In reality, existence of anything or anyone is timeless in its beginning, in addition to being such that its final end is also untraceable and thus is endless and thus in reality, existence is eternal … Thus, the term eternal existence (of the currently discussed principle of eternal existence) means, that which has been present since the incalculable eternity that has gone by till now and which would also keep existing endlessly during the fathomless eternity of future … Thus, neither its beginning nor its end can be traced in time …
All that was made within the Maker’s Makings is made as eternal and this is irrespective of whether that state is seen as born or is seen as the one who would die out from its presently incarnated (or manifested) condition …
Eternal existence … There is nothing non-eternal … Existence is eternal …
Eternal existence means …
That existence which is timeless in its beginning and endless in its end
That which is beginningless, is the one that is endless and such an entity is the one who could be termed as eternal … There is nothing ever begun within the Makers Makings, whose existence doesn’t come within this principle …
As long as something is resting within the purviews of Makersmakings, this principle is also the one of those vast number of aspects, in whose purviews that begun entity is residing … And the applicability of this principle is irrespective of the apparently born state of anything (any microcosm), its temporary existence after it is born and its future death as an incarnated (or manifested) entity …
Irrespective of stages of birth and death that are seen within any of the incarnated (or manifested) entities, their existence is eternal because of the fact, that the death of the physical (or born) body doesn’t even denote the death of the entity … The subtle entity who is referred here, continues to exist even after the apparently visible death of the physical body and it is to that subtle entity, that this principle eventually relates … The subtle entity who is present within the physically visible entity is the real entity and not the physical body …
Eternal is that which has always been there and this itself is self-realized because neither can its beginning be traced back in time nor can its end be traced back in any future …
All that was originated within the Maker’s Makings, is eternal … And where this eternity is irrespective of whether that originated state is a microcosm or the macrocosm …
The eternal Maker could have never made any non-eternal entity and due to this reason, all that was ever originated within the Makers Makings, is naught but having the same eternity as is of the eternal Maker of allness …
Thus, in reality of existence of anything, there is nothing which is non-eternal … Everything that has ever begun within the Makers Makings, is naught but an eternal entity …
Thus, all microcosm’s and the entire macrocosmic creation are eternal entities and this statement is irrespective of whether their existence is in a cyclic mode or they rest within an acyclic mode of existence …
Sameness of eternity of existence of creator and created …
Since the originated entity (i.e. each microcosm and the macrocosm) and that too in its originated state can never last till the timeless and fathomless eternity as is of the Maker and since the eternity of the originated entity can never be different from the eternity of their creator, so due to this reason, each originated entity also remains with no choice but to match the eternity of existence as is of the Maker itself …
If the eternity of timeless existence of the Maker and its Makings are different, then the existence of originated entities would come in continuous peril … This is because, time (Kaal) is the primordial dimension of Makers Makings and any loss of synchronism of the originated entities to their originator, which relates to this primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, would only lead to a continuous chaos within the originated entities, i.e. all microcosm’s and the macrocosm, would end up in a continuous chaos, if the macrocosmic primordial dimension (of time or Kala) is not applicable in sameness to them … This would lead to an ever present chaos within all that is ever originated through the supreme genius of Maker, as IT’s own Makings …
Thus, whether it is apparent or not, everything that is ever originated within the Maker’s Makings is made to rest within the same eternity as is of the beginningless and endless, timeless and fathomless existence of their fully detached creator (Para Brahman) …
The term fully detached is written here, as the originality that was prior to any was created, is only like a supreme witness of its own creation and where the creation itself is naught but as a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of that fully detached creator … Thus in reality, the creation itself is self-expressed, self-manifested and self-present as its own creation and due to this reason, the creation itself is the creator of allness and this is also why, the eternity of created cannot be any other than that of their eternal creator …
