This topic is to discuss the Shivalingam’s (also called as Linga, Ling, Lingam, Shivling, Shivalinga and Shivaling) which are eternally present within and beyond each microcosm (aspirant) … And we shall also discuss Vishnulingam, which is also present in each microcosm aspirant … The word Lingam essentially means a symbol (or a divine symbol) …
Above painting describes the multi-universal macrocosmic creation and this is as it was observed after the consciousness went beyond this universe (i.e. the universe within which this world is present) … Thus above painting is of the multi-universe as was observed when the consciousness flew to a state which was beyond the envelopes of the universe in which the physical body resides as of now …
As the consciousness went out of the universal envelopes it saw uncountable number of universes and with each universe of the shape of a Vedic Shivalingam (or Shivling or Shivaling or simply Ling or Lingam) …
But at the same time even when above painted sketch is correct, yet the universes of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation are not arranged in a perfect line as is shown in above painting … The locations of these multi-universes is haphazard and with no specific sequence and thus it is not as shown in above painting …
Shivalingam denotes the pristine divinity (Maa Shakti) in addition to denoting the Absolute being (as Bhagwan Shiva) both of who are present within each aspirant …
And those who know above fact also know that the macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes any microcosm resides, is the same macrocosm which is within each microcosm and where the macrocosm which is within each microcosm, itself is as the pervader and enveloper of each microcosm …
And above is also in addition to the fact that each microcosm is naught but a self manifested state of the macrocosm itself …
Those who know this fact are also the ones who know the innermost meaning of “Brahmand Yoga (or union to allness and her each part i.e. union to the entirety of Maker’s Makings)” …
Thus what we see around us (i.e. our gross and subtle, visible and invisible, near and far environment) is the same as that which is within our own microcosm … So that which is beyond us is also the same as that which is present within our own microcosm and where its presence is also within subtle and also within a gross states …
AA … Discussing Shivalingam …
Shivalingam is made up of two words and these are …
- Shiva … Shiva means ever-auspicious and all-auspicious …
And since Shiva also denotes all that was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” and since there is nothing more than that, so Shiva also denotes “That All” whose own allness itself is the Maker’s Makings and where the word “All” also denotes that which is beyond the Maker’s Makings …
And as far as the dimensions of time (Kaal), space (Akasha), directions (i.e. ways of life or Disha) and state (of grossness and subtlety or Dasha) are concerned, Shiva also denotes undefined eternity of time, infinity of unfathomable space, omnidirectionality of all paths (all of which lead to Shiva only and it is due to this reason that Shiva also is addressed as the Great-Deity or Mahadeva) and Shiva also denotes omnipresence that extends within and beyond all that is as Maker’s Makings … Thus basis this and above discussions, Shiva is also the Ever-All (or the Eternal-All) …
And in addition to this since Shiva is none other than Shakti and Shakti also is none other than Shiva, so Shiva also denotes Shakti (divinity of the original root of allness) …
- Lingam … Lingam means a symbol, a sign and thus a lingam itself is an attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar) of that which is beyond attributes and form … Thus due to this reason, Lingam also means the attributed symbolic form of that which is beyond attributes and forms …
And this is in addition to the fact that Lingam also denotes each universe of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation in addition to denoting the non-lighted inert matter (Inertial mass or inert macrocosm) from which the manifest state of macrocosm had originated … Most of these facts are discussed at a later stage of this topic and some of these would be taken up during discussions of later topics of this text …
- Shivalingam … So basis above, the Sanskrit word “Shivalingam” means many things, some of which are as follows … Symbol of auspicious-all (i.e. all auspicious), symbol of eternal-all, symbol of ever-all, symbol of eternal non-dual union of divine and divinity, symbol of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings), symbol of the root of allness, symbol of the Supreme being there eventually and only is, symbol of the pristine divinity of the divine being and IT’s own pristine divinity, symbol of the self manifested state of the absolute being (i.e. symbol of the universe) which itself is denoting the original union of the absolute being (Parambrahma or Shiva) to IT’s own absoluteness (Shakti), symbol of eternal union of the supreme being and IT’s own pristine beingness and symbol of the eternal non-dual union of the divine and IT’s divinity … etc-etc …
And Shivalingam is also the pristine symbol of that who due to IT’s own finality of being the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) cannot ever be symbolized, except through the Shivalingam …
BB … Lingam inside the body …
There are many Shivalingam’s inside the physical and subtle vehicles, but in this part of the topic we shall only be discussing the main ones …
Only those symbols which are simultaneously and eternally present within and beyond each aspirant were the ones which were chosen by Vedic sages for incorporating in the Vedic knowledge systems … And a Shivalingam is the higher of such symbols as it only denotes the absolute (divine or supreme or Shiva) and its own absoluteness (divinity or Shakti) …
Thus basis above paragraph, all Vedic symbols are only those which are eternally present within each aspirant and this itself is in addition to the fact that these Vedic symbols also present within the greater macrocosmic creation … So due to this reason the Vedic symbols also denote the eternal union of each microcosm to the macrocosmic creation and vice versa …
In this topic on Shivalingam’s that are eternally present within each aspirant, we shall be proceeding from the lower parts of the body until the head region of the physical body … So here it goes …
BB-1 … Shivalingam close to the prostate gland … Kundalini-Lingam …
Note: Women can take a corresponding point, as I have no idea about their anatomy …

This figure is painted with a “bird’s eye view (viewing from top or the top view)” of the Shivalingam that is present near the prostate gland and which as such is located towards the lower end (base) of the spinal column …
As depicted in above painting, the main golden Shivalingam has many projections protruding out of them and each of these projections are also a Shivalingam that is attached to the main Shivalingam whose bird’s eye view (i.e. top view) is shown in above painting …
Thus the Shivalingam of our current discussion is none other than a corpus of many Shivalingam’s (or in other words, it is a corpus of unioned state of many Shivalingam’s) …
As many are the number of these attached Shivalingam’s, so are the number of Shivalingam’s that are eternally present within each aspirant and due to this reason this Shivalingam also denotes the eternally unioned state of all Shivalingam’s that are present in any aspirant’s microcosm …
This is how the seat of Kundalini Shakti is found to be, but this state is only arrived after completion of the Shakti Shiva Yoga (as was discussed in earlier topics) and thence the successful transit of the “pot of consciousness (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Chetan Kalash)” through the 8th plexus (this was discussed in earlier topics on the 8th plexus or Ashtama Chakra) …
Prior to the stage of a successful transit through the 8th plexus (Niralambasthana), this Shivalingam is like a blackish-purple colored Jaman fruit (Jamun fruit) what does not have any of the projections (as have been shown in above figure) … But after a successful transit through the 8th plexus (Niralamba Chakra), it is visible as it has been shown in above painting …
This is an upright Shivalingam (i.e. it points towards the top of head) and as discussed earlier, it also has many-many smaller sized Shivalingam’s attached to it … And each of these attached smaller sized Shivalingam’s are protruding out of the larger Shivalingam that this painting describes …
In above painting, each of the golden colored dots are denoting those vast number of golden projections that are attached to the main Shivalingam of the prostate area i.e. each of these golden dots are denoting those smaller Shivalingam’s which are attached to the main Shivalingam of the prostate area …
This Shivalingam is of a very bright golden color and it rests in a bright light that manifests at the seat of Kundalini Shakti after the successful completion of the Shiva Shakti Yoga (as was discussed in an earlier topic) and after the white pot of nectar has already crossed the Ashtama Chakra (or the eighth plexus which was discussed within the earlier set of topics on 8th plexus) …
This Shivalingam denotes the successful completion of rise of Kundalini Shakti till the eighth plexus (of Atharvaveda Mantras which have already been discussed in an earlier topic) … Thus unless this Shivalingam manifests at a location which is close to the prostate area, the successful transit through the 8th plexus cannot even be deemed to be completed by an aspirant …
