This painted sketch shall also be utilized in later sub-parts of this topic, so keep it at the back of your mind until this set of topics Shiva Taraka Naad finally ends … Here we shall discuss the meanings of words like RA, Ra, Raam, Ram, Lord Ram, Roar of a thousand lions or lion’s roar …
The Base … Above painting depicts the condition which is present inside the physical vehicle during the stage when Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) is already being heard by an aspirant …
But since Raam Naad (or in other words, the Sound of Raam) is only heard when Shakti Shiva Yoga (which can also be called as the union of divine and divinity or Shiva Shakti Yoga) is continuing within the aspirant’s microcosm, so above figure also denotes the Shakti Shiva Yoga …
Shakti Shiva Yoga is the stage when the white colored Shakti unites to the blue colored Shiva and where this union itself happens inside the aspirants microcosm (i.e. this union happens inside the physical and subtler vehicles of the aspirant) …
In above figure I have intentionally not painted the hands and legs as they are of no consequence as far as these discussions are concerned … Due to this reason, in above figure only the head and body are painted because this is the area of the physical body which actually matters in this discussion …
And most importantly …
In the head region of the painted sketch, I have intentionally drawn only 10 amongst the 1000 petals that actually are of the 1000 petalled lotus which is present at the top of brain (i.e. Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara or 7th plexus or 1000 petalled lotus) … This is to ensure that all those who are destined to get confused during the present stage of time cycles, are granted that confusion so they can also comply to what is needed as per their respective destinies …
Continuing with above paragraph … And those who don’t know what I am talking about can read the Bible, Rev 13 … And to make things more confusing and completely nail down such ones into a fully confused state, for their information, by profession “I am also a Master Mariner” …
Plus above was also painted such because I also want the Horatio’s who have been hiding upon this planet and have been doing all sorts of nonsensical things during the last few millenniums (actually last “almost” 2 millenniums) to come out of their hideouts, whilst quoting this painting and this complete set of topics that are to follow from here onwards … This is because, unless these deviated ones come out and show their real faces, the world won’t even know who really are and what they have been doing since the last few millenniums … And since this coming out and a later eviction of these Horatio’s is also a requirement of the coming times of change, so it had to be complied within this text …
Above painted sketch is how it happens inside the aspirant’s microcosm, except that there are 1000 petals and not 10 as have been painted in it … And this is how it also happens inside the greater macrocosm within whose envelopes the aspirants microcosm is also residing … And this also is how this union also happens inside the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which is pervading the aspirants microcosm and is also pervading the greater macrocosm in which that aspirants microcosm is residing …
Proceeding further …
And regarding the great sage who is shown to be sitting in above photo …
When the state which is depicted in above painting suddenly started happening inside the physical vehicle, then I did not know the reason for it … So at that time, due to no other choice I asked for divine help …
At that time and as an answer to this call for help, the sage who is shown to be sitting in above photo was the one who came to assist (guide) …
And along with the sage of above paragraph, there also was another highly evolved sage who was holding the golden accomplishment body which has an orangish-red light around it …
To both of them, I offer my salutations as I continue further with this topic …
CC … Raam Naad … The sound of Shakti Shiva Yoga …
There are 2 separate (or distinct) sounds which are heard during the stage when Shakti Shiva Yoga as is depicted in above painting, is happening within the aspirants microcosm … These two sounds are as discussed below …
CC-1-A … The first sound … This is the Sound of RA (or RA Naad) … This is the endless sound of RRRRRAAAAA … This has already been discussed in the earlier topic …
CC-1-B … The second sound … This is the Sound of M (i.e. Makar or in other words, the Sound of Mmmmmmm or Brahmanaad) which is simultaneously heard with the sound of RA … But since this has already been discussed in an earlier topic, so I won’t be going into too many details here, except what is stated below …
As a matter of fact once the Brahmnaad starts within an aspirant’s microcosm then it never ever stops … By this statement I mean that if even once the “Sound of Mmmmmmm (or Brahmnaad)” is self realized by any aspirant, then this sound would be continuously heard by that aspirant and that too across all the states, modes and conditions of future existence (i.e. future incarnations) of that aspirant … It was due to this reason that the same Brahma Naad was adopted by Yogi’s of various paths within their propagated sects of Yoga Tantra and it was the same self realized state of Brahmanaad that came to be known as Brahmari (of Brahmari Pranayama) in systems (or process or path) of Yoga Yoga Tantra …
So during the course of one’s evolutionary existence, if even once this sound (i.e. Sound of Mmmmmmm) is self realized by any aspirant, then it keeps getting heard (by that aspirant) across all of the future existence of that aspirant … As soon as such aspirants would calm their mind, then this sound would be heard by them and that too within their own microcosmic physical vehicle itself …
CC-1-C … Raam Naad and RA (or Egyptian and Greek cultures) …
When both above sounds are heard simultaneously by an aspirant, then it is the Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) of the Vedic lore … Thus, when these two sounds of RAA and M are heard simultaneously, then it is the Raam Naad (or Sound of Raam) of our current discussion …
And when only the endless sound of RRRRRRRAAAAAA is taken into consideration (or when only the sound of RA is heard), then it denotes the RA (i.e. the Solar deity) of Egyptian and Greek cultures …
CC-1-D … Raam Naad and Roar of thousand lions … Lion’s roar …
The same “Sound of RA” is told as the simultaneous “Roar of thousand lions” (lions roar) within some of the other lore’s …
Every subtle channel which exists within the mind sheath (which in other words means as the Manomaye Kosha) and whose energies are projected unto the vital air sheath (which in other words means as the Pranamaye Kosha) has its own characteristic divinity and sound …
