AA … What this topic … In this topic we shall be discussing the following … OM Naad … Sound of OM or AOM or AUM … The state of Omkar (i.e. the state of symbol and sound of OM) … This is inside the brain of each aspirant and its corresponding principal state is also within the macrocosmic creation … Pristine element of Maker (i.e. Brahma Tattva or Brahmatattva) … This is the pristine elemental state of Maker’s Makings and thus this also denotes the original state in which the perfectly detached Maker (i.e. attributeless-infinite Absolute being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) had self expressed itself in its own primary elemental state … Pranava Yoga … This term means a “Yoga or union, to Lord of macrocosmic vitality or Pranava) … Pranava in another name of Omkar (or OM) … And then finally discuss some aspects of ॐ, Omkar, OM, Pranava, Atman, Mahamantra, Akshar, AOM and AUM …
BB-1 … Regarding above painting … In reality the state which is depicted by above painting is so-so and further so bright that it’s impossible to paint it because those colors and that brightness is just not there within the colors and their shades which are available upon this physical world … So in this topic, I remain with no choice but to describe it and then leave it to be visualized by the aspirants …
Continuing with above paragraph … The state of this painting is composed of innumerable, very-very-very subtle and extremely bright rays (i.e. Rashmi) of very strong golden colored lights … These rays of light are upward moving i.e. moving upwards from the symbol of OM which as such is within the brain of all aspirants, and then these rays of light reaching till the top of head (i.e. till the skull bones) …
Continuing with above paragraph … The divinity (Shakti or energy or power or vitality) of this state is beyond any comparison to any other state of the Maker’s Makings … It was due to this reason that this state (of OM) was also addressed as the “Lord of macrocosmic vitality (or Pranava) +++” within the Vedic and Yogic lore’s …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Lord (i.e. Absolute) is not the Lord (i.e. Absolute) if it stays incomparable because the comparable cannot be any other than that who is based upon duality to another state … Thus within this text, when I use the term Lord, then it only means that the state to which this term (Lord) is addressed, is the incomparable one … This is because, that who is the comparable, cannot even be the incomparable Absolute and thus it cannot even be termed as the Lord of all … Thus all those greater entities who are centering individualistic systems and thus have dualistic philosophies (of good-bad, heaven-hell etc.) cannot fall in the category of the term Lord, as Lord being the incomparable, cannot even be restricted to a single path or text or way of life …
+++ Continuing with above explanation … But there are also some texts whose centered greater entity (or God of that text or path) claims itself to be the Lord of all and yet it is found to be based upon dualities (like good-bad, heaven-hell etc-etc) and/or is found to be based upon any form of individualism … All this proves that the centered entity (i.e. Godhead) of that text or path) is either a liar or is ignorant of the reality itself … Thus all those paths and their texts which relate to such centered greater entities, cannot never ever lead to a long lasting inner calm (within the followers of these texts) or outer peace (within the world where these texts exist) … Such texts must be approached with caution and whilst being based upon a critical discrimination between the real and non real or else these texts would only become as harbingers of a cyclic state of chaos within the world … This is also one of the primary reasons for all the chaos that humanity who inhabits this planet has seen or experienced during the last few millenniums, from now …
Continuing with above paragraph … When this state (of OM) is self realized, then it is also found that the entire crown plexus (or 7th plexus or thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) is also pervaded and enveloped by the pristine and incomparable divinity of this state (i.e. at the stage of self realization of OM, which itself is present within the aspirants brain, OM Shakti or Pristine divinity of OM is also found to be enveloping the entire crown plexus of the aspirant) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And within such a state of very bright yet subtle golden colored upwardly moving golden colored light rays, is resting the symbol of OM … It is this extremely bright yet phenomenally subtle golden envelope (which surrounds the symbol of OM and through whose transit the symbol of OM is self realized) which was told as Brahmatattva (or pristine element of Maker), Brahma Tattva (the principal elemental state of Maker’s Makings), Tattva Brahma (or the state in which the Maker self expressed ITself within the original timeless elemental state) in the Vedic lore … And coincidentally the same state was also termed as “Shuddha Chetan Tattva (i.e. pure conscious element)” within the Yogic Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
