This topic shall discuss the relationship of matter and energy, energy and matter and also to some extent, the Godly and Satanic forces of universe …
This topic is in continuity with previous one which had the header of “Measurement method and limitation” …
In the finality of things, energy is inert matter (or the non lighted inertial mass) and the same energy is also matter … That energy is who the Vedas address as Devi Maa and Maa Shakti, who eventually is the one that is present in many form and formless manifestations …
As a matter of fact, below is absolutely true …
- Energy is divinity … Energy is supreme power … Energy the mother of all …
- From the effects of energy, everything originates …
- To energy, everything proceeds during their evolutionary existence …
- To energy everything finally returns back, prior a final exit (or liberation) …
- Eventually matter is nothing energy which has condensed herself in a mattered state … So when the stage of existence of matter as matter ends, then it again enters back into its own parental state i.e. energy …
- Energy never dies … And since matter itself is energy, so when we see this fact about matter and that too across all the cyclic existence of matter, then we also come to know that matter is also an eternal entity as far as the totality of its existence across various gross and subtle states of Maker’s Makings is concerned …
- Matter and energy are interconvertible in addition to being intra-convertible …
- Thus is the inter-convertibility and root relationship of matter and energy … And vice versa …
And due to above are the following facts …
- Total quantum of macrocosmic energy is an eternally constant value …
- Since root of matter is energy, so macrocosmic mass is also an eternally constant value irrespective of which microcosm originates, which microcosm evolves and which microcosm exits out of the allness of Maker’s Makings (i.e. the microcosm or aspirant is finally liberated) …
- Thus the mass of Maker’s Makings is an eternally constant value and this is even when everything that rests within the Maker’s Makings is only resting in an eternal flux (ever change) …
- This eternal flux of each part of allness is due to the effects of “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” … This principle shall be discussed in detail in a later category of topics which would be dealing with the “Principles and Process” of the Maker’s Makings (i.e. Siddhant and Tantra of Brahmand) … And that part shall also be dealing with the further sub-processes (Upa Tantra), centers (Pantha) and laws (universal constitution or Brahmic Samvidhan) of the same Maker’s Makings (or Brahmand) whose root is also the same primordial energy on which the discussions of this topic are based …
28-AA-1 … Within galactic core … Relation of matter and energy, energy and matter …
As was discussed in the earlier topic, the galactic cores (or all planes of existences and universes) simultaneously hold the creation, preservation and destruction-rejuvenation principles … And understanding the operation of these principles through their energy fields is what led to a final understanding of the header of this topic …
Important note: No lay (or untrained) aspirant should ever try to make his (or her) subtle vehicle to enter the galactic core … This is as if you are not an adept of subtle travels, your astral would dissolve inside the galactic core itself and then you would only end up continuing your incarnation as a mindless human … And also a fact that those aspirants who manage to survive the entry (and a further stay of their astral vehicle in the galactic core) also end up in lesser or larger degree of nervous energy problems, which ultimately would become a reason for their sufferings (or even death) … I also had severe problems in this state and even when I managed to survive all those times when I had entered this state, but yet after these experiences my nervous energy has never been normal (as it earlier was) … The same galactic core in its much smaller size is also within each aspirant because in a subtle impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) the entire multi-universe (Brahmand) is also present within each aspirant …
Basis all these years of astral travels and thence those much subtler causal travels and also those further travels where the vehicles that get utilized to transit through those divine states are even subtler than the astral and causal body (as these travels are by utilizing one or another of those many-many Siddha Sharira or accomplishment vehicles) I have also come to believe that matter in its original form, is energy and there really is no mattered state which does not hold these energy fields (because energy itself is the original parent of all mattered states) …
By above paragraph I mean that matter in its original form is none other than Maa Shakti (or Devi Maa) or the primordial mother of allness (or Maa Pradhan) or pristine divinity of the divine being (or Maa Adi Shakti) or the root of activity principle (or Kriya Siddhant) …
Within the Vedic knowledge systems these same energy fields (or macrocosmic and beyond fields of divinity) were the ones which were reverently addressed as Devi Maa or Maa Shakti or Mother of allness, who self-manifests herself within infinite number of forms and formless states (or uncountable number of form and formless, gross and subtle microcosm’s) …
It is from these energy fields (or Devi or Maa Shakti), that matter had originally originated … It also is within the pervadement and envelopment of these primordial energy fields (i.e. Devi Maa) that matter has eternally rested … And it also is to these energy fields of the same Devi Maa, that matter shall be finally returning back after the matter has lived through the entirety of its destined time span as is to eventually be within all of the gross and the subtle states of the Maker’s Makings …
As also during the destined time span of existence of any matter or mattered state (like a human microcosm) this destined time span is also such that the microcosm (or mattered state) shall also have to transit through all states, modes and conditions of existence which always includes inertial existence (existence as inert matter as was prior to origination of mattered microcosm), cyclic existence (i.e. our current state of existence), acyclic existence (state of existence of Gods of all religions), neutral existence (i.e. existence in macro-neutrality), actional existence and also an emanatory mode of existence which is arrived by matter when it enters into voidness (or Shunya Tattva) …
Unless all these modes of existences are transited through by matter (and also by all mattered entities) a final liberation would only remain a distant dream for that mattered state because in absence of such a fullness of transit through the allness of Maker’s Makings and her each part, that mattered state cannot even be deemed to be that which has completed a full circle of the process of its own evolutionary existence … And unless this full circle of evolutionary process is successfully accomplished, liberation would only remain a distant dream and this statement is irrespective of “who or what” you may believe in or reject …
