This topic shall discuss the Panch Randra or five secret gate (or in other words, this also means as the five secret crevice) … Of these five, four are located at the top of head and fifth is in the middle of eye brows … Four of these Randra that are located at top of head are as follows … Shivarandra (or secret crevice of Paramguru Shiva and this directly leads to Shivaloka or divine world of lord Shiva as Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who in this text is also addressed as Sagun Atman) … Brahmarandra (or secret crevice of Brahma and this directly leads to Brahmaloka or divine world of Pitamah Brahma Ji) … Vishnurandra (or secret crevice of Vishnu and this directly leads to Vaikunth or divine world of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … And Devirandra (or secret crevice of Maa Adi Parashakti and this directly leads to allness of Maker’s Makings and beyond, which as such means the divine world(s) of omnipotent divinity of supreme mother of allness) … And the vehicle of all these Randra’s is the attributeless vehicle (or Nirgunyana) which can also be termed as Advaitayana (or Non dual vehicle) …
UU-5 … Regarding above figure …
Above figure is showing a bird’s eye view of the top of head and whilst looking ahead (in the direction of the shown arrow) …
In above figure following are depicted from lower (i.e. back of head) till the upper part (i.e. front of head) …
- Vishnurandra … This is the secret gate of Sri Vishnu at the back of head … This is of a semi lunar shape and is closer to the new moon day (not exactly new moon day, but a couple of days after the new moon day) … Through it a diamond white starry light gets projected outwards …
- Shivarandra … This is the secret gate of Bhagwan Shiva at the real-middle of head … This is of a circular shape of white color which has blue light streaks in it …
- Brahmarandra … This is the secret gate of Pitamah Brahma Ji at the forward (or slightly front) part of the head … This is of a golden color which is enveloped by a bright orange color and where diamond white light rays are present … In above figure, these orange and diamond white colors are intentionally not shown …
- Devirandra … This is the secret gate of Maa Shakti (Devi Maa) and it is located slightly front of Brahmarandra …
UU-6 … Panch Randra … Shivarandra, Brahmarandra, Vishnurandra, Devirandra
Pancha means five …
Randra means divine or secret crevice … And it also means the secret door or secret exit point (i.e. secret point of exit from allness and her each part) …
Thus the word “Pancha Randra means five divine secret crevices (or five divinely secret doors)” …
Four amongst these five secret gates (or crevices) are depicted in above figure …
The fifth which is named as Agyarandra is described in a further discussion …
There are five primary secret crevices are present inside the head region of the physical human body and are located inside the skull bones …
And even though these Randra’s are apparent to be located above the thousand petalled lotus of the 7th plexus (i.e. Sahasrara), yet all these are an intrinsic part of the same 7th plexus only … When an aspirant’s subtler observing vehicle transits “to and through” the 7th plexus, then only are these Randra’s self realized by that aspirant …
These five Randra’s lead to a direct exit of that aspirant from the entirety of allness and her each part i.e. a direct cognition and transit through any of these Five Randra’s as are being discussed here, leads to a direct liberation of that aspirant …
But even when above stage of a liberated state is achieved, an aspirant can also reject it so as to defer it to a later transit through another of these five Randra’s …
Only those aspirants who have already transited through each of these Pancha Randra (Five Randra’s) and thus such aspirants are also those ones who have rejected their final liberations for “at least” four times, are the ones who know about the five Randra’s as are being discussed here …
This rejection is entirely up to the aspirant because of the fact that there is nothing (or no law, no process and no principle) within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, which can lead to a loss of freedom to reject one’s own liberation (or in other words, Moksha) even after one has already arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to accept it and thence enter into that finally liberated state (or in other words, Kaivalya) …
But at the same time, that rejection is only as a deferment and not a permanent rejection of liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) … This is because of the fact that after an earlier rejection, when that same aspirant’s pot of nectar (which in Sanskrit is also addressed as Amrit Kalash) would transit through another of these Panch Randra’s (five secret doors) then the same choice would again be available with that aspirant …
