Here we discuss the law of pervader and pervaded, which can also be termed as the law of Permeator and permeated …
For the purpose of this topic, note the following …
- Self-expresser as stated here is the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
- Self-expressed as stated here denotes the entirety of microcosm’s and macrocosm (i.e. the entirety of Pinda and Brahmand) …
- And where these self-expressed are also resting within their hierarchy of subtle and gross aspects …
- And where these words subtle and gross also have their own vast hierarchies …
And for the purpose of this topic, also note the following …
- Subtle is that which pervades and thus is the pervader …
- Gross is that which is pervaded …
- Gross and subtle also have their vast hierarchies and thus these two term (of gross and subtle) are also subtly referring to their hierarchy even when they are written in singular terms …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one that has the header of “Law of Vibrations” …
AA) …
Everything is Brahman’s self-expression …
This was told many a times and as follows …
Everything is a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of Brahman
Thus, basis above, eventually everything that is as microcosm and macrocosm (i.e. Brahmand and Pinda or Jeeva and Jagat) is none other than Brahman only …
This is because the self-expresser, who ITself is the self-manifested that is self-present as allness and her each part, cannot be any different from its own-self-expressed condition …
The self-expressed is an intrinsic partless part of its self-expresser … And this is what eventually was told by Vedic sages as Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman …
AA-1) …
Self-expressed always proceeds to its self-expresser … Paths of self-expressed, are also self-expression of the same self-expresser of allness …
Just as the drop always proceeds to the ocean after it had originated from the same ocean, so is the path of any self-expressed states (i.e. originated microcosm’s and macrocosm are always proceeding to their own self-expresser who itself is the attributeless infinite being or Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) …
Irrespective of what is self-expressed (microcosm or macrocosm) where it was self-expressed and in what state it exists across the triple times of its evolutionary existence, that self-expressed is always proceeding to its own self-expresser …
And since the path (or way of life or direction) on which any of the self-expressed states proceed across the entirety of the eternal evolutionary existence and whilst they all are “only and only” going towards their own self-expresser, is also a self-expression of the same self-expresser, so the path is also none other than the self-expresser (Para Brahman) only …
Due to this reason, is established the intrinsic non-duality of the self-expresser of allness (i.e. Parabrahman), the self-expressed states and the path that any self-expressed takes across the timeless eternity of its evolutionary existence …
And thus …
- Irrespective of the paths that is taken by any self-expressed and during the entire course of evolutionary existence of the self-expressed, the self-expressed is always proceeding towards its own self-expresser …
- And where the path is also none other than one or another of those vast number of self-expressions of the same self-expresser of allness …
Thus, due to above stated aspects … In reality …
- There is no self-expressed entity … Every seemingly self-expressed is in fact the self-expresser only …
- There is no path of self-expressed … Each path is also the same self-expresser only …
- There is no bondage … Since everything that is self-expressed, is naught but the ever-same self-expresser, who ITself denotes Kaivalya Moksha (final liberation), so everything that is self-expressed and sees itself in any bondage, is in reality a fully liberated being i.e. their self-expresser or Nirguna Brahman) … And where that self-expresser itself is the only self-expresser that each self-expressed eventually and really is … And where this fact is even when these self-expressed states may not believe themselves to be so and which itself is due to their own ignorance towards their real nature, that is also their own self-expresser only …
AA-2) …
Process of origination of allness is reciprocal to process of evolution of allness …
Origination always is from the extremely subtle impressional state of the original self-expression of the self-expresser of allness, to an ever lesser subtlety that is arrived through various intermediary stages through which the self-expressed progresses, so as to arrive at its finally originated grosser state …
Thus, the process of origination is from subtle to gross …
And contrary to above …
As also, since each self-expressed (or gross state or originated state) is only proceeding to (or evolving to) the ever-same self-expresser of itself, who itself is the original subtle that ITself is beyond all hierarchies of subtlety an grossness of the self-expressed states, so due to this reason, the process of evolution is from grossness to an ever higher subtlety and which finally terminates when the self-expressed finally self-realizes its eternal unity to its own self-expresser …
Thus, the process of evolution (of the self-expressed) is from gross to subtle …
AA-3) …
Subtle is the parent of the gross …