And one of the ways to transit through all conditions, modes and states of existence is to make your own subtle vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) to enter a macrocosmic state and thence rest there so as to prove to the macrocosmic creation that you have transited through that subtle state … And then to go beyond that subtle macrocosm and enter into an ever subtler macrocosm, you begin using your own causal body (which is also called as Anandmaye Kosha or causal vehicle or Bliss body or Antahkarana Chatushtaya and the same vehicle can also be termed as the Bliss Sheath and which is also called as the Anandmaya Kosha) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And when this stage gets completed, then only would you have to enter into divine states so as to register your transit through them too … But to enter into those divine states you would also need to utilize your own Siddha Sharira (accomplishment vehicle) to enter into those divine modes of existence …
Continuing with above paragraph … And finally after such a slow yet steady process of transit through allness as is by using above stated vehicles, you would also end up proving to the macrocosm that you have actually transited through her own allness and each part … Unless you reach this stage, you can never prove to the Maker’s Makings that you have completed a full circle of the entire evolutionary process …
This is because such a subtle mode of transit of your own subtle, causal and accomplishment vehicles would also denote that you have entered into those beyond states, modes and conditions of existences and thus this accomplishment would also make you qualify to exit out of allness and her each part and thence enter into an evolutionary ripeness and rightness that is also needed to be finally emancipated (i.e. finally isolated from allness and her each part) …
Continuing with above paragraph … This chance of exit from allness and her each part (i.e. evolutionary ripeness and rightness to be liberated) only comes by because once an aspirant has already been within all parts of allness, then there remains nothing more to be known by that aspirant and this as such is the stage where the macrocosmic creation (or Maa Shakti or Devi Maa or Maa Prakriti) herself shows the exit path to such an aspirant …
Proceeding further …
And an alternate to above paragraph is to incarnate upon each of above discussed gross, subtle, causal and divine planes and thence de-incarnate also upon each of these so as to prove the same fact to the Maker’s Makings that you have actually transited through all her hierarchical parts (i.e. through all her hierarchies of subtleties and grossness) … But this would only make the time span of your existence within the Maker’s Makings to be nothing short of being phenomenally long … Thus the time span of your existence in such a method of evolution would be nothing short of being incalculable and thus the undefined eternal … It to cut this time span considerably short that the ancient Vedic sages had distributed the knowledge of inward path (i.e. Self realization or Atma Gyan) …
Unless either of above stated two aspects of traversing through “allness and her each part” are utilized to complete what was discussed above, liberation (or final isolation from allness of Maker’s Makings) would only remain a distant dream irrespective of whatever or whoever you may relate to or believe in …
Proceeding further …
Irrespective of whether you call the pristine energy fields as Devi Maa (divine motherly principle) or as Prakriti (which in English language also means as Mother Nature) or Pradhan (or Primordial Mother) or Shakti (divinity or energy) or anything else, she is the same Devi Maa (Mother of allness) in her varied forms and she is also present all over (or in the entirety of) the pluralistic-macrocosm … This is what makes the root of intrinsic pluralism (Bahuvaad) of the Maker’s Makings …
And simultaneously irrespective of the varied microcosmic states in which she self manifests herself, since she by herself is the one who is the underlying base of all the originated, gross and subtle microcosms and since all these originated microcosms are also resting within the envelope of greater macrocosmic creation and thus are as unbroken parts of the same Maker’s Makings, so due to this reason within her base state (or underlying state) she is also the absolutely non-dual (singular) and thus is reason for her to also be rooted upon an absolute monism (which in Sanskrit language is termed as Advaita and which also means as “non dual”) …
Devi is the root of energy who itself is the root of macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna), macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) of these two (i.e. Rajoguna and Tamoguna) …
Thus basis above paragraph, it is pretty apparent that without Devi Maa (or Maa Shakti) there is neither any matter nor any existence of matter nor even any evolution of mattered states nor is anything else ever possible without her and this statement is applicable to the entirety of this “intrinsically pluralistic and yet essentially monistic” macrocosmic creation …
And thus all concepts of liberation and bondage, paths to liberation and also all the conditions, modes and states of existence would also not be possible to be accomplished in any case if Devi Maa is not accounted for in your own evolutionary process (or systems of your evolutionary process) …
And since the macrocosm within its energy state (or Devi Maa or Maa Shakti) is also present within each microcosm (each aspirant) so due to this reason each microcosm is also none other than being a self manifestation of the same Devi Maa (or the “ever-same divinity of the ever-same divine being”) only …
But at the same time, since Shakti is inseparable from Shiva and Shiva also inseparable from Shakti, so above also means that each microcosm is naught but a manifestation of the Supreme being (Paramshiva) and its own pristine beingness (Devi Maa or Maa Adi Parashakti, or simply Maa Shakti) …
And since Parabrahman is also one of the names of the same Paramshiva, who itself is the root of all that is as Maker’s Makings and her each part, so it was also due to this reason that the self-realized, all-realized sages had also told statements like “Everything is Brahman” and there also are statements like “Shivohum, when when translated in English means as I am Shiva (or Shiva Am I)” … All these statements are only denoting that “each beingness and entity is as divine as the divinity (or Devi Maa or Maa Shakti) of the divine being (Brahman or Shiva or call it by any other good name as per your languages) itself is” … Such statements are also referring to the ever-same primordial divinity of the divine being i.e. such statements are also referring to the same Devi Maa, who is also addresses as Maa Adi Shakti (or Maa Adi Parashakti) …