Describing eternally existent state of all that has begun within the Makers Makings … Train of eternal life …
Everything that is originated is naught but a self-expressed state of their own ever-same singular creator … Thus, in reality the creator itself is the creation …
And since the creation, which itself is as a self-presence of the “creator as IT’s own creation”, can never be having an existence which is other than the timeless fathomless and thus beginningless endless existence of the creator, so everything is eternal in the real sense …
But since the created entity in its own created state can never last till the entire eternity as is of the creator, so the created entity also remains with no choice but to have cycles of existence (i.e. cycles of birth, temporary existence in a born state and then the stage of death) and where these cycles of existence are also such that, they are continuous, unbroken and thus are actually partless …
To ensure such a condition, following is what actually is …
- The birth on one plane, is due to a death in another plane of existence …
- The death in one plane leads to an immediate birth in another plane of existence …
- Thus, irrespective of these births and deaths of entities, their cycles of existence continues in an unbroken and thus a partless manner … And where this existence is also multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal and multi-dimensional … This kind of existence of all that is begun within the Makers Makings is only because the self-expression of their creator is also such and since all the originated entities are an intrinsic part of the self-expression of their creator, so they also cannot be within a state of existence which is any other than being multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal and multi-dimensional, just as their own creator self-expression of which they are an intrinsic part, also is …
- Due to such an existence of all that is begun within the Makers Makings, during the long course of existence, each entity eventually traverses all that is a part of macrocosmic existence and thus in reality of things, during that extremely long and undefined time span of existence of any begun microcosm, each microcosm eventually ends up resting upon all worlds, planes, universes and dimensions of the Makersmakings …
- When we see the fullness of eternal existence of all that is ever begun within the Makersmakings, then we also know that in reality, there is neither a death nor rebirth … All that is seen as taking birth and dying, is nothing but a part of the eternal journey of a soul, which keeps traversing all realms that exist within the purviews of all that was ever created within the supreme genius of this Makings of Maker and where the Maker itself is like a fully detached witness and thus is also self-realized to be not involved with his own creation and its creation process …
- Thus in reality of things, the existence of each originated entity, is like it is sitting upon the train of its eternal life, and were birth of that entity is like a train arriving at a station and death is like that train leaving that station and thence proceeding to another station … This train keeps traversing all realms of Makers Makings (which itself are like these railway stations) and where its journey is as beginningless and as endless as is the existence of their creator, whose self-expressions these originated entities eventually are …
- This train of eternal life is also such that, the travelling entity travels alone in it and thus, that travelling entity (of this train of eternal life) is also its sole driver and passenger …
- Only when that train stops at a station, does that entity meet other originated entities, who also are travelling in their respective trains of eternal life and whose trains are also stopped at the same station … These stations can be like a gross, subtle, spirit or even like the divine worlds …
- Thus the coming and going of that entities train from any station that exists within the multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal and multi-dimensional state of Makers Makings is thus a myth, because that entity is only continuing on its own timeless journey which makes it traverse all gross, subtle, spirit and divine realms …
- And the same is also applicable to the birth, temporary existence and thence the stage of death of the physical vehicle …
So basis this, the existence of any entity which has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, is naught but eternal and where that eternity itself is the same as the timeless and fathomless, beginningless and endless eternity that is of their creator …
Eternal existence and its parts … Both cyclic and acyclic existence are untrue …
