Law of cosmic co-existence (or Law of co-existence) is the one which leads to a mutual, self-balancing existence between all that has ever begun and is resting within any part of the Makers Makings … The word cosmic as stated in the header of this topic, refers to both the macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects … This co-existence has been there since the timeless beginning of the Maker’s Makings and thus, this co-existence is naught but eternal … And this fact is irrespective of whether anyone accepts this or not …
Describing above shown figure: Each microcosm projects its own etheric unto the etheric field of the world where it lives … Each world projects its etheric unto the etheric field of the plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.) were it rests at that time … Each plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.) also projects its etheric unto the universe where it rests at that time … And each universe also has its own etheric that itself is the corpus of etherics of all microcosm’s that rest in its envelope … Each universal etheric in turn merges to the macrocosmic etheric field … And this is what leads to a state of co-exists of each part of the Makers Makings with each other part …
Continuing with the description of above figure: This projection of etheric fields is also such that each of these etherics are intertwined with each other and they ultimately look like a matrix of silvery colored cords … As long as the microcosm remains connected to its own silvery colored cord, it exists in its presently incarnated (or manifested) state and when its own silvery colored cord gets cut off from it, then it enters the stage of de-incarnation …
This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of … “Principle of eternal existence” …
AA) …
Definition of cosmic co-existence …
Everything is dependent upon each other for its survival and where this dependence is also of macrocosmic proportions
There is nothing which exists within the Makers Makings and yet can stay beyond this law of cosmic co-existence …
And irrespective of whether we know about it or not, the law of co-existence of all parts of allness with allness and vice versa stands firm …
BB) …
Universality of Law of cosmic co-existence … Law of co-existence …
Nothing exists independently of others especially when it resides within the same cosmic system … Here by system we mean the four states of macrocosm, and all that resides within the macrocosm (including all microcosm’s) … This itself is because of the fact, that, in reality (of allness and her each part), everything is a vibration and no vibration has ever existed independently from any other vibration …
Nothing ever has or will ever exist independent of the macrocosm and its parts (i.e. all microcosms) especially when when everything itself is resting within the same macrocosmic system …
Even the states of existences, like those of cyclic existence and acyclic existence rest in co-existence with each other … Even voidness (emptiness) is co-existing with the four macrocosmic states and vice versa of this relationship is also true …
This co-existence continues until the final let go is effected from allness itself … Since this fuller let go of allness, only leads to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. entirety of Makers Makings), which itself is termed as the state of final liberation (or Kaivalya Moksha), so it is due to this reason, that until a microcosm attains to that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), the law of our current discussion would stand valid for that microcosm and where this validity is irrespective of whether that microcosm believes it or not and/or is consciously complying to it or not …
Not’ness of the knowledge of subtle is ignorance, Is’ness of knowledge that only the gross (physical realms and beings) exists is grosser ignorance, and this law of cosmic co-existence is the reality of co-existence of these two, which shall be discussed in this topic …
BB-1) … Co-existence is not limited to gross existence …
We as gross matter physical vehicles, are also dependent on not only the gross matter but also the subtle matter … Each of these gross and subtle aspects also have their hierarchies and each of them also co-exist with each other even when they rest within their own hierarchies …
Co-existence literally means that the members of the system cannot live or exist without each other and if one member of the system is afflicted or discarded, then the system would also come in all sorts of perils, or may even temporarily cease to function or may even collapse as a system … The same fact is also applicable to the macro-Speciological balance and where this balance is also related to cosmic ecology as it relates to the intra-cosmic balancing technology of the macrocosmic creation and thus, whether someone accepts this fact or not, the fact still remains that it eventually relates to each microcosm … And irrespective of whether this relation is direct or indirect to the microcosm’s that rest upon this world system, it still exists …
To maintain this balance, the entire multi-universal cosmic creation is based in a way of life which could be thus described …
- Intrinsically pluralistic …
- And yet it remains as essentially monist …
- Thus it is due to this reason, that the ways of live of the macrocosmic creation are based within pluralistic monism and which could be thus stated …
Irrespective of the intrinsic variations and diversities that are visible within the Mother nature and her parts, there always is essential unity within them … Thus Unity in diversity and diversification of ways of attaining unity, is what the ways of life of Mother nature (Ma Prakriti) eventually relate to … And it is due to this reason, from the point of view of Mother nature, All paths lead to the same home only …
