This topic shall discuss the Precession cardinal points, or in other words, the Celestial circle cardinal points … And also briefly discuss their significance …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Change is the only constant” …
This non-constancy of constants of modern sciences is also because of the fact that the Precessional unitary values are different at different points of the Precessional circle …
But since to discuss all these unitary values is not reasonably possible, so I have taken up this discussion with respect to the cardinal points of precession cycle …
The same discussion is also applicable to each “Celestial circles cardinal points” …
Note: When calculating the effects of below discussed phases of cardinal points of precession and that too whilst we are stationed within this world system itself (i.e. this part of the universe which extends till the sea of variable sized rocks that surrounds this planetary system), then offsets which relate to the specific stages of the Precessional circle (which are also the same as what was discussed as human age cycles) also comes into play in our final observations (and/or derivations and calculations) … And these shall have to be considered …
Note continues: Thus during the currently underway human age of trinity, an offset of 324 years (i.e. 4.5 degrees precession arc at Nadir time units) must be considered as its Sandhikaal (which in English language and within the current stage of progress of time, means as the intermediary time span of change of present human age to the next one i.e. human golden age) …
Note continues: And for the incoming age of sages (i.e. human golden age) this offset would become as 432 years (i.e. 6.0 degrees precession arc at Nadir time units) …
Note continues: These offsets which have been depicted in above figure shall have to be used to find the time when effects actually get manifested for a specific phase of human ages (precession cycle) … I wrote “phase” of human ages and not “time”, so please keep it the same in your understanding …
83-AA … Changes during approach to the incoming Guru Yuga …
As inauguration time of Guru Yuga keeps arriving closer, the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma would spread deeper and deeper in all societies of the world … Since Sanatan Dharma is pluralistic yet monist way of life, so this also leads to acceptance of this pluralistic monism as a way of life within the world …
As also, since this spread of Yoga Tantra is as per the demands of divinities of incoming cycles of time (Kaalchakra) and since time itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, so this spread of Yoga Tantra is also at such a pace that the keepers of individualistic (or monotheistic) systems cannot even counteract …
And a stage eventually arrives where the Yoga Tantra spread into all civilizations and societies of that world and where this spread is so deep that even the adherents of those societies and cultures, who were totally against and thus they used to abuse these Yoga Tantra not long back, would begin following then as a way of their own daily life …
And since in the last phase of change to a human age of truth (i.e. an Age of Sages or Guru Yuga), this spread is demanded by time and its cycles (i.e. Kaal and its Kaalchakra respectively), so no matter who tries what to counter this ever greater spread, all efforts shall eventually be known to be naught but futile …
This is because the “Age of Sages (i.e. a human golden age or a Guru Yuga) is an age of pluralistic monism, which itself is of Sanatan Dharma (or eternal way of life) and its Yoga Tantras … Thus these times of final approach to the age of age of sages can also be termed as the end time of all individualistic (monotheistic) systems …
By end-time of all individualistic (or monotheistic) systems, I mean end of all systems that relate to individualistic approaches, be it of religion, geographies, geopolitics, politics, intellectual, education, economics-trade, banking, military, security, health, safety, cultural, civilizational, societal, interpersonal, services etc-etc and all that is related to these …
After the stage when midpoint of this last phase of change arrives, the end time that is stated here shall be seen to be becoming a reality of those time spans that relate to this run-up to the incoming Guru Yuga …
And because individualistic systems are unfit to enter into a Guru Yuga, so they never survive this time irrespective of who or what they may relate to or believe in …
Above is how it has ever been and this is how it would also be this time around …
Midpoint of this last phase of change to Guru Yuga is around 2028 AD, +/- 7 years (and a further +/- of 1 to 2.7 years) … The chaos which always comes prior to this midpoint, shall also be seen within above stated time range …
Since time itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, so it cannot ever be counteracted by any God or Satan …
Those who don’t believe what is written here are advised to wait for a few years and then see with their own eyes what all problems would be hitting this world, from where all would they hit this world, how many times it would be hitting and with what incremental severity would all these problems be hitting this world in tandem (i.e. one after the other) … None of the above stated parameters of individualism would be left out …
If I were to briefly describe that immediate future, I can only say that there shall be no way of life which would be left out of that chaos, because as of now most of this worlds systems are primarily individualistic … And since individualism is unfit to enter into the incoming Guru Yuga, so these systems shall have to be changed to pluralistic monism prior to the advent of Guru Yuga, around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
Proceeding further …
This inability to counteract is because of the fact that neither the keepers of individualistic of systems nor their controlling entities (Egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata) have ever had any control over the eternity of time and its eternal cycles … And this itself is because time and its cycles are only controlled by the Mother Nature (or in other words, Maa Shakti, who herself is self manifested as Maa Prakriti) … Mother Nature never shares knowledge of time with anybody except her very-very few children i.e. self-realized, all-realized Sages …
At the commencement time of the last phase of change of ages to the incoming Guru Yuga, one of these sages who holds the golden vehicle is always recalled back from golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … He is the Sage from Maheshwara and his job is to install the subtle yet strong foundations of the ways of life of the incoming Guru Yuga …