To match the eternity of that fully detached creator (Brahman), until the originated entity can evolve to the state which is beyond those continuous cycles of existence, it also remains with no choice but to continue within one or another world or plane of one or another universe that exists within the multi-universal state of Makers Makings …
But since the physical vehicle of any originated microcosm does not hold capability to exist till eternity of the Maker and its Makings, so death of physical vehicle can never be avoided … But that death of the physical vehicle is only leading to an unbroken continuity of that entities existence because in reality, the death on one plane (like the death of the physical body on earthly plane) is naught but leading to a birth on another plane (birth within the spirit realms or any other realm that is existent within the Makers Makings and which itself is dependent upon the accumulated cause and effect or deeds and fruits that were earned by that entity, whilst it were incarnated earlier on) …
And since evolution also takes an entity from one realm to another, which also has differing grossness and subtleties and since physical vehicle of a gross realm can never transit through the subtle realms, so when any entity evolves beyond a gross realm, then also it remains with no choice to let go of the physical vehicle which was used to reside within that gross realm and thence move unto the subtle realm (to which that entity has then evolved) where it adopts another appropriate physical vehicle which is suitable to reside upon that realm … This is what leads to birth and death during the course of one’s existence and where this birth and death are only complementing each other (because death in one realm of existence is leading to rebirth within the same or another realm of existence) …
And this is what leads to a cyclic nature of existence …
Proceeding further …
As long as an entity has not gone beyond (i.e. evolved beyond) the entirety of cyclic existence (Samsara), it would continue within these cycles of birth and death …
And when an entity evolves beyond these cycles of existence, then it enters into an acyclic mode of existence … In this acyclic mode of existence, that entity gets a deathless physical vehicle (which is apt for that acyclic mode of existence) and thence its existence continues endlessly within that acyclic mode of existence … This deathless physical vehicle is also the one which is told about in some scriptures (as an eternal body that would be granted by God) that came by during the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle …
But at the same time, this deathless physical vehicle is not the finality of existence … This finality of existence is when one is also free of all adopted vehicles (including the deathless or eternal vehicle) and where this state is like a Nirguna Sharira (attributeless vehicle) which as such is none other than the omnipresent innermost essence (Atman) of each entity … And where that innermost essence of each entity itself is the innermost essence of allness and her each part …
This attributeless body (Nirguna Sharira) is the one which renders the self-realization of the fact as was told by Vedic sages through the Vedic Mahavakya (of Atharvaveda) which in Sanskrit language was told as “Ayam Atma Brahma” and which means, “This (Atman) is That (Brahman)” and thus it also refers to the fact that the aspirants “Atman is Brahman” itself …
Thus, unless the aspirants self-realizes the innermost meaning of the above told Mahavakya, existence would only continue within one or another realm and thus that souls existence would either continue to be cyclic in its nature or could even be acyclic …
In both these modes of existence, neither is the aspirant free of Karma (desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) nor is that aspirant even free of Karma Phala (fruits or merits of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) and thus, in reality, both these states of existence are denoting one or another aspect of bondage only … That state when an aspirant attains freedom from both Karma and Karma Phala (i.e. when the aspirant goes beyond both of the cause and effect or fruits and deeds) was told as Karmatita Mukti by the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages …
Due to above, neither is the final liberation denoted by cyclic existence nor is it denoted by acyclic existence … That final liberation (or Kaivalya) is not even arrived until the aspirant self-knows the final fact, that his (or her) Atma is Brahma and whose self realization is only after that aspirant lets go of allness and her each part and thus also lets go of all gross, subtle and divine realms and their accomplishment bodies (Siddha body of any divine realm is also let go) …
