In this topic we shall be discussing Makar or sound of M (of AOM Naad or AUM Naad) … And the discussions within this topic shall be within purviews of Brahmatattva or Brahma Tattva which means “pristine element of Maker’s Makings” and which the Jivatman realizes within purviews of the Vedic statement of “OM Tat Sat”, that means OM, Thou Art Truth” which itself is arrived within the Shuddha Chetan Tattva that is just beyond the Makar of our current discussion …
Above figure was self realized immediately after the earlier discussed states (of Akar and Okar) were self realized …
The self realization of what is stated in above figure and below discussions happened in the beginning of 2011 AD, about 2 weeks prior the commencement of pan India movement of “India against corruption (IAC)” …
AA-1 … Makar … Brahmatattva or Brahma Tattva … Shuddha Chetan Tattva
As far as this figure of concerned, the sound of Makar is related to the three pristine jewels as shown in above painting and are discussed at a later stage of this topic itself …
And in above painting, the Shuddha Chetan Tattva is depicted by the bright golden colored state which is shown above the three pristine jewels …
Important Note: In above figure, the diamond white light needs to be replaced by a very-very subtle and extremely bright billions and billions of golden colored lighted rays which are moving upwards from the three pristine jewels … I am not a good painter, so this incorrect depiction is due to my limitations and thus to clarify this important point, I have written the facts here so the future aspirants do not misinterpret the actual state of above painting by get carried away by the diamond white color as is shown in above painting … Thus I shall reiterate again that in above figure, the diamond white is to be replaced by a very bright golden color which is made up of billions and billions and further billions of very subtle “upwardly moving” rays of light … As also since this figure is depicting what actually is inside the top part of brain of each aspirant, so the term “upwardly moving” as is written here only means, moving upwards from the top area of brain till the top of skull bones …
AA-2 … The term “Shuddha Chetan Tattva” means “Purest of pure universal conscious element” of the Absolute being …
And since the Shuddha Chetan Tattva itself is the pristine element of the Absolute being, so this is what was stated as “pristine element of the Absolute (or Brahma Tattva or Brahmatattva)” in Veda …
Thus as a minimum, this term of “Shuddha Chetan Tattva” is also referring to a non-dual union of the following …
- Absolute conscious principle … Chetan Siddhant … This is the basis of the Vedic mega-statement (Vedic Mahavakya) of Chetan Brahma or the conscious principle is the Supreme being (or the consciousness or conscious principle itself is of Parambrahma) …
- Pristine knowledge principle … Jnana Siddhant … This is the basis of the Vedic mega-statement (Mahavakya) of Jnana Brahma or the knowledge principle is the Absolute being (or the knowledge principle itself is of the Parabrahman or Absolute being) …
- Righteous-uncorrupted activity principle … Kriya Siddhant … This is the basis of Vedic statement of Karya Brahma or the creation principle is the Absolute being (or the creation principle itself is of Brahman or Absolute being) …
- Non prejudiced veiling principle … Tirodhan Siddhant … This is the basis of all Vedic statements where Maa Adi-Parashakti (i.e. the supreme mother of allness) is stated as Absolute being (and also those statements where Maa Shakti in her any form or formless or beyond states is stated as Brahm i.e. these are of Brahman itself) … And this itself is because this principle is of the Parashakti (or divinity of beyond all beyond) whose own self manifestation is all that we know or can ever know as divinity of here, and of the defined and undefined beyondness …
- Undefined and unlimited supreme grace principle … Anugraha Siddhant … This is the basis of all statements of Vedas and every other faith where one or another self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the same attributeless-infinite absolute being is worshipped as a God or Goddess of that system (or belief or faith or religion) … This is of the supreme liberation and this is denoting the Kaivalya Moksha Siddhant …
- All above are present in the Shuddha Chetan Tattva which is being discussed here …
- And since all five of above are only one or another self expressions of the ever-same “attributeless infinite absolute being (or Brahman) itself, so this was also the reason that within the Vedic lore’s the same “Shuddha Chetan Tattva” of Yoga Tantras was also termed as “Brahmatattva (or the original pristine element of the Brahman or the original pristine element of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