Thus this Shivalingam denotes the realization and thence a stationing of the aspirants consciousness into the rootless or baseless 8th plexus (or Niralambasthana or Niralamb chakra) … We had also termed the 8th plexus as the four petalled chakra of “Brahmaloka” because of the fact that the petals of the 8th plexus are positioned exactly like the four upper worlds of Brahmaloka (or the pristine abode of Maker) … Thus this Shivalingam is the proof of accomplishment of the 8th plexus … Brahmaloka is also the same as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
This Shivalingam denotes that stage of evolution where the entirety of the subtle multi-universal macrocosmic creation which is eternally present in the aspirants microcosm, is already freed of all earlier afflictions and merits …
And due to this reason, this Shivalingam is the proof of the fact that the aspirant would eventually be entering into the taintless state (or stainless or afflictionless or Nishkalank Awastha) which as such is the same as what has been termed as the “impressionless state of consciousness (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta)” within the ancient lore’s of Sanatan Dharma … And this itself is in addition to the proof of the fact that the one who holds this Shivalingam is also the one who has “cognized allness” and that too in a state which is as if “allness were face to face” with him (or her) …
It is into this Shivalingam that the white pot of lighted butter (or Pot of nectar and which in Sanskrit means as Amrit Kalash) finally returns back to the navel area (where this Shivalingam is present) and which itself is after it’s successful transit of the 8th plexus …
BB-2 … Lingam near the navel … Nabhi-Lingam …
This Shivalingam of the navel area is related to knowledge of Ayurveda and in some other knowledge streams of Dharma (or Sanatan Dharma); it is also termed as Amrit Kalash (Nectar Pot) inside each aspirant …
As a matter of fact there has never been an accomplished Ayurvedacharya, who was not a Yogi in the first place and thus it is also not wrong to say that even Ayurveda is a part of Yoga only …

This is another very important Shivalingam in the physical vehicle because its self realization provides the initial spark which ignites the later stage of entry into the path of “Shakti Shiva Yoga” which happens inside the aspirant’s physical vehicle and which in turn leads to the self realization of the 8th plexus (Eighth Chakra) as is subtly mentioned in Atharvaveda Mantras …
This Nabhi-Lingam is present at the back of navel and about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and is positioned towards the spinal column (and not towards the navel) … This Shivalingam is having a bend at its top and this bend is also towards the spine …
It is a Shivalingam which denotes the subtle convergence of many-many (actually all) subtle-divinity-channels (or Sookshma-Naadi’s) that meet in this area …
Thus this Shivalingam is denoting a union of all divinity that a microcosm holds within itself by virtue of blessing of the Maker to all greater and lesser parts of IT’s own Makings (including the aspirant) …
Each microcosm was blessed with these divinities through the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings and the convergence point of these divinities within the aspirant’s physical vehicle is the Shivalingam of our current discussion …
These subtle divinity channels are 330 million (33 crore) in numbers and inside these 330 million subtle channels are existent the divine energies of 330 million divine beings, all of who are also present inside each aspirant’s physical vehicle … Within the Vedic lore’s these 330 million divinities have been told as 330 million (33 crore) deities (330 million Devi-Devata) …
Thus this Shivalingam of the navel area (i.e. Nabhi Lingam) is also denoting that point in the physical vehicle where these 330 million inner divinities meet each other and due to this reason, the Nabhi Lingam of our current discussion is also denoting the totality of divinities that are present inside each aspirants microcosm … And since the same divinities also exist within the greater macrocosm, so this Shivalingam also denotes that pristinely unioned state of those 330 million macrocosmic divinities …
This Shivalingam has also been termed as Amrit Kalash (or Pot of Nectar), Pot of consciousness (Chetna Kalash) and in this text it is also termed as the “white pot of lighted butter” … And it is this pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) which eventually rises up to the 8th plexus (as was discussed and also shown in the paintings of earlier set of topics on the eighth chakra or 8th plexus) …
We had also discussed earlier that the pot of nectar is located about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and at a point which is towards the spinal column (i.e. at the back side of the navel and closer to the spinal column) … And we had also discussed that this is a Lingam which is bent at the top part and where the bend is also towards the spinal column itself … This fact is also depicted in above painting of the Nabhi Lingam …
Proceeding further …
After inner purification through the Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra (which would be discussed later on, as it is a highly restricted topic) is successfully completed, then near the lowermost part of the inner-core of spine, a very serene yellow colored light gets self manifested … This yellow colored light envelopes the entire area of the base of spine and as time progresses, this serene yellow light also spreads to a location which is slightly above the prostate gland …
This leads to a state where a very subtle white light which as such is of the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattvaguna) begins expanding inside the aspirants microcosm … This Sattva Guna (or Sattvaguna) enters into all subtle nerves (I mean all subtle divinity channels) that originate from the spine and through these channels this white light enters into all parts of the body … This in turn leads to manifestation of a very subtle light inside these subtle channels and various parts of the body …
As times progress after above paragraph, this very subtle white colored divinity of neutrality (i.e. Sattvaguna) is carried over to the meeting point of these 330 million subtle channels … And since the divinities of these 330 million subtle channels are meeting (or uniting to each other) at the navel, so it eventually is their meeting point which shows up as the Nabhi Lingam of our discussion …
When the subtle white light which is present in each of these channels (i.e. the light of Sattvaguna which is present in each of these channels) begins accumulating at their final meeting point at the Nabhi Lingam, then these divinities also begin condensing into a white colored dusty mass around the Nabhi Lingam … This is what renders a white color to the Nabhi Lingam … And at this stage a white colored chalky dust is also found to be present around each of these 330 million subtle channels whose united condition itself is the Nabhi Lingam … This is what renders a matt-white color to the Nabhi Lingam …
Thus, above is what eventually renders a matt white color to the Nabhi Lingam (i.e. Shivalingam of the navel area) and which eventually leads to a condition where matt-white colored chalky dust like energy is seen to be sprinkled liberally all over and around the Nabhi Lingam (i.e. this matt-white colored chalk like dust is then seen to be present all over and upon that cluster of subtler channels that make the Nabhi Lingam of our current discussion) … This state is as if white chalk dust is liberally sprayed upon and within the various subtle channels that make the Nabhi Lingam and this is why at this stage the Nabhi Lingam looks like as if it is of a matt white color …
And since this dusty white state is nothing but Sattvaguna that was present inside the subtle nerves which make the Nabhi Lingam, so due to this reason the Nabhi-Lingam itself is Sattva Lingam (or the Lingam which is holding and thus is composed of Sattvaguna or macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) …
At the stage when the matt white color of the Nabhi Lingam is arrived at, the aspirant also becomes the bearer of the entire Sattvaguna of the Maker’s Makings and this in turn leads to a state where the aspirant reaches a stage of perfect detachment to all that is based upon other two macrocosmic attribute i.e. macrocosmic attribute of action (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Rajoguna) and the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Tamoguna) …
This is the condition which leads to a perfect stationing in neutrality and which in turn becomes the reason for a perfect detachment of the aspirant from all that is based upon macrocosmic attributes of action and inertia …
This also leads to a further stage where that aspirant becomes based upon (or stationed in) perfect neutrality towards allness and which itself due to manifestation of Sattvaguna (macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) within that aspirant microcosm (physical and subtler vehicle) itself …
Even though the Nabhi Lingam is located at a lower area of the body (as it is present in the stomach area) yet this Nabhi Lingam is one of the main Lingam’s which denote the presence of Maa Shakti and Bhagwan Shiva inside each aspirant and that too in a state where Maa Shakti is present as Sattvaguna within the aspirant itself … In this condition Maa Shakti itself is the divine mother of the ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings and this is her state when she is addressed as Maa Adi Shakti in Tantric paths of Sanatan Dharma … The ninth sphere is also termed as cloud nine in Buddhist lore and as Para Prakriti in the other knowledge streams of Dharma …
When above stage arrives, then the divinities of the trinity (i.e. Shakti’s of creator or Brahma, Preserver or Vishnu and rejuvenator or Shiva) become unioned to each other and that too within the Nabhi Lingam itself …
