The symbols of this topic are discussed in brief and these discussion is only to the extent that relates to our current discussion … Thus whatever is discussed here is not the end of the story of this concept of Ouroboros … Some deeper discussions on these symbols shall also be taken up in later topics, especially that topic which relates to Kaalchakra or the eternal cycles of time (or the cyclic nature of time or the cyclic nature of age cycles) …
PP-1 … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Ouroboros …
We had discussed earlier that Raam Naad (or sound of Raam) is self realized via the union of Shakti and Shiva (I.e. Shakti Shiva Yoga) which also needs to take place inside the aspirant’s microcosm (i.e. within the aspirants physical and subtler vehicles) …
This union of Shakti (i.e. divinity) to Shiva (i.e. divine) is an eternal one in addition to being omnipresent as it is ever there within each microcosm, in addition to being present within the entire macrocosmic creation …
One of the ways of depicting the timeless eternity of this union of Shiva and Shakti (i.e. Shiva Shakti Yoga) was the through our discussed symbol of Ouroboros where the symbolic snake was shown to be eating its own tail …
This symbolic representation was also utilized to depict the union of Shakti to Shiva (i.e. Shakti Shiva Yoga) as a continuous, beginningless and thus fathomless, endless and thus timeless and thus as an eternal one and that too in a state where it has ever been present since the timeless eternity that has gone by and it shall also be lasting till fathomless eternity that is yet to come from any nowness of times when it would be observed by anyone …
And this symbol was also utilized to very subtly denote the endless repetitive cycle of time which itself are based upon lightness and non lightness, as are of Shakti and Shiva respectively …
Here the readers should note that the term non-lightness does not mean darkness of ignorance and thus it definitely does not denote a state of chaos …
Both lightness and non lightness as have been stated in this text are divinities of self expressions of the ever-same absolute being and thus both these states are divine …
And it is due to above stated reason that Yogi’s also accounted for them, where these two are termed as “Samprajnita Samadhi (i.e. meditative trance or absorption in lightness)” and also as “Asamprajnita Samadhi (i.e. meditative trance or absorption in non lightness)” …
Thus those who say one of these two i.e. lightness non lightness, is a lower or bad or chaotic state would definitely need to brush up their ideas to the reality of these two because as a matter of fact, both these states are divine …
PP-2 … Depictions of the discussed zero and infinity symbol …
This symbol (of Ouroboros) is primarily represented in two ways as have been discussed below …
01 … An endless circular loop where a snake is eating its own tail … This is as shown in above painted sketch …
02 … Two endless loops conjoined to each other in the form of mathematical symbol of infinity, which is also depicted as a snake that is eating its own tail … This infinity symbol is as shown in below figure …

In both above symbolic representations of Ouroboros, a snake is shown to be eating its own tail so as to denote the beginningless-endless and thus the beginningless and thus fathomless, the endless and thus timeless, realizable yet indescribable, visualizable yet incalculable, knowable yet inexpressible due to it being beyond the scopes of describing it through words of languages, omnipresent yet beyond the reaches of mind, omnidirectional yet invisible to those who do not hold the ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standings so as to self realize it, infinite yet also present within the smallest microcosm (let’s just say an atom), eternal nature of the this union of Shakti and Shiva …
PP-3 … Relation of the two representations of Ouroboros to the much-much earlier Yogic and Vedic knowledge systems …
Here we shall be discussing the origin of these two symbols i.e. Zero and Infinity, and just as it was during those timeless times as were of my much earlier incarnation …
Don’t mind my saying as what is told here is a matter of fact … During those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and the later stages of many-many transmigrated incarnations which have also followed since quite a long time (because back then and after transiting the Eighth Chakra, I had also lost the right to take a regular birth from the womb of a physical mother), when the inhabitants of all the other lands of this world were barking and grunting, howling and growling, tweeting, tweaking and chirping for want of words of their respective languages that were yet to manifest within their respective societies and lands, the Sanskrit speaking Yogis and Vedic sages were writing and distributing the greatest of texts of knowledge in the mainland of India and also beyond … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