But at the same time, those aspirants who end up rejecting their final liberation after transiting through any of these five Randra’s for their first time, are pretty rare ones … Due to this reason, those aspirants who hold a direct knowledge of “two or more” of these Randra’s are also pretty rare within the macrocosmic creation …
So with above as a base, we proceed further with our discussions …
UU-6-A … Brahmarandra … Brahmayana … Nirgunyana … Advaitayana …
Explaining Brahmayana …
- The word Brahma means the creator and grandfather of allness and it also means the Supreme Being …
- Yana means vehicle …
- So Brahmayana means the vehicle of the creator grandfather of allness …
- And this is also a part of Nirgunyana or the attributeless infinite vehicle which we have already discussed in the previous topic …
Explaining Nirgunyana and Advaitayana …
- Nirgun means attributeless …
- Advaita means non-dual …
- Since that who is attributeless itself is the non-dual, hence above two bullet points only refer to the same state …
- And since that who is attributeless is also that who is beyond dimensional aspects, so such a state is also the infinite …
- Thus the term Nirgun and Advaita also refer to the Infinite …
And since these two words (or Nirgun and Advaita) have already been discussed in the earlier topic of “Randra … Secret gate”, so I do not find a need to get into those discussions again …
Explaining Brahmarandra …
This great secret-gate of Brahma (i.e. Brahmarandra) is the basis of Brahmayana (i.e. the vehicle of creator) … This is the Makers secret hole for exit out of allness and her each part i.e. this is the secret gate for a final exit (or final liberation) …
This is the bigger of all other secret holes or gates or crevices … We can call Brahmarandra as anything because the fact does not change from what it really is, that this is the great hole (or great gate or great crevice) of the “creator of allness” only …
Brahmarandra is located at the middle of the frontal lobe of the skull …
If I were to describe the exact location of Brahmarandra (or the great crevice of gate of creator) then it could be thus told … This great-gate of creator is located at a point where a line is drawn upwards from both the temples and is projected towards the top of head and then this line intersects another line which is also drawn upwards towards the top of head, but from the middle of eyebrows …
Where both lines which as such are projected upwards and to the top of skull intersect each other, is the Brahmarandra (or the great secret-gate of the creator) … And this great-gate of creator (Brahmarandra) also happens to be that point at the top of skull where there is a slight depression and where pulse beats are seen at the top of head of any new born baby …
If any aspirant arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to exit out of this great-gate of the creator, then just prior to this stage, the golden body (which in Buddhist texts is also called as the Buddha body of reality) gets self manifested within the aspirants physical vehicle … Since this golden body (or Hiranyagarbha Sharira) has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Being in the head is Brahma”, so here I won’t be repeating those discussions again …
Brahmarandra (or Creator’s great-gate) is also that point from where the Hiranyagarbha Sharira (golden vehicle) actually exits out and begins traveling unrestricted across the vast macrocosmic oceans … And beyond …
Due to above discussed “unrestricted travel” of the golden body across the macrocosmic oceans, that aspirant who holds the golden body (or Maheshwara Sharira) ultimately becomes the one who directly cognizes allness and her each part …
Exit from this great door of creator (i.e. Brahmarandra) also takes that aspirant’s golden body directly into macrocosmic voidness …
As also a fact that when the golden body enters into and thence it also self realizes macrocosmic voidness (which also means as the great-emptiness or emptiness of allness or simply, Shunyata) then this stage of self realization also paves the way for a further self realization of the attributeless infinite being (or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who at this stage of self realization is also found to be pervading (permeating) that voidness of allness (or the great-emptiness or macrocosmic voidness or Shunyata or Shunya Tattva) …
Thus this great hole of creator (Brahmarandra) also takes an aspirants subtler observing vehicle out of the skull top and into a self realization of the non lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (or Sarva Shunya) and it also renders a self realization of the attributeless colorless dimensionless being who is pervading primordial nature and where that colorless being is found to be as the colorless pervader who is also resting within that primordial nature itself …
However after above is self realized, the subtler observing vehicle of that aspirant also enters into the “abode of the creator (Brahmaloka) …