Tatpurusha is also the one who in Yoga and Veda is addressed as Ukar, and whose “sound is of letter O”, so due to this reason, within this text the same tatpurusha is also addressed as Okar … And the same east facing, golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva, is also the one who in other parts of Sanatan Dharma is addressed as Maheshwara, which means the Great Lord (or the Supreme Lord) … Within Vedic lore, the same Tatpurusha is also addressed as the golden womb of creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) …
Prior to this advent of that Sage from Maheshwara (this sage can also be addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha), a person is chosen to prepare a physical body for the later advent of that Sage of Tatpurusha …
Choosing of this person who prepares the physical body for that later advent of sage of our discussion always happens during the start of the last phase of change to the incoming Guru Yuga, so that person who was to prepare the physical body would have already arrived on/around “108 years prior to inauguration phase of the Guru Yuga in 2082 AD” i.e. he should have been born around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
These Sages of Tatpurusha always need a readymade physical vehicle because they have already evolved beyond the stage where a regular birth (i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother) can be possible for them …
Thus they enter physical realms through transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) … This sage shall also be the Yuga Sthapak (or in other words, he shall also be acting as the Sthapak of Guru Yuga) which means one who installs those “subtle yet solid foundations of Guru Yuga in this part of the universe” … Systems of Guru Yuga have already been “briefly discussed” earlier on …
During incoming Guru Yuga at-least six major religions of this world would be merging to Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (i.e. Pluralistic Monism) and eventually as the age of sages (Guru Yuga) progresses, then all six streams of Vedic lore shall also be merging to Vedanta (Absolute Monism) …
This shall be leading to a state where longer term approach towards the statement, “each beingness and entity is as divine as divinity of the divine being, eternally is”, would be seen to be a reality … This is also the stage where the essence of “Live and let live, evolve and let evolve, be and let be” get’s fully manifested …
The time of commencement of this Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) is in 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 human solar years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
So with above as a base, we shall commence this topic …
83-BB … Discussing cardinal points of precession … Precession cardinal points …

The time of inauguration of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) in 2082 AD, is as shown in below figure …
The times stated in above figure are as per unitary values of the currently applicable Precession cardinal point (i.e. Nadir point) …
83-BB-1 … The middle point precession …
Middle point denotes human age is of truth (human golden age or Manav Satyuga) … The middle of precession is right in the center of the two golden age cycles as shown in above figures …
This is the point where divine energies are naturally based upon macro-neutrality (which in other words, can also be stated as macro-equanimity and which eventually refers to a state that is resting in equanimity towards allness and it each part) …
And since equanimity is naturally present at this point, so no special effort is necessary to arrive at macro-equanimity whilst the world system rests at this point … Macro-equanimity means, Sarva Samta …
This middle point also denotes the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva whose effect is of purification of desires, because Sadyojata is face of Sadashiva which bears the Ichha Shakti … And the same Sadyojata is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva in Agama lore’s …
Ichha Shakti means “divinity of pristine desires” … Pristine desires are those desires that relate to “oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
Since Guru Yuga (Age of Sages or human golden age) is related to this point only, so during the incoming Guru Yuga, desires shall be purified and these desires shall eventually reach a pristine state as that Guru Yuga progresses after it is inaugurated in this world … And the path to purification of desires shall be of pluralistic monism (Sanatan Dharma) only …
The maximum effects of this point are limited to “72 degrees arc +/- 6 degrees precession arc” …
Thus, time span of human golden age is as follows …
- 72 x 72 = 5184 human solar years +/- 6 x 72 = 432 years” as per Nadir time units of precession of equinoxes …
- 72 x 66.6666667 = 4800 years minus/plus 66.6666667 x 6 = 400 years” as per middle time units of earth’s axial precession … This was the point that was used by Manu Maharaaj and all other Vedic sages within their calculations of age cycles …
Note: In above calculations, the values of 66.6666667 and 72 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” …
This is the point of maximum effects of west-facing diamond white colored (i.e. macro-neutral) Sadyojata face and thus this is the point of energies of the “grandfather and creator of allness (Pitamah Brahma Ji)” …
As shown in above figure, the maximum effects of this point shall be in 7266 AD (as per the Nadir time units) …
In relation to cycles of days and nights that we experience upon this world, this could be termed as 0600 hours of the day or sunrise time …
Thus, when the world system is resting within the Guru Yuga which relates to this point, then there is a new sunrise of pristine states of knowledge-conscious-activity principles and where all these shall also be based upon a “perfect macro-equanimity towards allness and her each part (i.e. Sarva Samta)” …
This middle point of precession is also of maximum inner-calm and outer-peace within any precession cycle …
83-BB-2 … Precession point diagonally opposite to the middle point …
This is the point that is diagonally opposite to middle point …
This is the point of intersection of ascending and descending human ages (i.e. Uttarayan and Dakshinayan Marg as was discussed in an earlier topic) but towards the Manav Kaliyuga (human degenerate age) stage of precession cycle (i.e. human age cycles) … This point is the middle point of the two human degenerate ages which run in tandem …
