Here we discuss the following cosmic laws … Law of sameness and its reverse Law of non sameness and these two are stated here to denote the intrinsic existence of dualities within the macrocosm (macrocosm is a place of co-existence of dualities and where one aspect of duality also complements the other aspects that relate to its reciprocal) … Here we shall also discuss the law of stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view and also discuss the law of equanimity and law of non interference by the Makers Makings as far as existence and evolution of any microcosm is concerned …
This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Law of constancy of cosmic corpus and Law of eternal change of parts of corpus” …
AA) …
Law of non-sameness …
Here we shall briefly discuss the law of non-sameness and also discuss it’s applicability to some minimal number of aspects (as if I were to discuss this law fully, then a few hundred pages of writing would also not suffice in the description of its vast application across the macrocosmic creation and her every microcosm) …
This law could be thus told …
Non-sameness of all parts of allness is an eternal fact within Makers Makings
AA-1) … Application of this law to the flows and dynamism of cosmic creation …
This application could be thus told …
No microcosm can ever emanate an exactly same type and quantum of flow that was emanated by any other microcosm during history of Maker’s Makings
This is the law of non-sameness of flows and dynamism which each microcosm which has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, has eternally complied with … And where this compliance is ever there, even when the microcosm is not aware of it …
AA-2) … Application of this law to evolution and evolutionary process …
This application could be thus told …
No microcosm can ever attain to an exact sameness of state of evolution that was of any other microcosm during the entire history of the Maker’s Makings
This is the law of non-sameness of evolutionary standings (or non-sameness of state of evolution) which each microcosm which has ever begun within the Makers Makings, has eternally complied with … And where this compliance is ever there, even when the microcosm is not aware of it …
AA-3) …
Application of this law to states of existence (all parts of allness) …
This application could be thus told …
Nothing that exists within the Makers Makings can ever reach a state of existence which is of an exact sameness to the state of any other microcosm that ever was during the entirety of history of the Makers Makings
This is the law of non-sameness of states (or non-sameness of state of existence) which each microcosm which has ever begun within the Makersmakings, has eternally complied with … And where this compliance is ever there, even when the microcosm is not aware of it …
Thus, it eventually is due to this aspect of application of our currently discussed law, that, even when many microcosm’s may seem to be existent within the same world (or plane of existence or universe), yet none of them can ever be in exact sameness to each other as far as their own state of inner subtleties and other grosser or subtler aspects are concerned …
It is also due to this application, that nobody can ever be a God, who already exists within the Makers Makings …
And this is why the Gurudeva of my preceding transmigrated incarnation (i.e. an incarnation that was also arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) had thus told me (about which I have already discussed in sections BB-7-B and BB-7-C and Deviation 3 of a previous topic of “Rarity of knower’s of 8th plexus”) …
AA-4) …
Application of this law to the path of liberation …
This application to the path of liberation (or Muktimarg) could be thus told …
No microcosm can ever be walking the exactly same path that was walked by any other microcosm during the entirety of history of Makers Makings and by which another microcosm had entered into its finally liberated state
Thus, basis this application of the currently discussed law, even when the highly evolved ones have rendered the path of liberation (i.e. Mukti Marg) to their followers (students, disciples, etc.), yet these paths are only as a general guideline of the path that the higher evolved one had followed so as to enter into his (or her) finally liberated state (Kaivalya) … These paths can never be exactly followed by any future microcosm because it was only of the one who gave it …
If one has already successfully walked through one of those many-many paths of final liberation that actually are, then no other aspirant in any future can ever “exactly walk” that same-path …
Thus, if only once a path of liberation is walked by any aspirant, then that path can never be “exactly followed” by any later aspirant of the same state of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) …
And above is even when, all of these many-many paths of liberation eventually lead to the same final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) only …
Thus, even when the end result of all these paths of final liberation is the same finality of liberated state only, yet to enter that finally liberated state (Mukti), no aspirant can “exactly copy (or exactly follow or exactly imitate) a path that was followed by any earlier aspirant who had existed during any of those vast timeless time spans that have already passed by during the entirety of history of existence of the Makers Makings …
And this is what leads to a state, which could be thus described …
- Each has ever had to walk its last path (i.e. the final state of path of liberation) alone …
- And where alone also means, free of all aspects that relate to any of the states of existences, realms of existences, states of evolution, evolutionary process and the path that was followed by any other earlier aspirant during the entire history of the Makers Makings …
- And basis this application, when the final stage of the path of liberation (i.e. Mukti Marg) arrives, the microcosm has always had to walk alone and which also means, free of theories, concepts and aspects of paths that have ever been laid down in any scripture or has been rendered by any greater one during history of existence of Makers Makings …
- And this is what makes the last path of liberation, to be none other than a pathless and partless one, which we have termed as Brahmanpath and which means as “Path to the undefined (Brahman)” and which itself is due to the fact that it relates to Para Brahman, who even though is definitely self-realizable and yet IT remains as the eternally indescribable one (as far as fullness of its descriptions are concerned, Parabrahman is an eternally undefined entity) …
- All those so called descriptions as are told by Vedic sages, are only referring to “IT (i.e. Brahm or Brahman)” and not even defining IT in a way as IT actually is … Even the Vedic Mahavakya (great statements of Vedas) are naught but as a reference to IT (i.e. they only refer to IT and not define IT in its fullness, wholeness, completeness and also beyond aspects) …
- And due to this reason, even these Mahavakya or great statements of Vedas, which as such denote the finality of self-realization of IT (Brahman), don’t actually define IT … They are only as a reference to IT …
- And this is why the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had thus told regarding IT (Tat or That or Brahman) …