Thus basis above discussion, it is absolutely clear that the gross has originated out of the earlier subtle …
And basis the evolutionary existence of each gross, following is what comes out as a conclusion …
- Subtle is none other than as a parental state (original state or earlier state as the case may be) of the gross …
- Gross is none other than a child state (or grosser manifested state) of the earlier or original subtle (as the case may be) …
- Subtle is from whom the gross had self-manifested …
- And subtle is to whom the gross always proceeds during the course of its entire evolutionary process …
AA-4) …
Subtle pervades the gross … Gross is permeated by the subtle …
Subtle resides within the gross and thus the gross is pervaded (or permeated) by the subtle …
Thus, the subtle is eternally present within the gross and this is even when the gross doesn’t even know about it …
And yet at the same time, the subtle is towards whom the evolutionary process of the gross, eventually is leading …
Thus, it eventually is to its own permeator (pervader) that the evolutionary process of any gross, is leading …
AA-5) …
Subtle envelopes the gross … Gross is enveloped by the subtle …
Since prior origination of any gross, there was only the subtle, so the origination of gross had actually happened within the envelope of the subtle …
And this is why the subtle envelopes the gross and which itself is because …
- Prior origination of the gross, only the subtle existed …
- During origination of the gross, since only the subtle existed, so the origination also happened within the envelope of the subtle …
- And since the subtle is more vast in its expanses as compared to the gross, so the gross has also remained within the envelopes of the subtle, ever since that gross was originated …
AA-6) …
Subtle is who within and around the gross, is inspiration of grosser’s evolution …
The gross is permeated (pervaded) and enveloped by its earlier (or parental) subtle component …
Thus, the subtle parental state of the gross, is present within and around the gross … And where the evolutionary process of the gross is only leading it towards its parental subtle …
And where this progress of grosser’s evolutionary process also passes through the entirety of hierarchy of the subtle, which itself makes that evolutionary process of the grosser to pass through the entirety of states that were intermediary ones and lie in-between the original self-expresser of allness (i.e. Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) the state of grossness (in which the gross resides) …
And this is what leads to a condition where the grosser eventually passes through the entirety of cosmic hierarchy, its entirety of gross and subtle hierarchical aspects, prior the subtle can ever manage to self-realize the original subtle (Brahman) whose self-expression that gross eventually is …
And since the subtle and its entire hierarchy is present within the gross itself, so the inspiration of evolution (and thence a final merger to the original-subtle self-expresser of allness) is also from within the gross and that too, through the subtle which pervades it (i.e. gross) …
Thus, the subtle which itself is present within the gross, itself becomes the inspiration for evolution of the gross …
Due to this reason, the pervader itself is the inspiration of the pervaded and where the pervaded is naught but a self-manifested child state of the pervader …
BB) …
Law of pervader and pervaded …
This law could be defined within various aspects and which itself is due to its vast hierarchy and possibility of applicability …
- From the point of view of origination …
This aspect could be thus told …
Pervaded is its pervaders own grosser manifestation and thus, pervader is the parental state of the pervaded
- From the point of view of evolutionary process …
This aspect could be thus told …
Pervader being present within the pervaded, is to who the pervaded proceeds during its entire evolutionary process and where that pervader itself is the inspiration to continue to evolve
- From point of view of independent existence of pervader and pervaded …
This aspect could be thus told …
The pervaded can only continue as the pervaded as long as it continues in its independence to its own pervaded
- From point of view of interdependence of the pervaded and pervader …
This could be thus told, from the point of view of the pervaded …
For continuity of evolution, pervaded is interdependent on its pervader because the pervader is the inspiration during the evolutionary process of the pervaded
And this could also be thus told from the point of view of the pervader …
To ensure its own existence as pervader within cosmic hierarchies, interdependent existence of pervader and pervaded becomes a matter of fact
CC) …
Importance of the law of pervader and pervaded …
This could also be discussed in a variety of aspects as discussed below …
- From point of view of existence of pervader as a pervader …
This could be thus told …
Unless the pervader is detached to its own pervaded, it cannot continue as the pervader
Or in other words …
As long as the pervader can remain detached from it’s own pervaded, that pervader can exist as the pervader
Or in other words …
When a pervader becomes attached to its own pervaded, then that pervader reaches the same state as the pervaded and thus it also ceases to be a pervader that it earlier was
