This topic shall discuss the Mathematics of universe or the universal mathematics of the divine mathematics, or simply Ganit …
This topic also continues from the previous one which had the header of “Avatar and divine instruments” …
During a much-much earlier incarnation, when I was a little student of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj and that too during the Swayambhu Manvantar, about 1.97 billion human solar years ago (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes), I had rendered this knowledge of “mathematics of universe” to humanity of that time …
And after this stage of knowing the mathematics of a universe, my Pujya Gurudeva (i.e. Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj) had renamed me as “Ganit” which means “divine mathematics” … And then I came to be known as “Maharishi Ganit (which means the Great sage of divine mathematics)” by my equals of that time span and also as “Ganitacharya (which means the teacher of divine mathematics)” by my students of that time …
In that incarnation I gave this world the following main concepts of mathematics, which are still used by humanity …
- The knowledge of Zero (Shunya) … This was through the path of “Shunya Samadhi of Yoga Tantra (i.e. Absorption within Emptiness or voidness of allness or simply Shunya Tattva or elemental Zeroness)” … This is already discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT progressed” and is also referred to in another topic of “As IT furthered itself” …
- The knowledge of Infinity (Anant Vijyan from which all Vedic concepts of Brahma Jnana has originated because Anant is Brahman only) … This was through the path of “Nirvikalpa Samadhi of Yoga Tantra (i.e. Absorption within that which has no alternates and thus is the perfectly non dual real one or Nirgun Anant Tattva … This is what leads to a direct cognition of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (who in Sanskrit is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … This is already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT originally was” and is also referred to in another earlier topic which has the header of “As IT eventually became” …
- The knowledge of Zero Infinity and Infinite Zero i.e. Shunya Brahman (Vishvakarman Vijyan or simply, Sriman Naaraayana Vijyan or Sadashiva Vijyan) … This was the knowledge of state which was intermediary of above two and could be termed as “Shunya Anantah, and simultaneously also is as Anant Shunyah”, which means “Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero” or simply the “original and eternal self expression of the attributeless infinite being” which itself is as a unioned state of that which is “Empty-Full and Full-Empty” and thus it becomes the progenitor of allness, including self origination of the creator deity (Pitamah Brahma Ji) … This is the real Shunyata (or emptiness) as was told by my Pujya Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (who as such is the revered Guru of my previous transmigrated incarnation) … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
- This has already been discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” and was also referred to in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
- Single digit numerals … i.e. Knowledge of numerals from 1 to 9 was also rendered in that earlier incarnation …
7-AA … Kaalchakra and mathematics …
All above knowledge which stands eternally rooted in knowledge of Kaalchakra (knowledge of cycles of time) is the base of the header of this topic i.e. mathematics of universe …
This is because of the fact that the universe itself is final proof of the mathematical genius of the Maker (Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
And since the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation within its own original “subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand)” is also present inside each aspirants microcosm (i.e. the physical and subtle vehicle or astral body of the aspirant) so those who have studied that inner universe have also said the same, but as follows … “The inner subtle impressional universe (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is also none other than another proof of the mathematical genius of the Maker” …
7-BB … Kaalchakra as a proof of Maker being the supreme mathematician …
I have no doubts when I state that the Maker (Pitamah Brahma Ji) is a great mathematician …
The entire corpus and unity of all that is gross (or manifest or here), subtle (or non manifest or beyond the gross) and impressional (Samskarik or that which is beyond subtle and gross) aspects of the Maker’s Makings prove this fact beyond all doubts … Thus what is told here as mathematics of a universe, is none other than the supreme genius of Maker’s mathematics or divine mathematics or simply Ganit …
Above becomes a fact then any aspirant would subtly study the universe and see the highly (or fully) inter-knitted matrix of above three states i.e. gross, subtle and impressional which as such are the root of an eternally cyclic existence of the universe …
This study also proves that the Maker itself is the supreme (or great) knower of the “innermost essence of Zero or the elemental Zeroness (Shunya Tattva)” which as such is the base of all cycles origination, sustenance, dissolution of allness and her each part … And this further leads to a self realization that the Maker is also a great knower of Infinity (Anant Brahman) within which Zeroness and allness of Maker’s Makings finally rests and which simultaneously also rests within Zeroness and all parts of allness …
7-CC … Kaalchakra as a base of knowledge of mathematics of a universe …
And since mathematics itself is the root of all other sciences, so here I shall mainly be relating to the root concept of mathematics of a universe …