Those who know IT and also believe they know IT fully … Don’t really know IT
Those who know IT and yet believe they don’t know IT… Are the knower’s of IT
- Thus, the path that are told by any highly evolved one only assists in making the aspirant evolve and finally reach the “doorway of liberation (this phrase of “doorway of liberation” is a symbolic one, so please don’t take it literally) … And whilst the aspirant finally stands at the doorway of liberation (this phrase of “doorway of liberation” is a symbolic one, so please don’t take it literally), that aspirant has to follow his (or her) own pathless partless path (i.e. the aspirant has ever had to enter into the undefined last path or Brahmpath, which itself is related to the undefined attributeless infinite being or Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
- Thus, no aspirant can ever emulate (or copy) the path of final liberation that was followed by any earlier aspirant who had existed during any time span of the entirety of history of Makers Makings …
And this brings us to the final conclusion of the application of this Law to path of liberation (Brahman Path) … This could be thus told …
That which is the eternal undefined (Brahman), can never have a defined path
That which is omnipresent (i.e. Brahman) can never have a single path to IT
Being omnipresent, all paths or roads lead to IT … But only when walking alone
And where all the paths are one and the same when already stationed within IT
Omnipresent is also infinite … Such a one has no differences or dualities of paths
And thus IT’s path is also omnipresent and infinite and is a partless partless path
AA-5) …
Application of above law to the present day corrupted religious philosophies …
Many of the deviated religious lore’s that came by after the sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) around 9000+ years ago, invariably say as follows …
- To convert the entire humanity and bring them into that followed path …
- To have their path as the sole path of worship and evolution …
- , etc., …
Well, suchness is naught but going against above law and its discussed application … And this itself is in addition to proving that the one’s who gave such nonsensical philosophies, were actually ignorant of the process of running of Makers Makings … And those scriptures who claim that their God ordered suchness, also prove that their Gods are also ignorant being only …
Those who try to do suchness as is told in this sub-topic, only become as instruments of cyclic chaos … And since such ignorance is only within monotheism (individualism) and individualistic systems (monotheistic religions), so it is also due to this reason, that within any of the words where these individualistic systems (monotheistic systems) exist, following is what always comes to fore …
Individualism has never been nor can it ever be a path of long lasting harmony
Individualism being based in ignorance of real, can never be a path of peace
And as a matter of fact, individualism (monotheism) is not just religious, it also is related to other aspects like, geographies, geopolitics, politics, economic, social, military and security, scriptural, education, services, health and safety, color, creed, sex, race, etc., …
BB) …
Law of sameness …
Here we shall discuss the law of non-sameness and also discuss it’s applicability to some minimal number of aspects (as if I were to discuss this law fully, then a few hundred pages of writing would also not suffice in the description of its vast application across the macrocosm and her microcosm’s …
This law could be thus told …
There is a sameness in the originality and finality of allness and her each part
Note: Thus, basis this and above above stated law, following is what could told as a matter of fact …
- Original state of allness and her each part is the same …
- Final state that all and her each part would be reaching to, is the same …
- And yet in all intermediary stages of allness and her each part, an utter non-sameness is what is eternally maintained … Those microcosm’s who are unable to comply to this stated aspect, also remain with no choice but to end their then state of existence …
BB-1) … Applying this law to the final resultant of flows and dynamism …
This applicability could be thus told …
Final resultant of flows and dynamism of allness, is of macro-equanimity
Thus, basis above …
The final resultant of flows and dynamism of all microcosm’s that forms within the cosmic creation, is eternally based within a state of perfect macro-equanimity
This is the application of the law of sameness, to the final resultant of flows and dynamism that is emanated from each microcosm and as long as the microcosm’s reside within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings and which each microcosm which has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, has eternally complied with so as to ensure a continuity of its existence …
BB-2) …
Applying this dimension of direction (i.e. path of way of life and path of evolution) …
This applicability could be thus told …
Irrespective of the directionality of evolutionary process, all the different directions eventually meet in the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahma)
Thus, basis this applicability …
- Differences of directions (paths that are taken during the evolutionary process) has no consequences on the final non-duality of their end result …
- When two parallel or even opposite paths are projected into the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman), then they are also found to be meeting in that attributeless infinity (Nirguna Nirakara) … Thus, irrespective of the directions that one may take during ones evolutionary existence, ultimately they all lead to the ever-same, perfectly non-dual finality of reality, that itself is of the attributeless infinite omnipresent absolute being (Param Brahma or Nirguna Brahman) … And I think this fact should also be mathematically verifiable …
- Just as the infinite is omnipresent and omnidirectional, so it the path (direction or way of life) which ultimately leads to IT (i.e. makes one unite to IT) … And that direction which leads to IT, is the direction of allness and which itself is none other than omnidirectional and omnipresent …
BB-3) … Applying this law to the sameness of finality of evolution …
The applicability of this law to finality of evolution could be thus told …
Finality of evolution, is of the same final exit from allness and her each part
Thus, basis above application of this Law, as far as the finality of evolution and existence stands, it could be thus told …
The final state of evolution that is eventually attained by any microcosm and the macrocosm is naught but the one, where that microcosm (and macrocosm) exits out of the entirety of dualities of Makers Makings and which itself is by self-realization of the eternally unioned state of ones innermost essence (i.e. Atman) to the innermost essence of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahman) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, the finality of evolution and its path eventually leads to the direct cognition (i.e. self-realization) of the innermost meanings of the Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statement) as described below …
In these below given statements the word “That” means Brahman …