Proceeding further …
At above stage the same Nabhi Lingam is also found to be the root-residence of the following …
- Mind (Manas) … At this stage the Nabhi Lingam of our current discussion is also found to be the place of residence of the purified mind i.e. the mind which has unioned to the subtle white colored ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings …
And I say so because of the fact that the root of mind of that aspirant which at this stage is resting in this Shivalingam itself, is related to that stage of mind where it (i.e. mind) has already unioned to the ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings …
This is because Sattvaguna that gets self manifested within this Nabhi Lingam only denotes the condition where the mind of that aspirant has already gotten unioned at the 9th sphere of Mother Nature (i.e. the ninth sky or cloud nine or white cloud like nature or higher nature or Para Prakriti or Maa Adi Shakti) which as such is the last and final state of mind, prior the mind reaches its finality … At such a stage, the aspirants mind also knows that it is rooted inside this Shivalingam of the navel (Nabhi Lingam) itself …
And since the ninth sphere is the original (or highest) sphere of Mother Nature, to which this Shivalingam of navel (Nabhi Lingam) eventually relates, so after this Shivalingam becomes rooted in Sattva Guna which itself is the attributes of the ninth sphere of Mother nature and which as such is denoted by the white color of this Shivalingam, so this stage also denotes the eternal union of the aspirant to the original and thus the highest sphere of Maker’s Makings i.e. the ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings … This is also the stage where the aspirant attains the status of being a Bodhisattva i.e. one whose Bodhi (or Vijyanmaye Kosha, which also means as Vijyana, Vijnana, Buddhi or the knowledge sheath) has entered into and thus gotten based upon Sattvaguna (i.e. Sattva Guna means neutrality towards allness) … And since Sattvaguna itself is the original attribute of the Maker’s Makings from which the other two equally opposite attribute of action (Rajo Guna) and attribute of Inertia (Tamo Guna) had manifested, so once the aspirants mind gets stati0ned in Sattvaguna, then that mind also detaches from these two primordial dualities as are of macrocosmic attributes of action and inertia … This leads to a condition where the aspirants mind gets rooted in such a neutrality, that none of the dualities (such as God-Satan, good-bad, do’s and don’ts, right and wrong etc.) are al let go of as the aspirants only walks the path of Himself within Himself (or herself within herself it that aspirant is a woman) … Thus this is also one of the conditions of getting firmly stationed within the inward path …
And since this Nabhi Randra relates to the original macrocosmic attribute (i.e. Sattvaguna or macrocosmic attribute of neutrality), so this is where the divinity of the creator and grandfather also resides … The place of location of this divinity of creator is the Nabhi Randra which has not been discussed in this text …
Note: And it essentially was due to above stated reasons that in this text the Nabhi Randra (secret door of the navel) which directly relates to the divinities of the creator and grandfather of allness (I.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) is not discussed because if I have to discuss that Randra (i.e. Nabhi Randra) then the highly hidden secrets of this Nabhi Lingam would also have to be disclosed … And since during any divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) this knowledge cannot be disclosed, so the Nabhi Lingam has not been discussed in this text …
- Consciousness (Chitta) … At this stage when the Shivalingam is seen to be of a pure matt-white color, the consciousness is also found to be rooted in this Shivalingam …
Thus it is only at this stage that the Nabhi Lingam itself becomes known as the pot of consciousness (Chetan Kalash) … And since this pot of consciousness is also termed as Pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash), so this is also the stage of self realization of the pot of nectar which is also eternally present inside each aspirant’s microcosm … This is the pot which eventually rises up to the 8th plexus …
BB-3-A … Shivalingam in the cave of isolation (Guha Kaivalya) of heart … Kaivalya-Lingam …
We have already discussed the innermost cave of heart in an earlier topic of Guha Kaivalya (which in English language can be termed as the Cave of Isolation that is present in the heart)” … Since the same painted sketch of “Guha Kaivalya” (which also means as Cave of liberation that is present in the heart) is also applicable to our current discussion, so that painting is shown below …

But as far as the scope of our current discussion is concerned, we shall only be interested in the golden colored dot which is shown at the lower part of above painting (this is depicted as a golden colored light inside the purplish blue light of above painting) … In this painting this blue dot which actually is the Kaivalya Lingam is shown from a bird’s eye view (i.e. top view) … Thus this golden light is the Kaivalya Lingam of our current discussion …
When the same Shivalingam which was depicted as a dot in above painting (of Guha Kaivalya) is viewed from front, then its state is as it has been depicted in below painting …

But even when the above painted sketch of Kaivalya Lingam (i.e. Shivalingam of the innermost cave of heart or Shivalingam of Guha Kaivalya) is shown to be having a rounded top part, yet the painted state is not fully correct as the top part of this Shivalingam is like the topmost part of a rice grain and thus it is not of a perfectly rounded (as shown in above painting) …
This is the Shivalingam which is present inside the innermost cave of heart (Kaivalya Guha) and this is also the same Shivalingam which has been subtly referred within the fourth chapter of Brahmasutras …
This Shivalingam is also related to the Hridaya Sutra of knowledge system of Gurudeva Gautam Buddha and is also related to the knowledge of Hridaya Prajnaparamita Sutra …
This Shivalingam is also directly related to the knowledge of Ramayana where Lord Raam (in English language, Lord Raam is also addressed as Lord Rama) is told to be eternally present inside the microcosm of each aspirant … And it is also due to this Shivalingam that Lord Ram (but actually pronounced as Bhagwan Raam) is also addressed as Raam Bhadra (this name is because of the fact that Bhadra is one of the names of Bhagwan Shiva whose self manifested state of Kaivalya Lingam is being discussed here) …
Proceeding further …
The self realization of this Shivalingam denotes that stage of cleansing of consciousness orb (Chitta) where only one last and final impression remains (i.e. only after the Antim Samskara is arrived at, that the aspirant enter the innermost cave of heart, so as to self realize this Shivalingam of the innermost cave of heart and which is also subtly mentioned in chapter four of Brahmsutra) …
This Shivalingam is a very small sized one and it is like a grain of rice which is pointed at one end (But in above painting it is intentionally not shown such) …
This means that this Shivalingam’s top part is not round as is shown in above painting … This painting was intentionally not depicted in a fully correct state due to the fact that this particular Shivalingam itself is the “Kaivalya Lingam (i.e. the symbol of entering into a final liberation)” and thus it is only to be self realized by that aspirant who is already resting in a perfect renunciation (i.e. only that aspirant who is a perfect Sanyasi) and thus that aspirant is also the one who has already done all that needs to be done prior to the stage of renunciation of allness …
As such unless an aspirant enters into the path of renunciation of allness, that aspirant cannot even self realize this Shivalingam … Thus since this Shivalingam is only possible to be self realized by an aspirant who is resting in the inner condition of a “final isolation from allness and its each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha)”, so this Shivalingam cannot even be disclosed to other aspirants i.e. those aspirants who have not qualified to enter into that stage of renunciation from allness and her each part … And it is due to this reason that the painted sketch is not depicted correctly … As such basis above, only that aspirant who is a perfect Mumukshu (i.e. one who only seeks liberation or Kaivalya and nothing else) and thus that aspirant is already resting in a path of a final renunciation of allness, is the one who can self realize this Shivalingam …
Continuing with above paragraph … As of now since most of humanity is not ready to enter into a final isolation (as is told in above paragraph) so due to this reason in above painting I have intentionally not shown this Shivalingam correctly because to know this Shivalingam, there needs to be rightness and ripeness of one’s evolutionary standing and which as such is of that state of evolution where only “one last and final impression” remains within the consciousness orb (or Chitta) of the aspirant … And this itself makes this Shivalingam to be one of those subtle self realizations which cannot be disclosed fully in any knowledge system … And even though it is not painted correctly, yet I have described it correctly so that when an aspirant self realizes it, then that aspirant knows to which state (or evolutionary standing) does that self realization relate to …
This Shivalingam rests within a very brightly lit up purple (or bright bluish purple) colored macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) of the heart … By this I mean, that it is within ether of heart (Hridayakasha or Ghatakash) that this Shivalingam is seen to be present …
