The state depicted by above painting is also a very bright golden colored one and that golden color is surrounded by very bright and bursting rays of orangish red light … But it does not seem so in above painting as the colors have faded over the years that have passed after this figure was painted … Here we shall discuss Okar or Ukar or sound of O as Hiranyagarbha Brahma or Hiranyagarbha or golden womb of creation and as Dharmakaya …
AA-1 … Okar (Sound of O), Hiranyagarbha Brahma and Tatpurusha …
This is the state which is above (or beyond) the earlier discussed Akar (or Sound of A) … Thus, after the realization of Akar (which was discussed in the earlier set of topics) is crossed over, above painted state gets self realized by the aspirant …
AA-2 … This is also located at the top part of brain of each aspirant and thus the state which is depicted by above painting is also present inside the head of each aspirant …
And its corresponding state is also there in the greater macrocosmic creation …
Due to it being present in both i.e. within the greater macrocosm and the lesser microcosm (i.e. within the aspirant’s microcosmic body, so it was added in the Vedic lore as a deity + …
+ Explaining + above …
+ One of the primary criterion for selecting a Vedic deity was that the deity should be present within allness and simultaneously be present within all parts of allness and where this presence also had to be proven to be unbroken across the three times …
+ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus basis this requirement, the self realized, all realized sages of the Vedic lore had also ensured that any of the chosen Vedic deities and their states (or plane or sphere of the deity) were such that these deities were present within each aspirant, in addition to being simultaneously present within the greater macrocosmic creation … Only those deities who could comply to this primary criterion were chosen as Vedic deities by the ancient self-realized, all-realized Sages of Vedic lore … This is what made the Vedic lore to rest within an eternal timelessness, just as it actually is …
+ Continuing with above paragraph … Above primary requirement was because of the fact that unless a deity could be simultaneously present within and beyond each aspirant, following could not be proved regarding that deity …
- That deity has been there right since the commencement stage of the Maker’s Makings … This proves that the deity was present even prior the microcosm’s were originated within the Maker’s Makings … Unless this is a reality, that deity cannot even be one who is eternally present within each animate microcosm …
- That deity is an intrinsic unbroken partless part of the original self expression of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … Unless this criterion is there, above bullet point cannot even be complied …
- That the deity can be a direct and eternal path to the self realization of the attributeless infinite being (or in other words, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) … This can only be guaranteed if above listed criterion are fully satisfied …
- The deity is omnipresent … This can only be guaranteed if above criterion are satisfied …
- That deity can be of assistance when the aspirant is in a bodied (grosser or incarnated) state and also be of assistance when that same aspirant is in an unbodied state (i.e. when the aspirant evolves to higher states of existence) … This can only be guaranteed if all above listed criterion are satisfied …
- That deity has been present ever there since the stage of commencement of the Maker’s Makings and thus is a timeless and an eternally present one … This can only be guaranteed if all above listed criterion are satisfied …
- The same deity can be related by an aspirant across the entire evolutionary existence of the aspirant and thus in such a case, to continue to evolve, the aspirant does not need to find newer deities (or states or heavens) after evolving from this gross world system … To comply to this, all above shall have to be complied to …
- To ensure above, the deities of Vedic lore were chosen after a strict analysis of their self realized states which as such also need to be present within and beyond the microcosm and only those deities who could comply to this requirement were placed within the Vedas by the self realized all realized sages …
Continuing with above bullet point … Thus because this is how it has been since those ancient timeless times which as such are beyond any sort of analysis and calculation, so the knowledge which was directly related to this system or way of life was termed as the “Dharma” by the sages … The term Sanatan Dharma means “an eternal way of life, here and beyond” … Thus, Dharma (or Sanatan Dharma) is told to be timeless way of life in Vedic lore … And the same is also applicable to all the direct branches of Sanatan Dharma s (i.e. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and native or aboriginal or Adivasi lore’s) and this itself is because all these are also related to one or all of that to which Sanatan Dharma also relates i.e. the eternal Maker, the eternal Vedic deities and the eternal Maker’s Makings (i.e. Macrocosm and its each microcosm) …
- That deity who could not be proved to be resting in that which is discussed here and which itself is the primary criterion to be a deity of the Vedic lore, only ended up failing this primary criterion and thus was not referred to as a Vedic deity by the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages … This was as such a deity cannot even be of any assistance to the aspirants during the entirety of the three times and during all the stages of their evolutionary process which itself passes through all the states of existences that ever are within the Maker’s Makings …
