Here we would discuss the law of heartbeat (Law of heartbeats or law of cosmic heartbeat) which relates to the condition of there being fixed number of heartbeats during each incarnated state that any microcosm attains, within this or any other realm of existence … Thus this law can also be named as law of time span of existence (or fixed time span of existence) …
This topic continues from the previous that had the header of “Law of cosmic relationships … Law of eternal relationships” …
Note: Here I have mostly discussed in relation to the human microcosm … But this law equally applies to all that is as microcosm, here or beyond …
AA) …
Law of heartbeat … Law of time span of existence
Here we would discuss the specifics of the law of heartbeats and its relation to the law of time span of existence of anything, that is in form or formless state and irrespective of whether that thing is as an animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or even a supra-animate microcosm …
These two laws are also universal as they equally-apply to each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm is gross (Sthula) or subtle (Sukshma) or divine (Daivik) or even impressional (Samskarik) …
AA-1) …
Law of heartbeat … Fixed number of heartbeats …
This law could be thus defined …
Everything that exists has a fixed number of heartbeats of 270 crores
Note: 270 crores as written above, means 2700 million … Thus to know the totality of lifetime of anything that is gross or subtle, just count its heartbeats … But at the same time, in much lower and much higher parts of cosmic speciology, these heartbeats are not of the physical heart, but are related to vibratory changes … And same thing also applies to the lifetime of a cell and atom and also to the lifetime of a universe …
AA-2) …
Law of time span of existence …
This law could be thus defined …
De-incarnation of microcosm is when its 2700 million heartbeats get completed
Note: As discussed in above note, the term heartbeat is not necessarily related to the physical heart of an organism … It is more vibrational … But within the human and some other parts of speciology that exist within this planetary system, and especially the animals that are depicted with Vedic divinities (I.e. Vaidik Devi and Deva) it is calculated in a way, that is more like humans … This is why these specific animals were placed with Vaidik deities …
BB) …
Everything has a fixed number of heartbeat … Heartbeats are not necessarily of the physical heart …
This discussion is valid only if aspects that relate to destined merits of an incarnation, don’t override it … In cases where the aspirant also had to account for previous incarnations destined merits, within the present incarnation, then this law becomes invalid for such a case …
To understand this, let’s just take an example of the human microcosm …
- Humans also have a heartbeat that equals above stated figure of 270 crores (or 2700 million) … This number is of total number of heartbeats of the human heart during an incarnation …
- Now let’s just calculate to prove this fact prior we begin discussing deeper aspects regarding heartbeats …
(270 x 10,000,000) / (71.6 x 60 x 24 x 365.242) = 71.698 heartbeats per minute
Notes on above calculation:
- Value of 71.6 … This is of the celestial time unit that is presently applicable to this world and basis the presently applicable unitary value of time i.e. this figure is denoting the time taken in years for completing one degree precession of equinoxes of earth axis … This value is calculated basis yearly change of precession and is based upon the fact that at present the yearly rate of change of precession (i.e. yearly rate of change of axial precession of earth’s axis) is changing by a value of 50.28 arc seconds per year … But since this is a changeful value, so as times progress the number of heart beats per minute (of the human microcosm) would also change accordingly … And at the same time, since the length of the day, week, month and year are also not constant during any of the stages of progress of the Precessional cycle, so these changes would also have to be accounted for if above stated equation is used for any stage of progress of the wheel of time (Kalachakra) which is other than the present one (of yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds) … As also, since the length of future day would reduce faster than all above stated aspects, so when above equation would be used in the distant future (say after a few thousand years), the heartbeats of the then humans would in fact be seen to be much lesser as compared to now …
- Value of 60 … Number of seconds in a minute …
- Value of 24 … Number of hours in a day …
- Value of 365.242 … Number of days in a year …
- During future times … Since time is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, so as time changes, everything else changes … Thus, in above calculation, as the yearly change of precession would change, then there also would be changes in the celestial time span that is applicable to this world … At such a future stage, the time span of day and night would change and so would also change the length of a year (i.e. it would reach a value of 360 days in year as told in Vedas) … Thus, at such a stage of cycle of time (Kaal Chakra) above derived value of 71.698 heartbeats per minute would also change … Due to this reason, within the human microcosm, the number of heart beats per minute are also changeful when we see this fact over a certain longer period of time …
Note: Above not applicable during a Yuga Sandhi (As is the condition of now) … Above calculated values can be bypassed by the destined time span of one’s incarnation (i.e. Prarabdha can override above derivation in some aspirants who don’t hold the destined aspects in their fullness of time span of existence as a human or are those who have to account for some destined merits of an earlier incarnation that is still pending in their present incarnation or even those, who have only returned back as per an incomplete destined merit of an earlier incarnation) …
Note continues: And this situation always arrived during the intermediary time span of change of ages (i.e. during any Sandhikala) where the world gets full of even those humans and other parts of cosmic speciology, who take birth to see and thus experience the severe conditions that always come by when an age cycle is turning to the next one … This is when the destined merits are not just of the present incarnation or even in those cases, where those souls who have some pending or non-completed destined merit of earlier incarnations, come by to witness the chaos at change of age and leave prior their complete above stated heartbeat number … During a Sandhikal of age cycles, many beings die in masses, so this is also the time for completion of pending or incomplete destined merits of earlier incarnations and thus such souls invariably return back in large numbers when the Sandhi is about to complete … And this is also one of the reasons for a rapid rise of this worlds population in the last century or so …
Note continues: As also, since as of now this world is already resting in the last phase of Sandhikaal that relates to the change of the present age cycle to the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga), so due to this reason, as of now, most of humanity and other parts of speciology who are born and existent in this world falls in this category where they don’t hold the fullness of Prarabdha (i.e. they don’t hold the fullness of destined merits or destined time span that relates to of fullness of their incarnation) … And this is also why, they would be made to exit sooner than a normal completion of existence as must be basis above equation … Since this currently underway stage is of last 1/3rd phase of progress of Sandhi Kala (i.e. intermediary time span of change of the present age to the incoming age of sages), there would be times of mass destruction, which would be due to manmade, natural and also divine reasons and which the presently incarnated speciology would also accept and oblige, as it is also in line with their present destined time span of existence where they don’t even hold the total number of heartbeats as told in above equation …
Rest of this discussion, I don’t wish to write down here … Why unnecessarily disclose that, which cannot be told …
Continues …