- This is That … In Sanskrit “Ayam Atma Brahma” … This Sanskrit phrase which denotes the great statement of Ayamatma Brahma eventually means, This (Atman) is That (Brahman) … Or in simple words, Atman is Brahman … This is the Mahavakya (or on simple words, a mega statement or a great statement) is of Atharvaveda …
- I Am That … In Sanskrit this is called as Aham Brahmasmi … This Sanskrit phrase which sages had told as “Ahum Brahmasmi” means that the “I” within the aspirant, is the Absolute (omnipresent) being and thus is literally means as “I Am Brahman” … This Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statement or Vedic mega statement or Vedic universal statement) is of Yajurveda …
- Thou Art That … In Sanskrit Tat Tvam Asi … This Sanskrit phrase which sages had told as “Tattvam Asi” means “You Are That” and which eventually relates to the fact, that all that comes under the purviews of the word “You” is none other than Brahman … This Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statement or mega statement of Vedas or Universal statement from Vedas) is of Samaveda …
- So Am I … In Sanskrit “Soham” … This Sanskrit phrase which sages had told as “Sohum” means “I Am He (I Am Brahman)” … And it was from this Mahavakya (mega statement of Great statement) that the words Hamsa (which means divine swan) came to be … This is also a Yogic statement …
BB-4) … Applying this law to the finality of being beyond existence (i.e. final liberation) …
This applicability could be thus told …
Finality of being beyond existence, is being the same Brahman
Thus basis this application of the currently discussed law …
The final state of existence that itself is beyond the purviews of the entirety of Makers Makings is of being the same as the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
This is what the Vedic sages has subtly told through the Vedic Mahavakya (Great statements of Vedas) including the Mahavakya of Rigveda, which was told as “Prajnanam Brahma” and which means as “Self-luminous is That, Brahman is self-luminous, Knowledge is absolute and Consciousness is Absolute” …
CC) …
Law of stagnation …
This Law could be thus defined …
Sameness of any now, to any earlier nowness, is deemed as a stagnation
Stagnation only leads to death (end of present condition of existence) of the stagnated entity …
CC-1) … Applying this law to states of existence …
Basis this laws application to states of existence, following could be told …
Within the same Makers Makings, no state can ever arrive at an exact sameness to any other state that ever was existent during its entirety of history
In no case can the macrocosmic creation tolerate any kind of non-compliance towards this law …
And basis this law … If any state does arrive at an exact sameness to any earlier state that ever was existent during the entirety of history of Maker’s Makings, then this condition would be deemed as a stagnation …
And since stagnation is never tolerated by the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ever-changeful aspects of the macrocosmic creation, so whenever any entity gets stagnated as per this law, then that entity also remains with no choice but to exit out of its then incarnated (or manifested) state …
Note: Thus all those people and philosophies which say they would be entering into the same state as was attained by an earlier wise one (whom they follow or whose philosophy or path they adhere to), are basically walking that road which would only make them exit out of their current incarnated state and where this exit would also be after manifestation of an inner chaos within them and where this inner chaos would eventually also spill into the outer world … Thus, if such a path (and/or philosophy) becomes rampant upon a world (or get followed by a major part of that worlds population), then that path (and/or philosophy) eventually becomes a harbinger of a widespread state of chaos within that world … Thus, all such paths (and/or philosophies) who have ever countered the currently discussed applicability of this law, ultimately become seeds of a future chaos, and where that widespread chaos would ultimately be seen to be manifested within all ways and walks of life of inhabitants of that world …
Note continues: So basis this, all those who say that they want to bring this world to a state which was when their believed wise one (say a messiah, prophet or sage or anybody that they believe in) was existent here, are basically walking the road which would lead to an end of their existence … Due to this reason, such ones who claim and work towards manifestation of suchness are eventually made to exit out of the world and where the process of exit, is also a very chaotic one … Note continues: This above is due to the fact, that the state which earlier was can never be brought back in its exact sameness ever again and during the entirety of time spans of existence of the Makers Makings and which itself is due to the effects of the macrocosmic law as is being discussed here …
CC-2) … Applying this law to cosmic dynamism …
From macrocosmic point of view, following is what remains as an eternal fact as far as application of this law to cosmic flows and dynamism is concerned …
Sameness of flows and dynamism that are emanated by any microcosm at any of its ever-changeful-nowness of evolutionary process, to its any earlier state or the state of any earlier microcosm that was ever existent during the entirety of history of Makers Makings, is also deemed to be a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view
Such a stagnation that is caused by these emanated flows and dynamism only leads to zeroing of flows and dynamism within the microcosm, which itself makes that microcosm to rest in Shunyata (i.e. rest in macrocosmic voidness or emptiness of allness, or Sarva Shunya) and which itself is that state where the flows and dynamism are based in the root zeroness (Shunya Tattva) of allness …
This is the law of non-stagnating cosmic dynamism which each microcosm that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, has eternally complied with … And where this compliance is even when, the microcosm is not aware of it …
And those who don’t comply to this discussed aspect, are evicted from the entirety of macrocosm and thence rest in Shunya where they are also made to undergo through their self-introspections and retrospections, prior they are again re-begun within the Maker’s Makings … And that future re-beginning is also after they complete their introspections and retrospections in that state, which as such is beyond the four states of macrocosm …
And also where that future re-beginning is also exactly from the same state of evolution that was when they had last left (i.e. were last de-incarnated due to non compliance to the discussed aspect of applicability of the currently discussed macrocosmic law) …
Thus, basis above …
Sameness of flows of any nowness to any other flows there ever were during the entirety of history of macrocosmic creation, is also deemed to be a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view …
The macrocosm and its states (i.e. all microcosm’s, right from an atom till the universe and all types of microcosm like animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate) only exist until a state where such a stagnation does not arrive within them …