And when above happens, then that aspirant self-knows the attributeless vehicle (Nirgun Sharira) which itself is not a body, as it in fact is an infinite vehicle that only relates to attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman or simply, Parabrahman) …
Proceeding further …
As soon as the aspirant evolves beyond cyclic existence, that aspirant let’s go of the physical body (which was used to enter that particular realm of cyclic existence) and thence automatically (spontaneously) adopts (or accomplishes) a physical vehicles that is birth-less and thus is also death-less (that which is free of birth, is also free of death, isn’t it?) …
And as soon as the aspirant evolves beyond acyclic existence, that aspirant also let’s go of the deathless body that was adopted to enter into and reside in that acyclic existence … Thus, when we see the totality of existence within the Maker’s Makings, then neither is the cyclic existence nor is the acyclic existence found to be finality of existence …
The only true existence is that which has always been there and would ever remain and is also free of all Karma and Phala (i.e. free of all deeds and fruits or in other words, free of all aspects that relate to any type of cause and effect) …
But this freedom is only within the state as is described by Mahavakya (i.e. Great statement of Vedas) of Atharvaveda which sages had told as “Ayamatma Brahma” …
Unless this self realization arrives, neither would that aspirant accomplish the macrocosmic body (cosmic bodied state of the aspirant) which related to a Vedic statement of “Pinda is Brahmand (i.e. microcosm is macrocosm) and which is also referred through from a statement of Yajurveda and was told as “Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde” and which means “As is Microcosm So is the Macrocosm, As is the Macrocosm So is each Microcosm”, nor would that aspirant accomplish the bodiless-body (i.e. attributeless infinite vehicle or Nirguna Sharira) which relates to the self-realization of the fact, that, Atman is Brahman … And in such a case of absence of these direct cognitions, end of existence within one or another mode, condition and realm of Maker’s Makings would continue for that aspirant … This fact is irrespective of which path you follow, which God you relate to and what that God has told you through his (It’s) own scriptures …
But at the same time, this end result of above self realizations always comes for each microcosm which has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
Adoption of appropriate bodies is only during within the Makers Makings …
Depending upon the grossness and subtlety of a realm of existence that is to be entered into by a soul, is the physical vehicle that the soul adopts (so as to enter into and thence reside within that realm of existence) …
The physical vehicle that is apt for any single gross (or subtle) realm of existence can never be apt for another gross (or subtle) realm of existence …
This is as each physical vehicle is designed for a specific bandwidth of vibrations and thus would never be able to survive if it is made to rest in that realm of existence, where the vibratory bandwidth of that realm of existence is not in sameness to the vibratory bandwidth of the adopted physical vehicle …
Thus, when an aspirant evolves beyond a vibratory bandwidth (of the world or plane where that aspirant was residing till then) and thence the aspirant qualifies to enter into another realm of existence (which has a differing vibratory bandwidth), then the earlier physical vehicle (of the earlier realm of existence) has to be let go prior the aspirant can adopt another physical vehicle which is apt for the realm of existence that is to be entered into as per that aspirants evolved stature …
This is what leads to death of the physical vehicle … And since this death also leads to an immediate birth in the next realm of existence which the aspirant has then qualified to enter into, so this is why cyclic existence (cyclic mode of existence) is also multi-planic, multi-world and multi-universal in addition to being multi-dimensional …
And as evolution continues, the aspirant ultimately qualifies (or evolves) beyond the entirety of cyclic existence … As the aspirant evolves beyond the entirety of cyclic existence (i.e. the aspirant evolves beyond entirety of begun macrocosm or Samsara), and thence enters into acyclic existence, then depending upon the subtler vibrations of that acyclic existence, that aspirant also ends up adopting a subtler physical vehicle (which as such is the physical vehicle of that subtler plane of existence that the aspirant has qualified to enter into) …
And thence comes the stage of going beyond acyclic existence where the aspirant self-knows that timeless (or beginningless endless) body, which as such is attributeless yet infinite and is nothing but denoting the self realization of the fact, that was told as Ayam Atma Brahm (or simply, the self realization of Atharvaveda that interprets as “This is That”) …