- And since the same Brahmatattva is the state through whose transit, is self realized the Vedic symbol and sound of OM, so it is the same Brahmatattva which is also an authentic original self expression of OM (or Brahman or Paramatman) … And since OM itself is Brahman (I.e. the absolute being), so this pristine element was termed as Brahmatattva, which means “the original elemental state of the Maker” …
- Since sound itself is of macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhoot (because sound is originated from Akasha Mahabhoot itself) and since it is from the same Brahmatattva that ether (Akasha) is self-emanated, so it was also due to this reason that OM being the sound of the pristine element of Maker, was also addressed as the proof of existence of Brahman within IT’s own pristine elemental state of Brahmatattva (which itself is the “Shuddha Chetan Tattva” of Yoga Tantra) … It is also due to this reason that OM and its sound have been termed as Brahman in Vedas …
- And basis above, the same Shuddha Chetan Tattva, which itself is Brahmatattva, was subtly referred to in Srimadbhagvad Gita, Chapter 17 as “OM Tat Sat” which means “OM, Thou Art Truth” …
- And even when above five principles are of five faces of Sadashiva (These are to be discussed in a later topic) but yet they all are ever existent within the Brahmatattva or Shuddha Chetan Tattva which is being discussed here and it is due to this reason, Brahmatattva has ever held a very high place within the timelessly ancient Sanatan Arya Vedic lore’s …
After above discussions, we shall now proceed further …
AA-3 … Since my path is inward, so the path is only based upon the innermost essence of the statement “Myself within Myself” …
As also a fact that this inward path only leads to the self realization of divinity which is within an aspirant and where the inner divinity itself is the same divinity which is also present within and beyond the macrocosmic creation … Thus any aspirants inner divinity is not restricted to the aspirant alone and this itself is because of the fact that your own inner divinity itself is a universal one … Each aspirant holds the same pristine divinity within itself …
But because my path was inward, so above painting is also that which is in the brain area of each aspirant (Just like the states of previous topics of Akar and Okar also are present in the brain of each aspirant) …
And since the Maker never discriminated between whatever was made within IT’s own Makings, so the same is also present within each aspirant and this statement is irrespective of that path or knowledge system (or faith or religion) of any of the aspirants of any of the three times … This fact was also stated within the Mantra of Shukla Yajurveda which has already been stated in a much earlier topic of “As IT originally was” …
AA-4 … The state of our discussion i.e. Makar has the endless sound of Mmmmmmmmmm …
This sound is the third seed syllable of AOM Naad (which in other words, can also be termed as the sound of OM) …
The sound and state of letter M of “AOM (i.e. AUM or OM)” denotes Makar of our current discussion …
BB-1 … Jivatman passing Sound of M … OM Tat Sat
After taking the blessings of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (of the previous discussion on Okar), the subtler vehicle (Jivatman) then arrives at the sphere of Trimurti or Trideva or the three pristine deities … In this state, the Trimurti are as three pristine jewels which have been depicted in above painting …
Each of these jewels is very subtle, yet is a highly luminous one (and thus no aspirant who passes through the self realizations of this topic can ever miss them) … And all of these three jewels are enveloped within very subtle highly luminous golden colored light rays …
The golden light which is enveloping these three jewels are made up of uncountable (billions and billions) of light rays and it is in this envelope of light that these three pristine jewels of our current discussion, are placed within each aspirant’s brain area …
In the case of this little student, the subtler vehicle arrived at the left jewel and then studied that jewel … And then moved to the right jewel and then studied that jewel also … And finally arrived at the middle jewel …
BB-2 … As discussed earlier, the sound which is emanating from this sphere of the three pristine jewels was of “the endless sound of Mmmmmmmmmm”… This is the sound and state which was stated as Makar within the Vedas and Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma …
This sound is beginningless and endless and thus is an eternal one (just like the earlier discussed sound of Akar and sound which was termed as Ukar also are) …
BB-3 … In some ancient texts this sound was also termed as Brahmnaad which as such is the primordial beginningless, endless and thus eternal sound of the macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) …
BB-4 … And in Yoga Tantras the same sound was replicated through the Brahmari Pranayama so as to ensure that the path to unite to the sound of our discussion i.e. Makar, is available to each aspirant …
If anything is beginningless, then it is also endless and thus is an eternal state … That which is beginningless, also cannot end and thus it is also the endless one … That which neither has a beginning or end, is none other than the eternal … The state of our discussion (and also the previous discussed states of Akar and Okar) are also resting within the same timeless eternity as all of these are intrinsic partless parts of the same eternal Brahman, who is also addressed as OM (ॐ) in the Vedas …
That which is the eternal one and yet is seen to be manifested, is the self-manifested one … That which (or who) is beginningless, endless and thus is the eternal one and yet it is found to be present, is the one which was termed as a self manifested (i.e. Swayam Prakat) one in the Vedas … These self manifested ones were also addressed as Swayambhu within the Vedic lore’s …
As also a fact … That which is self manifested (Swayam Prakat) is also a part of the original self expression (Swayam Abhivyakti) of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And such a self expressed one (Swayam Abhivyakt) also has no Sire (no superior or ancestor) and thus such a one is also its own sire …
And it is due to above reason, a self manifested one also has no relationships, no dependence on anything … Thus such a one is also the self present (Swayam Sthit), self existent (Swayam Sthit), without any support (Niradhaar), without any or base or root (Niralamba), self sustaining (Swayam Chalit), self revolutionizing (Swayam Krantit), self rejuvenating (Swayam Kayakalpit), self sustaining (Swayam Poshit) and thus is the absolutely independent one (Swatantra) … Due to the mentioned reasons, an aspirant of this path cannot be resting in any path which is other than that which rests within the statement of “Myself Within Myself (which in other words, can also be told as Swayam Hee, Swayam Mei)” …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus such a one also holds nothing like a duality … By duality I mean “likes or dislikes, good or bad, heavens or hell, God or Satan, etc-etc”) … And thus such a state also is the one which is free of prejudice towards itself or towards anything-anywhere-anybody else, because IT by ITself is the detached and thus perfectly isolated (i.e. Keval) sire of all that ever is …
The three pristine jewels of our current discussion denote above stated facts …
BB-5 … When the subtler vehicle (Jivatman) enters into the yellow-golden rising light rays which are just adjacent and beyond the three pristine jewels, it ultimately entered into what is told in Vedic lore as Brahmatattva or the pristine element of the Maker’s Makings …
And it from the Brahmatattva that the subtler vehicle (i.e. Jivatman) eventually unites to the sound and symbol of OM …
Thus the state of our current discussion (i.e. Makar) is only leading to those further states of Brahmatattva and OM (or AOM or AUM) which shall be discussed in later sub-parts of this topic …
After this union to symbol of AUM, the subtler vehicle vanishes from its own sight i.e. the subtler vehicle (or Jivatman or the vehicle which self realizes this state and thus it is the witness of this discussion) becomes self-absorbed into its own primary cause (i.e. OM Naad or sound of OM) and thus it vanishes from its own sight +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … The phrase “vanishing from own sight” means a stage of Samadhi (or absorption or meditative trance) where the realizer, realized and realization become one and the same and thus these three reach their “perfect union or perfect non duality” …
+++ Once these three differences are finished (or evolved over), that aspirant only ends up self realizing the final truth and this is where the “aspirant’s essence (i.e. Atman)” itself is realized to be the essence of allness and her each part (I.e. Brahman) …
Within the Vedic lore, the same Brahman is also addressed through a variety of names, such as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (i.e. the attributeless-infinite Absolute-being), Paramshiva, Parabrahman, etc. …