- As also, since individualism (i.e. monotheism of any sort, be it political, geopolitical, geological, geographical, economic, social, cultural, religious, safety and security based, cultural, familial, or it relates to race, creed, sex or anything else) is not in line with the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ways of life of Mother nature, so individualism (i.e. monotheism of any type) has never been nor can it ever be a reason for long lasting peace in a world … And this itself is because, any form or formless state of individualism (monotheism of any sort) fails to comply to the law discussed here (i.e. law of cosmic co-existence) and this is also due to the fact, that monotheistic ways of life can never co-exist with others, who also are a part of the cosmic ecology and thus are members who contribute to the Speciological aspect of cosmic balance and harmony and where this cosmic balance is not just related to grosser aspects, but is also is based within all those hierarchical macrocosmic subtleties (which also include all the divinities of Maker’s Makings) …
BB-2) … Co-existence is based upon cosmic democracy …
This law of cosmic co-existence is rooted in a democratic ways of life which could be thus told …
Of you, For you, By you and always with you
And where the word “You” means all that is ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … And this term “You” also relates to those highly evolved sages and Avatars who though rest beyond the entirety of Makers Makings, but yet they return back to a lower world (like this one) so as to do specific jobs that itself are needed as per the call of those times and its eternal cycles (i.e. call of Kaalchakra or the wheel of time) …
The applicability of this cosmic democratic co-existence is also irrespective of what anyone may believe or not believe, anyone may relate to or not relate to, and is also irrespective of the hierarchical standing of any microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchies of grossness or subtleties …
BB-3) … Co-existence is unavoidable …
This law is also related to the divinities and their divine worlds and thus, until the Gods continue as Gods , even they cannot escape out of it … And because they cannot escape out of it, so they also do what they do (as per their own statements in their given scriptures) … And this is also why, Vedic lore states, that when any Avatar descends (or enters) into a world system, then he also enters as per the call of inhabitants of that world and after he enters an incarnated state, then even he doesn’t break his own laws and thus is bound by them (macrocosmic laws) … This binding is also due to this law of cosmic co-existence which also applies to an Avatar, but after he (or she) descends (or enters into) a lower world (like this one) …
Proceeding further …
Thus this law is also related to all that is as a gross microcosm, a subtle microcosm and even those divine microcosm’s (Gods, etc.) … Nobody has ever escaped out of this law and nobody can ever escape out of it in any future time span of existence of the Makersmakings …
CC) …
Cosmic co-existence is within hierarchies of gross and subtle …
To understand this, we would take an example that relates to the subtler counterparts of the physical vehicle and thus base this discussion upon the Pancha Kosha (five sheaths) … These five Vedic sheaths (or Vedic Panch Kosha) have already been discussed earlier on and were told as follows …
- Annamaya Kosha … This term means the physical vehicle (or physical body or food sheath), which as such is the grossest amongst the Panch Kosha (Vedic Five sheaths) as have been told within the Vedic lore …
- Pranamaya Kosha (Vital air sheath) … This is the sheath of vitality or in other words, it is the vital air sheath which itself is present within the physical vehicle and it is responsible for keeping that physical vehicle in an optimum state of vitality … As far as the hierarchies of subtleties of these five sheaths is concerned, this vital air sheath is in the middle of the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) which lies on its subtler side and the food sheath (Annamaye Kosha) which lies on its grosser side …
- Manomaye Kosha (Mind sheath) … This is the sheath of mind (or in other words, the sheath of mind) … Mind itself is the inner medium (or in other worlds, a medium that is present inside the physical vehicle) that connects the aspirant to allness and where this connection of aspirant to allness, is even there when it is not known … To ensure this connection, the mind also remains as the eternal wanderer, but only until its wanderings are finally controlled through various ways and paths that relate to one or another aspect of Yoga Tantra … As far as the hierarchies of subtleties of these five sheaths are concerned, this mind sheath is in the middle of the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) which lies on its subtler side and the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) which lies on its grosser side …
- Knowledge sheath … Vijyanmaya Kosha … This is the sheath of knowledge (of in simple worlds, the knowledge sheath) … Knowledge is the driver of mind because it renders the directionality to the mind … Thus, mind runs due to the impact which is made by the knowledge sheath upon it … And due to this reason, Mind only acts as a medium because of the effects that are of the knowledge sheath (and after the stage when the subtler flows and dynamism of knowledge act upon the mind) … The correct directionality of the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) is finally controlled through various ways and paths that relate to one or another aspect of knowledge, including that of Yoga Tantra … As far as the hierarchies of subtleties of these five sheaths are concerned, this knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) is in the middle of the bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) which lies on its subtler side and the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) which lies on its grosser side …
- Bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha) … This is also termed as the causal body and is also named as Antahkarana Chatushtaya (i.e. the four fold inner subtle tool) … And in simple words, this is what the term Antahkarana (inner subtle tool) actually means … This is of four parts which are like four orbs, and which from inside to outside are as follows … The innermost orb is of Ahamkara, which means I’ness … The next outer orb is the orb of consciousness, which is called as Chitta … The next outer orb is of Buddhi, which means knowledge … And outermost orb which can even extend infinitely outside these three orbs, is of Manas (Mind) … This Antahkarana (or Anandamaya Kosha or Bliss sheath or causal body) which directly relates to nature, also denotes the primary ignorance and thus unless this is self-realized and thence the aspirant evolves beyond it (i.e. this bliss sheath of the aspirant is returned back to its macrocosmic counterpart), that aspirant would only end up continuing within one or another part of the Makers Makings and thus such an aspirant would only end up remaining in one or another aspect of bondage, which also means, that the final liberation (or Moksha) would only remain as a distant dream for that aspirant …
Now discussing the co-existence of these five sheaths as told in Vedas (Vaidik Panch Kosha) …
- Food generated vitality runs the food sheath (physical body or Annamaye Kosha) … The the source of vitality is food even when the vital air sheath, in which that vitality resides, is the one which renders its drives to the food sheath (Physical vehicle or Annamaya Kosha) … And this itself is on addition to the fact, that the vital air sheath (Vedic Pranamaye Kosha) is also the one which drives the mind sheath (Vedic Manomaye Kosha) … And yet the food sheath is directly pervaded by the vital air sheath (Vedic Pranamaya Kosha) which itself is directly pervaded by the mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) …
- Vital sir sheath drives the physical body (food sheath) and the mind sheath (Vedic Manomaya Kosha) … And yet the mind directly pervades the vital air sheath (Vedic Pranamaya Kosha) so as to render the drives to the vital air sheath …
- Knowledge sheath (Vedic Vijyanmaya Kosha) is the one which renders its subtle drives to the mind sheath (Vedic Manomaya Kosha) and thus controls its directionality … Thus, knowledge control the directions of (or working of) mind sheath (Vedic Manomaye Kosha) and which itself is actioned by vital air sheath …
- And all these acts of all above sheaths are ultimately resting in ignorance, that itself is of the bliss sheath (Vedic Anandmaye Kosha) … Unless this ignorance, that itself is of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya or fourfold inner subtle tool or simply, the Vedic Anandamaya Kosha) is there, no sheath would be able to function … This is because of the fact, that, in absence of ignorance, which itself is that state where the self-realization of reality (i.e. Atman and Brahman) has already been arrived at, these sheaths would only end up letting go of their acts and thence merging with Brahman itself … And after that, these five Vedic sheaths (Vedic Pancha Kosha) would never associate to their earlier rigmaroles … These Vedic five sheaths only act as they act due to being in ignorance to the final reality, that everything is Brahm (and where everything also includes these five Vedic sheaths) …
- Thus, ignorance is the reason for co-existence … And once the ignorance of real (Para Brahman) is escaped out of (or evolved from), then because the aspirants enters into independence (which itself is of Brahman), so in such a case, the aspirant also exits out of the currently discussed law of cosmic co-existence …
But above was just an example of co-existence with reference to the Vedic five sheaths and we took this example as in lesser or larger application of them, they also are universal entities because they relate to all that is ever begun within the Makers Makings …
As a matter of fact …
- No cell of the physical body can ever exist independently from other cells and their cellular structures because co-existence within them, is ever there, and this is even when it may not be readily apparent (during our observations) …
- No organ of the physical body can ever work independently from other organs …
- No element of nature is existing without co-existence …
- None of the three cosmic attributes (Triguna) exist without this aspect of co-existence … So, if one quality (one Guna of Prakriti) goes erratic (i.e. it develops an excess or under of flows and dynamism within it), then others also get erratic when they try to correct that fault and where this try to correct the fault (or one Guna) is also because of the application of the Law of cosmic co-existence upon these three qualities of macrocosmic nature …
- There is also a co-existence between the natural elements and microcosm’s (like humans) … So, if we pollute the elements, our gross and subtler bodies also get polluted …
- Basically, this is a universal principle, so irrespective of whether we consider a gross or subtle or even a divine entity, ultimately they all are resting in co-existence to each other …
Just like this co-existence is a matter of fact, so as it is within a …
- Physical body, so is it within the greater macrocosm …
- Macrocosm, so it is there within the physical body …
- Above itself is because, ultimately there is nothing like an independent macrocosm or microcosm, as both are interdependently existing within and upon each other and this itself is as per the Law of cosmic co-existence as is being discussed here …
DD) …
Perfection of co-existence and oneness to allness … And final liberation …
Co-existence literally means a state, which would be thus described …
