Here we shall briefly discuss the Law of excess and under (law of duality of balance), Law of cosmic balance, Law of meeting points, Law of wise one (can also be termed as Law of sustenance of allness) …
This topic continues from the earlier topic of header … “Principle of self and Principle of non self” …
AA) …
Law of excess and under …
This law could be thus told …
During any stage of evolutionary process of a microcosm, there always is some aspect of excess or under and where these excesses and under’s also balance each other during the totality of time span of evolutionary existence of that microcosm … And simultaneously, as far as the entire corpus of cosmic creation of concerned, this balance is always there during her each moment of existence
Thus, basis this law …
Irrespective of the evolutionary standing of a microcosm, there would always be some excess of some aspects and corresponding under of some other aspects …
Irrespective of excesses or under’s that may be apparent within individual states during various stages of their evolutionary existence, but during the totality of their time spans of their existence within the Makers Makings, these excess and under’s perfectly balance each other …
But within the entire corpus of cosmic creation which itself is the corpus of of flows and dynamism of each microcosm, since this balance is always there during each moment of existence, so this actually means, that, these excesses and under’s of individual microcosm’s which are residing within the cosmic creation is also such that, they ultimately balance out each other within the cosmic corpus and where this balance is within each moment of existence of the macrocosmic creation …
So above also means, that there is always an aspect of imbalance within individual microcosm’s that rest within the cosmic creation and yet this imbalance is such that it gets nullified when we consider the entire cosmic corpus, which also includes these individual microcosm’s …
Thus, this law also means …
- As far as the individual microcosm’s or individual-corpus of microcosm’s are concerned, the effects of all their excesses and under’s that are ever present and thus are effective on individual microcosm’s, would get balanced out during the longer time spans of their ‘almost eternal (i.e. their undefined time span)’ existence within the cosmic creation …
- And as far as the corpus of cosmic creation is concerned, even then the individual microcosm’s may have an imbalance (of excess and under’s of vitality etc., present in them), yet in totality of these microcosm’s that exist within the macrocosm, the cosmic corpus stays without these excess and under’s … And this itself is because, as far as the entire cosmic corpus is concerned, these imbalances of excesses and under’s of individual microcosm’s, perfectly balance out each other … And where this balance is maintained within each instant that comes during the eternal existence of Makers Makings …
- Thus, this law acts differently upon the macrocosm and microcosm’s … And yet it remains as a universal law because it relates to the aspect of duality of balance …
- Thus, basis above, this law could also be termed as Law of duality of balance … I.e. imbalance within individual states is the reason for an eternal perfect balance within the cosmic corpus and where these imbalanced individual states (or where the excesses or under’s of individual states) are also such imbalanced, that within their final corpus (i.e. entire corpus of cosmic creation), these individual imbalances ultimately balance each other out (i.e. neutralize each other) …
BB) …
Law of cosmic balance …
This law is in continuity with above discussed law and it could be thus told …
Irrespective of imbalances that keep forming within individual states and their individual corpuses, the cosmic creation as a whole remains perfectly balanced and where the cause of this final balance is none other than the ever changeful state of imbalances of individual microcosm’s that exist in the cosmic creation
And in a crude way, mathematically, this could be told as …
Note: In these examples, the numeric values as shown denote the placement of microcosm’s within the cosmic hierarchy (as per the Law of cosmic hierarchy which has already been discussed earlier on) … And where zero (0) denotes the state of balance …
1 + 2 + 3 +(-1) + (-2) +(-3) = 0
This example shows a simple state of balance and where there is one microcosm to perfectly balance another microcosm’s excesses and under’s of flow and dynamism …
But within the Maker’s Makings, since sameness is not allowed (as per the Law of sameness) and where the term sameness also includes exactly opposites, so no single microcosm can ever perfectly balance (or neutralize the excess or under) any other individual microcosm (or state) and due to this reason, below is how it could also be …
100 + (-50) + (-25) + (-15) + (-4) + (-3) + (-2) + (-1) = 0
Note: This is only an example and in reality there could be countless others …
The word “cosmic balance” as used here is not just the state of equilibrium that eternally exists within the corpus of allness (i.e. entire corpus of cosmic creation), in fact it also relates the ability to maintain that balance till eternity and that too within her each moment of existence …
Thus, as far as individualities are concerned, they would always be imbalanced to a certain extent and yet the corpus of allness would only remain in a perfect state of eternal neutral equilibrium (as far as the imbalance due to excesses and under’s of individual microcosm’s are concerned) …
Due to the universal effects of this law, the following happens …
- The threshold value of flow and dynamism within the corpus of allness is always maintained in sameness to what it must be and which itself is just as it has eternally been … Thus, the cosmic corpus doesn’t change even when the individual microcosm’s keep evolving due to the universal effects of the principle of eternal evolution …
- Even when the individual microcosm’s keep evolving and thus keep attaining to an ever higher capability for emanating higher (and thus also subtler) flows and dynamism into the cosmic creation, yet because this increase is also due to these microcosm’s attaining to (and thus also taking in) a higher hierarchy of the same cosmic creation and that too, whilst they continue to exist within the same cosmic creation, so the cosmic corpus doesn’t change even when these microcosm’s keep evolving … How can the corpus change when it relates to the macrocosmic hierarchy and that too when these microcosm’s are evolving and thus still resting within the same cosmic creation …
And further to above, following also happens …
- To maintain this balance, there needs to be a migration of entities (and also a migration of flows and dynamism of entities) across the planes of existence and universes …
- If somewhere there manifests an under of (or vacuum of) a certain type of flows and dynamism, then some entities (and also some types of flows and dynamism that is emanated out of some entities) from other worlds and planes must be made to enter that world so as to fill in that vacuum of that type of flows and dynamism and thus keep that worlds etheric field occupied to its optimum capacity …
- Thus, this balance is eventually maintained by existence of differences between various microcosm’s and due to this it also relates to the cosmic hierarchy (i.e. the Law of hierarchy) …
- And where these differences are also in the form of excesses and under’s of flows and dynamism that are emanated by individual states (or individual microcosm’s) and also emanated by individual corpuses of states (or individual corpuses of microcosm’s) …
