During the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) many words have lost their innermost meanings … And because these words have lost their innermost meaning, they are told as something different from what they actually denoted during those extremely ancient times … Emaho (or E-ma-ho or Ema-ho) is one of those words …
Describing Emaho … E-ma-ho …
As of now, many aspirants interpret the meaning of Emaho as wondrous, fantastic experience, surprise, amazement etc. … And there also are those who even begin describing the English letter meanings of the term Emaho (i.e. they begin describing teach of the five English letters which make the word EMAHO) …
But all above and more (which I have not listed here) interpretations are naught but fallacies because of the fact that this term is only based upon an inward Yogic experience and thus this word is describing that specific Yogic experience only … It eventually is this Yogic experience is discussed in this topic …
And because the Yogic experience which is referred here is only denoting the culmination of the earlier state of being out of the inward paths (i.e. this Yogic experience denotes the stage of entering into the Inward paths of Yoga Tantra) so this word of our discussion i.e. Emaho, is also referring to that Yogic experience of an initial entry into the inward path itself … It was due to this reason that the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar) had used this term (of Emaho) in his teachings because Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was also a Yogi only and so was I when I was his little student whom he had given a name which if translated in English language means “friend of allness” …
Thus this word is only of Yogic origins i.e. this word is only based upon Yogic experiences only …
And during those ancient times Tibetan plateau was a part of the Indian mainland and was addressed as Indrapuri (i.e. the city of Devaraja Indra or the city of the ruler of divine worlds or the seat of Indra on this planet) and the ranges (or expanses) of Indrapuri also included the entire Himalayan ranges (including the Tibetan Plateau, Indian Himalayas, Pakistani Himalayas and until some western parts of Myanmar) … At those ancient times, Indrapuri was the place of Yogi’s of Sanatan Dharma …
During those ancient times the greatest of Yogi’s used to live in Indrapuri as the remote areas of Indrapuri used to provide a perfect isolation from the sounds of human civilizations of those times and thus Indrapuri was the perfect place for Yogic meditations and those even higher practices which related to inward paths (or paths of self realizations or Atma Vijyan) …
In those days which were prior to the commencement of the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. prior “around” 3102 BC), the entire Himalayan ranges were named as Indrapuri and this name itself was because the seat of Devaraja Indra (i.e. seat of the ruler of divine worlds) was placed there by self realized, all realized Vedic sages … That seat of Indra is still in Indrapuri but it is hidden as of now and I have seen it more than a few times during my deeper meditative experiences …
Ema-ho and Kundalini Shakti …
The Yogic term Emaho denotes that particular rise of Kundalini Shakti (i.e. the rise of one’s own dormant divinity) from the base of spine till top of head where there is an excess of heat-luminosity experienced by the aspirant … And due to this excess of heat-luminosity, all of the seven plexuses (i.e. Sapt Chakra of Yoga Tantra) are opened up and their pathways (or subtle channels) fully cleared of all earlier stagnations …
And in addition to what is discussed in above paragraph, this sound is specific to a particular path which this rising divinity follows to reach the top of brain … This specific path is that which “primarily” is of the subtle right hand channel which is also termed as Tejas Nadi and Pingala Naadi in Yogic and Vedic lore’s … When the heat-luminosity of the Tejas Naadi (or Pingala Naadi) completely enters into the Sushumna Naadi (i.e. central channel) and thence it rises upwards through the central channel itself, is the realization of the state of “Sound of Emaho” of our current discussion, but provided the technique (of stopping the rising energy) as is written in later discussions is also undergone (or done) by the aspirant …
The same Pingala Naadi is also termed as Tejas Nadi (or channel of heat-luminosity), the hot channel, the sun channel (Surya Naadi), the right hand channel, the 99th sub-channel of the central channel (or Sushumna Nadi) and is also termed as the Rudra Naadi (i.e. the channel of Rudra Deva within each aspirant) …
The word Tejas means heat-luminosity and the word Pingala means Tawny (Tawny color) … This 99th sub-channel is of a tawny color and is having an excess of heat and luminosity …