Made for each other, made by each other, made with each other, made upon each other, made of each other, made around each other and made within each other…
Unless such a stage arrives, co-existence would never be known in its universally perfect nature …
Unless co-existence is known within the fullness of its above described condition, oneness towards allness (I.e. Brahmand Dharana) would also not be arrived at by the aspirant …
And unless an inner state of oneness towards allness (i.e. perfection of Brahmand Dharana) is attained, no aspirant can reach the next stage which as such is of union to allness (Brahmand Yoga) …
Unless the aspirant already knows that he (or she) is already unioned to allness (i.e. the aspirant knows that he or she has already accomplished Brahmand Yoga), the further stage of detachment from allness would never arrive …
Note: How can any aspirant detach to anything, unless that aspirant has already known its own union to that thing … And the same is also applicable to detachment to allness, which itself needs to be prefaced with union to allness (Brahmand Yoga) … But to accomplish Brahmand Yoga, the aspirants inner oneness to allness (Brahmand Dharana) would also have to be a pre-requisite …
Unless this stage of detachment to allness is successfully effected, the next stage of final liberation, which as such is named as Kaivalya Moksha and which means as a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” would only remain a distant dream …
Thus, basis above … Self-realization of the fullness of law of cosmic co-existence is also a path to liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) … And where Kaivalya (or Moksha) also means that stage which is beyond dependent origination and it also denotes that stage of existence, which is beyond the law of cause and effect and whose path itself is of the detachment which is referred through the wise words, that there eventually is “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” …
Thus basis all above discussions, even the manifestation of essence of these wise words, is after the stage of perfection of knowledge of cosmic co-existence, just as it ever is within the macrocosm and its each microcosm and is also there between all microcosm’s that have ever begun within the Makersmakings …
Finality of co-existence leads to oneness to Brahman … Jeevanmukti …
Everything, everyone is a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of Brahman … Thus, Brahman’s self expression itself is the macrocosm and its each microcosm i.e. all that is begun within the Makers Makings, has only begun as a self-expression of Brahman …
Due to this reason, when co-existence between the begun states becomes arrived to its fullness, then it also denotes a state of oneness to all that is as macrocosm and microcosm, all of which are naught but one or another of those vast countless numbers of self-expressions of Brahman …
That path of liberation (Mukti Marg) which is described above, ultimately leads to liberation and where that finality of liberation is none other than the accomplishment of an innermost oneness to Brahma, which as such denotes the state of being liberated, due to attainment of Brahmatva (i.e. the knowledge of one’s eternal union to Parabrahman) …
Unless this finality is attained and which itself is through the path of self-realization (or Atma Gyan) itself, that aspirant would never know the innermost essences of Vedic Mahavakya (Vaidik great statements) and where this self-realized knowledge of Mahavakya (great statement) is also a final proof of the fact, that such a self-realized all-realized aspirant is already resting in Kaivalya, even when he (or she) may seem to be incarnated …
Thus, this path of self-realization of the law of cosmic co-existence is also a path of a much later stage of attainment of Jivanmukti (i.e. Jivanmukti also denotes that sage who is already liberated whilst alive) …
EE) …
Cosmic co-existence is a multi-aspect entity …
Flora is dependent on fauna for its survival and fauna on flora and both are dependent on the natural elements which in turn depend on these two for their cleansing and purification …
Same is for each aspect of co-existence that relates to any subtle or gross state or entity and where the applicability of this law is across the macrocosm …
So, if due to your own ignorance, you cut off a part of it (like it is when humanity begins believing in a certain codes or text which tell to do so), then it only leads to a deficiency of one or another, gross or subtle type of co-existence within them … And this is what makes that deviated part (i.e. one which has the deficiency as told here) to walk a path, that leads anywhere, but to the final liberation …
As an example, visualize below stated fact within your physical body …
Many cells make up one organ and many organs make up one body … Each cell for its needs depends on a specific group of cells which we call organs and each organ depends on yet another group of cells (another organ) for its needs…
And all these cells and organs co-exist for their own wellness and for the wellness of the body, which itself is the name of their entire corpus … This co-existence is universal, as it is applicable to each physical and subtle entity (and also applies to the subtle organs that are present within the subtle body) …
However this co-existence remains ineffective until each member appreciates its interdependence and also works for maintaining its own co-existence with each other member (and the same is also applicable for each of the cells and organs, when we consider the physical body) …
As also a fact, that unless co-existence is reflected within deeds (works of a person or even a cell or organ), it would only be as if it is non-existent … So this is a principle which needs to be reflected in desires, thoughts, emotions and thence within the deeds of microcosm’s, or else it would only be deemed to be incomplete and thus not fully ineffective within a society or world or plane of existence …