This is also the point when the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) goes to sleep and her sleep continues until the world reaches a point which is “18 degrees beyond the Nadir point – 1.5 degrees precession” i.e. 1296 years – 108 years after Nadir point and which itself is that point of precession which is 108 years prior inauguration of Age of Sages …
This is the point where the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is the one who becomes initially active …
Since Tatpurusha itself is the bearer of the divinity of veiling of truth (i.e. “Tirodhan Shakti)”, so this is also the point where the truth becomes veiled …
And this veiling of truth continues until the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) finally wakes up from her long slumber of almost nine millenniums …
During times of sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies, her pluralistic monist ways of life of Sanatan Dharma keep reducing their spread in the world … This is what leads to the initial rise of individualism (monotheism) within the world …
An ever-greater spread of individualistic systems always happens when the world is passing +/- 18 degrees precession arc from this point …
And due to the effects of cycle of time (or Kaalchakra) when the world is resting at this point, majority of inhabitants who enter that world are those who are not evolutionary-ready to know the truth through a direct cognition …
So such aspirants can neither comprehend “oneness of allness and its each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” nor can they analyze what is meant by the “eternal macro-neutrality towards allness and its each part (Sarva Samta)” and thus such aspirants cannot even get into pluralistic monist systems which were of the earlier better human and divine age cycles …
So to serve the evolutionary interests of such aspirants who are also in majority at this stage of precession, all sorts of individualistic systems are manifested within the world that is passing through and beyond this point of precession …
As times progress from this point and towards the Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD) and a then further “18 – 1.5 degrees precession arc” beyond the Offset-Nadir point, individualism also keeps expanding within the world …
Even when the unitary values of time at this point are the same as the middle point which was discussed in earlier on in this topic, but at this point the macro-neutrality is not naturally present (and thus is not naturally attainable by the aspirants) …
Due to this reason, the aspirants need to do severe penances (Penance means Tapas) so as to realize the truth when the world system is passing through this point of precession (or human age cycle) …
Thus, this is also the time for restoration of various Yoga Tantra which relate to severe penances (Ghor Tapas) because without this severity of penance, the evolutionary readiness of the aspirant to know the truth, cannot even be arrived when the world is passing through this point and further until 18 – 1.5 degrees is passed beyond this point is crossed over by the world system …
Due to the demands of time and reasons discussed above, very highly evolved Yogi’s always come by at this point so as to restore (re-establish) those very highly esoteric and difficult paths of Yoga and Tapas within a world system …
Thus at this time, through highly evolved sages, many highly esoteric systems come by to that world, but due to non-availability of naturally present state of macro-neutrality in that world, these systems also remain strictly restricted to highly hidden and secretive modes of transfer of Guru Shishya Parampara (i.e. Master-Disciple tradition) …
This restriction is due to the fact that such esoteric systems cannot ever be “given or told” to the un-deserving until the world crosses past 9 degrees precession arc from the Nadir point (of 1434 AD) …
Due to this reason, the transmissions of these systems is also in secrecy, which in turn leads to a very restricted state of master-disciple tradition (Guru-Shishya Parampara) and at these times this transfer of knowledge is also through a highly restrictive state of family lineages (Parivarik Parampara) from parents to their children …
This secrecy is to prevent the knowledge from degenerating, which is also a definite possibility at such a stage of precession because most inhabitants of the world are undeserving to know these knowledge systems at this phase or progress of human ages (or Precessional cycle) …
Proceeding further …
And yet even when above secrecy and restriction on transfer of esoteric systems stands firm during this phase of precession cycle (i.e. human age cycle), yet because this point relates to Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who also is also the one addressed as Maheshwara (Great Lord), Parmeshwara (Supreme Lord), Yogeshwara (Lord of Yoga Tantras), Yogiraaj (The deity of all Yogi’s), Ishvara (Lord of all), Yoga Samraat (King of Yoga Tantras), Yoga (the path of final union), Param Yogi (The supreme Yogi) and Yoga Guru (Guru of all Yoga Tantra and thus Guru of all Yogi’s), so due to this reason many highly evolved Yogi’s also come by to the world at the time when the effects of this point is underway …
This is also the point of energies of ruler of divine beings (i.e. Devaraja Indra, who in ancient Vedic times was also addressed as Idandra Deva) and many other egoistic Gods (Abhimani Deva’s) and due to this reason, at times when the effects of this point are effective within a world, many representatives (or Prophets) of egoistic Gods also enter the world so as to spread the knowledge systems that would pave way for the interested aspirants in entering into the divine worlds (or Devaloka or heavens) of those particular egoistic gods … This leads to a state where individualistic systems begin manifesting and spreading within the world …
Thus, when the effects of this point are underway within a world, then even when highly evolved sages enter a world and spread the Yogic inward paths (or paths of self realization) that are based upon pluralistic monism, but during the same time spans and in some other lands of the same world where pluralistic monism is reducing its effects, many representatives of egoistic gods (or Abhimani Devata) enter that world and lead to spread of individualistic systems or systems which relate to “egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata)” …
And at such times, because the human degenerate age is underway, so due to the effects of such time cycles, those who are ready to enter into pluralistic monism (as is of the inward path) are very less in number … So highly evolved sages who come by at this time, never spread their knowledge to all the inhabitants of the world and due to this reason, the knowledge of inward paths (Yoga Tantra) gets restricted to master-disciple system only …