Tawny color is of Rudra Deva and thus the channel of our discussion is also of Rudra Deva only (Rudra Deva has already been discussed in earlier topics of this text) … Rudra is a wrathful self-manifestation of the peaceful Aghora face of Sadashiva (Aghora has also been discussed earlier on) and thus the aspects of Rudra and Aghora (both of which are of Shiva only) balance each other …
The same Pingala Naadi when enveloped by emptiness (which is also manifested within those aspirants who have reached a certain Yogic hierarchy) glows in a tawny color which is enveloped by a blue color and which is further enveloped by the non lighted state of emptiness (i.e. Shunyata) …
And it is this condition that the Pingala Naadi was termed as “Krishna Pingalam” in the Vedas and where this Vedic term I.e. Krishna Pingala denotes none other than Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who himself-herself is the self-manifestation of non dual unioned condition of Rudra Deva and Raudri Devi …
In this condition of “Krishna Pingalam” Ardhanarishwara is in a state which is half Tawny and Half dark (blue) color … And the same Vedic knowledge which related to Krishna Pingalam, was taken by the Himalayan Yogis who depicted it as the unioned state of the blue colored Bhadra (i.e. Shiva or Rudra) unioned to Tawny colored Bhadri (i.e. Devi Raudri, who as such is the energy or divinity of Bhadra or Shiva or Rudra) …
And it is from the same knowledge of Krishna Pingalam as is stated in the Vedic lore, that the Tibetan knowledge of the unioned state of blue colored Samantabhadra and Tawny colored Samantabhadri is derived … Thus in reality Tibetan Buddhism is naught but a part of the vast (and further vast) Vedic lore …
When the Kundalini Shakti (i.e. the aspirants dormant divinity) becomes activated and thence it rises from the base of the spine and that too in such a way that the aspirant ends up self realizing Ardhanarishwara in the same state as was discussed in above paragraphs, is the state from where the sound of Emaho was self realized by Yogis and thence these Yogis had also distributed this knowledge to the inhabitants (aspirants) of Himalayan ranges who slowly but steadily carried that knowledge and distributed in into the main lands that were on all side of Himalayas … This is how the knowledge used to spread from the Sages and Yogis during those ancient times …
Thus this sound is only of a Yogic origin and not what is told about its meaning in the current times … And strangely even the so called high Lamas and Rinpoche’s of today have forgotten this knowledge of Emaho and yet that quote it in their talks …
Thus this topic is only to restore that knowledge, just as it was during the ancient times when Tibet was addressed as Indrapuri and the Himalayas were the land of Renunciate monks and Yogi’s of the highest orders on this planetary system … As also, in those days even when Indrapuri (i.e. present day Tibet) was an intrinsic part of Indraprastha (i.e. New Delhi of today) yet it was not controlled by any country as the rulers of those times believed, that it is better if only Devaraja Indra remains its divine ruler of Indrapuri and thus at those times, the Himalayas remains as a lighthouse of Vedic, Agama and Yogic knowledge unto this world … But sadly since a pretty long time this has not been the case in this world and thus this world has kept degenerating more and ever more since human ruler began ruling Tibet in lieu of its original ruler i.e. Devaraja Indra …
Now with above as a base, we continue with our discussions on the “Sound of Emaho” …
In 2010 AD, this experience happened during the early morning hours (I think it was around 0300 to 0400 hours, ships mean time) and that too on the birthday of Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, Gautama Buddha …
This happened when sailing in the red sea and whilst on a voyage from a port in Persian Gulf to a port close to Suez (Egypt) and whilst my ship was at a location which was almost at the latitude of Mecca Sharif …
Deviating a Bit … In fact I have had dozens of such experiences when my ships were sailing closer to the latitude of Mecca Sharif, so this is just one of those many experiences … Due to this reason, I really don’t believe that Mecca Sharif is only of Muslims, it in fact should be of other faiths too …
Continuing with above paragraph … The word Islam when converted to Sanskrit denotes a combination of two Sanskrit words and these words are …
- Shraddha … Faith …
- Samarpan … Surrender …
- As far as these two words are concerned, unless an aspirant can rest in the united condition of the innermost meaning of these two words, they are of no use to that aspirant … And when the same aspirant ends up firmly resting within the united innermost meanings of these two words, then there is nothing (i.e. no power) which can stop that aspirant from self realizing the reality that is within and which also is the same reality that is beyond that aspirant …