- Due to these opposites, the flows of any state where there is an excess can be balanced within another state (or a group of states) where there is an under of that type of flow … And where those flows and dynamism can also traverse across various universes that exist within the Makersmakings …
- And this process of balance is also such that, even when a single state may not balance another state perfectly (or exactly), yet due to the effect of this law, a group of states would eventually do that …
- And where all this transfer of flow and dynamism between various states (i.e. various individual microcosm’s and individual corpuses of microcosm’s) is also such that, the net resultant cosmic etheric flow, that is formed within the macrocosmic creation is eternally based within a state of equanimity towards all that exists within the cosmic creation …
- This law also leads to the need of countless numbers and types of differences to be present within the cosmic creation because any otherwise, the possibility of permutations and combinations that eventually would be required to ensure the instantaneous state of cosmic balance would never be undefined (countless) in their numbers … And in absence of suchness, the eternal guarantee of compliance to this cosmic law of eternal balance would also come in peril at some point of time of existence of the cosmic creation …
- Thus, this is also the law which ensures the ever changeful, vastly diversified and thus pluralistic existence of cosmic creation as far as her diverse nature of individualities and individual corpuses are concerned … And yet it also ensures her essential monism as far as her totality of cosmic corpus and its eternal state of balance is concerned …
- And this is because, all these individualities are in fact unconsciously or consciously working to ensure a net cosmic balance within the Maker’s Makings and thus their end result is also of maintenance of unity through ensuring the eternal existence of final monism within the cosmic creation …
- So, this law also assists the cosmic creation to maintain its way of life in a pluralistic yet monist state (or way of life) …
- And yet, this is also the law that ensures an eternal existence of all the ever changeful states of individualities (i.e. individual microcosm’s and individual corpuses of microcosm’s) to remain existent within the Maker’s Makings … And since this can only be possible if these microcosm keep evolving to an ever higher level of cosmic hierarchy, so this law is also complementing the law of hierarchy and the law of evolution which we have already discussed earlier on …
- This law also ensures an inner unity within all that exists within the Makersmakings because consciously or unconsciously, these the differences of these individualities are also such that they would eventually be balancing each other out within the totality of cosmic corpus … And where this balance is also within a state of final equanimity of macrocosmic resultant due to which this law also ensures the compliance to law of equanimity which has already been discussed earlier on …
- And where this inner unity is even when these individual microcosm’s may actually be seen to be different from each other (and even seen as near-opposites to each other) as far as the types and/or quantum’s of their emanated flows and dynamism are concerned …
- And where this inner unity is also such that, a microcosm may even be balancing that which is seemingly-opposite of it, but so far as the characteristics of flows and dynamism these microcosm’s are concerned …
- Thus this law is also the one which ensures an ‘inner unity in apparent diversity’ of all that is begun within the Makers Makings, due to which it can also be termed as Law of inner unity or Law of unity in diversity …
- Thus, those who say that as per such and such book (or code) it is their duty is to make the world one (in such and such aspect that they believe in, which may be a material one or even an immaterial one or could even be the one that relates to stupidity of religions that came during the last about 9000 years of sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies), are basically living in a fool’s paradise … This is because, suchness would only lead to a serious contravention with this cosmic law …
Note: And because it would only lead to a serious contravention to this cosmic law, so all religions who state that its their duty to convert others to their believed faith (or religion) are basically made by fools, propagated by fools and also followed by fools … Presence of such nonsense in religions is also a proof that they were unaware of the actual process of running of Makers Makings and thus is also proves that the greater entity (Godhead, etc.) and the original propagator (prophet, etc.) of such religions was totally ignorant of the actual process and workings of Makers Makings … Irrespective of what such Gods and/or their propagators may be believed to be (like prophets of a God), they all are totally ignorant of running of the Makers Makings within whose purviews they themselves operate and reside …
Note continues: And due to such contradictions to the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings, all such individualistic (or monotheistic) faiths have only been leading to endless cycles of chaos and peace in this world … Basically, if the works of anyone begin contravening (or going against) the ways of life cosmic creation and her laws, then chaos is what would be there as the end result … Those who live within the cosmic creation (including all Gods, texts, their propagators and followers) cannot ever be successful in going against the laws of cosmic creation, and if they repeatedly keep doing so, then endless cycles of chaos and peace is what the end result would be …
Note continues: This is why all religions that came by during the last close to 9000+ years of sleep of the ‘great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma)’ have only been leading to endless cycles of chaos and peace in this world and which itself is because these religions are basically related to foolish entities who came to be known as their Gods, and were spread by equally foolish propagators of such Gods (i.e. prophets of such foolish Gods) and are also followed by totally ignorant followers who have proved that they have failed to notice this foolishness even during those millenniums that have gone by after these monotheistic faiths were initially established in this world …
- And as a matter of fact, irrespective of what a book (or its Godhead or its original propagators) may say, nobody can ever succeed in contravening this law in its essential ‘principle and process (or root and practice)’ …
- And at the same time, this law can be contravened in ‘practice alone’, but this state of affairs would only be a temporary one, because no breach of cosmic laws can ever be till eternity …
Note: Compliance to these cosmic laws can only be breached for a certain amount of time and not permanently … And after a certain time span of breach, the one who breaches is always evicted out of the world (where this breach was happening) … As also, since individualism (monotheism) is always the one which breaches this and many other cosmic laws, so this is why monotheistic systems always have a philosophy of end of their times that is also incorporated in them and where this incorporation is also from the time when that philosophy was established in the world …
Note continues: This breach is mostly when a cycle of time (Kaalchakra or wheel of time) allows it and which itself is the nadir phase of the cycle of precession of equinoxes (i.e. the nadir phase of human age cycle or Manav Yuga or in ) and also a fact, that, this breach can only happen during the degenerate age cycle (of a divine age cycle or Deva Yuga or Maha Yuga) and the same breach can also happen during the degenerate age cycle (or a Manav Yuga chakra of the cycles of axial precession of earth’s axis) …
