Here we shall discuss the general component of law of cosmic relationships, which can also be termed as law of eternal relationships and law of eternity of relationships … Thus, relationships are eternal on a cosmic level …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Law of cosmic ecology … Brahma Paristhithiki” …
AA) …
Defining Law of Eternity of relationships … Law of cosmic relationships … Relationships are eternal …
This law could be thus defined …
As long as you rest within any part of the Makers Makings, your relationships of any time or state of your existence, are eternal
Thus, basis this law …
- Relationships are eternal …
- If you have ever had a relation with anyone during your entire time span of existence within the Makers Makings and that too from the stage when you originally were begun as a microcosm during those timeless eons and further eons ago, those relationships would eternally remain with you …
As a few examples of above …
- I can still communicate to the Guru’s of my past lives and I can also undergo travels (astral travel and sometimes causal travel (if needed to reach their current states of existences) … Thus, due to applicability of this law, I can still reach those beyond states of existences where they currently exist …
- I can also communicate with all sages who I had known only during my past incarnations (and also those further incarnations, that I had attained by the path of transmigration of soul), visit their current planes of existences and ask get answers to my doubts, from them …
- It was due to this reason, I never had a Guru in this physical realms as the Gurujan of my past incarnations were enough (and I say so, even when I met a few highly learned ones, who did help me when I needed that help on some issues of that time, but such ones were definitely not those who directly assisted me during my self-realizations) …
- I can also subtly travel to those extremely ancient and already forgotten times that were of my previous returns to various parts (states of existences) of macrocosm … And this is also due to the eternal applicability of this law …
- , etc., …
BB) …
Eternity of relationships are mostly vibrational and mostly not of other states …
As a matter of fact …
- Vibration is eternal … This aspect has already been discussed in the Law of vibrations … As also is a fact, that, vibrations are universal …
- Once a vibration is created, it always exists … Thus, vibration never dies …
- And since the innermost core of relationships are also based upon one or another aspect of vibrations, so relationships once created, never die and thus are eternal …
- But yet this eternity of relationships is only until you exist as a microcosm within the Makers Makings … And not beyond this state, i.e. this law is not applicable after one attains to the final liberation (Kaivalya) …
- And even those sages who earlier on were related to by an aspirant, but have already gone beyond, can also be connected to … But this is only if the aspirant (who connects to) is the one who has has returned back from the realm that is also beyond the purviews of Maker’s Makings …
CC) …
Connection to earlier related ones … Law of eternity of relationships …
As a matter of fact …
- Everything is a vibration …
- Vibration never dies …
- Vibration always has its own fundamental harmonic …
- So if anyone can connect (i.e. provided he or she knows how to connect) to that fundamental harmonic of another person, then such an aspirant can travel to that state, where that person resides … And that state may even be beyond the entirety of Makers Makings …
- But such a travel that is into that which is beyond the Makersmakings can only be possible, if that aspirant was already resting beyond the purviews of Makersmakings, prior that aspirant was recalled back into the Makers Makings (this recall may be for carrying out specific jobs that can either be as per the call of a time cycle or demands of Kaalchakra or could be due to any other reason that is beyond the capability of higher beings or controllers of that realm of return of that aspirant) …
DD) …
Limit of relationships …
This can be explained through an example …
Let us say (well, imagine thus) …
- You are resting at the 100th level of cosmic hierarchy …
- And one of the earlier related ones is resting at 99th level and another at 101st level of the same cosmic hierarchy …
- In such a case, the one who rests at 99th level can be contacted by you (but provided you can attune your inner being to the fundamental harmonic of that person) …
- And at the same time, you would never be able to connect with (or reach the plane of existence) of the person who is at the 101st level of macrocosmic hierarchy … And where this inability to connect, would even be when that person (at 101st level) would be able to connect with you (if he or she so desires to do) … But this is also an aspect of relationships only …
Thus, basis above is the limitations of maintenance of relationships …
- The aspirant (or any other microcosm) can never effect a relationship to that soul who rests in a state of evolution that is beyond that aspirants own evolutionary standing …
- Thus, if you connect to anything that is of realms which are beyond your current state of existence, then either you are higher than that being (with whom you have connected) or you are an equal as far as the your own state of existence is concerned …
- This fact is also a part of the law of cosmic hygiene that we have already discussed earlier …
- Due to this reason, the fructification of law of eternity of relationships is dependent upon compliance to the cosmic law of hygiene …
EE) …
Path and process of maintenance of relationships till eternity …
I am sorry, this is a highly esoteric and thus also is a severely restricted knowledge system, so it wouldn’t be discussed in an open forum like this …
In a degenerate world system like this one, some things better be kept untold due to a future chance of misuse of that knowledge for personal or organizational or other gains …
FF) …
Finality of attainment through the law of eternal relationships …
But just remember, as per this law, everything ultimately is related to each other … This is because of the fact, that …
All that is as the macrocosm and microcosm, ultimately is one or another self-expression of the same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman)
Due to this reason, Brahman is the finality of self-realization through path and process of this law and since Brahman also denotes final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), so due to this reason, finality of self-realization of fullness of aspects that relate to this law, would only lead final emancipation (Kaivalya Moksha) …
Thus, the path of this law leads to a final liberation (i.e. this law is a part of Muktimarg) …
Continues …