This is one of the most important Shivalingam in the body as it denotes the commencement stage of later self realizations of Akar, and then the stage of realization of Okar (also pronounced as Ukar), then is the stage of self realization of Makar and finally is the stage of self realization of OM, all of which have already been discussed in earlier topics … And due to this reason, this Shivalingam is also denoting the path which leads to a final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) …
No Yogi (aspirant) can ever arrive at Kaivalya (or Moksha) without the self realization of this Shivalingam (i.e. Kaivalya Lingam) which itself is present within the innermost cave of heart …
Proceeding further …
Around this Shivalingam are two lighted orbs … These orbs envelope this Shivalingam and are made up of a very subtle yet bright golden-yellow colored lights … As shown in above painting, these two golden-yellow colored lights are enveloping the golden Shivalingam (i.e. Kaivalya Lingam) of our current discussions …
These two golden colored lights are denoting the following …
- One of these two golden colored light denotes “Gyan (Gyan here means “Atma Jnana or knowledge of self and it also denotes Brahma-Jnana or Knowledge of Maker and its Makings)” …
- And the other enveloping golden light denotes “Vivek (i.e. proper discrimination or ability to gauge between that which is real and that which is non-real)” …
- Thus once the self realization of these two lights is arrived at, then that aspirant also holds these two aspects of Gyan (or Jnana) and Vivek as are discussed above …
- These two lights which are enveloping the Lingam of our discussion and which denote pristine knowledge (Jnana or Gyan) and perfect discrimination (i.e. Vivek) are also the two primary assistants of an aspirant who rests in the path of self-knowledge (or inward path or path of self realization or simply the path of Atma Gyan) …
- Within the Vedic lore, these two lights have also been named as Jai and Vijay, both of who are the two assistants (or Son’s) of Atman (Innermost essence) …
- It is also to these two lights that the two sons of Lord Raam relate … Lord Raam is the one who denotes the innermost essence (or Atman) and these two lights which as such are denoting the two sons of Lord Ram have also been named as Luv and Kush in Ramayana …
- Both these lights which subtly denote Jai and Vijay (i.e. Gyan and Vivek) only show up when the aspirant is evolutionarily ready to enter into an afflictionless state (i.e. Vrittihina Awastha) of consciousness … And it is also due to this reason that this Shivalingam would never become visible to those aspirants who have not become evolutionary ready to enter into the final stages of arriving at an afflictionless state …
Deviating a bit … Above statement of mine is irrespective of which of the egoistic Gods anybody may worship or believe in … As long as any aspirant relates to any egoistic God, the self realization of this Shivalingam and other Shivalingam’s (as discussed in this topic) can never be arrived at by that aspirant …
None of the egoistic Gods who came by during the last few millenniums are holding any capability to assist any aspirant in the self realization of this Shivalingam or any other Shivalingam’s of this topic (or even those Shivalingam’s which have not been discussed in this topic) …
This and other Shivalingam’s of this topic can only be self realized by that aspirant who is a perfect Renunciate (i.e. one who is ready to walk the path of a final isolation from all that ever is or could ever be) and thus that aspirant is also the one who happens to be a perfect Mumukshu (i.e. one who only wants a final liberation and nothing else) … And due to this reason, that aspirant also needs to be the one who is egoless at the time of this self realization …
And since all recent religions (i.e. all religions which came by during the last few millenniums) only relate to one or another of such egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata), so such religions and their Gods can never assist their adherents to enter into an egoless state and it is due to this reason, that none of these recent knowledge systems which relate to egoistic and thus individualistic Gods can ever assist any aspirant in self realization of the Kaivalya Lingam and other Lingams which have been discussed in this topic … To self realize these Lingams, only the ways of life (or paths) which relate to egoless Gods would be of assistance …
If these egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) were capable of assisting in self realization of the Shivalingam’s which are being discussed here, then they would have already proved this capability through the self realizations of their adherents … And since none of the adherents of any of these egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata who have manifested during the last few millenniums) have ever self realized this or any other Shivalingam that is being discussed here, so this also proves that none of these egoistic Gods hold the capability to make their adherents self realize this Shivalingam or the other Shivalingam’s which have been discussed in this topic …
Thus I again reiterate that the state which denotes a readiness to self-realize this Shivalingam is only that where only “one last and final impression (Antim Samskara) is all that remains within the aspirant’s consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) … This is the stage where an aspirant becomes en-route within the lath of egoless-ness …
Unless above condition is satisfied in addition to the aspirant being a perfect Sanyasi and Mumukshu, the self realization of this or any other Shivalingam of this topic would only remain a very distant and thus unreachable dream … And I also reiterate that none of the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) or their individualistic systems (monotheism of any sort) has ever held the capability to make any aspirant self realize any of the Shivalingam’s that have been discussed here …
In fact these egoistic Gods themselves do not know about these inner Lingams (because to know these Shivalingam’s, the pre-condition of resting in absence of egotism is a primary requirement, which these egoistic entities can never satisfy) … And since they themselves do not know about these Lingam’s, so how can they make their adherents self realize these inner Shivalingam’s, is the big question this has already been answered by the fact that none of their adherents have ever entered into self realizations of the Lingams that are being discussed here …
Thus those who follow any of the egoistic Gods of any of the systems of now or ever, shall never be able to self realize these discussed Lingams, all of which are eternally present inside each aspirant itself … Resuming again …
Proceeding further …
Importance of study of the golden Shivalingam and its two enveloping lights … Unless this Shivalingam and its two enveloping lights are studied, all of below mentioned states can never be self realized and such an aspirant also doesn’t merge to the light which rises in front of the heart (as is depicted in above painting of the innermost cave of heart or Guha Kaivalya which has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Guha Kaivalya … Cave of Isolation”) …
And thus these two lights which surround the golden rice shaped Shivalingam of the innermost cave of heart (I.e. Kaivalya Lingam) are the most important aspects of above painting because unless these two aspects which relate to knowledge and consciousness are afflictionless (i.e. unless the Vrittihina Awastha of Jnana and Vivek is arrived at), even the self realization of this Kaivalya Lingam cannot be had by that aspirant …
When the study of these two lights which surround the Kaivalya Lingam of our discussion is completed, then at that very instant the vast sea of reddish-orange and yellow hair like lights rises up from the front side of the cave of heart … As also, as soon as this study is completed, the observing subtler vehicle (or the consciousness vehicle of the aspirant who is observing all these states whilst resting in the innermost cave of heart) leaves its seated position and begins flying over the vast state of blue color (as is shown in above painted sketch of innermost cave of heart or Kaivalya Guha) and finally that subtler vehicle merges to the vast sea of reddish-orange-yellow light that has risen up from the front of the cave of innermost heart …
And it eventually is from this sea of light that the further self realizations of Akar, Okar Ukar, Makar and Omkar as were discussed in earlier topics are arrived at by that aspirant …
Thus unless the Shivalingam and its two enveloping lights have been self realized and studied, the merger to the rising sea of light (at the front of the cave of heart) is also an utter impossibility for any Yogi …
BB-3-B … Inner part of the Kaivalya Lingam …
This part of the topic is to describe the inner part of the Kaivalya Lingam …
Upon a proper study of the Kaivalya Lingam it is found that from the top right hand side of the painted Shivalingam, which is actually cut (but is shown rounded in the above painted sketch of the Kaivalya Lingam) is emanating a diamond white light … This diamond white emanation is also not shown in above painting of Kaivalya Lingam …
This is also an important realization as it denotes the presence of Maa Shakti (Devi Maa or pristine divinity of Maker’s Makings) within the Kaivalya Lingam of our discussion … And it is due to this reason that inside the Kaivalya Lingam of above painting, a diamond white light is depicted …
Unless this diamond white light is also studied during the complete study of the Kaivalya Lingam, the process of self realization of this Kaivalya Lingam cannot even be deemed to be complete …