Note continues: In no other stage of time (Kaal) or its cycles (Kaal Chakra) can a breach ever take place, because ultimately everything rests within the purviews of the womb of time (Kaal Garbha) because ultimately time (Kaal) itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings and thus everything is also governed by the requirements of the cycle of time (Kala Chakra or wheel of time) that is applicable to a world … Unless a cycle of time (wheel of time or Kalchakra) is favorable for something, that thing can never manifest upon the world and due to this reason, if there is something (including a microcosm or even a system or religion or a way of life) existent upon a world, then it is also existent to comply to the requirements of that particular cycle of time (Kalchakra or wheel of time) during which it rests upon a world …
- Since the path of cosmic creation is of pluralistic monism, which itself is due to this law, and since the individualism is against this law, so a breach of compliance to this law (or any other cosmic law) can never be successful in the longer run of time cycles … Ultimately al that exists within the Makers Makings (which also includes godly planes or heavens) also have to comply to the requirements of ways of life of Makers Makings and those who don’t comply, are eventually nothing but harbingers of chaos in the world … All monotheism is of such a category only …
- In fact, during those vast number and aspects of cycles of existence that always are traversed by any microcosm during its almost eternal evolutionary existence within the Makers Makings, if we see the fullness of process of evolution (or way of life) of that microcosm (that takes it across all states, conditions and planes in which it would be existing in during the entire course of its evolutionary existence), then it would be seen to be of sameness to the vastness of pluralistic monism of the cosmic creation …
Note: Thus, in no circumstance can this cosmic law be permanently breached whilst the microcosm is still evolving and is still existing within the purviews of Maker’s Makings … In the longer run of time and its cycles (i.e. Kala and its Kala Chakra), even Gods cannot breach this law and still keep their systems free of chaos in a world … When we consider the longer run of time and its cycles (i.e. Kala and its Kala Chakra), all systems (including those so called Godly systems) which breach this and any other law, ultimately fail to continue their existence and this failure is also during the Sandhikaal (intermediary time span) of change of age to another cycle of time (or another age cycle) …
Note continues: Since as of now, this world is already resting in the Sandhi Kala (intermediary time) of the present ending human age cycle and the incoming human age cycle (or human golden age or Manav Satyuga or human age of truth or Guru Yuga or Age of Sages) where individualism of any sort (i.e. any kind of monotheism) cannot exist, so during the coming times, this world would also witness the collapse of all monotheistic systems. including but not limited to political, geographical (like these manmade geographical boundaries of nations), geopolitical, economic individualism (like capitalism), social, cultural, security or military, health and safety (like these pharmaceutical companies), color, race, creed, sex, etc., … And since in a Guru Yuga (Age of sages) which actually is a human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga or human age of truth) there is no place for individualism (monotheism of any sort), so during the coming times, all individualistic systems and their adherents would be evicted out of this world …
- And it is also due to the effects of this law, the path of final unity of all parts of allness to all other parts of allness and also to allness, always opens up when the aspirant begins resting in sameness to the pluralistic monist ways of life of the cosmic creation …
- This law is also related to many of the earlier discussed laws, like the law of co-existence, law of sameness, law of flows and dynamism, law of Sssexing, law of hierarchy, law of non sameness, etc., … Thus, when anyone breaches this law, then these other laws would also get breached at some point of time of existence (of the one who breaches this law) … And such a state, would be leading to nothing but an evolutionary and existential disaster which itself would be on a global level of the world where such a reach has taken place repeatedly and for a considerable amount of time …
Note: Since the present cycle of time (or wheel of time) was supporting individualism, so monotheism flourished in this world during the last few millenniums … But since the incoming human age (of Guru Yuga or Age of Sages) has no place for individualism, so the coming times would also be of an end of individualism of every sort … And since as of now, majority of humanity is based within one or another type of individualism, so when the time of ending of individualism arrives, there would have to be a widespread chaos and where that chaos would also be injected into all ways and walks of life of humanity and other parts of cosmic speciology who inhabits this world at that time …
Note continues: As also, since individualism always comes and also goes with a bang, so during the come times, when the present cycle of time (or wheel of time or Kaalchakra) would switch to the next age cycle, there would definitely be a bang (sudden manifestation of chaos and repeatedly) … But all this would only to end the existence of individualism and its adherents in this world because the next human age cycle (Manav Yuga) is of pluralistic monism and whose ways of life are totally reciprocal to the individualistic (monotheistic) ways of life of presently ending age cycle …
CC) …
Law of meeting points … Law of emptiness at meeting points … Path to Krishna …
This law could be thus told …
In the real-middle of meeting points of anything is a state of zeroness
Note: Real-middle means, exactly in middle of that meeting point …
Thus, basis this law …
- When any two or more different aspects meet each other, then at their their real-middle point is existent the emptiness (of zeroness) … Thus, the real-middle of meeting points of anything is always of zeroness …
- When any near-opposite aspects meet each other, then their meeting point is also of zeroness … And this meeting points, explosions of energies are also there …
- And since there is nothing which is not meeting something else either in the gross or subtle aspects of this meeting, so this zeroness keeps re-manifesting at each instant of existence of the cosmic creation … But this meeting is with the only difference, that the place of meeting changes and yet the end result of that meeting of any types of differences (or even near-opposites) is having the same zeroness that is rendered by this law …
- Thus, this law saves the chance of a large scale imbalance to get manifested within the macrocosmic creation because of the fact, that during the existence of cosmic creation and her ever changeful hierarchy, two of more near-opposites (or differences) are always meeting at some point of the cosmic creation and where these meeting are also within each moment of timeless and fathomless eternity of existence of the Makers Makings …
- As these differences (or opposites) meet each other, their meeting points lose their respective individualities and turn in zeroness as is stated in above discussions on this law …
