This topic shall discuss Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga … This is the union of Bhagwan Mahakaal to Maa Mahakaali or or other words, union of Maha Kala (or Mahakal or great time) to Maha Kali (or or Maa Kali or Mahakali or divinity of great time) …
Important Notice: This is a highly restricted topic for all those who do not comply with whatever was discussed in the earlier topic (of “Restricted topics”, click on this link to read it prior proceeding any further from here) …
All those who do not comply with whatever was told in the earlier topic (of restricted topics, whose direct link is provided in above paragraph) would only be entering into this topic at their own peril …
Thus I state it loud and clear that all those who do not comply to all the requirements as were told in the earlier topic (i.e. “Restricted topics” whose direct link is provided in an earlier paragraph), must leave this topic and move on elsewhere …
The diamond and circular shapes which are depicted in above painting are only a coincidence and these have no relation to what this state actually is …
Since this is a highly restricted topic so it is not for everyone and thus I shall not be discussing it in great details or detailing its path in any greater details than what is necessary to barely describe it …
This topic is to discuss the final yoga that has been told by many sages and through many names …
This is the union (Yoga) of the “divinity of the great time (Maa Mahakaali)” to the “great time (Mahakaal aspect of Lord Shiva)” …
But at the same time, this topic is an intrinsic part of “Aghora Marg (or in other words, the path of Aghora face of Sadashiva)” …
Meaning of the Sanskrit words “Maha, Mahakaal and Mahakaali” …
Maha means Great …
That who is “Great” of Vedic lore, is none other than the “Supreme” … This is because in Vedic lore there can only be one great and thus that which is told as great, can only be the supreme …
Thus basis above, Mahakaal (or Mahakal or Maha Kala) means Great time and Mahakaali (or Mahakali or Maha Kali) means “divinity of great time (or Mahakaal)” … Mahakaali is also addressed as Ma Kali, Kali Ma and Ma Shakti …
Bhagwan Mahakaal is one of many manifestations of Shiva, whose divinity or Shakti itself is of Mahakaali …
Thus, this topic could also be named as “union of eternal being to its own eternity beingness (i.e. eternal divinity)” …
This topic is also a part of Pashupata Marg or the path of adherents of Bhagwan Pashupatinath … The word Pashupatinath means the Lord of macrocosmic speciology, which if simply stated could also be called as the Lord of sheep …
And since Bhagwan Pashupatinath itself is the God of the bible and whose divinity is also none other than the mother of all (holy spirit of Biblical lore), so this topic is also subtly and indirectly describing a state of their eternal union …
As I had told before that if I were to take out all that relates to Sanatan Dharma from the Biblical lore, then there would be nothing substantial remaining within the Biblical lore as most of the Biblical lore would get emptied out in this process … And this itself is because the entire Biblical lore is related to much-much earlier knowledge of Dharma (or Sanatan Dharma) only … So if I were to describe this fact in a more decent way, then it could be told as “Biblical lore is the great granddaughter of the much earlier Vedic lore …
Everything originate interdependently from the previously existent entity because of the fact that everything needs a base to get originated … Bible had also interdependently originated from the much earlier lore’s of Sanatan Dharma only … But because most of the teachers (or preachers) of Bible don’t know the God whom they worship or preach, so most may not even agree with what is told here … But at the same time, all that is required to know the factual nature of this paragraph is to wait for a few decades because at those not so distant future times, most would agree to what is stated here …
And I say so because of the fact that at those not so distant times, the great granddaughter (i.e. Biblical lore) would be re-merging to her own timeless roots i.e. great grandmother of all philosophies (or Sanatan Dharma) … Nobody can avoid this re-merging of the great granddaughter as is discussed here because this is what is destined in those not so distant times …
NN-1 … What is Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga … Mahakali Mahakal Yoga …
This is the highest of yoga which relates to non-lightness (Non-lightness does not mean darkness, it just means that which is non-lighted) …
Within the subtlety as is of this union (Yoga), the shadow of lightness is non-lightness … And the shadow of non-lightness is lightness … Thus in this yoga, when we see the allness of this union (Yoga), then we also find that depending upon the point of view that an aspirant holds (or path that an aspirant walks through) both are found to be the primary and both are also found to be the non-primary states … This is because the divinity of the divine being cannot be separated from the divine being and at the same time, the divine being is also no different from its divinity …