- And because these deities and their states were eternal, so the philosophy of Sanatan Dharma was only based upon the “eternal cyclic nature of time” … These cycles of time are also applicable to all that ever was, is and could ever be as the macrocosm and its each microcosm …
- And since most of the recent egoistic or monotheistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) do not comply to what is written here, so each of their knowledge systems always have an “end time prophecy” which itself is in lieu of the systems as are of the Pluralistic yet Monist Vedic lore (and of the Vedic deities) where there are cycles of time and thus the existence of allness and her each part is also cyclic … And this is also such that these cycles of time have also been continuing since the beginningless times and shall also continue until the endless future … Thus in the Vedic lore, even the creator (i.e. Brahma) changes after he completes his destined time span of being a creator of allness and at such a time, the entire macrocosm dissolutes and then after a period of rest, another creator (Brahma) takes over so as to recreate (or re-originate) the same multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
- That which is timeless and eternal, is also endless in its dimensional expanses (i.e. it is the infinite) … This is even when the fact still remains that as far as unitary values of time and space are concerned, these unitary value of time and space are inversely proportional to each other ++ …
++ Explaining ++ of above paragraph … We shall be proving this fact in a later topic of Kaalchakra (or the eternally cyclic nature of time) … However within this text I shall not be discussing the eternal cycles of other three primary dimensions i.e. eternal cycles of space (Akashchakra), eternal cycles of directions (Dishachakra) and the eternal cycles of state or condition (Dashachakra) as this knowledge is not to be given during any divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) because of the fact that during the divine degenerate ages (Deva Kaliyuga) the humans, their angels and egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) can make destructive weapons out of such higher knowledge systems and thus end up totally corrupting the pristinely pure state of this knowledge of the four primary dimensions … As also a fact that even these egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata or individualistic or monotheistic Gods) don’t hold this knowledge as they are not evolutionary ready to know it and thus these egoistic would never be able to apply this knowledge system in a “subtle way” … By the phrase “subtle way” I mean a better or higher way or a way which leads to an evolutionary upliftment of all parts of macrocosmic speciology, all of who are resting within the purviews of the knowledge of these four primary dimensions of time, space, directions and state … As far as science is concerned, there is no knowledge higher than the science of four dimensions (I.e. Chatush Ayaam) …
BB-1 … The sound of O … “OOOOOOOOO … Endlessly” …
BB-2 … This is Ukar of Yoga and Vedas … Ukar means “upward moving” … And this name was given for this state because it pushes the travelling subtler vehicle (i.e. the aspirants subtler vehicle which self-realizes this state) upwards and that too with such a force that the subtler vehicle enters into the later discussed state of Makar and thence into the further state of AOM or Omkar (i.e. OM of our current discussion) …
Upward movement also refers to the upwardly propulsion of an aspirants evolutionary standing i.e. the aspirant arrives at an ever higher evolutionary standing after entering into a self realization of the state of our discussion … Thus the name Ukar was given to the state of our discussion because of its capability to cause an “evolutionary upliftment” of all that relates to it …
BB-3 … This was also termed as Okar, which means the one who causes the origination of “seed syllable O” of Sanskrit … This name (i.e. Okar) was told for the state of our discussion, due to its own characteristic sound i.e. the endless sound of “OOOOOOOOO” (i.e. Okar) …
BB-4 … This sound (i.e. sound of O) denotes the second seed syllable of OM Naad or Sound of AOM, which is also termed as AUM by some scriptures …
BB-5 … Thus basis above discussions …
- Those texts which state that OM Naad (or sound of OM) is made up of the three seed syllables of A-U-M have stated so because they have utilized its characteristic of “upwardly upliftment” of this sound as a base of their statements …
- Those texts which state that OM Naad (or sound of OM) is made up of the three seed syllables of AOM have stated so because they have utilized its “characteristic sound (i.e. Sound of O)” as a base of their statements …
- Thus basis this discussions, both of these ways of reciting AUM (or OM Naad or simply OM) are correct …
BB-6 … This sound is a very subtle one and thus it leads to a very high quantum of calm within the aspirant who self realizes it and thence also begins subtly resting in it …
CC-1 … Explaining Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
The above painted state is also the bright golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva (or Hiranyagarbha Brahma) …
The Sanskrit word Tatpurusha is made up of two words … Tat and Purusha … And these two words mean the following …