And once this stagnation gets arrives, then the macrocosm or microcosm (in which such a stagnation has arrived) also remains with no choice but to end its then existence …
Thus, this sameness is never allowed by the macrocosm as it hampers its chances of eternal existence …
Note: On Limitations on eternal existence of monotheism due to its non compliance towards the intrinsic requirements of this law … Because monotheism invariably tries to reach the same state and also adopts the same codes exactly in a way that was of the time when their beloved messenger (or their Godhead) had given them, so this path of establishment of that state can never be any other than that of a cycles of chaos and peace …
Note continues: This is because, due to the effects of our discussed law, macrocosmic nature would never allow it to happen and if the adherents of such philosophies continue their ways to establish it, then a widespread chaos is all that would be seen at such times when the process of establishing such nonsensical belief and their aspects begins within a world … One of the primary reason for degenerate age to be degenerate, is because of advent and progress of monotheism in a world and where that progress invariably is based in a non-compliance and non-adherence to the intrinsic interpretations and eternal applications of this discussed law …
Note continues: And since monotheistic beliefs invariably say, that in the end only theirs would be present, so this is also one of the reason for its adherents to walk that path, which goes against the pluralism of mother nature (Ma Prakriti) in whose envelopes these monotheistic (and also secular) beliefs, their propagators, adherents, texts and Gods also reside … And this is why monotheism has neither been, nor can it ever be as a path to eternal peace (those who don’t believe this, are advised to study the history of this world, especially after the advent of monotheism, for in this study only a cyclic state of chaos and peace would be seen) …
Note continues: And since monotheism cannot comply to this cosmic law, so it is also a non eternal philosophy and this is why an end time is already stated in its philosophy … And on the contrary, ways of life or beliefs that relate to the pluralistic monism of Mother Nature (Ma Prakriti) always have the concept of recurring cycles of time (i.e. the eternally repeating wheel of time or Kaalchakra) and thus such philosophies have nothing like an end time that could get manifested each few centuries or each few thousand years … And instead of that end time, they have the concept of Pralaya, which doesn’t even denote the final end of time (as is told about in monotheism) as after Pralaya and thence a brief period of rest, the creation again starts right from the state of existence, where it was temporarily halted due to entering into that state of Pralay …
Proceeding further …
And as a matter of fact, those philosophies who fail to fully comply to this law, never last till that eternity, which itself is of the Makers Makings, and where the Makers Makings itself are none other than being a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever-same attributeless infinite supreme being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahm) … So, as is the eternity of the self-expresser, so is the eternity of the self-expressed and this is what makes the Makers Makings to also be as eternal as the eternally detached creator of allness (Brahm or Brahman or Parambrahma) to whom all roads (evolution and paths of evolution) and the emanated flows and dynamism, eventually lead …
CC-3) … Applying this law to evolutionary process …
From macrocosmic point of view, following is what remains as an eternal fact as far as application of this law to evolutionary process of any microcosm is concerned …
No microcosm can ever follow an exactly same path (of liberation) that was ever followed by any microcosm, during the entirety of history of Makers Makings
Thus, basis this application, following is what comes to fore …
If any microcosm follows the “exact course (i.e. exact path)” of evolution and liberation, that was ever followed by any other microcosm that was resting inside the same Maker’s Makings and during the entirety of history of the Makers Makings, then the evolution of that microcosm would be temporarily halted by the macrocosmic creation …
And only after a brief period of rest where that microcosm would undergo a stage of self-introspection and retrospection of its earlier errors and thence self-know the corrective course of action, would that microcosm be able to re-enter and thence resume its evolutionary process, which itself would be within the same Makers Makings and where this resumption would also be exactly from the state of evolution that was of the microcosm, when it had last exited out of the evolutionary process (so as to do know the errors of its path through a self-introspection and retrospection and whilst resting in a state that is free from the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings) …
Thus, basis above …
All those who say that they would be walking the path that was followed by an earlier wise one (whom they follow) so as to be finally liberated, are basically walking that road which would only make them exit out of their current incarnated state and thence enter into that condition which is already described in above few paragraphs …
CC-4) … Applying this law to the state of evolution …
From the macrocosmic point of view, following is what could be told as far as application of this law to the state of evolution of any microcosm who rests within any aspect or part of the Makers Makings, is concerned …
Except within the finality that is beyond evolution (i.e. the state of final liberation) no microcosm can ever reach an exact sameness to the state of evolution that was ever attained by any other microcosm during the entirety of timeless history of the Makers Makings
Thus, basis above …
It is never possible to attain to the exact stage of evolution as was of any earlier microcosm during the entirety of history of the Makers Makings … However this law is not applicable to the finality of evolution …
And thus, basis above …
All those who say that they would follow such and such path and thence would be able to attain to the same state of evolution that is of such and such person (of historical times) are basically living in a fool’s paradise …
Such ones ultimately enter into an inner chaos, which eventually spills out in the outer world and whose end result is also none other than their exit from the current incarnation …
And where this exit also leads to an end of the system which claims suchness …
Note: As of now many such systems are those who relate to above stated non compliance … And during the currently underway process of change of human ages (Manav Yuga), these systems (and also their adherents) would also be entering into a chaos that ultimately would be leading to the end of their existence …
DD) …
Law of final equanimity …
This law could be thus told …
Irrespective of those vast number of differences the exist within the individual aspects that are a part of the Makers Makings, their final resultant is always of equanimity towards allness and her each part
Thus, basis this law …
Irrespective of the differences of individual aspects (i.e. individualities and individual corpuses) that exist within the Makers Makings, their finality has eternally been resting in macro-equanimity …
