Here we shall discuss the law of cosmic ecology (or law of macrocosmic ecology), which can also be termed as Brahma Paristhithiki (or Brahmand Paristhithiki) …
And this law would also be discussed in brief as I really don’t wish to provide the path of accomplishment of this law, especially in a world that is already resting in its peak of degeneration of ways of life (and thus its inhabitants really don’t deserve to know it) …
This law is in continuation with the earlier discussed “law of cosmic speciology … Jeeva Siddhanta” …
AA) …
Law of cosmic ecology … Brahma Paristhithiki … Brahmand
Paristhithiki …
Here we would discuss the unity of the laws that relate to cosmic ecology (Brahma Paristhithiki) to the law of Yogi (or Law of summit of Yoga) …
This law could be thus told …
That which is within a microcosm is that which is beyond … Touch the outer and the inner would also be affected
And this law can also be told in a reciprocal manner …
That which is beyond a microcosm is also within that microcosm …
Touch the inner and the outer would also be affected by your touch
Note: The latter aspect is how a highly evolved one actually brings about the requisite change within a world … These highly evolved ones never touch the outer macrocosm as they know it is not allowed within the Makers Makings, so they just touch the macrocosm which is within their own microcosm, modify it in a manner that it leads to a desired or necessary change within the outer worlds … No highly evolved being has ever touched the outer macrocosm, just touching their own inner macrocosm is enough to bring about the necessary changes in the outer macrocosm …
BB) …
Unity of Law of cosmic ecology and Law of summit of Yoga or Law of Yogi …
Above discussed aspects is what makes this law as the law of Yogi (or the law of summit of Yoga) and where the term Yogi is defined as …
That sage who though is residing at one location, yet plays the multi universe
And the term Summit of Yoga is defined as …
Where microcosm is macrocosm and macrocosm is microcosm, is summit of Yoga
Proceeding further …
And further to this is the stage that stands even beyond the above discussed summit of Yoga … This stage could be thus told …
Where the aspirant cognizes eternal union of own innermost essence (Atman) to the finality of essence of allness (Brahman), is that which is beyond the summit of Yoga and is also beyond all Yoga Tantra … This is Maheshvara …
Above is the stage where that Yogi becomes as the self-manifested state of Maheshwara (i.e. the Great lord of allness) and which itself is through the self realization of the above told state of there being an eternal non-dual union of that Yogi’s Atman to Brahman … This state relates to the formless Maheshvara …
And where Maheshwara is the Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara), the King of Yoga (Yoga Samraat), Knowledge of Yoga (Yoga Vijyana), Original Guru of Yoga Tantra (Yoga Guru), the essence of Yoga Tantra (Yogatman or Yogatma or Yoga Atma), Sage of Yoga (Yoga Rishi) and the fullness of Yoga (Yoga Poorna) in addition to being the divinity of entire paths of Yoga (Yoga Marga) …
And where that same Maheshwara is also the one who is addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and is also the one who is addressed as Ukar (i.e. the Sound of O, which can also be termed as Okar) in addition to being the one who in Vedas is addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation) and is also addressed as Karya Brahma (i.e. that aspect of creator, who actually gets into the job of creating allness out of that nothingness that was prior to this stage of creation) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, in its finality, the self realization of this law of ecology is the state of reaching the summit of Yoga … This itself is due to the fact, that, such an aspirant enters into the Law of Yogi, which itself is as the Law of lord of Yoga and also is the one which can be termed as Law of the great lord of all (Maheshwara) …
Unless your own inner state is self-realized to be in sameness to the cosmic creation within whose envelopes your own physical and subtle vehicles reside, the path which leads to attainment of summit of this law, is still not rested in by you …
CC) …
Knowledge of law of cosmic ecology …
I shall explain this in relation to what and how it is within this world (and not beyond the physical realms and physical body, because such a thing would lead to entering into subtle aspects of application of this law of cosmic ecology, for which the present day degenerate and thus, fully fractured state of humanity is not ready … I say so by roaming most of the lands of this planet) …
- The food that you eat, is grown by earth … So, if you corrupt the divinity of earth element or Bhu Mahabhuta (i.e. pollute soil of this planet), then ultimately your own physical body would also get corrupted …
- The water that you drink, is a part of the water element (Jalam Mahabhuta) … So, if you corrupt the divinity of water (i.e. pollute water), then ultimately your own physical body would also get corrupted …
- The air that you breathe is a part of the air element (Vayu Mahabhuta) … So, if you corrupt the divinity of air element (i.e. air pollution), then ultimately your own physical body would also get corrupted …
- The balance of heat and cold that you need to survive, is a part of the fire element (Agni Mahabhuta) … So, if you corrupt the divinity of fire (i.e. light element), then ultimately your own physical body also gets corrupted …
- The cosmic divinities (subtle energies) that you need to survive as a microcosm, are resting in the ether element (or Akasha Mahabhuta) … So when you corrupt your own subtle emanations (which itself are due to your corrupted desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) which connect you to the macrocosm, but through the ether element (or Akasha Mahabhoot), then your own vitalities (Prana), knowledge (Vijyana), I’ness (Ahamkara or simply, Aham), consciousness (Chitta), and mind (Manas) no longer relate to those utterly pristine cosmic aspects that eternally are present within your own tiny microcosm and the greater macrocosm …
All above deviations ultimately create all sorts of inner chaos in the microcosm (including human microcosm), which ultimately spills out into the outer worlds (environment) …
And where this spilling over is also such that the chaos ultimately spreads into all ways and walks of life of the macrocosmic speciology (including the human component of cosmic speciology) that inhabits the planet where such deviations have been repeatedly happening …
Such a situation puts you on the wrong side as far as compliance towards law of cosmic ecology is concerned …
And this is what leads to the further states as listed below …
- Speciological chaos (including manmade chaos) … This shows up in a variety of ways, like those of social and cultural and societal chaos, economic and existential chaos, military and security aspects, health and safety chaos, geographical and geopolitical and political chaos, religious and knowledge based chaos, etc., etc., …
This chaos may or may not be present in the same state across all lands of that world (where such a state of chaos manifests) …
But this is even when one or more of these stated aspects would remain in and would also keep shifting through one or more lands of that world …
And this would also continue as long as the deviation towards the law of cosmic ecology are not corrected by the inhabitants of that world …
- Natural chaos … This leads to an elemental chaos where the five elements (Pancha Mahabhuta) of earth, water, fire, air and ether get chaotic …
This is a very bad type of chaos to enter into, because of the fact, that mother nature (Ma Prakriti) is the first and full self-expression of the absolute being (Parabrahman) and this is in addition to the fact, that mother nature is also the fullness of energy (or power or Shakti), eternal divinity (Divyata), eternal consort and primary messenger of the ever-same attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) … So, getting into the wrong side of Prakriti would definitely lead to all aspects of chaos to get manifested within a world …
- Divine chaos … This is self explanatory, so no need to elaborate this …
End note:
As far as this world stands at the time when I write this topic, she is already about to enter into the doorway of above types of chaotic states … Only after I saw this coming, I decided to write this topic …
But since I really did not want to write this topic, so I only wrote it in a restricted manner, which related only to the physical level …
Thus, I have intentionally left those deeper discussions on beyond aspects that are of subtle (Sukshma), divine (Daivik) and impressional (Samskarik) components of applicability of this discussed law of cosmic ecology …
Continues …