- So this law also controls the quantum of excesses and under’s and thus prevents them to reach a state where they can never be nullified (zeroed out or emptied out) by any means and/or aspects …
- And due to this reason, this law also assists in preventing a condition where the cosmic creation reaches to a state after which her existence (and/or equilibrium of corpus) cannot be maintained and thus this law also prevents the cosmic creation to reach a state where the chaos would be of cosmic proportions …
- As something (or some aspect) meets another thing (or aspect), then depending upon the quantum of meeting of these differences, is the quantum of zeroness that manifests at their meeting points … Thus, basis this, if higher are the differences between any two aspects that meet each other, higher would be the quantum of zeroness that would get manifested at the real-middle of their meeting points … Thus, basis this, more are two aspects opposite to each other (in their ways of life or flows and dynamism), higher would be the quantum of emptiness (depth of Shunyata) that would get manifested at their meeting points …
Note: And this is why, emptiness (Shunyata or Shunya Tattva) also has its hierarchy and thus ends up having its intermediary states (i.e. emptiness or Shunya is having its intermediary states of emptiness and where the finality of zeroness or emptiness is of a state of macrocosmic voidness (or voidness of the entire macrocosm or Sarva Shunya) …
CC-1) …
Meeting points are none other than points of exit from allness …
- Prior to the stage of self-origination of macrocosm, nature was resting in a state of emptiness of allness (I.e. Sarva Shunya) … That state of emptiness was of fullness i.e. at that time when only emptiness existed (or macrocosm was absent and was was still not self-originated) there was a condition of fullness of emptiness or in other words, that condition is of a state where emptiness is full …
- From within this emptiness of allness (Shunya Tattva), the four states of macrocosm (which has already been discussed in an earlier topic of ‘As IT furthered itself”) had self-manifested … Thus, voidness (or emptiness or Shunyata) is the immediate parent of the entire macrocosm …
- And since the process of evolution is reciprocal (though not exactly reciprocal) to the process of origination, so whenever any aspirant (any microcosm) would exit out of entirety of macrocosm, then that aspirant would also be entering into Shunya (emptiness) itself …
- And since, the real-meeting points of near-opposites (and also the real-middle of meeting points of differences) already are having the same emptiness of allness (Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness), so these meeting points of differences and opposites also are as points to exit out of the entirety of macrocosm (i.e. the real-middle of meeting points of differences are also the points of exit out of the four states of macrocosm) …
- Since exit from macrocosm denotes a state of liberation (emancipation) from macrocosmic creation, so these meeting points are also the points of liberation …
CC-2) …
Close to infinite number of meeting points provides almost infinite points of exit from macrocosm …
- Due to the effects of law of non sameness and law of stagnation which have been discussed earlier on in this text, since no microcosm can ever be in an exact sameness to any other microcosm that ever was during the entirety of history of timeless existence of the Makers Makings and since there are almost infinite (here it means, countless) numbers of microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings, so this also leads to a condition that there actually are almost infinite (here it means, countless) differences that eternally exist within the microcosm’s who are resting within the purviews of the macrocosmic creation …
- These almost infinite (here it means, countless) differences also generate the possibility of having almost infinite (here it means, countless) meeting points (of these different microcosm and their different types of emanated flows and dynamism) and thus they also provide an eternal possibility of existence of almost infinite points of exit from macrocosm …
- Due to this reason, this law of zeroness of meeting points can also be termed as the law of infinite possibilities of liberation, law of endless possibilities of liberation, law of endless paths of liberation, law of infinite paths of liberation, law of countless paths of liberation, law of countless possibilities of liberation, law of universal possibility of liberation, law of countless possibilities of paths of liberation, etc., …
- And since all these countless possibilities of existence of ever changeful differences between microcosms are also resting within purviews of intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ways of life of Makers Makings, so there actually happen to be endless possibilities of points and paths of exit from macrocosm (i.e. endless possibilities of final liberation or Kaivalya are there within the Makers Makings) …
- And since all these possibilities are also resting within the purviews of law of non sameness, so there also are endless possibilities to counter the condition of coming on the wrong side of the law of stagnation and this itself is in addition to having equally endless possibilities to ensure the eternal maintenance of the net macro-neutrality within the final macrocosmic resultant (this net macro-neutrality of cosmic resultant, has already been discussed in an earlier topic of law of final neutrality) …
- And since due to the effects of the law of non sameness, all these possibilities are also ever-changeful, so what now is as a possibility, can never be the same at any other time during the eternal existence of the Makers Makings … Thus, those who say that they would follow the path of such and such believed and be emancipated are also living in a fool’s paradise because that path which was given by that greater believed one, was only valid at that time span (or that cycle of time) when it was given … Unless that path is rooted in pluralistic monism of the Makers Makings, that path would never be valid till eternity and due to this reason, no monotheistic (or individualistic) path can ever remain valid till eternity … And this is also the reason, that no nation has ever been able to keep its geographical boundaries the same since eternity … This is also the reason, why no manmade of divine law (as stated in various texts) have also been changeful … This is also the reason for paths of evolution to also be changeful … And this is also the reason for all that is found to be changeful during history …
CC-3) …
Countless possibilities of permutations and combinations within those close to infinite levels of cosmic hierarchy, renders endless possibilities of paths and points of final liberation …
- Even if these differences are of the microcosm’s standing within the cosmic hierarchy, then also because there are close to infinite levels of this cosmic hierarchy which is also ever changeful …
- So, as any microcosm evolves from a level of cosmic hierarchy and thence enters the meeting point of that level (of cosmic hierarchy) with its next level (of cosmic hierarchy), then also that microcosm can be liberated whilst it rests at that intersection point of hierarchical cosmic evolutionary levels …
- The same hierarchy is also of differences of types of vibrations that are also intrinsic to that state of cosmic hierarchy … Thus, when we consider these too, then the possibilities of aspects that have been discussed here, are in fact endless only …
- And the same hierarchical levels are also of subtle and gross states …
