspirant and that too, as per the real nextness of needs of that aspirant’s evolutionary process of that specific stage of evolution …
And where that assistance can also be only rendered, until the aspirant enters into that path, which leads to a final detachment from allness itself …
And if there really is such an aspirant who has already begun resting within the path to final detachment from allness, then it eventually would have to be the subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sukshma Samskarik Brahmand) that itself is present within that aspirant’s microcosm, who would be showing the final route of exit from allness to that aspirant … This itself means, that route of final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) would only be shown to an aspirant, by the subtle impressional macrocosm, that itself is resting within that aspirant’s microcosm (aspirant’s physical vehicle) …
Continues …