But prior to an entry of the aspirant’s subtler observing vehicle into “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (which itself is the pristine abode of the creator or Brahmaloka)” it has to enter into the intermediary states which as such are of Surya Loka (i.e. the word of Solar Deity or Sun God) and then into the sphere of Avyakta Prakriti (non manifest, non present nature or Maya Shakti) … Only after this transit of Surya Loka and then through Avyakta can the Brahmaloka (i.e. the abode of creator) be self realized by an aspirant …
After the aspirants golden body exits out of our currently discussed secret great-gate of the maker (i.e. Brahmarandra) that aspirant keeps entering into a wide variety of absorptions (i.e. the aspirant enters into various types of Samadhi) … And this is what leads to various types of absorptions where the various macrocosmic states which are present inside the aspirants microcosm become absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal (or parental) states …
This is the stage where various accomplishment vehicles (i.e. various Siddha Sharira) which essentially denote the subtle macrocosmic states which are present inside the aspirants microcosmic physical vehicle, begin self manifesting or auto-manifesting (inside the aspirants physical vehicle) thence these accomplishments vehicles (Siddha bodies) also begin travelling to their respective macrocosmic principal (or parental) states so as to become absorbed into (or non-dually unioned) to their respective macrocosmic parental states …
This self manifestation of accomplishment vehicles (Siddha body) and then their further travel and absorptions into their perspective macrocosmic parental states continues till all these Siddha bodies (which mean as the accomplishment vehicles or Siddha Sharira and which also denote the eternal presence of macrocosmic divine worlds within the aspirants microcosm) are fully and finally absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states …
And after the entirety of subtle macrocosmic states (i.e. macrocosmic creation) which as such are Siddha bodies that self manifest inside the aspirant’s microcosm, have already become absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states, then that aspirant walks alone and whilst being in freedom from the hold of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Such are the aspirants who qualify to enter into the last path which was discussed in an earlier topic of “Brahmpath“(The word Brahmpath of Sanskrit language means as the last path” that any aspirant walks prior to “being liberated”) …
Proceeding further …
This self realization of Brahmarandra (i.e. great secret gate of creator) …
This leads to a further absorptions of the macrocosmic states (within the aspirant’s microcosm) into their respective macrocosmic principals is what the term Brahmayana (or the vehicle of creator) really means …
And since within Brahmayana, the final realization is of the attributeless infinite Supreme being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) itself, so Brahmayana is also an intrinsic unbroken part of “Nirgunyana (Attributeless vehicle)” itself …
The great-gate of creator (i.e. Brahmarandra) is of a golden or bright yellow color … And around this great-gate of creator is also seen an orange light and inside this golden light is a diamond white light (but these two lights of orange and diamond colors are not shown in above figure) …
During the macrocosmic history, not many aspirants have ever managed to pass through this great gate of creator (Brahmarandra) and due to this reason, the Brahmarandra also happens to be that exit point through which not many have gone past during the entirety of macrocosmic history …
UU-6-B … Shivarandra … Bhadrarandra … Shivayana … Bhadrayana … Nirgunyana … Advaitayana …
Explaining the word Shivayana …
- The word Shiva means the Auspicious one and it also means the Ever-All-Auspicious … one who is eternally auspicious is also the rejuvenator of righteousness (Dharma) and thus such a one is also the destroyer of non righteousness (Adharma and Vidharma) and due to this reason, Shiva is also addressed as the destroyer-rejuvenator in Vedic lore … The word Shiva also means the Supreme Being, but only within its originality as was of being attributeless and infinite …
- Yana means vehicle …
- So Shivayana means the eternally auspicious vehicle of the one who destroys non righteousness …
- And this is also a part of Nirgunyana …
Explaining the word Bhadrayana …
- Bhadra is one of the thousand names of Shiva or the eternally auspicious one … So the word Bhadrayana also means the same as Shivayana as was discussed above …
- But the word Bhadra also means the pervader (supreme-supreme or supreme-permeator), so Bhadrayana also means the vehicle of the supreme permeator (or supreme pervader) …
Explaining Nirgunyana and Advaitayana … Since this has already been discussed in earlier part of this topic on Brahmarandra (i.e. UU-6-A), so I shall not get into the same discussions again …