This incompleteness is also because of the fact that the self realization of the diamond white light (or Maa Shakti) which itself is present inside the golden Shivalingam (Kaivalya Lingam) and which is emanated out of the top right hand part of the golden Shivalingam (Kaivalya Lingam), is denoting the eternally unioned state of Maheshwara (who is also none other than Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) and Maheshwari (Tirodhaan or Parashakti of Tatpurusha) …
This self realization of the eternal union of the golden colored rice shaped Shivalingam (Kaivalya Lingam) which denotes Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and the diamond white light (which itself is present inside the golden Shivalingam) which denotes Maa Parashakti is also one of the requirements prior to the stage when the aspirants consciousness (observing vehicle which is sitting in the innermost cave of heart or Kaivalya Guha) rises up and thence merges to the rising sea of light that is manifested at the front of the cave of heart after these and below discussed self realizations which relate to the Kaivalya Lingam are fully completed …
This self realization of the eternally united state of the golden Kaivalya Lingam and diamond white light is also denoting the eternally unioned state of the Great-Lord (Maheshwara) and the Great-divinity (Maa Parashakti) and that too within the golden Kaivalya Lingam itself … And due to this reason, the Kaivalya Lingam that is being discussed here is one of the most important Shivalingam that is present in the aspirants microcosm …
And unless this eternally unioned state is self realized by an aspirant, the fullness of self realization of this Shivalingam is never arrived at … And unless the fullness of self realization is arrived at, the further stages of self realizations which relate to Akar, Okar, Makar and Omkar cannot be arrived at by that aspirant …
Due to the eternally unioned state of Maheshwara (or Tatpurusha face of Shiva) and Maheshwari within the Kaivalya Lingam, the Kaivalya Lingam denotes one of the higher self realizations of Yoga Tantra (of Sanatan Dharma) …
As also, unless all above are self realized by an aspirant, that aspirant cannot even merge to the vast sea of reddish-orange and yellow hair like lights which are rising in front of the cave of heart … But since these discussions which relate to the merger of the aspirants subtler observing vehicle to the rising sea of light (at the front of the cave of heart) have already been taken up in an earlier topic of “Kaivalya Guha … Cave of Isolation” so I shall now move on to the next part of this discussion on Kaivalya Lingam …
BB-3-C … Vishnulingam in the heart …
This topic is to discuss Vedic symbol of Shankha (The conch) and its relation to Kaivalya Lingam (i.e. Lingam of union of Maheshwara and Maheshwari in the heart) … And thus prove that as far as the essence is concerned, they all are one and the same and that “one only leads to the other” …
This part of the topic is to discuss the significance of the Vedic Symbol of Shankha (conch) … This Shankha is held by many Vedic deities … In this topic we shall discuss the relation of the Vedic symbol of Shankha to the Kaivalya Lingam …
This Shankha which is also self realized within the innermost cave of heart (Kaivalya Guha) but only after completion of all above self realizations and prior to the merger of the aspirants consciousness vehicle (which is sitting in the cave of heart and observing all that is discussed here) to the sea of light that rises up from the front of the cave of heart …
This Shankha (conch) is shown in below painting …

When the Kaivalya Lingam (i.e. Shivalingam of innermost cave of heart) is fully and correctly studied (i.e. when the diamond white light which is present inside the golden Shivalingam is also self realized) then that aspirant enters the next stage of self realization which as such of the golden colored conch (Hiranya Shankh) that is also found to be resting within the same purple envelope of ether of heart (i.e. Hridayakasha) …
This Hiranya-Shankh (golden conch) denotes the Lingam of my Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Bhagwan Vishnu … This Shankha is eternally present inside the heart of each aspirant …
Unless this golden conch is also studied, no further progress can be made by that aspirant … This loss of further progress is because of the fact that within the “supreme non-duality” that is to be self realized during later stages of subtle cognitions of any aspirant, following are a fact …
- Shiva is Shakti and Shakti is also none other than Shiva …
- Shiva is Vishnu and Vishnu is also none other than Shiva …
- The self realization of union of the golden conch (Hiranya Shankha) through the earlier self realization of unioned state of the golden Shivalingam (i.e. the Kaivalya Lingam, which denotes presence of Maheshwara within the heart) to the diamond white light (which is present inside the golden Shivalingam and which denotes the presence of Maheshwari within the heart) also denotes the fact that one leads to the other as they all are in fact one and the same in their finalities …
- And above two i.e. Maheshwara and Maheshwari are also a path to self realization of the conch shaped Sri Vishnu Lingam of the heart … And vice versa of this path is also true … Thus one leads to the other and it is due to this reason that the aspirant self realizes that in their ultimate state, all of these three (i.e. Maheshwara, Maheshwari and Sri Vishnu) are one and the same in addition to the fact that meditation upon any one of these three is also a path which leads to the self realization of the others …
- Thus is self realized the final non duality of these three, as even when they are seemingly different (due to different names or stages or states which are deemed to be of them or are utilized to address them) yet in their finality they all are one and the same …
Analysis of above bullet points … Thus basis above is also a self realized fact that those who say that they have self realized “any one” of the three deities i.e. Shiva (Maheshwara), Shakti (Maheshwari) and Vishnu (i.e. Sriman Naaraayana) and yet these aspirants have missed out on self realizations of the other two (amongst the three deities which are mentioned here) have in fact not even self realized any of these deities fully …
This is because of the fact that self realization of any one of these three deities, whose lingams are present in the heart, is also denoting a severe absence of fullness of realizations as are being discussed here …
And unless a fullness of self realization (as is discussed in this part of the topic) is arrived at, that self realization is still deemed to be incomplete …
And unless the self realization is complete, the next stage which as such is of a union to the vast sea of light that is found to be rising from the front of the cave of heart (as is subtly told in chapter 4 of Brahmasutras) is also not possible …
Thus basis above, there have been many Yogi’s who saw the light in front of the cave of heart, but did not merge to that light whilst these Yogi’s were still alive (as they only merged to this sea of light in front of the cave of heart, at the instant of their death) … This nonness of merger to the rising sea of light (which rises at front side of the innermost cave of heart) is also due to the fact that these Yogi’s had not self realized all the aspects which have being discussed here …
These aspects are of golden Lingam (Kaivalya Lingam of Tatpurusha or Maheshwara or simply Lord Raam in the heart), diamond white light (I.e. Maa Parashakti or simply Maa Sita), two enveloping lights of the golden Shivalingam (I.e. Gyan and Vivek or Jai and Vijay or Luv and Kush) and thence the self realization of the golden conch (Hiranya Shankha or Vishnulingam of the heart) …
Now we shall proceed further so as to continue these discussions on the golden conch …
From inside of this Hiranya-Shankh (golden conch) of the “innermost cave of heart (i.e. cave of isolation or Guha Kaivalya) is also emanating a diamond white light … This diamond white light is shown in above painted sketch of the golden conch of heart …
This diamond-white light denotes the presence of Maa Shakti within the golden conch … Unless this golden conch and its emanating diamond white light is studied, no further progress can be made by that Yogi …
The purple colored ether (i.e. Akasha Mahabhoot) is the state within which this golden conch (Hiranya-Shank) is found to be resting … This golden conch (Hiranya-Shankh) is a “symbol (i.e. Lingam)” of my Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Bhagwan Vishnu, who also resides within the heart of each aspirant …
This symbol that is present in the heart denotes that the aspirant is blessed by my Sanatan Gurudeva (Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) who is also residing within the heart of that aspirant and where the presence of Bhagwan Vishnu itself is in the form of a symbol (Lingam) of a golden colored conch (Hiranya Shankh) …
The same fact is also stated within Srimad Bhagwadgita, where Bhagwan Sri Krishna (Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) says “I live in everyone’s heart” … This golden conch itself is the symbol of him … Unless this golden conch is self realized, no further progress can be made by a Yogi …
I am only writing these details because unless an aspirant knows “what is it, why it is, where is it, what for is it” it would be difficult to pass through the allness of the symbols of our discussion … But the fact still remains that unless an aspirant (i.e. a Yogi) is blessed by Sri Bhagwan Vishnu, Bhagwan Maheshwara and Maa Shakti, none of above self realizations can ever be possible …