After this stage, all earlier merits (i.e. Karma and Phala), the Siddha bodies and their Siddha worlds (i.e. Siddha Loka or divine worlds) are let go of by that aspirant, and this is also the stage which leads to a detachment from all earlier accomplishment vehicles (Siddha bodies) which are related to those divine worlds … When this happens, then only does that aspirant move beyond the Makings of Maker and qualifies to rest within that finality, that is attributeless and infinite (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara) and is the one who is addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman (attributeless infinite being) within the Vedas …
That aspirant who ends up into the above told finality, goes beyond the entirety of evolution and yet exists in a state which by itself is eternally free of all modes, conditions and states of existence … That which is free of existence, is also free of the earlier discussed principle of dependent origination and is also fully free or independent of the earlier discussed principle of eternal evolution …
That which is free of this discussed principle of existence, is also the one which stands in freedom from the principle of interdependent origination and this itself is in addition to being free of all principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
In such a state of absolute freedom from allness and her each part, the aspirant holds no body … This is because, that aspirant only holds a bodiless body, that itself is of his (or her) own attributeless infinite innermost essence (Atma) and where that innermost essence itself is the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahm) who ITself is the essence of eternity which is free of evolution, existence and originations or dissolutions …
That aspirant who thus self-realizes, knows allness to be naught but untrue due to its ever changeful and thus evolving nature … Such an aspirant goes beyond all that is considered as beyond in any of the philosophies of any of the triple times (i.e. any past, any present and any future) …
Root of existence is vibrations … Finality of vibrations is Shunya Brahman …
Everything that is present anywhere within the macrocosm, is naught but a vibration … Each vibration has its own specific characteristics, which include sound, light and its own specific aspects that are related to bandwidth (of subtleties) …
Each vibration has within it the subtle essence of its parent, which itself has the subtle essence of its further parent within it and this presence of each parent within each previous parental state, is also ending at the ever-same original self-expression of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahm or absolute being) …
This original self-expression of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or simply, the supreme being) was as the zero which was infinite (i.e. Zero infinite or Shunya Ananta) and simultaneously was as the infinite which was zero (i.e. Infinite zero or Ananta Shunya) and which has been termed as Shunya Brahman in various texts of the macrocosmic language (i.e. Sanskrit Language) … The same zero infinite, infinite zero is also the one whom Vaishnavas address as Sriman Narayana, Shaivas address as Panch Mukha Shiva and whom Vedic sages had also addressed as Bhagwan Vishvakarman and who Yogi’s have in turn addressed as Virat Parabrahman in addition to addressing it as the eternal Shiva (or Sadashiva) …
Thus, when we trace back to the final essence of each vibration, then we only reach the same Shunya Brahm and where that Shunya Brahman itself is found to be the original self-expression of the absolute being (or Brahman) and where that self-expression is naught but found to be as the zero infinity and which simultaneously also is as the Infinite zeroness) and which is also addressed as Sriman Narayana, Panch Mukha Sadashiva and as Bhagwan Vishwakarma …
Proceeding further …
Thus, since all that is, is naught but a vibration and since the finality of vibrations is also of Shunya Brahman, so when we study any vibration and thence try to see its innermost core, then we also see all those series of parental states that were transited through, so as to make the presently studied vibration to get manifested within the macrocosm …
And yet in the finality of this process, we only end up reaching the same original self-expression of the supreme being (Parabrahman), who as such is none other than Shunya Brahman …
Each of those series of essences that are visible at any single time also have the essence of the original state from where the origination process of allness had originally started, in addition to having the essences of all intermediary states which transited through, so as to make anything arrive at its current form or formlessness and where the root of all these states (or Makers Makings) is nothing but a vibration …