- Only when these two Samskrit words are unioned to each other, do they denote the word Islam … And since these two Sanskrit words are universal, so this also makes me wonder as to why Mecca Sharif is only restricted to Muslims …
- I were to write the meaning of these two words and that in a state where their innermost meanings are non-dually united to each other, then it would be thus … “Yours is surrendered back to you, as it always was and shall ever be yours only … And since I am also yours, so I surrender myself to yourself” and thus from now onwards, I cease to exist as myself, even when my physical vehicle is still seeming to be alive … The day Muslims of this world enter into the innermost meaning of what is told here, all the nonsense that some have caused in the name of Islam, would completely disappear forever and this condition shall also stay such until this paragraph stands complied in totality …
- In fact during my much-much earlier incarnations, the place where Mecca Sharif stands as of now, was a temple of Mahadeva (Shiva) and this is why Prophet Muhammad had not destroyed that temple because he probably had known that Mahadeva (Shiva) being the Great-Lord cannot be considered lightly … Coincidently and as far as my evolutionary existence is concerned, Mahadeva is also my first Guru and he also is my Ishta Devata (i.e. primary deity) since the previous incarnations …
- Thus basis those dozens of experiences that were had when sailing at sea and when my ships were almost located at the latitude of Mecca Sharif, sometimes I also wonder as to why was this stupid rule made to restrict Mecca Sharif to only Muslims …
- Plus the word Mahadeva that is used for Shiva only means the Great-Lord … And since in the Vedas there can only be one Great, so the term Mahadeva actually means the Supreme-Lord … Thus how can anybody restrict anyone from visiting the Supreme-Lord, is what I wonder many a times and this is more so due to my dozens of subtle experiences that were had when my ships were passing off the latitude of Mecca Sharif and even more so, when I am not even a Muslim …
- And since this is a temple of Mahadeva Shiva, so as a minimum those who follow Sanatan Dharma should be allowed to go there because not doing so is like telling a child “You cannot meet your own great-great grandfather (i.e. Par-Para Pitamah or Mahadeva Shiva)” …
- I think the government of K.S.A needs to ponder upon this, as I don’t tell lies in this text (otherwise sometimes I do, if it helps someone else) …
Resuming again with the main discussion …
At the stage which is depicted in above painting, the white mother who has a golden aura around her, spontaneously sat within the Crown Plexus (i.e. the thousand petalled lotus which is located at the top of brain and which is also termed as Brahmarandra chakra, 7th plexus and as Sahasrara) … This is the state which is depicted in above figure …
There is a diamond white, very subtle cord that rises up from the top of head of each aspirant … This diamond white cord is not a circular one, but it is a triangular one … Closer this cord is to the shape of an equilateral triangle, higher is that aspirants evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies … But at the state which is depicted in above painting, this cord which normally is diamond white in color and which rises from the top of head of each aspirant, had turned into a very subtle yet bright golden color …
Continuing with above paragraph … In yoga Tantras of Dharma, there are special meditations in which the aspirant visualizes (and subtly believes) that his (or her) primary deity (i.e. Ishta Devata) is sitting inside the Brahmarandra chakra (i.e. the thousand petalled lotus which is located at the top of brain) … As this practice matures, it eventually leads to a rise of the aspirants Kundalini Shakti (i.e. a rise of the divinity which is within the aspirant and which each aspirant is eternally blessed with by the Maker of allness) … This divinity rises up from a location near the base of spine and eventually reaches the top of brain (i.e. till the Brahmarandra chakra) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus at such a stage, the sleeping divinity which itself is within the aspirant and which as such is a blessing of the Maker upon each animate part of IT’s Makings, awakens up and thence rises to the crown plexus …
Continuing with above paragraph … When this happens, then there also are times when that divinity which is rising within the aspirants microcosm, also ends up pushing the aspirants consciousness till the crown plexus and when this process completes, then the consciousness of that aspirant merges to the divinity who is sitting up the top of head of that aspirant (i.e. sitting within the crown plexus or the thousand petalled lotus of that aspirant) …