Thus at this stage of progress of precession cycle (human age cycles), following is what happens …
- In some parts of of the world where pluralistic monism (i.e. Dharma or Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) is present, highly evolved sages enter a world because this point is of Tatpurusha, who itself is the lord of Yoga and Yogi’s and then these sages distribute knowledge of very highly esoteric Yoga Tantras to those lands …
- And simultaneously within the same world but in some other lands (where pluralistic monism is not prevalent), representatives of egoistic gods (or Abhimani Devata) also begin entering …
- This duality is also because of the “veiling grace (Tirodhan Shakti)” of this point because when the world is resting within the effects of this point, the Tirodhan Shakti (i.e. Veiling Grace) of this point never unveils the truth (or systems of truth) to those inhabitants of the world who are not resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know it through a direct cognition …
Thus, when the divinities of this point are underway, then those aspirants who have not arrived at evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know the truth, cannot even know the paths to that truth as the sages who hold that knowledge would not even disclose the path to such ones …
And it is for such ones (or ones who are not ready to know the final truth) that representatives of individualistic egoistic gods enter that world, so as to render evolutionary paths that are apt for their current evolutionary standing … This is in addition to preparing such ones for a later stage where they shall also be entering into inward paths (i.e. within the incoming age of sages) when these ones shall also have arrived at a ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standings that must be to get into subtler inward systems …
This was the reason for need and thus a later advent, spread and existence of individualism during the last nine millenniums (or close to this time span) …
This phase lasts until “9 degrees precession arc minus 108 years” of the ascending human age cycle (which in an earlier topic was termed as the Dakshinayan Marg) has been crossed over by that world …
The maximum effects of this point are “18 degrees minus 108 years” from the middle of the two degenerate ages and this means, that the entire human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga as is shown in above figure) is covered by this point of our discussion …
Above is the stage of time when a highly evolved Yogi also comes to this world so as to refresh the Yoga Tantras that shall be the base of evolutionary process of the next few millenniums that are to follow from this stage of precession …
Proceeding further …
But because macro-neutrality can also be gained through entering into the meeting points of individualities (the middle of any two differences, is macro-equanimity) so at this point and until the Offset-Nadir phase is crossed over by “18-1.5 degrees precession arc” many oppositely acting individualistic systems come by …
And thus at such stages, if the aspirant wants to know the truth of individualities, then all that is needed is to study the highly individualistic and mutually-opposing systems that are present upon the world at this time and thence into into their middle (i.e. their meeting points) …
As also, when the non-real (or dual) nature of these individualistic systems, is known, then an aspirant can very easily detach from all these individualistic systems and then enter into the real-middles of the meeting points of any two systems and then realize their inner macro-neutrality (or macro neutral macrocosm) for which these individualities had manifested in the first place (at this stage of precession cycle) …
This stage of entering the meeting point of any two differences leads a realization of “the intrinsic neutrality that ever is present at the meeting point of differences” … This macro-equanimity actually is a very good “route of exit from entirety of individualistic flows as are of the begun macrocosm or cyclic existence” and thence the aspirant can also directly enter into an acyclic mode of existence, which as such is a state where the aspirant enters into the unbegun macrocosm +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Within the cyclic existence (or begun macrocosm) flows and dynamism are individualistic in their natures (I mean there is no other flow other than individualism) … Thus, if we enter into the middle of any two differences (i.e. middle path of any two individualistic ways of life) then we also get to the macro-neutrality which is present in that middle and which itself is of the greater macro neutral whole (which in other words, can also be called as the the macro neutral macrocosm) … This leads an exit from entire cyclic existence (or Samsara or begun macrocosm) itself … i.e. we move beyond the entire Samsara … This stage of existence is that which is neither cyclic, nor-acyclic as is a state of perfectly-neutral existence … This state is also not either of liberation and bondage as it is also neutral to both …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus this path of resting at meeting point of differences, is also a path of exit from the entirety of Samsara (or cyclic mode of existence or begun part of the macrocosmic creation) … And due to abundance of individualistic systems in Samsara, there is also an abundance of differences of systems and their meeting points, so this stage is also a very good time for such a meditation on the macro-neutrality which is eternally present within such large number of meeting points of vast number of individualistic systems that get manifested at this stage of progress of human age cycles …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … During this stage is resting within the macro-neutrality as is at meeting point of individualities, is a realization that the final resultant of the entire corpus of individualities which make the macrocosmic creation, is none other than that of macro-neutrality (or neutrality or equanimity towards allness and its each part)” because eventually all these individualities are also arranged such that their final corpus is also of the same macro-neutrality itself …
+++ And there also is another realization at this stage, which could be stated as follows …
