This topic is to mathematically calculate the pending time span for an “astronomical end of universe” (I mean the universe end or in other words, an end of universe as we know it) … By astronomical end I mean the state when the present universe shall be destroyed after completion of the present Surya Samvatsara (in other words, Universe end that takes place astronomically after completion of a Mahakalpa or a Maha Kalpa) …
Within the ancient Vedic texts (Sanskrit texts), this destruction is also termed as Mahakalpa Pralaya (or in other words, a stage of Maha Kalpa Pralaya) and also as Surya Samvatsara Anta Pralaya …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Astronomical age of Milky Way” …
The discussions of this topic also relate to an earlier topic of “Return back to emptiness” …
This topic primarily relates to what was earlier told as “1st intermediary state of emptiness” (which in other words, means as a state where there is an emptiness of individualities) and where all of these emptied individualities unite to each other and form a united-corpus of their own emptied states, which is also moving … So we had also termed it as Chalit Shunya (or the moving emptiness) within an earlier topic of “As IT progressed” and it was also discussed in another earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” …
This is also the dark flow of modern astronomy which is universally present in the universe in addition to being present in what modern astronomy terms as CMB (which in modern astronomy is called as the Cosmic microwave background) and this is where the “subtle parental impressional light (or Sookshma Samskarik Prakash)” also resides …
92-AA … Current stage of progress of sun …
As of now the sun has already entered in the phase of completing the 30th revolution of its full-cycle of movement (which itself is within the symbol of infinity) around the non lighted center (i.e. Vishnu Nabhi) of this plane of existence (i.e. Milky Way Galaxy) and thus after the current cycle of revolution of sun gets completed, the mid-point of the current Surya Samvatsara shall be arrived at … Time span of a Surya Samvatsara (which in other words, can also be called as a Maha Kalpa or Mahakalpa) has already been calculated as 25,920 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) …
In an earlier topic of “Pending time of suns revolution” following is already discussed and/or calculated …
- The pending time of current solar revolution (which in modern astronomy is also called as a Galactic year) was calculated as 108.4307680 million human solar years (as per the time units of the middle Precessional cycle) …
- And the number of full revolution of sun (which itself is within its esoteric path of symbol of infinity) which have already been completed within the present Surya Samvatsara (or Maha Kalpa), was told as 29.74900285185 revolutions (this figure was also utilized to mathematically derive the “Astronomical age of universe”) …
Proceeding further …
And we had also discussed in an earlier topic of “At end of Surya Samvatsara” that when the 60 full-cycles of sun within its path of infinity are completed (i.e. when one Surya Samvatsara gets completed) then manifest light (Prakat Prakash) that was of the earlier 60 full-cycles of sun (i.e. the ended Surya Samvatsara) also ends up entering back into its “subtle parental impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) … This is the condition of the 1st intermediary state of emptiness, which we had also named as an “emptiness of individuality” …
This 1st intermediary state of emptiness is also that stage of self realization of emptiness were a slight movement is seen within those emptied individual aspects, which are united to each other and thus are moving as a unioned corpus (i.e. the corpus itself is flowing or moving slowly) …
Thus due to above reason, we had also termed this as “Chalit Shunya (or moving emptiness)” as this emptiness has slight movement in it due to presence of corpus’s of emptied aspects in it and this is even then the earlier individualities which were emptied out to form these empty corpuses, are absent in that united corpus which is moving (actually slightly or slowly moving) …
These empty corpuses move around as a group of those empty individual aspects, which form it … This is also the same as CMB (Cosmic microwave background) of astronomy and in this state there are many such corpuses which are formed out of the individually emptied aspects which make each of those corpuses … This is what was also addressed as the 1st intermediary state of emptiness and where the individualities which were emptied out earlier on, get united to each other and form those empty corpuses which are having a slight movement in them (If someone wants to know this, then it can also be seen within the CMB of astronomy) …
This movement of corpuses of 1st intermediary state of emptiness is what astronomy calls as dark flow … And the energy fields of this dark flow (of astronomy) is of the inertial macrocosm (which itself is made by the corpus of inertial masses or inert matter) …
92-BB … Entry of light into emptiness … The astronomical end of universe … Universe end stage …
Next entry of manifest light into 1st intermediary state of emptiness shall be after below calculated time span has passed by from the current times …
And this shall also be the stage when the light that is visible as of now in this part of the universe, shall again enter into its own parental subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) …
Proceeding further …
The time remaining for the completion of (or ending of) the current Surya Samvatsara is as calculated below …