The word Shiva means supremely auspicious one or the supreme auspiciousness principle which pervades (or permeates), envelopes and also self manifests as Allness and her each part …
And since Shiva is Shakti and Shakti also is none other than Shiva, so basis this fact Shakti is also none other than being the pristine auspiciousness of the supremely auspicious one (or Shiva) …
And the same fact is also there within unity of matter and energy as both these (i.e. matter and energy) are naught but manifestations of the same energy (or Shakti) only … And where Shakti herself is Shiva only … So whether we say Shakti or we say Shiva, it really does not make any difference at all …
It was due to this reason that as per my experiences during subtler states, I came to know that “matter and energy (or in other words, energy and matter) are inseparable and are also interchangeable (or interconvertible)” …
It is also due to this innermost unity of matter and energy that undertaking cosmic measurements (by utilizing the astral body, which is also called as the astral body and which in Sanskrit language means as the Sookshma Sharira) is possible as discussed in this topic of Kaalchakra …
As a matter of fact, it is also due to this unity of matter and energy that irrespective of whether we consider mattered states or energy of such states, the same results would be there as far as the ratios of the discussed “Cosmic measurements” and their method (as was discussed in earlier topic of “Measurement method and limitation”) are concerned …
Proceeding further …
Within the originality as was prior gross and subtle matter had formed from the primordial energy (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti or Maa Shakti or Devi Maa) matter itself was energy … Energy is thus the original and subtler purely-energetic state of matter …
And as long as matter exists in a mattered state within any part of the Maker’s Makings, that same energy is the one within whose envelopes that matter rests and simultaneously the same primordial energy being subtler also happens to be the pervader (or permeator) of all mattered states (all of which had originated out of the same primordial energy only) … Thus even when matter exists as matter, the same energy is the one which drives matter through the entire process of its evolutionary existence …
And in the final state that would be arrived after the originated matter completes its designated lifetime within its mattered state, then that matter would again be returning back to the same primordial energy state only …
And in such a state where matter returns back to its primordial base (i.e. primordial energy) matter and energy are indistinct from each other because in such a condition of finality of existence of matter, that earlier matter is energy only …
Thus basis above discussions, the originality and finality of matter is the same primordial energy … And when matter is still evolving within any of the macrocosmic states, then also energy remains as a pervader, enveloper and driver of the manifested states of matter … Due to this fact, eventually the root of entire evolutionary process of matter is none other than the same energy only …
When energy (Maa Shakti) accumulates at a point within space and thence it condenses, matter gets originated … And when that matter expands suddenly, then that matter keeps turning subtler until it again reaches back to the same energy (Maa Shakti) state … Thus your own physical and subtler vehicles are also none other than one or another of the vast number of aspects of the gross and subtle manifested states of the same primordial energy only …
Thus within this final state of realization, energy is matter and matter itself is none other than energy … Originality of matter was energy and this energy state shall also be the finality of matter (i.e. after matter has lived its destined time span and thence it returns back to the same energy which as such is the inner root or origination, existence and dissolution of all matter) … And because these two are one and the same, so these two (i.e. matter and energy) are also inseparable, in addition to being inter-convertible and intra-derivable …
Proceeding further …
During those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and also of those further transmigrated incarnations, accomplished sages (i.e. Siddha’s) were never cremated or buried or anything else … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
Above was because of the fact that the physical body of the one who is a fully accomplished one used to vanish if it was kept in a state where it was not acted upon by other organisms … This vanishing of physical bodies of such sages used to takes place in “about” one lunar cycle …
And due to this reason, the Siddha’s were just left in an orange colored envelope (tent or anything that covers the body and saves it from being acted upon insects and other organisms) or inside dark caves, where these Siddha’s were given the necessary time (or about one lunar cycle) to vanish their own physical bodies i.e. turn back the matter (which forms the physical body of that Siddha) into energy and thus allow such a Siddha to take that light-energy with him (or her) and into his (or her) divine abode …
During ancient times, many Tantric systems used to have practices which could lead an aspirant to the discussed stage of above paragraph … But this knowledge vanished when the Agama monasteries of Sanatan Dharma which were at Taxila, were burnt down (These were run by the ancestors of the family to which I have arrived through the process of transmigration, this time around) …
And when I study the impressions (Samskaras) of those times as are within the consciousness plane of this world (i.e. Samskaras of those times which are still present inside the Bhu Chitta) then it is also pretty clear that only some of the parts of this vast knowledge system (i.e. only some of the texts) which were transferred to Tibet and other parts to some places in southern India, have been preserved as of now … What the modern world calls as Taxila university (this currently is in Pakistan) was known as Agama Sampradaya during those much-much earlier times which are being referred here and that university used to have texts which were rendered by vast number of accomplished sages (Siddha’s) … In fact when I study the “impressions (Samskaras)” which as of now are present within the “consciousness plane of this world (i.e. Bhu Chitta)” then it is also very clear that the entire Tibetan Buddhism is nothing but Agama Sampradaya of ancient India when Tibet was known as Indrapuri (or the seat of Devaraja Indra or the seat of ruler of divine worlds) … Thus after this study I also know that the names “Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism” are nothing but a serious misnomer …
