This topic shall discuss the Offset of a solar cycle Solar cycle (or the cycle of sun or revolution of sun) with reference to the Maha Kalpa (or Surya Samvatsara) …
This figure represents offset of Surya Samvatsara or 60 full-cycles-of-sun around the non-lighted center of Milky Way Galaxy, whose path is resting within the mathematical symbol of infinity …
This also means “120 half-cycles of sun around the non-lighted center of Milky Way Galaxy … This means 120 solar revolutions around the non-lighted point of Milky Way Galaxy …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one of “Offset of Manvantar” …
Since in this topic, the cardinal direction of representation of the discussed “offset of solar cycles” does not even matter, so the position of sun as shown in above figure is immaterial as it can be depicted at any cardinal or any other point of the precession cycle because the same offset shall remain applicable at all these points in precession circle …
This topic is to calculate the offset of a “single” solar cycle i.e. one revolution of sun around the center of the plane of existence (Milky Way galaxy) …
As is the arcs of offset of a Manvantar, so is the offset also reflected within the cycles of solar revolution (i.e. Galactic year) … This is because a “single” solar revolution cycle is of a time span which is lesser than the time span of a Manvantar and thus the solar revolution cycles are also resting within the larger cycles of a Manvantar … Due to this reason, the offset of a Manvantar also gets reflected within the cycles of solar revolution …
The arcs of offset of sun of this world system is the same as the 9 degrees offset of the current Manvantar, which itself is the same “offset in arc degrees” that gets reflected in each divine age cycle and it also gets reflected within the human age cycles …
Due to this reason, the sun also manifested with the same offset of 9 degrees from its restart point, when the current Surya Samvatsara was commenced about 13.8 billion human solar years ago (as per currently applicable time units) … We shall be mathematically deriving this time span in a later topic, so please hold your horses till then …
52-AA … Explaining Samvatsara Chakra or set of 60 solar cycle …
Surya Samvatsara (Samvatsara Chakra) is a group of 60 full-cycles of sun around the central non-lighted part of this plane of existence …
Esoterically a full-solar cycle is the same as mathematical symbol of infinity, which in-turn means “2 solar complete revolutions around the center of the galaxy” … The esoteric aspect is discussed in another topic of this knowledge of time …
This mathematical symbol of Infinity was derived from the knowledge of Shunya Brahman … Shunya Brahman means that “Zero which is Infinite and which itself is the Infinite who is Zero” … Or in other words, this means “Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunyah” … This is the original self expression of the attributeless infinite absolute being (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Brahman) …
The original knowledge of this symbol was given by sages who had already undergone through the self realization and entry into “Asamprajnita Samadhi, or in other words, the meditative absorption within non lightness or in other words, Samadhi of Zero Infinity, which itself is as the Infinite Zero (or in other words, Shunya Brahman)” …
This knowledge of Shunya Brahman which is gained through Asamprajnita Samadhi is also an eternal one because of the fact that one highly evolved sage always comes by to reinstall it during the “first human age of truth (Manav Satyuga)” of the “first divine age of truth (Deva Satyuga) of the first Age of Manu (Manvantar) of each of the day times of creator (i.e. Brahma Kalpa) which has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years, as per middle time units of precession …
And when I study the impressions (Samskaras) of the consciousness plane of this planet (Bhu Chitta) so as to know the spread of this knowledge of Shunya Brahman, then it is also very clear that a few millenniums ago when the knowledge of Shunya Brahman and its esoteric mathematical symbol of Infinity reached the west, then it was told as the knowledge of symbol which relates to the esoteric movement of Sun around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and those western civilizations had termed it as Ouroboros … This is the reason for symbol of Ouroboros within the earlier Egyptian and Greek Lore’s … But in its originality, this symbol is related to the knowledge of Vedic sages, which is discussed below and shall be taken up in a few later discussions on Kaalchakra …
The offset of precession is a mirror image of the offset of solar 60 cycles (Surya Samvatsara) and the same offset is also applicable to all the divine age cycles (Deva Yuga Chakra) … And all these are eventually related to the same offset (or 9 degrees arc) of a Manvantar which was calculated in the earlier topic of “Offset of Manvantar”) …
And this itself is the reason for all astrological calculations of ancient Vedic systems to be pre-adjusted for this value (of 9 degrees arc offset of all cycles of time) but this adjustment is within their sidereal arcs and corresponding time spans … But sadly as of now, this knowledge is already lost due to the destructions (of monasteries and systems of Sanatan Dharma) by the barbarian forces and systems which had originated during the currently running divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) i.e. those systems which had surfaced on this world after 3102 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
52-BB … Calculating time of half solar cycle …
This is already calculated in another topic, but since we need that value here, so I have also done a calculation of this value here …