Continuing with above paragraph … After the aspirants consciousness merges to the deity who is sitting in the crown plexus, that aspirant becomes like a physically incarnated state of that deity … This is like a drop of water merging to the ocean and thus that drop of water becoming the ocean itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … Above condition was termed as being a Swaroop of a deity i.e. the aspirant is like an incarnated state of that deity which happens even when that aspirant is still resting in a physically incarnated state … Thus depending upon the deity to whom your consciousness merges, is the Swaroop which you acquire after above discussion actually happens for you … And during the course of an almost eternal evolutionary process that is of each microcosm, an aspirant can also be a Swaroop of multiples of deities …
The state of Sound of Emaho …
And soon above mentioned stage of the mother sitting in the crown plexus had happened, a heated electric vibratory field developed in the lower spine …
And as this heat developed and it suddenly grew stronger, I had to straighten my backbone (sit upright), so as to allow it to pass through the spinal column …
But even when straightening of spinal column was done, I even tried to stop the rise of those lighted hot-electric currents for a while, but they just became so much that it felt as if the backbone area was on fire and the pressures were about to burst the back bone … And even when I kept trying to hold the rise those lighted hot-electric currents, yet at that time all the efforts to hold those currents and thus prevent them from rising were seeming useless …
And as I kept trying even harder to stop this rise of those lighted hot-electric currents, a subtle yet loud sound from beyond was heard … This sound told thus … “Janay De … Let it go” …
And after this sound, as soon I let go of my control, these lighted electric-heated current just shot upwards and stopped at the heart plexus … The sound at the time of this rise till the heart, was of Eeeeeeeee …
This sound of Eeeeeeeee is the first syllable of Emaho which is being discussed here …
By this stage I had realized that this rise cannot be stopped … But at this stage even when I had come to know that this rise cannot be stopped, yet when this lighted heat-current had reached the heart, I again tried to hold it in position but this was with an intention to utilize this risen up heat-current to open up the heart plexus (Anahat Chakra) and also to burn the stagnations and/or past life Karmas completely … This was because I thought that since it cannot be stopped, so why not direct it to that point, where it would be advantageous during the evolutionary process …
As these heat-electric currents were stopped in the heart plexus (i.e. Anahat chakra) which as such is located inside the backbone, these current again grew very-very strong and they entered into the heart itself i.e. from their stop position which was inside the spinal column, these currents got propelled forward and entered into the physical heart itself …
This forward movement happened as vital airs of the heart area (i.e. Prana of heart area) is forward moving and thus due to the effects of Prana of heart, these currents which were stopped in the spinal column ended up escaping out of the spinal column and got propelled forward so as to enter into the physical heart itself …
At that stage when these lighted heat-electric currents suddenly entered into the pit of heart, a burst happened in the heart region … The sound of this burst was of “MA” … This sound is the second syllable of Emaho which is being discussed in this topic …
This sound of MA was like a solid burst that shook the internals of the entire chest …
The strength of this burst which happened in the heart also ended up hitting the entire internal area of the chest … This knocked off a major portion of my willpower that was utilized to stop this rise from going beyond the heart …
And as the will reduced substantially, this lighted electric-heated current immediately got propelled upwards and it entered the throat … As it entered the throat there was another big burst of energy in the throat plexus (i.e. Vishuddha Chakra) …
At this stage it felt as if molten metal was dropped in the wind and food pipes along with the palate, epiglottis, inner cheeks, tongue and lips … The mouth went completely dry as if someone had just sucked out all its natural moisture … This led to momentary diversion of attention, which in turn led to below mentioned states …
As soon as the attention got diverted and thus there was a momentary loss of control over this very strange rising energy field, then immediately these lighted electric-heated currents just shot up to the third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra or the Agya Chakra) where they burst into a billion (I mean uncountable) golden colored rays … At this time, the third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra or Agya Chakra) started glowing in a bright bursting golden light as shown in above painting …