These practices where Siddha’s were left in a cloth home or were left encased in a cloth which was placed in a cave (so as to give them time to make their bodies vanish) were also based upon the same fact of inter-convertibility of matter and energy … And because the wise sages knew this fact, so they just left the de-incarnated body of any accomplished one (i.e. a Siddha) and did not cremate or bury it or feed it to birds or animals or worms as these sages knew that the bodies of a Siddha would ultimately convert to light and then they would also vanish as light … This light is six fold (i.e. made up of six orbs) …
These practices of cremating or burying the dead bodies were never applied to any Siddha who had directly realized this fact, that matter and energy are inter-convertible and had also realized that the entire macrocosm within its primordial subtle impressional (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahman) or simply an energy state of macrocosm, is also present within each gross manifested state of all animate microcosms …
And because the matter has only originated from primordial-energy (Shakti or Devi or Motherly aspect of Maker) so after the matter has lived its designated lifetime which also runs within all states, conditions and modes of existence that are present within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, then it shall again be returning back to the same energy fields from which it had originally originated … This is a matter of fact and I hold no doubts regarding it …
Even within its manifested state, most of the universe is energy and that energy which makes most of the universe, is in a highly compacted (or highly compressed or condensed) state which has a non-lighted envelope around it … This highly compacted energy is also non lighted and inert in its nature and this is what I have termed as inert matter (or inertial mass) in this text …
This non lighted inert matter (or inertial mass) floats like a sea of sorts within all parts of the universe and also within those states which are just beyond the universal envelopes …
This non lighted inert matter (or inertial mass) is also the one which forms majority of mass (and energy) of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … This is of a highly compressed state of energy and when a very-minor part of it expands, then it is capable of originating an entire universe out of itself …
The same energy is also the reason for maintenance of the universe within a knowledgeable-conscious-active state because these three aspects are also driven (or propelled) by the same primordial-beyond divinity (or Maa Adi Parashakti) or simply, the original energy state of the macrocosmic creation …
28-AA-2 … Relationship of inertial mass or Inert Matter to the great divinity …
By the word great divinity, I mean the primordial energy or Maa Mahakaali …
Inert matter or inertial mass was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” and was also referred to in the topic of “As IT eventually became” …
I have stated this compressed state of energy as the “non lighted inert matter or inertial mass” within this text and it is from this inertial mass which actually is a highly compressed state of energy, that everything originates, everything is sustained and finally everything is also dissoluted into the same primordial energy itself …
This inert matter or inertial mass which actually is a highly compressed state of primordial energy, has a non-lighted envelope at its outer periphery … These inertial masses are like microscopic specs which float in large groups (and each group also made up of large number of these microscopic inertial masses) around and within each plane of existence of the entire universe … This is how I saw it during my subtler travels …
As also, these non lighted inert matters (or inertial masses) are also “almost” homogenously distributed within each of the planes of existences of each universal sphere of the entire macrocosmic creation …
And if this inertial mass is disturbed, then Devi Maa (or Maa Shakti) spontaneously springs out (self-manifests) from that inertial mass … This is also as per experience …
By experience I know that the Devi-Shakti who manifests out of the inertial masses (when these masses are disturbed) is none other than Maa Mahakaali of the Vedic lore … The word “Mahakaali means the great-divinity of the great-time” … The “great time” was stated as Mahakaal aspect of Bhagwan Shiva … The word Mahakaal or great-time only means the “eternal time” because of the fact that within the Vedic lore, there cannot be two greats and thus the Maha or Great of Vedic lore, only means the Supreme … In an earlier topic we have already discussed the Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga …
This Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga is a stage that is further to accomplishment of Bhadra Bhadri Yoga and it is also also further to the accomplishments of Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga and also further than the accomplishment of what was discussed as the Body of Christ, all of which have also been discussed earlier …
There is no higher divinity than this great divinity (i.e. Mahakaali) of the great time (Mahakaal) whose knowledge is of Kaal (time) and its eternally cyclic nature (Kaalchakra) … Thus the knowledge of this topic (of Kaalchakra) is also directly related to Bhagwan Mahakaal Shiva and Devi Maa Mahakaali …
Mahakaali is the primordial energy of macrocosmic creation (Adi Prana Shakti) and she is also the Paramdevi Maa i.e. Maa Mahakaali is one of the aspects of the supreme divinity (or Maa Adi Parashakti) of the Absolute Being (Paramshiva), but only after Paramshiva self-manifests as the supreme time or eternity (or Bhagwan Mahakaal Shiva) …
Proceeding further to understand the word Mahakaali and Mahakaal …
Maha means Great, Kaali also means non-lighted, so basis this, the word Mahakaali, means the great non-lighted energy or divinity (or Shakti) of the macrocosmic creation … This state is like a sea of seas of inertial masses which are as highly compressed states of energy fields that form the root of the entire macrocosmic creation and which keep floating within and around each plane of existence of each universe …
And at the same time, Maha means Supreme, Kaali means “of eternal time”, so basis this, the word Mahakaali also means “pristine divinity of eternal times” …
Thus the word Mahakaali only denotes the Paramdevi (Supreme divinity), Param Shakti (Supreme energy), Parashakti (energy of those states which are beyond all beyondness that is ever known or imagined), Adi Parashakti (Primordial-beyond- divinity or energy), Adi Shakti (Primordial divinity or energy) of the macrocosmic creation (Here I did not use the term universal creation as she is present within all universes that were traversed during these decades of subtler travels as have been during the current transmigrated incarnation) …