Continuing with above paragraph … It eventually is from this Brahmatattva that allness of Maker’s Makings is self originated and thus during ones evolutionary process, which itself is the reciprocal of the origination process, each aspirant shall have to pass through the state of our discussion and this statement is irrespective of the path (or knowledge system or faith or religion) that the aspirant may be following at that time, or at any earlier or later time span …
Thus basis above paragraph … Irrespective of who may be believed in by any aspirant, during ones evolutionary process the Brahmatattva of our current discussion can never be avoided and yet that aspirant claim himself (or herself) to be liberated …
Continuing with above paragraph … As such, all those systems (or paths or texts or centered entities of such systems) which have ever avoided the knowledge of Brahma Tattva within their teachings, either claim about an eternal return back (i.e. to keep returning back until every animate being is finally liberated) or they have claims about a future resurrection (or anything else which leads to a return back) at the time when the times of existence of macrocosmic creation itself are ending or they claim about a final liberator entering that world at a future time span, so as to deliver them the final liberation … All such theories of knowledge systems only prove that the system holds no knowledge of Brahmatattva as is being discussed here and this itself is because of the fact that any system which hold the knowledge of Brahmtattva, never needs such aspects or excuses which relate to a return back at future times …
Continuing with above paragraph … Once any aspirant self realizes the Brahmatattva, which itself is the original timelessly primordial and primary elemental state of the Maker’s Makings, that aspirant is already deemed to have gone beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings and thus at this stage if anybody were to ask the macrocosmic creation about the whereabouts of that aspirant, then the reply would inevitably be “He (or she) was, but now is not” … And such ones can even self chose to return back whenever necessary or they can even choose to not do so until the pending eternity as such an aspirant who has already self realized what is being discussed here, is also free of liberation and bondage alike …
Such are the aspirants who have gone beyond liberation and bondage alike and thus such ones could be termed as follows …
- Permanently gone, yet ungone and yet the fully and eternally gone one …
- Permanently ungone, yet already gone and yet the fully and eternally ungone one …
- Above does not denote duality of any sort, because the innermost meaning of this only denotes that the aspirant is free of liberation and bondage alike and thus is the fully independent only …
- And being fully independent is also due to the fact that the aspirant has already gone beyond the entirety of principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings … And yet that aspirant is definitely not the lawless one because going beyond the macrocosmic laws does not mean lawlessness …
BB-2 … Self realized knowledge of OM … Omkar … ॐ
As was discussed earlier, OM is the “Lord of macrocosmic vitality” and since the subtle sound of OM and its symbol is present within each aspirant and it is also there within the greater macrocosmic creation, so this knowledge of OM (i.e. right from Akar, then the self realization of (and thus a knowledge of) Okar, then the self realization (and thus a knowledge of Makar or OM Tat Sat) is the path to self realization to Omkar of our current discussion) is naught but a universal one …
And even the knowledge of this topic is a universal one (i.e. it is applicable to all aspirants and irrespective of their faiths and any other such aspects) but because it was rendered by Vedic sages itself and since these sages had also told that Omkar (or sound and symbol of OM) is the seed of the Vedas, so Vedas also happen to be a universal knowledge system and this is even when these Vedas originally were propagated by sages of very ancient Vedic lore itself …
At those ancient times, the Vedic knowledge was transmitted through verbal means i.e. through the words of a Guru …
