In Yogic mathematics, i.e. mathematics that has the base of Yoga and Samadhi, Zero infinity denotes the primordial finality, which itself is the first stage of self-realization of Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in Zero Infinite, which itself is the Infinite Zero and thus is termed as Shunya Brahman) … This is the base of self-realization of finality of Sangha or final Sangha, that eventually relates to Brahma Sangha, Narayana Sangha and Maha Samadhi (Mahasamadhi) …
This topic is the ninth in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Sangha, Jeeva, Jeeva Bhavapan is fullness of Sangha” … This topic is also the sixth one in this series of self-realizations within the “Yogic aspects of zero and infinite” as was the header of an earlier topic …
O + infinity = Zero infinity … Primordial finality … Asamprajnita Samadhi …
Merger of zero (primordial nature who denotes the original beginning) to infinity (a state that is arrived at, after the end of zeroness within its own infinite nature) is infinity itself …
And on similar lines … When the state prior the beginning (i.e. primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness) and the state which is as the finality of infinity, meet each other, then the end result is the same finality, which itself denotes the end of one’s existence (within all modes of existence) as a microcosm …
And at the same time, the initial realization of that end is also such, that it is also found to be merged to the state which was prior the beginning (of source of beginning … or voidness) …
Thus, the path of self-realization of that infinity, is also through the Zero Infinite, which itself is Infinite Zero i.e. that self-realization always passes through Shunya Brahman (i.e. original self-expression of Nirguna Brahman), who itself is self-realized through Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in non-lightness) …
Proceeding further …
This realization is such that, within the final state of end, the state there was prior the beginning becomes fully absorbed and is then indistinguishable from the final undefined infinite state which is merged to that primordial state in such a way, that one is the other …
This means, the original beginning merges with the final endless undefined end, so as to be the endless undefined end and which itself is the original state of beginning of Maker’s Makings and which itself was as the original self-expression of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman), that is termed as Shunya Brahman (of zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) …
And from within this state (of zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero), once the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) is self-realized, then the aspirant is a fully liberated one who is already fully and permanently isolated from all that is as Makers Makings … And if this is attained whilst still alive, then that aspirant is Brahman in a human form itself (i.e. he rests in Jivanmukti) …
Within this discussed case, where macrocosmic voidness itself becomes absorbed in the infinite indescribable attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman), then no beginning of that aspirant is ever possible in any future … This is because, to have any beginning or a re-beginning in any future, there needs to be a state of voidness which would need to be resided in, prior the microcosm is begun (or re-begun) … But for any aspirant who has arrived at a state where the primordial nature (voidness of allness) itself is extinguished for that aspirant (i.e. the aspirant enters into Shunya Brahman) and then that aspirant enters the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman), then for such a aspirant, no further beginning could be possible in any future …
This nonness of beginning is because of the fact, that, to calculate the next re-beginning of such an aspirant, is not even possible when the infinite is entered into and that too after that aspirant walks beyond the primordial nature (Shunya Tattva or macrocosmic voidness) and thence also walks through the self-realization of Shunya Brahman …
Thus, the next return back of those aspirants who enter into the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) after winning over the primordial nature itself (i.e. after entering into and thence going beyond the primordial nature itself) and also winning over zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero (or Shunya Brahman), can never be imagined, visualized or calculated …
In reality, only such aspirants are the really gone ones (i.e. really liberated ones, or in other words, such aspirants are those who have attained to Kaivalya, in the real sense and meaning of this word) …
Such ones do not fall in purviews of the entirety of Maker’s Makings as they have even gone beyond the original self expression of Brahman, which as such is of Shunya Brahman (of zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) …
So, after de-incarnation of their physical vehicles, such ones and also their Siddha bodies would not be found in any part of the entirety of Makers Makings …
Possibility of returns of aspirants who go beyond O + infinity = Zero infinity …
But at the same time, since such aspirants also are the knower’s of entirety of divinities of allness of Makersmakings, so they can definitely be returned back, but such returns are only when all other means to correct the state of Makers Makings have failed (i.e. all Gods and all deities have failed to correct the state of macrocosmic creation or her any part) …
And when they return back, then they only can enter that incarnated state by adopting the path of transmigration (of soul) and whilst they remain as the Absolute being (Supreme being) in an attributed form state (Saguna Sakara Awastha) of their physical vehicle …
Such ones never want name, fame, materials and immaterial and they mostly do their job in isolation from the sounds of human and other civilizations (i.e. subtle worlds) even when they stay in a human physical vehicle (or even an animal physical vehicle) …
When such an aspirant returns back, then all Yogic and Vedic deities leave their forts (Temples) so as to support such an aspirant and some even take up a material form (i.e. they adopt a physical vehicle) …
As also, all really accomplished ones (Siddha), Rishi, etc., also come by to that world and some even take up a material form (i.e. that take up a physical vehicled form) …
The same fact and support is also available when any of the Sages from Sadashiva return back to the physical realms (as such ones also get support from all deities and sages, some of who also return back to the physical form, so as to assist such aspirants in their cause of return back to the physical realms) …