- “Even when everything (every microcosm) is evolving and thus each microcosm is ever changeful within their begun states, but the final resultant of emanated flows and dynamism of these entire corpus of microcosms that rest within the macrocosmic creation, is leading to a state which is none other than that of an eternal macro-neutrality” and where “all these ever-changeful and thus evolving individualities are only resting within the ever-same and thus un-changeful macro-equanimous corpus of allness and its each part” …
- But until an aspirant or a society who rests within individualism (or individualistic paths as are of Egoistic Gods) arrives at above paragraph, the coming in of competitive-comparative-hierarchical-superlative paths within that society and its aspirants, cannot even be avoided …
- And because most of the inhabitants of this world were not evolutionarily ready to enter into the macro-equanimity that is being discussed here, so from the stage of progress of time when the point of our discussion is effective within a world, most of the inhabitants of the world only end up within individualistic systems, their monotheistic ways and their egoistic Gods …
+++ Continuing with above … Since macro-equanimity is of the middle point of precession (which we had discussed in section 83-BB-1 of this topic), so if any aspirant enters this macro-equanimity, than that aspirant directly cognizes Sadyojata face of Shiva and the deity of this point (i.e. the creator of allness or Brahma) …
Proceeding further …
Within the current cycle of times, the maximum effects of this point were in 5694 BC (as per the currently applicable Nadir time units) …
Closer to this time was also the stage when I had also returned back as a transmigrated one (which also means as the path of entering into an incarnated state through the process of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Parkaya Pravesh) and when I was a Aghori Yogi (i.e. an Aghori Sadhu or a Yogi of the Aghora Marg) who restored the Yoga systems in this world … This Yoga Tantra is still followed by many who reside in this world … At this stage of time, I was addressed by a name which if translated in English language would mean “Reference to the divine leaf” …
In fact the Yoga Tantras that I had restored at that time, still are as the primarily followed Yoga Sutras across this entire world …
This return back was to restore the purified paths of Yoga and make it such that Yoga continues as a way of life (in followers of Sanatan Dharma) across the entire Nadir phase of precession, which as such is the next discussion (i.e. section 83-BB-3) of this topic …
This cycle of our currently discussed point had actually commenced around “6,990 BC – 1.5 degrees precession arc” i.e. 6,990 BC – 108 = 6,882 BC …
Coincidentally 6,990 BC was also the stage when the “great grandmother of all philosophies (or Sanatan Dharma)” entered into her divine bed for her sleep which would be lasting for almost nine millenniums, from this time …
This was also the stage of coming in of the first monotheistic system of the current precession cycle, within this world i.e. Zoroastrianism …
In relation to cycles of days and nights, this point is the sunset hour or 1800 hours of the day …
83-BB-3 … The Offset-Nadir point and Nadir Point … I.e. entire Nadir phase …
This offset-Nadir (or 786 AD) of precession denotes that stage of human age cycles where the divine energy (i.e. divinity) is minimum and thus there is a much-much lesser presence of knowledge-conscious principles within the world which is passing through the Offset-Nadir phase …
This “mostly absent” state of divine energies of Offset-Nadir point can even be termed as the mid-night time (i.e. 2359 or 0001 hours) of human age cycles and thus this is the time of peak of Krishna Paksha of Agragaman Chakra (or non-lightness of precession cycles) …
Due to above mentioned reason, to escape the effects of degenerate forces and barbarian systems that manifest closer to this point, the worship of Lord Krishna (i.e. the eternally non-lighted one and where non lightness does not mean darkness) is the only worship that gives a fruitful result …
The maximum degenerate effects of this point are as follows …
- Prior arrival at this point … From “3 degrees precession arc” prior to arrival at this point of Offset-Nadir (of 786 AD) … So the time span of maximum effects of the Offset-Nadir point becomes as follows (this is calculated as per Nadir time units) and with +/- 1 to 2.7 years as a range …
3 x 72 = 216 years prior to 786 AD …
So this becomes as follows …
786 AD – 216 years = 570 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
This was the time of arrival of Prophet Mohammad, whose arrival was also as per the call of time cycles only …
This was the time of the deepest sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma or simply, Dharma) and thus during and after this stage Hinduism kept falling in this world …
- After transiting this Offset-Nadir point and then the Nadir point and then 108 years prior the human age cycle of this point (i.e. human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) finally ends, is the stage when someone gets chosen to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of a Sage from Tatpurusha (who in this text, has also been addressed as the Sage from Maheshwara) …
Continuing with above bullet point … End of effects of Nadir point are “1.5 degrees prior the commencement of age of sages (i.e. 2082 AD)” …
And above is also denoting the stage of time when someone gets chosen to prepare the physical vehicle for a later advent of the sage from Tatpurusha … This time (when the one who is chosen to prepare a physical body for the sage of Tatpurusha) is as follows …
2082 AD – (1.5 x 72 years) = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Note: 72 years is directly taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” … Thus this time is calculated as per Nadir time units itself …
Proceeding further with above discussion …
Preparation of a physical body is needed because such sages from the golden colored Tatpurusha face (of Sadashiva) cannot take a regular birth (i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother) …
Thus, such sages need a readymade physical vehicle to enter that world through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Such sages already hold the golden body, which in Buddhist lore’s is also addressed as the Buddha body of reality and which itself is the Siddha Sharira (or Siddha body) that relates to Hiranyagarbha (or in other words, the golden womb of creation) and thus it can also be called as the or Hiranyagarbha Sharira) … This holding of golden body is right from the time when they enter the physical world by adopting the process of transmigration of soul …