But during those times when the Vedic knowledge was originally rendered through verbal means (i.e. from the words of a self realized, all realized sage to his or her disciples) since there was nothing like these temporary divisions of religions that we now see, so at those times this knowledge was also a universal one only … This Verbal transfer had continued for uncountable millenniums prior the Vedas were written down in their current state (around 5 millenniums ago) …
BB-3 … And finally for this point … Unlike the current times, within those very ancient times, we students used to receive this knowledge through initiations from our Gurujan and where these initiations itself were through verbal means (i.e. words of a Guru) … But the times that have befallen this planet as of now, this knowledge transfer itself has gotten based upon lower means, like an advance transfer or post transfer fee system …
But on the contrary during those ancient times, if the student was found to be holding appropriate impressions or Samskaras (i.e. accumulated merit, currently undergoing merit, future merit and destined merit) then only did any Guru transfer this knowledge to that student and this itself was because of the fact that holding of such appropriate merits was only denoting the evolutionary ripeness and rightness of the student to receive this knowledge …
Above was also because of the fact that during those times selling, barter, direct or indirect trade of Vedic knowledge or Vedic systems was considered as the greatest crime because the sages used to say, that such things ultimately lead to the degeneration of the knowledge system and its practitioners itself …
And since at those times there was nothing but the knowledge of Vedas, so Vedas itself are the primordial parent of all later knowledge systems and thus this discussion is also applicable to these later knowledge systems …
Thus all those who sell or barter or trade (direct or indirect trade) or enter into any sort of bargains of knowledge or paths of evolution, would ultimately be earning very lowly merits and since this fault has already been existent for the last few millenniums, so this also is one of the primary reasons for higher degenerative state of humanity, of now …
And since the same is also applicable to this text, so the only option for freely distributing it (as per the requirements of my Guru’s Dakshina) was to go on the web for publishing it … If my Guru had not told me to “freely distribute” it, which also means “free distribution” then I would have utilized other means of getting this published … And as far as this text and Vedic/Yogic lore which are referred to in this text, are concerned, the same free distribution shall also be applicable at those times which are after I am already gone from the current transmigrated incarnation …
CC … ॐ, OM, Pranava, Atman, Mahamantra …
CC-1 … After the subtler observing vehicle (Jivatman) has transited through each of the three pristine jewels (or the three pristine lights of earlier topic of Makar) and then the subtler observing vehicle (Jivatman) also has arrived at the symbol and verse of OM ( ॐ ) as is visible and heard beyond “each of” these three pristine jewels, then the aspirant is also sure of the fact that each of these jewels leads to the same state (i.e. Pristine element of Maker’s Makings) …
As also after self realization of the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) it is also found that the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) is upright and facing the subtler observing vehicle, irrespective of the position of the subtler observing vehicle in relation to this symbol of OM …
Thus irrespective of location (or positioning) of the subtler observing vehicle to the symbol of OM ( ॐ ), the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) is always seen to be upright and facing the subtler observing vehicle of the aspirant …
Thus basis above fact, irrespective of the direction of approach, the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) it is same symbol that would get self realized by the aspirants subtler vehicle … This in turn renders a realization, that this symbol of OM ( ॐ ) can be approached from any of the directions (i.e. paths) and thus irrespective of the path that is followed by any aspirant, ultimately the same symbol of OM ( ॐ ) shall have to passed through during the evolutionary process which leads to the stages of self realizations … This also proves that the symbol of OM is an omnidirectional one …
And since the same sound of OM is also there within each aspirant (and each microcosm) so it is also realized that it is also an omnipresent, omni-dimensional and thus a universal one …
Above is why sound of OM was termed as a Mahamantra, which literally means the Great-Mantra and which ultimately means the Supreme Mantra (because of the fact that within the innermost purviews of the Vedic lore, there can only be one Great and thus the stated great itself is the Supreme) … And because OM is the Supreme Mantra, so within the Vedic lore’s, it’s sound is also addressed as the Absolute being (Brahman) …