Since the present times are of the Sage of Tatpurusha (i.e. sage from Maheshwara), so as far as the present stage of time is concerned, it has already started happening since 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And as of now, most of the Vedic and Yogic deities and sages (Siddha, Rishi, etc.) have already returned back, either within the subtle realms of this physical world system or (some of them) have have even taken up a human or animal physical vehicle … All this is to assist the sage from Tatpurusha (i.e. the sage of Maheshwara) who has returned back to this word already …
This fact was already discussed in a previous topic of “Exit and return back of Deva”, that itself is a part of the vast knowledge that relates to the eternal cycle of time (Kaalchakra or wheel of time) …
This return back of deities, would be completed when Gram Devi and Gram Devata (divinities of villages) would also join in the process and thus begin assisting that sage of Tatpurusha who has returned back, on/around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) so as to lay down the subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming human age cycle of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages or Vedic age cycle) in this entire universe …
Proceeding further …
And after this stage, when Gram Devi and Gram Devata also join in, would be the fuller cleansing of this world from all deviated humans …
Wherever and in whichever nation of today, these village deities get activated, that nation would be passing through severe sufferings that relates to natural, material, immaterial, systemic, divine and also that which relates to human destruction …
These Gram Devi (divinities of villages) and Gram Deva (divine beings of villages) would be the ones who would only make the incoming change of age possible on a worldwide level, and thus these divinities would definitely be taking part in that worldwide process that would lead to eviction of deviated humans, across all lands and also upon the gross root level (village level) … This stage is already activated at the time, when I edit this much earlier written paragraph …
And since the divinities and ways of life of the next human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) are totally reciprocal to the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga chakra), so during this change of the present age cycle, the refreshing of this world, would also be full, for which Gram Devi and Gram Devata have to return back at some point of time during the process of the presently underway change of human ages (Manav Yuga) …
Note: This topic was written way back in early twenties of this century, and thus above paragraph states what is stated about Gram Devi and Gram Devata … But at this stage (or Feb 2022) when I edit this paragraph, this stage of return of Gram Devi and Gram Devata, is already underway …
The return back of Gram Devi and Gram Devata is also as per the header of this discussion and is a vast part of what is subtly told as O + infinity = Zero Infinity and which itself is a universal aspect (i.e. universally applicable) …
I shall not explain this fully, as some knowledge can never be given … But at the same time, the coming generations of humans, would know that it eventually was the severities of effects that relate to this discussion, which had led to a severities of process of change of the present age cycle to become universal in this world, and which itself led to a full cleansing of this world, right from the grass root level (i.e. village level), so as to evict the deviated humans and thus pave the way for coming in of the divinities of the next human age cycle (Human golden age, that is to be as an age of sages or Guru Yuga) …
And since the cleansing only leads to the appreciation of presence of the finality, that itself is of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) and who is originally referred to in the Vedas, so due to this reason, at the end of this cleansing, this world would also be adopting Vedic ways of life …
Thus, the coming times of change of the presently underway human age cycle, also denote an end time of all ways of life, that are not Vedic …
And after the present human age (Manav Yuga) changes to the next one (i.e. Age of Sages or Guru Yuga), there would not even remain a trace of those ways of life that were originated and thus related to the present human age cycle …
This would be the final effect of what is subtly described by the header of this discussion and is written as O + infinity = Zero Infinity …
And mind you, this cleansing would be worldwide, in cycles of destruction and then a fuller destruction of all systems of the present ending human age cycle … The good would also be subjected to many tests, because this time around the the divinities of Mother nature (i.e. all divinities of Maa Mool Prakriti who herself is the invincible one, and is addressed as Durga) have already decided, that …
Whatever has happened till now, is already enough of Kaliyuga
And thus, Kaliyuga would only be ending prematurely
And after some rest (of about 10,000 years), the same Kaliyuga would return
And as a matter of fact …
Mother Root nature (Maa Mool Prakriti or Maa Durga) is the lordship of time
When she decides to change a cycle, in middle of a cycle, then who can stop her
This is how it would be in few years … Because the mother of all … Has decided
And told me, to tell all, here and beyond … That she has decided to end Kaliyuga
And so shall it be … To be exactly so … Just as she had decided and told me
So I add this part, in bold, as I edit it in April of 2022 … Just as she instructed me
- 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
And finally for this chapter … We shall divide infinity by zero …
In this part of the discussion, we shall utilize the earlier discussed 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity and then divide this by zero so as to explain the Yogic aspect of self-realization of an “undefined vastness i.e. infinity” … i.e. cut to analyze apparent endings of all the apparent beginnings that itself are within the entirety of the cyclic, acyclic and neutral existences of each apparent individuality, and whose Yogic analysis in turn leads to the undefined yet infinite attributeless being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) …
And on similar lines, when the corpus of allness is analyzed with the assistance of primordial voidness (zeroness or emptiness), then also the result is ever-same undefined yet infinite attributeless being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahma) …