Such a sage “only and only” enters the physical realms so as to be the Sthapak of Guru Yuga, i.e. one who lays down a subtle yet strong foundation of systems and ways of life that shall become applicable on “one and all” during the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) … Thus Sage of Tatpurusha is the Yuga Sthapak …
Above time span of 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) is also the stage when the “great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma)” just about starts her process of waking up from her long-long slumber that would have lasted for almost nine millenniums till the stated time of 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And due to her waking up, is the advent of our discussed Sage from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
Since the ways of life of the great grandmother are of pluralistic monism, so the advent of this sage is also in a family which relates to Sanatan Dharma …
And since he is the one who would be laying down the foundation of incoming Guru Yuga, so that family would also have to hold the Brahmin Varna (Priestly clan of Vedic men) …
And simultaneously with above, since that Sage only enters the world to lay down the subtle yet strong foundation of incoming Guru Yuga and that too whilst the Nadir phase of precession is still progressing in the world, so that family lineage would also have to simultaneously hold a “Kshatriya aspect” to it (i.e. that family should also be holding a history of being righteous protectors or military men or kings of earlier times) …
Thus basis above, his family can only be of either of the following types …
- Brahmanasya Kshatriya … This means that the original lineage is of being Brahmins (Vedic priests) and yet those priests have had a history of picking up weapons and thus being righteous protectors … So this means that the family of that Sage of Maheshwara should be of those Brahmins who have also executed roles of Kshatriya Varna in own familial lineage and history …
- Kshatriasya Brahmanah … This means that the original lineage is of being a Kshatriya Varna (i.e. righteous protectors or military men or kings) and during that families history, that Kshatriya lineage has had to take up roles of being Brahmins (Vedic priests) due to the need of some earlier times (which may have been needed in that family history if some Brahmin lineages were either completely destroyed or were too degenerate and thus could not execute their jobs properly or that family history was told to do so by a very high Vedic sage or even an Avatar of Sri Vishnu) …
- Thus the same of our current discussion, can never be born out of whatever is discussed in above two bullet points …
And since this sage of Tatpurusha face comes by due to the divinities that always manifest at the start of time of waking up of the great grandmother, so he acts for and on her behalf only … And this aspect is also complied whilst he lays down the subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming Guru Yuga in the world of his advent through the path of transmigrations …
And due to above reason of acting for and on behalf of the great grandmother of all philosophies (whose primordial way of life is the one that is known as Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma), he cannot ever be a Guru of any other aspirant, except those reincarnated aspirants who during their own timeless history (of their own previous incarnations), already have been his disciples or students or family members or friends …
And because he cannot be a Guru, so he would also be directing all interested aspirants to any of the teachers (any Acharya ) or even to the principal teacher (i.e. any of the Jagadguru or Peethadheeshwar Acharya) of one of the four Vedic monastery (which in Sanskrit language is called as Aamnaya Peetha) …
As also, this coming of the sage from Maheshwara through the path of transmigration of soul, cannot be later than below given time ranges …
1974 AD + 7 years + a further 1 to 2.7 years …
And above calculated time range also applies to the one who was chosen to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of (i.e. through transmigration) of the highly evolved Sage of Tatpurusha who is being discussed here …
Proceeding further …
Thus, as far as the current precession cycle (i.e. human age cycles) is concerned, above time range also means as follows …
- Prior 1974 AD … Basis above stated time range, the advent of the one who is to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of the sage from Maheshwara, has to be prior 1974 AD itself, which when calculated would be From 1973 AD till 1974 AD … In this time range within which the person who was to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the Sage from Maheshwara, should have been born in this world …
- After 1974 AD … This denotes the time range of advent of the Sage from Maheshwara who is being discussed here and and is told to have arrived through the process of transmigration of soul … Thus basis earlier given time ranges, his advent would also need to be anytime in between 1977 AD till 1984 AD … Thus, as of now that Sage of Tatpurusha should already be present in this world …
Proceeding further …
After she commences her process of waking up (i.e. around 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), the great grandmother also takes “about” 108 years to finally wake up … Thus she would only wake up around 2082 AD, which as such is the time of inauguration of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) in this world …
Like ever grandmother, after she wakes up and sits up upright upon her bed of eternal, timeless and fathomless time, she always starts the process of finding her children (Yogic paths, Hinduism and all its varied sects), her grand children (all those systems which manifested out of Hinduism like Aborigine and native systems of various lands, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism) and also her great grandchildren (those systems which came by during last few millenniums prior her waking up i.e. all other religions, including all monotheistic ones) …
After this stage, all her lineages which had gotten fractured during the time of her sleep that had lasted for almost nine millenniums, would again enter into her vast fathomless, timeless, eternal, pluralistic yet monist envelopes …
Slightly prior to and/or after this stage, at-least six or maximum ten major paths (aka. religions) of today (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Aborigine and some folk lore’s) would become one …