This part of the topic is based upon my subtler observations which were conducted during those many-many subtle travels (Sookshma Sharira Gaman) of the subtle vehicle (Sookshma Sharira or the astral body or the astral vehicle), Antahkarana Chatushtaya (i.e. the causal body or the bliss sheath or Anandmaye Kosha ) and also of the other Siddha bodies (i.e. Siddha Sharira), all of which have already been discussed in earlier topics …
But to have these observations processed (by the brain of the physical vehicle of the aspirant) such subtle travels (astral travel) have to be in a conscious state as is of a “conscious absorption (i.e. Chaitanya Samadhi)” and not within the “unconscious or root absorption, which as such is termed as Jada Samadhi” …
So when the subtle travels (i.e. Sookshma Sharira Gaman) happen within a conscious absorption (Chaitanya Samadhi), then the brain (of the physical vehicle) is simultaneously processing the observed (or sighted) information …
Thus it eventually was the combination of these two i.e. subtle observation (by the astral vehicle) and gross processing of information (by the brain of physical vehicle) that was utilized as the primary tool to know this fact about the Maker being the supreme mathematician, which itself was after directly cognizing the concept of mathematics of the universe …
But at the same time, because the speed of travel of these subtler vehicles is extremely-extremely fast as compared to the information processing capabilities of the brain, so all above observations (and then the later calculations after the subtle vehicle (i.e. Sookshma Sharira) returned back to the physical vehicle) were conducted by accounting for an average of large number of observations …
And since this averaging would definitely cause some minor error (may be very minor as most of the observations and calculations from where the average value was derived, were very close in their values) … But at the same time, because these observations were conducted in a different realm (as is of the subtle vehicles) and then the further analysis and calculations were done in this gross realm (i.e. the physical realms of this planet where the physical vehicle rests) and since the speed of observations by subtler vehicles is much higher than the speed of analysis by the physical brain (when above subtle observations were made) so those who read the topics further from here onwards would definitely need to use their own common sense and discretion because there could be a possibility of presence of a little pepper in the vast amount of salt that is rendered in this topic of Kaalchakra …
And yet since the calculations that would be derived in this topic are free of variables of physical realms, so I also know that my derived values are closer to the actual that their scientifically derived counterparts …
7-DD … Kaalchakra as a path to self realization of the Absolute Being …
Since everything has its own time units, so everything has a different kind of dimensional cycle applicable to it as far as the four primary dimensions of Time (Kaal), Space (Akasha), Dasha (state) and Disha (directions or ways of life or paths of evolution) are concerned … And these cycles are also eternal and ever changeful in their aspects (and values) …
Since the cycles of dimensions itself are ever changeful and since the entire macrocosmic creation is directly related to these four primary dimensions, so the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part also maintains an ever changeful and eternally progressive state … This is what leads to a self realization that an “eternal non constancy of allness and her each part, is the only eternal constant within the entire macrocosmic creation” …
Above itself is the base of Vedic concept of time and thus Vedas have always told about this non constancy and its cycles and that too in a wide variety of ways … And it is due to this reason, there really remains no end time theory in Vedic lore as the Vedic concept of time is told to be ever changeful, cyclic and yet eternal … Those who read the Vedic knowledge properly, would know the fact of whatever is written here …
And yet all these are existent within the purviews (i.e. pervadement and envelopment) of the same finality of time (Kaal) which as such is none other than eternity …
And due to above two paragraphs the Vedic lore is commonly referred as Sanatan Dharma or the eternal way of life …
And since Vedas account for time and it’s ever changes, so Sanatan Dharma is also pluralistic in its nature (or ways of life or deities) as it accepts changes as and when they happen due to the demands of time and its eternal cycles … And since Vedas also refer to the eternal being (i.e. attributeless infinite being) whose self expression is everything else that is ever originated in form or formlessness, so Vedas also maintain their essential monist and non-dual nature, even within their intrinsically pluralistic nature … This is what makes the Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (or simply Sanatan Dharma) to be the only way (or path) of life which has the capability to diligently and successfully utilize the ever changeful hierarchies of macrocosmic creation and yet be capable to make an aspirant reach the self realization of the “ever same attributeless infinite being (or Brahman or Parabrahman or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm)” … And the root of this Vedic aspect is also placed within the knowledge of Kaalchakra (cycles of time) as mathematics is one of the original knowledge systems upon which the universe stands eternally rooted …
Due to above, all these ever changeful cycles of time, space, directions and states are also valid paths to know the eternal being, who as such is none other than the attributeless infinite Absolute (Nirgun Nirakaar or Brahm) and whose self expressed, self manifested and self present state is the entirety of Maker’s Makings, including her each part …
