Here we shall discuss the universal process in which all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, is resting … This process is the “one process there only is, as evolution” of all that has ever begun within Makers Makings … Law of universal process (evolution process) is applicable to each microcosm and also to the macrocosm and its applicability itself is as the one process that only is, of evolution” of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
This topic is in continuity with the earlier one which had the header of “Law of real nextness, Law of next of nextness and Law of Est’ness” and this topic is also a part of the earlier one that had the header of “Principle of eternal evolution” … And this topic is also within the purviews of another earlier topic that had the header of “Principle of dependent origination” in addition to its relation to another earlier topic of “Law of cause and effect and Law of reverse effect” …
Law of universal process … One process that only is of evolution …
This law could be thus told …
There is only one universal process and that is as the one process there only is of evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings
Thus, basis this law, all that has ever begun within the Makersmakings is evolving … And this statement is irrespective of where that microcosm may be residing and what it may be undergoing at any point of time during the entirety of its existence within the Makers Makings
And basis this law, irrespective of the state of existence and evolutionary standing of any microcosm, all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings eternally stays within the vast purviews and applicability of the ever-same universal process, which as such is the ever same one process there only is, as evolution of all that has ever begun and thence resided within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus as far as the vast variations of paths of evolution (faith, religions, scriptures, laws, procedures, codes, etc.) and ways of life (course of life or course of evolution) of any microcosm, is concerned, all their differences really don’t matter because eventually all these paths and ways of life, are none other than one or another of those vast number of processes and/or sub processes that itself are as intrinsic partless parts of the same universal process, that is of evolution and which by itself is the same one process of evolution that is within whose purviews everything that is as microcosm and macrocosm (Pinda and Brahmand) eventually resides as long as it exists within the Maker’s Makings …
As far as the universal process is concerned, there is nothing like good or bad in it because as long as something (or someone or any microcosm) rests within its vast scopes and purviews, evolution is what eventually this universal process would be leading to …
All scriptures, their paths, practices, codes of societies, ways of life of cultures, laws of civilizations and everything else that anyone may be resting in, is thus a part of the same universal process …
But at the same time, the universal process is also within the purviews of cycles of time (or in other words, the wheel of time or Kaalchakra) and due to this reason, depending upon the requirements of a cycle of time (wheel of time or Kaal Chakra) are the various processes that get manifested within a world and that too, through specific instruments who descend to that world so as to lay down their subtle foundations … And where all these processes itself are a part of the same universal process that is of evolution …
Thus, basis above, everything that is evolving (every microcosm) and their ways of life (processes or codes or ways of life) always remains within the purviews of requirements of a cycle of time and due to this reason, prior a cycle of time ends and the next cycle of time commences, some soul is always chosen by the pristine divinities of the Makers Makings, who is then made to descend unto that world (where a cycle of time is changing) and he (or she) then installs the subtle yet strong foundation of that incoming age cycle … This descent of a specific instrument of macrocosmic pristine divinities always happens prior an age cycle ends and the next age cycle is just about to begin and thus such descents of chosen instruments always happen during the intermediary time span of change of ages (i.e. such descents always happen during each Sandhikaal that falls within the intermediary time span of change of any age cycle) …
As far as the currently underway cyclic change of human ages (Manav Yuga) is concerned, then because the next human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) is of a human golden age (Manav Satyuga) that is supposed to run within the much longer time span of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga), so that incoming human golden age cycle (i.e. human age of truth or Manav Kritayuga) would only be as an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) which as such would be a Vedic age cycle that would last for about 10 millenniums from around 2082 AD (+/- 2.7 years and a further +/- 27 years) … And since the next human age is of the Age of sages (Guru Yuga) so the sage who is supposed to install its subtle yet strong foundation (i.e. the Yuga Sthapak of that Guru Yuga) can only be the one who would descend from the divine world of the Great Lord of allness (Maheshvara) and thus that sage cannot be any other than a sage of Maheshwara … And since Maheshwara himself is Tatpurusha (I.e. Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva or Saguna Brahman), so that sage can also be addressed as the sage from Tatpurusha about whom we have already discussed in an earlier topic of Sage from Maheshwara … And this sage was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Yuga Poorak and Yuga Sthapak” and this itself was in addition to the discussions of another earlier topic where we had named that sage as the warrior of zero infinite infinite zero (or the warrior of great darkness, who we had named as warrior of Mahatam and also as the warrior of great emptiness or Mahashunya) …