Explaining Shivarandra (Bhadrarandra) …
The secret gate which is being discussed here could also be called as follows …
- Bhadrarandra … The secret exit door of the supreme-pervader …
- Mahadeva Randra … The secret exit door of the Great-Deity …
- Samanthabhadra Randra … Secret exit gate of Buddha Samantabhadra …
- Irrespective of names that are utilized to address the same Shivarandra, all these names are only denoting same Paramshiva (who is also addressed as Nirgun Shiva or the Absolute being) …
This secret-gateway of Shiva (i.e. Shivarandra) is located where the frontal and parietal lobes of the bones of skull meet each other and then their line of intersection meets a line drawn upwards from the middle of eyebrows … Thus Shivarandra is located in the real middle of the skull bones at the top of head (i.e. in the real middle of the top of skull bones) …
Coincidentally Shivarandra is the point where a drain tube is connected at the top of head after a brain surgery …
As compared to the size of Brahmarandra which was discussed earlier (in UU-6-A) Shivarandra is a smaller gateway … But this is not even small when we consider those blessings that it renders upon the aspirant whose consciousness pot (or the pot of nectar, which in Sanskrit can also be termed as the Chetan Kalash) passes through it …
It eventually is through the Shivarandra that the white pot of lighted butter (or in other words, the pot of nectar or Pot of consciousness) which has already been discussed in earlier topics) rises up and goes into the golden colored channel (i.e. Vajradanda) …
As also a fact that only after the white pot of lighted butter (or Amrit Kalash) passes through this secret opening, that Siddha bodies are self- manifested and finally the diamond white body becomes manifested within the aspirants microcosm itself, but only after the vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit is called as Pranamaye Kosha) turns diamond white due to arriving at a macro-equanimous state (Sarva Samta) …
As also a fact that the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) which itself is one of the four parts of the causal body (Anandmaye Kosha, which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as the Antahkarana Chatushtaya) is immediately rendered seedless (Samskara Rahit) once the white pot rises up to the skull top through the Shivarandra (we have already discussed in earlier set of topics on Raam Naad and also in the topic of Ashtama Chakra) …
After above paragraph successfully completes the Bodhichitta also self manifests within the aspirant … In a later topic we shall be discussing the Bodhichitta (which itself is one of the primary causes that lead an aspirant into Nirvana) with a painted sketch …
Even the effects of deeds of all past incarnations (or Sanchit Samskaras) are fully unseeded or extinguished as soon as the nectar pot (Amrit Kalash) exits out of Shivarandra … At such a stage the Shivarandra is seen to be of a white color with light blue light streaks in it (as is shown in above painting) …
As also after the white pot exits out of the Shivarandra or secret hole of the destroyer (of non righteousness), then the top of skull has creamy-white, oily-flakes falling out and so do the various parts of the body have these flakes evicted out of them … This keeps continuing for many days after the pot of nectar crosses past the Shivarandra … This is what leads to divine anointment as is told about in various lore’s …
The physical vehicle has a silvery and golden shine for many days after this transit … As also there is a white light coming out of the skull top … At times, there also is seen a fluorescent orange light which has diamond white light in it and this light is seen to be enveloping the entire thousand petalled crown plexus after the white pot of luminous butter (pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash) has already passed through the Shivarandra which is being discussed here …
Soon after transit of the Shivarandra, the central channel (i.e. Sushmuna Nadi) has a bright red colored light enveloping it … This light is of Rudra Deva or the final rejuvenator of allness …
As time progresses after the subject light (or above paragraph) envelopes the central channel, this light completely cleanses all the subtle energy channels (or channels of inner divinities or inner vitality or Prana Shakti) of their earlier impurities … All evolutionary stagnations are extinguished and serpentine divinity (Kundalini Shakti) flows freely from the base of spine till the top of head (i.e. from base of spine till the Brahmarandra chakra or thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain or Sahasrara) …