Proceeding further …
CC-1 … In the depicted painting, above the three pristine jewels is where Brahmatattva (or the pristine element of Maker’s Makings) is self realized … Brahmatattva (or Brahma Tattva) is the “original, primordial and timeless elemental state” of the Maker’s Makings … It is from the Brahmatattva that all later states were self originated …
Above painting is shaded in two colors so as to show the divide of the lower (i.e. the former realized state) and the upper states (i.e. later realized state) of this painting and this difference of colors is even when in reality both these shades (colors) are one and the same because both are of a brightly lit up golden color only … And this also is with the only difference that the luminosity of the above part (i.e. above the three pristine jewels) is much higher than the luminosity of the states which are in the lower part (i.e. Akar and Okar) of this painting …
Brahma Tattva could also be termed as Tattva Brahma (Maker within its own self expressed, self manifested and self present pristine elemental state) … This is because, prior the Maker commenced the Maker’s Makings, there was nothing except the state of emptiness of macrocosmic nature (or in other words, Shunya Tattva) and it was from within this condition that allness of Maker’s Makings had gotten self manifested … And the state prior Shunya Tattva (i.e. voidness of allness) was of Nirbija Awastha i.e. seedless state which was even devoid of Sarva Shunya … Prior to this Nirbija Awastha was the Brahma Tattva which is being discussed in this part of the topic …
And thus to create the macrocosmic creation, the Maker itself self expressed itself and thus was self originated within its own pristine elemental state (i.e. the Brahmatattva of our current discussion) … This origination itself was from OM Naad which itself is the sound of the same attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Awastha) …
The three pristine jewels denote that Brahman itself and due to this reason, if any aspirant self realizes the state of our discussion, then that aspirant was deemed to be the one who has already gone past the Maker’s Makings even when that aspirant may still be incarnated in a physical bodied form …
CC-2 … Srimadbhagvad Gita chapter 17 also subtly describes the Brahmatattva of our current discussion as “OM Tat Sat” which means “OM Thou Art Truth” …
DD-1 … Sound of M, three pristine jewels and Vedic Trinity …
The painted figure also denotes the symbolic state of Vedic Trinity …
In above figure and from left to right, these three pristine jewels are denoting the following …
- Left Jewel … This is half white and half blue in color … This pristine jewel is of the supreme rejuvenator (Shiva) … This jewel is actually in the middle, but it only told me to place itself in the left and bring the blue colored jewel in the center … And since this jewel itself is my Param Gurudeva Shiva, so this instruction has been complied in above painting …
- Middle jewel … This is of a very beautiful blue color … This pristine jewel is of the supreme preserver (Vishnu) … This jewel is actually in the left side of above painting but since the above stated left jewel (i.e. Jewel of my Paramguru Shiva) had told me to place this jewel (i.e. Jewel of Sri Vishnu) in the middle, so it is painted so in above sketch …
- Right Jewel … This is like a bright sun and its inner state is diamond white … This is of the supreme creator or Brahma … But here it denotes Hiranyagarbha Brahma and that too when Hiranyagarbha is resting in a non egoistic state (i.e. Anabhimani Awastha) … And as we had discussed in the earlier topic of Okar, when Hiranyagarbha Brahma is not acting as Karya Brahma, then Hiranyagarbha is non egoistic (i.e. Anabhimani Awastha) … This means, that the stage of Hiranyagarbha as shown in above painting is that which was prior Hiranyagarbha accepted the role of being a Karya Brahma and thus entered into an egoistic state …
- Right Jewel continued … This Jewel is also stated as Surya (or simply the sun) … But at the same time, within the condition that is depicted in above painting, the word Surya only means “the sun amongst all suns” …