The end result of such a Yogic analysis itself is none other than the final end of one’s existence as a microcosm or macrocosm, which itself is after one has arrived at the same undefined state which was ever-there and even before a self-manifestation of (or self-origination of) primordial nature (or macrocosmic voidness or Shunya Tattva) had even happened i.e. this leads to that stage, when Prakriti and Purusha were one and the same or in other words, Prakriti was resting within Purusha, as Purusha itself was and thus, this denotes that stage, where Purusha itself was Prakriti because Prakriti had still not separated out of Purusha, so as to be Prakriti whose allness we can know, but through Yogic ways alone …
This also is related to that self-realization where Brahman was Brahm Shakti as they were one and the same in their originality as is self-realized through this analysis …
And it is due to this reason, that some of those ancient self-realized, all-realized sages had also told that “those who know Brahman, also know Brahm Shakti” …
And the same was also told through statements like “Shiva is Shakti” and simultaneously, “Shakti is Shiva”, divine is divinity and simultaneously divinity is divine, Deva is Devi and simultaneously Devi is Deva …
All these and more similar self-realized knowledge and statements are the end result of Yogic analysis during Samadhi and of what is being discussed here as 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
And this ‘undefined yet infinite’ is also the same state after one finally exits out of the entirety of or all modes of existence (i.e. after one exits out of cyclic, acyclic, neutral and voidness of existence) …
As such, the state from where the origination actually happens, is also the state which is arrived at, but only after the aspirant has arrived at his (or her) ripeness and rightness to exit out of the entirety of macrocosmic creation and thus also exit out of all modes of existence, i.e. cyclic, acyclic, neutral, inert, actional and also exit out of the emanatory modes of existence that are within voidness of existence (or Shunya) …
Since the voidness was self-originated from within the undefined yet infinite attributeless state that earlier was, thus after the manifest and non-manifest creation is evolved over (i.e. after the aspirant goes beyond the Makersmakings), the aspirant enters the same voidness which itself is full (i.e. zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) and it is from this state that the undefined yet infinite attributeless being is self-realized and thus arrived at …
At this state of self-realization of the ‘undefined infinite attributeless being’, the aspirant remains with no choice but to also exit out of the primordial nature (or macrocosmic voidness or Shunya Tattva) and also exit out of the zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero (i.e. Shunya Brahman) and that too whilst the aspirant is walking the last pathless path (Brahmpath), alone and free of allness and her each part and whilst keeping to the innermost meaning of the wise words (i.e. there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be) whilst walking through the essence of ‘Myself Within Myself’, that eventually leads to the latter stage where that same aspirant walks within the essence of the phrase, ‘Itself within itself’ …
I know what I have written in this paragraph, may be over the head of most … But I really don’t know how to summarize the self-realizations of my entire existence in any way that is other than what is written in above paragraph …
1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite … Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga …
This also means, that, once there is a state of evolution where the end analysis is possible and that too, in relation to the apparent beginning of all there is ever begun within the Makers Makings, then in such an analysis, the entire corpus of aspirant’s who then are within their ‘innermost oneness to that entire corpus (or Sangha) of aspirants’, in turn arrive at their undefined yet infinite attributeless state, as is of the Absolute being (Param Brahma) …
Thus, this analysis by any aspirant, can also lead to multiple aspirants getting liberated (i.e. entering into Kaivalya Moksha), but provided those other aspirants are a part of his Sangha (i.e. other aspirants of Sangha of the one who has reached the summit of this part of the discussion on 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite) …
And because the finality of this analysis is an undefined yet realizable state (of Parabrahman), so the next (or future) re-beginning of that aspirant who has self-realized the essence of this discussion, cannot even be calculated …
And the same time, because the end result of this analysis is an undefined state, so it can never be stated, if there would be a future beginning of such a self-realized aspirant, or not …
And at the same time, we also cannot say, if there would not be a future beginning of such an aspirant …
Thus, those aspirants who have self-realized the the undefined yet realizable aspect of this Yogic discussion, can never be told as gone or not-gone, liberated or in bondage, goers or non-goers and thus nobody can tell about the time of their next return back and if they would be returning back or not …
But at the same time and as far as Yogic mathematical concepts stand, this is also the end result of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga, where that aspirant is both Shiva and Shakti, whose unioned state within that aspirants microcosm, is also none other than realizable yet indescribable … Thus such a finality is also the eternal unknown for those aspirants who have not self-realized it through Yogic ways …
So, due to above discussions, if there would to be a re-beginning of that aspirant who has entered this discussed end-state or would that aspirant who has entered the end result of this discussion be gone for good, is also the eternal unknown …
Thus, such an aspirant rests in the eternal unknown …
And due to this reason, it can be safely stated, that, he (or she) who has entered into the end result of this discussion, remains independent of allness and also remains in independence to allness, as far as deciding to return back to the Maker’s Makings at a future time span, is concerned …
So, if such an aspirant does decide to return back as per the call of time (this is very rare possibility), then such a return can only be as per the demands of a time cycle (Kaalchakra or wheel of time) and thus would have to be as per the requirements of the lord of time (Mahakaal or lord of primordial dimension of Makersmakings) and his own pristine divinity (Ma Mahakaali) …