One solar half-cycle within its esoteric path of the symbol of infinity and which itself is one solar revolution around the non lighted the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is of 216 million human solar years (as per the middle time units of precession) …
I shall not be deriving the above stated value 216 million human solar years (as per the middle time units of precession of equinoxes), as I don’t want to disclose its “principle and process (i.e. Siddhant and Tantra)” to current day severely degenerate humanity and their highly individualistic and thus egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) … Thus due to their current degenerate state, none of them deserve to know that knowledge because even if I declare it, then also they would never be able to utilize it properly i.e. in their current degenerate stage, they won’t be able to utilize that knowledge (which as of now is undisclosed) for the benefit of all parts of macrocosmic speciology … I say so because within their current individualistic and thus highly egoistic state, they don’t even have the capability to utilize that knowledge (which as of now is undisclosed)in a pristinely-subtle all-pervading, all-enveloping manner and for the benefit of all parts of macrocosmic speciology who rest in this universe …
Above itself is in line with one of the primary rules of distribution of that highly esoteric and most ancient Vedic knowledge is as stated below …
Render it only to the deserving and keep is fully away from the undeserving
And since humanity of today is mostly undeserving, so I have decided to not disclose this part of the knowledge of time (Kaal Gyan) in this entire world …
Proceeding further …
Above value of 216 million human solar years (as middle time units of precession) in currently applicable time units becomes as follows …
{(time for one solar revolution around non lighted center of the Milky Way Galaxy at middle time units of precession) / Unitary value of time at middle time units of precession) x Unitary value of time at current stage of precession}
So above becomes as follows …
{(216/66.6666667) x 71.6} = 231.9839988 million human solar years
This is the time span of one full solar revolution around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy …
Note: If any astronomer (astronomical scientist) gets a value of revolution of sun to be different from this calculated one, then that astronomer needs to review his or her observations and/or calculations as my stated value is the actual one at current yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds per year which I had calculated whilst I was sailing at sea … This was discussed in earlier topic of “Yearly change of precession” and it was calculated basis the discussions of an earlier topic of “Measurement method and limitation” and it was also referred within the topic of “Precession at various points” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” …
And this is also the time span of one half-cycle of movement of sun in its esoteric path of Infinity … This path shall be discussed in another topic …
Within the ancient Vedic systems this time span was taken as one-half of the symbolic (esoteric) full-path of sun that the ancient systems depicted through the symbol of infinity … This calculation is basis my own calculated yearly rate of precession of 50.28 arc seconds per year which I had calculated as an average of many-many observations that were taken over almost 25 years of sailing at sea …
The time span of a Surya Samvatsara (i.e. 60 full-cycles of Sun within its path of infinity and which itself is equal to 120 solar revolutions around the central part of the galaxy or Vishnu Nabhi of this plane of existence) is also the reason for the cyclic vanishing of manifest light as after this time span the manifest of the entire 60 full-cycles of Sun within its path of infinity and which itself is equal to 120 solar revolutions around the central part of the galaxy, enters into its own “earlier or original impressional state of light (Samskarik Prakash Awastha)” …
Thus after completion of 60 full-cycles of Sun within its path of infinity and which itself is equal to 120 solar revolutions around the central part of the galaxy, the earlier “manifest state of light (or Prakat Prakash Awastha)” is no longer visible within the universe because that earlier “manifest state of light (or Prakat Prakash Awastha)” enters into its own “original impressional light state (Samskarik Prakash Awastha)” …
This is because of the fact that the only the light of currently running 60 full-cycles of sun (i.e. whilst the sun path is depicted in the symbol of infinity) is in the visible or detectable spectrum …
The light that was earlier to the current “60 full-solar cycles of sun esoterically runs within the mathematical symbol of infinity) is already absorbed into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness (which means as the state of emptiness of individualities or Chalit Shunya Awastha) …
And after that earlier light gets absorbed into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness, it is no longer visible as emitted light (or visible or manifest light) but is only found to be as an impressional light (Samskarik Prakash Awastha) … This impressional light (Samskarik Prakash Awastha) is what modern astronomy calls as CMB (Cosmic microwave background) … We shall be calculating this time in a later topic where the astronomically derived value of the “age of universe” shall be discussed …
The time of offset of 9 degrees of the 60 solar cycles (i.e. Surya Samvatsara chakra) also means that the sun (of this solar system) had already manifested within 9 degrees of the hypothetical re-origination point of the sun (of this solar system) … We shall take this fact up in some other topic (if I find it necessary to discuss it in that topic) …
52-CC … Reflection of solar offset in precession cycle or cycles of human ages …