Each cell has its own mind, vital air and knowledge sheaths … The totality of cellular minds, cellular vitality and cellular knowledge is what the mind body, vital air sheath and knowledge sheaths respectively are … Each cell in the physical body is carrying out its duties diligently only to run this corpus of billions of cells which in its collective state is the physical body and each individual cell is interdependent on every other cell, while it maintains itself within the purviews and parameters of this discussed law …
The macrocosm is also no different from this, because even its parts like the universes, planes of existences, worlds and all other parts also live in co-existence with each other …
This sameness of applicability of law of cosmic co-existence is because the Maker never made a separate set of principles or process or laws for each microcosm which was originated within the Maker’s Makings …
And yet, to ensure the Makers Makings remain intrinsically pluralistic, the aspects of applicability of these principles, process and laws are variable upon each microcosm … And where this variation is also dependent upon that microcosm’s evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
There can never be two different principles or process or laws to govern two apparently different aspects and that too, whilst they rest within the same macrocosm as such a case would only lead to a chaos of universal nature, where co-existence of macrocosmic parts (i.e. co-existence of all microcosm’s with each other) would totally fail and this in turn would make existence of each microcosm, a living hell …
Thus, one set of principles, process and laws for ‘a microcosm (like you, your society or even humanity as a whole))’ and another set for other microcosm’s is never possible and that too, whilst both these microcosm’s are resting within the same macrocosmic creation …
And there also cannot ever be a separate set of principles or process or laws for the macrocosm and microcosm’s … This is also because of the fact, that the subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which as such is the original macrocosm, is the original parent of all microcosm’s and this original macrocosm is eternally residing within each microcosm which has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
And at the same time, each microcosm is also resting within those vast envelopes of the manifested macrocosm …
So, if there was a separate set of principles, process and laws for the macrocosm and another set for the microcosm’s, then the macrocosm which is present within each microcosm and within whose envelopes each microcosm also resides, would only leads to an inner and outer chaos for each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
Since the subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. original macrocosm or Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is present inside each microcosm and simultaneously since each microcosm is also resting within the envelopes of the greater macrocosm (i.e. manifested state of macrocosm), so any difference of applicability of macrocosmic principles, process and laws upon the macrocosm and microcosm, would only lead to chaos which would only be of a universal nature …
The same is also applicable to our currently discussed law …
And due to this reason, as told earlier on, there is a sameness of applicability of the macrocosmic principles, process and laws upon all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
FF) …
Nonness of full applicability of principles, process and laws during Sandhikaal … Coming chaos, coming of Golden age and the coming of ruler of triple worlds …
I write this in 2015 AD …
However, even when above is true, during the intermediary time as is between any two age cycles (which as such is termed as a Sandhikaal of an age cycle), there is always a discrepancy as far as sameness of applicability of macrocosmic principles, process and laws upon macrocosm and microcosm is concerned … And this is why, the time span of a Sandhi (or Sandhi Kala) is always of a widespread chaos and where the quantum of chaos, is also dependent upon which age cycle is turning (or changing) …
So, due to above, irrespective of whether it is the Sandhi (intermediary time between two age cycles) of a divine age cycle (Deva Yuga or Mahayuga) or it happens to be a solar age cycle (i.e. a Surya Chakra, like a Surya Samvatsara or Maha Kalpa) or a human age cycle (i.e. cycle of human ages or Manav Yuga) or the cycle of father of all microcosm’s (i.e. Manu chakra or a Manvantara) or even the cycle of creator and grandfather of allness (i.e. Brahma Chakra) which includes the chaos during a Brahma Kalpa (or in other words, chaos at the end of a day of Brahma) and which also includes the time span of one year of Brahma (Brahma Varsha), there is always a discrepancy as far as sameness of applicability of macrocosmic principles, process and laws upon macrocosm and microcosm is concerned … And this is why, the time span of a Sandhi (or Sandhi Kala) is that stage, where chaos is always of a widespread nature …
As of now, this world is resting in the end of the current human age cycle, so there would definitely be a chaos during the coming times … As also, since the next human age is a golden age (Manav Satyuga or human age of truth) which would also be running within the much longer time span of the divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga as told by Vedic Brahmins) so the incoming human age would only be as a Guru Yuga (i.e. an age of sages) … And because the codes of ways of life of a Guru Yuga (Age of sages) are totally different from the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra), so as the effects of the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga) would be made to end, the chaos would also be seen to be highly expansive and it ultimately would be spread to all ways and walks of life of humanity who inhabits this planet …