Once all above are studied through the path of inward realizations (i.e. a self realization) then only does the vast seas of seas of reddish-orange light which is mixed with yellow light begins rising up from the front of the cave of heart (both these colors are like very fine hair like light rays which are mixed to each other and this merged state is of such a vast state that it seems to be like a sea of light at the front of the cave of heart) …
And then the subtler observing vehicle of the aspirant (who is sitting in the innermost cave of heart or Guha Kaivalya where these symbols are seen) rises up from its seat (see the figure and description of the innermost cave of heart where this was discussed) and automatically begins flying over the vast ocean of blue color that is intermediary between the seat of the aspirants subtler observing vehicle and the rising vast seas of seas of rays of light that is seen to be rising from the front of the innermost cave of heart (or Guha Kaivalya) …
And when the subtler vehicle is flying over the blue colored light (as shown in above painting of Guha Kaivalya) then that subtler vehicle also hears the sound of A (Akar) for the first time … Only after hearing this sound does the subtler observing vehicle of the aspirant merges to the rising light at the front of the cave of heart …
And upon merging to the rising light is heard the “Sound of Shhhhh (Shhhhh Naad)” which as such denotes the sound of “Adi Shesha” or the seat of Sriman Naaraayana … And only after this self realization does the subtler vehicle enter into further self realizations of Akar, Okar (or in other words, Ukar), Makar and Omkar (as were discussed in the earlier set of topics on “OM Naad, which in English language means as the Sound of OM”) …
Only after that subtler observing vehicle merges to that vast sea of light that rises up from the front of the “innermost cave of heart or Guha Kaivalya” does that aspirant commence walking upon the last pathless partless path and whilst keeping to the words that were told by the eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) and which we have already discussed in the earlier topic of “Brahmanpath“, which in English language means as the the last path” … Thus this topic is the one which holds the key to unlock the self realizations of states which are further to our currently discussed one …
BB-4 … Shivalingam in the pit of heart … Hridaya-Lingam …

Inside the heart is a thumb shaped pit … This pit has its own magnetism and electricity … Above painting describes this thumb shaped it of heart which as such has four orbs in it (as shown in above painting) and where these orbs are also of a shape which resembles the top part of a Shivalingam …
Within the Vedas, this fourfold light that is present in the thumb shaped pit of heart has been named as Antahkarana Chatushtaya which which in English language means as the fourfold inner subtle tool …
This light of Antahkarana Chatushtaya (or Anandmaye Kosha) has four parts and these are as follows …
- The innermost blue orb … This is of Ahamkara or I’ness …
- The second outer orb is of white color which has specs of various colored seeded impressions (or Samskaras) that relate to the four merits which have been earned by an aspirant till the time of this self realization … These four merits are destined merit (Prarabdha Karma), accumulated merit (Sanchit Karma), currently undergoing merit (Kriyamaan Karma) and future merit (Agami Karma) … This white colored orb (which envelopes the blue colored orb) is of Chitta or consciousness … But in above painted figure, these seeded colored impressions (Samskaras) are not shown (as I don’t hold any) …
- The next outer orb of yellow color … This orb is of Vijyana or Buddhi or Knowledge …
- And the outermost orb which is shown in a white color and is of vast proportions, is of Manas (mind) … This has been shown as white colored state because at the time when this was self realized, the mind had already unioned to the subtle white cloud like ninth sphere of Mother Nature (i.e. the mind was already united to ninth sphere of mother nature or Para Prakriti) … This orb is of vast proportions when unioned to the ninth sphere and thus I have shown it as an unlimited orb in above painting … But this is not the color of mind when mind is resting in lower states of Mother Nature (as mind adopts the color of the state in which it rests, so when mind rests in lower states of mother nature, then the mind is not of a white color as shown in above painting) …
- Rest shall be discussed in a later topic of Bliss Sheath (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) … So I shall stop this discussion here …
BB-5 … Shivalingam in the head (Shikhara Lingam) …
This Shivalingam is depicted in below painting and it is located at the top of head (i.e. at the uppermost inner part of the skull bones) and that too inside the Shivarandra (or secret crevice of Bhagwan Shiva) … Shivarandra has already been discussed in an earlier topic which has the header of “Nirgunyana … Pancha Randra” …
This is an inverted Shivalingam i.e. this Shivalingam is placed upside down (as compared to the other Shivalingam’s which have been discussed in this topic) …

The light of this Shivalingam illumines the Antahkarana Chatushtaya (or Causal body) … By this I mean that “only and only” when the light of this Shivalingam (i.e. Shikhara Lingam) falls on the Antahkarana Chatushtaya (i.e. fourfold inner subtle light) of the thumb like pit of heart, that the Antahkarana Chatushtaya is self realized by any aspirant …
Thus for self realization of Antahkarana Chatushtaya, the light of this Shivalingam plays a very important part as unless the light of this Shivalingam falls on the thumb shaped pit of heart, the aspirant can never self realize the Antahkarana Chatushtaya …
But for the light of this Shivalingam of head to fall on the Antahkarana Chatushtaya, the intermediary space (is space or ether or Akash Mahabhoot) that is present from the top of head till the heart must be freed of afflictions … And due to this reason, when a Yogi self realized the Antahkarana Chatushtaya, then this itself is a proof that the intermediary space as is discussed above, has been made afflictionless by that Yogi’s austerities …
Rest regarding this Shivalingam shall be discussed in a later topic which has the header of “Antahkarana Chatushtaya … Bliss sheath” …
DD … Shivalingam’s beyond … And Vishnunabhi within these Shivalingam’s …
Now we shall discuss two important Shivalingam’s that relate to the macrocosmic creation …
And these Shivalingam’s are as follows …
- Bhu Lingam … The Shivalingam shaped Bhu Mahabhoot (or in other words, the macro-elemental earth or Prithvi Mahabhoot) which itself is the base of existence of all the universes in their grosser and subtler states (i.e. physical and beyond states) …
- In addition to above, the macro-elemental water (Jal Mahabhoot), macro-elemental fire (Prakash or Agni Mahabhoot), macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhoot) and macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) are also shaped like a Shivalingam only, but I have not discussed them here as something must also be left to self realizations of aspirants …
- And then we shall discuss the Brahmand Lingam or the Shivalingam shaped universes … These are as observed in a state which is after the aspirant’s subtler observing vehicle has already crossed past the universal envelopes (where the aspirant’s physical vehicle resides) …
So with above as a base, we begin our discussions on the macrocosmic states of Shivalingam …
DD-1 … Bhu Lingam … i.e. Shivalingam of macro-elemental earth (Bhu or Prithvi Mahabhoot) …
This figure is painted as it was self realized whilst the consciousness (subtler observing vehicle) was resting within the macro-elemental-earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) …
In an earlier set of topics which had the header of “Ujjayi Naad, which if translated into English would mean as the Sound of victory” this was already discussed …
An in those set of topics, we had also discussed that the self realization of Ujjayi Naad (or Ujjayi Swaas, which if translated into English would mean as the Breath of Brahma) also denotes the stage of evolution where that aspirant attains the status of being a Chakravartin Samraat i.e. the aspirant attains the status of being the Yogi King of the triple worlds …
In above paragraph, the term Yogi King does not mean a kingdom of the sword (or of other weapons) … It means the kingdom that is set up through victory over inner allness of that Yogi and that too whilst based upon Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma …

There are so many universes within the macrocosmic creation that all of them cannot even be shown in a painted sketch … So in above sketch only a few of these universes have been depicted …
Each universe is shaped like the top part of Vedic Shivalingam’s … The base of each universe is composed of a very highly charged energy field and this base is also of the shape of base of a Vedic Shivalingam (But these bases are not shown in above painting) …
In above painting, each of the painted spheres is denoting a universe … This is how these universes were self realized whilst the consciousness was resting within Bhu Mahabhoot (which in English language would mean as macro-elemental earth or Prithvi Mahabhoot) that was self realized after crossing past the universal envelopes …
When the subtler consciousness vehicle (i.e. the vehicle which observes those beyond states) exited out of our earlier discussed “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA”, then it entered the state of our discussion … And it was at this state that the above painted sketch was self realized … Thus this is a state which is beyond ALA Naad (which if translated into English would mean as the Sound of ALA) …
Each of these depicted spheres is a universe and each universe is also having many-many planes of existences (Galaxies) and each Galaxy also has many-many world systems and other celestial bodies with their speciological parts …