And since there are too many subtle channels, so the sound of our discussion is definitely not the only sound which is present inside the all the subtle channels of the mind and vitality sheaths …
This sound (sound of RA) is heard inside the subtle golden colored channel that rises up from the top of 7th plexus (thousand petalled plexus at the top of brain) and this golden channel goes till just below the 8th plexus (i.e. the plexus which hangs in space that is beyond the top of skull) …
This golden channel was originally termed as the Vajradanda (i.e. the golden colored staff of lightening) has been addressed through different ways within different knowledge systems (These are discussed at a later stage of this topic) …
CC-2 … Relation between Brahmanaad and Brahmand Dharana …
The self realization of sound of Mmmmmmm (I.e. Brahmnaad) only happens when the aspirant is already resting is a state of oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana) …
Thus by itself, the self realization of Brahmanaad by any aspirant is a proof that the aspirant was already resting in “Brahmand Dharana” and this itself is due to the fact that only those aspirants who rests in Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) are the ones who qualify to self realize the Brahmanaad (or Sound of Mmmmmmm) …
CC-3 … Two eternal sounds and three eternal principles …
CC-3-A … Two eternal sounds …
Firstly we shall take up the two sounds …
There are two sounds which eternally stay within the aspirant’s microcosm after they have already been self realized by that aspirant …
This means that if below stated sounds are self realized even once during the entire of evolutionary process of an aspirant, then these two sounds never stop inside that aspirant’s microcosm … And this statement is irrespective of the future mode, condition or state of existence of that aspirant …
Thus basis above, if even once the below mentioned sounds are self realized by an aspirant, then these sounds would always be heard within that aspirant’s microcosm …
These two sounds are as follows …
- OM Naad … In other words, this means as the Sound of OM … This has already been discussed earlier …
- Brahmnaad … Makar, which means as the Sound of Mmmmmmm or Brahmari … Even when this sound is a part of OM Naad, yet it has been written separately here because it is not the same as Omkar (Sound of OM) …
- And in between these two sounds is Brahmatattva (which means as the pristine elemental state of Maker’s Makings that also holds the process of Maker’s Makings within itself and which itself is the pristine element of the Maker) … Thus Brahma Tattva is that state which denotes the unity of Maker, Makings and process of Makings …
CC-3-B … Three eternal principles …
And in addition to above, there are three eternal principles of the Maker’s Makings … It eventually is within the envelope of these three eternal principles that everything that gets self originated, is resting and that too, as long as it continues to exist within any part of the Maker’s Makings … These three principles are present within the entirety of allness (i.e. these are present within allness and are also present within each part of allness) …
If any aspirant unites to these three principles, then that aspirant also ends up becoming as “the eternal base (Sanatan Aadhar) of a healthy-rejuvenating revolution (Swasta Kranti) wherever it may be needed (i.e. any of the world systems) and across any of the triple times (Trikaal)” …
Such are the aspirants who eventually become as the chosen instruments of Macrocosmic creation (or Brahmand) i.e. they become the chosen instruments of Maa Prakriti (Mother nature) who by herself is the primary state of the self expressed pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) of Brahman (or in other words, the primary self expression of the attributeless infinite being) …
As also, since Maa Prakriti is none other than a macrocosmic self expression of the primordial pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (i.e. Brahman), so due to this reason such an aspirant is also an instrument of Maa Adi Parashakti (i.e. Mother of all that ever is) and Paramshiva (i.e. Absolute Being) …
Only an aspirant who satisfies above discussions can ever be the one who holds the fullness of knowledge of the conscious and activity principles of the Maker’s Makings (Vishvaroop Brahma) …
And only such an aspirant can ever be the one who knows those close to infinite number of evolutionary paths that are eternally present within the Maker’s Makings itself … And only such an aspirant can ever hold the knowledge of all enveloping and all pervading pluralistic monism of the Maker’s Makings …
And only such an aspirant can ever hold the knowledge of the paths of Absolute Monism (Vedanta) which itself is of the path of Absolute non-dualism (i.e. Advaita) …
It is due to the mentioned aspects that during the entire history of the Maker’s Makings, only those aspirants who had satisfied all above discussed aspects were the ones who had self realized the essence of knowledge of “Advaita Vedanta” …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also, only that aspirant who satisfies above discussions can ever be the one who holds the fullness of knowledge of science of the cycles of following primary dimensions …
- Kaalchakra … Eternal cycle of time …
- Akashchakra … Eternal cycle of space …
- Dishachakra … Eternal cycle of directions (or the cycles of newer paths or manifestations of newer texts or newer ways of life) …
- Dashachakra … Eternal cycle of states (of close to infinite hierarchies of subtlety and grossness that exist within the Maker’s Makings) …
- And that aspirant who knows all four above stated aspects through a direct cognition, also happens to be the only one who holds the completeness of knowledge of the Shakti Chakra and Shaktimaan Chakra … Unless there remains no choice, such aspirants never display their abilities or perform miracles …
Continuing with above … And that aspirant who holds the knowledge of all above mentioned aspects, is also the one who holds the direct knowledge of the following finalities of above stated aspects …
- Sanatan … Eternal … Eternity (of dimension of time) … Such an aspirant is the seer of the entirety of triple times (i.e. such an aspirant is a Trikaal Drashta) …
- Anant … Infinite … Infinity (of dimension of space) … Such an aspirant is a seer of infinite and all that is pervaded and enveloped by the infinite (i.e. such an aspirant is Anant Darshi or Sarvatra Drashta) …
- Sarva Dishatmak … Omnidirectional (of dimension of directions) … Such an aspirant is the seer of all directions or paths or ways of life (Sarva Disha Darshi) …