And above also means …
Even when individualities that exist within the Makers Makings are non-equanimous, yet their final resultant is always based within a state of perfect equanimity towards allness and her each part …
And above thus means …
That the placement of individual microcosm’s, their differences and different aspects is also such, that, irrespective of what they may do during their entire evolutionary existence within the Makers Makings, the finality of resultant of the entire corpus of their own individually emanated flows and dynamism, would also be based within a state of perfect macro-equanimity …
Note: It was due to this final macro-equanimous state of the macrocosmic resultant of flows and dynamism, that many sects of Sanatana Dharma (i.e. eternal way of life) have always had concepts of equanimity (Samta) within them … Adoption of this concept of equanimity was due to the fact, that when any aspirant would enter into the inner essence of this concept of equanimity, then that aspirant can bypass that vast hierarchy of individualities that would have otherwise needed to be evolutionarily transited through, so as to reach the finality of this macrocosmic resultant …
Note continues: And thus this concept of equanimity was adopted by sages, so as to shorten the path of evolution and thus quicken ones exit from the cyclic existence (or Begun macrocosm or macrocosmic matrix or Samsara) … When we adopt a path that is based upon perfect macro-equanimity (i.e. equanimity towards allness and her each part), which itself is the final resultant of the begun macrocosm (or cyclic existence or Samsara or macrocosmic matrix), then all the variations of flows and dynamism and their states of existences and all the variations (differences) that exist within the macrocosmic creation, can be very easily bypassed … And this in turn reduces the extents and time span of stay within these paths of evolution because it leads to bypassing (or avoiding) all unnecessary individualistic (monotheistic) flows and dynamism, which are present within the begun macrocosm alone (and not within other three macrocosmic states) …
DD-1) … Applying this law to flows and dynamism …
This could be thus told …
Irrespective of the differences between in emanated flows and dynamism of individual microcosm’s, all these flows co-exist and supplement each other in such a way that the final resultant that forms from them and within the macrocosmic creation, eternally keeps resting in a state of perfect equanimity
And where perfect equanimity means macro-equanimity (or macro-neutrality) and which denotes equanimity (or neutrality) towards allness and her each part …
DD-2) … Applying this law to evolutionary process …
This applicability could be thus told …
Irrespective of the differences of evolutionary paths of any microcosm, all these individual paths ultimately lead to the same macro-equanimity that is of the final macrocosmic resultant
Macro-equanimity means … A perfect inner and outer equanimity towards allness and her each part …
Thus, all paths that ever are followed by any microcosm (or group of microcosm’s) who exists within cyclic existence (i.e. begun state of macrocosm and microcosm) eventually terminate at macro-equanimity prior they proceed into an acyclic state of existence (which itself is within the unbegun macrocosm) …
And in that macro-equanimity, there is neither an individuality nor anything like a non-individuality, as that macro-equanimity is also equanimous to these … In that macro-equanimity there is neither an individuality not even an individual corpus like state as that macro-equanimity is also equanimous to suchness …
And within the macrocosmic creation, macro-equanimity is the only state which is free of all types of chaos … No other state (amongst the four states of macrocosm) have this aspect (of absence of chaos) within them and that too in a state of utter perfection of absence of chaos …
Note: And at the same time, because individualism (monotheism of any sort) has no capability to relate to and understand and adopt macro-equanimity (equanimity towards allness and her each part) so ultimately all these individualistic paths also become a reason for cyclic chaos, which itself exists in its varied state within the begun macrocosm and not in the other three states of macrocosm, that are beyond the begun state of the macrocosm … Thus, all individualistic paths and their deities are basically those who are related to the cyclic existence and this statement is irrespective of what these individualistic paths may claim about their texts, propagators or their Gods …
Note continues: Ultimately the adherents of any individualistic path always end up leaving the individualism … And only after this is the stage where they begin entering into pluralistic monism (i.e. ways of life of cosmic creation) which in turn makes them to qualify to enter into macro-equanimity and thus through this path of macro-equanimity they also become qualified to finally exit out of Sansara (entirety of begun macrocosm) … So, if any microcosm(aspirant) has to exit out of the Samsara (i.e. cyclic existence or begun macrocosm), then the better of ways is through adoption of an inner equanimity towards allness and her each part …
DD-3) … Applying this law to flows and dynamism …
When any individualistic flow and dynamism is touched by flows and dynamism that are based in macro-equanimity, then that individual flow and dynamism immediately turns macro-equanimous …
When any individualistic or any other type of flow touches macro-equanimous flow and dynamism which itself is of a diamond white color, then that individualistic flow immediately becomes macro-equanimous
Above also means, that is any of the emanated flows and dynamism happens to touch macro-equanimous (diamond white colored) flows, that these other flows would also reach macro-equanimous state, “immediately” upon their contact with these macro-equanimous flows …
DD-4) …
Applying this law to the Vedic concept of nonness of worship of Brahma …
The creator (Brahma) resides in Brahmaloka (pristine abode of creator) …
And when any aspirant would self-realize Brahma Loka (heaven of Brahma) then that aspirant would also know that Brahma and Brahmaloka are both of the same diamond white color, which itself is denoting perfect macro-equanimity …
Brahmaloka is also the same as Sadyojata face of Shiva (which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
And as per above discussions, we had told that if anything touches macro-equanimity, that that entity also turns macro-equanimous immediately upon this contact (with macro-equanimity) …
As also, since macrocosmic creation (i.e. the macrocosm and her each microcosm) is based upon a contrary aspect, i.e. of an ever changeful and thus eternal variations of flows and dynamism, so she (macrocosmic creation) can never afford any association to anything that leads to a change in her aspect of variable flows and dynamism …
And since macro-equanimity can lead to this change, so even the macrocosmic creation would never allow a mass association of inhabitants of a world, with any path that is based upon a perfect state of macro-equanimity … And this is also the reason, that Yogic paths that related to macro-equanimity were secretive paths which as such were never disclosed in the open (even when equanimity of Samta is told about, but its path is never declared openly … Such a path is always transmitted in a secretive way that relates to Guru Shishya Parampara or the timeless tradition of secretive transmissions between master and student) …