This Indian mainland was where is where the root of all knowledge systems have originated during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and the later series of transmigrated incarnations that have already been passed till the nowness of now as is when I write this paragraph …
And the origin of all sciences was also from the divine science and symbols of mathematics, whose primary proponent was Maharishi Ganit (the word Ganit simply means mathematics and in its deeper sense, it means divine science of mathematics … I was that Maharishi Ganit who was also addressed as Ganitacharya by his students i.e. the teacher of divine mathematics) … Maharishi Ganit had arrived during the Swayambhu Manvantar i.e. about 1.97 billion human solar years ago and he was a direct disciple of Swayambhu Manu Maharaj himself … So during any of my later incarnations I have always been a Manuvaadi (i.e. follower of Manu or follower of the father of all that falls within the purviews of the Sanskrit term “Manav” and which also means “Man or Human” …
And it was from amongst those very self realized, all realized Yogis and Vedic Sages of those ancient times, that some had travelled to all lands other parts of this planet so as to render the base of languages and symbols to the entire world … I shall be discussing this fact in a later topic of “Symbols of (current day) religions” and their eternal-relations to their own great-great-grandmother (i.e. the Vedic and Yogic lore’s) …
Now we begin this discussion …
The two symbols which have been shown above are directly related to the knowledge of mathematics and that which relates to the symbol of Zero and Infinity, both of which are derived from the much-much earlier Yogic knowledge systems …
And this is what we would be discussing here …
01 … The first shown figure of Ouroboros …
The symbol of Zero (i.e. the knowledge of Shunya or emptiness) …
The entire knowledge of mathematical symbol of Zero is rooted in the much-much earlier Yogic knowledge systems and since these Yogi’s were none other than Vedic sages, so this knowledge is primarily of the Vedic sages only … And I say so because of the fact that this symbol has its roots in Yoga Tantra which itself is a part of the original Vedic lore …
The knowledge of Shunya (i.e. Zero) was rendered by Yogis of much-much earlier times and this knowledge (or Zero or Shunya) was only rooted in their own earlier accomplishment of Shunya Samadhi (or the meditative absorption within emptiness) …
Shunya Samadhi is the state of “absorption into and within the Zeroness” as was of the primordial state of Maker’s Makings … This Zeroness or emptiness was the one that originally was prior the primordial state of macrocosmic creation had even self manifested herself within her physical or subtler states (i.e. the states which we see or know about or read about) … Thus Shunya Samadhi is the absorption within primordial nature or emptiness itself …
Prior to this original self manifestation, the entire macrocosmic creation was only composed of voidness or emptiness or simply the “Zeroness as was of the primordial Zero or void nature of allness” … It is to this state that Shunya Samadhi eventually relates and it eventually was from those Yogis who has undergone and thus accomplished Shunya Samadhi that the knowledge of Zero was originated …
When a Yogi reaches this primordial Zeroness (or primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness) which as such is also termed as emptiness or voidness, then a stage arrives there that Yogi’s consciousness begins firmly resting within that vast empty state as is of that self realized Zero (or Shunya) …
And after this that Yogi’s consciousness also becomes absorbed into that same emptiness or voidness or simply Zeroness (or in other words, Shunyata) as is of that primordial empty nature i.e. original macrocosmic state of being one big Zero (i.e. one big void where none of the subtler or grosser manifested states are present) …
Within that entirety of macrocosmic nature of Zero which is arrived at by a Yogi through the accomplishment of Shunya Samadhi, anywhere that Yogi’s consciousness may rest, it is the same non-lighted state of Zero that is found to be present … It was due to this reason that the primordially Zeroed state of the macrocosmic creation was told to be like an endless circle … This is how the mathematical symbol of Zero had originated … And it eventually is to this endless circle that the snake who is eating its own tail and is in shown within the purview’s of this much-much earlier Yogic knowledge of symbol of Zero, actually relates …
And since this knowledge of Zero was a Yogic knowledge which was self realized by Vedic Sages of those timeless times and which itself was gained through the path of Samadhi (absorption) into Shunya (i.e. Zero or emptiness or voidness), so during those timeless times as were of my much-much earlier incarnation when this knowledge was originally rendered by a Sage (called Maharishi Ganit, who also was a direct disciple of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj), this knowledge of first aspects of mathematics (i.e. Zero) and its symbol was also told to be a divine knowledge only …