- Sarva Bhootatmak … Omnipresent (of dimension of state) … Sarva Dasha Darshi (seer of all states or conditions or modes of existence) …
- And only such a seer who has satisfied all above requirements can ever be the one who holds the directly cognized knowledge of Maa Adi Parashakti and Paramshiva …
And because such an aspirant is the only holder of the knowledge of allness (of Maker’s Makings) which itself pervades (i.e. permeates) and envelopes (i.e. encompasses) all other knowledge systems, so only such an aspirant can ever have the capability to render the knowledge of that path which unites all parts of allness to each other and to allness itself …
Note: But even when above is a fact, yet within the divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) deeper (or higher or subtler) aspects can neither be told nor can they be even indirectly referred in any knowledge system … This is due to the fact that humanity of this time cycle holds no capacity to utilize such deeper (or higher or better) knowledge systems for betterment of themselves and others so there is also a very bigger chance of misuse of such higher knowledge systems … And not even the humans, but also the individualistic Gods (i.e. Egoistic Gods) don’t have the capability to utilize such deeper knowledge systems properly … So due to these stated reasons such higher knowledge systems have never been and cannot ever be discussed during any divine degenerate age cycle …
Resuming again …
These three principles are as follows …
01 … The Knowledge principle … Jnana Siddhant … This is the principle which unites the Maker (creator), Makings (creation) and process of Makings (i.e. systems of creation) into a single eternal entity …
Following is a fact about knowledge and its principle …
- Knowledge always accounts for and thence leads to the state of “oneness to allness and her each part” … Thus that which does not lead to this stage, cannot even be termed as knowledge in the real sense …
- And since the path of “oneness towards allness and her each part” cannot be any other than that which is based upon the intrinsic pluralism and is simultaneously based upon the essential monism of the allness of Maker’s Makings, so the path of the real knowledge and its principle cannot be any other than that of Pluralistic Monism itself …
Note: As also a fact that the path (of knowledge) which is not is not based upon pluralistic monism, also holds no capability to lead to harmony of its followers to the macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes these followers itself live and it is due to this reason, such a knowledge also does not have the capacity to lead to a state of long lasting inner calm (within the followers) and outer peace (within the world) … Unless a path leads to unity to the macrocosm within which you live, there can never be a state of long lasting inner calm (within the followers) and outer peace (within the world) …
- Knowledge is only that which is self realized … Thus unless it is self realized, it cannot even be termed as knowledge and this itself is because of the fact that only the self realized knowledge can ever be that which is within and beyond each aspirant and thus is the all pervading and all enveloping universal knowledge …
- Knowledge is that which holds the theory of cyclic nature of time … Only that knowledge which has a universal all accounting pluralistic approach and yet is based upon an all enveloping and pervading monist approach can be an eternal path of evolution and that too across the three times … Due to this reason, only such a knowledge can ever hold a theory of a cyclic nature of time (as all those who do not comply to what is stated here only end up holding an end of time theory and not a theory of a eternal cycle of time and other dimensions) …
- Unity … Knowledge is that which is based upon the fact that originally there was a unioned state of the “Maker, Makings and process of Makings” and thus the Makings and process of Makings itself are nothing but a self expressed, self manifested, self presence of the same Maker … Thus such a knowledge always has a concept of the fact that “every part of allness i.e. every microcosm, is holding the same divinity, as is of the divine being” and this must also be proved within the path of that knowledge system … Thus such a knowledge system can never be monotheistic …
Note: Since monotheism does not comply with the requirements of knowledge as have been discussed here, so monotheism has never been and cannot ever be the reason for a long lasting inner calm and outer peace …
Note continues: That knowledge which does not lead to a state of synchronism of its followers with the Maker’s Makings (i.e. Brahmand or Vishvaroop Brahm) in whose envelopes its followers itself rest, can never lead to a long lasting state of peace within the world … That knowledge which does not relate to the “fullness as is of allness and her each part” is not even knowledge in the real sense … Thus all those texts which are based upon individualism of any sort (i.e. monotheism of any sort) cannot even be termed as knowledge in the real sense of this word …
- Since the perfection of unity which is denoted by the knowledge principle is only there in Brahmatattva (this was discussed in the earlier topic of Makar) and due to this reason, it eventually is to Brahma Tattva that the knowledge principle relates …
Thus basis above discussions, it is pretty clear that knowledge can only be that which unites all parts of allness to each other and then it leads into a unity to allness itself … This is only because of the fact that the knowledge principle itself is of the elemental state of the Maker, which by itself is the elemental state of Maker’s Makings in which the process of Maker’s Makings also resides in unity to these two (i.e. Maker and Makings) …
Thus Brahmatattva is where the knowledge principle resides and which as such is denoting the state where the Maker itself is the Makings and which itself is the process of Makings … Thus Brahmatattva also denotes the primary state of non dualism within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus the primary and primordial state of unity of these three (i.e. Maker, Makings and process of Maker’s Makings) is what gets denoted by the knowledge principle which resides within Brahma Tattva … Thus that knowledge which is not such, is also not knowledge in the real sense because such a knowledge can never be based upon Absolute non-dualism as is of the non dual union of the Absolute being (Paramshiva) and IT’s own pristine beingness (who is addressed as Adi Parashakti) and that to within the Brahmatattva itself …
Now we move onto the other two principles …
02 … The activity principle … Kriya Siddhant … This is of the Maker’s Makings …