This link to the parental states (which were passed through by an entity to come to its present form or formless state) is because, that originality itself is the one from which the currently realized state was manifested and thus, the state which is apparently visible is eternally pervaded and enveloped by (i.e. linked to) that originality (i.e. the parental vibration pervades and envelopes the child) …
And yet the finality of this study only leads to Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, infinite zero) … As also, only after Shunya Brahman is known, would the pathless path which leads to the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) finally open up for that aspirant and which would also lead to self realization of the Vaidik Mahavakya …
Existence is eternal because it’s root manifestation, i.e. vibrations, are eternal …
Since root of existence is vibrations and since vibrations are eternal, so existence is eternal … This is the reason for the header of this topic …
And since the root of vibrations is Shunya Brahman (i.e. original self expression of Parabrahman) who itself is as zero infinity and infinite zero, and which itself is timeless due to being beginningless and endless, so this is what makes vibrations in their root to be eternal and which further makes existence which itself is rooted in vibrations to be naught but eternal only …
Existence is not limited to macrocosm … Existence is also beyond macrocosm …
Due to above discussed fact, when we study the fullness of existence, then we also know, that, when anything ends its temporary incarnated state, then it returns back to its earlier vibrations from which it had manifested (or incarnated) as a microcosm …
And when we further study this aspect, then we also know that vibrations itself are further rooted in their own timeless root that itself is Shunya Brahman …
Thus, when we see this fact, then we know, that, since Shunya Brahman is denoting a state that was prior to the origination of macrocosm and microcosm’s, so due to this reason, existence is also related to that which is beyond the macrocosm …
This state (of Shunya Brahman) is beyond the four states of macrocosm …
Note: In a much earlier topic these four states of macrocosm were discussed as …
- Begun macrocosm … Which was also told as the macrocosmic matrix or Samsara or cyclic existence …
- Unbegun macrocosm … Which was also told as the eternal macrocosm or Sanatan Brahmand or original macrocosm or Prathamik Brahmand … Since it is unbegun, so how can it end and this is what makes it an eternal macrocosm and original macrocosm, which was there even prior to the actual beginning of the macrocosmic creation …
- Macro-neutral macrocosm … Which was also told as the macro-equanimous macrocosm which maintains the separation between the begun from unbegun macrocosm …
- Inertial macrocosm … Which was told as the seas of seas of non-lighted inertial masses or the non-lighted inert matter …
- And yet this state (Shunya Brahman) was told to be a part of the Maker’s Makings as it actually is the original self-expression of Brahman, within IT’s self-manifestation and self-presence as IT’s own Makings …
Due to this reason, all those scriptures which state existence to be limited to the macrocosm (or macrocosmic aspects, like, elements, vibrations, energy, light, sound, three qualities of Triguna, Mahad or great element, etc.) are only found to be living in a fool’s paradise …
Finality of describable or comprehendible existence is Shunya Brahman …
Shunya Brahman denotes the finality of existence, which could be described or told about … But existence is also continuing beyond Shunya Brahman …
That existence which is beyond Shunya Brahman, is an indescribable one, even when it is definitely a self-realizable one …
Total time span of existence of originated is same as eternity of the originator …
Unless the totality of time span of the originated states and irrespective of whether the mode of existence of these originated states is cyclic or acyclic existence, is of sameness to the totality of time span of existence of their originator, the originated states would only end up in a chaos within the finality of the dimension of time (i.e. eternity) as is of their own originator …
And since time (Kaal) itself is the primordial dimension of the Maker’s Makings, so when the chaos is rooted in time, then all other macrocosmic dimensions which are related to by the originated entity, also lead to a further chaos for that originated entity …
If the finality of time span of the originator and originated are different, then the originated states would only end up in chaos due to this non-sameness of their finalities of time spans of existence, in relation to their own originator …
Thus, irrespective of whether an originated entity is seen to be born or it dies, when we see the totality of time span that itself is of its entirety of cyclic and acyclic existences, then we see that time span of existence is actually the same as that of their originator …