Above divinity of symbol of Zero was because of the fact it denoted the same eternity as was of the primordial nature (i.e. macrocosmic voidness) and this was even when it also denoted freedom from the rigmaroles of birth and death as the zero continued to be the same endless loop which stayed free of birth and death and thus was a state which was free of sufferings from the rigmaroles of birth, existence and death of microcosm whilst it was resting within any of the gross (physical) and subtler (divine or heavenly) states, modes and conditions of existence that are present within the macrocosmic creation …
And even when above discussed state was found to be true by Yogis and Vedic sages, yet that Zero did not denote a final liberation (i.e. isolation from allness and her each part or a final isolation or Kaivalya Moksha) because Kaivalya Moksha only relates to the attributeless being and its own infinite nature …
So this is what led to later self realizations of the concept of the symbol of infinity as is discussed below … Originally Infinity is also a Vedic concept only …
02 … The second shown figure of Ouroboros …
The symbol of Infinity (i.e. the knowledge of Ananta) …
The Sanskrit word “Ananta” means that which has no end on either sides of it … Thus this means that which has no beginning and end of its existence and thus is the timeless, fathomless and the Infinite … And such a state cannot be any other than that which rests within the finality of dimensions …
So basis above and as far as the four macrocosmic primary dimensions stand, such a state can only be told as follows …
- Eternal … Sanatan … Within the purview’s of the dimension of time (Kaal) …
- Infinite … Ananta … Within the purview’s of Akasha (or in other words, the dimension of space) …
- Omnidirectional … Sarva Disha Sthit … Within the purview’s of the Disha Ayaam (or in other words, the dimension of directions) …
- Omnipresent … Sarva Dasha Sthit … Within the purview’s of the dimension of state (Dasha) …
And that entity which rests within the finality as is discussed of all above, is the only one who could be omnipotent (Sarva Shaktimaan or simply Shaktimaan who as such is none other than Shiva) …
That entity who is resting in the finalities of all above discussed finalities of dimensions and thus is also the omnipotent is also the one who is the following …
- Omniparient … Parent of all …
- Omnicompetent … One who holds all competences …
- Omniscient … Knower of all that is within and beyond allness of Maker’s Makings …
- Omnificent … Having ability to create the entirety of allness and her each part …
- Omniform … One who is present in all forms as all forms and non forms are naught but its own self expression, self manifestation and thus its own self presence in those forms and non forms …
- Omnific … One whose capabilities are beyond the beyond and thus us the one who holds capability to do anything (create, sustain or rejuvenate) … This is what was told as Brahman (who in other words is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
- Omni-percipient … One who sees and perceives all things simultaneously … This is because such an entity itself is the innermost essence of all (i.e. Brahman) who is the supremely detached eternal witness of all …
- Omnifarious yet singular … One who is of all varieties or forms or aspects and yet is the ever same singular one … This is because everything is a self expression, self expression and self presence of the same entity only … This is what the term Brahm or Brahman actually means … And the path which leads to such an entity also cannot be any other than that which is based upon intrinsic pluralism and yet is resting in an essential monism …
- All above aspects are of the attributeless infinite absolute being i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (or simply Brahman, Paramatman etc. … All these names are also denoting the same attributeless infinite being of Vedas) …
Deviating a bit to discuss a major deviation within ways of life of earlier and current day humanity and also discuss the slow yet steady path of its future rectification which very-few amongst the current day humans and which majority of the descendants of the current day humans (who survive the change of age cycle), would be surely undergoing …
So here is way to wash the dirty stinking filth that humanity has created in the name of progressive civilizations during the last few millenniums after the divine degenerate age cycle had commenced around 3102 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … And the provided way is also such that dirty filth which was created during the last few millenniums can also be fully cleansed up within a very short time span which runs from now till the actual change of current age cycle to the incoming age of sages (which actually is a human golden age and it can also be termed as the Guru Yuga, which as such is definitely commencing on/around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years, plus those offsets which shall be discussed in the later topic of Kaalchakra) …