Proceeding further …
Any condition of complete absence of variations of her (macrocosmic creation) flows and dynamism, would lead to a state where she cannot continue to exist (due to the manifestation of effects of non compliance with the earlier discussed law of stagnation) …
Any contact of any microcosmic flow sand dynamism with macro-equanimity would lead to manifestation of macro-equanimity within that microcosm … And if this state happens for all microcosm’s of a world (or plane of existence or universe), then it would only be leading to a game over of the entire world (or plane of existence or universe) …
So this was why the Vedic sages had originally told that Brahma, who himself is the lord of macro-equanimity, cannot be worshipped (and thus must not be associated to) …
Proceeding further …
Any “successful” association (and which also includes worship) of any aspirant with the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma) or his pristine abode (i.e. Brahmaloka or Sadyojata) would ultimately lead to manifestation of macro-equanimity within that aspirant …
And since after this stage where one aspirant becomes macro-equanimous, there is always a chance of other aspirants (who associate to that aspirant who has already attained to macro-equanimity) also entering into the same macro-equanimity and through these other aspirants, there is also a chance that the entire worlds population also begins entering into the same macro-equanimity, and which ultimately would lead to the stage where the world becomes emptied of its inhabitants, so it was also due to this risk of emptying of the world from its inhabitants, that the Vedic sages had told that worship of Brahma must not be done …
Proceeding further …
If even one aspirant enters into the perfect macro-equanimity which itself is of the creator and creators abode, then as such an aspirant would keep associating with other inhabitants of that world, then the others would also become macro-equanimous …
And there is also a further risk, where the other would also associate with others who reside in that world, which in turn would set in a chain reaction in that world and which ultimately would make that world empty of all inhabitants … And as this is happening, there would also be a probability of entering into effects of an earlier discussed law of next of nextness (i.e. the risk of non compliance to the law of real nextness would also be there) …
And since the requirements of the macrocosmic creation also need to be respected, which as such would not be possible (as stated in above discussions), so, it was due to these and many more unstated risks, that the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had told that worship of Brahma is not allowed (because Brahma is a perfectly macro-equanimous being and so is his pristine abode) …
And yet because without adoption of an inner macro-equanimity, a quicker escape from macrocosmic matrix (i.e. cyclic existence or Samsara or Begun macrocosm) is never possible, so even though this concept of macro-equanimity was subtly told about in Vedas and Yoga Tantra, yet its path was never given openly … Its path has always been provided within the highly closed system of master disciple tradition (i.e. Guru Shishya Parampara) … And so shall it have to remain (due to reasons listed above and also those reasons, which I have intentionally told about) …
DD-5) … Applying this law to state of existence …
Any state if touched by macro-equanimity, also turns macro-equanimous …
The proof of turning macro-equanimous (or in other words the proof of attainment of macro-equanimity) is as the self-manifestation of the diamond white body (Brahma Sharira) …
This diamond white Siddha body (which is also called as Vajra Body) is the one which comes out of that aspirants physical vehicle and ultimately unites to Sadyojata (i.e. Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
And after this diamond white body enters into Sadyojata and thence also ends up uniting to Sadyojata face (of Shiva), that diamond white body also gets dissolved into the formless Sadyojata and thus is no longer visible in its earlier independent state (diamond white bodied state) … The same Sadyojata has also been termed as Brahma Loka (i.e. heaven of creator or pristine abode of creator) …
Within the Buddhist lore’s, this diamond white Siddha body is also termed as the diamond white Buddha body …
Thus basis above, following is what stands out as a fact …
- The proof of accomplishment of macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta) is through the diamond white accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Body) of Sadyojata …
- The proof of dissolving into macro-equanimity is only with the dissolving of the diamond white Siddha body (i.e. Sadyojata Sharira or Brahmaloka Sharira or Brahma Sharira) into “pristine abode of the creator and grandfather of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmaloka)” …
- This “pristine abode of the creator and grandfather of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahma Loka)” also denotes a state of existence that is neither within the purviews of cyclic existence, nor is within the purviews of acyclic existence … This is because the state of existence that is arrived within Brahma’s abode (i.e. Brahma Loka) is not only macro-equanimous to these two states of existence, but also to all other aspects of existence …
- And this is why, worship of Pitamah Brahma is prohibited in Vedas as this worship can lead to the condition where the entire worlds (i.e. entire multi-universe) begins turning macro-equanimous, which itself would lead to a state of dissolution of the entire macrocosmic creation, into Sadyojata (Brahma’s Loka) and which in turn would only mean a state of complete dissolution of all modes, conditions and states of existence of the entirety of Makers Makings (and where all states of existence also include both the cyclic and acyclic existences) …
DD-6) … Applying this law to conditions of existence …
This could be stated thus …
The course of evolution, it’s evolutionary progress and its conditions of existence are such that irrespective of how these are applicable to any of the microcosm’ s which rest in its purviews and irrespective of the differences of ways of life and states of existences of all microcosm’s that exist within the macrocosmic creation, all these microcosms are only working in a path which ensures the net macro-equanimity of the macrocosmic resultant …
Thus, since this condition of ensuring the final macro-equanimity of the macrocosmic resultant is the one in which every microcosm eventually rests (and is also working for, even when that microcosm doesn’t even know this fact), so all differences in ways of life, conditions of existence and every other difference that is seen anywhere within the Makers Makings, are so arranged that they only lead to the requisite eternal maintenance of the resultant macro-neutrality of the macrocosmic resultant …