- From point of view of existence of pervaded as an evolving entity …
This could be thus told …
Unless the pervaded tries to attach to its pervader, who itself is present within and beyond the pervaded, that pervaded cannot evolve
- From point of view of vast cosmic hierarchies of pervaded and pervader …
This could be thus told …
The subtler pervader and the grosser pervaded also have their respective limitless hierarchies and thus to fully know them, is an utter impossibility
- From point of view of relationship of pervader and pervaded …
This could be thus told …
Pervaded is originated from the earlier pervader, so the pervader only pervades its own originated state, which itself is its own manifestation as a pervaded
- From the point of view of finality of pervader and pervaded …
This could be thus told …
Final pervader of allness is the ones whose self-expression allness is and where that final pervader is fully detached from the entirety of its own self expression, as it only remains as its eternal witness
- From point of view of pluralistic monist state of pervader and pervaded …
This could be thus told …
Due to the vast hierarchies of each of the pervader and pervaded that exist within the Makers Makings, their inter and intra existence is within an intrinsically pluralistic state and yet that state remains finally monist
Explaining pluralism of above stated fact …
Due to the vast hierarchies of pervader and pervaded, their existence within the Maker’s Makings can never be any other than based upon a state of fullness of pluralism …
Explaining monism of above stated fact …
Pervader is that who pervades its own grosser manifestation, so as to render the necessary inspiration during the pervaded’s evolutionary process … Thus, due to such an essential unity of pervader and pervaded, their existence can also not be any other than being essentially based in monism …
Above in simple words could also be thus told …
If it’s not its own manifestation within grossness, then it cannot even be a pervader of that state (which it apparently pervades) …
DD) …
Further explanations on law of permeator and permeated …
Some parts of this discussion can be a repetition of earlier aspects as this is a further explanation of what is already told above …
DD-1) …
Requirements to be a pervader …
This could be thus told …
- A pervader is that one which pervades after it becomes detached to the pervaded …
- Just prior the pervader pervades a pervaded, the pervader need to be detached to the pervaded or else the pervader cannot even be as a pervader (because if this aspect is not complied, then the pervader shall come to the same grossness as is of the pervader and in such a case, that pervader shall have to cease to be a pervader) …
- If the pervader can manage to maintain this detachment till eternity to the pervaded and thus the pervader stays within sameness of its subtler state (non changing state of pervader in relation to the pervaded, even when both of these keep evolving), then the pervader is none other than an eternal pervader …
- If the pervader is not detached just prior it pervades the pervaded and if this detachment of pervader is not maintained as long as it pervades, then the pervader would lose its capacity as the pervader because it would only end up becoming of the same grossness as is of the pervaded … And in such a case, that pervader shall also fail to continue as a pervader …
- If at any stage of evolution, a pervaded becomes attached to (i.e. unioned to) its own pervader, then the pervaded also evolves to the state of the pervader … And thus, after this state of evolution, the pervaded itself becomes its own pervader … And the same fact in relation to the union of an aspirant to his (or her) own deity (whom that aspirant believed in and worships) is what the Vedic sages and Yogi’s had told as Ishta Swarupa (and in relation to the union to the finality of original self-expresser, i.e. Brahman, this union of aspirant was also termed as Swaroop Stithi) …
DD-2) …
Requirements to be a pervaded …
- Pervaded is one who is within its own inner oneness to the pervader and where this oneness is prior it is pervaded and until it remains pervaded by the pervader …
- If the pervaded is not within such an inner oneness to its pervader, then the pervaded cannot even be pervaded by its own pervader …
- Pervaded is also one that accepts the detachment of pervader, just prior and till the pervaded shall be pervaded by the pervader … This is to cause a rise in the detachment there is required in the pervaded, so it could also evolve and thence unite to its pervader so as to be a future pervader by becoming of the same subtlety as is of its own pervader …
- And after the pervaded becomes united to its own pervader, that pervaded also reaches the same subtlety and detachment as is of its own pervader …
DD-3) …
Detached attachment and attached detachment of pervader pervaded relationship …
- Without the above subtly told detached attachment and attached detachment within the pervader-pervaded relationship, the subtlety of the one who is pervaded, would never increase and thus this would also not be within the principle of eternal evolution … And simultaneously the subtlety of the pervader would also not be maintained, if this aspect of pervader-pervaded relationship is not complied with in totality …