But the originator of the four states of macrocosm (and all microcosm’s) is none other than Shunya Brahman (zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) so the entirety of macrocosm and its each microcosm is eventually resting in sameness to the eternal existence, as is of Shunya Brahman …
And since Shunya Brahman is none other than Sriman Narayana (of Vaishnava Marg), Pancha Mukha Shiva (of Shaiva Marg) and Vishvakarman (of Vaidik Brahmins), so eventually is it to the eternity of these deities (all of who are one and the same) that the finality of existence, i.e. eternity of existence, eventually relates …
Now, basis above paragraph … Since Shunya Brahman is only as the original self-expression of Brahman, so Shunya Brahman also denotes a state which was prior to the origination of macrocosm …
And this is why, the Vedic lore also says, that, Narayana was also existent prior the macrocosm came into existence … And this is also why the Vedic lore also says, that, from Sriman Narayana was originated the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma) and this is why Sriman Narayana is also addressed as Par-Pitamah of allness (i.e. great grandfather of macrocosm and microcosm) and Brahma who had originated out of Narayana, is addressed as Pitamah (which means as grandfather) …
So basis above …
It eventually is to Sriman Narayana that the comprehendible state of the term, eternity, eventually relates … This is because even when the entire macrocosm gets dissoluted during Mahapralaya (great dissolution), Sriman Narayana who is naught but the zero infinite and infinite zero, continues to exist …
Thus, Vedic lore also says, that, during the great dissolution of allness (i.e. Maha Pralaya), everything enters into Sriman Narayana and rests and where this rest of allness during that great dissolution, is also until the next Pitamah Brahma (i.e. the next creator and grandfather of allness) takes over and re-originates the next macrocosm …
Vedic lore also states, that until now, countless Brahmas (creator and grandfather of allness) and macrocosm’s (and also their countless microcosm’s) have come and gone … And this statement also proves the eternity of existence as is stated in the header of this topic … And this also proves the fact, that, the reason for eternity of existence is Sriman Narayana (i.e. Shunya Brahman or in other words, zero infinite, that itself is as the infinite zeroness) and who ITself denotes the finally comprehendible and thus describable state of eternity …
Proceeding further …
Since zeroness of zero (Shunyata of Shunya) is neither originated nor destroyed, so zero is eternal …
And since the supreme being, who as such is the Infinite (or Brahm) is beyond creation and created and is also beyond the states of destruction and thus Brahman is the realizable and yet remains as the indescribable one, so when zero meets infinite (i.e. the state of Shunya Brahman), then their unioned state (as zero infinite, which itself is infinite zero) can never be any other than being the finality of comprehendible eternity itself …
And within its indescribable yet finally realizable state of Shunya Brahman, eternity ultimately relates to Brahman, who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Sat Chit Ananda, Parabrahman and as the supreme being, absolute being or Param Brahma … But this aspect (or Brahman) is not considered within this principle, because it remains beyond it and is as the eternally indescribable one, even when it definitely is a self-realizable one …
Eternity of pervader is what existence eventually relates to …
As a matter of fact …
- The process of origination was from the original subtler to the later stages of ever incremental grossness …
- And the process is evolution of any microcosm, is that which runs on a reciprocal course to the process of origination of that microcosm and where the term reciprocal does not denote an exact reverse path because exactly reverse path, is never possible to be arrived at and if it does arrive at, then then would lead to a spontaneous and direct dissolution of the microcosm who ends up in suchness …
- Subtler pervades (permeates) the grosser … So, subtler is the pervader …
- Since subtler pervades the grosser, so the subtler is present inside the grosser …
- As also, since the grosser is self-originated out of its own subtler parent, so the vibrations of that subtler are also enveloping the grosser, in addition to pervading the grosser’s vibrations …
This presence of subtler within and beyond the grosser, is to what the time span of existence of the grosser, eventually relates …
And since the original state of Maker’s Makings is none other than Shunya Brahman, who by itself is the finality of comprehendible final subtlety, from where allness in all its subtle and gross states had originated, so Shunya Brahman pervades allness (i.e. Shunya Brahman is the final comprehendible state of the pervader) …