And due to this reason, such an aspirant who re-begins (as a microcosm) as per the call of Mahakaal and Mahakaali, would firstly have to re-arrive at voidness (i.e. arrival at voidness of individualities and corpus, as is at the beginning of existence and also ending of existence) from within that undefined infinite who also permeates and envelopes voidness … And then only be able to return back as a microcosm …
But after completion of the necessary jobs, such an aspirant would again be entering into the same undefined infinite or even proceeding into endless-end state of ‘Kaivalya (i.e. a full, final and permanent isolation or freedom from allness and her each part) due to the eternally upwardly effects of the macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution, which would also be acting upon that re-returned aspirant, and as long as he (or she) is holding a physical vehicle …
But after the physical vehicle is shed off, nothing can act on that aspirant, who was already the one who had returned from the undefined infinite attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman) and that too where that return was as per demands of a time cycle, its lord (Bhagwan Mahakal) and its pristine divinity (Maa Mahakali) …
Such an aspirant holds the capacity to liberate many-many deserving aspirants of that world … Deserving aspirant is one, who has arrived at his (or her) evolutionary ripeness and rightness to walk into the last pathless partless path (Brahman) and thence directly cognize the attributeless absolute infinite being (Nirgun Brahma) …
Proceeding further …
In the end result of this discussion on 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite, the aspirant is free of each zeroness and each aspect of infinity and thus remains free of his (or her) own apparent individualities and corpuses …
But at the same time, in the end result of this discussion, which as such is of the undefined state of infinity, that infinite is naught but the corpus of individual 1+1+1 till their endlessness and where countless zeros are also present within each individual 1 and yet each of these individual ones, seem as numeral one only (i.e. they seem as individual microcosm’s only) until they still hold their physical vehicles (i.e. until they stand incarnated, in this or in beyond worlds) …
Each individual numeral holds countless zeros within itself and yet it is visible as a numeral only … The same is also applicable for each microcosm, including any aspirant …
And simultaneously, each numeral is also having in itself, the undefined infinite who as such is it’s final pervader and enveloper …
And where this final pervader and enveloper, is the original and final reality of that numeral and simultaneously, is also the one to which that numeral has eternally been proceeding, right from the time when it was begun within the Makers Makings … And also where that beginning was also from the same state, to which each numeral is proceeding, ever since the eternity of its existence as a numeral (microcosm) within the Makers Makings …
There has never been and can never be any numeral, who has not been such and would not be such in any future …
Thus, if we see a numeral (any microcosm, including the aspirant), we also have to appreciate the zero and infinite that is eternally residing within that numeral itself … As also, because both these (zero and infinite) are detached from the numeral, so each numeral remains apparently visible as a numeral only …
Above is even when, each numeral is naught but the zero in its primordiality and simultaneously, also is the ever-same undefined infinite in it’s own originality and finality …
Proceeding further …
And because, each entity only began from within the same undefined yet infinite state and thence arrived at the macrocosmic voidness so as to further manifest as a microcosm, thus basis above discussion, any entity which was begun, has ever rested in the same undefined vastness (of infinity) and yet the root of allness (including of each entity or numeral) is naught zero, just as it has been told in this discussion …
And irrespective of whether any aspirant (or microcosm or numeral) has realized this fact or not, within the originality and finality each aspirant is only related to this state (i.e. undefined yet infinite attributeless being) and yet the root of that aspirant, is naught but zero (primordial state of mother nature or root nature) …
As also, irrespective of the intermediaries (subtle, divine and impressional realms) which are arrived at during the long and uncertain course of ones evolutionary process, the end result is just the same ‘undefined yet infinite’ which originally was prior any state of Maker’s Makings was originated (including self-originated states or Swayambhu) …
And since, the primordiality (or zeroness of Shunya) is also a direct self-manifestation of Shunya Brahman (or zero infinite, which itself is infinite zero) who itself is the original self-expression of Brahman, and it is from this non-lightness of Shunya Brahman, that everything eventually originates (including the primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness), so this is why, Naasadiya Sukta of Rigveda, says what is says, regarding Gods (Deva) … The self-realization of Shunya Brahman is through Asamprajnita Samadhi, as has been discussed in some earlier topics of this text …
As such, because each beginning had only happened from the ‘undefined yet infinite’, so any further beginning that ever is and is within any mode of existence, also has no choice but to finally end at the same end result of this discussion …
Irrespective of the state of existence and process of evolution that any numeral (microcosm and aspirant) may seem to be residing in, the end result can never be arrived by escaping the end result of this discussion, i.e. the ‘undefined yet infinite’ state is the end result of each path …
This also means, that the end of existence is within the same undefined vastness as is of infinity that was being discussed here and where this undefined vastness of infinity itself was from where the original self-expression of Brahman, i.e. Shunya Brahman was manifested …
From Shunya Brahman (zero infinite, infinite zero) was self-manifested the voidness (Shunya or Shunya Tattva) and all later manifest (Apra Prakriti), non manifest (Para Prakriti) and neither manifest nor non manifest (Avyakta Prakriti) state of mother nature (Prakriti) had self manifested, so as to form the original subtle macrocosm, from which all aspects of gross (or physical) macrocosm were self originated …
End stage of Sangha and 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