The beingness (or divinity of the being) cannot be separated from the “being (or the divine) and on similar grounds, the Maker’s Makings (Brahmand or macrocosmic state of the Absolute being or the Maker of allness) also cannot be separated from the Maker of allness (Brahman) … This itself is because of the fact that everything rests within the same principles which itself rest within the ever-same finality of the “great time (eternal being or Mahakaal)” and its own partless non-separate “great divinity (eternity or Maa Mahakaali)” …
The eternal being or Mahakaal is like the Atman (innermost essence) of allness and her each part and Maa Mahakaali is like the macrocosmic state (macrocosmic body) in which everything rests …
As also, since one itself is the other, so both are inseparable from each other and due to this reason, if you self realize one of them, then you already know the other …
Thus those who say that they worship (or know) Maa Mahakaali and yet do not know Bhagwan Mahakaal (Shiva) have actually not known either of them … And due to this reason, as far as the path of Mahakaal and Mahakaali Yoga stands, that Yogi who rests in this path is a Shaiva and such a Yogi simultaneously is also a Shakta …
If either one amongst Mahakaal and Mahakaali are separated from their other counterpart, then both shall cease to exist and this is just as a physical vehicle (I.e. aspirant or beingness) de-incarnates, when the essence that is within it (i.e. the being within or Atman) leaves it …
This is a universal union as everything rests within it … But due to the pluralistic yet monist nature of the Maker’s Makings, this union could also be told in a variety of ways … This is as this union is present within the macrocosm and its each microcosm … Nothing is left out of this union …
Within any microcosm and the entire microcosm, this union is as follows …
- That being is the conscious principle (Chetan Siddhant) and the beingness its own consciousness (Chitta) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the wisdom principle (Jnana Siddhant) and the beingness its knowledge (Vijyanmaye Kosha, which in English language can also be called as Knowledge sheath and which in other words, is also called as Vijyanamaya Kosha) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the “I principle or Ahum Siddhant” and the beingness its I’ness (Ahumta or Ahamkara) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the “Am principle or Asmi Siddhant” and the beingness its Am’ness (Asmita) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the “Is principle or Sat Siddhant” and the beingness its Is’ness (Hai-Ta) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the “Great void or Mahashunya” and the beingness is its macrocosmic voidness (or voidness or Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness or Shunyata) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the “Divine being (or Brahman or OM)” and its beingness is the “Primordial-Beyond divinity (Adi Parashakti or Brahmini or Adi Para Devi) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the Ishvara (Golden womb of creation) and its divinity the Ishvari (Supreme mother of sound form and light (Akar or Devi Gayatri or Devi Durga) … There is nothing which does not hold these two …
- That being is the Param-Gurudeva Shiva (partless allness) and its divinity the “primordial divinity or Adi Shakti or supreme knowledge” … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is Sanatan Gurudeva Vishnu (The partless protector of allness) and its divinity is the “great aim or final liberation (Maa Lakshmi)” … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the Idandra (Devaraja Indra) and its divinity is the “righteous- force that leads to control over all divine worlds (Idandri)” … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the “all-present (or Sarva-Sthit) Shaktimaan”, and its divinity the “omnipotent driver (Shakti)” … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is Rudra and its divinity Raudri … There is nothing which does not holds these two within them …
- That being is Purusha and its divinity Prakriti … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the eternal one (Bhagwan Mahakaal) and its beingness the eternity (Maa Mahakaali) … Everything rests within these apparent two who yet are one and the same in reality … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- As far as Chinese systems are concerned, That being is Yang and its divinity the Yin … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them … At a later stage, this shall be discussed within a topic of Yin Yang Yoga …
- As far as Biblical lore stands, That being is the Holy Father and its divinity the Holy Spirit and their united state is stated as the begotten son (At a later stage, this shall be discussed within a topic of Christ principle) … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- As far as Buddhist systems are concerned, That being is Buddha Samantabhadra and its divinity is Buddha Samantabhadri … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- That being is the primordial Buddha Samantabhadra and its beingness the primordial Buddha Samantabhadri … There is nothing which does not hold these two within them …
