This topic would discuss the limitations of Mahayantra (or intelligent instruments), but within a reference to the statement of “Mahayantra Pravartanam” of Manusmriti …
This topic continues from the previous one of “The Zero Infinite and beyond” …
This topic is furthering on an earlier topic of “Astronomical age of universe” in addition to the discussions of another topic of the “Observable universe” … And even when derivations of this topic would seem very far fetched, yet they are true …
Maha Yantra or Mahayantra means that manmade instrument which holds a certain higher amount of conscious, knowledge and activity principle of the Maker’s Makings, so a Mahayantra can be termed as an intelligent instrument …
100-AA … Limitations on use of Mahayantras …
As Mahayantras evolve, they can detect a distance travelled by light during the time span of 3 Surya Samvatsara (Surya Samvatsara as is written here is also called as a Mahakalpa which in other words, can also be called as a Maha Kalpa) …
And maximum that these Mahayantras can detect is of 4 times the time span of a Surya Samvatsara …
Thus maximum distance which the currently used “grosser Mahayantras” can see in space and time, is of …
25.92 billion x 4 = 103.68 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
And above distance at current time units becomes as follows …
{(103.68 x 66.6666667) / 71.6} = 111.35232 billion human solar years (as per currently applicable time units of earth’s axial precession) …
Note: In above calculation, values of 66.6666667 and 71.6 are directly taken from the earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Proceeding further …
So if distances higher than above stated distance are needed to be observed, then “even subtler intelligent instruments (as compared to the current gross ones) would be needed …
And the best limit of observation by those instruments would also be of a maximum of three times above calculated distance and to a maximum of four times …
Beyond the stage of above paragraph, only ones own inner instruments which we are blessed with from within the genius of Maker’s Makings would need to be utilized to calculate those distances which are even further than those of above paragraph …
This is the limitation of use of Mahayantras because even when the above stated distances may seem to be large, yet they only are an iota of the total expanses of the multi-universal Maker’s Makings …
100-BB … Present state of Mahayantra or Maha Yantra …
If humans want to see beyond above value, then they shall need subtler instruments which include or account for the “conscious-knowledge-activity principle” of the macrocosm …
As of now humanity has not even begun seeing 50 percent of the distance that is stated here and thus there still is a pretty long distance that remains pending to reach the stated value itself …
And because the universe also extends much beyond the stated ranges of this topic, so as of now the stage of seeing the ends of this universe are still pretty far off …
But at the same time and based upon my personal experiences of conscious subtle-travels to the ends of a universe, non-lighted innermost core of a universe which has a fiery staff in it, ends of galaxies and non-lighted inner-cores of a galaxy, I can safely state the sameness of many aspects in these states …
This is also because of the fact, that “as is the macro-part, so is each micro-part” … So if the state of outermost-edges of a universe is to be inferred, then the best way is to see the edges of the Milky Way Galaxy (as even though an exact sameness of these two is not there, yet these two states are almost similar in their characteristics) …
And if the state beyond the edges of a universe is to be studied in relation to the universe itself (universe rests within the envelope of the state that is beyond its outermost non-lighted envelope) then the best way is to infer this is to study the “lights around the edges of the central non-lighted part of this Milky Way (because these two states are pretty similar in their characteristics)” …
And since the universe also has the shape of a Vedic Shivalingam, so this is how it would ultimately be known … All these discussions are those which have been known through subtler travels across the divinities of Maker’s Makings …
100-CC … Ill effects of Mahayantras … Mahayantra Pravartanam …
Whilst utilizing Mahayantras, a Sutra of chapter 11 of Manu Smriti must never be ignored … This was stated as “Mahayantra Pravartanam” …
The meaning of this was briefly explained in section 33-BB of an earlier topic of “Dimensions of Milky Way” …
Ultimately, all Mahayantras lead to the same ill effects that as been discussed in above linked topic … Thus, all Mahayantras must always be used with caution and in minimum …
Continues …