But at the same time, this variation between applicability of macrocosmic principles, process and laws is only during a Sandhikaal (intermediary time between two age cycle) and not otherwise … So, after the process of change of ages is complete (i.e. the intermediary time span or Sandhi Kala between the currently changing age cycle and the incoming age cycle) is crossed over, then this chaos would also begin reducing and ultimately end …
Thus, due to the effect of the severities of Sandhi Kaal, the times which would be starting from 2019.04 AD (i.e. beginning of January of 2019 AD) would be leading to all sorts of chaos and where this chaos would be a multifaceted one, which ultimately would enter into all primary ways and walks of life, like religious chaos, chaos that relates to aspects like those of security, safety, health, economics, social structures, cultural chaos, geographical chaos, geopolitical chaos, geological chaos, chaos due to food problems, chaos due to elements of nature, chaos due to divinities of nature and also divine aspects of chaos, and all other aspects of chaos would also be present like those of race, creed, sex, familial values, etcetera and further etcetera (Basically all that you can imagine, would be turning chaotic during the next few years) …
And this chaos would expand within 2.7 years after 2019.04 AD by a couple of hundred times and then within the further 2.7 years, it would expand by another by another couple of hundred times …
No land or person would be left out of it …
This chaos would also continue until 2028.74 AD (i.e. end of September of 2028 AD) and plus/minus 2.7 years from this time (or 2028.74 AD) would be most chaotic for all parts of macrocosmic speciology who inhabits this planet as they won’t know, what hit them, how many times were they hit, where all and when-when were they hit by it …
By the time 2022.97 AD comes by, many governments of the countries of this world would already be facing a severe heat and many would have already begun internally kneeling down in submission to chaotic effects of divinities of Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti) …
Note: In above statement, I wrote Mother nature, because of the fact, that, Mother nature (Prakriti) is the first and full self-expression, self manifestation and self-presence of Brahman … Mother nature is also the power (or divinity or Shakti) of Para Brahman, in addition to being the eternal messenger (Dooti) and wife (consort or Ardhangani) of the ever-same Parambrahma, to whom all roads eventually lead …
Note continues: As a matter of fact, time (Kaal) is a weapon of Mother nature (Prakriti) which she never shares with any God or Satan or any other microcosm … Thus, when this weapon of time (or Kaalastra) of mother nature (Prakriti) strikes so as to change an age cycle, then all Gods (and Satan’s) and their effects within a world, lie down unconscious … And it is due to this reason, religions always fail during a Sandhikaal (intermediary time span of change of one age to the next one) … There has never been a Yuga Sandhi, when societies, countries, religions and their codes didn’t completely fail … As the times progress (from the time when I write this part of the topic), this chaos and failing of manmade and those so called divine systems that humanity follows, would also be seen as a matter of fact …
Note continues: And after this Sandhikaal, Dharma shall rise with the roar of a thousand lions … That Dharma which shall rise, would be the eternal Dharma (Sanatana Dharma) and not any other manmade nonsense that came by during the last “close to 9000 years” of sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies (I.e. Sanatan Dharma) which always happens during each of the cycles of precession of equinoxes (i.e. during each Ahaata Chakra or Agragaman chakra or the cycle of Axial precession of earth’s axis) … And since the codes of the great grandmother (i.e. Sanatana Dharma or simply, Dharma) are resting in a pluralistic monism, so know for sure, that all individualism (i.e. all monotheism) and irrespective of whether that individualism is religious, textual, economic, geographical, geological, geopolitical, social, military, health and security, cultural, societal, of races, color, creed or sex or anything else, is already going to breathe its last breath … Very soon … And within the next few years …
Note continues: This part of the Sandhikaal which would last until 2028.74 AD, Plus/Minus 2.7 years, would also sow the seeds of Dharma in this world and simultaneously eradicate all the trees and seeds of Adharma that came by during the last “close to 9000 years” of sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies (I.e. Sanatan Dharma) and where this sleep always happens during each of the cycles of Agragaman (i.e. cycles of precession of equinoxes or the cycle of Axial precession of earth’s axis or Ahaata Chakra) … So, the time span from 2026.04 AD (i.e. beginning of January of 2026 AD) until 2031.44 AD (i.e. May of 2031 AD) would lead to that stage, where the divinities of the incoming human age cycle (i.e. human golden age or age of sages or Guru Yuga) would begin superseding the divinities of the present human age … And after this stage, all followers of systems that relate to the presently underway Kaliyuga would be evicted out of this entire universe …
Note continues: And this process of expanding of divinities of the incoming golden age of man (Manav Satyuga) would also continue until around 2082.74 AD (i.e. September end of 2082 AD) Plus/Minus 2.7 years and a further Plus/Minus 27 years, but only until that time, when Polaris (pole star) would come closest to the earth axis …
Note continues: And finally, within the time span from when I write this topic (2015 AD) until 2028.74 AD, plus/minus 2.7 years, a great man amongst all men and gods would rise in this world and he ultimately would be known as not only the King of this world, but also as the sole Guru and ruler of the entirety of triple worlds …