03 … The conscious principle … Chetan Siddhant … This is of the Absolute being (i.e. Maker) and this principle pervades and envelopes the other two which have been discussed above …
CC-3-C … Summing up on this Topic …
It also was due to above discussions that the sages of the ancient Vedic lore had subtly told in their given knowledge systems that the creator (Maker) itself is the creation (Makings) and simultaneously is also the process of creation (process of Maker’s Makings) …
This statement is the one which ultimately is the innermost root of the last and final path of Vedas, which as such is told to be of the Absolute Monism (i.e. the path of Vedanta) as is of the Absolute-Non-Dualism (i.e. Advaita), both of which are of the attributeless infinite being … Thus basis this discussion, as far as the Vedic lore is concerned, the path of Vedanta (absolute monism) itself leads to Advaita (absolute-non-dualism) because Advaita itself is the finality of Vedanta … And vice versa of this explanation is also true …
If any aspirant begins relating to the fullness of “knowledge principle”, then that aspirant automatically begins relating to the Brahmatattva i.e. that aspirant also begins relating to the pristine elemental state of the Maker’s Makings, which by itself is none other than the original elemental state of the Maker, which as such is where the process of Maker’s Makings itself rests …
Basis above discussions it is pretty clear that Brahmatattva also denotes the eternal non-dual unioned state of feminine principle (Prakriti) and the masculine principle (Purusha) … Here I have written non dual union because within their union states, neither of them can be distinguished from other …
And due to this reason, without the acceptance of this eternal non dual united condition of feminine and masculine principles within a knowledge system and its path, the fullness of relation to the knowledge principle is also not possible …
Unless a knowledge system can prove its fullness of union to what is discussed here, that knowledge system can never be a path to self realization of the Brahmanaad (or Sound of Mmmmmmm) … And that which cannot lead to self realization of Brahmnaad (or Sound of Mmmmmmm) is also that which is incapable of leading to the further self realization of OM Naad (Sound of OM) …
Summing up above discussions … Following are facts …
- Knowledge principle (Jnana Siddhant) … Knowledge principle relates to pristine elemental state of the Maker’s Makings (i.e. Brahmatattva) whose sound is of Brahmanaad (i.e. Sound of Mmmmmmm) … And since it is from Brahmatattva that allness was self originated, so knowledge can only be that which relates to the entirety of allness and her each part …
Note: As such, that which does not relate to entirety of allness cannot be termed as Knowledge and that which is not knowledge, can never be a reason for inner calm (within the inhabitants of a world) and outer peace (within the world) … Thus individualism (monotheism of any sort) has never been and cannot ever be a reason for long lasting peace within a world …
- Conscious principle (Chetan Siddhant) … Conscious principle is that which directly relates to “OM Naad (Sound of OM)” … Thus that which is not based upon OM (or holding knowledge of OM) can never be that which is rested within the conscious principle … So if it claims itself to be related to consciousness, then it has to prove its relation to OM Naad (Sound of OM) also … Thus, that which has no relation to ॐ (symbol of OM), is never related to that which is based upon and rested within the “conscious principle (supreme consciousness or Chetan Siddhant)” …
- That which is not related to Mother nature and that too whilst she is in her supreme glory as the mother of all that ever is, is not related to pristine purity of her activity principle … Thus that which is not related to the fullness (or allness) of the knowledge of Maker’s Makings is never that which is based upon the ever-pure, all-present, all-moving, all-evolving activity principle … After the advent of the divine degenerate age cycle since the humanity had lost this fullness of knowledge of allness, so they had entered into all sorts of individualistic systems and in such a state they also went away from the pristine activity principle which is being discussed here …
- And that which does not fully relate to all above, cannot even be that which could be leading to “oneness of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
Note: Brahmand Dharana means an inner feeling of “oneness to allness and her each part” … Brahmand Dharana here can only be arrived at through a relation to the “original state of Maker’s Makings, where the Maker itself is the Makings and process of Makings” … This means that Brahmand Dharana can only be achieved through systems which lead to one’s own oneness to the pristine element of Maker’s Makings (or Brahmatattva) … Thus, to enter into Brahmand Dharana an aspirant shall have to relate to systems (or paths) which are of the Brahma Tattva itself …
And since this path of Brahmtattva is also based upon all three principles and two sounds which were discussed here, so as a matter of fact this path is none other than a Vedic path … Thus if any aspirant desires to enter into Brahmand Dharana, then the ways of life of that aspirant cannot be any other than Vedic (because there is no other way to it) …
Both these sounds and the three principles which are related to Brahmatattva are also leading to a finally liberated state, which as such is through the self realization of Ram Naad (Sound of Ram) that itself is arrived by adopting the path of Shakti Shiva Yoga … Based upon personal realizations, eventually all paths converge into the same Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) because of the fact that the path of a final liberation opens up from Raam Naad only …
CC-4 … Raam (or earlier Vedic lore) and RA (or later Egyptian lore’s) …
When both above mentioned sounds (or Ra and M) are heard at the same time, then it denotes “Ram Naad (which also means as the Sound of Lord Raam)” of Vedic knowledge systems …
And when only the sound of RA is heard (i.e. sound of Mmmmmmm which is also present at this time, is ignored or is not heard by an aspirant), then it is the same as the concept of RA of the Egyptian, Greek and also the Buddhist lore’s …
And when only the sound of Mmmmmmm is taken into consideration (i.e. when the sound of RA is not heard) then it is the root state of Brahmari Pranayama, which itself is the Makar that is also told as the golden womb of macrocosmic creation (which in Vedic lore is called as Hiranyagarbha) within the Vedas …
CC-5 … It’s the same Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) and Shakti Shiva Yoga …