And the word Mahakaal means the great-time or supreme time … And supreme time is only referring to the eternal time who holds the eternal principle (or Sanatan Siddhant) … Eternal neither has a beginning nor has any end and thus by itself the eternal is the timeless being (Akaal Purusha or Akaal Purukh) … Within the Vedic lore’s, the timeless being is also a self manifestation of the Absolute being (i.e. The Absolute being self manifests itself as the supreme time or Mahakaal) …
The self manifestation of the Absolute being (or Paramshiva) as the Lord of eternal or supreme time (i.e. Mahakaal Shiva) in turn leads to the stage where the pristine divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti) self manifests herself as the eternal-divinity of that supreme or eternal time … This self manifestation is of Maa Mahakaali, who herself is the self manifestation of the supreme mother of allness (or Maa Adi Parashakti) … Thus Maa Mahakaali is Maa Adi Parashakti only …
And in its finality, the Mahakaal also means that who is the “Zero which is infinite and simultaneously also is the Infinite which is Zero (i.e. Shunya Brahman, which we have discussed in an earlier topics of “As IT self expressed itself” and also in another earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” … So Mahakaali also means, the divinity of Zero-Infinite who itself is the Infinite-Zero … And since everything rests within this Zero infinite who itself is self realized as the Infinite Zero, so Mahakaal is also the pristine and original divinity of all that ever is during any of the stages of the triplicity of times …
And since the divine and its divinity are inseparable like the sun and its light (or even the moonless-starless night and its utter darkness), so Bhagwan Mahakaal (or supreme time or Lord of time) also is none other than Maa Mahakaali (divinity of supreme time or eternity) … They are eternally unioned to each other and thus are the eternally inseparable ones …
So those who know Bhagwan Mahakaal Shiva also know Maa Mahakaali … And vice versa of this statement are also true …
28-AA-3 … Upon contact with the non lighted inertial masses (inert matters) …
During my subtle travels, as soon as I used to touch the non-lighted inertial masses which are floating in groups across the universal space (which as such was with an intention to enter into them and then see what is inside them) then highly luminous Maa Mahakaali used to self-manifest out of those inertial masses and very strong bursts of multicolored lighted energies used to burst out of her human form (that used to get manifested at those times which I used to try to enter into any those inertial masses, so as to study them and know what is inside them) …
And at that state when Devi Maa Mahakaali used to self manifest (I mean, spontaneously spring out) of the inertial masses which I used to wish to enter into (and also try to enter into them) then at such times due to the humongous nature of her projected energy, the subtler traveling vehicle used to get such a shock that it used to just rush back to the physical vehicle and enter inside the physical vehicle with a huge-thud …
This sudden entry of the astral vehicle into the physical vehicle was like a blow of sledge hammer inside the head, heart and then the entire physical vehicle and sometimes I even became unconscious due to this suddenness of entry of the travelling astral vehicle into the physical vehicle and the hammer like energy blow that used to be felt at such times …
And even after arriving back to consciousness, the after effects of those sledge hammer like energy blow (which was when the astral used to rush back to the physical vehicle and enter into it as soon as possible) used to keep continuing for days …
Thus sudden entry of astral vehicle into the physical vehicle was always there after the astral vehicle was touched (or better if I say, after the astral vehicle used to come in contact) by those humungous energy fields of Maa Mahakaali (or Maa Paramdevi) which are present inside each of those microcosmic non lighted specs of inert matter (inertial masses) that are floating in the universe …
And since there really is no energy field stronger than her (or in other words, no divinity is higher than Mahakaali) so she is also stated as the final amongst the ten great-knowledge (or Dus Mahavidya) systems …
But since I has to know what really is inside these inertial masses had to be known, so I tried to enter them more than a few times, but every time the same experience as is stated in previous paragraphs used to happen … So I really do not know what is inside these inertial masses, except that the energy field of these inertial masses, is of Maa Mahakaali (i.e. divinity of great-time) and those energy fields are of a very huge and unimaginable quantum …
All that I can say is that these inertial masses are like highly compressed energy fields that are of a non-lighted state and in the entire-corpus of energy that these highly-compressed and compacted inertial masses hold; these energies are of Paramdevi Maa or Maa Mahakaali in her infinite formless state …
I say so because she in her human form was the one who used to self-manifest out of each of the inertial masses and this kept happening whenever I used to try to enter into these inertial masses (with an intention to see what these inertial masses are like) … She also happens to be one of the main forms of my divine-omnipresent mother i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti and that too whilst she is resting in a human form and simultaneously she is also present in her formless state due to the fact that she is also an omnipresent divinity (i.e. she is also present inside each microcosm) … In fact when the Kundalini Shakti crosses past the Ashtama Chakra (which in other words, is also called as Eighth chakra as we have already discussed earlier and which itself is through the path of Shiva Taraka Naad, which has also been discussed earlier on in this text) then also it is into the vast envelopes of an infinite expanse of “formless state of Maa Mahakaali” that the aspirants consciousness enters …
And basis experiences, as far as Maa Mahakaali is concerned, She is formless and she is also in a human form … And in addition to this, she is also the primordially original self manifestation of the supreme mother of allness (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) and due to this reason, she is also the divinity who simultaneously is beyond what these two terms (of form and formless) are denoting …