- The same endless hierarchical levels are of a evolutionary standings of worlds, plane of existences and universes that exist within the multi-universal state of the macrocosmic creation and the same countless hierarchical levels are also applicable to microcosm’s …
- The same hierarchical levels are of the directional paths (i.e. paths of evolution, like faiths, scriptures, heavens, Gods, etc.,) which are also changeful when we consider a longer run of time …
- And the same hierarchical levels are of all that has begun within the Makers Makings, because each state (or microcosm) has its own specific (or unique) evolutionary standing and thus also has its own unique cosmic vibratory signature …
- And where the types of hierarchies are also in endless (countless) ever changeful numbers …
- So if we were to see the completeness of cosmic hierarchy alone, then also there happen to be close to almost infinite possibilities of permutations and combinations of these and thus there also are close to infinite possibilities of the numbers, paths and points of exit from macrocosm (i.e. points of liberation) because wherever any of these hierarchies (and thus differences) meet each other, there would also be a state of emptiness (at their meeting points) and which as such is the straight path of exit (i.e. a direct path of exit or direct path of liberation) from the entire macrocosm …
CC-4) …
Law of meeting points as path of compliance to original desire …
Irrespective of where any of the microcosm’s may be placed within the macrocosmic hierarchy, if there is a difference of it to any other state (and even in cases where these states are also emanating differences of flows or even near-opposite types of flows), then at the meeting points of these differences, there is the same state of emptiness (Shunya) …
The same emptiness (zeroness) also is at all those points where different types (or near-opposite types) of macrocosmic or microcosmic flows and dynamism meet each other …
And where a meeting is deemed to be there between any of the two states (or microcosm’s) even when the emanated flow and dynamism of these states (or microcosm’s) meet each other and this condition may even be valid in cases where these two states (whose emanated flows and dynamism meet each other) are not even in a direct or indirect contact with each other (as they may well be in two separate worlds or in two separate planes of existence or even two different universes) …
Thus, the presently discussed law of meeting points doesn’t need the two states (or microcosm’s) to physically meet each other, as this law would still be fully effective if this meeting is in a subtler aspect of these microcosm’s and where subtler aspects also include their emanated vibrations, and thus also includes their emanated flows and dynamism …
At any of the meeting points of any two states or their emanated flows, there is a state of zeroness (emptiness or voidness) …
The same emptiness is always there at the meeting points and irrespective of whether these meeting points are of the states or their emanated flows or even their any other vibrational aspects …
And the same meeting is in all those cases where it is happening within the emanated flows and dynamism and that too within the purviews of one being the pervader and the other as the pervaded …
This zeroness that is eternally there at the real-middles of all meeting points of differing states, is naught but the point of exit from the entire macrocosm …
As such with the close to infinite numbers of ever-changeful differences that are ever-there within the macrocosmic creation, there can only be close to infinite points of exit from macrocosm …
Proceeding further …
If with above discussed facts as a base, any aspirant would further analyze this law of emptiness at meeting points, then that aspirant would definitely appreciate this law as one of the geniuses of Maker’s Makings and which is also guaranteeing the accomplishment of state which was originally desired by each microcosm (i.e. this law renders infinite possibilities of compliance with the original desire of each microcosm, that itself was as a desire to ‘be liberated’) …
And this itself is due to the fact, that this law ultimately provides endless possibilities of paths, modes, aspects, types and states from where an aspirant (and ever other microcosm) can attain to his (or her) final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) and which itself is what was originally desired by each microcosm even prior any microcosm had originally begun within the genius of Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
Thus, collisions of anything, including collision of galaxies that always takes place during the time span of night of Brahma (or Brahma Ratri) and which in Vedic lore is termed as Naimittika Pralaya, is also as a meeting of differences … So, through that collision of galaxies, those microcosm’s who are evolutionary ready and are resting upon the colliding galaxies, can enter into their state of liberation from the entirety of macrocosm …
The same is also there when there is a collision of asteroids, etc., with a planet as the meeting point of such a collision, is also the point of exit from macrocosm (but provided the microcosm is resting at that meeting point) …
CC-5) …
Utilization of Law of meeting points in Vedic lore and by Vedic sages …
The ancient self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had known this law of meeting points and thus Hinduism has those aspects which prove this fact … Some of the examples of this are stated below …
- Vedic concept of Prayag … This law was one of the reasons, for meeting points of two rivers (i.e. Prayag) to be termed auspicious place in Vedic lore … And thus Hinduism has this concept utilized in its philosophy …
- Vedic concept of Lingam … And this is also the reason for pieces of asteroids that fell on earth (i.e. met the earth or collided with earth) to be used as ‘symbols of worship (i.e. Lingam)’ in Vedic lore … This was why, Vedic sages used to build a temple of sorts with those stones from space (like pieces of asteroids, etc.) and that too, at the place where these stones had fallen and where that stone from space was also termed as the symbol of supreme auspiciousness (i.e. Shivalingam) … This is because, at those meeting points of stones (from space) and earth (like asteroids, etc., that fell to earth), was the same emptiness and which denoted the state of exit from macrocosm (i.e. liberation from the entirety of four states of macrocosm) …
- Vedic concept of Jyotirlingam: Since larger asteroids move in a straight line and they also break into pieces when they are closer to earth’s surface (and prior they collide with earth), so if anyone would study the almost straight line in which Jyotirlingam (Temples of Shiva) are placed in Indian mainland, then they would notice that these temples are in fact in a near straight line … Since asteroids which are travelling very close to earth and prior they break into pieces and thus fall on earth (i.e. collide with earth) are also seen in an illuminated state (i.e. they are burning when travelling at high speeds inside the earth’s atmosphere and whilst they also are closer to surface of earth), so this is why the ‘Symbol of Shiva (or Shivalinga or Symbol of auspiciousness) that is made by the fallen pieces of these illumined asteroids which had collided with earth, is termed as a Jyotirlingam …
Note: The Sanskrit word of Jyotirlingam is made up of two words, which are of ‘Jyotir which means illumined (self-illumined) and Lingam which means auspicious symbol … Thus the Samskrit word of Jyotirlingam means, self illumined symbol of auspiciousness (the Sanskrit word for auspiciousness is Shiva) …
