Above figure represents the header of this discussion i.e. Body of Christ which gets accomplished only after successful accomplishment of Sound of Raam (or Raam Naad) … This body denotes the accomplishment of being a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya (i.e. a Man of Maker’s Medicine) who can also be termed as a Medicine Buddha …
Once accomplished, this Siddha body does not reside in any physical world and thus is proceeds into the subtle realms of the unbegun macrocosm (or in other words, the eternal macrocosm) … Thus above figure is as it is seen whilst the aspirants consciousness (or Chitta) is resting in subtle realms that are much beyond this gross (or physical) world system …
OO-1 … Yin Yang accomplishment vehicle … Siddha body held by Christ …
This body gets self-manifested inside the physical vehicle, but only after all the stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga which were discussed earlier, were already fully accomplished …
Here we shall discuss the accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) which relates to the union of Yang Yin i.e. union of masculine feminine principles … Thus, in this topic we shall be discussing the accomplishment vehicle which self manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle after the earlier discuss union of Yin Yang has already happened inside the aspirants microcosm (i.e. this accomplishment vehicle self manifests after the Yin Yang union which happens aspirants physical vehicle itself, is already successfully accomplished by the aspirant) …
This figure is only for reference as it is related to a much later topic of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga i.e. union of great-divinity as is of the eternal-time and the great-time (or eternal-time) …
And the same union is also told as Samantabhadra Samantabhadri union in some Buddhist knowledge systems where Samantabhadra it told to be none other than the non lighted state of emptiness …
And from a macrocosmic point of view, this accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) relates to the union of the following …
- The non-lighted state of the unbegun macrocosm (i.e. original state of the macrocosmic creation which even though is the eternal unbegun, yet it is the eternally self-manifested one who is also addressed as the lord of macrocosmic speciology or Bhagwan Pashupatinath and the same unbegun and thus formless state of the macrocosmic creation is also addressed “the Lord of sheep”) …
- The diamond white state is the macro-neutral greater whole … Or in other words, the macro-equanimity or Sarva Samta, which itself is a state of equanimity towards the entirety of allness and her each part … This is the self of all, who is also referred to as the Holy spirit in Biblical lore’s …
- Thus basis above, the depicted accomplishment vehicle is denoting the self-manifested (Swayambhu Awastha), attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the original of attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. the unbegun macrocosm) and that too after the unbegun macrocosm unites to the self manifested attributed-formless state of the original light that manifested within the originating state of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. the diamond white colored macro-neutrality, which as such is the self of all that has begun within the macrocosmic creation) …
- Thus above figure denotes the union of the non-lighted original state of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Bhagwan Pashupatinath or the lord of macrocosmic speciology) to the original diamond white lighted state which has manifested during the original origination of the macrocosmic creation which as such is the eternally luminous self of all …
This figure is also denoting the same accomplishment vehicle which is currently held by Jesus Christ and it essentially is due to this reason that it has been termed as “the body of Christ” within this text …
And the same accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha Sharira) also manifests within the physical vehicle of any aspirant who has already fully accomplished the Yin Yang Yoga as was discussed in the previous topic …
OO-2 … Body of Christ … And its relation to diamond white body of Brahmaloka …
This body of Christ is of the Christ principle and it is a diamond white colored Siddha Sharira that is enveloped by non-lightness … This siddha body is also indirectly related to the diamond white body that itself is of the west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (which itself is none other than the pristine-abode of creator or Brahmaloka) from whom the “four headed creator of allness” is self-manifested and whose divinity itself is of “pure desires (Ichha Shakti)” which by itself becomes the parent of the later “divinity of creation (i.e. Utpatti Shakti)” both of which are of the “grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji or creator of allness)” …
Thus this accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha body) essentially is granted by (blessed by) the creator or grandfather of allness i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji … Unless this blessing of Pitamah Brahma Ji is there upon an aspirant, that aspirant can never become the holder of the diamond white Siddha body which is being discussed here …
Continuing with above paragraph … An aspirant who holds this Siddha Sharira (i.e. accomplishment vehicle) is like God only and thus if Roman Catholics address Jesus Christ as “God in flesh” then I really do not find it to be inappropriate because of the fact that the holder of the accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) which is shown here, is like a mini-creator itself (i.e. like the microcosmic state of grandfather of allness or Pitamah Brahma Ji) and that too, in flesh (i.e. in an attributed-form state or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) and thus, such a sage is definitely not denoting not the “fullness of all aspects of the creator of allness” …
OO-3 … Body of Christ is also of a Medicine Buddha …
And finally for this topic … If the diamond white body (i.e. Brahma Sharira) which relates to Pitamah Brahma Ji, is enveloped by a non lighted state, then this also means the accomplishment of being the “man of Maker’s medicine (i.e. Brahmic Ayurvedacharya) or in other words, a Medicine Buddha” … Such a one also hold the capability to heal the entire world of any kind of sickness, but provided that aspirant does not enter into self realizations of further states (or higher self realizations that are beyond the union and accomplishment vehicle that is being discussed here) …
The topic continues even further …