Within different knowledge systems that had arrived (or had originated) at different times, the same Raam Naad (sound of Raam) and the same path of its self realization, which as such is of Shakti Shiva Yoga (i.e. the non dual unioned state of Divinity to Divine) was told through different ways of different knowledge systems …
And these apparent differences were even there (or were even believed in) when all these knowledge systems were in fact referring to the same original concept of Shakti Shiva Yoga and its sound (i.e. Raam Naad) …
And some of these differences of names, paths, descriptions etc., are as follows …
- Shiva Taraka Mantra … This phrase means as the fully emancipating Mantra (or liberating Mantra) of Lord Shiva … The Vedic lore (Purana’s) also states that those who have done it as it must be and thence they leave their bodies at Kashi (Varanasi), then Shiva liberates them through this Taraka Mantra at the time of their death … This concept shall be detailed in a later sub part of this topic …
- When the second sound of Mmmmmmm is missed within one’s self realizations and thus only the “sound of RA” is noticed by the aspirant, then it becomes the same as concept of RA of Egyptian (sound of RA or eye of Horus) and Osiris (of Greek knowledge systems) …
- Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga … Union of vital air sheath and mind sheath … This shall be detailed in a later sub part of this topic …
- Purusha Prakriti Yoga … Union of divine to divinity … This shall be detailed in a later sub part of this topic …
- Yin Yang union … This shall be detailed in a later sub part of this topic …
- Buddha Samantabhadri in eternal union to Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra … This shall be detailed in a later sub part of this topic …
- Bhadri Bhadra Yoga … This shall also be detailed in a later sub part of this topic …
- Rama-Yana … Ramayana … The vehicle of Lord Ram (Lord Raam) … This vehicle is inside the Vajradanda itself … In above painted sketch the golden colored channel which is shown to be rising above the head region, is the Vajradanda Chakra (i.e. golden staff of lightening) …
- Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who denotes the attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of each of the aspirant’s innermost essence (i.e. Atman) itself …
Concepts which are ancillary to this discussion were also described in different ways within different knowledge systems … Some of these are as follows …
- Kingdom of God within you (Biblical lore) …
- Vajra … Of Vajrayana Buddhism …
- Shunya Samadhi … Meditative trance of “or” absorption within emptiness (or in other words, an absorption within voidness of allness) …
- Elemental nature of emptiness … Shunya Tattva …
- Asamprajnita Samadhi … Trance of non-lightness (Absorption within non-lightness) …
- Nirbija Samadhi … Absorption within the original seedless state of all that ever is or could ever be present within and/or beyond Maker’s Makings …
- Ouroboros …
- Mind plexus (which is also termed as Manas chakra) …
- Star of David …
- Body of Christ …
- Diamond white body … Or in other words this can also be termed as Brahma Sharira …
- Lord Raam of Vedic (Itihaas Granth of Sanatan Dharma of or History texts of Hinduism) …
- Vajradanda … Golden staff of lightening of the Siddha sciences …
- Staff of Moses …
- Staff of many Egyptian and Greek Gods …
- Khanda Saab (one of the symbols of the Sikh Lore) …
- Niralamba chakra … This means the independent (or the baseless or rootless) plexus …
- Niralambasthana … The place of supreme independence or in other words, that state or place which denotes Kaivalya Moksha (Liberation) …
And all of above are related to the original knowledge which was subtly told in Atharvaveda, chapter 10 …
CC-6 … Shakti Shiva Yoga … As it happens inside the physical vehicle …
During the initial stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga which happens inside the aspirants physical and subtler vehicles, this sound (Sound of Raam) originates inside the aspirants physical vehicle itself … As this stage, this sound of Raam (Raam Naad) is nerve shattering, body shattering, ear shattering, mind shattering and it shatters every bit and piece of ego of the aspirant …
Eventually during the progress Raam Naad (Sound of Raam), everything is shattered except the “conscious, knowledge and pure activity principles” that still remain actively present with the aspirant …
Due to above stated reason, getting into a dilemma at this stage is very natural for most aspirants …
Even I had requested for assistance of almost every deity that I could think about at this time, because this is a stage where everything that relates to any form or formless duality (Dvaita), I’ness (Ahumkara), Am’ness (which in Yoga and Vedas is told as Asmita), Is’ness (Sarvata or Hai-Ta) and Not’ness (Shunyata) are completely shattered inside the person …
And after this shattering completes, then there remains nothing which could come under the purviews of the term Individual-dualities (i.e. individualities and individual corpuses) due to which that aspirant directly enters into a seedless meditative trance (i.e. Nirbija Samadhi) which itself is through the intermediary path of Shunya Samadhi (absorption within the emptiness of allness and thus within an unconscious state) and then the stage of Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption within the eternal non lightness and thus within a conscious state) …
Due to the absence of Individual-dualities, there remains nothing like a My, Us, Our, We or anything similar to these … And this is what happens in the end of the stage after Shakti Shiva Yoga completes within the aspirants microcosm (i.e. the physical vehicle) itself
CC-7 … Shakti Shiva Yoga … An overwhelming self realization …
As compared to any other worldly or gross experiences, the experience of any subtle (or beyond) realization is a pretty different one … Sometimes such experiences may even become a little whelming and this is especially so if that experience is relating to realization of a subtle (or beyond) state …
But the Shiva Shakti Yoga and its Raam Naad (which is being discussed here) is an experience which can never be missed by any aspirant because of the fact that it is a totally overpowering-overwhelming experience which completely takes over the mind and other subtle vehicles (of the aspirant) … So as far as this experience (of Raam Naad) is concerned, if it happens within your own microcosm, then you can never miss recognizing it …
And since Shakti Shiva Yoga itself is the final stage of the awakening process (Because after this process completes, then the aspirant cannot miss his/her final liberation or Kaivalya Moksha), so basis personal experiences of Shakti Shiva Yoga and its Raam Naad, it is impossible to pass through it and yet miss out on recognizing it …