All that was discussed in above bullet points of the current topic of discussion are also denoting the real meaning of the Sanskrit term “Sanatan (i.e. eternal)” because that which is eternal cannot be any other than holds all above capabilities (or aspects) within itself …
Such an eternal entity (i.e. Sanatan) is also such that its real beginning untraceable in history … As also a fact, that that entity whose beginning cannot be traced in history, is also the one whose end is untraceable in any future and only such an entity can be termed eternal (or Sanatan) …
That way of life (i.e. Dharma) which relates to this Sanatan (eternal who itself is holding all above aspects within itself), cannot ever be any other than an eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma), here and beyond …
And such an eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) can only be that which relates to all that ever is as the Maker’s Makings (i.e. it has to be a pluralistic way of life) and yet that way of life also refers to the finality as is of the attributeless-infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who eternally envelopes and pervades the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
This means that such a way of life can only be that which is intrinsically pluralistic (Bahuvadi) yet it essentially is a perfectly Monist (Vedanta) way of life …
As also a fact … That which is not so, can never be secular (Dharma Nirpeksh) in the real sense … And because the definition of secularism which most of the worlds inhabitants follow as of now, does not account for this fact so the current condition of secularism is naught but a severely deviated one … And such a deviated form of secularism can never hold the capability to lead to a long lasting inner-calm (within the inhabitants of this world) and outer-peace (within the societies, civilizations and thus the world) …
It is also due to this reason that the present day secularism has also been leading to a repetitive chaos, which cyclically keeps manifesting itself within one or another way of life and of one or another Speciological part who inhabits this planet (including the very-minor Speciological part of humanity and their systems or even religions) …
Unless secularism adopts the principles which essentially are and have ever been of the eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) which as such is the only way of life that is capable to account for the entirety of divinities of nature (i.e. Divyata of Brahmand or in other words, divinities of Maker’s Makings) and simultaneously also relate to the attributeless-infinite absolute being (Brahman), this worlds inhabitants can forget about the peace and goodness that itself is stated within their own scriptures and by their own Gods or their earlier representatives …
And this cyclic chaos due to deviation from what is stated here is an unstoppable one because of the fact that is discounts macrocosmic nature (i.e. Here-Now) for that which is beyond (i.e. Here-After) and this is what has led to a deviation from the ways of life of the macrocosmic creation within which the inhabitants of the world, their leaders, text and their Gods itself reside whilst they are also working out their ways …
As a matter of fact, the macrocosmic nature (Brahmand) itself is the divinity of the Maker (Brahman) and thus no God has ever had the capability to bypass these divinities of natural aspects and yet lead to better conditions of the inhabitants of that world … If you don’t believe this fact, then just look around in your own societies because I know that by the time I complete my research and thence publish this topic, it would already be pretty apparent even to the half blind and half deaf ones, who as of now compose most of the self serving humanity and self deviated leaders, both of who are none other than being self harming …
Unless a system of way of life can lead to a balance between the natural aspects (i.e. those aspects which as such are denoting the macrocosmic self expressed divinity of the divine being i.e. Brahmand or Maker’s Makings) and the absolute being (divine being or Parabrahman), that way of life cannot ever be free of a cyclic state of chaos …
That way of evolutionary progress (i.e. Vikas) and irrespective of whether that progress is physical (or metaphysical or evolutionary or even heavenly) which does not account for above stated aspects of the eternal way of life, would only lead to regress or destruction (or Vinash) …