- As far as the paths of lightness and non-lightness are concerned, this topic also denotes the final union of these two paths …
All of these knowledge systems were originally originated from Vedic lore (or from influences of Vedic lore or were related to or were associated to Vedic lore or India) are also related to the same knowledge of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga …
The place of Bhagwan Mahakaal is in Ujjain and he resides there in the form of a Jyotir Lingam (i.e. the symbol of Swayam Prakash or self luminous or Infinite light) … If sensitive aspirants (or aspirants who are evolutionary ready to self realize) would go to that temple and reside there for a while, then a stage would definitely come where the Shakti (or divinity or energy) of Bhagwan Mahakaal who lives in that temple area, would eventually shake these aspirants from the root of their spine (I.e. the Kundalini Shakti of such aspirants would awaken) …
NN-2 … End result of Mahakal Mahakali Yoga …
This leads to ending of all ends and thus getting into the beginningless-endless state … Thus this leads to a state where the aspirant transcends time …
And because the time is the primary dimension, so when this dimension of time is transcended, then the other dimensions are also transcended by that aspirant …
Thus after completion of this union within the physical vehicle of the aspirant, that aspirant goes beyond all dimensions (time, space, direction and state) … This leads to a state as follows …
- As far as the dimension of time (or Kaal) stands, the aspirants consciousness transcends the cyclic nature of time (i.e. Kaalchakra) and enters into eternity …
- As far as the dimension of space (or Akasha) stands, the aspirants consciousness transcends the cyclic nature of time (i.e. Akashchakra or the eternal cyclic expanding and contracting nature of space) and enters into the Infinite (Ananta) …
- As far as the dimension of direction (including paths of evolution) stands, the aspirant’s consciousness transcends the cyclic nature of manifestation of directionalities (or paths of evolution) and enters into the omnidirectional (or all present path of evolution) which pervades and envelopes all other directions (or paths of evolution) … This is Dishachakra …
- As far as the dimension of state (including all gross and subtle states of existence) stands, the aspirant’s consciousness transcends the cyclic nature of manifestation of such states (i.e. alternating manifestations of gross and subtle states of existences) and enters into the omnipresent attributeless state which pervades and envelopes all other states … And because the aspirants escapes out (or goes beyond) such cycles of manifestation of gross and subtle states, so such an aspirant also goes beyond the entirety of cyclic nature of the process of origination, sustenance and destruction … Such an aspirant stays as the eternal omnipresent one i.e. such an aspirant enters into Parambrahma and can self-choose to never return back during any of the future stages of the three times …
Thus that aspirant enters into and begins resting in that which the Vedic Sages (Rishi) termed as Brahman … This is the same state which other Vedic sages had also addressed as Parabrahman, Brahm, Atman (essence within each microcosm) and Paramshiva, etc. …
Thus when we consider the history of this planet during the last 9000 years or close to this time, then we also find that only the languages, names, practices, procedures, systems and texts have changed and this is even when everything is approaching the same eternal, infinite, omnidirectional (i.e. based within all evolutionary paths), omniparient, omnifarious, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, omnificent or omnicompetent truth (i.e. the attributeless infinite Absolute being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
And the realization of this fact is also possible through Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga which is being discussed here …
NN-3 … Place of self realization of Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga
This Yoga is self realized inside the middle part of Bodhichitta which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “Bodhichitta … Nirvana” …
Thus unless the middle part of Bodhichitta i.e. the middle point where the 24 streaks (as were discussed in the earlier topic on Bodhichitta) is entered into, an aspirant can forget about self realization and accomplishment of whatever is discussed in this topic …
This Bodhichitta can be self realized in either the heart area or the third eye area of the physical body …
And after this union is completed in the heart and third eye plexus, all that remains is the eternal-Infinite knowledge-conscious eternally-auspicious principle (i.e. Sadashiva) who also is seen to be non-dually unioned to its own pristine-divinity i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti …
After above stage completes, then all sorts of accomplishment vehicles begin self-manifesting within the physical vehicle of the aspirant (only some of these accomplishment vehicles have been discussed in this text and many others are left to self realizations of interested aspirants) …
