Okar means the sound of O … This is the middle seed syllable of AOM (or AUM) which is related to the golden womb of macrocosmic creation or Hiranyagarbha Brahma … Okar is also the Karya Brahma or Doer Maker and the Golden egg whose divinity is Parashakti and Tirodhan Shakti …
FF-1 … Okar or Golden egg or Karya Brahma, Tirodhan Shakti and Parashakti …
Above figure is denoting a very-very bright golden state in which the subtler vehicle travels from Akar to Okar, but in above painting it does not seem so (as the colors have become dull over the years that have passed after this state was originally painted by me) …
As the subtler vehicle (i.e. one who self realizes) which was sitting at the lotus feet of the supreme mother or Akar (as was discussed in the previous set of topics and who is also present in the brain of each aspirant) is blessed by her, subtler body gets automatically propelled upwards a higher level within the head of the aspirant itself (i.e. the subtler vehicle gets pushed towards the top of skull) … At this time, the subtler vehicle begins moving beyond Akar itself and eventually reaches the self realization of Okar which is being discussed here …
During the time of this travel to the sphere of Hiranyagarbha, the subtler vehicle again has its hands above its head and in a position which is of a Shashwat Pranam as shown in above figure …
As the subtler body begins to move upwards, the subtler body sees a very-very subtle light of bright reddish-orangish color which is enveloping another very bright lighted orb of golden color and this entire state also resting within the same golden colored envelope that was seen around the supreme mother (golden mother of sound, form and light i.e. Akar) of macrocosmic creation …
Bright golden lights are emitted out this golden egg like shape which itself is surrounded by a bright orangish red envelope …
The reddish-orange colored envelope around the golden colored orb is as if vast amount of energy is spontaneously bursting out of it and this energy also gives subtle shocks to the travelling subtler vehicle of the aspirant …
And as soon as the subtler vehicle of the aspirant (i.e. the aspirant’s subtle vehicle which self realizes that which is discussed here) tries to enter into that envelope of bright orangish red color which surrounds the golden colored central orb of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or Ukar), then subtle shocks which already are coming to that subtler vehicle (of the aspirant) only increase in strength and frequency … At this time, spontaneous energy bursts are also felt in the head of the physical vehicle of the aspirant … These denotes are denoting the stage of opening of paths to further self realizations (i.e. self realizations of states which are further to Okar or Hiranyagarbha Brahma which is being discussed here) …
Note: These energy bursts are due to the Parashakti (or beyond divinity) of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, whose sound itself is Okar as is being discussed here … When such bursts of energies (which come within the head region of the physical vehicle) start increasing in strength and frequency, then the aspirant should consciously practice detachment … If this is not done, then also the aspirant shall get stuck at the stage where Hiranyagarbha is acting as Karya Brahma and thus in such a case, that aspirant shall also begin entering into egoism and thence the further stage of entering into dualism cannot even be avoided by such an aspirant who fails in maintaining an inner detachment …
This stage of entering into detachment is needed as one of the divinities of Tatpurusha is of Tirodhaan Shakti or the divinity of Veiling … This veiling divinity is the one who tries to divert the attention of the aspirant as soon as the aspirants subtler vehicle tries to enter into the golden womb of Tatpurusha … This could be termed like the final test which needs to be passed prior an entry into the golden egg shaped Okar (i.e. Tatpurusha face or Hiranyagarbha within the aspirants brain) … Thus as long as detachment to allness and her each part is maintained, the aspirant shall pass through this temporary phase of bursts inside the brain …
But after the initial entry when the subtler vehicle gets stationed within Okar (Sound of O), these shocks subside and eventually stop …
Whilst stationed at Okar (Ukar or Hiranyagarbha Brahma), the subtler vehicle bathes in this pristine golden light of Okar and eventually becomes one with it i.e. there remains no difference between the realizer (i.e. the aspirant’s subtler vehicle) and the realized (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma or Okar) …
Above paragraph is because of the fact that “You are what you have self realized” …
And the reverse of this statement is also true, “Until you arrive at a inner sameness (or inner purity) to your meditated state, you cannot even self realize that state” …
And since this fact is applicable to every path, so this was also the aspect which led to systems of austerities and procedures to maintain inner and outer purity within all knowledge systems that related to any of the divinities (so that the aspirants purify themselves externally and internally and thus come in an inner sameness to their meditated state or entity, so as to eventually qualify to self realize whom they believe in and/or meditate upon) …
Continuing further … At this time when the differences between the realizer and realized are evolved over, the subtler vehicle is ‘almost’ fully transparent and is found to be of a very subtle golden yellow color … This is how the subtler vehicle is seen to be when it has arrived and has also gotten itself stationed within the golden light of Okar (or Tatpurusha face of Shiva or Hiranyagarbha) …
FF-2 … Okar or Ukar and Changes around the backbone area of the physical vehicle …
At this stage, a bright orangish reddish color mixed up with brown color is seen at the right hand side of the backbone area (of the physical vehicle and the corresponding location on the subtler vehicle) …
