In cycles of destruction, there always are cycles of three, which means a phase of higher destruction upon completion of three cycles of a time span and which also means a stage of severe Pralaya at completion of three cycles …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Final end is nowhere near” …
9o-AA … Current stage of Brahma Kalpa …
At the current times, 1st day of Brahma has already completed and the 2nd day of Brahma is underway … Plus “Brahma’s Day is prior the night of Brahma” …
Thus basis this, the present time can only be of 2nd day of Brahma (i.e. 2nd Brahma Kalpa, which itself is of the 51st year of Brahma or 51st Brahma Varsha or 51st Brahma-Year) as the first night only comes after passing through the first day itself …
I say this because of the below calculations and their reasons … Unless something about stages of time can be proved through calculations, its very difficult to believe that the current day of Brahma is the 1st and not the 2nd of the 51st year of Brahma’s lifetime … And the same is also stated in Manusmriti (if anyone would read it properly and meditate upon it) …
89-BB … Relation of Naimittika and Nitya Pralaya to day time of Brahma … Pralaya at completion of three cycles …
Relation to Naimittika Pralaya …
Each day of Brahma is of 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) and when the day time of Brahma (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as a Brahma Kalpa) ends, then does the night time of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Ratri) begin, which also has the same time span as is of the day of Brahma …
After day of Brahma ends, the night time which comes is the stage of Naimittika Pralaya and in this night time of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Ratri) the plane of existence (Milky Way galaxy) gets almost destroyed …
Relation to various aspects of Nitya Pralaya …
And after completion of each “3 days + 3 night” of Brahma, is arrived the Surya Samvatsara Anta Pralaya (which in other words, means as the or Maha Kalpa Pralaya or Mahakalpa Pralaya) when all manifest light (Prakat Prakash) of the universe gets returned back to its parental subtler impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) …
Surya Samvatsara (or in other words, this can also be called as the Maha Kalpa or Mahakalpa) means 60 full-cycles of sun within its symbolic path of infinity, which itself is around the 20 worlds of Brahmaloka (as sun pays homage to each of these 20 worlds of Brahmaloka) … In the earlier topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” this time was calculated 25,920 million years as per middle time units of precession … Brahmaloka is also called as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, and in Agama lore the same Brahmaloka is addressed by the name of Sadyojata face of Shiva …
After the 60 full-cycles of sun within its symbolic path of infinity have completed and then the forthcoming night of Brahma gets underway, then is the stage of Surya Samvatsara Anta Pralaya in which the manifest light (Prakat Prakash) from the entirety of the “visible part of observable universe” dissipates and re-enters to its original un-manifest state (Samskarik Awastha) …
And upon that part of the universe where above happens, the existence of animate life comes in perils of sorts … This stage always comes when the last and final day-time of Brahma of any Surya Samvatsara (or in other words, the last and final Brahma Kalpa of any Surya Samvatsara) is about to end …
And when three Surya Samvatsara are about to compete, then the destruction which happens is also of very vast proportions … This time span is as follows …
25.920 x 3 = 77.760 billion human solar years
Above value is as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes (which have always been used by Vedic sages) …
Relation to divine age cycles (which also also called as the Deva Yuga Chakra or the Mahayuga Chakra) …
The same 3 cycles are also there in any divine age cycle as after the 3rd divine age cycles (i.e. Mahayuga) complete, then also there is a major destruction of this world system … This destruction also repeats itself after each 3 divine age cycles are completed and its time span is as follows …
- One full divine age cycle is of 4.32 million human solar years as per the middle time units … These time units have been discussed and calculated in an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” …
- Thus 3 cycles shall be 4.32 x 3 = 12.96 million human solar years (as per the middle time units of earth’s axial precession) …
- And as per current time units, this would be as follows …
(12.96 / 66.6666667) x 71.6} = 13.91904 million human solar years …
Note: Values of 66.6666667 and 71.6 are taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” …
Above is the time interval within which the animate part of speciology is majorly annihilated upon this world system and its time span is +/- 1.728 million human solar years (as per middle time units) … This aspect of Nitya Pralaya is the “earliest or smallest time span” of any Nitya Pralaya and it only affects a world system (i.e. a Planetary system) and not the Milky Way Galaxy or the universe …
This means the cyclic destruction that comes as per divine age cycle (Chatur Yuga) has the following time range …
(12.96 – 1.728) to (12.96 + 1.728)
Which means that this destructions comes by within time intervals of …
11.232 to 14.688 million human solar years (as per middle time units) …
This is also the stage of annihilation of a major part of animate life upon this world and this also is a cyclic process that keeps happening as per the Nitya Pralaya as was discussed in detail within an earlier topic …
And as per current time units, above time span is as follows …
12.063168 to 15.774912 million human solar years
Proceeding further …
Since the current is the 28th Mahayuga (Great age cycle, which is also called as a divine age cycle (or Deva Yuga), so in the last divine age cycle, which was the 27th (i.e. a multiple of 3 x 9 divine ages) this destruction has already happened …
So basis above, when the current divine age cycle completes in “about” 426,000+ human solar years (as per middle time units or precession or Ahaata), a major annihilation of this planet’s animated life, shall not be there …
Relation to human age cycles (which in other words, can also be termed as a Manav Yuga Chakra) …
The same cyclic annihilation is also within human ages, as after each 3 cycle of precession (or 3 cycles of Agragaman), the life gets annihilated to a smaller extent …
This means that after each 72,000 human solar years (as per middle time units), which is also equal to a time span of 77,328 human solar years (as per current time units) the animate life which resides upon this world, gets annihilated to a certain extent …
Above is in addition to the cyclic annihilation that always is (but only in a much lesser extent) after any cycle completes i.e. after completion of any human age cycle, divine age cycle, cycle of father of humanity and solar age cycle, there is some amount of destruction and annihilation of life … This is also a part of Nitya Pralaya, but within a much lesser (or smaller) manifestation of it …
Same “cycle of three” are also applicable to all aspects of Pralaya, except to the stages of Mahapralaya (or in other words, great dissolution of allness), Atyantika Pralaya and also the stages of what was told as Kosha Pralaya (these two types of Pralaya have already been discussed within earlier topic of “Types of Pralaya” and these two were also touched upon in another earlier topic of “Nitya Pralaya“) …
Continues …