There are five primary age cycles and these are human age cycle, divine age cycle, Solar age cycle, cycles of age of Manu and cycles of age of Brahma … In this topic we shall also briefly discuss their movements and also then their effects …
But these effects shall be discussed in relation to the incoming change of the present human age cycle (i.e. human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) to the incoming age of sages (or Guru Yuga) …
This topic is in continuation with the previous one which had the header of “Calculating precession” …
14-AA … Primary age cycles … Human age, Divine age, Solar age, Age of Manu, Age of Brahma …
There primarily are five age cycles which are related to the Vedic lore …
- Human age cycles … In Sanskrit texts, the human ages are also called as Manav Yuga Chakra … This is related to the cycles of precession of equinoxes (which in other words is also called as the axial precession of Earth’s axis) …
- Divine age cycles … In Sanskrit texts, the human ages are also called as Deva Yuga Chakra … Or in other words, the great cycle or Mahayuga Chakra …
- Solar age … Surya Chakra … And also a group of 60 complete (or full) solar cycles which make a Surya Samvatsara …. Surya Samvatsara is also called as a Maha Kalpa or Mahakalpa and it eventually was from the same cycle of a Maha Kalpa (or Surya Samvatsara chakra) that the concept of Vedic Samvatsara Chakra is derived …
Time span of 60 Surya Samvatsara is denoting a half “Revolution of Milky Way” around the center of the universe …
Thus 120 Surya Samvatsara (or 120 Maha Kalpa Pralaya) denote the time span of one full “Revolution of Milky Way” around the center of universe whilst the path of revolution rests within the mathematical symbol of infinity … And this time span also is of one Brahma Varsha (which in English language would mean as one year of Brahma) …
- Age of Manu Maharaaj … Cycles of father of the entire race of Man (or cycles of manifestations of Adam) … This was called as the Manvantar Chakra … Or the cycles of the “mind born son of creator (or Manu)” …
- Age of Brahma (Age of creator) … Pitamah Brahma Chakra …
These are the five cycles which are related to human realms and in these cycles, each of the upper listed ones run in each of the lower ones and the too in such a way, that, the final cycle is the lowermost listed cycle of time (i.e. cycle of the creator) …
But as far as humanity who inhabits this planetary system is concerned, to know (or calculate) all these cycles, the uppermost one (i.e. human age cycles or Manav Yuga) would remain as the base …
Thus unless the values of Manav Yuga Chakra are calculated properly, the time spans of rest of the above listed cycles can never be calculated by anyone …
Human age cycles (or in other words, Manav Yuga Chakra) are running inside the cycle of precession of equinoxes …
14-BB … Sinusoidal movements of all celestial aspects …
The movement of everything that is celestial is in a sinusoidal fashion … Thus there is no straight path of anything within the universe as all celestial bodies have sine wave path (i.e. these motions or paths of celestial bodies are sinusoidal within the entire macrocosmic creation multi-universe) …
The cycle of precession of equinoxes (or human age cycle) also moves in a sinusoidal fashion within the precession circle …
Even the divine age cycles move in a similar manner and so is the movement of sun of this planetary system around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy …
14-CC … Relation of various age cycles within the multi-dimensional celestial sphere …
Human age cycles are governed by sinusoidal movement of the precession cycle … Value of one half of the sine curve that is formed by the motion of earth around the pole star, is the value of one human age cycle …
Divine age cycle is governed by the sinusoidal movement of the sun as it moves around the central non-lighted part of the Milky Way galaxy and while the sun continues within its path that esoterically is of a shape like the mathematical symbol of infinity … The value of “one half part” of the sine curve that is formed by the motion of sun, is the value of one divine age cycle …
The solar revolution is the path of sun around the non-lighted center of the plane of existence is also in a sine wave fashion …
The movement of Milky Way galaxy within the universal space (or within space of the universe) is also in a sinusoidal path only …
And the cycles of a father of man or Manu (i.e. Manvantar Chakra) are related to the cycles of creator (Pitamah Brahma Ji) and Manvantar also has sine wave like curves within their path …
14-DD … Primary effects of various cycles on humans …
As far as these cycles are concerned, following is a fact …
- As far as the human and divine age cycle are concerned, since the precession cycles (i.e. human age cycles) are running within the next larger cycle of divine ages (Deva Yuga Chakra), so the primary effect is of divine ages only …
Thus basis above, even when the effects of the human golden age (Manav Satyuga, which actually is an age of sages when the divine degenerate age is underway) would be entering into this world on/around 2082 AD +/- 27 +1 years (and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) yet during that incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) the primary effects on all animate parts of macrocosmic speciology who rest upon this world shall be of the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) only … And yet within that divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) a small human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which shall have a time span of about 10,000 human solar years shall get manifested as per the demands of time …
When a divine degenerate age is underway upon a world (as it has been since the last about 5 millenniums) then except for the human golden age (or age of sages) the effects of all other human ages are very-very minor …
During a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga), except for a Guru Yuga, rest all human ages stay under effects of the divine degenerate age only … Thus only a Guru Yuga has the capacity to manifest subtlety within a world when the divine degenerate age is underway in that world …
Above fact also applies during the “setting in or exiting out” time of any divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) as at these times also, only a Guru Yuga holds those divinities which can counteract the effects of the divine degenerate age … Thus during rest of the human ages, the effects shall be of degeneration (of divine degenerate age) only …
Thus, only a Guru Yuga (age of sages) is the human age cycle which has a capability to deviate from the effects of the larger cycle of a divine degenerate age …
Due to this reason, when any Guru-Yuga is about to begin within a world, then the conditions of ways of life of humanity who resides upon that world also begins moving towards systems that are based upon a “larger quantum of subtlety of oneness to allness” …