Within the brain of any aspirant, the symbol of OM is placed in a state which is composed of uncountable (or close to infinite) numbers of bright rays of a very subtle golden colored lights and these subtle lighted rays are also rising upwards (i.e. towards the skull top) … These close to infinite rays of light are so brightly lighted, that it seems as if one has entered into an eternally self-luminous state …
Above paragraphs realization was the reason for the Mahavakya of Rig Veda which is stated as stated below …
“Prajnanam Brahm or the self-luminous is the Absolute being (i.e. Brahman or Brahm)”
CC-2 … Union to Brahm Bindu and Pranava Yoga … Atman Yoga Brahman …
As soon as the realization arrives of the omni-dimensional state of this symbol, the subtler observing vehicle spontaneously and uncontrollably begins rising upwards (i.e. Upwards from the symbol of OM) …
This rise is because those close to infinite numbers of lighted rays that are present within this state of pristine element of Maker (Brahma Tattva) spontaneously begin pushing the subtler observing vehicle towards a location which is upwards of the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) …
As the subtler observing vehicle observing passes into those very subtle self-lighted uncountable rays of bright golden lights, it enters into these lights and eventually that subtler observing vehicle (Jivatman) enters into the Brahm-Bindu (i.e. the dot which is placed above the half moon shape that is shown above the symbol of OM) …
As soon as the Brahm Bindu is entered into, the subtler vehicle becomes one with it and thus finds itself to be indistinct from it … By this I mean, that the subtler observing vehicle (Jivatman) finds itself in a state of non-dual oneness with the Brahmatattva (which is around the symbol of OM), with the symbol and sound of OM and with also the Brahm Bindu …
This becoming one with the Brahm-Bindu is denoting the final state of absorption of the Jivatman (subtler observing vehicle) into its own primordial eternal timeless cause … This is the state of higher of all Yoga and we can ever term this as Pranava Yoga i.e. union to the lord of macrocosmic vitality …
After the absorption which is discussed above, the subtler observing vehicle cannot see itself to be distinct from that state which is arrived at by it i.e. the Brahm Bindu, OM and Brahmatattva …
The Brahm Bindu is only self realized after the other aspects of Brahmatattva and then the symbol and sound of OM have been self realized by the subtler vehicle (Jivatman) …
And the completeness of the realization of OM is only denoting the stage of a final realization after which nothing more is needed to be self realized by the aspirant during any further states of its own eternal existence …
Thus the realization of the symbol of OM also denotes the end part of one’s evolutionary process and prior the aspirant eventually becomes independent from all that ever is or could ever be in any near or distant future of the entirety of the Maker’s Makings …
And after the self realization of the Brahm Bindu which itself is within the aspirant’s brain, that aspirant finds itself to be indistinct from the Brahmatattva, symbol of sound of OM (and which includes the Brahm Bindu) …
This is the state of final Samadhi (absorption) where the realizer, realization and realized are one and the same and thus in such a state, there remains no distinctions or dualities to anything or anybody else …
Thus this stage of absorption also denotes the final non-dual Samadhi which was termed as Nirvikalpa Samadhi (or absorption without alternates) by the ancient Yogis (sages) who has passed through it and thus had also self realized it …
Continuing further …
CC-3 … This passage upwards of the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) is through the symbol of OM ( ॐ ) itself i.e. the subtler vehicle enters into the symbol and thence begins rising upwards within the symbol itself and then the subtler vehicle arrives into the dot (after passing the semi lunar shape as is shown in above painting and is located at the top of the symbol of OM) …
Once the dot that is at the top of the symbol is entered into and then is rested in, then subtler vehicle observing vanishes from its own sight i.e. absorbed …
After this stage when the subtler observing vehicle is merged (or absorbed) into the symbol of OM and its rising rays (which are composed of close to infinite numbers of bright golden colored lights) the subtler vehicle cannot even see itself, but the subtler vehicle is still seeing all there is around it … This is the stage where the subtler vehicle becomes light itself and thus it sees itself to be within all that is at this state (or our discussion) and simultaneously it sees all within itself … This is the stage where the observer, observation and observed become one and thus it denotes the state of existence within the finality of absolute non-duality (this is what Nirvikalpa Samadhi or the trance without alternates was told to be) …