- Vedic concept of auspiciousness mountain rivers that reach the plains … And this is also the reason, for those rivers which though originated in mountains, but ultimately reach the distant planes to be considered as auspicious and thus are worshipped … Rivers that originated from mountains had the vibrations of mountains which as such was different from the vibrations of plains … Thus, as the river flows from mountain to plains, the different vibrations of mountains and plains which the river holds in itself, meet and at those meeting points, is emptiness, which itself denotes the path of exit from the entire macrocosm …
- Vedic concept of immersing ashes in rivers (and also in ocean) … As a path of process of last rites of the dead person, the finally remaining ashes (after cremating the dead) are immersed in rivers … And the reason for this is also the same as discussed above, that rivers carry differing aspects of vibrations of the areas through which they travel and thus always have meeting points of these different energies of places (through which the rivers travel) and thus are very god sources of vast possibilities of zeroness (emptiness) at meeting points which further ensures a vast possibility of rendering of final liberation to the dead whose body is cremated in fire (i.e. Agni Samadhi) … And the same is also applicable for oceans as ocean currents also traverse vast number of distant lands that lie around and under the ocean and where all these lands are also reasons for the ocean absorbing their specific vibrations which also meet inside the ocean water and thus are as points of liberation from macrocosm (and which itself is due to the effects of this macrocosmic law of emptiness or zeroness at meeting points) …
- Middle of galaxies … Since all flows and dynamism of any galaxy emanates out of and also return back to the center of the galaxy and since the center of a galaxy is of a non-lighted state and since non-lightness also denotes emptiness which is also full (i.e. emptiness is fullness, which has already been discussed in an earlier topic), so this is why middle of galaxies were revered during those extremely ancient and already forgotten times as were of my previous incarnations and also of those later stages where I used to return back to the physical realms by adopting the path of transmigration of souls (which in Sanskrit texts is also referred through the name of Parkaya Pravesh and which loosely has also been called as the stage of virgin birth) … Thus, was the concept of Akasha Ganga (Galaxy) developed by the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages because within the center of galaxy is the meeting point of all that exists within the galactic plane and thus this is a very important meeting point as far as its zeroness of energy fields are concerned (and thus is also a point of liberation) …
- The concept of Bala Krishna and Virat Krishna … Emptiness is a non-lighted state (i.e. a dark state) … The Sanskrit word of Krishna also means dark one … Once when I had subtly travelled to the middle of our Milky way galaxy, I met Balakrishna (i.e. Krishna in a childlike state) who was lying down in a wooden (Maybe something like bamboo or even jute) basket and was sucking his toe and inside the basket he lay down on a bed of leaves (maybe Peepal tree leaves) … Thus the concept of Balakrishna also relates to the divinities (energies) that reside within the center of Milky way galaxy, from where all worlds (and other microcosm’s) that rest within the milky way galaxy have originated and which is also the same center to which they would eventually be returning back prior they get liberated … And prior they get liberated, they would also be meeting Balakrishna (Balakrishna is the most beautiful childlike state of Krishna) in a state, as is described here … And once this state is crossed over, that same aspirant would meet “Virat Krishna (Krishna who holds a vast sized macrocosmic bodied state)” and who is also the deity of Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero, or in other words, where emptiness is infinite and infinity itself empty or in other words, Shunya Ananta, Ananta Shunya) … Rest can be analyzed by interested aspirants … The same state of Virat Krishna is also self-realized after the aspirants consciousness (i.e. Sadhaka’s Chetna) crosses and thus goes past the eighth chakra (i.e. Ashtama Chakra) … And the same Sri Krishna is also self-realized in the center of each world, plane of existence (i.e. Galaxy, etc.,) and universe … And in the human microcosm, the same Sri Krishna is in the center of Meru Danda (backbone) and also in the center of each subtle channel of the physical vehicle and this is in addition to being present at the meeting points of all types of energies that exist within the physical vehicle … Thus, Lord Krishna himself is the end state of self-realization after the stage of final accomplishing this law … Those who have gone past this law, always unite to Lord Krishna and become one with him and due to this reason, this law can also be termed as Krishna Marg Siddhanta (i.e. the Law of path to Krishna) …
- But this list is endless … Every place on earth and beyond has its own subtle vibrational characteristics and thus, when the aspects of these places meet each other, they also have emptiness in the real-middle of such meeting points … This ‘law of zeroness at meeting points’ has kept getting utilized in various aspects and paths that relate to Vedas and thus, there also are many other aspects and paths that were laid down by those ancient self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages who had known the knowledge of emptiness at real-middle of meeting points … As also, since all these aspects cannot be described here, so aspirants are required to understand this discussed law of emptiness at meeting points and relate it to the practices within Vedic knowledge systems … And whilst doing this analysis, bear it in mind that this and every other law that is discussed in this text, has always been and would ever remain as a Vedic law because the paths of these were originally laid down by the wise Vedic sages (and not by any other believed greater one of today or earlier times) …
CC-6) …
Law of meeting points is the path of exit from individualism …
If an aspirant would further consider this law in context of individualism (i.e. monotheism of any sort, be it religious, economic, political, geopolitical, geological, geographical, maritime, social, cultural, societal, color, creed, sex, etc.) then such an aspirant would also know that the entire philosophy of monotheism is in fact contradicting this cosmic law and its endless possibilities of liberation …
Those aspirants who cognize this fact about monotheistic philosophies, always leave these monotheistic systems as they would also know, that monotheism in fact reduces the changes of availability of endless possibilities of liberation …
And such aspirants would also know that monotheism only causes a repetitive cycle of chaos and peace with other philosophies, only due to the effects of this law of emptiness at meeting points … When two philosophies (i.e. their emanated flows and dynamism, vibrations and adherents) clash with each other, then also there is a zeroness (emptiness) at their meeting points … Rest all aspects of this discussion can be analyzed by interested aspirants who wish to know the reason for cyclic clashes that happen within adherents of one type of monotheism with all others and after this analysis, such aspirants would also know why I have kept stating that “monotheism is a path of repetitive state of and thus is a path of cyclic manifestation of chaos and peace” and why I have also kept stating that “monotheism has never been nor can it ever be a path to long lasting peace in a world” and such aspirants would also know, why monotheism always leads to divides in any world where it manifests …