Thus prior to the manifestation of a Guru Yuga, individualism that was ruling the world always starts finding its end time …
But at the same time, prior a Guru Yuga begins manifesting upon a world, since the individualities have to exit out and since individualities never “enter into or exit out” without causing a lesser or larger quantum of chaos, so due to this reason, a chaotic state in all ways and walks of life is always there upon that world where the divinities of a Guru Yuga start manifesting …
Individualism of a degenerate age cycle (like the one which is now present upon this world) is totally opposite to the pluralistic monism as is of a Guru Yuga, so whenever the divinities of an incoming Guru Yuga (human age of truth) begin entering into a world and thence they start displacing the subtleties (or divinities) of the earlier human degenerate cycle, then a subtle collision always takes place between these two opposite divinities …
This collision subtle collision between the two subject divinities (i.e. individualism of a human nadir or degenerate age cycle and pluralistic monism of the Guru Yuga) is what leads to such a state of chaos which would eventually be seen across all ways and walks of life of humanity who inhabits that world where the earlier subtleties of a human nadir age cycle (or human degenerate age cycle) are being pushed out (of that world) by those even subtler divinities as are of the incoming age of sages (or human golden age) …
As far as this world is concerned, the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga or human age of truth) would be inaugurated around 2082 AD +/- 27 +1 years (and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
The time span of last phase of this collision always starts around 108 years prior to the fuller manifestation of a Guru Yuga on that world and thus as far as this world is concerned, this stage was passed by around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … And its middle part shall be arrived around 2028 AD +/- 7 years (and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
In above two values (of 1974 AD and 2028 AD) I have not used +/- 27 + 1 years because this time range is only applicable to the original beginning and end of this change of human age cycle and not to its intermediary points …
The change of present human age cycle (i.e. Manav Tretayuga) had begun around 324 years prior to manifestation of the Guru Yuga around 2082 AD +/- 27 + 1 years (and further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
So basis above, the change of the present human age cycle to the incoming Guru Yuga was started around 1758 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years, which as such was the stage of start of scientific progress (I mean the industrial revolution) and where this scientific progress only related to gross (or manifest) aspects… I shall be deriving this intermediary time span of the present stage of change of human ages in a later topic …
Proceeding further …
Even when individualities are residing within the ever-same allness of Maker’s Makings, but yet these individualities never accept allness …
Due to this reason whenever human age cycles are turning towards Guru Yuga (i.e. age of oneness towards allness and its each part) these individualities always begin leading their adherents into a temporary phase of a wide variety of chaos …
This chaos always comes in adherents of individualistic systems because these individualistic systems are unfit to move into the next age cycle and in addition to this they also somehow begin believing that the end of their followed system is near …
And as the human age cycles keep approaching closer to the inauguration phase of a Guru Yuga, the chaos also keeps expanding and it eventually enters into all ways and walks of life of humanity that is existent upon that world …
Thus during the run up towards a Guru Yuga all individualities start getting into one or another type of chaos … It is due to this reason as the change keeps nearing the “second phase of the last part of change (i.e. from 1974 AD to 2082 AD, whose second phase starts around 2028 AD)” the chaos only expands and enters into all ways and walks of life of humanity who inhabits that world where individualism is ruling the roost at such times …
At such times of change to an incoming Guru Yuga, unless “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” becomes a way of life of humans, the chaos would only keep expanding and eventually enter into all ways and walks of humanity (who inhabits that world) …
But even if Brahmand Dharana is adopted, yet the chaos can never be fully nullified because subtle collision of divinities of the outgoing human age cycle (i.e. individualism) and the incoming human age cycle (i.e. age of sages) would definitely be taking place as and when the divinities of the incoming human age cycle (i.e. age of sages) would keep displacing the divinities of the outgoing age cycle …
But at the same time, if the ways of life of the incoming age cycle are adopted, then the chaos can be controlled to a very major extent even when it can never be fully nullified (because the subtleties or divinities of the two subject age cycles which are changing would continue to collide upon a subtle level) …
As far as the incoming times of change from present human age cycle (which is of individualism) to the incoming age of sages (which is of pluralistic monism and of Brahmand Dharana) are concerned, as this phase of change of human ages keeps reaching “closer to and slightly beyond” 2028 AD, all individualities and individualistic systems would become more and more chaotic …
And when this world is resting closer to the stated time span of 2028 AD, +/- 7 years) and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) all sorts of chaos would be found to have manifested in this world, especially within those lands where systems are based upon individualism of the presently outgoing human age cycle, instead of what should be the base of pluralistic monism of the incoming age cycle …
By individualism I mean any sort of individualism, like geographies, geopolitical, political, economic, safety, health, services, trade, business, military, security, intellectual, religious, social, cultural, civilizational and which is related to anything else like that of race, color, creed, sex, and also that individualism which is of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds …
Thus during coming times, anything that puts individualistic boundaries of any sort, would be seen to be chaotic … This chaos would also expand as the present human age cycle keeps turning to the incoming age of sages (2082 AD) …
And as this phase of change continues, humanity would also keep getting more and more based upon Brahmand Dharana (oneness towards allness and her each part) itself …
All this discussion relates to some stages of the approaching change of human age cycles, which also are a part of the precession of equinoxes …
Continues …