These minimum six and maximum ten types of paths would then enter into pluralistic monism, which itself is of the eternal, timeless and fathomless expanses and time spans of existence of the ever-same great grandmother of all philosophies …
And once these fractured parts of great grandmother are already united to her pluralistic yet monist ways, thus shall they stay for the entire time span of the incoming Guru Yuga i.e. they shall stay united to each other for the next “about” 10 millenniums …
Proceeding further to discuss the Offset-Nadir point of precession …
At this Offset-Nadir point, the inner light of knowledge-conscious principles is the least and thus the most unrighteous rulers (divisive, self-centered, nymphomaniacs, lustful, pedophiles, greedy, those who are based upon ever-more of ever-moreness, cruel, barbarian, self serving, deviated and corrupted leaders and rulers) come by and also rise to fore in almost all lands of this world … This is how each Offset-Nadir phase has always been and so was the last one (which as of now is ending in this world) …
Since knowledge conscious principles that are present “at and around (or closer to)” this Offset-Nadir and Nadir point are at the least amounts, so due to this reason, at such times none of Avatar of Sri Vishnu come into a world …
Above is because of that fact, that, even if an Avatar comes (or descends) into this world, his coming would only be a waste of time … This is because whatever he would tell, would not even be understood by the masses of those times …
It is for the masses that an Avatar descends to a world and since during the Offset-Nadir phase there is serious reduction of knowledge-conscious principles, so what use would be an Avatar if nobody amongst the masses would even understand that Avatar …
If the masses cannot even understand the deeper knowledge that an Avatar would give as a way of life, then of what use would his coming be … This is why during any Offset-Nadir phase (and also during any Nadir phase), no Avatar ever enters the world …
As also, during any Offset-Nadir phase (and also during any Nadir phase) because of the reduction of knowledge-conscious principles, the subtler knowledge systems also become unfit to continue within that world and thus have to exit from the world …
Thus due to above reason, when this world passes through any Offset-Nadir phase i.e. the time from 402 BC till 1974 AD (both with +/- 1 to 2.7 years), then a phase of destruction of various Vyasa Peetha (i.e. Vedic monastery or in other words Aamnaya Peetha), Parampara (which means as the timeless Vedic traditions) and Vedic schools (Sampradaya) is always there in the Land of India (i.e. Bharata or Bharat) …
And when the Nadir phase (i.e. time from 894 AD till 1974 AD, both are with +/- 1 to 2.7 years) also starts simultaneously with above stated time span of the Offset-Nadir phase of precession, then the destruction of Vedic Parampara (and thus a destruction of the Vedic Sampradaya) of is more rapid and deep because at such a stage of time, the Land of India (Bharata) is always ruled by adherents of various Barbarian systems which had originated and thus are related to the sleep stage of the great grandmother of all philosophies … But we consider longer time spans, this destruction is also found to be a passing phase only …
Closer the system is to the Nadir, greater is the destruction of Vedic ways of life (including but not limited to destruction of monasteries, temples, places of knowledge and ancient heritage etc.) …
Proceeding further …
And during these Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases, to compensate for the serious reduction of knowledge-consciousness principles, the activity principle becomes over active …
But due to absence of knowledge conscious principles and thus absence of subtler all enveloping and all pervading ways of life, the activity principle which increases its power, only leads to a phenomenal rise of chaos, destruction, torture of all those civilizations and systems that are not related to these two Precessional point (of Offset-Nadir and Nadir of precession) …
Thus, this point is also the time when ancient and indigenous pluralistic civilizations are destroyed by the barbarian systems which had originated around this point (i.e. from 402 BC as discussed above) …
One of the characteristics of a barbarian system is that it wants to run the world as per its own baseless and imaginary whims and fancies and thus such systems are also those who just want to convert the world’s inhabitants into their own individualistic and thus deviated ways of life …
Closer is a system originated to the Offset-Nadir point, more barbaric would it be … And due to this reason, the phase which is closer to Offset-Nadir point, is also the stage of maximum chaos as far as human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language can be called as a Manav Yuga Chakra) are concerned …
In the current cycle of times, maximum effects of this point were in 786 AD (as per the currently applicable Nadir time units) and its effectiveness was from (1296 – 108) – 786 = 402 BC and until 786 + (1296 – 108) = 1974 AD … Both these stated years are with +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
Proceeding further …
After 1974 AD, the severities of degenerate effects of this point had started receding within this world and this is because the knowledge-conscious principle has started expanding at a much faster rate within this world …
This itself was the reason for start of chaos by some staunch adherents of systems of this Offset-Nadir and Nadir points …
This is because the adherents of systems of Offset-Nadir and Nadir points cannot ever adjust themselves to a rise of non-prejudiced-allness, as is of the pristine divinities of the knowledge-conscious principles, to which their individualistic systems of Nadir and Offset-Nadir do not even relate …
All knowledge systems and ways of life that came by during above time ranges of Offset-Nadir and nadir phases of precession (i.e. from 402 BC till 1974 AD) are those which relate to either the Offset-Nadir or the Nadir point itself, except those systems which are of the lightness phase of precession (i.e. Shukla Paksha of the Agragaman or the Ahaata Chakra) …
Thus, those systems which come by after the Nadir point of precession (of 1434 AD) is crossed over i.e. after the lightness phase of precession (or Shukla Paksha) starts and which primarily relate to the pluralistic yet monist ways of life (i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma or Vedas) are those who ultimately protect the Sanatan Dharma and Land of India from Barbarian systems after the Shukla Paksha starts (after 1434 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And those ways of life (or systems) which get manifested “within 324 years (i.e. 108 x 3 years)” after the Nadir point of precession (of 1434 AD) is crossed over are those which protect the ancient systems of pluralistic monism (i.e. Vedas) and the land of pluralistic monism (i.e. India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar etc.) …