Universal process within all processes …
There was and could never be anything which doesn’t relate to the universal process and thus all that is as process (or its sub-processes) is within the purviews of the same universal process of evolution of all that is begun and resting within any part of the Makers Makings …
All that any microcosm has ever done or undergone through and irrespective of whether it is deemed as good or bad, high or low, greater or lesser, is within this law of universal process and this itself is due to the fact, that every act is a part of the evolutionary process, which itself is the same universal process in whose purviews every microcosm eternally resides, but only as long as the microcosm is still evolving …
Thus, irrespective of the processes of ways of life, the codes of life that anyone follows, the texts that are used a a base of conduct of way of life, the laws of lands in which anyone resides, the conditions (good or bad) that any microcosm undergoes during the course of its existence, the world or plane of existence where anyone resides during the time span of its existence, the deeds that are undergone and fruits that are reaped or anything else, all these eventually are nothing but one or another of those vast number of aspects of progress within the same universal process …
As such, all the differences of paths of progress these processes don’t really matter as they all are naught but one or another of those vast number of self-manifestations of the same one process there only is, as evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
Universality of process and its applicability to unbroken continuity of existence …
Existence that itself is across those vast number of states (i.e. states of existence) is kept united as a single entity, due to the universal nature of the same one process that only is, as evolution …
Even the states of existence are evolving and it is due to this reason, that, each of the worlds (like this planet earth) and planes of existence (like the Milky way galaxy) and also each of the universes are also kept united to each other by the same universal nature of the evolutionary process as is discussed here …
Due to this reason, after any entity (or microcosm) is begun within the Makers Makings, then irrespective of where that entity (microcosm) may reside during the entire course of its existence, it would remain within the purviews of this law of universal process … And this would also continue until it finally exists out (or becomes liberated) from the entirety of Makers Makings which itself is after it goes beyond the purviews of the law which is being discussed here … As long as anyone (or anything) is resting within the Makers Makings whilst it still is evolving, the applicability of this law is ever there …
This itself is because of the unbroken continuity of the same universal process across all states of existence that ever are within the Makers Makings and this itself is addition to the applicability of this universal process across all stages of evolution that any microcosm would transit during the entirety of its time spans of existence within the Makers Makings …
Continuous applicability of universal process to every microcosm …
Irrespective of whether a microcosm is animate or inanimate and also irrespective of whether any microcosm is supra-inanimate or supra-animate, there remains a continuous and unbroken applicability of the same universal process to that microcosm …
Since in reality, a microcosm means every entity that has begun within the Makers Makings, so this term includes all that is right from the state of an atom (or cell) till a universe and this also includes the supra-animate microcosms like Gods (and also Satan that is believed in any path or scripture) …
Since laws also are naught but inanimate microcosm’s, so this universal process (of evolution of all that has begun within the Makers Makings) is also applicable to each law and thus we see amendments in these laws too (these amendments are a proof of applicability of the universal evolutionary process to these laws) …
As also, since divine planes (heaven, etc.) are also supra-inanimate entities, so this universal process is also applicable to these heavenly planes (of Gods) and thus those who would observe these supra-inanimate entities across a certain longer time frame, then they would also see changes in their states, in addition to those changes which relate to their codes and systems …
As also, since Gods also are naught but supra-animate microcosm’s (supra-animate entities), so even these Gods (Deva) undergo through some changes over a longer period of time and this itself is because they are also naught but resting within the same universal process, that by itself is the one process that only is, as evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
Thus, in reality of applicability of this universal process, there really is nothing within the entirety of Makers Makings, which is left out of its vast scopes and its countless aspects and purviews …
Two aspects of returns within the Universal process … Free choice of choices to return back and no choice of choices of return back …