And one of the primary causes of this coming chaos would also be an utter non-compliance to this currently discussed law of cosmic co-existence and where this non-compliance would ultimately become the reason for eviction of those who are unfit to enter into the incoming golden age cycle of man (or human age of truth or Manav Kritayuga) …
GG) …
Some subtle aspects of compliance to law of cosmic co-existence …
As was discussed in many earlier topics, that, in your own greater reality, within you exists the entire macrocosm (but within you, that macrocosm is only within a subtle impressional state) and simultaneously, you also exist within the manifest state of the same impressional macrocosm (that is within you) …
Thus, your co-existence with the macrocosm is primarily based within and upon two aspects …
- First is from within you, which as such is through your desires, thoughts and emotions …
- And second is from out of you, which as such is through your deeds which prove this co-existence …
- Unless both above told aspects are complied in totality, non-compliance to the discussed law of cosmic co-existence, can never be fully effected by you and for you …
- And unless this compliance is fully effected, its divine effects would also not get manifested for you …
- And unless its divine effects get fully manifested, you would never be fully free of chaos … Internally and externally …
Now we further this discussion on the subtle aspect of things …
- The body cannot exist independent of the universe (and also the macrocosm) in whose envelopes the body resides …
- Every part of the body (i.e. each cell and their corpus as organs) is linked to their own specific planes within the same macrocosm and it is from this link, that they also derive their flows and dynamism during their existence within your body …
- This link may be likened to a cord, which is like the etheric cord of that cell and organ (as each cell and organ also has its own individual cellular etheric) …
- Thus, since each cell is connected to a different part of the macrocosm (which itself is that cells macrocosmic parent), so when we consider all the billions and billions of cells that are present within your physical body, then you also end up having those many cosmic connections … And this is from where your link to and thus your co-existence is established (to the manifest macrocosm in which you live and whose subtle impressional state is also present in your own microcosmic physical vehicle) …
Subtle aspect of relation (co-existence) of microcosm to macrocosm …
- The information from the cellular cord is continuously transmitted to its respective macrocosmic parental cord and the corresponding information from the respective parental macrocosmic state (to which that cell or organ eventually relates) is also received by the cell …
- As such, the physical body with its billions and further billions of cells is like a mega transmit-receive station where each cell is linked to its own (or its own corresponding) macrocosmic counterpart and where this link is through its own cord …
- And where each of the macrocosmic cords to which the cellular system is linked, in turn denotes the principal state (or parental state) of that cell, that itself is present within the greater macrocosm …
- Any clustering or stagnation of information (i.e. the transmit-receive data) in excess of this cords capacity, would cause a loss of information to/from the cell which is linked to that parental macrocosmic cord (which itself is present within the greater manifest macrocosm) …
- Whenever this happens, the information which flows to/from the cord to its macrocosmic parental state, gets attenuated (or cluttered by external or even internal aspects) and thus, this itself is a sign of stagnation within it …
- This stagnation could either be due to an excess or could even be due to an under of information transfer to or from the cell (or organ) its own greater macrocosmic parental counterpart …
- As such, in this case, the cell (or cellular system) shall become sick, deformed and would ultimately die (literally, death), if the developed stagnation is not cleared or evicted from the cord of the cell (or cellular system) …
- Since each cell has its own respective macrocosmic parental state (which itself is within the greater macrocosm), so due to this reason, from the point of view of the physical bodied beingness, these billions and more of cords that reach the macrocosm in each of its different planes (corresponding to the plane of each of the individual cells) is the basis of all subtle divinities that drive each individual cell (and organ) and this process also transfers the subtler vibrational imprints from the cell to its corresponding parental macrocosmic states and thus ensures their innermost oneness and co-existence with each other and also within each other …
- This vibrational imprint also leaves a subtle (vibrational) imprint upon the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that individual cell and this imprint that forms within the consciousness orb of causal body of the aspirant, is also reflected within its own corresponding macrocosmic principal state that itself is present within the macrocosmic consciousness (Brahmic Chitta) …
GG-1) … Some other subtle aspects of co-existence …
- Any loss of to-from communication between the cell and its macrocosmic parental etheric plane shall in turn cause a loss of the cellular functions and also that, this loss of information could even lead to a sickness or death of the cell … All this is due to corruption of its link with its own macrocosmic parental state …
- And same loss of flows and dynamism also manifests within the macrocosm because the cell and its parent are not different entities, they in fact are one and the same in their innermost cores and yet are apparent as two separate entities …