Proceeding further …
This is to discuss the Vishnunabhi which is present inside each Shivalingam shaped universe …
And in the center of all these universal spheres, galaxies and worlds, is the same universal staff like Vishnunabhi (i.e. symbol of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … Thus eventually it is the Vishnunabhi which unites all these universes into a singular entity … This is because of the fact that it is the same Vishnunabhi which is extending across all universes, planes of existences and worlds that are residing within the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
This Vishnu Nabhi is having a diamond white color which is enveloped by a light grey colored light (i.e. smoke colored light) …
The diamond white light denotes Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and this denotes the diamond white etheric cord (silver cord) of a universe … The same silver cord is also present at the top of head of each aspirant …
And the light grey enveloping light (i.e. smoke colored light) denotes the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, which as such is the base of Vishnunabhi of our discussion …
Proceeding further …
Above figure is of that stage of subtler travel when the subtle vehicle travels and thence exits out of the universe (i.e. the universe in which the physical vehicle of the aspirant resides) …
Thus this figure is when these universal spheres are viewed from within the “Macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot)” and that too in that state which is after exiting out of the universe (by universe, I means universe and not these smaller galaxies) …
The earth macro-element (Bhu Mahabhoot) is of a pale (dirty) yellow color … And it also has some red specs in it due to the presence of “macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna)” within it (so as to keep it actional) … But I have not painted these red specs in above figure …
This figure is when standing on top of and beyond a universal sphere … i.e. it is a bird’s eye view and that too in a stage which after exiting out of ALA Naad i.e. going further than ALA Naad (ALA Naad was discussed in an earlier topic) and whilst standing in a state which is beyond the gross (or manifested) multi-universal nature of macrocosmic creation …
And each of these universal spheres seem like floating in the vast macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) that is beyond ALA Naad (i.e. Sound of ALA) …
Note: Within in this text I have only painted and discussed one of the five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhoot) and that discussed macro-element is of the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) …
Of these five macro-elements (or earth, water, light or heat or fire, air and ether), the macro-elemental-earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) is a relatively steady one and this is located at the lowermost (or grossest) rung of the macro-elemental ladder … And the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) is the perfectly steady one which is located at the uppermost (or subtlest) rung of the macro-elemental ladder … And in between these two (i.e. earth and ether) are present the other three macro-elements which are resting in a state of eternal flux (i.e. eternal movements and thus an eternal change) …
Thus to prevent that flux from entering this text, only the macro-elements which are steady and relatively steady (i.e. ether and earth respectively) have been discussed with paintings … Earth has already been discussed till now and ether shall be discussed at a later stage of this text …
Proceeding further …
Each of these universal spheres has its own silvery-white etheric, that is connected to a diamond white plane … This diamond white plane is the macrocosmic macro-neutral plane of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And this diamond white light is what holds all the universes together within the macrocosmic creation …
Each of the shown orbs is a full universal sphere and each of these has many-many planes of existence (Galaxies) and each of these Galaxies are also holding many-many planetary systems and other earthly objects …
And within the entirety of the macrocosmic creation, there are many-many such universal spheres …
Proceeding further …
The black tubular structure that is hanging out of one of the universal spheres, is a mega-evolved-one (Mahamanava) … These mega-evolved-ones are those who have evolved to such a high macrocosmic standing, that no universe can hold them in its own envelopes … And since these mega-evolved-ones are those Yogi’s of earlier times who do not desire their final liberation, so to continue to exist they also remain with no choice but to willingly cease their flows and dynamism and thus they hang out of the universe in which they had attained their mega-evolved evolutionary status …
There primarily are two types of mega evolved ones and these are …
- Those who are ceased within the principles (Shunya Siddhant Awastha) … Such ones eventually father a future universal sphere …
- Those who are ceased within the process (Shunya-Tantra-Awastha) …
- Such are the ones who eventually begins the process within a new universe in addition to their job of sustaining the process during the lifetime of that universe and these are also the ones who ultimately annihilate the process of a universe (but only after the universe has lived out through its destined time span) …
- These mega-evolved-ones shall be discussed in later topics of this text …
As of now, this world is passing through a state where the processes of two large knowledge systems and three minor systems, shall be ending shortly (2 minor systems have already ended) … That would leading to a roar of the Vedas within this world system
One each of above two types of mega-evolved-ones is my Pujya Gurudeva …
DD-2 … Brahmand Lingam … The macrocosmic Shivalingam’s …
For this topics discussions, please refer to the first painted sketch (of this topic) where these Lingams of various Brahmand are depicted in a black color … This knowledge is a part of a later topic of Brahmand Yoga which is also a part of accomplishment of ones own inner macrocosmic nature and thus it is a part of self realization and the later accomplishment (Siddhi) of ones own essential nature (Swaroop Stithi) …
After the subtler travelling vehicle exits out of a universe whose end layer is of reddish-orange color state (which itself is of ALA Naad that was discussed earlier) and thence that subtler observing vehicle also crosses past the non-lighted state of emptiness in whose envelopes it each universe rests, then that subtler vehicle enters into a very subtle yellow colored state of extremely vast expanses …
The reddish-orange colored state is of ALA Naad (or Sound of ALA or Rudra of Vedas) and the subtle yellow state is of Devaraja Indra (i.e. ruler of all divine beings and divine worlds) … Above figure is self realized in a state which is intermediary of these two …
And it is only after this self realization that the aspirant ends up attaining to (or accomplishing) the Maha-Lingam) which itself is of Maheshwara Shiva …
Such an aspirant is also the one who accomplishes (or holds) the Maha-Karanam Deham (i.e. the Great causal body) as is told in Agama Tantras … Such an aspirant is also the one who was addressed as Buddha during the ancient times as were of my much earlier transmigrated incarnations … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
And finally for this part of the topic … The same Shivalingam like shape is also of the non-lighted inertial masses (i.e. inert matter) from which the manifested state of macrocosmic creation gets originated … Thus when we study the Inert macrocosm (which has already been discussed in an earlier topic that has the header of “As IT furthered itself”) then this fact about the inertial masses being of the shape of a Vedic Shivalingam would also be seen … Thus what modern astronomy calls as dark matter is the inert matter and what modern astronomy calls as dark energy is the energy of inert mass (or inertial mass) itself and what modern astronomy calls as dark flow is also none other than the eternally moving energy of inert matter (or inertial mass) that reside within the Inert macrocosm or the root of all manifested macrocosm and its each microcosm …
EE-1 … Vishnulingam within and beyond …
Firstly we shall discuss the Vishnulingam that is within an aspirant …
Vishnulingam within any aspirant is none other than the self luminous state of the entire spinal column which in turn leads to the further self realization of the summit of this spinal column that itself is none other than Meru Parvat (Mount Meru) which is also present inside in the 8th plexus of each aspirant …
The Ek-Dandi (single staff) that the Vedantin’s carry is the symbol of Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Vishnulingam) only …
Inside the spinal column from the base of spine till the seventh plexus, are the seven plexus’s which denote the seven heavens that are eternally present within each aspirant … And in the subtle area which is lower to the spinal column and until the feet are the seven underworlds … Thus one each of the seven heavens is within each of these seven plexus’s and seven underworlds are present in the subtle invisible area that is present in between the base of spine and until the feet of the aspirant …
Thus basis above the complete area from the feet till the thousand petalled seventh plexus (i.e. Brahmarandra chakra) is the Vishnulingam … This Vishnulingam thus encloses all of the 14 layered (or 14 leveled) macrocosmic creation (i.e. Chatur Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand) … Due to this reason the Ek-Dandi of Vedantin’s also has a height which falls within the purviews of the Vishnulingam that is being discussed here …