As far as the header of our discussion stands, this also is such that, that once all the individual ones get merged to each other and that too whilst they also rest in their eternal oneness to allness, and thence arrive at the voidness (i.e. voidness of individuals and corpuses), then in such a case also, the existence of this corpus of individualities cannot reside within the finiteness of the worlds (as world is really finite and thus is unable to hold any state which holds more vastness than it’s own capacity to hold it within itself) …
As such, the existence of each individuality (i.e. individual and corpus) also has to end in such a case …
So, if any corpus of individualities (or Sangha of aspirants), in turn arrives at a perfection of oneness (of individualities or corpus), then that entire corpus (unioned individuals) would directly enter into macrocosmic voidness (Shunyata) and thence as it progresses within the essence of this discussion (on Yogic aspects of zero infinite), then it could also enter the ‘undefined yet infinite’ being itself …
But since this discussion is a Yogic discussion and not a physical, subtle or divine one, so the this union has to be on all levels, physical, mental, vitality, knowledge, impressional (i.e. on the consciousness level) and Shabda (sound) …
Proceeding further …
However, the possibility of success of an entire Sangha (corpus of aspirants) within this path is quite remote, unless of course when at least one of the aspirants who makes this Sangha is the one who has gone past evolution itself (i.e. he or she is fully liberated or in other words is resting in Keval) …
And simultaneously, all others have to be arrived at their evolutionary ripeness and rightness so as to undergo that which is described here as 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly …
Or as an alternate, that set of aspirants who make that corpus, are guided by an aspirant who happens to be a knower of eternal unity of macrocosm and microcosm, in addition to being a knower of the endless-end fact, that, the “self itself is the self of all (i.e. Atma is Brahma)” …
Maha Samadhi and 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
Once an aspirant enters the undefined, then that incarnation shall be the last incarnation for that aspirant … By this is meant, that such an aspirant would never be incarnated within any of the gross (physical), subtle, divine and impressional realms …
And this itself is because of what was discussed earlier on, that for such an aspirant who has self-known the essence of this discussion (i.e. has known the undefined infinite), the time span of a further return back can never be calculated or visualized …
And this is even when, such aspirants can be recalled back (i.e. they can return back to physical or subtle or divine or impressional realms) so as to fulfill the requirements of a specific cycle of time (Wheel of time) and where such returns are also as per the call of the lord of primordial dimension of macrocosm (I.e. Lord of time or Maha Kaal) and its own pristine divinity who as such is addressed as Ma Mahakali …
But at the same time, the self-realization of finality of this discussion does not necessarily translate into an immediate death of the aspirant, as such an aspirant may even self-choose to continue to live the present incarnation until the destined ripeness and rightness to exit from the present physical vehicle has been arrived at …
Thus, within a united Sangha, if any single aspirant self-realizes the finality of this discussion, then that aspirant can choose to let go of his (or her) physical vehicle, at will … This is what was known as Maha Samadhi …
If one aspirant enters into a Maha Samadhi, then the divinities which are released during this process of willful leaving of physical vehicle (i.e. during the stages of entering into that Mahasamadhi), can be absorbed by other aspirants of that Sangha, so they also accomplish their own Kaivalya (independence from allness or final liberation) …
But such an absorption is only possible by those aspirants, who really are in their inner non-dual oneness to that Sangha and especially oneness to that aspirant who had entered into the stage of Maha Samadhi … Unless this is complied, the Maha Samadhi of that aspirant (i.e. one who entered into it), would only be deemed to be a waste of all efforts of that aspirant (who had attained that Maha Samadhi) …
One of the greater sadness of Yoga Tantra during this Kaliyuga is, that since other aspirants cannot absorb those emanated divinities of a Maha Samadhi, so even when a few have entered into Maha Samadhi, their Maha Samadhi could be of no use to that Sangha, to whom they themselves belonged whilst they were incarnated in a human form … But what a waste of supreme opportunity (i.e. to “be liberated”, by absorbing the emanated divinity of that Maha Samadhi), is what this Kaliyuga had led to …
During earlier times, when I had also returned back in an incarnated state, each Maha Samadhi used to lead to thousands of liberations, because in those days, the innermost unity of members of Sangha was properly complied …
But sadly, in this Kaliyuga, even when this opportunity does come by “once a great while”, but due to absence of the core principle of oneness to allness and her each part, within any of the Sangha of Kaliyuga, the one who enters into Maha Samadhi, cannot even help his own brethren (fellows of his own Sangha) …
What a waste of a supreme opportunity (i.e. opportunity to “be emancipated”), that this Kaliyuga has led aspirants to … Is what I am sometimes surprised …
Each aspirant who enters into a Maha Samadhi can lead to thousands of liberations of other aspirants … But sadly, in this degenerate age (Kaliyuga), it is not so … What a waste of supreme opportunity, to “be liberated” …
Ishta Swarupa and 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
This discussion is further to what was discussed earlier on for the same header of Ishta Swarupa …
Every Sangha has its own Ishta (primary deity) … Without Ishta, there is no Sangha in the real sense … And where that Ishta can also be as voidness …
Please note this carefully …
For success in the path of this discussion, the chosen Ishta can never be any other than one of the primary or ancillary Devas of Panch Mukha Sadashiva (Five faces of Sadashiva) …
The primary ones are addressed as Panch Deva (Five primary divinities), but there also are ancillary ones …
These ancillary ones are those who reside in any of the Siddha Loka (Siddha worlds) and also in any of the divine worlds (Deva Loka) …
And since allness itself rests in Sadashiva (i.e. eternal auspiciousness), so there also cannot be a Deva or Deva Loka that is not directly or indirectly related to Sadashiva (or Panch Mukha Shiva) …