- Within such a loss of dynamism as is when a cell cannot even fully link itself to its own plane (due to attenuation of information that takes place within the cellular etheric cord) and where this loss of information is also reflected within the cellular parental macrocosmic state, the macrocosm and cell eventually decide to call it a day for that cell (or cellular system i.e. an organ or even the entire physical body) …
- As such, this is the basic reason for the cell to die … And the same reason is also the one which ultimately leads to death of the physical vehicle …
- When more that a critical quantum of information loss between the cell or organ or physical body, to its own macrocosmic parental state is arrived, then only does that cell, organ or physical body die …
- Thus basis above, as long as there is a perfect state of transfer of information between the cell, organ or body with its own macrocosmic parental state, the cell, organ and body would neither fall sick not would it die … Thus, life and death of of the cell, organ and body is also dependent upon this discussed law of cosmic co-existence because as long as this co-existence is maintained, good health is what would be there for that cell, organ and physical body …
GG-2) … Maintenance of eternal co-existence by progeny …
- When a cell divides, its etheric is transferred to the new cell which is born out of it and thus, until the new cell can establish its own etheric cord within the macrocosm and also establish its functions, the parent cell never dies …
- This establishment of etheric by the newer cell is also at the same point as was of the original cell from which it formed … Thus is the significance of familial lineages, because the same fact is also applicable to each parent and their offspring …
- But above with a difference, that, the parent cell takes its stagnations with itself and while it fruits these stagnations during the process of its rollover (i.e. its death process) or it can also fruit these stagnations (i.e. clear the effects of these stagnations) during its further re-incarnations …
- And thus the newer cell does not have “many” of those earlier stagnations as were of its parent and this also denotes a case which rests within the principle of eternal evolution, and where evolution is also eternally upwardly …
- And this as such is the reason for close similarities between the families of cells as far as their functions and ways of life are concerned and the same is also applicable to each familial lineage …
GG-3) … Co-existence of a cell (and all other microcosms) with multi-universe …
- Each cell is dependent on the multi-universe (i.e. macrocosm) for its vital life force replenishments and this also is through the cells personal etheric cord which connects that cell to its respective macrocosmic parental state and maintains its co-existence with the macrocosm … The same is also applicable to every other microcosm …
- And simultaneously, the multi-universe is also dependent on each cell (and also on every other microcosm) to prevent its death due to loss of its dynamicity which is due to the loss of its subtle flows and these flows itself are generated due to each of these subtle vibratory imprints which are coming towards or going away from each cell (or each atom) that exists within the macrocosm …
- During its existence within any part of the macrocosm, as each cell (and atom) generates its own inner flows and dynamism and thence these are also reflected within that part of the greater macrocosm to which that cell is connected to (through its own etheric cord) then the same microcosmic (cellular and/or atomic) dynamicity also gets maintained across the macrocosm … And thus this law of cosmic co-existence of each cell (or atom) with the macrocosm also remains maintained in such a way …
Thus, there is an inner co-existence between each microcosm and the macrocosm and where if one gets deviated, then the other can never be saved from a corresponding deviation …
Note: But during Sandhikaal or the stage when an age is changing to the next one, there is also the stage when the divinities of one age cycle collide with the divinities of another age cycle, and during these times, the attenuation of flows and dynamism from each cell (and atom) is also higher than normal … And this is why, the physical entities (animate entities and also the inanimate ones like the natural elements) do all sorts of strange acts, which becomes a reason for furthering of chaos during any Sandhikaal (i.e. intermediary time span between any two ages and which always comes by during the change of one age to the next age cycle) …
Note continues: Since this world is already within the process of change of human ages, so the attenuation of flows and dynamism of this worlds inhabitants (including humanity as a whole) would also come by during the coming times and which itself would lead to widespread chaos during the coming years … And as this world keeps moving towards the end of the presently underway human age cycle (i.e. as the present Manav Yuga keeps approaching towards its end stage), then the chaos would also correspondingly keep increasing … And this chaos would also be due to a higher attenuation of flows and dynamism that needs to exist between each microcosm and macrocosm, so this stage would also lead to a condition which would be deemed as a higher than normal level of loss of compliance to the currently discussed Law of cosmic co-existence … Thus, eventually, a non compliance on an etheric level and to the fuller aspects of this discussed law, would also be becoming the reason for coming of severe chaos during the coming times, that itself are of change of the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga) to the next human age cycle (i.e. golden age of man or human age of truth or Manav Kritayuga) …
Continues …