NN-4 … Two primary stages of Bhagwan Mahakaal Yoga Maa Mahakaali …
There are two primary stages of Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga which have been discussed here … One follows the other …
NN-4-A … Shamshan Kali Maha Kaal Yoga and their Siddha Sharira …

As soon as the middle point of Bodhichitta is entered into, above figure gets self realized … The middle part of above painting is a cluster of dull white lights, which rest inside the vast boundless non lighted envelope of Mahakaal Shiva (or that state of manifestation of Bhagwan Shiva which is as the Great-Time) …
That grey colored part is of Maa Shamshan Kali or the supreme (liberating) divinity of the cremation grounds … In Vedic astrology, the Planet Ketu is the one which holds this divinity of Maa Shamshan Kali …
And the accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha body) which self manifests at this stage is as shown below … This is a grey colored body of Shamshan Kaali which is enveloped by non-lightness …

NN-4-B … Maha Kala Maha Kali Yoga and their Siddha Sharira …
After above completes, then through a series of intermediary states many of the earlier accomplishment vehicles (i.e. earlier accomplished Siddha Sharira) start getting merged to their respective macrocosmic principal states … Once these accomplishment vehicles are merged to their respective macrocosmic principal states, is arrived the Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga as is depicted in the 1st painted sketch of this topic …
And the accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha body) which self manifests is as shown in below painting …

This Siddha body which forms after the Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga is successfully completed (this Yoga happens inside the aspirant’s physical vehicle) is like a non-lighted envelope that has countless diamond white microscopic specs within it …
This is the higher of all vehicles as it denotes that the aspirant has already accomplished his (or her) return back for re-arriving at (or returning back) to the primordial source of allness (i.e. primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness) which itself was the state from where everything had manifested in form and formless states … Macrocosmic voidness (or Sarva Shunya) is a non manifested state from where everything that is manifested as the macrocosm and microcosm’s had originally commenced through their respective origination processes …
NN-4-C … Vasuki Siddhi … Accomplishment of the King of all divine serpents …

And this is also the state where King of divine serpents i.e. Vasuki (as was discussed in an earlier topic) manifests within the aspirant …
If the aspirant is a Mumukshu (i.e. one who only seeks a final liberation and nothing else), then that aspirant would also end up dissoluting all merits except the destined merit …
Above means that if the aspirant is a Mumukshu, then through Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga all accumulated merit, current merit and future merit is extinguished and only the destined merit remains pending for the aspirant …
This Vasuki (i.e. the king of divine serpents) also begins acting as a divine protector of that aspirant who has dissoluted all merits except the destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) for that incarnation … Such aspirants only continue their incarnations till the destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) has been exhausted and Vasuki is the one who assists to this end …
And since except the destined merit, that aspirant holds no other merit and thus cannot continue that incarnation safely due to absence of other merits, so Vasuki is the divine protector who eventually prevents that aspirant from rolling over (i.e. de-incarnating) prior that aspirant’s destined merit is exhausted …
This self-manifestation of Vasuki (i.e. the king of divine serpents) within that aspirant microcosm (physical vehicle) is only to ensure that the aspirant does not de-incarnate prior the ripeness and rightness of de-incarnation from that incarnation has been arrived at …
And as times progress, this divine serpent named Vasuki eventually unites to the multi-headed serpent called as Adi Shesha (primordial serpent) who is resting at the top of crown plexus of that aspirant … This is also to ensure that the aspirant can complete the destined time span and thus complete the destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) of that incarnation prior that aspirant can roll over (or de-incarnate) …
Unless these two serpents i.e. divine serpent Vasuki (who as such is of Lord Shiva who is resting in the spinal column) and the multi-headed Adi Shesha (who as such is of Lord Vishnu and who rests at top of the thousand petalled Brahmarandra chakra of that aspirant) assist to this end (of completion of destiny of such aspirant’s) these aspirants who have already passed through Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga as is discussed here can never complete the destined time span (or destined merit or Prarabdha Karma) of their incarnated states …