Thus, whatever is meant through words, Devi and Deva, Mahavidya, Bhairava and Bhairavi, Avadhoota, Yogi and Yogini, Matrika, Rishi, Muni, Hamsa, Nav Durga, Gram Deva, Paramhamsa, Arhat, Tirthankara, Gram Devi, Bodhisattva and Buddha, and also through words like Siddha, etc., are all in one way of another, related to Panch Brahma (or Sadashiva) only …
This itself is because of the fact, that within Sanatana Dharma (eternal way of life), these Five faces of Sadashiva have always been and shall always be as the root of all concepts … Even the Vyasa Peetha are established by taking cognizance of the four cardinal faces of Shiva i.e. Tatpurusha (Saguna Brahman or attributed state of Brahman), Vamadeva (who denotes the left hand path which itself is a corpus of many paths), Sadyojata (who denotes the path of creator or Path of Brahma) and Aghora (who denotes the primary path as per present condition of Galactic year) …
Due to this reason, the entire concept of Ishta Swarupa, which includes the concept of Buddhata (or Buddhahood) is related to the same Five faces of Shiva (Panch Mukha Shiva) …
All deities that form this vast concept of Ishta Swaroopa, are those who directly of indirectly denote the same undefined infinite of our discussion and which itself is arrived through Sangha, which in this discussion was mathematically told as 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly …
Thus, the same endless state is arrived if any aspirant unites to his (or her) primary deity (i.e. Ishta) in such a way, that the aspirant becomes like his (or her) own deity manifested in a physical form (i.e. the aspirant attains to what is told as “Ishta Swarupa”) …
Limitations of 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
But even when above discussions are true, the end result of this discussion can never be allowed to manifest in its wholeness (i.e. entire humanity) within the Maker’s Makings, as it would lead to the stage where allness of Makers Makings would be dissolved into nothingness of primordial nature (Shunya Tattva) …
Thus, since universal fellowship of the end result of this discussion would lead to allness getting dissoluted, so Maa Prakriti (mother nature) would never allow such a universal fellowship to get manifested in any of the animated worlds that exist within the entirety of Makersmakings … And this also is one of the reasons why Vedic sages had told as follows …
Nature (Prakriti) is also as eternal as the Supreme being (Parabrahman)
But yet, Nature (Prakriti) does not denote the finality of liberation (Kaivalya)
Nature is a path of liberation, that leads to the supreme being (Brahman)
Thus, due to the effects of this discussion, no monotheistic religion, no individualistic path, no single text or Godhead can ever reach a stage, where that individualistic aspect is having a universal acceptance … This is a limitation placed on all that is, so as to prevent a complete dissolution of allness itself …
So, such a state can only arrive when the ripeness and rightness of such a condition of dissolution has arrived within the Maker’s Makings and which is only possible at the the destined end of a Brahma’s lifetime … This is what was told as Mahapralaya in Vedic knowledge systems …
And since the next Mahapralaya is trillions and trillions of years away, so until such time no individualistic system would be able to accomplish, what it had started to accomplish after it was laid down in this world …
And until those further trillions and trillions of pending years for Maha Pralaya (dissolution of allness), Pluralistic monism would be the only eternal system of way of life …
And since pluralistic monism is only of Sanatana Dharma, so due to this reason, until the next Maha Pralaya, Sanatan Dharma would be remaining as the eternal way of life …
Reincarnation and 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite … Brahma Sangha and Narayana Sangha …
Since every microcosm (or numeral) had originated from the creator of allness (Brahma), so each microcosm is a part of the vast Sangha of the Maker of allness (Brahma Sangha) …
And due to this reason, until a microcosm self-realizes and thus attains to the final aspect of this discussion (i.e. Undefined infinite) and which also relates to the finality of Sangha (i.e. Sangha of Brahma or Brahma Sangha), that microcosm shall have to keep reincarnating across the gross, subtle, divine and impressional realms of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus is the basis of concept of reincarnation as told in various paths that are related to Sanatan Dharma …
And due to this reason, the base of this concept of reincarnation is also a Yogic concept that originally was told by the self-realized, all realized Vedic sages …
Unless the entire Sangha of Brahma (creator of allness) reaches the essence of above stated fact (of 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite), their reincarnations would continue and also would continue the existence of macrocosm …
And when all microcosms, who itself are a part of this Sangha of Brahma (Brahma Sangha) have attained to the finality of this discussion, then only would be the final end of Maker’s Makings arrive within the Makers Makings …
Thus, until such a stage arrives, the macrocosmic creation would keep dissoluting after completion of a Brahma’s lifetime and then after a break (which is also equal to the lifetime of Brahma), a new Brahma (Maker) would take over and re-self-originate it …
Thus, the concept of Sangha of Brahma, shall also continue until further Brahma’s, who at later stages of time, would become the Maker’s of those further stages of Makers Makings …
And since Pitamah Brahma himself had self-manifested (and thus was called as a Swayambhu Deva) from Sriman Naaraayana (from navel of Naaraayana), so due to this reason, what is told as Brahma Sangha here, is actually Naaraayana Sangha (i.e. Sangha of Sriman Naaraayana, from whose navel the current Brahma and all previous Brahma’s had self-originated and from whose navel all future Brahma’s would also be self-originated) …
The age of a Brahma and as told in Vedas is of 311.040 trillion human solar years as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes … And Vedas state, countless Brahmas have come and gone till now and same shall also continue in future, after the present Brahma completes his destined lifetime …
Note: Since Shiva is as explained in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became”, so in his own finality, Shiva is beyond all aspects of Sangha even when he is the root of above discussed Sangha … And since Shiva is Shakti, thus, to know Shiva Sangha and Shakti Sangha, is an impossibility and due to this reason, I have not discussed it here even when all that is discussed here is a part of Shiva Sangha only and where Shiva Sangha itself is Shakti Sangha …