As also, after passing this secret crevice of Shiva and as the inner cleansing continues, very strong energy bursts are felt in the back of hips till the back of heart until the entire head and these continues until the inner cleansing of divinity channels (i.e. Prana Shakti) is fully completed … Thus this is a very potent crevice especially when we compare its benefits to other crevices which have been discussed in this topic …
Transit through this Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Shiva) also takes the aspirants consciousness to a direct realization of Nirgun Purusha or attributeless supreme being or Nirgun Shiva and this itself passes through the intermediary state of macrocosmic voidness (i.e. the aspirant realizes the Not’ness of allness or simply Shunya Tattva) … It is due to this reason, some Agama texts and some other knower’s have said that “Shiva also means, That who is Not” …
And Shivarandra (i.e. secret doorway of Shiva) also leads to a direct route to realization of Paramshiva (supreme Being) or Nirgun Shiva (attributeless supreme being) or Adinatha (The primordial being) …
And thus I believe this is the greater of all the secret doors for simultaneous realization of both the pathless primordial nature and pathless partless Absolute being … As such due to an exit of the white pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) from Shivarandra, the realization of pathless principle within its both aspects I.e. Prakriti (primordial nature) and Purusha (partless attributeless absolute), is immediately arrived at … And both (i.e. Prakriti and Purusha) are also found to be eternal … Thus all those Sutras (of Brahmasutras) which subtly state the same also prove that the ancient sages who had told so, had also known the same within their direct cognitions (or self realizations) …
This secret gateway of Shiva (i.e. Shivarandra) is of a white color which has a very- light colored blue light in and around it (as is shown in above figure) and this is further enveloped by a colorless state of non lightness after the white light or white pot (which rises up during the full awakening) crosses past it and thence enters into macrocosmic voidness which is beyond the Shivarandra …
This secret gate eventually leads to a direct realization of Nirgun Shiva (Attributeless Shiva) who also is the Nirgun Purusha (The attributeless being) and Paramshiva (the supreme being) … All these terms are only denoting the same Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (i.e. attributeless-infinite supreme being) of the Vedas …
UU-6-C … Vishnurandra … Vishnuyana … Nirgunyana … Advaitayana …
Explaining Vishnurandra …
- The word Vishnu means Sri Bhagwan, also means the supreme preserver, also means the Supreme Being …
- Yana means vehicle …
- So Vishnuyana means, the “Preservers vehicle” …
- And this gate is also directly related to other qualities of the supreme preserver …
- And this is also a part of Nirgunyana, which is also the Advaitayana …
Explaining Nirgunyana and Advaitayana … Since this has already been discussed in earlier part of this topic on Brahmarandra (i.e. UU-6-A), so I shall not get into the same discussions again …
Proceeding further …
This secret gateway is like a newer moon shaped opening which has a bright diamond white light within it … And through this opening a diamond like star is seen to be projected out (i.e. out of the skull bones) … This star like light manifests at the upper open part of the semi-lunar state of this secret gateway of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu … After the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) passes through any of the Randra’s, these star like lights keep manifesting from this opening and this continues for many days …
This secret gateway is located at the back side of skull …
This is like a semi lunar shaped gateway (like a newer-day moon) at the back end of the skull bones and is like a thin opening (or gate) where the turn of top of skull bones is there, but at the back side of the head … Thus this secret gateway (or Vishnurandra) is like a semi-lunar shape which is located at that part of the skull bones where the bones of skull top begin sloping downwards at the back of head … Thus the thin line where the bones of top of skull meet the bones of back of skull and where the downward slope of the bones at top of skull just about commences, is the location of Vishnurandra …
This Vishnurandra is of a diamond white color and is like a newer moon in its shape … This is of a diamond white color through whose middle a white starry light gets projected outwards … So technically Vishnurandra is located at the back of head where the parietal lobes of skull bones meet the occipital lobes of the skull …
Though this secret hole is bigger in its lateral size as compared of all the holes, but still this is like a thin line (like a fine semi lunar line) at the back of the skull and where the skull bone turns horizontal from its earlier vertical state …