As also, since those ancient Vedic sages had known this fact of hazards of monotheism in restricting the options available ‘to be liberated (and thus monotheism is also unable to hold all sorts of possibilities to comply with the original desire of each microcosm)’, so these Vedic sages had laid down paths that eventually related to pluralistic monism of macrocosmic creation …
And since individualism (monotheism) is always of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata), so the Vedic sages had also warned in their own subtle ways about hazards of entering into path of such egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) …
But, as far as the present stage of change of ages is concerned, the knowledge of this law, is also a part of the vast number of aspects that relate to the term apocalypse and where the word Apocalypse only means “revealing that which has been kept hidden since long” …
And as a matter of fact, an apocalypse always leads to end of all forms of individualism (including but not limited to those aspects which have been told in above discussions) … This is because the revelation during any apocalypse is only of chaos causing duality of monotheism and where this revelation is through varied means, that relate to advent of a knowledge system that declares its inherent chaotic facts and which itself is in addition to the presence and spread of chaos which is also there, whenever a monotheistic philosophy begins and ends in a world … As of now when I write this topic, this world is already approaching this apocalypse …
CC-7) …
Macro-equanimity as an alternate path to emptiness at meeting points …
This could be thus told …
- Even when above discussed aspects are factual (i.e. they are true, basis the earlier self-realizations of them) yet there also is a possibility of entering into macro-equanimity (i.e. equanimity towards allness or neutrality towards allness or macro-neutrality or Sarva Samta) which is also present at the same meeting points of differences (and also at meeting points of near-opposites) …
- And where this diamond white colored equanimity towards allness (i.e. macro-equanimity) would also be cognized just prior the aspirant finally enters into the emptiness (that is always there at the real-middle of meeting points of any of the differences or opposites) …
- But even if this is the case, such an aspirant who follows the path of exit from the law of meeting points (of differences and/or near-opposites) would only be in that macro-equanimity for “one single moment” of time span …
- And within this single moment of stay in macro-equanimity, that aspirant (who follows the path of this law) would transit that macro-equanimity and thence directly enter into emptiness (that is eternally present at all real-middles of meeting points of differences and near-opposites) …
- So, due to this reason, all Yogic concepts of equanimity also aim for accomplishing this state of macro-equanimity and thence emptiness itself …
- And this is why the concept of equanimity (Samta) had originally been placed within the Vedic Yogic lore’s by the self-realized, all realized Vedic sages and Yogi’s who had cognized this fact of macro-equanimity being a direct path of exit from macrocosm (as macro-equanimity is a direct path of entering into emptiness, which itself is a state that is further to the four states of macrocosm) …
CC-8) …
Possibility of entering into Shunya Brahman from the earlier state of Shunya …
- Since emptiness (Shunyata or Shunya) is self-manifested from its parental state of Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinity, which itself is infinite zero), so if the aspirant is evolutionary ready to go even beyond emptiness (which is at the meeting points of differences and opposites), then that aspirant can immediately enter into a union with Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinity, infinite zeroness or in other words, fullness of emptiness and emptiness of fullness) …
- This would lead to a state where that aspirant has already reached the stage of what could be termed as the summit of Yoga, but so far as this term Yoga (union) relates to the Makers Makings …
- That who is told as Shunya Brahman, is also none other than Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (i.e. five faces of Sadashiva) who is also addressed as Bhagwan Vishwakarma (or Bhagwan Vishvakarman), Panch Mukha Shiva (i.e. five faces of Shiva), Sriman Narayana (i.e. my eternal guide) and also as Panch Brahma (i.e. five faces of Brahma) … And the same is also the one who is addressed as Viraat Parabrahman in addition to being the one to whom the word Sadashiva also relates …
- Within the entirety of Makers Makings, there really is nothing that could be termed as being beyond this stage of accomplishment (or union to Shunya Brahman) … And thus, within the Makers Makings, this stage of achievement also denotes the finality of the phrase “Summit of accomplishment” and whose path is of Asamprajnata Samadhi i.e. absorption in non-lightness and where that non-lightness is also enveloping non-lightness (just as is told in Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda) …
- Due to this reason, this law of zeroness at meeting points is also the path to the same summit of accomplishment that is as the end result of one’s stay within the genius of a Making of the Maker of allness …
- And from this summit of accomplishment, if the aspirant is evolutionarily ready, then that aspirant can also attain to the self-realization of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman, or simply Brahman) to be none other than the aspirants innermost essence (Atman) itself … Thus, this Law is also the path of self-realization of Vaidik Mahavakya (i.e. the Vaidik mega statement or Vaidik great statement) as such a self-realization is what the Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. the Vaidik great statement or Vaidik mega statement) eventually denote …
DD) …
Law of wise one … Law of sustenance of allness …
This law could be thus told …
Wise is who is, as there are no breaks in a wise man’s plane, and yet wise don’t disclose the final truth to unworthy, which itself leads to sustenance of allness
Now elaborating this law …
DD-1) …
Wise Is who is … As stated above is told so because there are no breaks in the plane of a wise … Thus, no matter where anybody may put commas in this statement, the essential meaning of this statement would remain the same … And yet the wise would never portray himself (or herself) as a wise one in front of those aspirants, who are not worthy (or evolutionarily ready) to know the real … This is because the wise one would already know, that if the final-knowledge is transferred to the unworthy, then they would either corrupt it due to their corrupted interpretations or they would make a business of it to gain materials or immaterial’s or such unworthy would destroy its holders and then re-project the same knowledge with a different text that would be called as theirs (i.e. the unworthy ones would start of new religion out of the same original knowledge of the wise one … All religions that came during the last few millenniums are based upon this fact alone) …
Note: If I were to take out all that is Vedic from the scriptures of those religions that came by during the last few millenniums, then their texts would have nothing substantial remaining in them, including their Gods … And I am not giving an empty claim in this note … Thus, those who have known the Vedas and have also read the texts of these religions that came by during the last few millenniums, also know this fact, that their root of all religions is none other than the knowledge of Vedic sages …