And once such aspirants complete their destined merits, then these two serpents return back to their own timeless sources i.e. Vasuki returns back to Lord Shiva and Adi Shesha returns back to Sri Vishnu …
Adi Shesha is not painted in this text as it is very easy to know how it looks like … Just search the internet and see those sages on top of whose heads a multi headed serpent is shown … I had accomplished this state during an earlier incarnation when I was addressed by a name which if translated in English language would mean “Reverence to the divine leaf” …
Proceeding further …
When this dark colored serpent (actually it is a very subtle non-lighted serpent) which has red eyes and which sprays dark colored energy into the spine had initially manifested, then it was like a disaster inside the physical vehicle … It’s hisses were like shattering of organs of the body and as its energy traveled to the top of brain, it was like shattering of internals of the brain itself … These strong energy bursts eventually ended up raising the top of skull bones more than a bit …
So after it had self manifested inside the spinal column, then initially (I mean for the first few days) I tried to fight with it and during that struggle that followed, I also managed to lock it (I mean seal it) in the pit of spine …
But only to realize later on that which was discussed in earlier paragraphs …
As also, as per experience, unless the aspirant controls this divine serpent King which self manifests within the spinal column of the aspirant, this serpent would only begin controlling that aspirant and make that aspirant its own puppet …
Thus whether anyone likes it or dislikes it, this serpent would have to be controlled, if self manifested or else that person in whom this serpent self manifests, would only end up becoming a puppet to this puppet master i.e. Nagaraj-Vasuki …
NN-4-D … Soon after Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga …
Soon after Mahakaal Mahakaali yoga gets completed by an aspirant, following starts happening on an auto mode (i.e. in an automatic way which is beyond the control of that aspirant) …
- The bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) starts to return back to its own parental macrocosmic cause …
Continuing with above bullet point … But prior to this state of dissolving of Antahkarana Chatushtaya into its own parental cause, it has only three orbs … These orbs are of a dull blue, dull white and dull red color, which denote the three macrocosmic attributes (of inertia, neutrality and action respectively) and where this entire state is enveloped by a very-very subtle non-lightness … Into that very-very subtle non-lightness, these three orbs which are all that remains of the bliss sheath, eventually get dissolves … And once this dissolving happens, that the aspirant also qualifies to walk in freedom of all that is as macrocosmic nature … Bliss sheath is also called as the causal body in addition to being addressed as Anandmaye Kosha (which in other words, is also be termed as Anandamaya Kosha) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Since these three attributes are the primordial attributes of nature, so once these attributes which are also present inside each aspirant, become dissolved into the primordial nature (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or Shunyata) then that aspirant walks free of all that comes s within the purview’s of macrocosmic nature in her manifest, non manifest and neither manifest nor non manifest states (i.e. such an aspirant walks free of all that is as Apra Prakriti, Para Prakriti and as Avyakta Prakriti respectively) …
- The Bodhichitta is also dissolved into its own cause … The Bodhi or Buddhi or Knowledge dissolves into the Knowledge principle (i.e. Gyan Siddhant) and Chitta or consciousness dissolves into the conscious principle (i.e. Chetan Siddhant) …
- After above stages complete then many other pending absorption’s as are of other Siddha bodies also start happening on an auto mode and where all those Siddha bodies also start getting auto absorbed into their respective macrocosmic parental causes …
- Once all above stated aspects complete, that aspirant is freed of allness and her each part … Thus I also consider Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga as the ultimate (I mean the final) path of liberation (or Moksha) …
Once all above happens, if someone would ask macrocosmic creation or ask the divine worlds and their divine beings about the whereabouts of that aspirant, then the reply would only be as follows …
He (or she) was, but now is not
This fact is also subtly told in Vedic lore where an avatar comes to a world and even the divine controllers and people of that world did not know that such and such person was an Avatar …
And the same thing is also subtly told in the Biblical lore’s as follows … “He arrives like a thief in the night” … This also is the stage which is accomplished after completion of Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga as is being discussed here …
And finally for this part of the topic …
Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga itself denotes the culmination stage of all Yoga and Shastras (knowledge texts) whose path could also be stated as …