- Tat … The word “Tat” means “That” … Thus this term is denoting the attributeless-infinite being or the Absolute (Brahman) and this term also denotes the Pristine divinity (or Maa Adi Parashakti of Shakta Lore’s) because of the fact that divine and divinity are one and the same because they are eternally united to each other, like the sun and its light …
- Purusha … The word “Purusha” means the “primordially original self-manifested state of the essence of the conscious-knowledge-activity principle” … Purusha also means the self-manifested primordial and original state of the attributeless infinite being i.e. Brahman … And in the finality of this term it only means attributeless infinite Absolute being (which in Sanskrit language means as the Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … But this is not what we shall be referring to in this discussion, as it is a matter of a much later topic …
- So the word Tatpurusha means “That essential Parabrahman within ITs own original, primary and primordial self-expressed, self-manifested and self-present original state” …
- Thus basis above, Tatpurusha face is the attributed yet the formless (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar) pristine, primordially original state in which Parabrahman self-expressed itself … All knowledge systems which relate to formless deities, are eventually referring to Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva only as this face is the firstly self-manifested face of Sadashiva …
- But eventually, by above discussions we also mean that Tatpurusha denotes the timeless original state in which Parabrahman had originally self expressed itself and within the purviews of all the states which were discussed in an earlier topic of “As it eventually became” … And due to this reason, the word Purusha, also includes the original attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of Parabrahman …
- Since Tatpurusha is the first cardinal face of Sadashiva and is also based within an attributed-formless state, so Tatpurusha also denotes the original attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of attributeless infinite Absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
CC-2 … From the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is self-originated (i.e. Swayambhu or spontaneously sprung out) the “the lord of divine beings (I.e. Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva) and his divine world (i.e. Indraloka)” which as such is of a very subtle yellow color that is self realized when the earlier discussed stage of ALA Naad is crossed over by an aspirants travelling subtler vehicle …
Within the subtle vehicle, the same Indra Loka (i.e. the world of ruler or king of divine worlds) is present inside the “Ida Naadi (i.e. the left hand channel or the moon channel or the coldness channel)” and here also it is seen to be of the same condition i.e. of a very subtle bright yellow color …
And because the left hand channel (i.e. Ida Naadi or moon channel which is running at the left hand side of the backbone) relates to Devaraja Indra itself, so during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations, Devaraja Indra was also addressed as “Idandra Deva” which means the “Lord of Ida Naadi (or left hand subtle channel or moon channel)” …
This world of Devaraja Indra (i.e. world of ruler or king of divine worlds) is also the macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya) which self-manifests as the knowledge sheath (i.e. Vijyanmaye Kosha) of each aspirant …
And due to this reason, the knowledge sheath (i.e. Vijyanmaye Kosha) of each aspirant is an intrinsic partless part of the same macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya) which as such is none other than the Indra Loka itself (i.e. the world of ruler or king of divine worlds) …
Thus any aspirant who self realizes its own knowledge sheath (i.e. Vijyanmaye Kosha, which is within the aspirant itself) also becomes evolutionary ready to enter into the “world of ruler of divine beings (I.e. Indra Loka)” …
And since the “world of ruler of divine beings (I.e. Indra Loka)” itself is the macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kosha or Brahmic Buddhi Kosha), so during those last few millenniums after humanity started ignoring Indra Deva (and also started leaving his higher ways of life) and they also began degrading him to “that which he definitely is not” then all the subtle knowledge systems, all of which are eventually related to Devaraja Indra and which led to “oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” also started vanishing from this world …
And as these subtler or higher divine systems started leaving this world, then the much-much lower or grosser individualistic systems began entering this world … This in turn led to rise of individualism (or monotheism) within this world which itself was in lieu of the earlier pluralistic monism as was of the ways of life that related to the earlier Sanatan Dharma and also to Devaraja Indra … And since individualism (monotheism of any kind) only leads to divides and chaos, so this world has also been resting within a cyclic state of chaos ever since humanity started degrading Indra Deva to that, which he definitely is not …
Thus the reversal of path from the current chaotic state of humanity to the originally laid down path of inner-calm and outer-peace as was through the path of Vedas, is only through the initial stage of getting back into those systems which relate to Devaraja Indra …
When humanity left his (Devaraja Indra’s) systems, it also entered into chaos and thus the return back to peace, is also through the path of undoing the mistakes that were inadvertently committed right from the time when humanity left Indra Deva’s systems … There is no other way to a long lasting inner and outer-peace, except through a return back to the systems of the ruler of divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja Indra) …