- As was discussed in earlier topics, of the 60 solar cycles of the current Surya Samvatsara (or Mahakalpa), 29.74900285185 full cycles of sun within its symbolic path of infinity have already completed … We had taken the same value in an earlier topic of “astronomical age of universe” …
- Thus the time remaining for completion of the current Surya Samvatsara, is as follows, but this calculation is basis the middle time units of precession …
(60 – 29.74900285185) x 432
30.25099714815 x 432 = 13,068.43077 million human solar years
Or 13.06843077 billion human solar years (as per time units of the middle of precession of equinoxes)
- And above time span as per current time units, is …
{(13.06843077 / 66.6666667) x 71.6} = 14.0354945 billion human solar years
Only after the above stated time has passed from now, would the currently manifested light be returned back (or reabsorbed back) into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness …
And when the current manifested light is already absorbed within the 1st intermediary state of emptiness, then the manifest light which is present as of now would also not be visible within this universe (as it would return back to its impressional state or Samskarik Awastha of Prakash) …
Thus this stage of absorption of manifest light into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness and this also keeps happening cyclically after each set of “60 solar full-cycles (within the symbol of infinity)” are completed …
Proceeding further …
During the origination of the universe, the impressional light (Samskarik Prakash) being subtler, was originated prior the manifest light (Prakat Prakash or the light that we see by our naked eyes) was even there …
Thus after the “manifest light (Prakat Prakash Awastha)” lives its time span of one Surya Samvatsara (i.e. 60 cycles of sun within the symbolic path of infinity) that manifest light it also returns back to its own earlier state as was of an “impressional light (Samskarik Prakash Awastha)” …
Proceeding further …
And the impressional light, is also self-manifested from its even subtler parental state of macro-elemental light (Prakash Mahabhoot) …
Within the Vedic lore, this macro-elemental light (or Prakash Mahabhoot) is also termed as the “macro-elemental fire (or Agni Mahabhoot)” and also as “macro-elemental heat-luminosity (Tejas Mahabhoot)” …
This macro-elemental light (or Prakash Mahabhoot) is the great-grandparent of all gross (or manifest) and subtle (or impressional) states of light within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
Thus when the “impressional light (Samskarik Prakash Awastha)” has also lived its destined time span within the “1st intermediary state of emptiness (or Chalit Shunya)” then through a series of even subtler intermediary states, it begins returning back to its own great-grandparent i.e. the macro-elemental light (or Prakash Mahabhoot) …
But above stage of progress of light is only after passing through the “2nd intermediary state of emptiness (or Achalit Shunya, which can also be called as an emptiness of corpus)” … As this return back to “2nd intermediary state of emptiness” happens, then through a series of other intermediary states, the light eventually returns back to its original macro-elemental state (i.e. Prakash Mahabhoot) …
Proceeding further …
And finally … All these series of absorptions of various stages of existence of light, that light only ends up returning back the attributeless infinite being, who by ITself is none other than the eternally self luminous one … The English word of self luminous interprets to the Sanskrit word of Swayam Prakash, which in other words can also be termed as Swa Prakash and where both these words are referring to what Vedas have addressed as simply Brahman) …
This self luminous being (who is also called as Brahman or Parabrahman) is the colorless light and once self realized, the same light is visible as the pervader and enveloper of all that exists within the Maker’s Makings … And this is what leads to the self realization of the omnipresent nature of colorless self-lighted of the of the attributeless Absolute being (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Nirgun Brahma or Nirguna Brahman) … And since the colorless being (i.e. the attributeless infinite Absolute being) itself is the infinite and the all present one (i.e. an omnipresent one), so this self realization of Vedic sages was also the basis of a Vedic statement of …
Which means …
Everything, everywhere and everyone is Brahman
Proceeding further …
This process of return back of manifest light to the state which is just prior the self-luminous light (of attributeless infinite being, who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar and as Brahm) is finally self realized (or arrived at) also passes through a series of 20 intermediary stages of emptiness …
These 20 intermediary states are also as per the 20 worlds of Brahmaloka (which in Yogic lore is also called as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and in Agama Shaiva Lore, it is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva) and it is due to this reason, that as the light keeps returning back to its real-next and thus ever higher subtlety, the aspirant whose consciousness passes through these states of an ever higher subtlety, also ends up seeing 20 types of emptiness during the path that leads to the self-luminous absolute being (Brahman or Paramshiva) …
Due to this reason, during those much ancient times, 20 stages of emptiness were stated within the Siddha lore’s …
And the 21st level was told as Great emptiness (which in Sanskrit is also called as the state of Mahashunya) …
92-CC … Pending astronomical age of the universe …
The pending time for an “astronomical end of universe” is same as calculated above …
14.0354945 billion human solar years (as per current time units of precession)
Continues …