“When all there is as Maker’s Makings within the microcosm of the aspirant, has dissolved into its respective macrocosmic primary and primordial causes, then at this stage, that truth which has been termed as Parabrahman in the Vedas, is all that remains” …
And this statement is absolutely true as only “Parambrahma (or Supreme being)” is all that remains after the successful completion of Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga that is being discussed here …
Due to this reason, this Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga, is the highest of all Yoga Tantra …
But this topic is also a part and parcel of Aghora Marg (i.e. this is a path of Aghora face of Sadashiva) … And the body of Christ which was discussed in the earlier topic (of Body of Christ) is also an intrinsic part of this topic … Body of Christ as was discussed earlier is a state that is accomplished by the aspirant, prior to attainment of the Siddha body which is being discussed here …
NN-4-E … The finality of Maha Kaal Maha Kaali Yoga …
And from this stage, that aspirant enters into Shunya Brahman i.e. that Zero which is Infinite and that infinite which itself is the Zero (or in other words , Zero-Infinity and Infinite Zero) … This is what we had discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” where we had told it as “Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunyah” which means “that Zeroness which itself is fullness and that fullness which itself is none other than the zero” which originally was as primordial nature (or macrocosmic voidness or Shunya Tattva) …
The mathematical symbol of Infinity is depicting this Shunya Brahman only (I mean the mathematical symbol of Infinity is not denoting infinity as the infinite can never be described through words or depicted in symbols) …
Proceeding further …
Until the primordial nature (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) is unaware of that self-luminous attributeless-infinite being (Swa Prakash or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who eternally is pervading and enveloping her, she stays as emptiness (Shunyata) …
And when that primordial nature (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Shunya Tattva) realizes the self-luminous attributeless-infinite being (Swa Prakash or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who eternally is pervading and enveloping her, she becomes arrived at a state of fullness …
The intermediary state which is arrived within above two paragraphs, is the one which we have addressed as Shunya Brahman (or the state where Empty is Full and the Full which is Empty … Or in other words, Zero which is Infinite and Infinite which is Zero) …
Taking above discussions to the aspirant …
The same is with any aspirant, as only when the aspirant has a self-realization of the ever-same self-luminous attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who eternally is pervading and enveloping the aspirant, does that aspirant realizes its own innermost eternal state of fullness …
And that self-luminous attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who eternally is pervading and enveloping it, is also realized as the partless essence of that aspirant … Thus it is at this stage also that Atman (innermost essence of the aspirant) is known as Brahman (partless omnipresent essence of all that ever is) …
Thus even when that fullness is eternally present within each aspirant, the aspirant never comes to know that its own essential nature is of none other than the state of fullness itself …
And due to this reason, only after a self realization of what is discussed above, does that aspirant know the eternal-fullness of the essence that is within it …
And only after this self realization does that aspirant know the fullness of his (or her) own innermost essence (or Atman) …
Taking this discussion back to primordial nature …
The same is with the primordial non-lighted empty state of nature as only after the primordial non-lighted empty nature, realizes its own pervader as the same self luminous attributeless-infinite being (i.e. Brahman or Nirgun Nirakaar), who itself is the Absolute-fullness and allness, then only does the empty non-lighted primordial nature, know that she is also full … And only after she comes to know that she is full, does she become the base of self origination of allness …
Thus basis above, unless you know yourself through a self realization of your own innermost self, you would never know the fullness that is eternally present within your own limited microcosm … And unless you know the fullness that is silently resting within your own microcosm, you can never know what is implicitly discussed here …
And after this realization, the state which the primordial nature arrives at, is the same as we had stated earlier i.e. the non-dual union of Zero and Infinity and it is within this non dual union, that allness of macrocosmic creation is self manifested at a later stage … Thus it is through this allness that rests within the primordial empty state of nature, that the macrocosmic creation gets self manifested …