As also a fact that the ways of economics (i.e. Artha) which are not based upon the eternal ways of economics (i.e. the Sanatan Artha Shastra) only lead to effects that are reciprocal to the desired effects (I.e. such deviated ways only lead to Anartha) …
And these discussed facts are equally applicable to all parts of macrocosmic speciology (including the centered entities of religions or egoistic Gods of all recent religions that came by during the last nine millenniums of close to this time) …
And since these deviations have already been there since a very long time, which itself are due to those other-wise ones (i.e. those who portray themselves as the wise rulers, even when they do not know a Jack about Jill of subtle economics and eternal ways of life) who have been ruling the religious and political systems of this world, so this world has also been resting within a cyclic state of chaos for a pretty long time (as of now, it’s almost more than 5 millenniums) …
And due to the long time span of this deviated state, that chaos has also spread across all ways and walks of life of humanity who inhabits this planet and so much so, that there also are laws which govern what you do in your own bedroom and that too with your own lawfully wedded companion … When such a low state of ways of life arrives, then is also denotes that a very high level of degeneration has already taken place in that society …
I say so because of the fact that “existence of manmade laws itself is a proof that a substantial portion of humanity has repeatedly failed to comply to those aspects which are governed by these manmade laws” … And I also ask to those who would disagree, that, “what was the need for these external manmade regulatory laws if you were already resting in a self regulation to those aspects which these external laws govern” …
When above severe state of non compliance and consequent degeneration arrives to majority of inhabitants of a world, then mother nature (who in other words is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) who herself is the self manifested state of the pristine divinity as is of the mother of allness (I.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) and who herself is the pristine primordial-beyond divinity of the Supreme Being, also remains with no choice but to take over and teach that part of speciology such a lesson that it would be remembered by their many future generations … We are already living close to the times which are being discussed here …
And because this deviation had been going on for a considerably large time span, so the better of all ways to reduce this wrath of mother nature which I already see as coming and that too for the minor Speciological part who comes under the purview’s of the term “humanity”, is to adopt Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) and that too ASAP … Tell your bloody corrupt self serving political and extremely stupid self deviated religious leaders to get into this stated aspect ASAP and save yourself … Or else ………………………….
And as a matter of fact, Mother Nature (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) herself is the macrocosmic divinity because of the fact that she herself is none other than the self manifested state of the primordial-beyond pristine divinity (i.e. Adi Parashakti) who herself is the mother of all that is (Including your egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata or centered entities of all religions) … Thus when she enters into the stage of squaring up her scores with all that is, then none of these so called “evolved yet evolving egoistic entities (i.e. egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata of religions)” have ever held the capability to face her wrath … This time is also approaching shortly and those who do not believe it, just wait till I publish this topic because by that time, this stage would have already begun manifesting within this world and it would also be a global wake up call for all the entire human speciology who inhabits this planet …
But this also means that such a way of life is eventually based upon the “final non dual eternally blissful absolute being (Satchidanand or Brahman)” who itself is the perfectly-non-dual (or Advaita) attributeless-infinite absolute being (or in other words, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Paramshiva) and who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Satyam Jnanam Anantam …
Thus, such an eternal way of life (I.e. Sanatan Dharma) is also related to both the Maker and IT’s Makings … Simultaneously …
And thus such an eternal way of life is also related to both an ever-changeful and thus an ever-expansive Pluralism whilst it is also based upon the ever-same Absolute Monism … Simultaneously …
Thus such an eternal way of life eventually leads to the non-dual being (Nirgun Nirakaar or Brahman) whilst it also continues to relate to the Maker’s Makings (Brahmand) … Simultaneously …
Such an eternal way of life is primarily composed of two types of Yogi’s and these two types are as follows …