And since the process of origination itself was within the vast envelopes of Shunya Brahman, so Shunya Brahman is also the finally comprehendible enveloper of allness …
And it eventually is to this finally comprehendible permeator (pervader) and enveloper of allness, i.e. Shunya Brahman, and who also is the original state of Maker’s Makings, that the eternal existence of all that has ever begun as a macrocosm and microcosm, eventually relates …
This is why Vedic lore says, that during the great dissolution of allness (i.e. Mahapralaya) everything that earlier was as the macrocosm and microcosm (i.e. Brahmand and Pinda) rests within Sriman Naaraayana, prior the next macrocosm (Brahmand) is recreated after the next creator and grandfather of that macrocosm (i.e. next Pitamah Brahma) takes over from within that state of great dissolution …
And since Sriman Narayana (who itself is that zero which is infinite and is also that infinite which is zero) also exists in that Mahapralaya (i.e. great dissolution), so Vedic lore also addresses Sriman Narayana (or my Sanatan Gurudeva) as the eternal one (i.e. reason for eternity) …
And since Shunya Brahman (or zero infinite who itself is infinite zero) and who is also addressed as Sriman Narayana (or my eternal guide) is none other than Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (Five faced Sadashiva), so this is also why Vedic Shaiva Sages have also stated that my Paramguru Shiva (i.e. Lord Shiva of Vedas) is …
- That who is not … Yet eternally is …
- That who eternally is … Yet is not …
- These statements are also due to the fact, that Pancha Mukha Shiva is also none other than Shunya Brahman …
- In Shunya Brahman, the word Shunya (or Zeroness) denotes emptiness, which as such is “that who is not” and the word Brahman (fullness) denotes the infinite, who as such is “That who eternally ever is” …
And it eventually is this Shunya Brahman who is the finally comprehendible pervader and enveloper of allness, to whom the principle of eternal existence (which as such is what is being discussed in this topic) eventually relates …
In reality, eternal existence in its indescribable state is of Brahman infinite …
But since Shunya Brahman is naught but the original self-expression of Brahman and thus is the original state of Maker’s Makings and since the self-expression always leads to the self-expresser of itself, so in the finality of the path of self-realization of this topic, the term eternal existence is only relating to the attributeless infinite being (Brahman) …
And yet, even when above is true, since Brahman is the eternal indescribable yet the finally self-realizable one, so even when eternal existence of all that ever is or could ever be, is finally relating to Brahman, yet in this relation to Brahman, eternity is an undefined state and which itself is due to the same earlier told fact, that Brahman is realizable yet indescribable …
It is to this discussed fact, that all Vaidik Mahavakyas (Vedic great statements or Vedic mega statements) eventually relate … And it is also to this state, that the earlier stated Atma Vani (Voice of soul) also relates … And it is also to this state, that the term Brahmatva (which in simple words also means as a state of being within an “innermost oneness to Brahma”) eventually relates …
But this Sanskrit term (of Brahmatva) also has its lower and higher meanings as stated below …
- This Sanskrit word of Brahmatva in its lower sense means “Oneness to Brahman” and where this oneness is inward and thus is not related to worldly aspects (i.e. material and immaterial aspects, like money, power, name, fame, etc.) …
- And the same Sanskrit word of Brahmatva in its higher of meanings, means “a perfectly non-dual union to Brahman” and where that union is also such, that to distinguish the unioned entities is eternally not possible …
Thus, basis above … As far as the Sanskrit word Brahmatva is concerned …
- In lower sense, this word Brahmatva is describable … But only as a path …
- In higher sense, it is neither describable not definable … And yet the aspirant who attains to it (i.e. attains to Brahmatva) self-knows its innermost meaning and essence that itself is through a self-realization …
As also, the above stated fact was the reason for Vedic sages to tell as follows …
- Those who know IT and also believe they know it … Don’t really know it …
- Those who know IT and yet believe they don’t know it … Really know it …
- In above, the word “IT” means Nirgun Nirakara Brahma …
- These two statements “also” denote the accomplishment of finality of Brahmatva and where this term (i.e. Brahmatva) only denotes that perfectly non-dual finality of union to Brahman infinite (i.e. oneness to Brahman), who itself is the self-realizable and yet is the indescribable essence of the union of terms “eternity and existence (i.e. eternal existence)” …
Continues …