- Pervader is one which is in detachment from the instant it pervades and till it continues to pervade the pervaded … If this detachment is not there, then the pervader can neither pervade the pervaded not can it continue as a pervader (i.e. even after the pervader initially pervades the pervaded, if a future attachment to the pervaded is arrived at within the pervader, then that pervader shall cease to continue as the pervader that it earlier was prior to manifestation of this attachment to the pervaded) …
Note on above bullet point: Well the key is that there is an intrinsic detachment within every attachment there seem to be apparent from a grosser state of observation … This aspect could be thus told …
- When we observe from the subtler state of the pervaded (i.e. while we ourselves are based in grossness of sorts) then we shall find that there are attachments which are ever there …
- And contrary to above told fact, when we see the same state while we are based within the subtler state (i.e. state of the pervader), then we find that detachment is ever there …
- And further to above told facts, when we see the complete picture of pervader-pervaded relationship in its two forms … I.e. pervader-pervaded and pervaded-pervader, then we find that there is a detached-attachment in the former and attached-detachment in the latter …
- This leads to a realization, that one’s observation is only dependent upon the state within which one is residing at the time (or instant) when that observation is made …
- And judgments are also no different, as these are also dependent upon ones state of existence and also dependent upon ones evolutionary standing which was at the time when one makes a judgment on anything …
DD-4) …
Explaining detachment in its reality and just as it is within the final pervader of allness (Brahman) …
- Detachment is always to the corpus of allness and un-attachment is to the individual dualities (i.e. individual-individualities and individual-corpuses) …
- Thus, un-attachment is not related to a freedom from allness (final liberation) … And detachment is never related to anything that is other than allness, which itself makes detachment to be a path to a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. final liberation of Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- Since detachment is related to allness, so is also denotes a higher subtlety (as compared to un-attachment which as such is to individualities and individual corpuses alone and not to allness and her each part) … Thus, detachment pervades ever un-attachment and where the finality of the entire process of un-attachment (to individualities and individual corpuses) is only leading to the final detachment (which itself is to entirety of allness and her each part) … And since the finally detached state is none other than Brahman (or Parabrahman or the original self-expresser of allness) so the path of detachment eventually leads to the same original self-expresser of allness (i.e. Para Brahman) …
- Whenever detachment is effected to allness, then at such a time, un-attachment to each part of allness (individualities and individual corpuses) is also naturally effected by the beingness …
- And whenever un-attachment to “any or all of” the parts of allness is effected, then at such a time, there may or may not be a detachment to all there is within allness … This as such is the attached detachment as we have called it here …
- But irrespective of this statement, all attached-detachments are only intermediaries to get to the final detachment that only is from each apparently attached and apparently un-attached nature, all of which are resting only within the final corpus of allness, that eventually is to be detached from so as to enter into the finally liberated state (of Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- So attachments to individualities or individual-corpuses can only lead to un-attachment to those individualities and individual-corpuses and this as such is only an intermediary to the final state, which is naught but a detachment to the entire corpus of allness itself …
- Thus, unless the entire corpus of allness is arrived at, there cannot even a state of readiness to enter into the finally liberated state (or Kaivalya Moksha) …
DD-5) …
Practices and paths of detachment also have their intrinsic attaching nature …
The practices and paths that are of detachment (or un-attachment as the path may be) can also lead to a state where at attachment to the practices (or path) of detachment gets arrived … So this must be borne in mind when entering into any path that leads to or claims to lead to detachment (or un-attachment as the case may be) …
And the same state of entering into attachments of sorts would also be there if the aspirant is not detached to the process which was utilized as a tool to effect these detachments … Most of the times, this itself is the primary reason for entering into attachments and their grosser aspects (like lower deeds) if the aspirant does not account for the intrinsic attaching nature of the process of detachment (like the path of a text, code of a system, etc.) …
Proceeding further …
It was due to above stated reason, that we have stated that detachment is always to the corpus (including the processes which lead to detachment and to the final effect of the process of detachment, which as such is the detached nature that is arrived at) …