- Sadharan Yogi … The normal Yogi’s who do better to others, serve others and work for others, but yet do not hold those divine capabilities and thus are unable to propagate goodness for all parts of macrocosmic speciology in their thoughts, desires, emotions and deeds …
- Siddha Yogi … These are the accomplished Yogi’s whose desire for, think about, have emotions and undergo deeds for the betterment of all parts of macrocosmic speciology i.e. right from the divine worlds, till all earthly worlds and until the underworlds … They may or may not live as Sadharan Yogi’s as it all depends upon the circumstances or they may even choose to live like crazy people so as to not come out in the open or they may even choose to walk away from the sounds of civilizations or they may just continue in a detached state from the sounds of civilizations even when living within those civilizations … And yet they do all that is needed to be done, but through very subtle divine ways only …
- None of these ways can ever be based upon individualism (monotheism) as monotheism has a very restricted bandwidth of subtlety which cannot even “fully” support that which the term “Yoga” actually means …
As also a fact that all individualism (monotheism) eventually is resting within the much-much larger envelopes of such an eternal pluralistic yet monist way of life only and this itself is because of the fact that individualism is also none other than a lesser or larger part of the much larger expanses of pluralistic monism of the Maker’s Makings …
It is to this all enveloping condition of Pluralistic Monism as is of the Maker and IT’s own Makings, that the 2nd symbol of Ouroboros which is shown as the symbol of Infinity, also relates …
And now don’t mind my sayings here … Those who say that Ouroboros is a Greek symbol need to shake their butts a bit more so as to dig deeper and research more upon the real origins of these two discussed symbols …
And if this research is done properly, then the fact that would come to fore is that these two symbols are rooted within the much-much earlier Yogic and Vedic lore’s, which as such are of Sanatan Dharma (or Hinduism) only …
Resuming again with the main discussion of this topic …
Continuing further …
With above as a base, we shall now discuss the origin state of the 2nd symbol of Ouroboros …
The same eternity is also of the Yogic and Vedic knowledge which is subtly referred by (or conveyed by) this symbol of the so called Infinity …
Thus the knowledge of this symbol was even there prior any recent civilization (i.e. civilizations that came by during the last few millenniums) had even existed upon this planet …
The knowledge of Infinity is also a Yogic and Vedic knowledge only i.e. it is of those Vedic sages who were accomplished Yogi’s …
This knowledge of infinity relates to the Nirvikalpa Samadhi i.e. the state of absorption into that which is without any alternates … Or in other words, this is the knowledge which relates to that state which is perfectly non-dual (i.e. Brahman) …
Within Nirvikalpa Samadhi is self realized the attributeless-infinite colorless being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) whose existence and expanses are timeless, unfathomable and thus are beyond all words that could be used to describe it in any of the languages of now, or ever …
That attributeless being is the infinite and it is within the unfathomable infinite all-enveloping, all-pervading expanses of that attributeless being, that allness (or the entirety of Maker’s Makings) itself exists …
And it is to this state that the symbol of infinity which is shown by two circular self-centered loops (i.e. two zeros) which are conjoined together, eventually relates … This is the root knowledge of the 2nd symbol of Ouroboros of our current discussion …
Continuing even further with our discussion on Infinity …
But what needs to be explained here is the reason for origin of this symbol and its utilization as the symbol of infinity … So this is what is discussed below …
When a Yogi (i.e. Yogi’s consciousness) rests within Zero (emptiness) which as such is self realized through “Shunya Samadhi (i.e. absorption within the primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness)” and then that Yogi observes that Zero (i.e. the empty self realized state) then that Zero is also found to be of an infinite fathomless timeless nature … This is the self realization of Infinity from within the earlier self realization of Zero itself …
And when that same Yogi who has reached the self realization of Infinity, deeply observes that self realized state of infinity, then that same infinite is found to be nothing but the same Zero that eventually is and was utilized in the previous paragraph of this discussion …
Thus was the advent of symbol of infinity where two zeros were conjoined to each other and that too in a beginningless and endless loop which is also subtly denoting the state of that which is of the “Zero-Infinite” and which itself is the “Infinite Zero” …
