In this topic we discuss Agyarandra (or Agya Randra or Ajna Randra) which is the secret gate (or in other words, or the secret crevice or the secret door of the mid brow area (or the third eye plexus or Agya Chakra, which is also called as the Ajna Chakra) … This secret crevice (or secret gate or Randra) is also a part of Nirgunyana (or the attributeless vehicle) or Advaitayana (or the non-dual vehicle or the incomparable vehicle or Nirvikalpa Sharira) …
UU-6-F … Agyarandra … Ajnarandra … Agya Randra … Nirgunyana … Advaitayana …
This topic is in continuation to the preceding one …
Agyarandra means the secret crevice of the third eye chakra (or third eye plexus) which itself is the eternally self activated plexus …
And this is also a part of Nirgunyana, which was also termed as Advaitayana …
When the pot of nectar (or in other words, the white pot of butter or Amrit Kalash which resides about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel) rises beyond the crown plexus and then when the same white pot of nectar (Chetan Kalash) drops down to the third eye area, then the highly-highly luminous secret gateway of the third eye area, which we have termed as Agyarandra, is self realized by that aspirant …
UU-6-G … Advaitayana … Parts of Agyarandra …
This Agyarandra is seen to be composed of the following parts …
- The central part is of a very bright diamond white light as shown in above figure … And this light is as if a very highly luminous diamond white light is bubbling out of the shown area that is located in the middle of eye brows …
- The surrounding part is made up of a very-very bright orange colored light … This light is bursting outwards of the shown area that is located in the middle of eye brows … This light is of Rudra Deva, who itself is the one addressed in Islam as Allah Tala of Islam and is also addressed as Buddha ALA (in some Buddhist texts) in addition to being addressed as Red Kachina (in Native American lore’s) and this state is knowable through Asmita Samadhi of Yoga …
- Their combines state is as depicted in above figure …
- And above figure is how the secret crevice (secret gateway) of the third eye (or Agyarandra) looks like …
UU-6-H … Nirgunyana … Agyarandra and the third eye of Shiva …
Vedic scriptures state that Shiva has a third eye …
From a Yogic point of view, these scriptures are referring to the same Agyarandra of our current discussion …
UU-6-I … Agyarandra and symbol of Brahmakumaris …
Within this topic, that which is termed as Agyarandra from a Yogic point of view, itself is the same as what Brahma Kumaris have used as their symbol …
Thus this also proves that the founder of Brahmakumaris had only given this symbol, due to his own self realization of it …
UU-6-J … Agyarandra from a purely Yogic point of view …
From a purely Yogic point of view, following is what above discussed Agyarandra actually means …
- Regarding the orange color …
The divinity of Ida Naadi (i.e. left channel or moon channel or coldness channel or the 100th sub-channel of the central channel or Sushumna Naadi or 101st channel) is of a very subtle yet bright yellow color …
The Pingala Naadi (right channel or sun channel or hotness channel or 99th sub-channel of the central channel or Sushumna Naadi or 101st channel) is of a Tawny Red color …
These two divinity channels which are placed on the two sides (i.e. left and right sides) of the backbone eventually merge at the third eye plexus … At this point of union of the divinities of these two channels, their yellow and Tawny-Red colors also unite to each other … This is what leads to self origination of the orange light in the third eye area of the aspirant …
- Regarding the diamond white color …
When above happens, then the divinities of the central channel also arrive at macro-neutrality (i.e. a state of entering into perfect neutrality towards allness and her each part or simply, the stage of Sarva Samta) which as such is of a diamond white color only … This state denotes accomplishment of Brahmaloka (i.e. abode of creator, which is also called as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
Since macro-neutrality is subtler than all other colors, so this diamond white macro-neutral light also ends up being a pervader (or permeator) of the orange light which was discussed in earlier bullet point and is depicted in above figure also …
And since the pervader resides within the pervaded, so this is what leads to a state where the diamond white light is seen to be present in the middle of the Agyarandra as shown in above figure …
And this is what leads to the central diamond white color in the middle of Agyarandra which is being discussed here …
UU-6-K … Agyarandra from the point of view of the macrocosmic creation …
- The orange light … Orange light is of ALA Naad (which also means as the Sound of ALA) which was discussed in earlier set of topics on “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA” …
- The diamond white light denotes the light of Brahmaloka or the attributed-formless (i.e. that which is having attributes, but it is formless and which can be termed as Sagun Nirakaar), macro-neutral (macro-equanimous or Sarva-Sam) pristine abode of the creator (Brahmaloka) … This would be discussed through a painted sketch in a later topic …
UU-6-L … Agyarandra and Nirgunyana (Advaitayana) …
This Randra is also an intrinsic part of the Nirgunyana (or Advaitayana) which was discussed in a previous sub-part of this set of topics on Randra’s …
And I say so because of the fact that from the self realization of Agyarandra as is being discussed here, the same Brahman (or attributeless-infinite Supreme Being or in other words whom Vedas address as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or simply, the attributeless being who is also addressed as Nirgun Brahma) can be self realized by the aspirant …
Hence this topic is in an unbroken continuity to the same Nirgunyana (or Advaitayana) only …
This brings up to an end of discussion upon all of the five secret gates (Panch Randra) which are located in the head of each aspirant …
And thus now we shall move on to those Randra’s which are related to Devayana (or the vehicle of Deva’s) …
Continues …