Irrespective of what any of the egoistic Gods of recent systems (i.e. systems that came by during the last few millenniums) may claim about their capabilities to manifest an eternal peace, none of their ways have worked during the last few millenniums (i.e. after their systems entered this world) … And also a fact that the last few millenniums have been enough to prove the fact that all these recent egoistic Gods, all of who have claimed about peace, safety and security within their own scriptures, have failed to deliver what they have claimed about (in their own scriptures) … And I say this because of the fact that this world has only been resting within a cyclic state of chaos ever since these “evolved yet evolving entities (i.e. egoistic Gods)” and their individualistic (or monotheistic) systems had entered into this world … And if a few millenniums are not enough for these egoistic Gods to prove what they have been claiming about within their own scriptures, then I think humanity as a whole need to seriously look for alternate better systems of ancient times, most of which were related to Devaraja Indra or to the parental state of Devaraja Indra, i.e. Tatpurusha face of Shiva as is being discussed here and who himself is the golden womb of creation (or Hiranyagarbha Brahma of the Vedas) …
CC-3 … This is also the golden colored Dharmakaya (i.e. the macrocosmic plane of Dharma) of knowledge systems that were rendered to humanity by the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation i.e. Gautama Buddha …
CC-4 … Descriptions of Tatpurusha in various texts of Sanatan Dharma …
Vedic texts describe the same Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva as follows …
- Vedantic Upanishads … Vedantic texts describe Tatpurusha as being of a very vast dimensional expanse and of a red color … This is because they consider the very bright red colored envelope and red colored light rays which are present around the Tatpurusha face (as shown in above painting) …
- Kashmiri Shaivism … The above painted is told as the east facing Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva in Kashmiri Shaivism which is of a white-yellow color … This is probably because of the fact that a diamond white light is present within the golden envelope (and thus such texts consider both the colors of white and yellow to be of Tatpurusha) …
- Agama Lore’s … Some Agama Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma consider this state as being the east facing Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva which is of a golden color … Some texts even state that Tatpurusha is of a white yellow color (same reason as above bullet point) …
- Raja Yoga Lore … These texts mostly describe Tatpurusha same as is described in Agama Lore’s as discussed in above bullet point …
- Vedas … The Vedas term the same Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva as Hiranyagarbha Brahma or golden womb of the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part and that too whilst considering Hiranyagarbha to be of a bright red color … This is because Vedas have also considered the external red colored envelope of this state as primary (Just as was stated in the first bullet point of this discussion i.e. Vedantic Upanishads) …
- Vedas continued … Thus the Vedic Puranic texts also state that “Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. creator deity)” who is related to this same state (of Hiranyagarbha Brahma of our current discussion) is of a red color and these Purana’s also state that Pitamah Brahma Ji denotes the red colored “macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. the red colored quality of action or Rajoguna)” …
- Vedas continued … Vedic lore’s also address the divinity of this state (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) as Maa Gayatri Savitri Principle, who as such is Akar that we had discussed within the previous set of topics …
- Hath Yoga Lore … Hath Yoga used to consider the inner bright golden envelope of this state and thus this path used to term Tatpurusha as being of a golden color only … But the term which Hath Yoga uses for source of Tatpurusha, is of Brahmatattva (or the pristine element of Maker’s Makings) which in a later topic, shall be discussed with a painting of it …
CC-5 … Significance of golden color and thus of Tatpurusha …
Golden color denotes the original state of union of knowledge and consciousness and which was prior the consciousness had adopted impressions (Samskaras) of the self originating macrocosmic creation … Thus golden color denotes the state which was of the original unioned condition of consciousness and knowledge …
During the state which was prior the self-origination of the macrocosmic creation and when the consciousness was free of impressions, the consciousness was of a diamond white color and it was also subtler than the yellow colored knowledge … At this state the subtler consciousness was pervading the knowledge and thus the diamond white colored consciousness was resting within the yellow colored knowledge and this is what led to the golden colored state of macrocosmic knowledge principle … This golden colored state is what was termed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or golden womb of creation) within the Vedas and this also was termed as the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva in Vedantic Upanishads in addition to being termed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva within the other lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