And this statement is because of the fact that, the process of detachment and final fruit that are arrived at, also have their intrinsic attaching natures …
Thus, since the path of austerities (like Yoga Tantra) also has its own attaching nature, so an aspirant must be careful about this aspect or else these attaching nature of path of liberation, would only become as hampering factors for the state of final detachment and which as such is only related to the eternal witness of allness (i.e. Param Brahma) and who by ITself is also the original self-expresser of allness and her each part (i.e. Para Brahman) …
If an aspirant gets stuck in this aspect of intrinsic attaching nature of process of detachment, then also the final liberation would only remain as a distant dream … And this is why we have stated that, detachment is always to the entirety of corpus of allness and her each part, and which also includes the process or path of detachment …
As a matter of fact …
The final liberation (Kaivalya) cannot even be as this name suggests, until it includes allness and her each part and which also includes the path that was taken to enter into it (final liberation) and which also needs to include the state where there also is a liberation from the entirety of dualities, including the dualities of concept of bondage and liberation …
And finally for this part of the discussion …
- Unless an aspirant has already knows his (or her) inner attachment (union) to allness and her each part, how would he (or she) detach to it … Thus, (knowledge of) a prior union to allness is a pre-requisite to later stage of detachment to allness …
- Unless there is detachment from allness and her each part, which also includes detachment from the path of detachment, the final liberation would only remain as a distant dream …
- In that final liberation, one only remains as a fully detached witness of allness, just like the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahma) itself is …
And during any degenerate age cycle, because aspirants usually don’t comply to this fact, so ……………….
DD-6) …
Reason for existence of pervader and pervaded …
Pervaded and pervader exist only because the pervader knows that the pervaded is its own grosser manifestation i.e. the pervaded is manifested out of the subtler pervader … And where the pervaded is also evolving to its own pervader and which is even when the pervaded does not even know its own pervader (as the detached pervader cannot be known until the pervaded unites to it) …
Thus, the subtler pervader knows that the pervaded is its own manifestation within a grosser state, due to which the pervader resides within the pervaded and also envelopes it … And simultaneously, due to the effects of principle of eternal evolution, the pervaded also remains with no choice but to continue in any of those vast numbers of ways of life, that eventually are only leading it (pervaded) to its own pervader …
Thus even when the pervader and pervaded are of differing subtleties, the pervaded has to be inwardly attached to the pervader (because it helps the pervaded to evolve to the higher subtlety as is of the pervader) and simultaneously pervader who is of a higher subtlety, has to keep itself detached from the pervaded (so as to save its down fall while it also is evolving to an ever higher subtlety) … However this downfall and evolving nature as told here, is not applicable to the final pervader of allness, i.e. the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahma) …
DD-7) …
Law of pervader and pervaded is the reason for multi-dimensional oneness …
Since the subtler and grosser don’t necessarily relate to the same dimensional aspects, so this law of pervader and pervaded has its multi-dimensional applications …
And since the pervader resides within and around the pervaded, so this law of pervader and pervaded is also one of the means that was adopted to ensure a multi-dimensional state of unity within all parts of allness and which itself got reflected within the entirety of hierarchy of gross and subtle states … So this law is also a reason for an essential multi-dimensional state of unity between all parts of allness that exist within the Makers Makings and this is even when these parts may not even know about it …
DD-8) …
Assistance of Law of pervader and pervaded during evolutionary process …
During the evolutionary process, the grosser pervaded evolves to its own subtler pervader …
And we had also discussed earlier, that the subtler pervader is also residing within and around the grosser pervaded …
Thus, the path of evolution of the grosser pervaded (into its subtler pervader) is also present within the pervaded entity … And due to which the pervaded keeps getting those “subtle inner kicks” from its own pervader who itself is present within it (pervaded) …
So, due to this reason, the law of pervader and pervaded also renders assistance during the evolutionary process of each pervaded and where this assistance is rendered to the entirety of hierarchy of the pervader and pervaded states that exist within the Maker’s Makings …
DD-9) …
Pervaded cannot enter into the pervader unless it reaches sameness of state …
If the grosser (pervaded) tries to enter into the subtler (pervader), then the vibratory bandwidth of the pervader would be like a subtle wall in front of the pervaded …