Thus basis above, when the final awakening actually happens i.e. when the aspirant actually passes through the Shakti Shiva Yoga, then there is no way that the aspirant could miss to see it or fail to recognize it …
And to a certain lesser extent, the same is also applicable to all earlier realizations (i.e. the preliminary signs of awakening) some of which have also been discussed within this text (I don’t want to discuss all of them and end up making the path of this text to become a fixed one and thus make this text end up into individualism of sorts …
As simultaneously with above is another fact, that if any awakening could be “fully and perfectly” described by anyone, then it is not even an awakening in the real sense …
Thus all those who ask for or state the signs of awakening are basically proving that they have not been through it … This reasoning is because there is no way that anyone could consciously pass through it fully and perfectly and still afford to stay alive to describe it fully and perfectly … And I say so basis my experiences of 108 transmigrated incarnations and basis 101 transits of the Eighth plexus that have been completed till now, so this statement is not a heard or bookish one … It in fact is based upon self experiences only …
Unless an aspirant misses out (this missing out could even be voluntary) on a conscious realization of one or more intermediary states which lead to the final awakening (i.e. Raam Naad), that aspirant cannot ever live to tell others about it … And due to this reason the fact still remains that whatever is told about it cannot even be termed as fully complete description of it …
Thus to fully describe is not possible under normal circumstances …
Proceeding further …
And yet to tell about it is definitely possible if that aspirant has repeatedly passed through the inner awakening process and thence lived after it so as to tell that tale each time and yet missing out consciously on a few intermediary realizations (this could even be voluntary) …
But above is not the end of the story for such aspirants … So when above happens, then that aspirant also keeps willingly letting go of the liberated state which is achieved (or arrived at) so as to keep returning back time and again and thence keep passing the same state during each further transmigrated incarnation (which means a stage of taking birth by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth) whilst also missing out on the conscious self realizations of a few intermediary conditions, which as such is a must to continue to live afterwards and tell about that experience to others …
As also, since those who pass through the 8th plexus also lose their right to take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb) , so to return back such ones also need to either enter into the process of transmigration or into the process of a direct manifestation within a physical world (where they return back) …
And most importantly, during all this while and across all transmigrated incarnations (i.e. all arrivals to a physical bodied state which were by the path of Parkaya Pravesh), such an aspirant has to willingly agree to continue as a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta, because unless an aspirant is a Yogabhrashta, to remember all earlier incarnations is an utter impossibility … This term of Yoga Bhrashta is also explained in a later topic …
As that aspirant returns back repeatedly and thence misses out of a few intermediary stages of conscious realization (or Raam Naad) each time, then eventually a stage arrives that aspirant has also passed through all the earlier missed out stages in subsequent transmigrated incarnations … Thus only such aspirants can ever be the ones who can tell the complete description of the path of Raam Naad (or Shakti Shiva Yoga) …
But to get to this stage where the aspirant can describe it fully and perfectly, it can even take up to 101 transits through the Shakti Shiva Yoga and thence the 101st transit of the 8th plexus through the 101st channel (or Vajradanda) …
As also is an absolute fact that, at any single time, there can only be one aspirant who has passed through the 8th plexus (i.e. Niralambasthana) for a 101st time and that too via the path of the 101st channel (or golden channel of lightening or Vajradanda) … Such an aspirant shall have to be a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta as nobody else can ever acclaim such a feat …
This itself is because of the fact that majority of the ones who pass through the 8th plexus for the 1st time only, accept their liberation (or Kaivalya) and thus such ones never return back … And rest of the aspirants never reach the 101st transit of the 8th chakra via the 101st channel because only “one in many and further many” ever keeps continuing endlessly till the 101st transit of the 8th plexus and that to via the 101st channel …
And during the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation, those aspirants who had decided to continue as a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta even after their 101st transit of the 8th plexus and that too via the 101st channel, have been less in numbers than the two digit numerals … And after this transmigrated incarnation, I shall happen to be one of such ones …
CC-8 … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Prabuddha Yogabhrashta …
Here we shall be explaining the term Prabuddha Yogabhrashta because this is also a grossly misunderstood term … And in this part of the topic, we shall also be discussing the relation of this term to Shakti Shiva Yoga …
These days the term “Yogabhrashta” is used instead of the original term which as such was of Prabuddha Yogabhrashta” …
Contrary to what is interpreted about this term (Prabuddha Yogabhrashta) as an aspirant who has “fallen from Yoga Tantra”, the real meaning of this term is just the reciprocal …
During those ancient times, the real term was of “Prabuddha Yogabhrashta” and this is what was referred to in Srimadbhagvad Gita also (I think chapter 6) … This can be explained as follows …
- Prabuddha … The word Prabuddha means “enlightened, illuminated, awakened, knower of reality, one who knows himself (or herself) to already be beyond bondage and liberation alike” …
- Yogabhrashta means that aspirant who has not reached the finality of Yoga (i.e. not reached the fully liberated state) which may even be due to rejecting ones final liberation even when evolutionarily ones has already qualified to enter into it (i.e. enter into a liberated state or in other words, enter into a state of Moksha) …