Above is also the same self realization which was termed as that of “Shunya Anantah, which simultaneously also is as Anant Shunyah Awastha” and we had also told it to be the “original self expression” of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (within the earlier topic “As IT self expressed itself”) …
This condition of “Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero” came to be known as Shunya Brahman in Vedic lore’s … And it essentially is to this condition that the mathematical symbol of infinity relates because the reality of infinity is an undefined state and thus it cannot even be placed in any symbolized form …
Thus even when above symbol is told to be of infinity, yet that symbol was originally told to be of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero) only …
Thus was the discussions on the origin of these two symbols and their relation to the much-much earlier Yogis and Vedic lore’s … But since this is not the fuller description of the original origin of these two symbols, so some other discussions on these two symbols would also need to be done in later topics and that too, whilst utilizing the same base which has been used in this topic …
PP-4 … Ouroboros and Shakti Shiva Yoga … Further discussions …
As told earlier, Ouroboros is also denoting the same union of Shakti (i.e. divinity) and Shiva (i.e. divine) which as such is the path to the self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) that is being discussed here and simultaneously, the Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) is also the path to the accomplishment of Shakti Shiva Yoga … And since both these are timeless ones, so this is also depicted by this symbol of Ouroboros of the Greek mythology …
It eventually is from the self realization of Ram Naad, which itself is self realized by entering into Shiva Shakti Yoga, that the eternity can be arrived at (i.e. self realized) by any aspirant and that too, whilst that aspirant is still resting within individual-dualities of sorts (like an individual physical vehicle, in an individual family, upon an individual world and relating to some other individualism and all those individualistic etceteras and further individualistic etcetera’s that also are related to as of now by most of humanity and which as such have no value from the time (or day) that humans leave this world and then continue to move further within their own “almost eternal” evolutionary process) …
Above fact is applicable to “both” of the above depicted symbols of Ouroboros …
When these two symbols are not taken in their real and original meanings then they are of no use to the aspirants evolutionary process … And when the reality of these symbols is related to, then the same symbols become very powerful paths of evolution into that which can only be termed as “beyond the beyond” state of primordial nature (Shunya Tattva or elemental emptiness or root nature or or primordial nature) and thence these same symbols can also lead to evolution into an even further state as is of “the Zero Infinite, which itself is the Infinite Zero (or Shunya Brahman)” …
This evolution is also due to the fact that the path of these symbols only leads to the same Shakti Shiva Yoga, within which the Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Sound of Ram) is self realized and which itself is the path to above discussed self realizations …
And in both the above depicted symbols, the union itself is shown like that of “Krishna Shuklam (i.e. union of non lightness and lightness)” which itself is the state of Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who also denotes the perfectly balanced state of eternal unity of Shakti (i.e. divinity) to Shiva (i.e. divine) …
The entire concept of Ouroboros relates to a statement which could be told as “Krishna Shuklam” (i.e. union of lightness and non-lightness) which itself denotes “Shiva Shakti Yoga (actually Shakti Shiva Yoga) that is being discussed here …
So it is also due to this reason, that the root of both these symbols is none other than Yogic and thus Vedic one … I say so because of the fact that neither can Yoga be separated from Vedas not can Vedas be separated from Yoga … And this itself is because of the fact that there has never been a Vedic sage who was not an accomplished Yogi and simultaneously there also has never been any fully accomplished Yogi who was not relating to the same great grandmother of all philosophies, who in Sanskrit language can also be addressed as Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (or simply the Vedas) …
As such basis above paragraph … The root of all Yoga Tantra is Vedas and the path of Vedas has never been any other than that of Yoga … Thus these two (i.e. Yoga and Vedas) are like Siamese twins who have eternally been conjoined to each other …