As also basis experiences, she is atomic and she is also of the size as big as the universe and simultaneously since she is also present in the entirety of the multi-universal creation, so she is also the universal divinity of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Thus the name of this text (i.e. Maker’s Makings) is also denoting Maa Mahakaali only … And the slogan of this text (i.e. Myself Within Myself) is primarily denoting Bhagwan Mahakaal Shiva (as Shiva only worships himself) and due to this reason, this text is primarily denoting the union of Shaiva path (i.e. the path of auspicious being) to the path of its own pristine divinity (i.e. Shakta path) …
The same union of the “great time and divinity of the great time (i.e. Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga)” which is eternally there within the macrocosmic creation, also happens inside the physical vehicle of some aspirants who have arrived at their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into the stage of this inner-union of Maa Mahakaali and Bhagwan Mahakaal … This is the higher of all unions ever possible (I have already discussed this in an earlier topic of “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” …
The energy of inertial masses (i.e. Maa Mahakaali) eternal was, ever is and shall eternally remain as the original base and the primordial energy of the entire macrocosmic creation … She is the eternally same energy and yet she is the one who remains existent within all of those uncountable number of inertial masses which exist in the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … Due to this reason even when these inertial masses may seem to be many (and thus the energy of these inert masses may seem to be divided into many parts) yet it eventually is the same energy of Maa Mahakaali only …
And these divisions are only because of the fact that the primordial energy desired to become many and thus, many she eventually became … This fact is stated in Vedic lore as …
Which means …
I am one, yet I manifest as many
This statement is also related to the same pluralistic monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) which I have referred at many places in this text and which as such would be the primary path within the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) … Thus Maa Mahakaali and Bhagwan Mahakaal would also be as primary deities within that incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
Thus irrespective of which energy field is experienced by anyone, the underlying reality of these energy fields is just the same great divinity (or great energy or Maa Mahakaali) who herself is a self expressed state of the supreme mother of allness (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) …
And if the aspirant has arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to self-realize above paragraphs fact, then this fact cannot even be missed out …
And on the contrary, all those who have not arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know this fact, would only say that whatever is told here, is totally incorrect …
28-BB-1 … Origination of allness … And concept of godly and satanic forces …
Due to the extremely compressive forces that are present within various isolated-parts of the universe and which itself is due to an accumulation of energy flows at these points, the energy fields at these points condenses into matter …
If the compressions are lesser in quantum and spread over a slightly longer time span, then depending upon these two aspects various types of matter gets originated within the universe …
And if compressions are spontaneous (very sudden) and also are of a huge quantum, then this leads to stage where a sudden high compression of a vast quantum of energy takes place … This is what leads to origination of the non lighted inert matter (or inertial mass) …
Various types of gross and subtle mattered microcosms that get originated are dependent upon the types of energies fields that get compressed and these differences of mattered states are also dependent upon the sequences and quantum’s of compressions that happen during the origination process of matter … In addition to above, the time span to compress energies is also a factor which determines the type of matter which gets originated …
The knowledge of this paragraph was utilized in alchemy and was also utilized by those sages who are the progenitors of the entire human race (starting with Manu Maharaaj or father of mankind) … And it was due to utilization of this knowledge that the Vedic lore states that the wife of such and such sage sages wife or deity (goddess) had given birth to so such and such parts of the macrocosmic speciology, some of which also were nowhere close to being human and divine …
Thus within the Vedic lore, there are instances of plants, animals and even Deva (divine beings) and Asura’s (Satan or demons) being born out of such divine motherly deities (wives of some sages who had manifested in a human form) … All these were due to utilization of this knowledge of origination of matter …
When matter gets severely compressed (due to pressure surges or sudden contractions), then it also cries out loud (there are very loud cries are heard at such a time, as if someone is shouting, wailing, fighting, howling etc.) … This leads to origination of troublesome energies, which are told as demonic in scriptures across religious lore’s … And the reverse leads to origination of Godly forces i.e. when matter expands …
The Godly forces are thus related to an expansive state of “oneness to allness” and thus they also allow a critical self analysis (an independent analysis) … And on the contrary, Satanic forces always try to restrict their aspirants (i.e. compress the expanses of knowledge to a single text and thus restrict the mind from union to allness and her each part) and Satanic (or negative) forces keep their adherents severely bound in one or another form of individual-dualism …
Expansive forces (or Godly) are sober and expansive (consciousness expands to greater heights) and thus due to having a higher expanse, these are also subtler … And contracting forces (or energies or Satanic forces) are always aggressive as they can only lead to restriction (consciousness begin contracting) which makes then grosser or restrictive …
Thus such contracting (or Satanic) forces and their systems are severely binding (and thus they always have aspects like “Thou shalt not be like or do that … Thou shalt only be like or do that”) … And it is due to this restrictive aspects that such systems are always individualistic as far as acceptance of an innermost divinity of allness and her each part, is concerned … And due to being restrictive, any deviation from their systems is something that they cannot ever afford, which itself makes such systems to become ever more restrictive (individualistic or monotheistic) as they keep progressing upon a world after they get manifested upon that world … Thus such systems are always individualistic (binding to a limited aspect instead of being freely and naturally related to allness) and thus they are also chaotic when this fact is seen in the longer run of the cycles of time … They always relate to one or another of individualistic or Egoistic Gods (or Abhimani Devata) …