Note: Thus basis above facts, every Bodhisattva is none other than a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta … Thus Prabuddha Yogabhrashta itself is the original concept from which the much-much later concept of Bodhisattva (of Buddhism) had originated … So I also know that Buddhist have taken this Yogic and Vedic concept and thence restated it by rephrasing it in a different way so as to make it look different and thus claim it to be different from what it originally was told to be …
Note continues: But the fact has ever remained that all their bodhisattvas are actually Yogis of those much-much earlier times when Buddhism in its currently deviated state was not even thought of in this world … But this fault is not just in Buddhism of now, it in fact is a pretty rampant one which runs in many sects (aka the so called religions) of Sanatan Dharma …
Note continues: I myself have been a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta ever since the Manvantara of Swayambhu Manu when I was a “mind activated yet womb born” son of Brahmarishi Kratu and within that incarnation I had firstly passed through the 8th plexus and thence had ended up rejecting my liberation … And ever since have kept returning back as a transmigrated one so as to accomplish the targets of passing through the same 8th for a 101st time (which as such is only possible within a grosser world system, like this one) and thence for 108th time (which as such is only possible within the subtler worlds of beyond as a return back to grosser worlds is not possible after the 101st transit, except if that aspirant returns back to a gross world so as to close a Guru Yuga or an age of sages) …
Resuming again with the main discussion of this topic … The term Yogabhrashta means an aspirant who even though is the better one amongst Yogi’s, but yet is the one who has not reached the Gantavya (i.e. finality of Yoga) and thus has still not reached his fully liberated state …
And this term of Yogabhrashta also includes that Yogi (or aspirant) who has willingly rejected his final liberation, even when that Yogi is evolutionarily qualified to enter into that liberated state already … And most importantly, where this rejection is for the betterment of all future aspirants (because such aspirants return back as transmigrated ones or even return back in a subtle state so as to subtly guide the aspirants who wish to be guided) … Such aspirants are also those ones who have passed through the 8th plexus (which shall be discussed in our next set of topics) …
Thus for the betterment of all sentient beings, such an aspirant who rejects the final liberation even when that aspirant is already evolutionarily qualified to enter into it, also remains with no choice but to go beyond (or even against) the scopes of the principles, process, centers and laws of the macrocosmic creation … And it is due to this reason that such an aspirant only walks within the essence of the statement “Himself Within Himself” (i.e. as the Self within the Supreme Self) …
Continuing with above Paragraph … And if that aspirant is a highly evolved one (i.e. one who has rejected his liberation even after passing through the 8th plexus) then that aspirant can even walk within the essence of the statement “Itself within Itself” (i.e. as the Supreme Self within the Supreme Self … Or Rudra Within Rudra) …
Now explaining the term Prabuddha Yogabhrashta in a little greater detail …
Such aspirants (Yogabhrashta’s) are those who make their death (Mrityu) into a state of sleep (Susupti) and thus when they come back in a further transmigrated incarnation, then their return is like waking up from sleep which itself makes them remember their earlier incarnation and also makes them hold on to all the attainments (Siddhi’s) of their earlier incarnations … Such a one can even continue to have the same Guru (or Gurus) of his/her earlier (or all earlier incarnations right from the stage when he/she had originally become a Yogabhrashta) …
And since such an aspirant is not born out of a physical womb (or womb of a physical mother of that grosser world where he returns back), so he also keeps holding the same Gotra, Varna, Vamsha (family lineage), Kula Devi (Devi of earlier family lineage), Kula Deva (Deva of the earlier family lineage), Guru’s of the earlier incarnation when he had firstly crossed over the 8th plexus and thus he has lost his right to take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb of a physical mother of that world where he returns back) … Thus such aspirants remain associated to the same lineage as was when they had firstly entered the 8th plexus and thus has lost their right to take a regular birth …
And since the death of such an aspirant is like sleep, so even if such an aspirant has passed through many incarnations of being a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta, then also that aspirant would also be able to remember all of his earlier incarnations (right from the time when he had firstly achieved the status of being a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta) …
Such ones (i.e. Prabuddha Yogabhrashta as discussed in above paragraph) can only be those who have passed through the 8th plexus and thence have kept rejecting their liberation so as to keep returning back to a grosser (or physical) world system and that too as a transmigrated (or even as a manifested) one … And whilst they kept returning back, they have also kept passing through the same 8th plexus during each of their further returns as a transmigrated one …
Only such a Yogabhrashta (as is discussed in above paragraph) can ever know the full and complete path of what is discussed here … This is because when that Yogabhrashta keeps passing through the same Shakti Shiva Yoga (i.e. Ram Naad) whilst missing out on a few conscious realizations of intermediary states during each of these transmigrated returns, then a stage eventually arrives where that Yogabhrashta has already known the missed stages of earlier transits of the same 8th plexus (which were accomplished during his earlier transmigrated incarnations) during his/her further incarnations …
And thus as that aspirant continues to be a Yogabhrashta across so many transmigrated incarnations and thus he/she also continues to remember all of his/her earlier incarnations and their achievements, then a stage arrives where he/she already knows all that was willingly missed in all the earlier incarnation …
Such a Yogabhrashta is also the one who during his further incarnations, does not miss out on those states which were missed out in the previous transmigrated incarnations and thus he/she eventually knows all that is of the path of final awakening (i.e. Shakti Shiva Yoga or Raam Naad) …
Thus basis above … Only such a Yogabhrashta (as is discussed in above paragraphs) can ever know the full and complete path of what is discussed here …