And this also means, that, irrespective of the differences that are seen within conditions and states of evolutionary existence of any lesser or larger microcosm, they all are only working towards ensuring that the macrocosmic resultant which is continuously generated through all their subtle emanations (of their flows and dynamism) during their entire conditions and states of existence and through their entire evolutionary process (paths of evolution) would only be such that it maintains its this macro-equanimity of the macrocosmic resultant across the entirety of triple times …
Thus, above also means …
- When we view allness of Makers Makings and that too in its fullness, then we also find that even when individualities (microcosm’s) work in their own individualistic ways, yet the final resultant that gets generated by their entire corpus of emanations of flows and dynamism, is eternally resting within the same macro-equanimity …
- Thus, individualities of microcosm’s have no bearing on the final resultant of the macrocosmic creation …
- And individual flows that are emanated by individual microcosm, are inconsequential as far as its types and ways of generation are concerned, because no microcosm has ever emanated any flow or dynamism which would go against that condition of eternal maintenance of net macro-neutrality within the macrocosmic resultant …
- Thus, even when individualities (individual microcosm’s) continue their evolutionary existence as per their own individualistic ways of life, yet in reality, they all are only working towards ensuring that the final macrocosmic resultant of their entire corpus of emanated flows and dynamism stays within its net macro-equanimity (i.e. a state of equanimity towards allness and her each part) …
DD-7) …
The eternal presence of innermost unity in cosmic diversity …
The macrocosmic resultant is ever within a sameness of macro-neutrality and this macro-neutrality, which as such is as a neutrality towards allness, is always attained prior this resultant is projected unto the macro-neutral greater whole (which as such is denoting Brahmaloka or Makers abode) …
In any other condition, the begun state of macrocosm (i.e. the macrocosmic matrix or cyclic existence or Samsara) cannot even stay within the envelope of the greater macro-neutral whole …
As such, even when these close to infinite variations of individualities and individual corpuses are existent within the macrocosm, then also their net resultant of flows and dynamism (which these individualities and individual corpuses are eternally projecting unto their own cords that are existent within the macrocosm), have to remain in a state of macro-neutral sameness to the greater whole which envelopes the begun macrocosm (or cyclic existence or Samsara) …
Thus, this also proves the presence of an innermost unity in diversity of all there is within the macrocosmic creation and which in turn proves the essential validity of this principle on a macrocosmic and also on the microcosmic level …
And it eventually is due the macrocosmic requirement of maintenance of this innermost unity within all aspects that relate to diversity of all that exists within the Maker’s Makings, that, various systems (like religions, faiths, ways of life, codes of societies, cultures, races, etc.,) come by during different time spans, and where their manifestations in a world is also to serve those specific requirements of an incoming or even an existing cycle of time (or a wheel of time or Kaal Chakra) …
And when the next cycle of time arrives, then newer codes arrive to serve that particular cycle of time (serve that particular part of the eternally moving wheel of time or Kalchakra) … And it is at such times, that all those codes which are unfit to enter into that newer cycle of time (or incoming stage of Kala Chakra) only remain with two choices, of which the first is to change as per the requirements of that incoming cycle of time and second is to end their existence … And the same is also applicable to ever microcosm because of the universal applicability of cosmic laws upon all that ever is as animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or even a supra-animate microcosm, so everything else also fall within the same purviews (or having only two choices) …
All these differences and ever changes in everything are generated by the macrocosm so as to ensure that the net macro-neutral resultant could be effected within a variety of options which are then available …
As such, these differences shall have to remain and no single country or belief shall succeed over all others and thus, those who say that only their race or country or faith shall prevail over all others, are none other than the other-wise ones of those times …
As also a fact, that to maintain its dynamism, the macrocosm in turn originates differing languages so that the same states of the same macrocosm could be described within differing terms and expressions, which also ensures differences and which shall in turn ensure the eternity of macrocosmic existence, whose base is of an eternal non-sameness of all parts of allness and whose finality is of sameness to macro-equanimity as is of the final macrocosmic resultant …
DD-8) … Need of ensuring net macro-equanimity of macrocosmic resultant …
If the macrocosmic resultant (i.e. the resultant of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation) deviates from this eternal requirement which relates to a perfect maintenance of its net macro-equanimity towards allness and her each part, then the macrocosmic creation would also remain with no choice but to dissolute (i.e. end its existence) …
This is because, the macrocosmic creation can never go against the state of its creator i.e. Pitamah Brahma, and the pristine abode of Pitamah Brahma (i.e. Brahmaloka) which itself is resting in a brightly lit-up diamond white state, that by itself denotes a perfect macro-equanimity …
This itself is because, the finality of the created (i.e. the final resultant of the entire macrocosmic creation) can never afford to be deviated from the eternal state of its own creator and if it does, then it would lose its synchronism with its own creator, which in turn would make its lose its right to continue any further as the “eternal creation of the creator of allness” …
This itself is the reason for the final resultant of all that is as a created, to always be of sameness to its creator and this is even when, the none of the individual parts that exist as the created, can ever rest in sameness to their creator … This is because such a condition (or individual microcosms resting in sameness of state of their creator) would make them cease their existence in independence to the creator (as they would only end up merging to Brahma, if they come in sameness to the state of Brahma and his Brahma Loka and in such a case, they would cease to exist as microcosm’s within the Makers Makings) …
Thus, basis above …
- The microcosm’s rest in an individualistic state and within their own individual ways of life, that itself are as per their current evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
- And yet the final resultant of flows and dynamism that all these microcosm’s eventually lead to, is only resting in a perfect macro-equanimity, which itself is the state in which their creator (Brahma) and their creator’s abode (Brahmaloka) rests …