And this color is seen even when the subtler vehicle is of an “almost” transparent yellow color at this time …
This is the condition when the subtler vehicle is still travelling upwards (towards the top of skull of the physical vehicle so as to enter the sphere of Hiranyagarbha Brahma or Okar of our current discussion) …
This color (orangish red brown) is located in the entire right side of the back bone area (i.e. it is present within the right hand channel or Sun channel or Pingala Naadi) … This color is also of heat-luminosity (or Tejas) which gets mixed up with the fiery orangish-red light that surrounds golden womb of creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) and that too after the subtler vehicle (Jivatman) pierces the outer bright orangish red colored envelope of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or golden womb of macrocosmic creation) …
And the same condition continues until that subtler vehicle stays at the sphere of Okar (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) which is located at the top of brain of each aspirant and is also located within the outermost peripheries of each universe …
GG … Okar as Karya Brahma …
Now we shall revert back to one of the names of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (Golden womb of macrocosmic and microcosmic creation) and this name is Karya Brahma … The term Karya Brahma means the Doer Maker or the Maker to effects the entire macrocosmic creation, from within its own inner pristine nature …
- The doer has to be knowledgeable, as then only would it be able to do that which makes his doings to reach their destination of becoming the entire macrocosmic creation …
This knowledge also has to be of primary subtleties and of the later grossness that manifests out of the parental or original subtleties from where the later grosser states are created by the doer …
And because of this knowledge of the Doer, all that it originates out of its own pristine state, also ends up resting within the same knowledge principle, as is of the doer itself … Thus the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part is holding the same knowledge principle within itself …
- In addition to above, the doer also needs to be conscious of the stages of its doings, and thus all that is originated out of itself, also rests within the same conscious principle, which itself is of the originator (The Doer Maker or Karya Brahma) … Thus the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part is also holding an essential consciousness within itself …
- And because the doer of creating, so it also has to hold the purity of activity principle within itself … Thus all that originates out of the doer (i.e. the macrocosm and each microcosm) is also holding the activity principle within itself …
Proceeding further …
And because the Karya Brahma is holding the fullness of these three principles (i.e. conscious, knowledge and activity principles) within its own nature, so all that originates out of Hiranyagarbha Brahma, also gets blessed within its own intelligence, consciousness and activity principle …
Thus those who say that the earth or water or any other element is a dead entity, would eventually know that it is not so … And those who say that the planet or galaxy or universe is a dead entity, would also be proved wrong after modern science reaches a stage where humans are able to appreciate and understand the knowledge-conscious-activity principles of Karya Brahma (or Doer Maker) itself …
In reality there is nothing which could be called as dead because everything holds the knowledge-conscious-activity principles of Karya Brahma or Okar of our current discussion …
And these three principles are intrinsic to all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings because these three are common to the entirety of macrocosmic speciology i.e. all that is as an animate microcosm, inanimate microcosm, supra-animate microcosm and supra-inanimate microcosm …
Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (Guru of my previous incarnation) had termed the same Okar which itself is within each aspirant, as the innermost and eternal Buddha nature …
All that is required to self realize what is stated here and was also told by Vedic sages and by Gurudeva Buddha Avatar is to begin moving inwards …
Moving inwards means to subtly move towards your own innermost self … This means to enter into those practices which make you enter into the inward paths which eventually leads you to self realization of your own “innermost essence (or Atman)” …
The same Atman (or in other words, the Innermost essence) of Vedas is also same as that which is told as one’s “own innermost pristine nature” and which itself is your “own innermost Buddha nature”, or as the much-much later Biblical lore says “the Kingdom of God within you” …
GG-2 … Upon getting stationed within Hiranyagarbha (Okar or Ukar) …
And finally … Below painting describes the golden accomplishment vehicle (golden body) which self-manifests within the physical vehicle of the aspirant and which eventually becomes stationed within its own primary macrocosmic state, i.e. Okar or Hiranyagarbha Brahma or Tatpurusha face of Shiva of Vedas, Agama’s and Yoga Shastras of Sanatan Dharma …

At this stage, there is no difference between the characteristics of Okar (or golden colored Hiranyagarbha Brahma) and the golden body of the aspirant … The golden body is also called as Buddha body of reality and this can also be termed as Hiranyagarbha Sharira …
The state which this figure depicts (i.e. Hiranyagarbha and the golden accomplishment vehicle of the aspirant) is a very bright golden colored one, but above figure does not seem so because the colors have changed during the years which have passed after it was originally painted by the little student who writes this text …
That’s all for now … But we shall be again returning back to this topic at a later stage of this text …