Until all that is a part of Naaraayana Sangha is emancipated, reincarnations can never be avoided … Thus, until an aspirant self-attains to Naaraayana Sangha (i.e. aspirant merges to Sriman Naaraayana), future returns of that aspirant would always remain a remote probability … I write remote probability, as to calculate the time span of that future return, is also an impossibility …
Transmigration and 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
Until allness and her each part reaches Shiva Sangha, which itself is Shakti Sangha, those who have attained to the finality of this discussion (i.e. undefined infinite) and thus have gone beyond the stage where they can take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb of a physically present mother), can also be recalled back into the Maker’s Makings …
But since they cannot take a regular birth, so their returns can only be through two paths as stated here …
- Transmigration of soul … This in Sanskrit texts is also termed as the Parkaya Pravesh … Since we have already discussed it, so I won’t waste my time explaining it again here … And thus those who wish to know it, can read the earlier group of topics on Transmigration … This is undertaken when the time required for successful completion of a job is longer that what can be possible through a direct manifestation of soul …
- Manifestation of soul … This is when a soul directly manifests in the physical world, then it does it’s specific job (for which that manifestation had taken place) and as soon as that job is completed, it again unmanifests back into or even beyond that realm, from where it had manifested in that world … This is undertaken when the time required for completion of a job is short …
- There is no third way of return of anyone, except the returns of Sanatan Gurudeva (Sri Vishnu) who resides within and beyond each aspirant … This exceptional return is what the Sanskrit term of Avatar really means … But in this text, except for a brief description, the fuller aspects of return path of an Avatar cannot be discussed …
Prophesized ones and 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
The returns of prophesized ones of every scripture is also in compliance to what was told earlier on in the topic of Brahma Sangha … But such returns are “mostly” through the birth from the womb of a physically present mother, i.e. a regular incarnation … I wrote mostly through here, as some of these returns can also be through the process of transmigration (i.e. the path of transmigration of soul or Parkaya Pravesh) and in such a case, it would only be called as a Virgin Birth …
1+1+1+1+ … Endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite … Preservation of worlds …
This is for preventing the final ending of existence of any world, plane or universal spheres …
When all aspirant of a world arrive at oneness to allness, then the flows and dynamism of a world also becomes subtler …
And as this oneness to allness keeps expanding within the aspirants who reside within a world, then the flows and dynamism within that world eventually becomes arrived at a state of subtlety …
And as times progress, a state arrives where the current capacity of that worlds etheric (which also is as per the worlds current evolutionary standing) is exceeded … When this happens, the world shows signs of approaching its dissolution …
Thus, to preserve any world, there can only be three options …
- First is to reduce the number of evolved aspirants and thus reduce the quantum of subtler flows and dynamism to a state which does not exceed the world etheric capacity …
- Second option is to arrive at grossness or degeneration, but provided the time is ripe and right for manifestation of degeneration within that particular cycle of time (or wheel of time) … Increase of degeneration increases grossness, which has a lower quantum of flow and dynamism and thus leads to buildup of reserve capacity in that worlds etheric …
- Third option as stated here is the last resort, where if the subtlety cannot be controlled and has reached a state where the worlds etheric cannot handle it, then that world could be partly or fully destroyed (or dissoluted) … And the same also happens when due to increase of world’s population beyond the below stated value, that itself is dependent upon the worlds axial precession of that time, that world has to be fully or partly destroyed … This value is as told below and is calculated basis the present unitary value of time (so as this value changes, then all below values would also change) …
(Current celestial time of that world x 1 billion) / 10
For this world, above leads to the value of 71.6 billion / 10 = 7.16 billion
When this world’s physically present human population goes past this value, chaos of all sorts gets manifested here …
And this chaos always starts spreading across the world when 1/4th of above stated number of 7.16 billion (i.e. 1.97 billion humans) is exceeded … This was crossed just around the time of the 1st world war …
But this increment of human population is always there in every Kaliyuga (degenerate age cycle) because of the fact, that, during Kaliyuga, humanity gradually loses control over desires (Including sexual desires) and due to this reason, Kaliyuga is also named as the age of chaos, which also comes by due to over population of humans …
During the time spans of a Kaliyuga, any number below this value of 7.16 / 4 = 1.97 billion … Is “JUST ABOUT OKAY” … As far as avoidance of manifestation of chaos is concerned …
And to calculate the maximum number of humans on this planet during other ages, use the following method …
- Dwaparyuga … Value of Kaliyuga / 2 = 985 billion physical humans …
- Tretayuga … Value of Kaliyuga / 3 = 656 billion physical humans …
- Satyuga … Value of Kaliyuga / 4 … 49 billion physical humans …
As also, if humanity of this planet wants long lasting peace, then this planets human population would need to be below Satyuga Value as told in above bullet point …This is one of the guarantees of long lasting state of peace …
And maximum value that this figure (of Satyuga) can go to and still guarantee long lasting peace is, as per following calculation …
1.28 x Satyuga value = 0.6304 billion physical humans …
Note: 1.28 is used here due to the “offset of Sri Krishna’s departure”, that has the same value of 27 + 1 years = 28 years … 28 / 100 years (human lifetime during Kaliyuga) = 0.28 … And add this to 1 to get 1.28 years … Sri Krishna’s offset is used here as he was the last Poorna Avatar (full Avatar of Sri Vishnu) …