Expansion causes subtlety and compression causes grossness … Thus the former is godly characteristic and the latter is a satanic aspect … And since both these godly and satanic (expansive and compressive respectively) forces eventually relate to the Maker’s Makings as far as their manifestation and existence is concerned, so they both are an equally intrinsic part of the same Maker’s Makings (or macrocosmic creation) …
Thus those who have known both through a direct cognition also enter into a state where they walk free of both these as they know that in their entire corpus, both these are eventually representing the same duality and thus are of no use for such a sage who has known allness …
Such aspirants are also the ones who eventually enter into the path of “Itself within Itself” as was discussed in the earlier topic, but this is only after waking successfully through the earlier path of “Myself within Myself” which has also been discussed earlier on in this text …
28-BB-2 … Inter-convertibility of matter and energy … Sustenance of allness …
And because these compressions are never in the same sequences and since the same quantum of energies also don’t get compressed at all locations in a universe, so there cannot ever be a condition where similar types and amounts of matters are present at all locations of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
And due to macrocosmic creation only based upon her intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously she is also based upon her own essential monism, so there also cannot ever be same types of energies present everywhere in the universe (as different types of energies are present at different points of the multi-universe) …
And it is due to above reasons that during the eternity of existence of a universe (i.e. larger microcosm) and its smaller parts (lesser microcosms like a plane of existence, a world or any other animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate part of macrocosmic speciology) varied types of matter and microcosmic states get originated and where the originated matter (and microcosm) also follows the same path as is of intrinsic pluralism of the macrocosmic creation, but only if this natural process of evolution is not tampered with through externally applied means (like those of individualistic systems) …
And simultaneously with above paragraph, since the root of matter is naught but the pluralistic yet monist nature of the universal divinity (or universal energy or Maa Mahakaali) so during its evolutionary origination and existence (which only ends up leading the matter and mattered entities to their own original energy state) the matter (and mattered states) also ends up following the path of essential monism of the macrocosmic creation … But this is also if the natural course of evolution of matter (and mattered entities) is not interfered with by making them to enter into some sort of individualistic (or monotheistic) way of life …
So basis above two paragraphs, since the foundational root of allness is the same pristine-primordial-beyond divinity or energy (i.e. Maa Adi-Parashakti) and since energy herself is pluralistic yet monist, so this is what ensures that the pluralistic existence of all parts of allness is also resting within an essential monism as far as existence and continuity of existence (or sustenance) of all that is originated within the Maker’s Makings is concerned …
As also, since different energy fields are originated from the same primordial energy (Maa Adi Parashakti), so different universes have differing energy fields at different points and due to this reason, all planes of existences are not carbon based (like this plane of existence and this part of the universe is) …
Some macrocosmic states are based upon much subtler elements and some of the planes are also based upon those elements which are not even present in the modern periodic table (I saw this fact by comparing the inner subtleties of the elements that are present here and elements that are existent at other part of this and other universes whilst I was subtly studying their planes of existences i.e. their galaxies, nebulas etc.) …
And when these macrocosmic primordial energies which are present at a specific point in space, get highly-highly compressed within very short periods of time (i.e. sudden compression surges are arrived at) then they manifest as microscopic non-lighted inertial masses (or inert matter) which keeps floating within the universe (and within the planes of existences) …
These inertial masses are highly-highly compressed states of energy fields … And as long as external pressures are maintained around these inertial masses, they continue to stay as non-lighted inertial masses (or as inert masses) which float freely in the vast space of a universe, whilst they continue to remain surrounded by highly pressurized state of primordial energy (which as such keeps them as inertial masses and thus does not allow them to expand) …
And when that external pressure (around these inertial masses) reduces a bit, then these very inertial masses begin releasing out vast quantum of energies into the surrounding space of the universe …
Until the effects of forces (that get generated by highly compressive energy fields) are present around inert matter, that inert matter stays as inert matter only …
And whenever these surrounding energies reduce their pressures on inert matter, then depending upon the spontaneity and quantum of reduction, either vast quantum’s of energies get released or gross (or physical) mattered states get originated or both these are effected out of the same inert matter itself … This origination of inert matter (and/or physical matter) from energies and the returning back of these originated states into their primordial energy, is also a continuous process within each universe … Thus within the Maker’s Makings, the process of creation, preservation, destruction, veiling and unveiling is a continuously present one …
These ever changing types, quantum’s and sequences of effects of energies which keep manifesting inert matter (and/or physical matter) in one part of the universe and also keep returning back other inert matters to life (i.e. earlier inert matter turns back into its energy state and/or into physical or subtler matter) in another part of the same universe, is the reason for the universe to be within its “eternal non-sameness of flows and dynamism” … By the phrase “eternal non-sameness of flows and dynamism” I mean that the types and quantum of flows at any single point are never in exact-sameness to any flow that was within any other part of that or any other universe … And it eventually is this “eternal non-sameness of flows and dynamism” that maintains an eternally non-stagnating dynamism and thus it also maintains the eternal changefulness of all that ever is begun within the Maker’s Makings …