Thus the self realization of entirety of Vishnulingam which is present in each aspirant, also leads to the direct cognition of these seven heavens and seven underworlds … And the staff of Vedantin’s which is addressed as Ek-Dandi (i.e. single staff) is also denoting the same Vishnulingam which is present inside each aspirant …
Vishnulingam means the Symbol of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu and thus the term Vishnulingam denotes the pristine divinity of Sri Vishnu who is eternally residing inside each aspirant’s microcosm … Vishnulingam denotes the presence of Sriman Naaraayana within each aspirant …
After the return of the white pot to the Kundalini Lingam that was discussed earlier, the Vishnulingam (i.e. Symbol of Sri Vishnu) self manifests within the aspirants microcosm …
And when this happens, then it is also self realized that the self realization of the Lingam can also lead to the self realization of the Vishnulingam i.e. Symbol of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu which is present inside the aspirant’s physical vehicle itself …
The need to paint this Vishnulingam is not there as the interested aspirants can see the staff which each Vedantin carries with him (or her) …
Additionally to above … The inner 14 states of macrocosmic creation which reside inside the Vishnulingam cannot be painted due to the fact that these are only a matter of self realization by aspirants …
And finally for this discussion on the Vishnulingam … The same Vishnulingam is also present in each microcosm i.e. right from a universe till a plane of existence till a world and until each animate or inanimate microcosm …
Thus ends this short discussion on the Vishnulingam …
EE … Pradhan Lingam, Rudra Lingam, Agni Lingam … Within and beyond …
Once the pot of consciousness (Chetan Kalash) which itself is Amrit Kalash (or in other words, the pot of nectar) passes beyond the thousand petalled 7th plexus (which is located at the top of brain) and thence it enters into the 8th plexus via the path of rising through golden colored Vajradanda where the Sound of Raam (Raam Naad) is heard and then when that pot of consciousness re-arrives back at the Kundalini Lingam (which was discussed above), then is self-manifested the staff of light which was also termed as Rudra Lingam (i.e. Symbol of Rudra Deva), Agni Lingam (Symbol of supreme fire), Prakash Lingam (symbol of supreme light) and Moola Shiva Lingam (the original or root symbol of Shiva) during very ancient times … And since this is the original lingam of Shiva (i.e. supreme being) so it eventually is to this lingam that all above discussed lingams are related …
In the Vedas is a story where Brahma and Vishnu tried to find the two opposite end of this staff of fire (i.e. staff of Rudra or Shiva) and even after travelling for a very long time and across very long distances, they both (i.e. Brahma and Vishnu) could not find the two extreme ends of that staff of fire of Rudra … Thus Brahma and Vishnu accepted Rudra as the greater one … This is the lingam to which that story also relates …
After the pot of consciousness reaches back at the Kundalini Lingam (which has already been discussed earlier on in this topic) then the earlier Vishnulingam expands in size and dimensions …
At this stage the lingam that is formed is like a staff of fire that extends till the 8th plexus …
And when this happens within the aspirant’s microcosm, then the entire spinal column is enveloped by a fire like light of bright red color …
This is the staff of fire (Agni Lingam) which was described in above paragraphs story and this is the original state of Shivalingam which as such was addressed as Rudra Lingam by ancient Yogi’s …
This is the highest of all Shivalingam’s as this is the original and primordial lingam of allness and that too of that state which was prior the allness of Maker’s Makings had even manifested in a subtle or gross, formness or formlessness … This Shivalingam (actually Rudra Lingam or Agni Lingam) is also the end stage of all self realizations as it relates to the 8th plexus itself (the 8th plexus is already discussed in an earlier set of topics) …
As also, since the Rudra Lingam is of that stage which was prior to the self manifestation all subtle and gross states of Maker’s Makings, so when this Rudra Lingam self manifests within the aspirants microcosm, then it denotes the stage of a final completion of the entire circle of existence and that too, right from the original unbegun state till the finally arrived unbegun state to which this Rudra Lingam eventually relates …
Thus the Rudra Lingam which is being discussed here is the higher of all lingams due to it being the primordial timeless one, which itself is beyond that stage of Maker’s Makings when the time, space, directions and state had even manifested within the Maker’s Makings …
And since this lingam relates to the 8th plexus, so it also denotes the 8th heaven … This 8th was never disclosed during the history of the present precession cycle (until this text arrived into this world) …
And the same Rudra Lingam is eternally present inside each microcosm (i.e. right from a largest microcosm of a universe till the smallest microcosm as is of an atom) …
When this Rudra Lingam self manifests within an aspirant, then the spinal column has a fiery red colored light around its entire length and this light extends right till the 8th plexus and across all the 14 levels of the Maker’s Makings … And at such a time, the top of head (of the aspirant who has accomplished the Rudra Lingam or Agni Lingam) also has light bursts and these are of a unioned state of red and diamond white lights … This denotes the final accomplishment of the Rudra Lingam (or Agni Lingam) of our current discussion …
And since this Rudra Lingam (or Agni Lingam) can only be known through a self realization, so it is not painted in this text …
There is no accomplishment (Siddhi) beyond this state, except that of a final liberation … By final liberation I mean Poorna Sannyasa, which itself is of a state where that Yogi enters into a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Yogi attains to Kaivalya Moksha)” …
The same Lingam is also present within each microcosm …
FF … Conclusion …
All above self realizations only ended up proving the following facts to me …
- Beyond all doubts that the Vedic symbol of Shivalingam is denoting macrocosmic state of the Maker, in addition to denoting the pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Shakti) that is also eternally present within the same macrocosmic state of the Maker (i.e. the Maker’s Makings) … The same is also present in each microcosm as the microcosm is only a microcosmic self manifested state of the Maker’s Makings …
- This itself leads to an analysis that the entirety of Maker and its Makings is denoted by the Vedic Shivalingam itself and since the Shivalingam only denotes Shiva i.e. the eternally auspicious one who is also addressed as Rudra, so the entirety of Maker’s Makings and its each part (i.e. each microcosm) is naught but an eternally auspicious and thus a divine one … Thus everything is divine …
- And due to above, the eternal union of Prakriti to Purusha is also denoted by this Shivalingam itself … This union of Prakriti and Purusha which happens inside the aspirants physical vehicle, also leads to the accomplishment of Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. absorption into that which itself is the “eternal seedless”) and which in turn leads to the self realization of the eternally unioned state of Zero and Infinite (i.e. unity of Shunya and Ananta respectively) …
- Thus due to a realization of this union of Zero and Infinite, this topics knowledge also leads to the direct cognition of the original self expression of the Absolute being which we had discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” and which we had told to be a state of union of “Shunya Anantah, which itself is what gets self realized as Anant Shunyah (Voidness of Allness and innermost nature of Allness of Voidness)” within which the entirety of macrocosmic creation resides … This is what Shunya Brahman actually means …
- And is also a realization that since in that stage which was prior the Maker had originally commenced its Makings, there was nothing existent except the Maker, so the Makings itself were originated from within the Maker itself … So due to this reason the Makings also are none other than a macrocosmic and microcosmic state of the Maker itself …
- It is due to this reason that right from each of the universes to each of the atoms which make these universes and other microcosm’s, everything is alive and vibrating (i.e. everything is active), everything is knowledgeable and everything is conscious … These three are the three Shakti’s of Bhagwan Shiva and have been told as Kriya Shakti, Jnana Shakti and Chetan Shakti respectively …
- And since the Makings itself are a macrocosmic and microcosmic state of the same Maker and since the divinity of all these is one and the same, so both the Maker and creativity of Maker (i.e. divinity) are eternally present within each microcosm … This makes each microcosm to be none other than a divine entity …
- Above are self realized through the knowledge of this topic … And that Yogi who knows it thus, is liberated by the divine grace of Bhagwan Shiva, Maa Shakti and Bhagwan Vishnu …
Finally …
Since I could not count how many of these universes (i.e. macrocosmic Shivalingam’s) are there in the state which is depicted by the first painting of this text, so I will have to go with the figure that was told by ancient Vedic sages …
Those ancient fully accomplished sages had told that there are 5.25 crore (i.e. 52.5 million) Shivalingam shaped universes existent within the Maker’s Makings …
Discussion ends …