As such, during the evolutionary process of any aspirant, when the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of that aspirants causal body (causal body is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya) becomes freed of all past impressions (Samskaras) and only the last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) remains within the consciousness orb of that aspirant, then the consciousness becomes arrived at a matt white hue … And because the aspirant has already evolved to a state where only the last and final impression remains within his (or her) consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta), so this condition also denotes a very high state evolution of that aspirant …
And at an even later evolutionary stage, when the consciousness re-arrives at its original state which as such is of being completely or totally impressionless (i.e. even free of the last impression), then the consciousness orb of that aspirant becomes like a diamond white color … This diamond white color denotes the original impressionless state of consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) as was prior the commencement of process of Maker’s Makings … Thus when an aspirants consciousness orb returns back to what is discussed here, then because this denotes a state which was prior to the commencement of Maker’s Makings, so such an aspirant is already deemed to have gone past the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Thus when all impressions which relate to all past deeds and their fruits that were undergone across ones entire evolutionary existence (i.e. right from the time when one was begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings) are fully unseeded from the consciousness orb of an aspirant, then the consciousness orb becomes of a bright diamond white color … This denotes a return back to the original condition of consciousness as was prior the stage when the Maker’s Makings had originally commenced …
At the stage of commencement of Maker’s Makings, the consciousness was free of impressions … And as the Maker’s Makings progressed, the impressions (Samskaras) of the forming subtler and grosser states of macrocosmic creation, were adopted by the macrocosmic consciousness … And since these impressions were grosser that the original subtlety of consciousness, so these adoption of impressions from the originating macrocosmic creation in turn led to a loss of resultant subtlety of the macrocosmic consciousness (and thus the consciousness started getting arrived at a higher resultant grossness) … This led to a state where the consciousness lost its original diamond white color and thus started reflecting a color which was resultant of its own original diamond white color and the colors of the impressions which were adopted by it (from the originating macrocosm) …
In its originality, the consciousness was of a diamond white color and in such a condition the macrocosmic consciousness was subtler than knowledge … Due to this reason the diamond white colored consciousness was pervading the yellow colored knowledge and due to this reason, at this stage the diamond white colored consciousness was resting within the envelope of the yellow colored knowledge … At this time, due to the presence of consciousness within knowledge, the yellow colored knowledge was shining in a golden hue … This union of consciousness and knowledge is what led to a golden hue of that united condition of consciousness with knowledge … And this is what the golden colored Hiranyagarbha Brahma or the golden womb of all creation (and who also is Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) really is within its own originality …
But as the consciousness started adopting impressions from the developing or originating macrocosmic creation, its resultant subtlety also started reducing …
And as this adoption of impressions (by the macrocosmic consciousness) continued, a stage was arrived where the consciousness ended up becoming grosser than knowledge … At this stage, the consciousness was no longer in its original diamond white color …
After the consciousness adopted impressions and as it became relatively grosser than the yellow colored knowledge, the yellow colored knowledge began pervading the consciousness … Thus at this stage the yellow colored knowledge was seen to be resting within the whitish hue of consciousness … This condition denoted the reverse of the original state which as such was where the consciousness was pervading knowledge and thus the consciousness was resting within the envelope of knowledge …
The entire evolutionary process of any aspirant (any microcosm) is to make the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) to return back to its original subtlety which as such is naught but an impressionless state of consciousness orb (I.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) of the aspirant’s “causal body (which is also termed as the Bliss sheath or Anandmaye Kosha and which in Vedic lore is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya) …
During the course of evolutionary process, when the consciousness orb of an aspirant is only holding the last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) within it, then it is of a matt white color … At this stage the consciousness begins pervading knowledge and thus the matt white colored consciousness is seen to be resting within the envelope of yellow colored knowledge …
And when the last and final impression is also unseeded from the consciousness orb of the aspirant, then the same consciousness returns back to its originality i.e. a diamond white color …