Due to this reason, Sikhism is naught but a protector of Vedas and Land of India … This fact has been proved many-many times during the little time span of 500+ years of existence of Sikhism in India … And this same fact shall keep getting proved by adherents of Sikhism, during the future times also …
In relation to cycles of days and nights, The Offset-Nadir point is the midnight hour … Or time from 2359 hours till 0001 Hours of the day (or Daitya Kaal or time of coming of demonic forces) …
As per the Kaalchakra calculations, this Precessional midnight and thus midnight of human age cycles was passed in 786 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Proceeding further …
And because above time of 786 AD was the midnight hour, so 1866 AD denotes 1 AM (0100 hours) of the day i.e. the time of first exit out of the midnight or Offset-Nadir phase of precession …
Thus it was around this time (or 1866 AD) that the new age systems, all of which related to timeless knowledge of Sanatan Dharma, also started coming in those lands where individualism (or monotheism) had been ruling the roost during the earlier stages of the Offset-Nadir phase …
Thus I also consider Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky as a champion of the currently underway change of human age cycles to the incoming Guru Yuga (or Age of Sages) …
83-BB-4 … The Zenith Point …
Zenith point of precession cycle denotes better of stages of human civilizations and thus righteous rulers come by at this stage …
This Zenith point is reciprocal in its effects to the Offset-Nadir and Nadir points of precession … And the breakup of these times are also reverse to the Offset-Nadir and Nadir points … This breakup was already discussed in an earlier topic “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” …
At this Zenith point, the inner light of knowledge-conscious principles is the maximum and thus righteous rulers and many-many Sages (advisors to rulers and subjects) begin entering the world, at this Zenith phase of precession …
The Zenith and Offset-Zenith points also denote the better of all phases and ways of life of human civilizations …
In the current cycle of times, maximum effects of these two Offset-Zenith and Zenith points are as follows …
- Maximum effects of the Offset-Zenith point were in 12,174 BC and this Offset-Zenith point shall again be passed in 13,746 AD (as per the currently applicable Nadir time units) …
- And maximum effects of the Zenith point were in 11,526 BC and this Zenith point would again be passed in 14,394 AD (as per the currently applicable Nadir time units) …
In relation to cycles of days and nights, this point could be termed as meridian passage of the sun (or noontime or 1200 hours of the day) …
83-CC … Presence of Precessional cardinal points in Milky Way Galaxy …
Both the Nadir and Zenith points are on the longitudinal side of the precession cycles (i.e. towards the side of the 1.08 units) …
And the same Nadir and Zenith points along with the other two cardinal points that we have discussed above, are also effective along the length and breadth of the Milky Way Galaxy through which the solar system moves in its sine wave like path and whilst the solar revolution esoterically continues within its path that is subtly denoted by the symbol of infinity …
As of now the solar system is about to enter the Nadir of its path i.e. 180 degrees from the start of the solar revolution cycle … Since the first solar revolution cycle had started from the north facing, Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, so 180 degrees from this start point (of solar revolution in Vamadeva face) can only be the south facing, Aghora face of Sadashiva … As of now, the sun is about to enter into the midpoint of Aghora face …
All of the five faces of Sadashiva are present in every celestial circle and every microcosm … Within Sanskrit scriptures are called as follows …
- Ishana … This is the centrally placed, upward looking (i.e. skyward looking) colorless crystal like face of Sadashiva .,. Agama Lore call this face as Ishana face of Shiva and some other lore’s have also addressed it as Ishana face of Sadashiva …
- Tatpurusha … This is the east facing, golden colored face amongst the five faces of Sadashiva (or in other words, Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … Agama Lore call this face as Tatpurusha face of Shiva and some other lore’s (like Raja Yoga) have also addressed it as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
- Vamadeva … This is the North facing, smoke colored face amongst the five faces of Sadashiva (or in other words, Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … Agama Lore have called this particular face as Vamadeva face of Shiva and some other lore’s of Raja Yoga have also addressed it as Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
- Sadyojata … This is the west facing diamond white colored face of Sadashiva … Agama Lore call this face as Sadyojata face of Shiva and some other lore’s of Raja Yoga have also addressed it as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
- Aghora … This is the south facing, deep blue colored face of Sadashiva … Agama Lore call this face as Aghora face of Shiva and some other lore’s, like those of Raja Yoga have also addressed it as Aghora face of Sadashiva …
Since every human body and every celestial body (including the Milky Way Galaxy) eventually is a microcosm only, so these five faces of Shiva (which in Sanskrit texts are called as Panch Mukha Shiva and are also addressed as Panch Mukha Sadashiva, in addition to being called as Panch Brahma) are also present in the human body and in every other microcosm, including the universe, each celestial body and every celestial circle (which also includes all paths of all that is as a celestial body) …
83-DD … Precessional point used in Manu Smriti and Vedas …
Middle point of Axial Precession of earth’s axis (i.e. precession cycle of this planet) is to what Manusmriti and entire Vedic lore that the humanity of this planet was given during very ancient and already forgotten times, eventually relates …
All calculations and values that have ever been done by any of the Vedic sages, starting from Manu Maharaaj, have always been basis “middle point of precession” itself …
Vedic Kaalchakra is also basis the same middle point of precession only …
Continues …