And if in such a state, the pervaded still tries to enter the subtler pervaders envelopes, then vast quantum of subtle shocks would get manifested within the pervaded and which may even temporarily terminate the evolutionary process of the pervaded …
The only way a grosser entity (i.e. pervaded) can enter into the subtler entities envelopes (i.e. pervader) is by increasing its own subtlety and thence making its own inner subtlety to reach the sameness of state as is of the subtler pervader … And unless this is achieved, the unity of the grosser (pervaded) to its subtler (pervader) would only remain a distant dream …
DD-10) …
In a clash between the pervader and pervaded, pervader always supersedes …
As a matter of fact …
- If there is a clash between the subtler pervader and the grosser pervaded, then because the pervader is the subtler and thus is the parental state, so the pervader would always supersede …
- This means, that in event of such a clash between the processes of the pervader and pervaded, the processes of pervader would be the one who would prevail …
- This is why no pervaded has ever been able to afford a clash with its own pervader …
DD-11) …
Earlier pervaded and also become a later pervader of its own earlier pervader …
In extremely rare circumstances, the earlier pervaded can become a pervader of its own earlier pervader …
This happens when the evolutionary rate of progress of the pervaded becomes higher than that of its own immediate pervader … And if this continues and makes the pervaded to reach a subtlety which is even higher than its earlier pervader, then only can that earlier pervaded become a later pervader of that state which earlier on was pervading it …
But this is a very rare circumstance, that only very determined Yogi’s have ever accomplished and which itself is only possible by a fuller compliance towards the earlier discussed Law of real nextness …
DD-12) …
Conditions where pervader ceases to be a pervader of its own earlier pervaded state …
These conditions could be told as follows …
- When the pervaded reaches the same subtlety as is of the pervader and thus the pervaded merges (or unites to) its own pervaded …
Note on above bullet point: Each pervader thus is a pervader (of a pervaded state), until the pervaded has self-realized it and thence has also united to it … And after the self-realized its pervader, then the pervader has no option but to allow the pervaded to reside within its own subtlety and as its equal …
- When the pervaded reaches an evolutionary standing that is beyond its own pervader and thus in such a case, that earlier pervaded only becomes the pervader of its earlier pervader …
- And in their finality … When either and/or both the pervader and/or pervaded self-realize the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman) and thence also realize their eternal union to Brahman …
For this part of the topic, there is no condition further than what is listed above …
EE) …
Going beyond the law of pervaded and pervader … Unity to Brahman …
Since this fact was referred earlier on, so this is an extension of that earlier discussion …
- For its own evolutionary progress, the pervaded is the one that accepts the pervadement of the pervader and which itself is due to its attached-detachment to the pervader (so that the pervader could reside within the pervaded and thus during the course of the pervaded’s eternal evolution, the pervaded does not have to search for subtlety outside of it, because the subtlety itself is resting within it) …
- And simultaneously, the pervader accepts to pervade the pervaded due to its detachment-attachment to the pervaded and thus ensure its evolution within detachment (as this state of detachment also leads to a higher state of the pervaders evolutionary standing) …
- And due to this the pervader and the pervaded keep evolving within this kind of their eternal relationship …
- And where this evolution also continues until they finally self-realize the final pervader of allness, who itself is beyond the state of being a pervader or pervaded and whose self-expression allness eventually is and who as such is addressed as Nirguna Brahma (or Brahman) in Vedas …
- And during the course of evolution of both (i.e. the entire hierarchy of pervader and pervaded), to ensure the continuity of macrocosmic hierarchies, as the pervaded evolves, the pervader also correspondingly evolves in such a manner, as is stated below …
Ratios of subtlety and grossness of each pervaded and pervader, remain eternally constant
Note: Unless what was discussed in earlier sub-part of this topic (i.e. DD-11 and DD-12) is arrived at by the pervader and/or the pervaded, above is how it would be …
- And even when above is true, yet both of them are eventually evolving towards the same attributeless infinite Absolute (Brahm or Brahman), because the Absolute is beyond the terms evolution or non evolution and is also beyond the scopes of terms of gross and subtle (pervaded and pervader) and thus is the eternal unchangeable and incomparable one …
- Until the subtler and grosser (i.e. pervader and pervaded) reach this state (as told in above bullet point) their hierarchies continue … And after attaining to this state, they (pervaded and pervader) are no longer within the scopes and purviews of this macrocosmic and thus universal law …
Continues …