This is the first chapter of this restricted topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, which means as “systems and processes in the womb of ether of heart” … Here we shall also discus the perils of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra or risks of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra for those aspirants who have not arrived at ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing, that is necessary to enter into this topic …
If I were to write the prologue of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra in a single statement, then it would be as follows …
When all that is as the Maker’s Makings, becomes absorbed into its own primordial, primary and principal causes,
Then That Supreme Hermit, That Parambrahma, only remains …
Above may seem like a very simple and straight forward statement, but the fact has always remained, that, when it’s path commences, then in those aspirants who are not evolutionary ready to face this state, the conditions which come to fore within the physical and subtle vehicles can be like being continuously raped by a supernatural force, who cares a damn about whether you live or die …
Thus, this seemingly simple statement can also become the worst nightmare for most aspirants of this world … As of now and basis my travels across most of the lands (countries) of this planet, I already know that most of humanity is not evolutionarily ready to enter such esoteric paths …
Risks of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
As a matter of fact, even amongst those aspirants who are evolutionary ready, only a minute fraction survive to tell about this innermost path of restricted chapters, of which only Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra would be discussed in this text …
Due to this reason, rest of the restricted chapters are left untold as I fear that of the fraction of aspirants who would survive after successful completion of this topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, not even an iota would be able to pass through those highly hidden and esoteric systems of those chapters which I have intentionally not rendered to present day humanity …
Thus, when I already know, that, it’s pointless to discuss those topics due to unavailability of readied aspirants, than why discuss those other restricted knowledge systems …
Perils of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … Kundalini syndrome and other perils …
What I also mean here is, that, the severe condition of entering into the stage of Kundalini syndrome as modern science terms it, may be like a drop in the ocean of suffering that can come to those aspirants, whose physical and subtle bodies are not ready for those highly luminous flows and dynamism that get manifested within un-readied aspirants who make the mistake of entering into this highly esoteric Tantra of Hridayakasha Garbha …
Thus, not disclosing those other restricted chapters remains the only option …
But bear this in mind, that, even the topic which I have disclosed here, is highly restricted due to the perils of entering into severities of physical and subtle nature …
So all those who read and/or practice whatever is written in this topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, remain at their own self chosen perilous path …
I shall not be and never be held responsible for any consequences whatsoever of reading or practicing what is told here …
The readers have to indemnify me for all later consequences, prior proceeding any further with anything that is written as restricted in this text …
End note: As far as the position of this topic stands within this text, this was passed prior to the earlier discussed topic of Brahmpath, i.e. the topic of the last path …
Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra and Sadyomukti …
Many aspirants who enter this topic, also enter into that state of final liberation, which in Vedic and Yogic Sanskrit lore has called as Sadyomukti …
Sadyomukti means spontaneously liberated (i.e. spontaneously entering into Kaivalya or in other words, spontaneous attainment of Nirvana) …
Almost all aspirants who have entered into Sadyomukti, have never survived beyond 3 weeks of attainment of Sadyomukti … This is because the physical and subtle vehicles of these spontaneously liberated ones (or Sadyomukta) cannot handle those high quantum of flows and dynamism that suddenly get manifested in them … Plus there is another reason for de-incarnation of these aspirants (Sadyomukta) and this is that they become so detached from allness of Maker’s Makings, that they just let go of their bodies, or I can even say that they don’t try to hold back their incarnation due to their extremely high detachment towards allness and her each part … This is why almost all aspirants who end up successfully completing Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, would only be de-incarnating soon after such a successful completion of all that would be told in later parts of this topic …
And because a Sadyomukta rarely survives, so neither has the path of Sadyomukti (i.e. path of spontaneous liberation) ever been clearly defined nor has the path of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra which as such was the base reason of attainment of Sadyomukti, been defined more than once in any cycle of precession of equinoxes (or in other words, in any full or complete cycle of axial precession) … Since this is also a matter of fact, so it also means that this knowledge (of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra) only comes once in any cycle of axial precession, i.e. once every 25920 years (as per nadir time units of precession) which itself is equal to 24000 years (as per middle time units of precession or Vedic time units) …
And this distribution of knowledge of such highly restricted topics is also as per the demand of the time and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) …
Due to such a call of time, a suitable aspirant who at such a time is residing in one of the higher realms that relate to one of the five faces of Shiva (i.e. relate to any one of the five aspects of Panch Mukha Shiva) gets chosen by the “eternal lord of time (Mahakaal) and its own eternal divinity (Maa Mahakaali)”, thence he (or she) is placed upon that physical world through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Vedic and Yogic lore is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh), only for executing such once in a precession cycle jobs …
But the fact still remains, that, such aspirants also know, they don’t belong to that train station (i.e. the physical world) where their train of eternal live, has entered at that time …
So such ones, only do the jobs for which they have been placed upon that physical world system … And thence they also leave, as soon as their job is well done …
That’s all …