Thus basis above discussions, the diamond white color denotes that the consciousness has already returned back to its original state, just as it originally was prior the commencement of the process of Maker’s Makings and thus it also denotes the stage where the aspirant has already gone past the purviews of the entirety of Maker’s Makings (i.e. the aspirant has re-arrived at a state which was prior the commencement of Maker’s Makings) …
At this stage the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant is deemed to have returned back to its original subtlety which as such is much higher than the subtlety of knowledge sheath (or Vijyanmaye Kosha) and thus at this stage, the knowledge is seen to be enveloping consciousness (i.e. the subtler consciousness is seen to be pervading the grosser knowledge) … And when this state of evolution arrives, then the yellow colored knowledge begins shining in a bright golden color (i.e. knowledge becomes fully conscious) … And also at this stage, because the aspirants consciousness itself has reached a subtlety which is higher than knowledge, so there really remains no knowledge system applicable to that aspirant as that aspirant walks free of all such knowledge systems +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … This non association to any knowledge system is due to the fact is due to the fact that when one’s own consciousness orb has arrived at a subtlety which is higher than knowledge, then that consciousness orb is also deemed to have evolved to a much higher evolutionary standing than knowledge and thus associating to knowledge would only mean lowering one’s own evolutionary standing, which as such is against the “ever higher evolution which is guaranteed through the effects of the macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution” … Thus in such a state, the aspirant does not associate to any knowledge system as there is no need to do so … Thus states the Vedic lore that those who have realized all that is to be ever realized and thus are already liberated whilst alive (i.e. the aspirant has reached the stage of being a Jeevanmukta), then such aspirants never relates to any knowledge system (i.e. any religion, or sect or path etc.) because of the fact that such an aspirant has already gone beyond all suchness …
This is the stage when the golden colored orb of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is self realized within the top part of brain by the aspirant …
And this is also the stage when the aspirant’s consciousness passes through the Shiva Taraka Mantra i.e. the supremely liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva … This Shiva Taraka Mantra is of “Raam Naad (or sound of Raam)” which shall be discussed in a later topic …
And this is also the stage when the golden colored accomplishment vehicle self manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle itself … This golden colored vehicle is the Tatpurusha Siddha Sharira (i.e. accomplishment vehicle which relates to the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and is present within the aspirant) and this is also the Hiranyagarbha Sharira (i.e. the accomplishment vehicle of Hiranyagarbha Brahma within the aspirant) and the same accomplishment vehicle was termed as the Buddha body of realty (i.e. Buddha Sharira) … This shall be discussed in a later topic which relates to a few of these accomplishment vehicles which get self-manifested within the aspirants physical vehicle and that too after the stage of Taraka Mantra (or the fully liberating Mantra) of Bhagwan Shiva, which as such is of Raam Naad (or sound of Raam) is transited through (or passed through) by that aspirant …
This vehicle thus denotes a stage where the aspirant has gone past the allness of Maker’s Makings and that aspirant has already reached an evolutionary standing where he (or she) becomes an incarnated state of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva itself … And this vehicle also denotes that the aspirant has also become a manifested state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma of Vedas … As also, this golden vehicle which self manifests in the physical vehicle of an aspirant also denotes the end part or culmination of the path of Yoga Tantra because it relates to Tatpurusha who itself is the first cardinal face of Sadashiva in addition to being the Lord of Yoga and Yogi’s of any of the three times …
When the consciousness pervades knowledge and thus begins resting inside knowledge, the knowledge returns back to its own original state which as such is of a bright golden color … This is the parental state of knowledge and consciousness which as such is termed as the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who by itself is denoting the finality of path of Yoga …
Due to all above reasons, Tatpurusha also denotes the final culmination of Yoga … And it is due to this reason that the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is also addressed as the Lord of consciousness (i.e. supreme consciousness), Lord of Yoga (Yoga Samraat) and Lord of Yogi’s (Yogiraaj) … And since this itself is the higher of all that ever is, so Tatpurusha is also addressed as Maheshwara (or the Great-Lord or the Lord of allness) …
CC-6 … It’s the same Tatpurusha … However irrespective of what paths and their told descriptions and any of the knowledge systems of now or ever, all these systems eventually have to pass through (i.e. their aspirants shall have to self realize) the same Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva which is being discussed in this topic … And thus all aspirants shall have to self realize the Okar (or Ukar) which is being discussed here (because sound of Tatpurusha itself is of Okar) …
Continues …