Thus basis above, Kaalchakra can also be as a path to self realization of the eternal being … Within this discussion, that Being who denotes eternity itself is the attributeless infinite Absolute (or in other words, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or simply Brahm) …
Moving on …
But to get to the self realization of that Supreme being (or Parambrahma), the cyclic and thus ever changeful nature of allness would need to be let go of … This was told so because Brahman (or Absolute) is the eternally un-changeful one …
Unless your own inner state comes in line with the state that you wish (or desire) to self realize (and/or unite to), you can never self realize that state … This same fact was told by the wise sages of Dharma (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) in a wide variety of ways …
- Unite to allness (Brahmand), to be allness … This is called as the accomplishment of Brahmand Yoga …
- Unite to your deity, to be that deity … This was told as Ishta Swaroop …
- To know Brahman, Be as Brahman … This is the final stage of Brahmpath …
- Know your own Atman, to be that Atman … This is the accomplishment of being Atma Swaroop …
- Know your Atman, to know Brahman … This is told as “Atman is Brahman” …
- One who knows Brahman, is Brahman … This was told as Brahm Swaroop …
- After knowing all above, rest quietly in isolation from all sounds of civilizations and thus continue within an inner calm which would also maintain peace in your surroundings (environment) …
This is because after above realizations there is nothing else to be ever known by you during any pending eternity of the Maker’s Makings or even beyond the Maker’s Makings (i.e. if you believe that there is a beyond, even when it really is not) +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above bullet point … Unless you happen to be a really unlucky one like me, who as per an earlier Gurudakshina also needs to distribute his knowledge to the world even after completing all above stages, don’t ignore this discussed requirement to be quiet (rest in peace) “prior to, during and after” all above stages are completed by you … Gurudakshina means a return gift to a Guru and this return gift is rendered in a way that is exactly as it was asked for by that Guru (But at the same time, a Guru can only ask his or her Gurudakshina after completing the teaching and/or initiation of the student and not prior to this stage) …
7-EE … Caution when utilizing the knowledge of mathematics of universe …
Since everything (i.e. every microcosm) is based upon its own specific time units, so what we observe or calculate with the time units (or unitary values of time) of this world and that too whilst based upon this world system, is not what we could get in our calculations when we would be calculating the same thing whilst based upon another world system and whilst utilizing the time units (or unitary values of time) of this world …
But above would not be the case if we were to utilize the time units of that specific world whilst calculating the values of things (like astronomical values) whilst we are based upon that world …
Thus basis above, when we stay at a world and observe things on that world or observe the same aspects from that world (as were observed whilst we were based upon this world) then we need to utilize the time units of that world and not this world or else the observed and/or calculated and/or derived values of these two cases would be very different from each other …
Thus if we have to get the correct value of things (like space constant etc.) from another world (or world system) whilst we are based upon that world system, then we need to use the unitary values of dimensions (of time, space, directions and state) that are of that world …
And if above is done, then the finally observed and/or calculated and/or derived values which we get whilst resting on this world (and whilst using the unitary values of this world) would be the same as the values which we would be getting whilst resting upon another world (and whilst using the unitary values of that particular world) …
Thus is above is not done then all values of all aspects of science (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, astrophysics and every other science except mathematics or Ganit) would be found to be different from their own calculations which are done from this world system or galactic system …
And even when above is true, the methods and equations which are told in this topic of Kaalchakra, would remain the same across all world systems of the entirety of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … Thus what would be discussed in further topics is a universal mathematics (universal science which itself is of the divine mathematics of creator or the mathematics of universe) provided the concepts are kept intact …
But in the previous paragraph the exception would always be of the variables and the so called constants of various fields of science (as eventually these constants also are found to be variables only) … And I shall be proving this fact through some mathematical derivations of equations of variations of values of these constants which is always there when we consider them over longer time spans …
And yet the fact has ever remained that the entire knowledge in this topic of Kaalchakra (including those mathematical derivations, which would also be taken up in later parts of these discussions) have eternally stood rooted in the header of this topic i.e. mathematics of universe and which would ultimately prove that Maker (Pitamah Brahma Ji) is the supreme (and thus eternal) mathematician …
Continues further …