- Right Jewel continued … It was basis this fact that “Surya Purana” equates the Sun (Surya) as an equal to the Vedic trinity … And it is also due to this discussion, that some of the Vedic texts even state that everything originates from the sun … But in these statements, the word sun only means “the sun amongst suns” and not the sun which we see in this planetary system … And at the same time, as far as the sun of this planetary system is concerned, it is also an originator of the planets, but the stage when this happens is when the sun was so vast that it was enveloping the entire milky way galaxy … We shall be discussing this fact in a later topic of Naimittika Pralaya which itself is a part of the much later topic of Kaalchakra or eternally cyclic nature of time … It is only due to this reason that Surya Purana claims that sun is the originator of allness … The sun rejuvenates itself each 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) which itself is a time span of 4.63986 (as per currently applicable time units of axial precession) …
- Right jewel continued … And since the entire state from Akar, Okar (or Ukar) till Makar and beyond till Brahmatattva is of very bright golden color and since these three pristine jewels also reside within the same bright golden envelope, so it is also due to this reason that some of the Vedic texts have stated that sun itself is the Vedic trinity and this itself was the reason for coming in of “Saurya Path (i.e. path of Sun)” within the Vedic ways of life …
DD-2 … Due to above discussed reasons, a self realization of this and two earlier states (i.e. of Akar and Okar) also denotes a union to the Vedic Trinity (i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara or Shiva) … Thus this self realization also denotes the stage of entering into Trideva Yoga (i.e. union to Vedic Trinity) …
Such were the ones who qualify to self realize the next stages of Brahmatattva and then the sound and symbol of OM (OM is discussed in a later topic) … And since the sound and symbol of OM is none other than Brahman manifest as sound and symbol, so an aspirant who had self realized the sound and symbol of OM, was also deemed to be an incarnated i.e. attributed-form (or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of Brahman itself …
This itself is because of the fact that you only are that which you have already self realizes and thence have also dissolved into that self realized state … Once you dissolve your own self into something, then you are that thing in which your self is dissolved … This could be explained as a stage when the drop of water becomes the ocean after uniting to the ocean … Thus when an aspirant passes through the all the stages of self realizations of OM (i.e. the aspirant passes through all that was discussed from Akar, through Okar (or Ukar), thence Makar, thence Brahmatattva and thence OM, and then that aspirant also enters into a union to OM) then that aspirant itself is an incarnated state of OM … And since OM itself is the Linga-Awastha (or symbolic state) of Brahman, so such an aspirant itself is like Brahman incarnated in a human form …
During those ancient times, only those aspirants who had self realized all that is stated in this part were considered as being capable to be a Guru … And it was only due to this fact that the Guru Vandana as was stated at the end of an earlier topic “Why this text”, was adopted in the Vedic lore …
DD-3 … Above discussed stages also lead to a further stage of self realization of Taraka Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva i.e. self realization of sound of Raam (or Raam Naad) which shall be discussed in a later topic …
The realization of Raam Naad (i.e. sound of Ram) which as such is the liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva (Shiva Taraka Mantra) also denotes the accomplishment (or Siddhi) of Shakti Shiva Yoga i.e. union of one’s own inner divinity to the divine who rests within oneself … This shall be discussed in a later topic …
DD-4 … The sound of our current discussion i.e. Makar, also denotes the Brahmanaad or primordial sound of allness …
EE) Within this and the next topics of our discussion, is the self realization of all that was discussed in earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
FF … It is from the realizations of the state of our discussion, that the Vedic philosophy of there being an attributeless infinite being whose self expressed, self manifested, self present state is the entire macrocosmic creation (i.e. the entire macrocosm and its each microcosm) has originated …
And it is because of this reason that Vedas also refer to the fact that the Maker’s Makings (I.e. Brahmand) itself are a self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the same Absolute being (Brahman) …