Above itself is because when that Yogabhrashta keeps passing through the same 8th plexus (i.e. he keeps entering into Shakti Shiva Yoga, which itself is through the self realization of the same Raam Naad) whilst consciously missing a few realizations of intermediary states each time of this transit of 8th plexus, then a stage eventually arrives after a certain number of these transmigrated incarnations have been crossed over, where that Yogabhrashta has already known the missed stages of earlier transits of the same 8th plexus (as were accomplished during his earlier transmigrated incarnations) …
And thus, as he continues to be a Yogabhrashta across so many incarnations, a stage eventually arrives where he even self realizes the stages which were missed to be self realized during his earlier incarnations … And because a Yogabhrashta can remember all his earlier transmigrated incarnations, so he can also assimilate the knowledge of those transmigrated incarnations … As these transits of the 8th plexus progress across the future transmigrated incarnations, a stage eventually arrives where he become the one who fully knows the complete path of self awakening …
Now read this carefully … This stage where that Yogabhrashta becomes the one who knows all that is to be known about the entirety of evolutionary path and also about the macrocosmic states to which the intermediary stages of that evolutionary path are related to and that too in his current incarnation, is what was meant by the term “knower of all (or one who sees all as if face to face) …
Above was what came to be known as the attainment of being the all-knowing one or Buddhata (this is the condition which is called as Buddhahood) … There cannot ever be a fully enlightened one (i.e. a Buddha) who was not a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta of earlier times that run through at least a couple of billion years … And there also cannot be a stage where a Buddha is one who has not passed through the 8th plexus (via the path of Shakti Shiva Yoga and its sound of Ram) for at least 101 times and that too via the inner-path of the 101st channel +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Above means that a Buddha has to be the one who has completed the 101st transit of the 8th plexus and that too via the 101st channel … This 101st channel is called as the Hiranyagarbha Naadi or the channel of golden womb of macrocosmic creation) which itself is present in each aspirant and the same channel is also addressed as Vajradanda (as stated within the Siddha Lore’s), Khanda Saab (as stated in the Sikh Lore’s), Vajradanda chakra (as stated within the other Agama paths) and Vajra (in Vajrayana Buddhism) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Only such a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta who has successfully completed the Shakti Shiva Yoga and thus has self realized the Raam Naad for the 101st time can be the one who can describe the full path of the awakening process … Very few of these Prabuddha Yogabhrashta have ever rejected their liberation after this 101st transit of the 8th plexus …
No other Yogi can ever fully describe this path of final awakening …
And yet these Yogis who cross the 8th plexus for a 101st time and that too through the golden colored 101st channel, have ever known that fullness of descriptions (or correctness of descriptions of sequential stages of the path) can also become a later reason for their distributed “pluralistic yet monist knowledge” becoming degenerate and thence turning into an individualistic (or monotheistic) one …
And is also due to the reason stated in above paragraph that such Yogabhrashta’s who become a Buddha have either not stated the full knowledge and even if they have stated it, then the sequences of self realizations of the intermediary paths are never told correctly which itself prevents their knowledge becoming like a fixed path (i.e. becoming individualistic) and thus turning degenerate (I mean monotheistic) …
And it is due to this reason following is also an absolute fact …
- There has never been a Sam Sam Buddha who was not a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta of an earlier very-vast series of times (i.e. extremely vast time spans) …
- There has never been a Buddha whose rendered knowledge led to an expansion of monotheism within a world …
- And there also has never been a Buddha who accepted himself as a Buddha and yet his rendered knowledge was not corrupted soon after he had left that world …
- And at the same time, there has never been a corruption of knowledge of a Buddha who never accepted himself to be a Buddha … Even when he really was …
- The coincidently, the lattermost (i.e. Buddhas who don’t accept themselves to be Buddha) are the Yogi’s who arrive to lay down the foundations of an age of sages (i.e. a Guru Yuga) which as such is the Manav Satyuga (or the human golden age cycle or Manav Kritayuga) which runs within the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) …
- Such Yogi’s (of above bullet point) who as such are the seemingly eternal returners, are also those
- bearers of golden body (i.e. Hiranya Sharira Dharak) Brahmavadhoot Yogi’s (The word Brahmavadhoot mean that category of a Yogi who is an Avadhoot even prior to being born or entering a world) who always return back from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva so as to lay down the foundational knowledge of that incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
- And one amongst these Yogi’s who have already returned back so as to inaugurate a Guru Yuga (or human age of truth), always returns back to end that Guru Yuga also … He is the one who would be taking back all the knowledge with him and thus empty out the subtle knowledge which was implanted for that Guru Yuga from that world, which as such leads to the closure of that Guru Yuga itself) …
There has never been a condition where above aspects were done by anyone other than a Yogi who was a Prabuddha Yogabhrashta …
CC-9 … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga … The Shakti Shiva Yoga is also the condition where primordial Buddha Samantabhadri ends up uniting to the primordial Buddha Samantabhadra and when this union actually happens within the aspirant’s physical and subtle vehicle’s itself … It is also termed as Bhadra Bhadri Yoga within Tantric Buddhism … This shall be taken up in a later discussion …
CC-10 … Shakti Shiva Yoga, Shiva Yoga and Shakti Yoga … This figure also relates to all concepts that relate to “Shiva Yoga (or union to the divine) and to “Shakti Yoga (union to divinity)” …
CC-11 … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Kundalini Yoga … This figure also denotes that stage of rise of Kundalini Shakti when she is just about to enter into the crown plexus (or in other words, just about to enter into the Brahmarandra chakra) … We might take up this discussion in a later topic …
Continues …