Beyond above stated values of the four cycles of time (Chatur Yuga), chaos would be present and the quantum of this chaos would be dependent upon how much higher is the physically present human population, as compared to above stated values …
And by the time Guru Yuga (or age of sages) sets in, on/around 2082 AD, +/- 2.7 years and a further +/- 27 + 1 years, human population would be closer to above stated maximum and ideal limit (i.e. between 0.6304 billion humans and 0.4925 billion humans) …
And as Guru Yuga (Age of sages) which has a time span of close to 10,000 human solar years, further progresses, human population would also reduce further to and later on even below the maximum desired value of 0.4925 billion humans …
As of now, due to over population of physically present humans in this planet, this world is living in that time, where a drastic correction of human population is just around the corner …
There are only two ways to control the population and thus avert those vast number and types of tragedies on whose brink this world already stands as of now (2018 AD) … These are of …
- The peaceful way to reduce it is through self control … This includes willing celibacy and path of renunciation …
- The chaotic way … But since present day humanity cannot control their desires (desires for ever more, including sexual desires), so the only path to the correction of physically present human population as is discussed here, remains as that of human made chaos, natural chaos and divine chaos … Thus, humans must be ready for this if the peaceful way is not adopted …
As population would reduce, oneness towards allness would increase correspondingly, so as to increase the subtlety quotient of this world … And vice versa of this always happens during Kaliyuga (degenerate ages) …
Each world has a limited etheric capacity and this etheric capacity is also incremental as per the principle of eternal evolution, that also relates to the etheric field of a world …
As of now, this worlds etheric capacity has already approached an utter fullness (maximum limit) … Thus, a correction should be just around the corner …
Proceeding further …
Normally, the etheric capacity of a world is maintained to just below its optimal … But during the phases of change of ages, this may not be so …
When grossness of ways of life increases, then worlds physically present population always increases …
This is as grossness (or grosser flows and dynamism that each microcosm emanates out of itself and into the macrocosmic creation) has a lesser etheric capacity …
Thus, as grosser ways of life (or ways of life that relate to individualism) increase, then the worlds human population also increases … This is to ensure that the worlds etheric capacity is maintained to its optimum (I did not write maximum here) … But this increment also has its upper limit as was discussed and was referred earlier on …
So when this limit is exceeded, then all sorts of chaos come by …
Proceeding further …
And on the contrary, when subtlety of ways of life, which itself relates those ways of life, that rest in the phrase of “oneness of allness and her each part” increases, then because subtlety has a higher bandwidth, so the human population is lesser at such a time …
Thus, within subtler ages (like a human golden age or Manav Satyuga or Guru Yuga), the human population is lesser …
This is due to the fact, that due to subtler ways of life during a Guru Yuga, with lesser number of humans, the optimum value of worlds etheric field is arrived …
Subtlety is higher when ways of life relate to pluralistic monism, which itself is the way of life and progress of macrocosmic creation …
Proceeding further …
And on the contrary, during a Kaliyuga (degenerate age), since ways of life of humanity are individualistic, so a larger number of humans are needed to reach the optimum capacity of the worlds etheric field …
Thus, as Kaliyuga progresses, human population keeps expanding and when it reaches past the highest possible value as calculated above (i.e. 1.97 billion), then chaos expands and thence spreads across all ways and walks of life … This stage was the one that was arriving prior the 1st world war and was the reason for the start of that war because this worlds etheric field was already feeling the heat of excess of physical human population …
Proceeding further …
But there is also another condition where the world only allows its etheric capacity to get exceeded more than its maximum …
This is what happens during a Sandhikaal of any age cycle …
As also a fact, that during a Sandhikaal, because a great one arrives to lay down the systems of the next age cycle, which in the case of the present Sandhikaal, would be a sage from Maheshwara, so when this arrival of the great one happens in a physical realm, then all those souls of beyond realms who wish to take advantage of that knowledge, also take birth in that world, in addition to those souls who want to witness the change of age, who also take birth …
And since, there are to many souls like these discussed ones, so the worlds etheric capacity always gets exceeded … And to prevent the great burst of its etheric field, the worlds etheric also turns gross (individualistic) and thus chaotic the world becomes in every Sandhikaal of every age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga and also in Deva Yuga) …
This is the reason for wide spread and varied type of chaos, that always comes by in any world which is passing through a Sandhi Kaal of any age cycle … This world is passing through this phase only …
Proceeding further …
All above are also as per our current discussion on preservation of worlds, which itself relates to the header of this discussion i.e. 1+1+1+1+ … endlessly = Infinity / 0 = Undefined Infinite …
Finally and as a matter of fact …
- Lower worlds have a very high grossness of ways of life (i.e. ways of life are highly individualistic or monotheistic) and thus lower worlds are always overcrowded …
- Higher worlds have a very high subtlety of ways of life (i.e. ways of life are less individualistic or less monotheistic) and thus higher worlds have very less population …
- To know if the world is lower or higher, one of the ways is to study its population and compare it with its ways of life … And basis this, even when this world is not so low in its evolutionary standing, yet due to lower or individualistic ways of life of humanity and the consequent increase of physically present human population, it seems much-much lower that what its etheric subtlety (and thus etheric capacity) actually is …
- The etheric field of this world has already told me many a times, that Enough is already enough … So humanity can interpret this in their own ways … And thence correct as necessary … Or else ……………………………………..
Continues …