GG … And thus basis above, everything, everywhere and everyone is none other than the same Brahman and it is due to this reason, that Vedas also say, that everything is divine … And since this fact is a universal one, so Vedas also say that each part of allness is also holding the same divinity … But the same truth is also stated in many later knowledge systems, which in turn proves that the much earlier Vedic lore is also the base of these later knowledge systems (i.e. those who hold such statements in their texts) …
And it was due to above discussed facts that the Vedic concepts which are discussed below had originated and where these concepts are related to all parts of macrocosmic speciology …
- Non violence towards all that ever is (Ahimsa) … Thus followers of Vedic lore’s were vegetarians primarily …
- Compassion towards all that ever is (Karuna) … This is an intrinsic part of traditional followers of Vedas …
- Motherly love towards all that ever is (Mamta) …
- Macro-Equanimity or Macro-Neutrality (Samta) towards allness and its each lesser or greater part …
- Non-prejudice and non-discrimination to all that ever is (Nishpakshta) …
- Unqualified boundless love towards all that is (Prem) …
- Sympathy towards all that is (Daya) …
- Satisfaction with what one has (Santosh) …
- Detachment to all that is (Pratyahara) … This is achievable through special paths only …
- Non discriminatory oneness towards allness (Brahmand Dharana) …
I was due to above reasons that non violence towards all forms of animated life has been intrinsic to Vedic lore and all that has directly originated out of the much-much earlier Vedic lore …
Any way of life (or even a belief) that relates to Brahman always has these aspects … And due to above stated reasons, such a way of life also relates to intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosmic creation and due to this reason, such a way of life also comes in perfect synchronism to the macrocosm within which it itself resides …
HH … When the realizing subtler vehicle travels through any of the three lighted jewels (which as such are symbolic of the trinity of Maker-Preserver-Rejuvenator), then the transit beyond the state of these three pristine jewels is through a secret passage which opens up from below these three jewel like lights …
Thus, this transit through the three pristine jewels and that too from a secret passage that is below each of the three pristine jewels, is like entering into the guidance of a Guru, but after saluting the Guru’s lotus feet and because these three lights are related to the Trinity …
If the subtler vehicle (Jivatman) of the aspirant can just sit below these lights and stay put there for a while, then a secret passage which leads to the Shuddha Chetan Tattva (or pure conscious element) just opens up … It is through this secret passage that the subtler reaches the Shuddha Chetan Tattva …
Only after entering into any of these three pristine lights does the symbol of OM and the the universal-verse (sound of ॐ) of pure yellow color gets self realized by an aspirant …
This symbol of OM is as if it is written within a triangular lighted shape like state which is made up of fine brightly lit up golden colored rays of light … And this is the state which has the earlier discussed suction effect on the subtler vehicle (Jivatman) of the aspirant i.e. it is due to this state that the subtler vehicle just gets pulled into it …
Irrespective of which of these pristine jewels are transited through by the subtler vehicle, the same symbol of OM is found to be present within that secret passage that leads to the next discussion (i.e. discussion on OM Naad) … This is depicted in below figure …

This passage to OM Naad (i.e. next topic) is lit up with uncountable numbers of very-very subtle golden colored rays of lights and this state just pulls the observing subtler vehicle into itself (as if the subtler is just pulled into this state by a very strong yet very subtle force) … This in turn means, that each of these pristine jewels (or the three pristine lights) are leading to the same self realization of Omkar or the pristine verse or the Mahamantra of OM ( ॐ ) or Lord of macrocosmic vitality (i.e. Pranava) or the Vedic symbol of OM …
The passage that opens up from below any of the three pristine jewels, is of a triangular shape (Broad at below and tapering to the top) and within all these passages the symbol of OM is there … So this realization also denotes that the innermost essence of each of these three pristine jewels is the same OM ( ॐ) only … This was also shown in above figure …
After the discussed transit completes, the aspirant arrives at the same symbol of OM ( ॐ ), which rests within a very brightly lighted state, that is composed of infinite number of upwardly moving light rays (i.e. moving towards the skull top) … These infinite number of light rays are the one which have been termed as Brahma Tattva (pristine elemental state of Maker’s Makings) by the sages who had known this truth and the same state is also termed as Shuddha Chetan Tattva by some other sages who had self realized it …