Within the purviews of the universal process, any microcosm who returns back (i.e. reincarnates) can only return back under two circumstances, as there are no other …
These two circumstances are as follows …
- Free choice of choices …
- No choice of choices …
To understand these aspects, let’s discuss them with example that relates to the ways of life within this world …
Free choice of choices …
- If you need to retire, then you must have sufficient funds that can last your balance lifetime … These funds may be considered as Karma Phala (merits or fruits of earlier deeds that were done during the current or even an earlier incarnation) … Thus, these are like your accumulated merit (i.e. Sanchit Karma) …
- By in relation to your entire existence as a microcosm within the Makers Makings, Sanchit Karma is the accumulated fruits of earlier deeds, which may even be those that were undergone during any earlier incarnation and right from the time you had begun as a microcosm within the Makers Makings (and in reference to a single incarnation, this statement is a simile to the state of being incarnated and thence working out through life to earn your bucks prior retiring from work, during that incarnation) …
- If you have such funds (simile for Karma Phala or earned merits of earlier acts or deeds), then your would have your free choice to retire or not … This is the stage of free choice of choices …
- And the same also applicable to that soul who due to its earned merits (accumulated merit) of earlier incarnations deeds (causes) can choose to defer its return back (i.e. defer the future reincarnation) but provided that soul has enough merits to counter the demands of a world or plane, who wants it to return back … A soul who has sufficient accumulated merit which can allow it to continue within the subtle realms (and thus defer its reincarnation to a lower or gross world), would have the liberty to choose to not return back …
- But at the same time, if it does decide to return back, that it would not be due to exhausting or consuming of earlier merit … Such a return would be to oblige somebody else who has requested for its return back to a lower world (like this physical world system) … And in such a case of a willing return to a lower realm of existence (like this world) which itself is prior to the expiry of (or exhausting of or consumption of) the earlier accumulated (or earlier earned) merit, that return back would only be under the purviews of the phrase “Free choice of choices” …
- Such a soul who has sufficient accumulated merit that is still not consumed by it during its stay in a subtle realm (i.e. a spirit realm or even a divine realm) may even refuse to return back … This refusal is because nobody (no power or God) can ever force such a soul to return back to a lower world prior to expiry of (or consumption of) its already earned accumulated merit … And if that soul does return back, so as to oblige someone else (like a deity, etc.), that that return would only be under the purviews of the phrase “Free choice of choices” …
- But since deeds and their merits (i.e. cause and effect) also continue within the divine realms of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata), so the stay in those worlds can also be prolonged by such an aspirant by continuing to do better deeds and thus earning a higher fruit from those better deeds … And thus if this is the case (of undergoing better or higher deeds or deeds that are related to and thus are based within the purviews of the phrase, “oneness towards allness” whilst residing in those divine worlds), that aspirant can also manage to continue within that divine realm, till a much longer time span (as compared to what was to be when it had initially entered into that divine realm) …
- And in between this longer stay within a subtle or divine realm, if that aspirant does return back to a lower realm of existence (like a physical world system) prior to expiration of its accumulated merit (of all earlier incarnations), then also that return back would be within the purviews of “free choice of choices” …
- All returns that are within the purviews of (or through the path of) Transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is termed as the process of Parkaya Pravesh) are within the same state of returning under “free choice of choices” … And this statement is irrespective of what sufferings that transmigrated one may go through (within the lower realm of its return) …
- No choice of choices …
And contrary to above, if the return is just prior to or after expiry of one’s accumulated merit (latter case is very rare because the souls always return back prior to expiration or consumption of their earned merits), then such returns (to lower realms of existences) are only within the purviews of the phrase “No choice of choices” …
End note on this discussion: Both these types of returns are thus dependent upon ones earlier earned merits and thus are related to the current evolutionary standing also and this is what places them within the purviews of the same universal process, that by itself is the one process that only is, as evolution of all that has ever begun within the supreme genius, which itself is of the Makersmakings …
Universal process and its unbroken applicability across the Makers Makings …
Process of evolution to which the universal process relates, is an unbroken entity across the Makersmakings because of the following facts …