And it was from the knowledge of such Yogis who were Vedic sages, that what is told as symbol of Ouroboros and which eventually relates to Shakti Shiva Yoga (and thus is also relates to Raam Naad), was derived at a stage or time span of human existence upon this world …
PP-4 … Ouroboros and its ancient Yogic links …
- The knowledge of Brahman who itself is the self-luminous Infinite, is arrived through the Nirvikalpa Samadhi (or meditative absorption in a state which has no alternates) … And this denotes the lighted part of symbol of Ouroboros …
- The knowledge of Shunya, which itself is the eternal non-lightness of zero (or emptiness or voidness) is through the Shunya Samadhi (or the trance of voidness or emptiness or Zeroness) … And this denotes the non lighted part of the symbol of Ouroboros …
- The union of lightness and non-lightness denotes the union of Sarva Shunya (i.e. emptiness of allness) and Brahman (the eternal self luminous fathomless state or infinity) … Thus was the origin of the concept of Shunya Brahman i.e. union of non-lightness of Shunya to the self luminosity of Brahman …
- And since at their meeting points, the lightness and non lightness are eternally unioned to each other, so it was due to this reason that the symbol of Ouroboros was depicted as half dark and half lighted …
- And since Shunya Brahman (i.e. the Zero Infinite or the unioned state of non lightness and lightness) to which this symbol of Ouroboros eventually relates, is directly self realized (i.e. directly arrived) through the Raam Naad (or Shiva Shakti Yoga of our current discussion) and since this Shakti Shiva Yoga itself is denoting a union of lightness and non-lightness (to know this fact, see the first painting of this group of topics and see the painting of Ardhanarishwara) so this symbol was also depicted such …
- Thus basis above discussions, the symbol of Ouroboros, which itself denotes the beginningless-endless and thus the eternal state of Shunya Brahman, was a very important one during the times of the earlier civilizations …
- And at the same time, when we see the root of this symbol (of Ouroboros) then it is found to be nothing but of Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma and that too those Yoga Tantras which related to the Raam Naad (or Shakti Shiva Yoga) as is being discussed here …
- Thus basis above it is very clear that this symbol which is told to be of Greek civilization (and is also related to the Egyptian civilization) is not of Greek (or of the Egyptian) civilization, but is of the much-much earlier Yogic (Vedic) civilization …
Raam Naad (i.e. Shakti Shiva Yoga) directly leads to the self realization of Shunyata (i.e. Emptiness), then to the further self realization of Shunya Brahman (Zero-Infinite, Infinite-zero) and thence the self realization of Brahman (attributeless infinite Absolute-being) … And the path of these three stages starts from Shunya Samadhi, then is arrived the further stage of Asamprajnita Samadhi which eventually leads to an ever further stage of Nirbija Samadhi and thence of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, all of which have already been discussed earlier in this set of topics on “Shiva Taraka Naad” …
And this self realization of Shunya Brahman is arrived through the path of Asamprajnita Samadhi (i.e. trance of non-lightness) and thence Nirbija Samadhi which is also a part of self realization of Shunya Brahman itself …
Thus basis above discussions on Zero (Shunya), Infinity (Anant) and the further discussions upon Zero-Infinite Infinite-Zero (Shunya Brahman), it is pretty clear that the root of mathematics, itself is Yoga Tantra and Samadhi Pada of Sanatan Dharma …
And it was only due to this knowledge of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero) that Upanishads have stated thus …
“Nihil of Nihilists is Full of Fullists”
This statement of Annapurna Upanishad (i.e. the Upanishad of Maa Annapurna, who as such is one of the many-many self-manifestations of my Kula-Devi, Bhu Devi) is also based upon the same fact that is has already been discussed here …
And it was also due to the same self realization of Shunya Brahman via the path of Asamprajnita Samadhi and thence the state of Nirbija Samadhi, that the much later sects of Buddhist lore’s had stated that “emptiness is infinite” in its nature …
And it was also due to the same reason that was discussed earlier, that some aspirant’s who had known emptiness through a direct cognition of it, had thus told …
“Within its innermost nature, emptiness is only denoting a state of fullness”
And it is only because of this fullness which is eternally present within emptiness, that allness of Maker’s Makings emanates out (or self originates) out of the same primordial nature (or emptiness) itself … Had this innermost fullness not been present within the primordial non-lighted state of nature (i.e. emptiness or Shunya Tattva), then there would also not have been any Maker’s Makings … This is an absolute fact that was also told by the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) …
The topic still continues …