The symbol of Omkar ( ॐ) is seen to be always upright and is also seen to be always facing the subtler vehicle when this symbol (or OM) viewed from any direction within the brightly lighted golden colored state that is reached, after these three pristine jewels are transited through by the subtler vehicle …
Above also proves to an aspirant that irrespective of the side from where this symbol is viewed, it always stands upright and is also found to be facing the observing subtler vehicle of the aspirant (i.e. Jivatman) … This denotes omni-directionality of those knowledge systems which relate to this symbol of OM and thus such systems can only be those which are rested within the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation … And since the path of pluralistic monism only leads to entering into Absolute Monism of Absolute non-dualism, so this itself is the state which is eventually reached through the self realization of the state which this topic denotes and refers to …
And within that vast, subtle yet densely placed golden light rays is self realized the omnidirectional symbol of OM ( ॐ ) which symbolically denotes and represents Brahman (i.e. OM itself is the Brahmlingam) and this is in addition to the self realization of the omnipotent divinity of Brahman, who as such is addressed as Adi Parashakti (She also was the Brahmini of ancient times, but sadly this name is no longer utilized to address her)… And within this divine amongst all divine states that ever are, is realized the colorless pervader, who is addressed as Supreme being (Parabrahman) in Vedas …
II … Travel of subtler vehicle to Shuddha Chetan Tattva … Below figure is showing the condition of subtler vehicle (Jivatman) when it enters into the triangular shape (as was discussed in above parts of this topic) and thence it gets auto-propelled towards Shuddha Chetan Tattva which is just beyond the stage of our discussion (i.e. Makar) …
The state which this painting describes is of a very highly-luminous and extremely subtle golden color … But above painting does not do any justice to what the state of our current discussion actually is … Hence aspirants are advised to imagine it but basis above painting and below discussions … The colors of this painting also got dull after this was painted in 2011 AD (or closer to this time) …
When the subtler vehicle travels, then it is pretty similar to above picture except that the golden light of the real condition is very-very bright as compared to what is shown in above painting …
As the stage when the subtler vehicle enters the triangular secret gate below any of the three pristine jewels, the subtler vehicle is of a very subtle and almost transparent and shining golden yellow color which has no more streaks of other lights on it (as were told to be present during the earlier discussions on Akar and Okar) …
Thus after the self realization of the three pristine jewels, the subtler body (Jivatman) is found to be of an almost fully transparent golden-yellow color and this is how the Jivatman (subtler body) becomes after self realization of the three pristine jewels i.e. the sound of Makar of our current discussion …
As also the right channel which earlier had orange color (the color of Tejas) is fully let go at this state and thus the bodied state of the subtler Body (Jivatman) is like an almost fully transparent pure shining golden yellow color …
JJ … Makar … The final realization …
After transit of Makar which was discussed above, the aspirant self realizes that each of the three pristine jewels lead to the same Pristine element of the Maker (i.e. Brahma Tattva) …
Only after this fact is known does the subtler vehicle enter into a self realization of symbol of OM … And only after self realization of the symbol of OM, does the subtler vehicle merge to the symbol of OM and thence vanish from its own sight … This is the stage when the realizer, realization and realized become one …
This is also the stage where the aspirant lets go of all non real natures and thence becomes a silent witness to all that is as Maker’s Makings and its each part … This is the state of Atma Stithi (residing within the state of one’s own innermost essential nature), which has also been termed as Swaroop Stithi in many scriptures … And the same state of Atma Stithi is also the same state which has been termed as an afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) within the Yogic lore …
That’s all …