- As long as real-nextness of evolutionary process is maintained, once someone has evolved beyond a certain state of existence and/or has crossed over a certain level of evolution, a future return back to that state is never possible, unless that future return back is to assist others of a lower plane of existence (i.e. a gross world) and where such a return would also be within the “free choice of choices” of that returning entity …
- And if the real nextness of evolutionary process is not maintained and thus, there is some next of nextness of evolution at a certain lower realm, then in such a case a return back to that lower realm would have to be there at some stage of progress within the universal process … And where that future return back would also be within “no choice of choices” of that entity and where this condition of “no choice of choices” would even be there even if that entity is already standing at the uppermost of hierarchies of Makers Makings … Thus, basis this, after evolving from one state of existence and/or one aspect of the evolutionary hierarchy, one can never return back to that state unless the real next of some earlier evolutionary stage was missed out by the microcosm …
- Above is only because of the unbroken applicability of the universal process across the Makers Makings and it is due to this unbroken continuity, no microcosm has ever been able to evade its applicability or compliance …
Applicability of universal process to all macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchies …
The universal process of evolution also has its hierarchies of low and high state of evolution and irrespective of where an entity stands within the macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchy, the universal process stays applicable …
And due to this reason, irrespective of the evolutionary standing of any aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies and irrespective of the hierarchies of states of existences that exist within the Makers Makings, the universal process stays applicable in sameness to what it must be at that state of existence and at the stature of evolution …
At higher states of existence which are entered into after attainment of a higher status within the macrocosmic hierarchies, the universal process changes its aspects in such a way that it remains applicable to that state of evolution and existence … Thus, as is the subtlety or grossness of a state of existence, so is the subtlety or grossness of aspects of universal process that become applicable at that state of existence …
But even when this change of applicability of aspects of universal process happens for any aspirant who has attained a higher evolutionary standing and thus has entered a higher state of evolution, the applicability of the specific aspect of the universal process (that is apt for that evolutionary standing and state of existence) stays applicable to that aspirant (or microcosm) …
Thus, the aspects of evolutionary process (or applicability and ways in which the universal process acts) that are present (or are needed to be complied with) within the divine worlds are not the same as it is here (within this lower or physical realm) …
This applicability could be thus described …
- Higher is the state of existence, more vast is the scope of applicability of the universal process …
- Higher is the evolutionary status of an aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies, more vast is the scope of applicability of aspects of the universal process …
- More vast is the applicability of the universal process, lesser individualistic the deeds would need to be … And thus in such a case, those deeds that would be done within higher realms of existence, would also have be more based within the essence of the phrase, “oneness towards allness and her each part” … And vice versa is also true for applicability of universal process within lower or gross realms (like this one) …
- Deeds that are based within a higher (or larger) aspect of “Oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. deeds based upon higher aspect or Brahmand Dharana), also leads to subtler fruits … And since the higher (or divine) realms are subtler realms, so the deeds that would be needed to be undergone there, would also have to be correspondingly subtler and thus would also have to be based upon the larger aspect of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) … And reciprocal would be within grosser realms (like this physical world system) …
- Thus, basis above discussion, if any aspirant who resides in a lower realm (like this gross or physical earthly plane) does those subtle deeds (or deeds that are based within a higher aspect of the phrase “Oneness to allness and her each part”), then that aspirant would also walk the path of entering into a divine world, which corresponds to that specific bandwidth of subtlety of deeds and their fruits …
- And this is why every greater one who has ever walked this planet has always laid down those paths which are related to a higher compliance towards “oneness of allness and her each part” and the proof of this fact is also available in every scripture of today …
- From the macrocosmic point of view, during any deeds that is done, if higher is the aspect of oneness towards all, then subtler would that deed be considered to be and in such a case, higher (or subtler) would be the fruit that the aspirant would reap … When the subtlety bandwidth of one’s earned fruits come within the subtlety bandwidth of a divine realm, then even when we may be resting on this physical world system, yet our inner divinity would be connected to that divine realm in whose subtlety bandwidth our earned fruits are at that time … And due to this reason, even when we may seem to be present within this gross or physical realm, we would actually be existent within that divine realm itself …