- As such, when any microcosm enters into perfect inner macro-equanimity, then it would cease to exist as a microcosm which it earlier was … And this itself is because of the fact, that, after attainment of an inner perfection of macro-equanimity, that microcosm merges to Brahma (i.e. it merges or unites to its own creator) and then also begins resting in that creators abode (i.e. Abode of Brahma or Brahmaloka) …
- So due to this reason, the path of macro-equanimity (or path or concept of equanimity) as is told (or is described or is given) in many sects of Sanatan Dharma (or simply, Dharma) was only told to very few aspirants who had attained the necessary evolutionary qualifications to enter into the path of macro-equanimity, which itself is the path of merging to the creator (Brahma) and where that merger (union) to Brahma, itself is in his own abode (i.e. abode of creator or Brahma’s Loka) …
DD-9) … After initial entry into macro-equanimity …
After any microcosm attains to its own “inner” macro-equanimity, that microcosm gets propelled into a state which is intermediary (or is in between) the cyclic existence and acyclic existences …
Since at this above stated stage, the physical vehicle of the microcosm could even be resting In this world (which as such is a part of Begun macrocosm or Samsara or cyclic existence), so at this time, even when the physical vehicle of that microcosm is resting in this world (which itself is a part of cyclic existence), from the macrocosmic point of view, that microcosm is deemed to have already exited out of cyclic existence even when its physical vehicle is still resting in an animated state upon a world (like this one and which by itself is a part of the cyclic existence) …
And since the macro-equanimity is not denoting acyclic existence, so such a microcosm also cannot be deemed to have entered into acyclic existence … And since that macro-equanimity is also not a part of acyclic existence, so after any microcosm attains to that macro-equanimity, it also cannot be deemed to be resting within an acyclic mode of existence …
This is why we have stated earlier on, that macro-equanimity denotes that condition which is neither of cyclic existence nor is it of acyclic existence …
And we had also told earlier on, that macro-equanimity denotes that state of existence which is also resting in equanimity to all modes and conditions of existence … And this is why, even when Brahma is considered as a creator of all, yet his worship is prohibited in Vedas as Brahma rests in equanimity to his own creation and simultaneously, Brahma also rests in equanimity all parts of his creation …
And this is also the reason, for Brahma to be told as …
Creator who creates all and yet only stays as a witness of his creation
And thus some ancient Sanskrit speaking sages and their given texts also state …
Brahma is the one who creates all and yet rests in detachment to his creation
Thus, some ancient sages have also told as follows …
Creator can never be addressed as creator, even when he actually is
And this is what led to the Vedic concept of Karya Brahma (or the Doer Maker) and also the concept of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (the golden womb of creation) because the self-expression of Brahma as the golden womb (i.e. Hiranyagarbha), was the one in whose envelopes the macrocosm was originated …
And at the same time, Brahma in his finality (as Para Brahman or simply Brahman) stays as a witness of the creation and process of creation …
That path to self-realization of Brahman is also passing through our discussed state of macro-equanimity and thus, unless an aspirant enters into his (or her) inner macro-equanimity, the self realization of that attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) as a colorless light which permeates and envelopes the entirety of Makers Makings, would never be accomplished by that aspirant …
And since allness (including of Hiranyagarbha or golden womb of creation) is naught but a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever-same attributeless infinite omnipresent absolute being (Brahman or Param Brahma), so that it is also due to this reason, that in the Vedic lore, Parambrahma (or supreme being) is told to be exactly as it was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
And also since Mother Nature (Ma Prakriti) is also none other than being the “fullness self expression as the pristine divinity of Brahman” so it is due to this reason, Vedanta (i.e. Brahma Sutras) also “subtly” says that …
Prakriti is Brahman
But above statement was also told as the self-expression can never be different from its self-expresser (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman) … Self-expressed is an intrinsic unbroken partless part of its own self-expresser …
Proceeding further …
And on similar lines are those statements by Vedic sages, where Prakriti (Mother Nature) who herself is the fullness of self-expression and is also the fullness of divinity (Param Shakti) of Brahman, is also addressed as the eternal consort of Brahman … These statements are told as the self-expressed is naught but an eternal companion of its own self-expresser …
And in her such state, Prakriti is also addressed thus …
Prakriti is Poorna Brahm Shakti
All such realizations denote those states which can only be directly-cognized “after the attainment” of inner macro-equanimity by an aspirant …
Thus, all such statements denote that the sages who had told them, were resting in a state that was beyond macro-equanimity …
EE) …
The Law of non-interference …
This law could be thus told …
The cosmic creation never forces its will unto her any part, just as Brahman whose self-expression is the cosmic creation, never forces IT’s will unto her
Thus, basis this law …
As independent is the cosmic creation to take her own course of evolution, so is independent each microcosm to take their own courses of evolution
And yet, the each way of life (of any microcosm) eventually rest within the vast timeless and endless envelopes of the same cosmic creation, so even when a microcosm (aspirant) may not relate to Prakriti (Mother nature, whose self expression is the cosmic creation), yet its existence and evolution would only be happening within the same mother nature …
And even when this is the case, yet the cosmic creation never forces her will unto any microcosm who resides, evolves and continues to exist within her vast timeless envelope …
Note: Thus, all those philosophies whose adherents and preachers try to force their ways (or life and culture or beliefs) unto others are in fact going against this macrocosmic law of non interference … And because such ones are not in perfect synchronism to the ways of life of the macrocosmic creation, within whose envelopes they, their adherents and preachers, texts, gods and heavens also exist, so such ways of life (or religions or philosophies) invariably become harbingers of cycles of chaos and peace within their adherents and thus the world … And due to being such, such philosophies are anything but eternal …
Within purviews of this cosmic law, ways of Ma Prakriti (Mother nature or the mother of allness) could be thus told …
Exist and let exist … Evolve and let evolve … Be and let be
Because she herself is the one who acts within all, through all and as all
All rest in her and are as her owns self-presence (of macrocosm and microcosm)
And she rests within allness, that itself is as her own self-manifestation
When above is how it actually is, then what is the need of interference … Thus this law …
Continues …