And this stage of not seeing itself to be separate from those brightly lit-up golden colored upwardly rising lights that itself are pushing the subtler vehicle continuously upwards with them (I.e. taking the subtler vehicle to the top of Crown plexus or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara chakra), the subtler observing vehicle who see itself indistinct from these rays and thus does not see itself as an individuality, also realizes that it itself is none other than an element within which it is residing …
Above is what leads to the realization of “Tattvam Aham … I am the pristine element of the Maker’s Makings” (or in other words, I am the Brahmatattva) …
This further leads to the culmination of realization, which itself is of a Vedic Mahavakya of Samaveda, which as such is stated as “Tat Twam Asi” which means “Thou (innermost essence or self or Atman) Art That (Atman or self of all or Brahman) …
But this realization only arrives after the subtler observing vehicle does not see itself to be distinct from the symbol of OM (i.e. symbol of OM and its rising bright golden lights) …
Within this condition of being indistinct to the symbol of OM, the subtler observing vehicle resides and thence comes to know the innermost meaning of non-duality of knowledge of Brahman (OM) … This could be stated thus …
“When the knowledge, knower and known become one, then the knower is indistinct from the known as the knowledge of the knower, itself is the known” …
This is the state from where the knowledge of non-duality had originally originated and this itself relates to the symbol of OM and to the Vedic Mahavakya from Samaveda as was discussed earlier … And it is due to this reason that this Mahavakya (of Samaveda) is considered as the higher of all by many followers of Vedanta …
CC-4 … When the self realization of the Mahavakya (or mega statement) of Samaveda which is told as Tat Tvam Asi is arrived whilst in union to the Symbol of OM and that too after the subtler observing vehicle (Jivatman), the observation and the observed (i.e. OM and Brahmatattva) become one and the same, then this is also the stage of self realization of the innermost meaning of “OM Tat Sat or OM, Thou Art Truth” as is stated within chapter 17 of Srimadbhagvad Gita …
CC-5 … This is also the stage where the subtler vehicle sees itself to be the pervader and enveloper of all that ever is …
Thus this is the state of furthering of much earlier self realization of a Mantra of Yajurveda which is thus told …
“Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde”
Which means …
“As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm”
And this also is the finally realized state of the base verse of Shukla Yajurveda Upanishads which was stated at the beginning of an earlier topic of “As IT originally was” …
The culmination of this self realization (of our above stated Mantra of Yajurveda) is also arrived through earlier self realization of OM (i.e. the symbol and sound of OM) itself …
CC-6 … During the course of one’s evolutionary process, the discussions of this topic can never be missed by any aspirant … This is because of the fact that without entering into the discussions of this topic, the final state of being in a “full and permanent isolation from all that ever is or could ever be (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha)” cannot even be entered into by any aspirant … Thus to enter into what is stated as Kaivalya Moksha, this topic needs to be transited through by ever aspirant of now, or ever …
And at this stage there is also a realization, that irrespective of what any aspirant may think about its evolutionary standing, this union can only happen when the ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing is arrived at by an aspirant … And because the ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing that is necessary to self realize this state (I.e. sound and symbol of OM) itself is after all earlier stages of evolutionary process are successfully transited through, so not many have ever entered into such a ripeness and rightness that is being discussed here … And due to this reason, during the entirety of timeless history of the Maker’s Makings, not even a handful of aspirants have ever self realized the sound and symbol of OM as is being discussed here …