Now we come to the stage where we need to show the offset on the precession curve … For this discussion, please refer to above figure …
If we draw this offset of 9 degrees arc (of current Manvantar which is also applicable to the solar revolution cycle, which is also addressed as the Galactic year and is also called as the divine age cycles) and then draw human age cycles on the precession circle, then it would be as shown in above figure …
Since time is an endless loop, so due to this offset all human ages shall begin showing their effects 9 degrees prior these ages actually manifest within this world system …
And to account for this aspect, some of the figures in this topic are bent by 9 degrees arc (i.e. offset by 9 degrees arc) …
And due to this reason as far as the effects of Zenith, Nadir and Middle points of precession circle are concerned, all these shall also be shifted by 9 degrees arc … Thus as far as human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra) stand, these effects shall be visible 9 degrees precession arc prior to that point is actually passed by … The time of this 9 degrees earth’s axial precession was calculated sections 51-DD-1 and 51-DD-2 of earlier topic “Offset of Manvantara” …
52-DD … Offset of ¼ L of suns position from the center of Milky Way Galaxy …
One of the divine manifestations of Sri Vishnu is as Surya Naaraayana, which means Vishnu of the Sun world or the protection aspect of Sun …
In reality of things, this manifestation of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu as Surya Naaraayana, is as a human form and is also as a formless allegorical state …
Sri Krishna was the last Poorna Avatar of Sri Vishnu … Poorna Avatar means the “Full Avatar or fuller descent of Sri Vishnu in a human form (i.e. as a human form of Sri Bhagwan Krishna) …
Thus the offset which was discussed in an earlier topic of Sri Krishna’s delayed departure from this world (i.e. topic of Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) is also applicable here, but in a different way …
Proceeding further …
We had discussed that the universe was adjusted by Varaha Avatar of Sri Vishnu (which we have already discussed in earlier topic of “About Kaalchakra”, and was discussed in earlier topic of “Shape of plane of existence” and was also discussed in earlier topic of “Calculating precession”) … We had also discussed that this adjustment was in fractions or multiples of the number 108 (i.e. multiples of number 1.08) …
But as far as position of sun within the Milky Way Galaxy stands, this adjustment was basis ratios of number 108, which as such is also a number of Sun due to the fact that the “divinity of Sun” is “also” a self expressed state of the Vedic trinity (i.e. Brahma or creator, Vishnu of preserver and Shiva or destroyer-rejuvenator) … But this is only when the Sun is doing the job as Surya Naaraayana …
Coincidentally after completion of Mahabharata war in 3030 BC, Sri Krishna’s departure from this world was also basis the same principle of Surya Naaraayana … Thus Sri Krishna timed his departure after completion of Mahabharata war between 27 and 28 years (after completion of Mahabharata war) … This is what ended up becoming the offset of his departure from this world and we have already discussed this fact in an earlier topic of “Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure” … And this offset was as per his status (or macrocosmic standing) as a Poorna Avatar of Sri Vishnu, which also includes “Being Surya Naaraayana” …
Proceeding further …
The positioning of sun within the Milky Way Galaxy is also based upon the same aspect … The sun is also positioned “around 1/4th the length of main disc of the Galaxy (i.e. 27 light years)” from the center of the Galaxy …
For the human realms the applicable time is in human solar years … But for the realm of the sun, this time span is as per divinity of sun, i.e. the time which light takes to travel in one human solar year (or light years as it is also termed) … Thus the positioning of sun from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is also “27 light years +/- 1 light year” …
Note: The Sun world and its accomplishment vehicle has already been discussed in earlier topic of “Crimson red body … Surya Sharira” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “World of crimson red body … Surya Loka” … And the entirety of knowledge which I was to render to this world and which was regarding some of the “divine worlds and their accomplishment vehicles” has already been discussed in an earlier set of topics of “Siddha Sharira and Loka” …
Above works out as “1/4th the length of the Milky Way Galaxy, +/- 1 light year” as was calculated in earlier topic of “Dimensions of Milky Way” …
Basis above if anyone would calculate the distance of sun from the center of galaxy then it would also be found to be of “1/4th the length of main disc of Milky Way Galaxy, +/- 1 light year” …
This distance shall continue to be within above stated ranges until the next Poorna Avatar (Full Avatar) of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Kalki Deva) descends to this world …
And then the position of Sun would again be re-adjusted as per his wishes and after he completes the current divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) so as to pave the way for the next “divine golden age cycle (Deva Satyuga)” in which the further (i.e. later) Varaha Avatar would be manifested in this world and then he may (or may not) adjust the above stated position of Sun to a newer value (or newer distance) …
Every Poorna Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu also follows the same principle, but in multiples of 108 which as such is the base value of adjustment of the universe by Varaha Avatar of Sri Vishnu …
This shift shall be taken up wherever necessary in some later discussions …
Continues …