Some higher aspects of universal process …
Continuing with above discussions …
So, this is why, no higher one who came into this lower realm (earthly or physical world) has ever done deeds that relate to grossness of individualism, because the fruits of such deeds, would never guarantee the furthering of evolutionary standing of that higher entity which is also resting within the purviews of the same one process that only is, of evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
Thus, when greater entities return back for their beyond (or higher realms), then due to their higher evolutionary standings, they invariably work towards that which is based upon and thus is within one or another higher aspect of compliance to “oneness to allness and her each part” …
And as a matter of fact, higher is ones evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies, more would that entity be based within the essence of the phrase “oneness to allness and her each part” because for such an entity, anything lesser than this, would only be an utter nonsense …
And if that greater entity is the one who has also lost its right to take a regular birth (i.e. that greater entity is the one who has already evolved past the evolutionary standing where it could take birth from the womb of a physically present mother on that physical world system), then that entity would also be returning back by adopting the process of transmigration of souls (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as the process of Parkaya Pravesh) … And since such an entity would only be a one who is not related to the individualistic nonsense of ways of life of a lower world (where it returns back), so the deeds of such an entity can never be any other than being based within fullness of the phrase “Oneness to allness and her each part” …
And because such beyond entities don’t ever relate to anything lesser than Brahmand Yoga (union to allness and her each part) as they by themselves are the entire macrocosm in a human body, so consequences of their deeds don’t just relate to a world or plane (where they return back in a human bodied form) … The consequences of deeds of any entity who has attained to the state of fuller union to allness and her each part (i.e. after attainment of Brahmand Yoga) would also have universal applicability and thus, even when such an entity may seem to be present in a human bodied form upon this world, yet its desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds would have universal consequences …
Proceeding further …
And if such a greater entity has returned back from that realm which as such is beyond the Makers Makings, then even when that greater entity of beyond realm may seem to be present in a human bodied form upon this gross (or physical) realm and thus may seem to be resting within the universal process, yet the universal process would never be applicable to it …
Thus, all those higher entities who have already gone beyond (i.e. evolved beyond) the entirety of Makers Makings and thus have already evolved beyond the entirety of scopes of applicability of the universal process, are also those who stand further than the applicability of the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings … And if such entities return back to the Makers Makings (which itself is due to requests of macrocosmic divinities so as to make them do specific jobs), then their deeds would in fact be affecting the entire macrocosm and not just the tiny world or plane of existence or the universe, where they return back …
This is because of the fact, that within the state of Brahmand Dharana and Brahmand Yoga which is also coupled by the state of “Atma is Brahma”, that entity would ultimately be denoting the state of standing beyond the entire universal process and yet resting within it (universal process) … This condition would in turn render the capability of being the controller of the universal process and thus, such a greater entity can even become an instrument of affecting changes in the evolutionary paths of the entire universe within which they return back …
As also, since their deeds would be having cosmic consequences, so their acts would also be related to the ways of life of macrocosmic creation and not to any other nonsensical individualistic path … Such ways of life would be affecting the entire macrocosmic speciology (and not just of a planet) and thus would become applicable upon all gross, subtle, divine and impressional realms as well … Such an entity can change the course of evolution of the entire multi-universe i.e. all realms of existence and all their inhabitants and irrespective of these inhabitants are animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate beings …
As also, since the ways of life of macrocosmic creation are intrinsically pluralistic and yet remain essentially monist, so such entities would never ever relate to or accept or propagate any aspect of individualism (i.e. Monotheism of any sort, would be foreign to them) … And this is even when they would be relating to (through their direct cognitions of) monotheistic Gods and their planes (heavens) , so as to understand their real nature and thence lay down a foundational path to correct their faults …