Thus, unless the real nextness of one’s evolutionary process leads to the state of our discussion, the symbol and sound of OM as is being discussed here can never be self realized … An aspirant may read about it, see a picture of it, but to enter it, is not even possible in the remotest sense, unless the factors listed in this discussion are in total compliance as far as the aspirants evolutionary process is concerned …
CC-7 … As the subtler vehicle enters into these bright golden colored rising lights and thence when the duality of realization, realizer and realized extinguishes vis-à-vis each other, then a further realization manifests …
This realization is of “Ayam Brahmtattvam”, which means “This (Jivatman) is none other than the pristine element of Maker (i.e. Brahmatattva)” …
At this state, the existence within any of the form or formless attributed states is finally over for the aspirant … This is because of the fact that within this self realization, the aspirant is deemed to have has already gone “beyond all that is deemed as beyond in any system or knowledge of now, or ever” …
At this stage, the allness is also let go of (or fully detached) by the observing subtler vehicle (Jivatman) and only after this is arrived that real which is “neither dual, nor non-dual yet is the perfectly-real non-dual one” where the knower becomes knowledge, which itself is just that which is known …
And at this stage, only the Mahamantra (Mega-Mantra) of OM ( ॐ ) remains as the knower, knowledge and known …
At this stage, the individual-duality of the aspirant from “final enveloper and pervader of allness (i.e. Brahman)” is fully extinguished …
This is the stage where nobody can know where the aspirant actually resides … And thus if anybody were to ask the macrocosmic creation or the controllers of various heavens (i.e. Gods etc.) about the whereabouts of such an aspirant, then the reply would only be “He (or She) was, but now is not” …
Such aspirants can also self-choose to “never return back” within any state, mode and condition of existence … And on the contrary, they can also self choose “to return back”, but this return is under very special circumstances … This freedom of choice of returning back or not returning back is due to the fact that after a self realization of whatever was listed in this entire topic of OM Naad (i.e. right from Akar, Okar, Makar and this topic of Omkar) the aspirant is free of all the principles (Siddhant), Process (Tantra) and Laws (Nyaya) of the Maker’s Makings …
And in those very special circumstances when such aspirants do return back, which also is only to carry out very special jobs and that too at very special times, their return back is also as per the demands of the Great-Time (Bhagwan Mahakaal) and its own pristine divinity (Maa Mahakaali) …
Under no other circumstances can such aspirants who have self realized whatever was discussed in the entire topic of OM Naad (i.e. right from Akar, Okar, Makar and then Omkar) can ever be recalled back into any of the modes, conditions or states of existence that fall within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings …
And in those very special circumstances, when these aspirants do return back, then because they are from those states which are beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings, so until they self declare their presence within a world, nobody can ever know that they are already present within the world (or in other words, they have already arrived to that world and that too in a physical form) … This is what was meant by the Biblical statement “Nobody knows, except the father himself” and it is also due to this reason that the Bible tells its adherents to “Keep vigilant for the next return back of the awaited one” …
All these statements of Bible are only because of the fact that such ones (i.e. those ones who have self realized all that was discussed in this part of the text which relates to OM Naad) are also those who reside in such states which can only be termed as “Beyond all that is Beyond” …
As also is a fact that ultimately every aspirant (microcosm) reaches the self realization of the state of our discussion (i.e. OM Naad) and this itself is because of the fact that OM is that state which can never be missed out by any microcosm (aspirant) who has ever begun within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
Thus basis above paragraph, even if any aspirant willingly and willfully tries to miss this state (i.e. OM), he or she would ultimately fail within his or her stupid endeavor … And this itself is because of the fact that the state of our current discussion (i.e. OM) can never be missed out during the course of evolutionary process of any aspirant of now, or ever …
DD-1 … Realizations within OM … AUM and AOM …
Following realizations happen after all earlier discussed states are crossed over by an aspirant …
The self realization of essence of Buddha Gautama’s Prajnaparamita Mantra …
The self realization of the essence of Patanjali yoga sutras …