This is what leads to a state that as far as the macrocosmic creation or her any part is concerned, “an eternal non sameness is the only sameness of the Maker’s Makings”, or in other words “an eternally changeful state of all parts of allness, is the only macrocosmic constant” …
And the universe is also kept in its eternal balance of gross and subtler states by this energy field itself … The release of energy field at one location, increases the pressures of energy at some other location(s) and thus when one inert matter releases its energy at any location within a universe, then at some other location of the same universe, some of the energy which gets accumulated there (or compressed there) forms into inert matter (if there is a high compressive surge experienced at that point of the universe) or as an alternate, that accumulated energy turns into physical matter (if the compressions are not spontaneous and are also not of a vast quantum) …
And this see-saw movement of matter to energy and energy to matter continues eternally, which in turn ensures an eternally changeful state of universal dynamism …
This also ensures an eternal non-sameness and thus an eternal non-stagnating state of universe, which itself is due to its eternally changeful state that is also maintained by these energies …
This maintenance of non sameness is also as per the requirements of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” and where sameness is also deemed to have arrived when the condition of any microcosm comes in sameness to the condition of any other microcosm that was ever existent within the macrocosmic creation …
And since from the macrocosmic point of view, this sameness is only deemed as a stagnation and since the stagnated entity always dies (dissolutes or dissipates) so such a stagnation due to sameness also leads to the same (exit of that microcosm from its then incarnated or manifested state) … Almost all dissolutions are due to this reason only …
Thus eternal non-stagnation is what ultimately ensures the eternal existence of the macrocosmic creation and where this eternal existence is even when everything is resting within an eternal flux and is also resting within their cycles of birth-existence-death (or in other words, eternal cycles of manifestation, sustenance of that manifested state for a while and then a dissolution or end of that manifested state into its original energy form) …
Thus an eternal change is also the reason for continued sustenance of allness and her each part and this itself is in addition to being the reason for origination of ever newer type of microcosm …
But the fact still remains that nothing could have originated if inter-convertibility of matter to energy was not there within the Maker’s Makings … And nothing could have become liberated, it inter-convertibility of originated matter to its original energy state was not there …
Thus basis above discussions, following is a matter of fact …
- During origination process … The original divinity or energy (Maa Adi Parashakti) is the one who converts herself to states where she can lead to origination of animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-animate microcosms of vast numbers and types (and of various characteristics) …
- During evolutionary existence … As the originated microcosm evolves, that energy which has condensed as microcosmic matter keeps turning subtler and ever subtler … And since subtlety is having a larger spread, so as any aspirant evolves, that aspirant also keeps getting based upon an ever higher “oneness towards allness and her each part” and thus also keeps getting based upon an ever larger aspect of pluralistic monism …
- This ever change is also due to fact that each microcosm always agrees to avoid (and thus it also tries to avoid) coming under adverse effects of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” … Thus this is what leads to state where “an eternal change remains as the only eternal constant” within any stage of evolutionary existence of any microcosm which has ever begun (or originated) within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
- During a final exit from allness (i.e. final liberation) … When any microcosm reaches such an inner subtlety that it can no longer relate to anything specific within the Maker’s Makings, then that microcosm also cannot be placed upon any of the gross and subtler realms of the Maker’s Makings … When this happens, then the macrocosmic creation (which as such is a conscious, knowledge and active entity) also knows that such a microcosm needs to be shown the final exit path from her own allness … This is the stage when that microcosm enters into the process of exiting out of the allness of Maker’s Makings … And when the actual ripeness and rightness do exit out of Maker’s Makings arrives, then this evolutionary stage is also that which leads such a microcosm to return back to its own original energy state …
- All above prove the header of this discussion i.e. Inter-convertibility of matter and energy …
Proceeding further to discuss a matter of fact about energy and matter …
- The primordial energy is the one which self manifests herself into varied types of energies (flows and dynamism) within the Maker’s Makings …
- The same primordial energy is also the one which self manifests herself into all gross and subtle states of matter …
- The same primordial energy is the one which sustains the originated matter and all mattered microcosms that exist within the Maker’s Makings …
- And finally, the originated matter also returns back to the same primordial energy …
- As also a fact that at all stages of existence and whilst the mattered states are still evolving, that mattered state also continues to eternally rest within the envelope of the same macrocosmic creation which is also originated from the same primordial energy …
- So this is what leads to the fact that the quantum of energy (or macrocosmic energetic mass) of the Maker’s Makings is an eternally constant value and where this eternal constancy is irrespective of which microcosm gets originated, which microcosm evolves and which microcosm goes beyond the Maker’s Makings …
- Thus is proved the correctness of the header of this topic i.e. sustenance of allness, which is also none other than an eternal sustenance only …
- And this is what ensures the eternal existence of the Maker’s Makings and this eternal existence is even when everything that rests within the Maker’s Makings (i.e. each microcosm right from the universe till the smallest atom) is only resting within an eternal flux (eternal change) …
This entire process is also an intrinsically-unbroken and thus is a partless-part of the Kaalchakra (or eternally cyclic nature of time) that is being discussed here …
Continues …