DD-2) …
Law of wise one as the Law of sustenance of allness …
- If the final truth and its path is disclosed in the open, then in such a state, even those who are not within their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know it, would end up knowing it …
- The fact about the final truth is that, if it is even heard from the spoken words of a wise, then also it would have an immediate effect …
Note: Above is because the words of the wise one are also a path of initiation i.e. the wise ones always hold the ability to initiate through their spoken words and which itself is due to the fact, that words of a wise are none other than Shabda Brahman (or in other words, the absolute being is as the word of a wise one) … This was the reason, that unlike how it now is with availability of Vedas as written texts, within those extremely ancient and forgotten times that were of my earlier incarnations and also those further incarnations that were attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, the Vedic sages always distributed the knowledge of Vedas through their own spoken words (and not through their written texts as it now is) … And this is why Vedas, Upanishads and a few other scriptures are termed as “Shruti, which means, that which is heard” …
- And if the one to whom that finality is disclosed through words of the wise one (and thus that aspirant is already initiated through the path of Shabda Brahman) discloses it to all others, then in such a case also it would only end up setting in a chain reaction, that eventually would lead to a state of emptying of the worlds, planes and universes of all animate microcosm’s …
Continuing with above bullet point …
This is why the wise have never disclosed the finality of truth through their words to those who are unworthy of that knowledge and this is also why, the wise never render mass initiations or make many disciples (like the stupid Guru’s and leaders of faiths of today) because in such a condition there would always be the possibility of leading to a future stage of destruction of various kinds coming unto the societies and worlds …
And whenever this would happen on a mass level, then it would only be like a chain reaction (from one animate being who has heard these words, to another) and which in turn would lead to the probability of rendering very severe shocks to the worlds etheric fields (etheric cords) …
As also, if the quantum and/or spontaneity of these shocks are beyond the capacity of that worlds etheric to counter, then such a condition can also lead to those large scale and repetitive disasters on that world, which would either empty that world of all its animate beings or can even completely dissolute the worlds …
If it is the latter case, then it would also affect the flows and dynamism of the plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.) in which that world (where the truth has been disclosed to the unworthy) resides and this may even set a chain reaction which may lead to mass destructions of that part of the universe where that world resides …
Note: Even when what is told here is a matter of fact, yet I know majority of today’s humanity wouldn’t believe it …
Above was why, final truth was never disclosed by Vedic sages … These sages had utilized the Mahavakya to refer to the truth (and thus not disclose it openly) … And this is why there are statements in Vedas, which refer to what is told below …
Those who know IT and also believe that they know IT, don’t really know IT
Those who know IT and yet believe they don’t know IT fully, really know IT
Proceeding further …
In an earlier topic of “Law of constancy of cosmic corpus, Law of eternal change of parts of corpus” we had told that as far as the macrocosmic creation is concerned, following is what it eventually is …
If she ceases to be dynamic … She would cease to exist
And where cessation of dynamism can also be arrived when there is a sudden change (sudden loss or gain) of flow and dynamism on a world (or plane of existence or universe) which is beyond the capacity of that world to handle and such a condition would only lead to emptying of that world of all animate beings (because they are also connected to that worlds etheric and thus the shocks of that worlds etheric would also be coming to them and may even end their existence) …
As also, if this change is of a very vast quantum (as would be when large number of aspirants and other animate beings hear those worlds of knowledge of a wise), then that world can even get dissoluted due to vast flowlessness that would manifest spontaneously on that world …
Due to above, the wise never disclose the final truth to those who are not deserving of it and this is also why, the wise never make many disciples (or students) like the fraudster businessmen of today, who have donned the garb of a sage …
Proceeding further …
The truth is flowless (beyond cosmic flows), devoid of cosmic dynamism and thus if a wise speaks it to the masses, then these aspirants would also enter into a state where they can no longer emanate dynamism into the etheric of the world, where they live …
And if this happens upon a mass level, then the world would lose its normal dynamism and enter into a stage which has already been discussed above …
To prevent this stage of vast chaos due to loss of flows and dynamism in the worlds etheric fields, is the wise ones law that is being discussed here and macrocosmic creation is very firm on ensuring its availability to each aspirant who is on the path of being a “would be wise” …
Unless an aspirant undergoes through those series of tests that are a part and parcel of this law, the divinities of cosmic creation would never allow that aspirant to reach the accomplishment of being a wise one (i.e. a self-realized, all realized sage) …
To ensure that this non-compliance doesn’t arrive, was established the highly esoteric and thus extremely secretive method of transmission of such forbidden-knowledge, that as of now is known as the ‘master-disciple tradition (Guru Shishya Parampara)’ and which for a wise one, only means “Master Becoming-Master tradition” and simultaneously for every good student, this tradition has ever continued as the Master-Disciple tradition …
Moving further …
Those who openly declare the final truth to a level that is more than what is asked for or more than what is necessary, eventually end up being agents of a future state of chaos and thus such ones cannot be termed as wise …
And this is why, even if a wise one speaks to masses (or larger group of aspirants), he or she would only be rendering references and pointers to the truth and would never be disclosing the naked state of truth …
This law is thus the wise one’s law, because even when knowledge is imparted, the wise would only impart it in such a manner that in its singular state and unless an aspirant is evolutionary ready, it would be insufficient to make that aspirant to exit out of flows and dynamism of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus, verbal and other jargons are also methods that a wise one could employ to impart knowledge (so the aspirant would have to self-realize that untold or un-imparted part, but basis the imparted or referred part) …
A full, direct and immediate disclosure (or initiation) is never done by any wise, unless that wise has already subtly known, that the aspirant is evolutionarily ready for it …
During the entirety of cosmic history, there has never been a wise who missed compliance to this discussed law … And so shall it be during the entirety of future times of existence of Maker’s Makings …
Continues …