This is the hole from where the silvery white is sent out through the central part of this semi lunar exit door and thus looks like a semi-lunar moon shape of diamond white color and with a central silvery starry light in it … And this is also visible as if silvery white stars are projected (from this openings middle) to just beyond or above the skull bone as these stars are then merging to the central silvery white star …
If these silvery white stars (or bursts of energies) happen to get stuck in the Vishnurandra and thus these energies cannot pass through the Vishnurandra, then this condition leads to very severe pressures and electric-heat to build up inside the head of such aspirants … This state is like a buildup of severe pressure inside the skull bones and the electric-heat is like fine copper wires are burning inside the head of that aspirant … This is a very troublesome state and it only clears when the inner divinities (energy fields) are able to escape out of the Vishnurandra …
A fine semi-lunar silvery (or diamond) white glow is seen in this secret gateway …
This secret hole takes a beingness to a Vaikunth of the Abode of Sriman Naaraayana (or abode of the supreme preserver of righteousness or Sri Vishnu) …
The final self realization after transit through Vishnurandra is also of the same attributeless infinite Absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who is also addressed as Paramatman (Supreme Vishnu) by Vaishnavas or worshippers of Sriman Naaraayana …
UU-6-D … Conclusion on UU-6-A, UU-6-B AND UU-6-C …
Thus basis above discussions it is absolutely clear that irrespective of which of the above three secret gates are passed through by the aspirant’s pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash), the final realization is only of the same attributeless infinite being (who in Sanskrit language is termed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) …
And this sameness of final self realization also leads to a conclusion that within the finality of attributeless-infinite being (Parabrahman), Bhagwan Shiva is Sri Vishnu and Brahmaji …
As such in the finality of realizations which take place during transits of the white pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) through above Randra’s, following stands out as a matter of fact …
Paramshiva is Paramvishnu (Paramatman) is Parambrahma is Nirgun Nirakaar
UU-6-E … Devirandra or Shaktirandra … Shaktiyana … Deviyana … Nirgunyana …
Explaining Shaktiyana …
- Shakti means divinity (or force or power or energy) … It also means the supreme mother and it also means divinity of the divine being …
- Yana Means vehicle …
- So Shaktiyana means “Supreme mother’s vehicle or the vehicle of supreme divinity or the vehicle of supreme power or vehicle of the supreme energy” … And this term also means all other qualities as are of the supreme mother (Shakti) …
- This is also a part of Nirgunyana (or Advaitayana) …
Explaining Deviyana … This has the same meaning as Shaktiyana …
Explaining Devirandra …
- Devi means the same as Shakti (as discussed above) …
- Randra is also discussed above …
- Thus the word Devirandra means, a secret gateway of the supreme mother of allness (or the secret gateway of the Pristine-Divinity of the Supreme Being) …
This is the secret gateway of Maa Shakti hole which is located just ahead of (i.e. forward of or in front of) Brahmarandra …
As compared to the size of Brahmarandra, Shaktirandra (or secret gateway of Maa Shakti) is smaller in size … And it is also “slightly smaller” in size than Shivarandra …
And once the awakening as was discussed in earlier set of topics on “Shiva Taraka Naad” actually completes, then a very subtle serene white light (not a diamond white light) is emanating from this secret hole for many days … But sometimes I also saw that this serene white light (as shown in Devirandra of above figure) was enveloped by a light pink light, but since this was not seen to be always present, so this light pink light is not painted in above figure …
The secret gateway of the supreme mother (i.e. Shaktirandra) leads to a self realization of attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of Maa Adi Shakti … And eventually to a self realization where Adi Parashakti (supreme mother of allness) in her attributeless supremely infinite pristine state is self realized …
Thus basis all above discussions, after the finality of self realization as is discussed in above paragraph is arrived at then that aspirant also knows that
Adi Parashakti is Paramshiva and Paramshiva is Adi Parashakti
And above itself is in addition to what was told earlier and is also written below …
Paramshiva is Paramvishnu (Paramatman) is Parambrahma is Nirgun Nirakaar
So this brings up to an end of discussion upon four amongst five secret gates (Panch Randra) which are located in the head of each aspirant …
So now we move on to the further discussions on the fifth amongst these five Randra’s that are located in the head of each aspirant … This fifth is the secret gate located at the middle of brows (i.e. Agyarandra) …
These discussions continue further …