As also is a matter of fact, that whenever such entities return back from beyond the entire macrocosm, then because they don’t relate to the macrocosm (and thus don’t relate to the world where they return back), so they mostly stay aloof and thus mostly are as loners … They just relate to the world, plane and universe to that extent, which is necessary for them to complete those jobs, for which they have been recalled back to a lower realm (by the cosmic divinities) … And there have also been cases, where such entities quickly did their jobs (for which they were recalled back by the Makers Makings and/or its pristine divinities) and thence they also de-incarnated … Thus, during their stay upon a world, nobody knew about their “beyond evolution status” and yet their laid down paths were adopted after a few decades or centuries of them returning back to their original state of existence (from where they had returned back to the lower world) …
Proceeding further …
And there are also those rare cases of some much-greater ones returning back from the realm of one of the five faces of Shiva (i.e. they return back from Viraat Parabrahman or Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) … But such ones mostly render the path of Karmatit Mukti (i.e. liberation beyond deeds and fruits) …
And if such is the case, then even when they may seem to be within purviews of some deeds (which they need to do and which are the reasons for their return to a lower realm) yet they remain unaffected by the merits (Karma Phala) of these deeds, due to resting in Karmateet Mukti (i.e. that state of liberation which is free of deeds and fruits) …
And when such ones return back and thence after they have commenced their jobs for which they have been recalled back (by the pristine divinities of Makers Makings), and then when the deities of that world come to know about their returns, then invariably these deities begin leave their forts (temples), so as to assist these entities who have returned back from one of the five faces of Sadashiva … There has never been a sage who had returned back from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (Panch Mukha Sadashiva) and the Devi and Deva (deities) of that world, plane and universe of return back did not assist him in fulfilling the reason of his return …
Thus, such sages who return back from one of the five faces of Shiva (i.e. Panch Mukha Shiva) always have support of the deities of that world (and also have the support of the deities of the plane of existence and universe) where they are made to return back (and where their returns to a lower realm is also as per requests of cosmic divinities) … After such sages return back, then they also remain with no choice but to rest their consciousness within Brahmand Dharana and Brahmand Yoga …
Proceeding further …
And all above is also resting within the purviews of the universal process because even when someone returns from beyond or is a deity, but as long as he (or she) rests within the Makers Makings, the universal process keeps acting on him (or her) … But even when the universal process would act upon that greater entity, that greater entity would never be able to associate to the universal process … This is due to the fact, that once anyone has already evolved beyond the universal process, then even when that person may be recalled back (by macrocosmic divinities so as to do specific jobs), the universal process can no longer act on him (or her) … And this itself is due to the unilateral (or unidirectional or upwardly) effects of the principle of eternal evolution (which says, that evolution is ever upwardly and thus non regressive and due to this, one can never fall below ones current evolutionary standing) …
Thus, this non applicability is due to the fact, that once any entity goes beyond something, then it goes beyond that thing eternally and if it has to return back into that state (due to requests of macrocosmic divinities or due to the call of a cycle of time) from which it has already evolved earlier on, then that state of future return cannot affect that entity even when that entity may be resting in its purviews (after returning back to it) …
Thus, within the purviews of the principle of eternal evolution, once anyone evolves beyond something (or some state of existence or condition of evolutionary process), then any further return back to that aspect, would never affect that aspirant and this itself is due to the unilateral effect of the principle of evolution upon all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings … But suchness is only there if that return is under “free choice of choices” of that returning one and thus that returning one has no evolutionary “next of next” which relates to that state of return back …
Final discussion on universal process (one process there only is, as evolution) …
- The universal process acts upon all that rests within the Makers Makings …
- The universal process complements the Law of real nextness, Law of next of nextness and also the law of Est’ness …
- The universal process also rests within purviews of the Principle of eternal evolution and the principle of eternal existence … Thus, the universal process only leads to an upwardly evolution, in addition to leading to eternity of itself and all that comes within its purviews …
- The universal process also rests within purviews of the principle of dependent origination and its law of reverse effect and also the law of cause and effect …
- As long as a microcosm (aspirant) rests within the Makers Makings, the microcosm always rests in purviews of the universal process …
- But beyond the Makers Makings, the universal process fails to act as in that beyond state, there really is nothing to evolve to, evolve from or evolve beyond …
- Once any aspirant goes beyond the universal process, then that aspirant also walks beyond all principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
Continues …