The self realization of essence of many Upanishads …
The self realization of essence of Avadhoot Gita …
The self realization of essence of Brahmasutras …
The self realization of essence of Srimadbhagvad Gita …
As also is realized the truth that “Shiva is Shakti is Vishnu is Surya is Ganesha” as they all are none other than self expressions of the same Supreme Being (OM or Brahman) …
Thus is the self realization, that OM by ITself is the Mahamantra (Supreme Mantra) of Brahman …
And a further self realization that the symbol of OM itself is the Brahmlingam (symbol of Brahman or Absolute Being) … And an ever further self realization that sound of OM, itself is Naad Brahm (which means as the sound of the Supreme being) and that too, within its ultimate state as sound …
And finally for this part of the topic … Within the state of entering into a non dual union to OM (i.e. sound and symbol of OM), all Vedic Mahavakyas can be self realized by an aspirant … The primary Vedic Mahavakyas shall be discussed in a later topic of this text …
Whilst within a union to OM (i.e. sound and symbol of OM) due to the auto-manifestation of “Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. the non dual absorption or trance without alternates)” there is neither any I’ness (Ahamkara), nor is there any Am’ness (or Asmita), nor any Is’ness (Sarvata) nor even any kind of Not’ness (Shunyata) … All that remains is fullness and completeness (Poornata) which was subtly referred to through the Veda Mantra which was stated in an earlier topic of “As IT originally was” …
Sound of AOM is same as what was told as AUM by some sages as both refer to the same sounds of Akar, Okar or Ukar and Makar …
DD-2 … OM and Atma Stithi …
The term Atma Stithi means “residing in oneness to your own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) and that too as your own Atman itself is” …
And because the innermost essence is the stainless and taintless state, so this state of Atma Stithi also denotes an afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) of the aspirant …
Thus when the subtler observing vehicle (Jivatman) of the aspirant is already merged (or united) to OM (as was discussed in previous discussions), then that aspirant also enters into an afflictionless state (or Vrittihina Awastha) of Yogic and Vedic lore’s …
And even when these aspirants who have arrived at an afflictionless state may be found to be residing within the sounds of civilizations, that remain totally free of all the afflictions …
DD-3 … OM and dimensions (or Ayaam) …
Within the union to OM, following is the state of the four primary dimensions of the Maker’s Makings …
- Time … Timeless and thus fathomless eternity …
- Space … Undefined infinity …
- Directions … Omni-directionality …
- State … Omnipresent …
- And when the finalities of the four dimensions (as are stated above) meet each other, then is arrived the fifth dimension of omnipotent one …
EE-1 … The sound of OM ( ॐ ) …
When stationed at the symbol of OM ( ॐ ), the three seed syllables which make it (i.e. A-O-M) are totally merged to (or fused to) each other …
At this stage, the sounds of the three seed syllables which make the OM Naad (or AOM Naad or sound of AOM) are such that neither can be distinguished from each other and thus this state denotes the ultimate non dual union of these three primordial sounds (syllables) and thus this state also denotes the ultimate union as far as the “Sound of the Absolute or Naad Brahm” is concerned …
Thus is it only at this stage of self realization that the aspirant knows the real and innermost meaning of the Vedic phrases of Naad Brahm and Shabd Brahm which as such are the main header of this entire topic on “Sounds of the Absolute” …
EE-2 … OM and Akshar ( ॐ ) …
And it is also at this stage that the aspirant knows the innermost meanings of the term Akshar (or the indestructible) to be none other than OM ( ॐ ) including its three seed syllables (i.e. A-O-M) and all that is unioned to it … And at this stage, the aspirant also knows that OM itself is the finality (or reality) of Nada Brahman (which in some Vedic texts is also told as Shabda Brahman …
And at this stage the aspirants also knows that all that is other than above are eternally changeful ones and such are also those which can be destroyed (or in other words, they can changed from their “any current” state during the undefined and unfathomable eternity as is of the Maker and its own timeless self expression i.e. Maker’s Makings) and thus all others are none other than Kshara (i.e. destructible ones or those which keep within their eternally changeful states) …
An end note: Many more things could be told here, but sadly to discuss those aspects, no language has ever held any words … Hence out of no choice, I shall have to stop this discussion here itself …
That’s all …