And at this time, Ardhanarishwara was seen within the third eye plexus … He was smiling and turning anticlockwise within the third eye plexus itself … Ardhanarishwara denotes the perfectly united non dual condition state of Shakti to Shiva and thus is also denoting one’s own Atman (or ones own innermost essence) in an attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar Awastha of Atman) … And since Ardhanarishwara itself is the unioned state of my Param-Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva and my Param-Gurudevi Maa Shakti, so this sight completely pacified the mind …
As soon as the mind calmed down, the next stage as is shown in below painting, spontaneously happened …

After above stage, the lighted electric-heated current just shot upwards, and entered the Brahmarandra (crevice of Brahma as is explained in an later topic) … As this happened, it looked like that the entire skull is glowing in a bright golden light (Like a super-sun has entered inside the brain) … The entire brain felt as if it was on fire … I gave up the control at this stage as at this stage I had already realized that this “control thing” was definitely not my piece of cake …
After this stage of a complete let go, these lighted electric-heated currents pierced the Sahasrara Chakra (Lotus of a thousand petals or Lotus of thousand RA’s) and it entered into the secret crevice of Brahma (i.e. Brahmarandra) and pierced it with a force that was like a thud … The sound which came at this time was of HO …
This sound of HO is the third syllable of the sound of Emaho …
And after this stage, this lighted heated-electric current spontaneously escaped out into the non lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (primordial nature or Shunya Tattva) +++ which is beyond the crown plexus …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … At the uppermost level of the crown plexus, there is a smaller six petalled lotus (This is not shown in above painting) which is termed as the Mind Plexus (or Manas chakra) … And beyond the Manas chakra, is macrocosmic voidness … And because the Manas chakra is an intrinsic unbroken part of the crown plexus itself and since beyond the Manas chakra is the non lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (i.e. Sarva Shunya), so it is due to this reason that within some of the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma, the crown plexus is also termed as Shunya Chakra (or the plexus of emptiness) …
When this golden light escapes out of the crown plexus and then it enters into macrocosmic voidness (i.e. voidness of allness or Shunyata) of which is beyond the crown plexus, then it completely lights up the macrocosmic voidness of beyond … At this time this golden light is of the shape of a golden very brightly lighted butterfly … This is the state which is shown in the above painting (i.e. 2nd painting of this topic) …
As this light pierced the crown plexus and thence stationed itself in the non lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (i.e. voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) which is beyond the crown plexus, a very clear sound of Eeeeeeeee is heard …
Emaho, Ay-mah-ho, Samprajnita Samadhi and Asamprajnata Samadhi …
And then this light eventually entered into the Golden womb of creation (or in other words, the plane or sphere or world of Hiranyagarbha Brahma) …
So this was the description of the “Sound of EMAHO” …
After this stage, I just knocked off into Samprajnita Samadhi (Trance within light) for a while and then entered a state which is known as Asamprajnata Samadhi (Trance within non-lightness +++) in Yoga Tantra …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Just to clear the air, the term non lightness does not mean darkness, as the knowledge and conscious principles are still there in the state of non lightness … As also darkness can only be when these two principles (i.e. knowledge and conscious principles) are absent, which as such is not the case in Asamprajnita Samadhi (or the meditative absorption within non lightness) …
And when the Asamprajnita Samadhi broke, the backbone was as if on fire and it also felt as if it had shattered into pieces … But at the same time there also was a second feeling that I had set my first foot upon the mission of this transmigrated incarnation which as such was to render the Gurudakshina to Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (who as such was the Guru of my previous transmigrated incarnation) … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
And after what is described within this topic had happened, life never stayed the same as it earlier was …
And it was only after a few years from above experience that I came to know that EMAHO is a sound which denotes the stage of accomplishment within the Buddhist Tantric lore … However as per experience of stages which are beyond the one discussed here, it is pretty clear that the stage of this topic is only the initial stage of awakening, and not the final one …
That’s all …