And on similar lines, any aspirant who has passed through above self realizations only ends up entering into the same original self expression of the Absolute being (which was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed Itself”) which was also termed as Shunya Brahman …
But at this time, that aspirant knows that within the non lightness of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero) is also holding the same fullness as is of the Swa Prakash (self luminous) the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar or Brahman) …
Shunya Brahman is shown in below painted sketch … But since the attributeless (Nirgun) who is also pervading Shunya Brahman is colorless and thus it cannot be painted, so in below sketch that colorless (Attributeless) would have to be imagined by readers …

That who is addressed as Shunya Brahman is also the following of other lore’s …
- Sadashiva of Shiva Agamas …
- Shunyata of Buddha’s knowledge systems …
- Mahashunya of Siddha sciences (Vedic Siddha sciences) …
- Adinath of Jain and Siddha Knowledge systems …
- This is also related to the Seedless state (Nirbija Awastha) of Samkhya which itself is attained by Nirbija Samadhi …
- Elemental nature of emptiness (or Shunya Tattva) of Yoga …
- The final accomplishment by the path of Prakriti Purusha Yoga …
- Final stage of realization of Tao of Chinese knowledge systems …
- Final state of Zen Buddhism …
- This is also the Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra …
- Timeless being (Akaal Purukh) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee …
- This is the state which is self realized beyond the 8th plexus (Ashtama Chakra) also …
- This is Mahakaal Shiva who is also holding the light of Mahakaali within itself, but this light is not shown in above figure as it is present in an impressional state (Samskarik Awastha) …
Proceeding further …

This part of the topic is to discuss the Siddha body which relates to above figure’s realization i.e. body of Shunya Brahman or body of Zero-Infinite …
And the accomplishment vehicle of Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga, which eventually self manifests is looking like the vehicle of Mahakaal Shiva, but within itself it is definitely holding the divinity of Mahakaali in an impressional state (Samskarik Awastha) …
If the aspirant is a true Mumukshu (i.e. the one who only seeks liberation and nothing else) then in such a case, this accomplishment vehicle merges into its own primordially-eternal and eternally-primordial cause i.e. Panch Mukha Sadashiva …
This vehicle also denotes the ever-same and eternally unioned state of primordial voidness (Sarva Shunya) to the eternal-attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar or Brahm) and thus this is the final accomplishment vehicle which relates to non lightness …
And due to the nature of this Siddha body, during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings, not even a handful of sages have ever managed to self realize this Siddha body …
And also due to the same reason (i.e. the nature of this Siddha body) amongst those not even a handful of sages who have self realized it, not even one has ever been able to hold it for long …
As also, of all the divine beings (Deva and Devi) not one has ever held this vehicle for long …
Only Sri Bhagwan Krishna in his Viraat Roop (macrocosmic form) has ever held this vehicle and thus the Vedic lore has very correctly stated about Sri Krishna, as follows …
Krishna Tu Bhagwan Swayam
Which means …
Krishna, Thou art the Lord
And this was also told because of the fact that one who holds this vehicle, is none other than the Lord …
NN-5 … Shunya Ananta Swaroop Stithi …
Shunya means emptiness or zero or primordial nature …
Ananta means fullness, infinite or final truth that is beyond …
So Shunya Anantah means Zero which is Infinite and Infinite which itself is Zero … But this has also been addressed as Shunya Brahman …
And Swaroop Stithi means “Resting in one’s own essential nature” …
So basis above, Shunya Anant Swaroop Stithi means “resting within one’s own Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero essential nature” … The vehicle discussed above also denotes this state of accomplishment …
Thus due to above, this Siddha body is also denoting the proof of the fact that the aspirant has already accomplished Shunya Brahman i.e. the original self expression of the Maker (as was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself”) …
And since Shunya Brahman is a condition which is beyond the entire macrocosmic creation, so this Siddha body also denotes that the aspirant has already gone to a state of existence which is beyond the entirety of macrocosmic creation …
This Siddha body (accomplishment vehicle) also denotes that realization and accomplishment which eventually leads to a state of freedom from all dualities, including that of God-Satan, Heaven-Hell and also from liberation and bondage alike …
And when this Siddha Sharira finally dissolves into Mahakaal aspect of Sadashiva, then this state also denotes the end of all ends of existence in any form, formless, inertial, action, neutral, begun, unbegun states of existence and also an end within the emanatory state of existence as is when resting in voidness …
End …